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Rewrite the following Simple Sentences as Compound Sentences:

1. The old man being weak could not walk properly.

2. His father in spite of being poor is a contended man.
3. She must work hard to be successful in the examination.
4. Our teacher is popular among students for his diligence.
5. But for his faults he would have progressed immensely.
6. Visualizing a danger ahead, the traveler became cautious.
7. The student must accept his fault to escape his punishment.
8. The culprit ran away to escape his arrest.
9. Taking off their clothes the children jumped into the river.
10. In the event of being late you will not be allowed entry.

Answers for Exercise ONE



Rewrite the following Simple Sentences as Complex Sentences:

1. Nobody could find out the place of their stay.

2. The purpose of his visit to this place is not known.
3. All the laborers set out for their homes at sunset.
4. On seeing the policeman, the thief fled away.
5. You cannot succeed without working hard.
6. Pious women are always respected by all.
7. I do not know the way leading to his house.
8. The guests sitting in the room could not hear his voice.
9. She hoped to be successful in the examination.
10. A man fair in his dealings is always trusted.

Answers for Exercise TWO



Rewrite the following Complex Sentences as Compound Sentences:

1. I am confident that he is innocent in this matter.

2. Unless he works hard, he cannot pass the examination.
3. However hard work she may do she cannot pass the examination.
4. She is sure that he has stolen her purse.
5. As the shopkeeper quarrels with every customer, nobody likes him.
6. If he does not improve his behavior, he will lose all his friends.
7. Unless the culprit accepts his fault, he will not be spared.
8. She did not attend the office because she felt unwell today.
9. She has lost the book that she had purchased.
10. If you do not attend the class you will not be allowed to sit in the examination.

for Exercise THREE



Rewrite the following Compound Sentences as Complex Sentences:

1. Let me reach my office and then I shall talk to him.

2. .Spare the rod and spoil the child.
3. The thief saw the police man, so he ran away.
4. She is feeling unwell so she cannot attend her office today.
5. The child felt hungry, so he started weeping.
6. The news is very good but it is not true.
7. Eat less and you will remain healthy.
8. The old man is very rich but he is a miser.
9. Children put on new clothes and went to see the fair.
10. Keep quiet or you will repent

Please change into POSITIVE without changing the meaning.

• Mohsin is one of the most brilliant students in his class. (Positive)

• He ran the fastest of all in the last Olympic Games. ( Positive)
• It is one of the greatest inventions of science. ( Positive)
• Corruption is the most dreadful weapon to destroy a society. (Positive)
• The industry is the most important secret for sharing in life. (Positive)
• An industrious student is better than an idle student. (Positive)
• Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)
• It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Positive)
• Books are greater than any other thing in the world. (Positive)
• The rose is the best of all flowers. ( Positive)
• Mr Rahman is the oldest man in our village. (Positive)
• Cox’s Bazaar is the longest seabeach in the world. (Positive)
• Social awareness is the most essential thing to resist corruption. ( Positive)
– Please change into COMPARATIVE without changing the meaning.

• At present, it is one of the most popular games in our country. (Comparative)

• The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. (Comparative)
• A Book is the best of all friends. ( Comparative)
• Mr Jamal is the wisest man in the village. (Comparative)
• Akash is one of the most brilliant students in his class. ( Comparative)
• Winter is the best season to visit Cox’s Bazaar. (Comparative)
– Please change into SUPERLATIVE without changing the meaning.

• No other thing is as useful as the computer. ( Superlative)

• Very few things are useful as trees. ( Superlative)
• Walking is better than any other exercise. (Superlative)
• Very few metals are as useful as iron. ( Superlative)
• He is wiser than any other man in our area. (Superlative)
– Please change into ASSERTIVE without changing the meaning.

• Who does not want to succeed in life? (Assertive)

• Would that I could be a great cricketer! (Assertive)
• Who does not like a book? ( Assertive)
• Don’t you know about e-books? (Assertive)
• Who does not love him very much? (Assertive)
– Please change into AFFIRMATIVE without changing the meaning.

• He is never late to go to school. ( Affirmative)

• There is no building without iron. (Affirmative)
• But he is not inactive at all. (Affirmative)
• An idle student is never punctual to attend his classes. (Affirmative)
• Nobody dislikes him. (Affirmative)
• In winter, it does not remain active. (Affirmative)
• He is never late to go to school. (Affirmative)
– Please change into NEGATIVE without changing the meaning.

• Every student needs a computer. ( Negative)

• He is very attentive to his studies. (Negative)
• Only he could break his own record. (Negative)
• He had to practise a lot for this. (Negative)
• Trees are our best friends. ( Negative)
• Everybody likes a cricketer. (Negative)
• The river is very turbulent. (Negative)
• Everybody works hard to gain his object. (Negative)
• Today corruption is a very familiar term in Bangladesh. (Negative)
• Everybody dislikes an idle man. ( Negative)
• The bee is a very industrious insect. ( Negative)
• We must read books to gain knowledge. ( Negative)
• It keeps our fit for working. (Negative)
• He is very attentive to his studies. (Negative)
• By reading books, we can enrich our minds. ( Negative)
• It is a heavy metal. (Negative)
• The people of Cox’s Bazaar are friendly. (Negative)
• He is sincere. ( Negative)
– Please change into INTERROGATIVE without changing the meaning.

• He goes to school regularly. (Interrogative)

• Everybody Knows this. ( Interrogative)
• Now everybody knows him. (Interrogative)
• Everyone prefers walking as an exercise usually in the morning. (Interrogative)
• A book delights us. ( Interrogative)
• It lies in every phase of our society. (Interrogative)
• Life is nothing but a struggle. ( Interrogative)
• Now everybody knows him. (Interrogative)
• Books contain noble thoughts of great men. (Interrogative)
• They are a great source of food and vitamins. ( Interrogative)
• Bangladesh imports iron from other countries. ( Interrogative)
• Everybody likes flowers. ( Interrogative)
• He goes to school regularly. ( Interrogative)
• The scenery of Cox’s Bazaar is very charming. (Interrogative)
• He leads a simple life. (Interrogative)
• It lies from flower to flower to collect the honey. (Interrogative)
• He always gets up early. ( Interrogative)
• My friend received me cordially. (Interrogative)
• My friends invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. ( Interrogative)
• They can improve their condition by working hand. (Interrogative)
• The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Interrogative)
• Social awareness is very essential to resist corruption. ( Interrogative)
– Please change into Exclamatory without changing the meaning.

• Cricket is a very exciting game (Exclamatory)

• It is a very valuable thing. (Exclamatory)
• It was very glad to see the seabeach.(Exclamatory)
• Good health is very valuable. (Exclamatory)
• It is a very beautiful flower. (Exclamatory)
• It is a very beautiful flower. (Exclamatory)
– Please change into ACTIVE without changing the meaning.
• He is called a hero for his achievement. ( Active)
• It is called the river of destruction. ( Active)
• It is used for construction purpose. (Active)
• Various kinds of fruits are given by them. (Active)
• Flowers are used on different occasions. ( Active)
• Some drastic steps have been taken against corruption. ( Active)
• It was not invented overnight. ( Active)
• He is always respected by all. (Active)
– Please change into PASSIVE without changing the meaning.

• Everybody loves him very much. (Passive)

• Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Passive)
• We all should read books. ( Passive)
• We use them for various purposes. (Passive)
• People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive)
• Industry brings success. ( Passive)
• Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. ( Passive)
• Every student should go through many good books. ( Passive)
• The idle only curse their fate. ( Passive)
• We should follow the life of a bee. ( Passive)
• I gladly accepted the invitation. (Passive)
• Thousands of people visit Cox’s Bazaar every year. (Passive)
• We should follow him. ( Passive)
• So, we should never forget this thing. (Passive)

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