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Making a Deal

Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

(1) Some Dutch tourists who recently visited Morocco learned several things about shopping in a souk. (2)
First, you name a price that is about one-third of the original price. (3) The seller will then answer with a
price that is a little lower than the original price. (4) Then you raise your offer a little bit. (5) The tourists
explained that the exchange continues like this for quite a while. (6) They say that in the end, you usually get
the item for about 50 percent less than the original price. (7) The people who live in Morocco pay a lot less
than tourists do for things in a souk. (8) According to one seller, the difference can be as much as 20 to 30
percent. (9) The buying process is often very friendly and may take a long time. (10) While they talk, a buyer
may sit down with a seller and have a glass of tea. (11) The two may look very relaxed, but the seller is
always working to get the best price. (12) Moroccans may enjoy this kind of bargaining, but it often makes
people from other countries quite uncomfortable!

The purpose of this paragraph is to __________.

explain why sellers are so friendly

describe the experience of some Dutch tourists
describe things for sale in a souk
explain the bargaining process in a souk

People who live in Morocco __________.

rarely shop in souks

usually pay less for items in souks
never bargain in souks
sometimes pay more for items in souks

The writer of the paragraph thinks that some people may find bargaining __________.


The word they in sentence 6 refers to __________.

the sellers
people who live in Morocco
the tourists
things in the souk
Where should this sentence go?
At the same time, the buyer is trying to get the lowest possible price.

after sentence 2
after sentence 5
after sentence 8
after sentence 11

Tourists who bargain usually get an item for about __________ less than the original price.

10 percent
20 percent
30 percent
50 percent

Someone who uses special skills to make things is a __________.


To reach an agreement, especially in business, is to __________.

make a deal

When bargaining in a souk, you __________ for a lot of time.

ought allow
should to allow
had better allow
had better to allow

You __________ for a lower price.

ought to ask
should to ask
ought asking
had better asking

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