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This time I will talk about two options, to stay in this country or leave, and live better life.

There is
some of the risk in these options, but We will argue more.

First of all i need to talk about politics in our country. We know It is bad, but if We take just a
moment of our lifes, and we need to work more, and better than now, but our people don't wanna
to work, they are for the 2nd option, ofcourse, that is the best solution. Our country must know how
to bring people on their side, to stay. To live better life? Our country doesn't have that much strong
people, intelectual people, to bring us to them, those poeples are already „outside“ because this
coutry, Bosnia and Herzegovina doesn't care about them. One of best students of all time, one of the
best doctors, one of the best engeniers have leaved this coutry, because they don't respect them. We
are soo much in trouble if this countine. We will be at trouble that we don't have doctors to cure our
children, we will not have those engeniers to build our country.

I am for the both options, first option is the best for me, because I dont't know if something really
happens, some standards will maybe get better. But if something happed, kind of economic crisis, or
our employes get rid of people, and use robots to do their jobs. All of my friends are for the leaving
option, because they don't see the beauty in this country, they don't see the tourism, they can't see
that side of the story.

I am for the 1st option, because we need to build this country, It is our one and only Bosnia and
Herzegovina, you don't have the same one in the world. We have so good people, they are
intelectuals, but they don't see this beauty, because they play so much video games. They see the
world which is in the game, not the outside world. We need to stay, to be more effective, and to tell
this story to our childrens, how time it was, and how will be.

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