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Local Date: Thu Mar 14 06:18:16 2019

Build info: Jan 29 2016 14:18:24 r

( 6:18:15:979 | 0) UTILITY: -1; 4823; APP-INFO ; Thread with name:Trace started

( 6:18:16: 31 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::InitService
( 6:18:16: 56 | 25) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onCreate(),bindService, ret:true
( 6:18:16: 56 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::when use
isSkyVpnConnected ,mService is null , do InitService
( 6:18:16: 56 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::InitService
( 6:18:16: 60 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onCreate(),bindService, ret:true
( 6:18:16: 60 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::vpn is not
connected, try show ad
( 6:18:16: 60 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::startLoadAd
( 6:18:16: 61 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::skipPlacement: 0
( 6:18:16: 61 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: launchAppAD
action: requestLaunchAD label: 0 value: 0
( 6:18:16: 63 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 67 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:16: 69 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:16: 69 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit - played in different day, played 0 times
( 6:18:16: 70 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::getAdList :
[34, 22, 112, 1233]
( 6:18:16: 83 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adCountLimit.size() = 0
( 6:18:16: 83 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 34
( 6:18:16: 86 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:16: 86 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdMobNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 2
( 6:18:16: 86 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:18: 6 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: admob_native
action: native_ad_loading_start label: value: 0
( 6:18:18: 6 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.mvp.modules.ad.nativead.loader.a$2@9f96b5c ; timeOutSecond = 2000
( 6:18:18: 6 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2 sAdmobFBNativeAdLoaderListenerList
( 6:18:18: 6 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType am load error
( 6:18:18: 6 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 34
( 6:18:18: 10 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::onFail
( 6:18:18: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 22
( 6:18:18:211 | 201) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:18:244 | 33) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:18:245 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType fn load error
( 6:18:18:245 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 22
( 6:18:18:245 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::onFail
( 6:18:18:245 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 112
( 6:18:18:252 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:18:253 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType mp load error
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 112
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::onFail
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::Can't parse this
ad type
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::onFail
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashActivity::onAllFail
( 6:18:18:253 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: launchAppAD
action: requestLaunchADFailed label: 0 value: 0
( 6:18:18:305 | 52) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn
( 6:18:18:306 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit - played in different day, played 0 times
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=34,adCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 34
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.mvp.modules.ad.nativead.loader.a$2@9383da7 ; timeOutSecond = 2000
( 6:18:18:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2 sAdmobFBNativeAdLoaderListenerList
( 6:18:18:307 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType am load error
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 34
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 22
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType fn load error
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 22
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 112
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType mp load error
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 112
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::Can't parse this
ad type
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:307 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit - played in different day, played 0 times
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=34,adCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 34
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.mvp.modules.ad.nativead.loader.a$2@ddac7b5 ; timeOutSecond = 2000
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2 sAdmobFBNativeAdLoaderListenerList
( 6:18:18:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType am load error
( 6:18:18:309 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 34
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 22
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType fn load error
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 22
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 112
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType mp load error
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 112
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::Can't parse this
ad type
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:309 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:310 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd playCountLimit - played in different day, played 0 times
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=34,adCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 34
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.mvp.modules.ad.nativead.loader.a$2@30fcd33 ; timeOutSecond = 2000
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2 sAdmobFBNativeAdLoaderListenerList
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType am load error
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 34
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 22
( 6:18:18:310 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:18:311 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType fn load error
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 22
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 112
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType mp load error
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 112
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::Can't parse this
ad type
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd adType = 1233
( 6:18:18:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SplashAdManager::yxw test end
getSplashAd onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:18:634 | 323) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:18:636 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onServiceConnected mService
( 6:18:18:655 | 19) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::VPN LogPath:
( 6:18:18:721 | 66) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::UserParamBean :
token='1e1c9721c74ab78c588b1a2116ea3fea', dtID='70308389', userID='356244478977603',
countryCode=57, IsoCountryCode='CO', zone='US', ids='9,22,8,26,2,8,3,4,35,31,18,16',
isBasic=1, connectStrategy=0, vType=0}
( 6:18:18:725 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::setCacheIp
( 6:18:18:725 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::userCountryCode : CO
( 6:18:18:725 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::use common
( 6:18:18:728 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::fireBase ipStr :
( 6:18:18:817 | 89) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::setHostInfo
( 6:18:18:817 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::hostInfoStr :

( 6:18:18:829 | 12) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::hostInfoBean :

https://d1qji4igqoqucw.cloudfront.net/skyvpn], ElbHttpsList=[https://api.theskyapn.com/skyvpn],
pn], IpList=[,,,]}
( 6:18:18:837 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:18:837 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; ConnectPre::doConnectPre type :
VIDEO mService: me.dingtone.app.vpn.logic.IVpnStateService$a$a@7daa2b9
( 6:18:19:300 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::yxw test
( 6:18:19:468 | 168) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::yxw test
( 6:18:19:484 | 16) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::yxw test
( 6:18:19:494 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::yxw test
( 6:18:19:519 | 25) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::yxw test
( 6:18:19:776 | 257) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::initView start
( 6:18:19:936 | 160) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::mCurrentAdType = 0 ; setCommonListener flurryNativeInBlack = false ;
fbNativeInBlack = false ; admobNativeInBlack = false
( 6:18:19:936 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::getNativeAdRatio adType = 0 ; adPlacement = 0 ; Ratio = 0; not in
( 6:18:19:936 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdRatioControl::isInRatio
userAdRatioValue = 53 ; ratio = 0
( 6:18:19:936 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::setCommonListener mIsInRatio = false
( 6:18:20:299 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:20:312 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::Begin
( 6:18:20:313 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::str is 28,111,1
( 6:18:20:314 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: get_credits
action: null label: 28,111,1 value: 0
( 6:18:20:314 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:20:315 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::resetVideoList
server video list = 49,118,128,110,36,120,98,99
( 6:18:20:321 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::offerWallWeightList
=[adType=1 adWeight=1, adType=99 adWeight=1]
( 6:18:20:321 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::vpn tapjoy offerwall
weight: 1.0
( 6:18:20:321 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight adConfig:
( 6:18:20:321 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight size: 2
( 6:18:20:321 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::End initAdManager
( 6:18:20:321 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager:: init Flurry api key
( 6:18:20:321 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager:: init Flurry native ad
space SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:20:321 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:329 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GATracker::sendView
appScreen: main
( 6:18:20:331 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::refreshView
( 6:18:20:332 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::initData
( 6:18:20:358 | 26) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::adVpnTimeout: 5
( 6:18:20:358 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::fetch
( 6:18:20:389 | 31) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::initServer
( 6:18:20:399 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::hostInfo:
HostIp{url=''}, HostIp{url=''}]}
( 6:18:20:399 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::inviteHost:
( 6:18:20:399 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::registerListener
( 6:18:20:409 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:410 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::get_countryList url :
( 6:18:20:572 | 162) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::refreshTraffic
balance :0.0 + used_traffic 2846.0
( 6:18:20:574 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:574 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::query_balance url :
( 6:18:20:591 | 17) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::setButtonState :
( 6:18:20:618 | 27) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::lazyTime
first: 1551647541536 NowTime: 1552562300618
( 6:18:20:620 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::FirstDate:
Sun Mar 03 16:12:21 GMT-05:00 2019 NowDate: Thu Mar 14 06:18:20 GMT-05:00 2019
( 6:18:20:620 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::user over a
week , hasUsedPre: false BasicSessionTimes: 5 BasicSessionOutTimes: 1
( 6:18:20:620 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::fbConfig_basic30minTimes : 3 fbConfig_basic600MTimes 1
( 6:18:20:620 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: lazyUser
action: show_lazy_user_tip label: null value: 0
( 6:18:20:620 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::user is a lazy
user, show tip
( 6:18:20:621 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::reset
lazyUser week data
( 6:18:20:622 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::countryCode=CO
( 6:18:20:622 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:622 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getConfig url :
( 6:18:20:625 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:629 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:629 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getTopConfig url :
( 6:18:20:634 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:634 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::shareTrafficGet url
( 6:18:20:640 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:640 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getAdVPNStatus
url :
( 6:18:20:642 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:642 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:642 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getTopCode url :
( 6:18:20:647 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:648 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getBasicInfo url :
( 6:18:20:652 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:20:652 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getBasicInfo url :
( 6:18:20:659 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::init ads
( 6:18:20:659 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::user owe ads
times: 0
( 6:18:20:668 | 9) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:20:672 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoOfferManager::getAdList =
[34, 22, 39, 124]
( 6:18:20:672 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::showDisconnectedAdList adMob is not in black list
( 6:18:20:672 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::generalLuckyAdList = [999]
( 6:18:20:672 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mAdTypeList [34, 22, 39, 124]
( 6:18:20:672 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist loadedAdData = null
( 6:18:20:673 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 0 ; mCurrentAdType = 34
( 6:18:20:673 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 999
( 6:18:20:674 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::Can't parse this
ad type
( 6:18:20:674 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType = 999
( 6:18:20:674 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5011; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:20:675 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialStrategyManager::preCache adPosition = 2008
( 6:18:20:675 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialStrategyManager::init adInstanceProxyIManagerService = null
( 6:18:20:705 | 30) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::isInited___Check isInited :adInstancesConfigurations size =0
( 6:18:20:705 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =1
( 6:18:20:705 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:719 | 14) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has not been initialized,so start init
( 6:18:20:720 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::init
end,spend time:1184000
( 6:18:20:720 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:20:720 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::initialize___produce success ad instance size =1
( 6:18:20:721 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:722 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::stopAllAdsAction___, and will clearWorkQueue
( 6:18:20:722 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =1
( 6:18:20:722 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:722 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:20:722 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:20:722 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::resetConfigurations___produce success ad instance size =1
( 6:18:20:722 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:723 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:724 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:725 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:728 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:728 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::28OWE_AD is not be intercepted,so start load
( 6:18:20:728 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:20:733 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::Admob start load
( 6:18:20:733 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load start
( 6:18:20:733 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:744 | 11) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogAdmobInterstitial::OWE_AD
( 6:18:20:744 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:878 | 134) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::setFilterAdProviderTypes filterAd = []
( 6:18:20:878 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoInterstitialConfig::OWE_AD
getInterstitialAdListWithPosition adPosition = 2008
( 6:18:20:878 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::getInterstitialAdListWithPosition fit config with screenAdList = [28, 1236,
130, 111]
( 6:18:20:878 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::AdVpnAdManager interstitialAdList = [28, 1236, 130, 111]
( 6:18:20:878 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:878 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::filterAdListWithBlackList originalAdList = [28, 1236, 130, 111]
blackAdList = [] resultAdList = [28, 1236, 130, 111]
( 6:18:20:878 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 28
( 6:18:20:879 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:20:879 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 1236
( 6:18:20:881 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:20:881 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 130
( 6:18:20:881 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:20:881 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 111
( 6:18:20:881 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:20:881 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::isInited___Check
isInited :adInstancesConfigurations size =0
( 6:18:20:881 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =4
( 6:18:20:882 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:882 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:882 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:882 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:20:882 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:20:882 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:20:883 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl has not been initialized,so start init
( 6:18:20:884 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677;
ERRxxxxxx-->FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl init key:
( 6:18:20:885 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FbInterstitialServiceImpl::init
end,spend time:1793077
( 6:18:20:885 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:20:885 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle has not been
initialized,so start init
( 6:18:20:885 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VungleInterstitialServiceImpl::init
Vungle key = 5b4702b7a815851c4e3c7e4c
( 6:18:21:264 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Vungle::init end,spend time:
( 6:18:21:264 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=130, adPlacementId=DEFAULT-1742650}
( 6:18:21:264 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl has not been initialized,so start init
( 6:18:21:264 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::Mopub key =16843240
( 6:18:21:265 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::Mopub adUnitId =b387873ead544cc28f64202872ca230d
( 6:18:21:332 | 67) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::init
end,spend time:67849616
( 6:18:21:333 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initialize___produce success ad instance size =4
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::resetConfig managerService =
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoInterstitialConfig::OWE_AD
getInterstitialAdListWithPosition adPosition = 2008
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::getInterstitialAdListWithPosition fit config with screenAdList = [28, 1236,
130, 111]
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::filterAdListWithBlackList originalAdList = [28, 1236, 130, 111]
blackAdList = [] resultAdList = [28, 1236, 130, 111]
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 28
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 1236
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 130
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:21:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 111
( 6:18:21:334 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::stopAllAdsAction___, and will clearWorkQueue
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =4
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle has been
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=130, adPlacementId=DEFAULT-1742650}
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:21:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 6:18:21:335 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::resetConfigurations___produce success ad instance size =4
( 6:18:21:335 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoInterstitialConfig::OWE_AD
getInterstitialAdListWithPosition adPosition = 2008
( 6:18:21:335 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::getInterstitialAdListWithPosition fit config with screenAdList = [28, 1236,
130, 111]
( 6:18:21:335 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:335 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:336 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:337 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:337 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:337 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::28OWE_AD is not
be intercepted,so start load
( 6:18:21:337 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:21:338 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::admob is Loading
( 6:18:21:338 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl_load, is loading
( 6:18:21:339 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___28 _ErrorMsg{adType=28,errorCode=2, errorMsg='is loading',
( 6:18:21:339 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::28OWE_AD _Ad
Load Error and do not load self
( 6:18:21:339 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::28OWE_AD _Ad
Load Error and load next
( 6:18:21:339 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:340 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:341 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:342 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:342 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::1236OWE_AD is
not be intercepted,so start load
( 6:18:21:342 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:21:547 | 205) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl start load
( 6:18:21:547 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load start
( 6:18:21:547 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:547 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
( 6:18:21:547 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:547 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::bill test
loadInterstitial onAdStartLoading adProviderType = 1236
( 6:18:21:547 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::onAdLoadError=ErrorMsg{adType=28,errorCode=2, errorMsg='is
loading', extraErrorData=}
( 6:18:21:553 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::yxw test end
load mAdList = [112, 22, 39, 34, 124]
( 6:18:21:554 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::init ads end
( 6:18:21:554 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::autoLaunchApp: 0
autoLaunchTimes: 0
( 6:18:21:554 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::canShowNetFreeDialog: 1
( 6:18:21:559 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:560 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::user has
launch 3 Days canShowTip: true
( 6:18:21:560 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AlertFactory::showCheckInScenesDialog skyvpn.ui.activity.SkyMainActivity@dda58d3
( 6:18:21:560 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
dailyCheckInPopup action: show label: null value: 0
( 6:18:21:788 | 228) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::checkFreeTrailGuide canShowGuide: false hasConnectSuccess: true
firebase: true hasFreeTrail: false
( 6:18:21:791 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:796 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
Androidsubscription action: Organic label: campaign_Organic value: 0
( 6:18:21:798 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::current is not
subs or User has login in
( 6:18:21:799 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::refreshSubs
switch: false
( 6:18:21:800 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::refreshView end
( 6:18:21:822 | 22) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::onStart
( 6:18:21:822 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::setAlive
alive = true
( 6:18:21:823 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::onResume start
( 6:18:21:828 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::onResume
( 6:18:21:828 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
mainResume label: null value: 0
( 6:18:21:828 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::refreshTraffic
balance :0.0 + used_traffic 2846.0
( 6:18:21:828 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::setIsLoginState
isLogin :false
( 6:18:21:830 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:21:830 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getBasicInfo url :
( 6:18:21:835 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:21:836 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:21:836 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::queryTopBalance
url :
( 6:18:21:838 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TopOfferManager::canShowTop
( 6:18:21:838 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TopOfferManager::topList is null
( 6:18:21:838 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TopOfferManager::canShowTop
( 6:18:21:838 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TopOfferManager::topList is null
( 6:18:21:838 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::showBanner
( 6:18:21:838 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::bannerList
from config : [112, 22, 39, 34, 124]
( 6:18:21:838 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::showBanner
list: [112, 22, 39, 34, 124]
( 6:18:21:839 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
mainBanner label: null value: 0
( 6:18:21:839 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 112
( 6:18:21:840 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView loadAdmobView
( 6:18:21:841 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MPNativeManager::setCommonListener set ad listener
( 6:18:21:841 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MPNativeManager::showDisConnectAd activity = SkyMainActivity
( 6:18:21:842 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:21:843 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ShowcaseMPNativeAdView::tryLoadAd onAdLoadError errorCode = Load failed no cache
( 6:18:21:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MPNativeManager::onError:Load
failed no cache ; mPlacement = 2001
( 6:18:21:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed mopub
( 6:18:21:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 22
( 6:18:21:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:21:854 | 11) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::getNextAdInfo() - nativeAd is null
( 6:18:21:854 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::NativeAdInfo: null
( 6:18:21:854 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestSuccess fn null
( 6:18:21:854 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed fn
( 6:18:21:854 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 39
( 6:18:21:855 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeManager::setCommonListener set ad listener
( 6:18:21:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeManager::showDisConnectAd activity = SkyMainActivity
( 6:18:21:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:21:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds not cache , app is in background
( 6:18:21:856 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::getNextAdWithListener FBNativeAdLoaderListener =
skyvpn.Ad.ad.b.c$1@846f987 ; timeOutMillisecond = 500
( 6:18:21:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ShowcaseFBNativeAdView::tryLoadAd onAdLoadError errorCode = Load failed no cache
( 6:18:21:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeManager::onError:Load
failed no cache ; mPlacement = 2001
( 6:18:21:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed fb
( 6:18:21:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=34,adCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:21:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 34
( 6:18:21:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView loadAdmobView
( 6:18:21:857 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; b::setCommonListener set ad
( 6:18:21:857 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; b::showDisConnectAd activity =
( 6:18:21:857 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:21:857 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener = skyvpn.Ad.ad.b.a$1@ba990b4 ;
timeOutSecond = 2000
( 6:18:21:857 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2 sAdmobFBNativeAdLoaderListenerList
( 6:18:21:858 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; a::tryLoadNext onAdLoadError
errorCode = Load failed no cache
( 6:18:21:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; b::AdMobNativeManager
onError:Load failed no cache
( 6:18:21:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed admob
( 6:18:21:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=124,adCountLimit = 2
( 6:18:21:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 124
( 6:18:21:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
( 6:18:21:859 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
BaiduNativeManager::setCommonListener set ad listener
( 6:18:21:859 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
BaiduNativeManager::BaiduNativeManager init begin
( 6:18:21:859 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::init
( 6:18:21:990 | 131) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: 1.prepare label: 124 value: 0
( 6:18:21:990 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test
baidu load
( 6:18:21:992 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test
baidu load error Has not new Offer
( 6:18:21:992 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ShowcaseBaiduNativeAdView::baidu ad onAdLoadError errorCode = Has not new Offer
( 6:18:21:992 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: load fail label: 124 value: 0
( 6:18:21:992 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
BaiduNativeManager::onError:Has not new Offer ; mPlacement = 2001
( 6:18:21:992 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed baidu
( 6:18:21:992 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex >= adlist size return
( 6:18:22: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: mainBanner_native_ad_loading_failed label: value: 0
( 6:18:22: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:22: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:22: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:22: 6 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:22: 6 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:22: 10 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:22: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:22: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:22: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds
not cache , app is in background
( 6:18:22: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:22: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:22: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:22: 11 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:22: 11 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22: 14 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DTApplication::setAppInBackground : false
( 6:18:22: 14 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DTApplication::App enter
( 6:18:22: 14 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22: 15 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::redoConnect status(DISCONNECTED)
( 6:18:22: 18 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConnectionManager::retry
times: 0 , anti enable : true
( 6:18:22: 21 | 3) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CPingMgr::RequestBestNES,
( 6:18:22: 32 | 11) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getNetworkFlag vpnConnected false
( 6:18:22: 94 | 62) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect
status are fail
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1)
return false for server(,priority:1) with lastrtt =0
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect
status are fail
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1)
return false for server(,priority:2) with lastrtt =0
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect
status are fail
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1)
return false for server(,priority:3) with lastrtt =0
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect
status are fail
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1)
return false for server(,priority:4) with lastrtt =0
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CPingMgr::RequestBestNES,
found best one
( 6:18:22: 94 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CPingMgr::RequestBestNES, pick
the server(ip:,zone:6,id:8) with port(443) from continent=Asia,ISOCC=SG
( 6:18:22: 95 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
8.0.105,external= ,background=0,replace=0
( 6:18:22: 95 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CLocalNetEnv::RequestBestNES,
NES list is not ready, request download
( 6:18:22: 95 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::RequestDownloadNESList(),server ip=,source cmd
( 6:18:22: 95 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(c56b2e00)
( 6:18:22: 95 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:22: 95 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc5406100

( 6:18:22: 95 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:22: 95 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22: 96 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:22: 97 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc56a31c0

( 6:18:22: 97 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22: 97 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000
( 6:18:22: 97 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):
TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22: 97 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22: 97 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:22: 97 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:22: 97 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 0,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:22: 98 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800 -> connecting

( 6:18:22: 98 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,set

( 6:18:22: 98 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,set

( 6:18:22: 98 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc53ef800,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:0

( 6:18:22: 99 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:64):


( 6:18:22: 99 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a3260

( 6:18:22: 99 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for
( 6:18:22: 99 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:22:104 | 5) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::RequestDownloadNESList(),server ip=,source cmd
( 6:18:22:104 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(c56b3490)
( 6:18:22:104 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:22:104 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc5406400

( 6:18:22:104 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:22:104 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:104 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:22:106 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc56a33a0

( 6:18:22:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1
( 6:18:22:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set
SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:22:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 0,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:22:107 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00 -> connecting

( 6:18:22:108 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,set

( 6:18:22:108 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,set

( 6:18:22:108 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xe7a27980,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:0

( 6:18:22:108 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a40c0

( 6:18:22:108 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:22:108 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:22:109 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::RequestDownloadNESList(),server ip=,source cmd
( 6:18:22:109 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(c56b34e0)
( 6:18:22:109 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode
( 6:18:22:110 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):
Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc5406700

( 6:18:22:110 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:22:110 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:110 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:22:120 | 10) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc56a4200

( 6:18:22:120 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:120 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:120 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:120 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:120 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:22:120 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:22:121 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state: 1,bRegMainThread:

( 6:18:22:122 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400 -> connecting
( 6:18:22:122 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,set

( 6:18:22:122 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,set

( 6:18:22:122 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc3688280,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:0

( 6:18:22:122 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a42a0

( 6:18:22:122 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:22:122 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:22:123 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::RequestDownloadNESList(),server ip=,source cmd
( 6:18:22:123 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(c56b3530)
( 6:18:22:123 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:22:124 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc5406a00

( 6:18:22:124 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:22:124 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:124 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:22:125 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc56a43e0

( 6:18:22:125 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:125 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:125 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:125 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:125 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:22:125 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:22:125 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 0,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:22:127 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00 -> connecting

( 6:18:22:136 | 9) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,set

( 6:18:22:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,set

( 6:18:22:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc3688500,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:0
( 6:18:22:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):
Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a4480

( 6:18:22:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:22:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:22:138 | 2) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::RequestDownloadNESList(),server ip=,source cmd
( 6:18:22:138 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(c56b3580)
( 6:18:22:138 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:22:139 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc5406d00

( 6:18:22:139 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:22:139 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:139 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:22:140 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc56a45c0

( 6:18:22:140 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:140 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:140 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:140 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:22:140 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:22:143 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:22:143 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 0,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:22:150 | 7) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600 -> connecting

( 6:18:22:151 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,set

( 6:18:22:151 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,set

( 6:18:22:151 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc3688780,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:0

( 6:18:22:151 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a4660

( 6:18:22:151 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:22:151 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:22:152 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CPingMgr::RequestBestNES get

result and also submited background task to ping the rest as timeout=0
( 6:18:22:152 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CPingMgr::RequestBestNES end
( 6:18:22:153 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::Launch ping ret(0)
( 6:18:22:153 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::Ping has result port(443)
( 6:18:22:156 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::PingManager()
isUaeUser false newPing Enabled true
( 6:18:22:156 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::PingManager new
ping is disabled
( 6:18:22:160 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable() begin
check vpnConnected
( 6:18:22:173 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable()
vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 6:18:22:173 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable() begin
check vpnConnected
( 6:18:22:184 | 11) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable()
vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 6:18:22:185 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::connect serverAddr = port = 443 usedPort = 443 isAvailble false
( 6:18:22:185 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable() begin
check vpnConnected
( 6:18:22:196 | 11) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:0,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:22:196 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
VtF9FnnT7DPT64e+ITpSIN3rpa5Dg/mY5/YXfImpixA=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:22:196 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":8070,"Flags":3,"Random":1970674334,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:22:196 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:1970674334, seq: 8070

( 6:18:22:196 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 8070,mixup

( 6:18:22:199 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable()

vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 6:18:22:201 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::connect change port to
( 6:18:22:202 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:202 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConnectionManager::use port
from firebase : 443
( 6:18:22:203 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::user is from us, port :
( 6:18:22:203 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; dt_client_nativeConnect
server( port(443) apiLevel(0)
( 6:18:22:203 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CClientInstance::Connect()
( 6:18:22:203 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 1,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:22:206 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 -> connecting

( 6:18:22:207 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,set

( 6:18:22:207 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,set

( 6:18:22:207 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc3688a00,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:22:207 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a4700

( 6:18:22:207 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:22:207 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:22:208 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CClientInstance::Connect(): end

by specified serv address=,port=443
( 6:18:22:213 | 5) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:213 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TopOfferManager::InForeground
hasClickOffer: false canReward: 0
( 6:18:22:213 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DTApplication::top has not
unblock, do not show TopRedeem
( 6:18:22:213 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::onResume End
( 6:18:22:214 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MAIN_BANNER::canBannerTrick
( 6:18:22:216 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MAIN_BANNER::is not same day
return true reset local times
( 6:18:22:263 | 47) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:22:263 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
VtF9FnnT7DPT64e+ITpSIN3rpa5Dg/mY5/YXfImpixA=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:22:263 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":8089,"Flags":3,"Random":561398241,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:22:263 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:561398241, seq: 8089

( 6:18:22:263 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 8089,mixup

( 6:18:22:271 | 8) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:22:271 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
f1Nn7B9+gvPK7gYd3nc8Hcc1fVP+sNCKe7o+K0VBCyc=,encrypt to:48
( 6:18:22:271 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":8085,"Flags":3,"Random":489282453,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:22:271 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:489282453, seq: 8085

( 6:18:22:271 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 8085,mixup

( 6:18:22:277 | 6) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:22:277 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
f1Nn7B9+gvPK7gYd3nc8Hcc1fVP+sNCKe7o+K0VBCyc=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:22:277 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":8061,"Flags":3,"Random":972066524,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:22:277 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:972066524, seq: 8061

( 6:18:22:277 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 8061,mixup

( 6:18:22:282 | 5) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:22:282 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object
0xe7a27980, connection tag: 4203938685, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: ,
server pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:v4NH6KaSL9Llu8hFTLu+wA==

( 6:18:22:282 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00 -> connected

( 6:18:22:282 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc7688e00,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:22:282 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:22:283 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00 ->

( 6:18:22:308 | 25) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

VideoOfferManager::loadAdWithType adType = 34
( 6:18:22:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType withType = 34
( 6:18:22:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType enable = true
( 6:18:22:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::getNativeAdRatio adType = 34 ; adPlacement = 2014 ; Ratio = 0; not in
( 6:18:22:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdRatioControl::isInRatio
userAdRatioValue = 53 ; ratio = 0
( 6:18:22:309 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:323 | 14) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConfig:: current iso = CO ;
isAMShowCountry = false appCommonConfig.AMShowContries [US, IN, SA, KW, AE, TR, QA,
( 6:18:22:323 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoOfferManager::yxw video
offer is not in requestAdmobNativeOffer , not show
( 6:18:22:323 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: video_offer
action: video_offer_is_not_in_country label: 34 value: 0
( 6:18:22:323 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mAdTypeList [34, 22, 39, 124]
( 6:18:22:323 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 1 ; mCurrentAdType = 22
( 6:18:22:325 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:22:325 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
FWK3rNaSSX16bDiyQmq7hJ1nJp7E/5gd1nhc/MUMyDE=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:22:325 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":8107,"Flags":3,"Random":539371796,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:22:325 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:539371796, seq: 8107

( 6:18:22:325 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 8107,mixup

( 6:18:22:326 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:22:326 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load fail
( 6:18:22:327 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___1236 _ErrorMsg{adType=1236,errorCode=6, errorMsg='ad load time out',
( 6:18:22:327 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::1236OWE_AD
_Ad Load Error and do not load self
( 6:18:22:327 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::1236OWE_AD
_Ad Load Error and load next
( 6:18:22:327 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:328 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:328 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:329 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:329 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD is
not be intercepted,so start load
( 6:18:22:329 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle has been
( 6:18:22:330 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VungleInterstitialServiceImpl::
rewarded start load
( 6:18:22:330 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle_load,is not init
( 6:18:22:330 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___130 _ErrorMsg{adType=130,errorCode=1, errorMsg='is not init',
( 6:18:22:330 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD _Ad
Load Error and do not load self
( 6:18:22:330 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD _Ad
Load Error and load next
( 6:18:22:330 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:331 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:332 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:333 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::111OWE_AD is
not be intercepted,so start load
( 6:18:22:333 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 6:18:22:334 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::Mopub start load
( 6:18:22:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load start
( 6:18:22:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
( 6:18:22:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:334 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::bill test
loadInterstitial onAdStartLoading adProviderType = 111
( 6:18:22:356 | 22) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='is not init', extraErrorData=}
( 6:18:22:356 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 6:18:22:360 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::yxw test end
handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 112
( 6:18:22:360 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::handleMessage
show native interstitial with type = 112
( 6:18:22:361 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist loadedAdData = null
( 6:18:22:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 112
( 6:18:22:362 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType mp load error
( 6:18:22:362 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType = 112
( 6:18:22:362 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds
onAdLoadFaild adType = 112
( 6:18:22:362 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:22:369 | 7) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00 -> open

( 6:18:22:369 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:22:369 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: c2.fe.00.00.00.e0.e1.c6XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00,server

( 6:18:22:456 | 87) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:
( 6:18:22:456 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc53ef800,
connection tag: 2373189751, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:YCCV4b8eHr+iN9nJeeRkcg==

( 6:18:22:456 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800 -> connected

( 6:18:22:457 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc7688800,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:22:457 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:22:457 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800 ->

( 6:18:22:537 | 80) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:22:538 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
PC25j+slCjVevZ9MesZ5ZLALmdnZv/+hjqQCSePcAUk=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:22:538 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":8168,"Flags":3,"Random":1572078957,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:22:538 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:1572078957, seq: 8168

( 6:18:22:538 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 8168,mixup
( 6:18:22:632 | 94) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800 -> open

( 6:18:22:633 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:22:633 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: ee.7d. 0xc7688800,server

( 6:18:22:659 | 26) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DTActivity::dismissWaitingDialog

( 6:18:22:812 | 153) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VungleInterstitialServiceImpl::init onSuccess
( 6:18:22:812 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VungleInterstitialServiceImpl::
rewarded start load
( 6:18:22:961 | 149) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle_load, load start
( 6:18:22:961 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:961 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
( 6:18:22:961 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:22:961 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::bill test
loadInterstitial onAdStartLoading adProviderType = 130
( 6:18:23: 4 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___111 _ErrorMsg{adType=111,errorCode=6, errorMsg='ad load time out',
( 6:18:23: 4 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::111OWE_AD _Ad
Load Error and do not load self
( 6:18:23: 5 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::111OWE_AD _Ad
Load Error and load next
( 6:18:23: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
loadThisAndLoadNextAction___adLoadServiceQueue is empty,loadThisAndLoadNextAction
end, and handleAdInstanceConfigManagerCallBackLoadEnd
( 6:18:23: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; InterstitialStrategyManager::load
onAdsLoadEnd load count = 0
( 6:18:23: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::bill test
loadInterstitial onAdAllFailed interstitial is not shown, showing next end ad
( 6:18:23: 5 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 6:18:23: 8 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23: 8 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load fail
( 6:18:23: 9 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___111 _ErrorMsg{adType=111,errorCode=4, errorMsg='load fail',
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::111OWE_AD _Ad
has dealed next ad ,so do nothing
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='load fail', extraErrorData=}
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::yxw test end
handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 22
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::handleMessage
show native interstitial with type = 22
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23: 10 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test
end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist loadedAdData = null
( 6:18:23: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 22
( 6:18:23: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:23: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType fn load error
( 6:18:23: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test
end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType = 22
( 6:18:23: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds
onAdLoadFaild adType = 22
( 6:18:23: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test
end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:23: 10 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23: 11 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=0,pending download(1),priority:0,last rtt=0
( 6:18:23: 11 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
serv address=,port=443
( 6:18:23: 11 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: get,cookie:4294967297zipped len:0

( 6:18:23: 11 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 1

( 6:18:23: 12 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:23: 12 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,seed server( connected
( 6:18:23: 12 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,best seed server is :
( 6:18:23:195 | 183) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadAdWithType adType = 22
( 6:18:23:195 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType withType = 22
( 6:18:23:195 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType enable = true
( 6:18:23:195 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::getNativeAdRatio adType = 22 ; adPlacement = 28 ; Ratio = 0; not in
( 6:18:23:195 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdRatioControl::isInRatio
userAdRatioValue = 53 ; ratio = 0
( 6:18:23:195 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:202 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConfig:: current iso = CO ;
isInFNShowContry = false appCommonConfig.AMShowContries [US, IN, SA, DE, AE, BR]
( 6:18:23:202 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoOfferManager::yxw video
offer is not in , not show Flurry
( 6:18:23:202 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: video_offer
action: video_offer_is_not_in_country label: 22 value: 0
( 6:18:23:202 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mAdTypeList [34, 22, 39, 124]
( 6:18:23:202 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 2 ; mCurrentAdType = 39
( 6:18:23:259 | 57) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:23:265 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::yxw test end

handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 39
( 6:18:23:265 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::handleMessage
show native interstitial with type = 39
( 6:18:23:265 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:265 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:265 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:266 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist loadedAdData = null
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 39
( 6:18:23:266 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:23:270 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 3
( 6:18:23:271 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::getNextAdWithListener FBNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.mvp.modules.ad.nativead.loader.a$3@3cf0f6c ; timeOutMillisecond = 2000
( 6:18:23:271 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType fb load error
( 6:18:23:271 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType = 39
( 6:18:23:271 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds
onAdLoadFaild adType = 39
( 6:18:23:271 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:23:271 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 3
( 6:18:23:356 | 85) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23:356 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=0,pending download(1),priority:0,last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:357 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
serv address=,port=443
( 6:18:23:358 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: get,cookie:4294967297zipped len:0

( 6:18:23:358 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 1

( 6:18:23:361 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:23:361 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,seed server( connected
( 6:18:23:361 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,best seed server is :
( 6:18:23:361 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::loadNextAd
fabookId = 1140209646016765_1446995552004838
( 6:18:23:372 | 11) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads
action: facebook_request label: null value: 0
( 6:18:23:448 | 76) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:23:448 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc3688500,
connection tag: 2017329918, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:ytnCDD53P/sQnT8Awaz6Dg==

( 6:18:23:448 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00 -> connected

( 6:18:23:448 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc7689a00,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:23:448 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

( 6:18:23:448 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00 ->

( 6:18:23:450 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:23:450 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc3688280,
connection tag: 473432379, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server pubkey
len:48, random len: 16, signature:4InHCNRoClyMy7nBqtKqvw==

( 6:18:23:450 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400 -> connected

( 6:18:23:451 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc7689400,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:23:451 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:23:451 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400 ->

( 6:18:23:458 | 7) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:23:458 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc3688780,
connection tag: 3284336883, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:krYJ5LH7Jrn7XG+DAT86hQ==
( 6:18:23:458 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600 -> connected

( 6:18:23:458 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc3685600,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:23:459 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:23:459 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600 ->

( 6:18:23:577 | 118) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::yxw test end

handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 34
( 6:18:23:577 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::handleMessage
show native interstitial with type = 34
( 6:18:23:577 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:577 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist loadedAdData = null
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=34,adCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 34
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.mvp.modules.ad.nativead.loader.a$2@93a17e9 ; timeOutSecond = 2000
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2 sAdmobFBNativeAdLoaderListenerList
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType am load error
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType = 34
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds
onAdLoadFaild adType = 34
( 6:18:23:580 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:23:583 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::loadNextAd
fabookId = 1140209646016765_1446995552004838
( 6:18:23:583 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request label: null value: 0
( 6:18:23:654 | 71) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___130 _ErrorMsg{adType=130,errorCode=6, errorMsg='ad load time out',
( 6:18:23:655 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD _Ad
has dealed next ad ,so do nothing
( 6:18:23:655 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 6:18:23:665 | 10) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
an","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
.84","isp":"Digitalocean","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10
2018 11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"North
.148","isp":"AWS","cid":2,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"South America","loa
( 6:18:23:665 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRtcClient::Disconnect(c56b3490):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:23:666 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7688e00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:666 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:23:666 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xe7a27980tag: 4203938685,state: 3
( 6:18:23:666 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980 generates

( 6:18:23:666 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980,GetTag():
4203938685 close physical socket

( 6:18:23:666 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServerMgr::OnRespondDownloadNESList,successful download NESL for task
( 6:18:23:666 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CLocalNetEnv::OnRespondDownloadNESList,dont have existing server list,just add to NES List
( 6:18:23:667 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::PingRequest(2),server(c20aa180) ip=,priority=1, last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:667 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(edbc4b20)
( 6:18:23:667 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:23:667 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc283c800

( 6:18:23:667 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:23:667 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:667 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:669 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc2ed6be0

( 6:18:23:669 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:669 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000
( 6:18:23:669 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):
TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:669 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:669 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:23:669 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:23:669 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state: 1,bRegMainThread:

( 6:18:23:671 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:671 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,set

( 6:18:23:671 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,set

( 6:18:23:671 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc3323100,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:671 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed6c80

( 6:18:23:671 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:23:671 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to
( 6:18:23:672 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::PingRequest(2),server(c20abb00) ip=,priority=2, last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:672 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(edbc48f0)
( 6:18:23:672 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:23:672 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc89b1b00

( 6:18:23:674 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:23:674 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:674 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:677 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc2ed6d20

( 6:18:23:677 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:678 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:678 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:678 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:678 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:23:678 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:23:678 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state: 1,bRegMainThread:

( 6:18:23:680 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:680 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,set

( 6:18:23:680 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,set

( 6:18:23:680 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc8a24e00,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:680 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7040

( 6:18:23:680 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:23:680 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:23:681 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::PingRequest(2),server(c20abc80) ip=,priority=3, last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:681 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(f2ecc280)
( 6:18:23:681 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:23:681 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc279cc00

( 6:18:23:682 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055
( 6:18:23:682 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):
TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:682 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:683 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc2ed70e0

( 6:18:23:683 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:683 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:683 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:683 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:683 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:23:683 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:23:683 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 0,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:23:685 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:687 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,set

( 6:18:23:687 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,set

( 6:18:23:687 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc8a25080,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:687 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7180

( 6:18:23:687 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:23:687 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:23:689 | 2) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::PingRequest(2),server(c20abe00) ip=,priority=4, last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:689 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(f2ecc910)
( 6:18:23:689 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:23:690 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xede50a00

( 6:18:23:690 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:23:690 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:690 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:691 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc2ed7220

( 6:18:23:691 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000
( 6:18:23:691 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):
McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:691 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:691 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:691 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:23:691 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:23:691 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state: 1,bRegMainThread:

( 6:18:23:695 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:695 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,set

( 6:18:23:695 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,set

( 6:18:23:695 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc775ca80,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:695 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed72c0

( 6:18:23:695 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for
( 6:18:23:695 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:23:697 | 2) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::PingRequest(2),server(c20abf80) ip=,priority=5, last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:697 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(f2ecce10)
( 6:18:23:697 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:23:697 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc279db00

( 6:18:23:697 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:23:697 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:697 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:698 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc2ed7360

( 6:18:23:698 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:698 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:698 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:698 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:698 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1
( 6:18:23:699 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set
SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:23:699 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 0,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:23:700 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:700 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,set

( 6:18:23:700 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,set

( 6:18:23:700 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc3323600,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:700 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7400

( 6:18:23:700 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:23:700 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:23:701 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::PingRequest(2),server(c20ac100) ip=,priority=6, last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:702 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(f2eccf50)
( 6:18:23:702 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:23:702 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc279e400

( 6:18:23:702 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055

( 6:18:23:702 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:702 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:709 | 7) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc2ed74a0

( 6:18:23:709 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:709 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:709 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:710 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:710 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:23:710 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:23:710 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state: 1,bRegMainThread:

( 6:18:23:712 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:712 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,set

( 6:18:23:712 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,set

( 6:18:23:712 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc1efa780,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:712 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7540

( 6:18:23:712 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:23:712 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:23:714 | 2) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServer::PingRequest(2),server(c20ac280) ip=,priority=7, last rtt=0
( 6:18:23:714 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRtcClient::Connect(f2eccfa0)
( 6:18:23:714 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xe7a27980,
tag: 4203938685

( 6:18:23:715 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xe7a27980 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : fa93037d

( 6:18:23:715 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(messageprotocol.cpp:36): Correctly, use packet mode

( 6:18:23:715 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:121):

Allocate RtcClient object,m_pRtcTimerMgr: 0x00000000,this: 0xc279ea00

( 6:18:23:715 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcmain.cpp:104): Load

RTC Module,Ver=70055
( 6:18:23:715 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):
TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:715 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:716 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:78):

Create McsProvider object 0xc2ed75e0

( 6:18:23:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcprovider.cpp:70):

RtcProvider::Initialize for client,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xmcsprovider.cpp:122):

McsProvider::McsInitialize for client: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:109):

TcpClientSocketMgr::SockInitialize,pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000

( 6:18:23:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:553): set

MainSocketSecureMode: 1

( 6:18:23:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclient.cpp:564): set

SocketAntiDPIMode: 1

( 6:18:23:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 0,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 6:18:23:718 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:718 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,set

( 6:18:23:718 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,set
( 6:18:23:718 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc1efaa00,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:718 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7680

( 6:18:23:718 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:23:718 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:23:719 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondDownloadNESList,nRequestID=1,result from,errcode=0
( 6:18:23:719 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::onPingRespond
errCode(0) requestId(0) serverAddr( isoCode(CO)
( 6:18:23:719 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onPingResponse app conneciton status = CONNECTING
( 6:18:23:720 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable() begin
check vpnConnected
( 6:18:23:730 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable()
vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 6:18:23:730 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23:730 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:730 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 1,bNotifyDisconnect: 0

( 6:18:23:730 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc3688a00tag: 0,state: 2

( 6:18:23:730 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00,GetTag(): 0
close physical socket

( 6:18:23:731 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 6, pxaddr: NULLXipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400,server ver:0

( 6:18:23:731 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:23:731 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable() begin
check vpnConnected
( 6:18:23:763 | 32) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable()
vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 6:18:23:764 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::connect serverAddr = port = 443 usedPort = 443 isAvailble false
( 6:18:23:764 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable() begin
check vpnConnected
( 6:18:23:766 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):
Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a40c0

( 6:18:23:766 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a4700

( 6:18:23:777 | 11) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PingManager::isAvailable()

vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 6:18:23:780 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::connect change port to
( 6:18:23:782 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23:782 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConnectionManager::use port
from firebase : 443
( 6:18:23:782 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::user is from us, port :
( 6:18:23:787 | 5) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc3688a00,
tag: 0

( 6:18:23:787 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc3688a00 -->

( 6:18:23:805 | 18) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; dt_client_nativeConnect

server( port(443) apiLevel(0)
( 6:18:23:805 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CClientInstance::Connect()
( 6:18:23:805 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 XipConnect
with info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state: 1,bRegMainThread:

( 6:18:23:806 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 -> connecting

( 6:18:23:811 | 5) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0xc1efac80,set

( 6:18:23:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0xc1efac80,set

( 6:18:23:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0xc1efac80,GetTag():
0 received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:443

( 6:18:23:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125):

Create TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7720

( 6:18:23:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0xc1efac80,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 6:18:23:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0xc1efac80,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 6:18:23:813 | 2) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CClientInstance::Connect(): end

by specified serv address=,port=443
( 6:18:23:820 | 7) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:23:825 | 5) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
3POvPRfnhPE0e7IRbaIr7AtcyYce6bhvL37Tl5csxCA=,encrypt to:48
( 6:18:23:825 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9634,"Flags":3,"Random":976305258,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:23:825 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:976305258, seq: 9634

( 6:18:23:825 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9634,mixup

( 6:18:23:826 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:23:826 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
3POvPRfnhPE0e7IRbaIr7AtcyYce6bhvL37Tl5csxCA=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:23:826 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9681,"Flags":3,"Random":698855329,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:23:826 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:698855329, seq: 9681

( 6:18:23:826 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9681,mixup

( 6:18:23:827 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

VideoOfferManager::loadAdWithType adType = 39
( 6:18:23:827 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23:827 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType withType = 39
( 6:18:23:827 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType enable = true
( 6:18:23:827 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::getNativeAdRatio adType = 39 ; adPlacement = 28 ; Ratio = 0; not in
( 6:18:23:827 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdRatioControl::isInRatio
userAdRatioValue = 53 ; ratio = 0
( 6:18:23:827 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:850 | 23) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConfig:: current iso = US ;
isFBShowContry = true
( 6:18:23:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeDownloadAdLoader::init
( 6:18:23:852 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FacebookNative-OfferProvider::Begin requestOffersAsync
( 6:18:23:852 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FacebookNative-OfferProvider::needRequestOffer cached offer list is empty
( 6:18:23:854 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeDownloadAdLoader::getNextAdWithListener FBNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.ad.d.a.a$1@a34d107 ; timeOutSecond = 5000
( 6:18:23:861 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
facebook_native_for_video_offer action: fb_natibe_not_exceed_quota label: value: 0
( 6:18:23:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeDownloadAdLoader::current nativeAdQueue is empty
( 6:18:23:862 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeDownloadAdLoader::current nativeAdQueue is empty
( 6:18:23:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeDownloadAdLoader::prefetchAd requestNumber = 3
( 6:18:23:869 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::yxw test end
handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 124
( 6:18:23:869 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EndAdManager::handleMessage
show native interstitial with type = 124
( 6:18:23:869 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:869 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:869 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:870 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:870 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:870 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:870 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:870 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:870 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:23:873 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist loadedAdData = null
( 6:18:23:873 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=124,adCountLimit = 2
( 6:18:23:873 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 124
( 6:18:23:873 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader:: cacheSize
( 6:18:23:873 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::preloadAdWithAdType fb load error
( 6:18:23:874 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType = 124
( 6:18:23:874 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds
onAdLoadFaild adType = 124
( 6:18:23:874 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdLoader::yxw test end
nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType baidu load error
( 6:18:23:874 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeInterstitialManager::yxw
test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist onAllAdLoadFailed
( 6:18:23:874 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds
onAllAdLoadFailed adList = [112, 22, 39, 34, 124]
( 6:18:23:888 | 14) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogAdmobInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___28 _ErrorMsg{adType=28,errorCode=6, errorMsg='ad load time out',
( 6:18:23:888 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::28OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and do not load self
( 6:18:23:888 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::28OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and load next
( 6:18:23:888 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:23:888 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogAdmobInterstitial::OWE_AD
loadThisAndLoadNextAction___adLoadServiceQueue is empty,loadThisAndLoadNextAction
end, and handleAdInstanceConfigManagerCallBackLoadEnd
( 6:18:23:888 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_IS_LOADING}
( 6:18:24: 15 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:24: 40 | 25) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:24: 41 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc3323100,
connection tag: 1615071586, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:zzqwA+b7Y8ys3S2JuwU9KQ==

( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00 -> connected
( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc89dfe00,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00 ->

( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
REr48KrYnxENwQqp5at/FNHpPiqUR7GZoeOjvO/v/0s=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9642,"Flags":3,"Random":1176662630,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:1176662630, seq: 9642

( 6:18:24: 41 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9642,mixup

( 6:18:24: 42 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
3POvPRfnhPE0e7IRbaIr7AtcyYce6bhvL37Tl5csxCA=,encrypt to:48
( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9647,"Flags":3,"Random":899212701,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:899212701, seq: 9647

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9647,mixup

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
REr48KrYnxENwQqp5at/FNHpPiqUR7GZoeOjvO/v/0s=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9655,"Flags":3,"Random":899212701,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:899212701, seq: 9655

( 6:18:24: 42 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9655,mixup

( 6:18:24: 44 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:24: 44 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
3POvPRfnhPE0e7IRbaIr7AtcyYce6bhvL37Tl5csxCA=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:24: 44 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9663,"Flags":3,"Random":344312842,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:24: 44 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:344312842, seq: 9663

( 6:18:24: 44 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9663,mixup

( 6:18:24: 45 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:24: 45 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
REr48KrYnxENwQqp5at/FNHpPiqUR7GZoeOjvO/v/0s=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:24: 45 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9674,"Flags":3,"Random":66862912,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:24: 45 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:66862912, seq: 9674

( 6:18:24: 45 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9674,mixup

( 6:18:24: 45 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:24: 46 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:24: 46 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc1efaa00,
connection tag: 3742892916, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:hSKE9gIULv9/jPH6eMtvmw==

( 6:18:24: 47 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00 -> connected

( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc76e3e00,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00 ->

( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0xc1efac80,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:443,RemotePort:443

( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
9ctECVkICVsQL890olv4WWKs/06OozjZIBrS3KnOyTg=,encrypt to:48

( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":9769,"Flags":3,"Random":1659446701,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0xc1efac80,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:1659446701, seq: 9769

( 6:18:24: 47 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0xc1efac80,GetTag(): 0
send VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 9769,mixup

( 6:18:24: 68 | 21) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:

facebook_native action: native_ad_loading_start label: value: 0
( 6:18:24:133 | 65) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00 -> open

( 6:18:24:133 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:24:133 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: d5.bd. 0xc89dfe00,server

( 6:18:24:134 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00 -> open

( 6:18:24:135 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:24:135 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: c5.1a. 0xc76e3e00,server

( 6:18:24:136 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:24:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc1efac80,
connection tag: 1615595914, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:BdOa+v2Njz/KlAURqC6QUw==

( 6:18:24:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 -> connected

( 6:18:24:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xe5b2a400,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:24:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:24:137 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 ->

( 6:18:24:166 | 29) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

n","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
33.123","isp":"Digitalocean","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec
10 2018 11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"North
.148","isp":"AWS","cid":2,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"South America",
( 6:18:24:167 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRtcClient::Disconnect(c56b2e00):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:24:167 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7688800 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:24:167 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:24:167 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc53ef800tag: 2373189751,state: 3

( 6:18:24:167 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800 generates

( 6:18:24:167 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800,GetTag():
2373189751 close physical socket

( 6:18:24:218 | 51) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc53ef800,
tag: 2373189751

( 6:18:24:218 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc53ef800 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : 8d740077

( 6:18:24:271 | 53) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a3260

( 6:18:24:282 | 11) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:24:282 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=1,pending download(0),priority:1,last rtt=0
( 6:18:24:285 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 1

( 6:18:24:286 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:24:332 | 46) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400 -> open

( 6:18:24:332 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xe5b2a400
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:24:332 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: e1. 0xe5b2a400,server

( 6:18:24:336 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:24:336 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc8a25080,
connection tag: 2374172892, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:Dt+Ja0z9wiaLzpFZwTxNZw==

( 6:18:24:336 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00 -> connected

( 6:18:24:338 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc55a0c00,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:24:338 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:24:338 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00 ->

( 6:18:24:404 | 66) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:24:404 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=1,pending download(0),priority:7,last rtt=0
( 6:18:24:404 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 1

( 6:18:24:407 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:24:412 | 5) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:24:513 | 101) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:24:522 | 9) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00 -> open

( 6:18:24:522 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0
( 6:18:24:522 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: cf.1e. 0xc55a0c00,server

( 6:18:24:526 | 4) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

cted=0,nServerVersion=40101a, ConnectingServer=
( 6:18:24:552 | 26) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getNetworkFlag vpnConnected false
( 6:18:24:571 | 19) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:24:575 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::onClientConnected
localAddress : -8478536467625258271 redirectServerIp: null port : 443 serverId : 19
( 6:18:24:575 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onClientConnected userId(356244478977603) result(0) serverId(19)
localAddress(-8478536467625258271) recirectSvrIp(null) port(443) usedPort(443)
( 6:18:24:575 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::appConnectedSuccess connectStatus(CONNECTED)
( 6:18:24:578 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConnectionManager::login
( 6:18:24:578 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConnectionManager::Login
isApp in background false needLogin true
( 6:18:24:582 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getClientInfoAsJsonObject start
( 6:18:24:583 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DtUtil::isRunningOnEmulator
HUAWEI/MYA-L03/HWMYA-L6737:6.0/HUAWEIMYA-L03/C45B120:user/release-keys model
MYA-L03 manufacture HUAWEI brand HUAWEI product MYA-L03
( 6:18:24:666 | 83) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getClientInfoAsJsonObject end
( 6:18:24:666 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DTSystemContext::client info:
( 6:18:24:667 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConnectionManager::do login
( 6:18:24:667 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::loginCmd :
DTLoginCmd{presenceStatus=2, presenceMessage='', checkInLatitude=30.279305,
checkInLongitude=120.12606, activationType=0, timeZone='GMT-05:00',
maxMessageApiLevel=1, androidId='9a6be25af0f5802a', macAddress='', IMEI='',
( 6:18:24:667 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CRpcClientInst::Login :
( 6:18:24:667 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::GetConnectVersionCode,nVersionCode=16845314 as combine(1,1,10,2)
( 6:18:24:667 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->CMyInfo::GetMD5PhoneNumber: Get invalid wholephoneNum
( 6:18:24:667 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; ERRxxxxxx-->Assert(0 != input.size()) at
( 6:18:24:668 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; ERRxxxxxx-->Ju_MD5String,input is invalid as
( 6:18:24:668 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:24:677 | 9) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:24:677 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->CMyInfo::GetPhoneNumber: Get
invalid wholephoneNum
( 6:18:24:677 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:24:677 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:9tag: 1

( 6:18:24:678 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:24:678 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PushManager::register push

token isRegistered = false token =
( 6:18:24:683 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:24:694 | 11) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setVPNOfferwallList offerwall list: 2,5,6,8,52,53,54,46,101
( 6:18:24:694 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setDingCreditOfferwallList offerwallList: 2,5,8
( 6:18:24:695 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isVPNShowInstallOnly: true
( 6:18:24:695 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isDingCreditShowInstallOnly: true
( 6:18:24:695 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::isactivated :
( 6:18:24:696 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: connection
action: connection_success label: value: 0
( 6:18:24:696 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CClientInstance::OnClientConnectConfirm(): end as
( 6:18:24:698 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 5107; APP-INFO ;
NewOfferManager::onConnectedWithServer, mCurrentNewOfferAction is null
( 6:18:24:707 | 9) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::checkInviteHost is not same day
( 6:18:24:707 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::url:
( 6:18:24:799 | 92) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 2

( 6:18:24:800 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:24:882 | 82) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00 -> open

( 6:18:24:883 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:24:883 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: e2.7f.00.0a.00.c0.04.52XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00,server
( 6:18:24:892 | 9) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:24:914 | 22) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 2

( 6:18:24:914 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:24:928 | 14) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400 -> open

( 6:18:24:929 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:24:929 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: f5. 0xc7689400,server

( 6:18:24:953 | 24) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600 -> open

( 6:18:24:953 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:24:953 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: cd. 0xc3685600,server

( 6:18:25: 5 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:25: 21 | 16) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:25: 21 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=1,pending download(0),priority:3,last rtt=0
( 6:18:25: 21 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 1

( 6:18:25: 22 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:25: 76 | 54) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:25:136 | 60) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:25:136 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=0,pending download(1),priority:0,last rtt=0
( 6:18:25:136 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
serv address=,port=443
( 6:18:25:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: get,cookie:4294967297zipped len:0

( 6:18:25:136 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 1

( 6:18:25:137 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:25:137 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,seed server( connected
( 6:18:25:137 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,best seed server is :
( 6:18:25:208 | 71) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:25:242 | 34) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 3

( 6:18:25:243 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:25:328 | 85) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0
( 6:18:25:428 | 100) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:25:428 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=0,pending download(1),priority:0,last rtt=0
( 6:18:25:429 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
serv address=,port=443
( 6:18:25:429 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: get,cookie:4294967297zipped len:0

( 6:18:25:429 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 1

( 6:18:25:430 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:25:430 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,seed server( connected after(3308)
( 6:18:25:430 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,best seed server is :
( 6:18:25:555 | 125) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:25:555 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc8a24e00,
connection tag: 3507552417, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:c4IQmkTA/uuTVf1uOzgOfw==

( 6:18:25:555 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600 -> connected

( 6:18:25:555 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc76e2600,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:25:555 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:25:556 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600 ->

( 6:18:25:557 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:25:557 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc3323600,
connection tag: 2163409430, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:d691hyUtRJa++h362AShJQ==

( 6:18:25:557 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600 -> connected

( 6:18:25:557 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc55a5600,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:25:557 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:25:558 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600 ->

( 6:18:25:561 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:25:561 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc775ca80,
connection tag: 1074004214, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:tvCXU8gSUVDWxsSrxveKxg==
( 6:18:25:561 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200 -> connected

( 6:18:25:561 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc55a1200,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:25:561 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:25:562 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200 ->

( 6:18:25:567 | 5) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 6:18:25:567 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle
VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as success result on ClientVSocket object 0xc1efa780,
connection tag: 3452895999, seq: 0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server
pubkey len:48, random len: 16, signature:6549m6AzXRT+YYAzlYrNtw==

( 6:18:25:567 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00 -> connected

( 6:18:25:567 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0xc55a5c00,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 6:18:25:567 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;


( 6:18:25:567 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00 ->
( 6:18:25:838 | 271) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:25:838 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=0,pending download(1),priority:0,last rtt=0
( 6:18:25:838 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
serv address=,port=443
( 6:18:25:838 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: get,cookie:4294967297zipped len:0

( 6:18:25:838 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 1

( 6:18:25:840 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:25:840 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,seed server( connected
( 6:18:25:840 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServerMgr::OnServerConnectConfirm,best seed server is :
( 6:18:25:846 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::onShareTrafficGet
response: {"result":1,"allTraffic":5120,"times":"0","traffic":0}
( 6:18:25:871 | 25) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::onShareTrafficGet
bean: OnShareTrafficGetBean{traffic=0, allTraffic=5120, times=0, result=1, reason='null'}
( 6:18:25:971 | 100) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::now version :
1.6.21 latestVersion: 1.6.15
( 6:18:25:972 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::current is latest
( 6:18:25:977 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::GetCountryList
( 6:18:25:979 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::CountryListResponseBean :
CountryListResponseBean{zoneList=[CountryBean{zone='BR', rate=1.0, ids='1', alias='null',
ips=[], averageRtt=0.0, isBasic=0}, CountryBean{zone='US', rate=1.0,
ids='9,22,8,26,2,8,3,4,35,34,31,18,16,38,37,36', alias='null', ips=[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,], averageRtt=0.0, isBasic=1},
CountryBean{zone='US', rate=1.0, ids='9,22,8,26,2,3,4,35,34,31,18,16,38,16,37,36', alias='null',
ips=[,,,, 206.189.
( 6:18:25:979 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::onGetTopConfig:
":200},{"level":4,"rate":0.2,"point":1000}],"TPSwitch":0,"TPWatchVideoTip":" You will get TOP
POINTS for each short video you
( 6:18:26:109 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PromoteAssist::user has not
overlay permission, show dialog directly
( 6:18:26:109 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:110 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; ToolsForPromote::has checked
do not show again
( 6:18:26:110 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; ToolsForPromote::checkMain
( 6:18:26:110 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; ToolsForPromote::user is in basic
mode, do not show dialog
( 6:18:26:110 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:110 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:110 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ToolsForTop::canPopupOpenTopDialog TPSwitch: false canPopup: true
( 6:18:26:110 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::user has
shown popWallet
( 6:18:26:118 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::onQueryBalance
( 6:18:26:148 | 30) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::
QueryBalanceBean: QueryBalanceBean{balance=0.0, isFree=1, used=2819, isBasic=1,
callPlans=[], expiredCallPlans=[]}
( 6:18:26:154 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:155 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::refreshTraffic
balance :0.0 + used_traffic 2819.2659
( 6:18:26:262 | 107) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::FB
loadNextAd onError:No fill
( 6:18:26:262 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request_failed label: No fill value: 0
( 6:18:26:263 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::retry
mCurrentRetryCounts = 0
( 6:18:26:263 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 2
( 6:18:26:263 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 3

( 6:18:26:266 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:355 | 89) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:26:378 | 23) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:26:384 | 6) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; OnClientLoginResponse: login
( 6:18:26:385 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; OnClientLoginResponse:
( 6:18:26:385 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:385 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CMyInfo::Save,SerializeTo 724
( 6:18:26:385 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677;
( 6:18:26:385 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; OnClientLoginResponse, found
buildfollower fail as version code=0, cur build status=0
( 6:18:26:407 | 22) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onLoginResponse errCode = 0 errReason = null
( 6:18:26:408 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::DTLoginResponse : DTLoginResponse{user_offlineMsgCount=1,
friendVersionCode=0, profileVersionCode=33554434, followersListVersionCode=0,
facebookId=0, renrenId=0, presenceStatus=1, presenceMessage='null',
latestDistributionMajorVer=0, latestDistributionMiddleVer=0, latestDistributionMinorVer=0,
latestProductMajorVer=1, latestProductMiddleVer=6, latestProductMinorVer=15,
aBindMultipleNumbers=0, bindedEmailCount=0, codecVersionCode=2,
featureListVersionCode=4, configVersionCode=4066, errCode=0, reason='null',
countryCode=57, isoCountryCode='CO', pushTokenEmpty=0, clientIp='',
favoriteVersion=0, remainTime=-447573520, priceVer=17, lastloginTime=1.551897162452E12,
( 6:18:26:408 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:414 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::backupJuCoreConfigFileIfNeeded backup file not exist create it and backup
( 6:18:26:415 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
LoginMgr::response=DTLoginResponse{user_offlineMsgCount=1, friendVersionCode=0,
profileVersionCode=33554434, followersListVersionCode=0, facebookId=0, renrenId=0,
presenceStatus=1, presenceMessage='null', latestDistributionMajorVer=0,
latestDistributionMiddleVer=0, latestDistributionMinorVer=0, latestProductMajorVer=1,
latestProductMiddleVer=6, latestProductMinorVer=15, aBindMultipleNumbers=0,
bindedEmailCount=0, codecVersionCode=2, featureListVersionCode=4,
configVersionCode=4066, errCode=0, reason='null', countryCode=57, isoCountryCode='CO',
pushTokenEmpty=0, clientIp='', favoriteVersion=0, remainTime=-447573520,
priceVer=17, lastloginTime=1.551897162452E12,
( 6:18:26:418 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::lastversion = 1-6-15,
current version = 1-6-21, my user Id=356244478977603
( 6:18:26:418 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::inhouseVer = 0.0.0,
( 6:18:26:419 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::local major verson is
equal server major verson, but its small version is bigger than server's
( 6:18:26:419 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::suggest to update : 3
( 6:18:26:419 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::appLoginSuccess connectStatus(LOGINED)
( 6:18:26:431 | 12) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PushManager::register push
token isRegistered = false token =
( 6:18:26:435 | 4) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRpcClientInst::RegistPushToken :
( 6:18:26:435 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRpcClientInst::GenerateRealPushToken :
8riC6IoBD01JMv5dYM8egqvUN2tV.skyvpn, orginial
oBD01JMv5dYM8egqvUN2tV.skyvpn,push provider=7
( 6:18:26:435 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; nJucoreBuildType=3 and
( 6:18:26:435 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: gwebsvr/setdevicepushtoken,cookie:29zipped len:0

( 6:18:26:435 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 2

( 6:18:26:436 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:436 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; PushManager::Register push

token = DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0, errCode=0, reason='null',
result=0} pushToken =
5dYM8egqvUN2tV.skyvpn providerType =7 pushType =7
( 6:18:26:436 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestAllMessage, go to default
( 6:18:26:436 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:788):
RequestAllOfflineMessages: request from default offline storage :

( 6:18:26:436 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:21tag: 3

( 6:18:26:437 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:437 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::codec version code: 2

( 6:18:26:437 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::currentVersion 1-6-21
lastAppVersion 1-6-21
( 6:18:26:437 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::check if need
getConfigPropertyList currentVersionCode=4051 ConfigVesionCode in server=4066
( 6:18:26:474 | 37) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:474 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:474 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: getUserOfflineMsg,cookie:179zipped len:0

( 6:18:26:474 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 4

( 6:18:26:475 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:482 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CommonRestCallManager::commonRestCall restCallType = 105
( 6:18:26:486 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: gwebsvr/infoBus,cookie:6881537zipped len:0

( 6:18:26:486 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 5

( 6:18:26:487 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:488 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRpcClientInst::CommonRestCall() finish
( 6:18:26:488 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr:: onLogin resposne
countryCode = 57 isoCountryCode = CO
( 6:18:26:488 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::getAdList
( 6:18:26:492 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: getADList,cookie:149zipped len:0

( 6:18:26:492 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 6

( 6:18:26:492 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:493 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::getAdList cmd =

DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0, errCode=0, reason='null', result=0}
( 6:18:26:494 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::onLoginSuccess
loadDataState = 0
( 6:18:26:494 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5107; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::Begin
( 6:18:26:533 | 39) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::onLoginResponse DTLoginResponse{user_offlineMsgCount=1,
friendVersionCode=0, profileVersionCode=33554434, followersListVersionCode=0,
facebookId=0, renrenId=0, presenceStatus=1, presenceMessage='null',
latestDistributionMajorVer=0, latestDistributionMiddleVer=0, latestDistributionMinorVer=0,
latestProductMajorVer=1, latestProductMiddleVer=6, latestProductMinorVer=15,
aBindMultipleNumbers=0, bindedEmailCount=0, codecVersionCode=2,
featureListVersionCode=4, configVersionCode=4066, errCode=0, reason='null',
countryCode=57, isoCountryCode='CO', pushTokenEmpty=0, clientIp='',
favoriteVersion=0, remainTime=-447573520, priceVer=17, lastloginTime=1.551897162452E12,
( 6:18:26:534 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::onLoginResponse try get ProductList
( 6:18:26:534 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::prepareProductList Vpn is connected: false
( 6:18:26:548 | 14) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GPBillingHelper::IAB helper
( 6:18:26:549 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::getVirtualProductList
cmd = productType = 2 isoCountryCode = CO virtualProductType = 500 bundleId =
me.skyvpn.app requireGP = true clientInfo =
( 6:18:26:549 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:549 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:550 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: billing/product/v2/get,cookie:177zipped len:0

( 6:18:26:550 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 7

( 6:18:26:550 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:550 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::onLoginSucess

( 6:18:26:551 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:553 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; EncodeUtils::baseStr:
( 6:18:26:555 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonRestCallManager::commonRestCall restCallType = 1010
( 6:18:26:555 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GetIpEncoder::cmd :
DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0, errCode=0, reason='null', result=0}
( 6:18:26:556 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GetIpEncoder::sb:
( 6:18:26:556 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: skyvpn/ip/get,cookie:66191617zipped len:0

( 6:18:26:557 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 8

( 6:18:26:557 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:26:557 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRpcClientInst::CommonRestCall() finish
( 6:18:26:558 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Inivte::canMatchFriends : false
( 6:18:26:558 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Inivte::user has already matched
, return
( 6:18:26:558 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr:: Server to local offset
-1 seconds
( 6:18:26:558 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:558 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: super_offerwall
action: scan_apps_info label: value: 0
( 6:18:26:559 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr:: response.isHostOnR0
( 6:18:26:559 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::setNeedAdSwitchOn
( 6:18:26:560 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 5107; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::End
( 6:18:26:560 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5129; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:26:644 | 84) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:26:716 | 72) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:26:780 | 64) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:26:858 | 78) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:26:875 | 17) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:26:904 | 29) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:26:995 | 91) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:27: 53 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:27: 54 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GDTaskManager::,SDK: init==true

( 6:18:27: 54 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: connection
action: login_success label: value: 0
( 6:18:27: 55 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CPingMgr::OnClientLoginConfirm,
( 6:18:27: 65 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getNetworkFlag vpnConnected false
( 6:18:27: 87 | 22) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:27:104 | 17) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::loadNextAd
fabookId = 1140209646016765_1446995552004838
( 6:18:27:104 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request label: null value: 0
( 6:18:27:309 | 205) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:27:398 | 89) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600 -> open

( 6:18:27:398 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:27:398 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: e4.ca. 0xc76e2600,server

( 6:18:27:415 | 17) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600 -> open

( 6:18:27:415 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:27:416 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: e9. 0xc55a5600,server

( 6:18:27:433 | 17) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200 -> open

( 6:18:27:433 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:27:433 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: e7.aa. 0xc55a1200,server

( 6:18:27:448 | 15) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00 -> open

( 6:18:27:448 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 6:18:27:448 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result:
GENERAL-RESULT 0, pxaddr: e3. 0xc55a5c00,server

( 6:18:28:154 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::bill test

refreshAdBanner mCurrentAdType = 124....mAdTypeList...[112, 22, 39, 34, 124]
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 112
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView loadAdmobView
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MPNativeManager::setCommonListener set ad listener
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
MPNativeManager::showDisConnectAd activity = SkyMainActivity
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MopubNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ShowcaseMPNativeAdView::tryLoadAd onAdLoadError errorCode = Load failed no cache
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MPNativeManager::onError:Load
failed no cache ; mPlacement = 2001
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed mopub
( 6:18:29: 62 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 22
( 6:18:29: 63 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::getNextAdInfo() - nativeAd is null
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::NativeAdInfo: null
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestSuccess fn null
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed fn
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 39
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeManager::setCommonListener set ad listener
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeManager::showDisConnectAd activity = SkyMainActivity
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:29: 63 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds
requestNumber = 1
( 6:18:29: 64 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::getNextAdWithListener FBNativeAdLoaderListener =
skyvpn.Ad.ad.b.c$1@c29de0f ; timeOutMillisecond = 500
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ShowcaseFBNativeAdView::tryLoadAd onAdLoadError errorCode = Load failed no cache
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeManager::onError:Load
failed no cache ; mPlacement = 2001
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed fb
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=34,adCountLimit = 10
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 34
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView loadAdmobView
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; b::setCommonListener set ad
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; b::showDisConnectAd activity =
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::init
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener = skyvpn.Ad.ad.b.a$1@e164e9c ;
timeOutSecond = 2000
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2 sAdmobFBNativeAdLoaderListenerList
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; a::tryLoadNext onAdLoadError
errorCode = Load failed no cache
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; b::AdMobNativeManager
onError:Load failed no cache
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed admob
( 6:18:29: 64 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adproviderType=124,adCountLimit = 2
( 6:18:29: 65 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
loadAdWithType adType = 124
( 6:18:29: 65 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
( 6:18:29: 65 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
BaiduNativeManager::setCommonListener set ad listener
( 6:18:29: 65 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
BaiduNativeManager::BaiduNativeManager init begin
( 6:18:29: 65 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader:: cacheSize
( 6:18:29: 65 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: 1.prepare label: 124 value: 0
( 6:18:29: 65 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test
baidu load
( 6:18:29: 69 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test
baidu load error Has not new Offer
( 6:18:29: 69 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ShowcaseBaiduNativeAdView::baidu ad onAdLoadError errorCode = Has not new Offer
( 6:18:29: 69 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: load fail label: 124 value: 0
( 6:18:29: 69 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
BaiduNativeManager::onError:Has not new Offer ; mPlacement = 2001
( 6:18:29: 69 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestFailed baidu
( 6:18:29: 69 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex >= adlist size return
( 6:18:29: 69 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: mainBanner_native_ad_loading_failed label: value: 0
( 6:18:29: 71 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:29: 71 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:29: 71 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:29: 71 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:29: 71 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:29: 72 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:29: 72 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:29: 72 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:29: 73 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds
requestNumber = 1
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: banner action:
mainBanner_native_ad_refresh_banner_101 label: value: 0
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner isAlive = true
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner callRecentsPeriod = 5000
( 6:18:29: 73 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 5 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:29: 90 | 17) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 2

( 6:18:29: 90 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:29:172 | 82) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test

onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:29:185 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:29:186 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:29:186 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching
Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 6:18:29:187 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:29:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:29:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:29:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:29:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:29:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeDownloadAdLoader::onTimer mAdLoaderListener =
( 6:18:29:200 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
facebook_native_for_video_offer action: fb_natibe_not_exceed_quota label: value: 0
( 6:18:29:201 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeDownloadAdLoader::current nativeAdQueue is empty
( 6:18:29:201 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FacebookNative-OfferProvider::doRequestOffersAsync onAdLoadError Time out
adProviderType FacebookNative
( 6:18:29:203 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoOfferManager::yxw video
offer requestFacebookOffer success offerList = null
( 6:18:29:209 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mAdTypeList [34, 22, 39, 124]
( 6:18:29:209 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 3 ; mCurrentAdType = 124
( 6:18:29:209 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoOfferManager::yxw video
offer failed facebook
( 6:18:29:209 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: video_offer
action: video_offer_is_not_available label: 39 value: 0
( 6:18:29:240 | 31) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 4

( 6:18:29:240 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 6:18:29:280 | 40) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:29:319 | 39) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:29:343 | 24) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 4

( 6:18:29:345 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 6:18:29:420 | 75) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test

baidu baidu ad AdListListener onAdLoaded5
( 6:18:29:421 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test
baidu onAdLoadSuccess:5
( 6:18:29:425 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; baidu
( 6:18:29:425 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test
baidu onAdLoadSuccess back
( 6:18:29:425 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
ShowcaseBaiduNativeAdView::baidu ad onAdLoadSuccess....
( 6:18:29:425 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: 2.getAd label: 124 value: 0
( 6:18:29:436 | 11) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:29:535 | 99) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

BaiduNativeManager::onAdLoaded ad = DTSuperOfferWallObject{completeType=0,
name='Libertex Online Trading app', md5Name='a13716f5d17c8220f9e4d8f92926c228',
reward='0', linkAction='', offerid='59402421', offertype=2, adProviderType=124, detail='Start
trading in financial markets. Register and get $ 5000 on demo account',
2b3e5bb9.jpeg', isCompletedOffer=false, source='null', callToAction='DESCARGAR',
isFakeCompletedOffer=false, isRepeatOffer=false, clickedTime=0, img_627x627='null',
img_1200x627='null', Click_ip='null', tmpUnavailable=0, completedTime=0, isOfferFree=true,
appearedTime=0, appId='null', identifyKey='null', converationRat
( 6:18:29:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::yxw test
NativeAdBannerView onRequestSuccess baidu
( 6:18:29:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: mainBanner_native_ad_show label: value: 0
( 6:18:29:536 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: baidu_native
action: mainBanner_native_ad_loading_success label: value: 0
( 6:18:29:536 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::baidu ad
bind start
( 6:18:29:584 | 48) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:29:584 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onRegisterPushToken errorCode = 0
( 6:18:29:584 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
PushManager::onRegisterPushToken onRegister push token errCode=0
( 6:18:29:611 | 27) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadAdWithType adType = 124
( 6:18:29:611 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType withType = 124
( 6:18:29:612 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType enable = true
( 6:18:29:612 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::getNativeAdRatio adType = 124 ; adPlacement = 2014 ; Ratio = 0; not in
( 6:18:29:612 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdRatioControl::isInRatio
userAdRatioValue = 53 ; ratio = 0
( 6:18:29:612 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:630 | 18) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConfig:: current iso = CO ;
isInBaiDuShowContry = false appCommonConfig.BDShowContries [US, IN, SA, KW, AE, TR,
( 6:18:29:630 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoOfferManager::yxw video
offer is not in requestBaiduNativeOffer , not show
( 6:18:29:630 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: video_offer
action: video_offer_is_not_in_country label: 124 value: 0
( 6:18:29:630 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mAdTypeList [34, 22, 39, 124]
( 6:18:29:630 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex >= adlist size return
( 6:18:29:631 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshAdBanner addAdToBanner adType = 124
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::addAdToBanner getChildCount() = 0
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:631 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:632 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MAIN_BANNER::canBannerTrick
( 6:18:29:632 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MAIN_BANNER::is not same day
return true reset local times
( 6:18:29:633 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::show
( 6:18:29:633 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::refreshLocation rel: 0
( 6:18:29:633 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_banner
action: BannerType: 101 label: 124 value: 0
( 6:18:29:633 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->AdControlManager::yxw test
( 6:18:29:634 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MAIN_BANNER::canBannerTrick
( 6:18:29:638 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; MAIN_BANNER::is not same day
return true reset local times
( 6:18:29:760 | 122) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:29:761 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::
nonIncentiveAdList = [adType=22 adWeight=1, adType=27 adWeight=1, adType=26
adWeight=1, adType=28 adWeight=1]
( 6:18:29:761 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::
refreshSeconds 10
( 6:18:29:765 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList appWallEnable = true
( 6:18:29:765 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:765 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:765 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList DynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:765 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:765 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:29:766 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:766 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initFreeAdList adType: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:29:766 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initRecentAdList mRecentAdList: [22, 34, 112]
( 6:18:29:766 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAssistNativeAdList mAssistNativeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:29:766 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 6:18:29:766 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist = [34, 22,
( 6:18:29:766 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 6:18:29:766 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist = [34, 22,
( 6:18:29:767 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setRefreshPeriod refreshPeriod = 10
( 6:18:29:767 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setRefreshPeriod setDelayTime = 10
( 6:18:29:770 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::interstitialList:
( 6:18:29:772 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::feelingLucky is
17,98,22,1 dailyCheckIn is 17,98,22 assistant is 17,98 videoLimitPeriod is 18 videoLimit is
9-2,4-1,6-1,3-1,45-1,36-1,33-5,7-2,118-1,110-1,119-0,120-5,128-5 vpnOfferwallList is
( 6:18:29:773 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::adConfig is
( 6:18:29:773 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::dingCreditOfferwallProviders is 2,5,8
( 6:18:29:773 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::configAboutDingCredit is
( 6:18:29:773 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::callEndAdList is
( 6:18:29:773 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::nativeAdConfig
( 6:18:29:774 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::commonConfig
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::appWallProviders is 27,39,22,34,44
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 118 times is
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 45 times is 1
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 110 times is
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 33 times is 5
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 120 times is
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 9 times is 2
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 3 times is 1
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 4 times is 1
( 6:18:29:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 128 times is
( 6:18:29:775 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 36 times is 1
( 6:18:29:775 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 7 times is 2
( 6:18:29:775 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 119 times is
( 6:18:29:775 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 6 times is 1
( 6:18:29:779 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::setCommonConfig
commonConfigString =
( 6:18:29:781 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
commonConfigString =
( 6:18:29:783 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdQuotaControl::adQuotaItemJArray =
( 6:18:29:783 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
blackNativeAdList = [22, 34]
( 6:18:29:783 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
fbNativeIdControl = 0
( 6:18:29:783 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig:: appOWEnable
( 6:18:29:783 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
interstitialConfigIndex = 1
( 6:18:29:783 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::enableEnterAppShowAd = 0
( 6:18:29:784 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
interstitialAdListNew = [ { adType = 1 , adCount = 2 }, { adType = 28 , adCount = 2 }, { adType
= 39 , adCount = 2 }]
( 6:18:29:784 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
minVideoLimitCount = 10
( 6:18:29:784 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
grayRefreshTime = -1
( 6:18:29:784 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
nativeAdListJsonObject =
( 6:18:29:843 | 59) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
nativeAdList = checkinLoadingNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ;
feelLuckyLoadingNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ; endCallLoadingNativeAdList = [] ;
lotteryPurchaseLoadingNativeAdList = [] ; lotteryCheckLoadingNativeAdList = [] ;
lotteryClaimLoadingNativeAdList = [] ; checkinEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ;
feelLuckyEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ; endCallEndShowNativeAdList = [] ;
watchVideoEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ; lotteryBottomNativeAdList = [] ;
redeemNativeAdList = [] ; chatNativeAdList = [] ; videoOfferNativeAdList = [] ;
videoAfterVideoNativeAdList = [34, 22, 112, 39, 124] ; videoAfterInterstitialNativeAdList = [34,
22, 112, 39,
( 6:18:29:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::AdVpnAdManager CommonConfig videoAdListJsonObject = null
( 6:18:29:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::AdVpnAdManager CommonConfig videoAdList =
( 6:18:29:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::appWallInstallCount = 1
( 6:18:29:843 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::bannerCloseAdCount = 3
( 6:18:29:844 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::nativeAdClickToAdmobString =
( 6:18:29:850 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
videoAfterIntesitialCount = 1 videoAfterVideoCount = 5
( 6:18:29:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
videoAfterVideoWaitingTime = 5
( 6:18:29:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
loadingViewWaitingTime = 1
( 6:18:29:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
loadingViewAdMaskEnable = 0
( 6:18:29:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
checkinLoadingLeastShowTime = 4
( 6:18:29:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoAfterVideoWaitingTime = 5
( 6:18:29:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoSendingCredits = 0.5
( 6:18:29:851 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoRewardWaitingTime = 3
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::initNativeAdRatioControlMapWithString nativeAdRatioControlString =
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
areaClickControlString =
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
checkinEndAdDelayShowTime = 3
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::videoOfferCRate
= 0.2
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoEnable = 0
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoDemoEnable = 1
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoDemoNoBlackEnable = 1
( 6:18:29:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
interstitialAdList =
( 6:18:29:852 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
interstitialAdPlacement =
( 6:18:29:854 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
interstitialAdLimit =
( 6:18:29:855 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
adPositionList =
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
VPNVideoLimitCountString =
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
VPNVideoTotalLimit = 2147483647
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
totalLimit = 2147483647
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
isVideoPreferCC = false
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
isKiipAdEnable = false
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
kiipARAdEnable = true
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
kiipARNotSupportDeviceEnable = true
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
chatNewThreeAdConfig data = ChatNewThreeAdConfig{overAll=1, surpriseTotalCount=3,
minTime=3, defaultTime=15, newUserSpaceTime=1,
accessBottomConfig=AccessBottomConfigBean{overAll=1, autoDismissTime=5},
accessRightDownConfig=AccessRightDownConfigBean{overAll=1, autoDismissTime=5,
chatSessionFreeTime=8, showChance=[0.5, 0.25, 0.25]}}
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
mopubRequestMaxCount = 3
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::tapjoyKey =
( 6:18:29:855 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::feelingLuckyEndDelayTime = 4000
( 6:18:29:856 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::videoEndPlayInterstitialDisable = 0
( 6:18:29:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::IncentiveStr:
( 6:18:29:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::incentiveConfig:
IncentiveConfig{enableShow=1, reward=1, rewardCount=1}
( 6:18:29:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::adCountLimitForAdVpn: 28-2
( 6:18:29:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::nativeAdCountLimit: 124-2
( 6:18:29:856 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::initNativeAdRatioControlMapWithString nativeAdRatioControlString =
( 6:18:29:858 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdConfig::bill yddj
NativeAdRatioControl = me.dingtone.app.im.ad.r@a0aa424
( 6:18:29:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdConfig::NativeAdConfig
init success! nonIncentiveNoFree = [34, 22, 112] ; waitLoadingAdList = [34, 22] ;
endShowNativeAdList = [34, 22] ; nonIncentiveEx = [34, 22, 112] ; loadingNativeAdList = [22,
34] ; callRecentsNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112] ; assistNativeAdList = [34, 22, 112] ;
drawLotteryNativeAdList = [] ; nativeAdRebornTime = 1 ; callRecentsPeriod = 5
( 6:18:29:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdConfig::NativeAdConfig
result: nonIncentiveNoFree = [34, 22, 112];
waitLoadingAdList = [34, 22];
endShowNativeAdList = [34, 22];
nonIncentiveEx = [34, 22, 112];
drawLotteryNativeAdList = [];
loadingNativeAdList = [22, 34]
( 6:18:29:858 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::setAppWallProviders
( 6:18:29:860 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList appWallEnable = true
( 6:18:29:861 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList DynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initFreeAdList adType: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initRecentAdList mRecentAdList: [22, 34, 112]
( 6:18:29:861 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAssistNativeAdList mAssistNativeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:29:862 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist = [34, 22,
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist = [34, 22,
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::resetVideoList
server video list = 128,118,110,36,120,98,99
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::str is 28,111,1
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: get_credits
action: null label: 28,111,1 value: 0
( 6:18:29:862 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:29:863 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::vpn tapjoy offerwall
weight: 1.0
( 6:18:29:863 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight adConfig:
( 6:18:29:863 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight size: 2
( 6:18:29:863 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAdListResponse videoExList: 128,118,110,36,120,98,99, videoList:
6,7,98,99, offerWallWeightList: [adType=1 adWeight=1, adType=99 adWeight=1]
( 6:18:29:863 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAdListResponse screenADList = 28,111,1
( 6:18:29:864 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::lastAdVerCode
= 2686 server AdVerCode=0
( 6:18:29:864 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setVPNOfferwallList offerwall list: 2,5,6,8,52,53,54,46,101
( 6:18:29:864 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isVPNShowInstallOnly: true
( 6:18:29:864 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setDingCreditOfferwallList offerwallList: 2,5,8
( 6:18:29:864 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isDingCreditShowInstallOnly: true
( 6:18:29:864 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoAdListString videoAdListString = 128,118,110,36,120,98,99
( 6:18:29:865 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoAdListString finally videoAdList = [128, 118, 110, 36, 120,
98, 99]
( 6:18:29:865 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoCountLimitString videoCountLimitString =
( 6:18:29:865 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoLimitPeriod videoLimitPeriod = 18
( 6:18:29:865 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:29:865 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoInterstitialConfig::setUserId
userId = And.356244478977603-And.d04090de9712f6a2ef9fc3983103354e.skyvpn
( 6:18:29:865 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithIntersitialAdListString intersitialAdListString =
( 6:18:29:866 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
interstitialAdPlacementListString =
( 6:18:29:867 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithInterstitialAdLimit interstitialAdLimitString =
( 6:18:29:867 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::videoLimitCountVPNString =
( 6:18:29:867 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:29:867 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:29:867 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:29:867 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::adPositionListStr =
( 6:18:29:872 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
dailyCheckInPopup action: close label: null value: 0
( 6:18:29:921 | 49) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::fetch
fireBase success
( 6:18:29:921 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::autoLaunch:
autoLaunchTimes: 3
( 6:18:29:922 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: fireBaseConfig
action: fireBase_fetch_success label: CO_false value: 0
( 6:18:29:958 | 36) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::FB
loadNextAd onError:No fill
( 6:18:29:958 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request_failed label: No fill value: 0
( 6:18:29:958 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::retry
mCurrentRetryCounts = 0
( 6:18:29:959 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 2
( 6:18:29:987 | 28) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
'}DTRestCallBase{commandTag=105, commandCookie=0, errCode=0, reason='null', result=0}
( 6:18:29:988 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
'}DTRestCallBase{commandTag=105, commandCookie=0, errCode=0, reason='null', res
( 6:18:29:997 | 9) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:29:999 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::onGetGwebInfoBusResponse : DTGetGwebInfoBusResponse{blackAdTypes=null,
getConfigVersionCodeListResponse=DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0,
errCode=0, reason='null', result=0},
getAppUpgradeInfoResponse=DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0,
errCode=0, reason='null', result=0}, OWEnabled=1, blockVersionCode=-2}
( 6:18:29:999 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; setAdBlackList ccc::null
( 6:18:29:999 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAppUpgradeInfo errCode = 0 actionType = 0 downloadUrl =
( 6:18:30: 0 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse errcode=0 error reason=null
( 6:18:30: 0 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConfig::check if need
getConfigPropertyList currentVersionCode=4051 ConfigVesionCode in server=4066
( 6:18:30: 1 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: gwebsvr/GetConfigPropertyListEx,cookie:17463337025697zipped

( 6:18:30: 2 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:30: 2 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:30: 2 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

superofferwall::handleGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse errCode = 0 configVerCode = 4066
adVerCode = 2691 autoLaunchOfferListCode = 5
( 6:18:30: 2 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::lastAdVerCode=2686 server AdVerCode=2691 lastCountryCode=1
( 6:18:30: 5 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::getAdList()
( 6:18:30: 9 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpClient::getAdList(contrycode )
cmd = DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=2691, errCode=0, reason='null',
result=0} countryCode=57
( 6:18:30: 9 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: getADList,cookie:11557756993685zipped len:0

( 6:18:30: 9 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 10

( 6:18:30: 10 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:10,pdu:1

( 6:18:30: 10 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::coutryCode = 57

lastOfferwallAdVerCode = 2686 lastOfferwallCountryCode=1
( 6:18:30: 11 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: /glb/getDuplicateOfferName,cookie:11557756993740zipped len:0

( 6:18:30: 11 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 11

( 6:18:30: 11 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:11,pdu:1

( 6:18:30: 12 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

superofferwall::handleGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse auto launch version code old = 5
new = 5 appIdVerCode old = 2 new = 2
( 6:18:30: 12 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DeviceConfigManager::handleGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse serverVersionCode = 1803
localVersionCode = 0
( 6:18:30: 12 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DeviceConfigManager::requestVoipConfig versionCode = 1803
( 6:18:30: 23 | 11) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: glb/deviceConfig/,cookie:7743826034938zipped len:0

( 6:18:30: 24 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 12

( 6:18:30: 24 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:12,pdu:1

( 6:18:30: 24 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

TpEventHandler::onGetBlockVersionCodeResponse 0 -2
( 6:18:30:107 | 83) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::loadNextAd
fabookId = 1140209646016765_1446995552004838
( 6:18:30:107 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request label: null value: 0
( 6:18:30:171 | 64) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::loadNextAd
fabookId = 1140209646016765_1446995552004838
( 6:18:30:171 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request label: null value: 0
( 6:18:30:214 | 43) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::loadNextAd
fabookId = 1140209646016765_1446995552004838
( 6:18:30:215 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request label: null value: 0
( 6:18:30:297 | 82) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
createGetWebOfflineMessageResponse web offline message count(1)
( 6:18:30:298 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
UtilSecretary::handleGetWebofflineMessage webMsgType = 181 senderId = 2684354560
msgId 134082685
( 6:18:30:326 | 28) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 12 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:30:342 | 16) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 11 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:30:376 | 34) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 10 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:30:426 | 50) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: boss_push

action: receive_push_msg label: null value: 0
( 6:18:30:517 | 91) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:30:549 | 32) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DingtoneTipsUtil::init

staticsEarnCreditsCount:0.0 staticsConsumeCreditsCount:0.0
( 6:18:30:549 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:30:549 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:30:549 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: deleteUserOfflineMsgByTime,cookie:182zipped len:0

( 6:18:30:549 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 13
( 6:18:30:550 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):
RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:13,pdu:1

( 6:18:30:568 | 18) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:30:568 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: boss_push
action: show_push_webview label: null value: 0
( 6:18:30:828 | 260) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AlertFactory::newProgress : 10
( 6:18:30:829 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:30:829 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:30:830 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GetIpDecoder::response str:

( 6:18:30:860 | 30) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 13 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:30:868 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GetIpDecoder::ipList:

GetVideoIpBean{ips=[IpBean{ip='', port=0, protocol='null', tcpPort='null',
udpPort='null', sslPort='null', tlsPort='null', icmpPort='null', httpPort='80', httpsPort='null',
tdnsPort='null', dnsPort='53', ssl1Port='443', ssl2Port='null', xudpPort='38472', udpPorts=null,
tcpPorts=null, sslPorts=null, tlsPorts=null, icmpPorts=null, httpPorts=[80], httpsPorts=null,
tdnsPorts=null, dnsPorts=[53], ssl1Ports=[443], ssl2Ports=null, xudpPorts=[38472], zone='null',
isBasic=0, successTimes=0, failedTimes=0, testTimes=0}, IpBean{ip='', port=0,
protocol='null', tcpPort='null', udpPort='null', sslPort='null', tlsPort='null', icmpPort='null',
httpPort='80', httpsPort='null', tdnsPort='nul
( 6:18:30:868 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; GetIpDecoder::update ipList
( 6:18:30:868 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: getEdgeIp
action: success label: null value: 0
( 6:18:30:869 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyVpnManager::UpdateIpList :
GetVideoIpBean{ips=[IpBean{ip='', port=0, protocol='null', tcpPort='null',
udpPort='null', sslPort='null', tlsPort='null', icmpPort='null', httpPort='80', httpsPort='null',
tdnsPort='null', dnsPort='53', ssl1Port='443', ssl2Port='null', xudpPort='38472', udpPorts=null,
tcpPorts=null, sslPorts=null, tlsPorts=null, icmpPorts=null, httpPorts=[80], httpsPorts=null,
tdnsPorts=null, dnsPorts=[53], ssl1Ports=[443], ssl2Ports=null, xudpPorts=[38472], zone='null',
isBasic=0, successTimes=0, failedTimes=0, testTimes=0}, IpBean{ip='', port=0,
protocol='null', tcpPort='null', udpPort='null', sslPort='null', tlsPort='null', icmpPort='null',
httpPort='80', httpsPort='null', tdnsP
( 6:18:30:992 | 123) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
an","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
.84","isp":"Digitalocean","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10
2018 11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"North
.148","isp":"AWS","cid":2,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"South America","loa
( 6:18:30:993 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRtcClient::Disconnect(c56b3530):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:30:993 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7689a00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:30:993 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:30:993 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc3688500tag: 2017329918,state: 3

( 6:18:30:993 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500 generates

( 6:18:30:993 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500,GetTag():
2017329918 close physical socket

( 6:18:31: 83 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc3688500,
tag: 2017329918

( 6:18:31: 83 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc3688500 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : 783e02fe

( 6:18:31:101 | 18) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:31:101 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:31:102 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::onGetVirtualProductListResponse: errCode:0, errReason:null,
79Pcy109I16DXZsOm9b0bPZYt7iPHy0=, paymentTypes:null, selfProductList:null,
gpInAppProductList:[], callingPlanProductList:null
( 6:18:31:102 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetVirtualProductListResponse response = errCode:0, errReason:null,
79Pcy109I16DXZsOm9b0bPZYt7iPHy0=, paymentTypes:null, selfProductList:null,
gpInAppProductList:[], callingPlanProductList:null
( 6:18:31:102 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::handleGetVirtualProductList, response:errCode:0, errReason:null,
79Pcy109I16DXZsOm9b0bPZYt7iPHy0=, paymentTypes:null, selfProductList:null,
gpInAppProductList:[], callingPlanProductList:null
( 6:18:31:104 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):
Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a4480

( 6:18:31:112 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_purchase

action: request_product_success label: null value: 0
( 6:18:31:217 | 105) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
n","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
33.123","isp":"Digitalocean","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec
10 2018 11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"North
.148","isp":"AWS","cid":2,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"South America",
( 6:18:31:219 | 2) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRtcClient::Disconnect(c56b34e0):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:31:219 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc7689400 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:31:219 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:31:219 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc3688280tag: 473432379,state: 3

( 6:18:31:219 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280 generates

( 6:18:31:219 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280,GetTag():
473432379 close physical socket

( 6:18:31:284 | 65) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc3688280,
tag: 473432379

( 6:18:31:284 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc3688280 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : 1c38013b

( 6:18:31:326 | 42) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a42a0

( 6:18:31:341 | 15) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:31:341 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=1,pending download(0),priority:2,last rtt=0
( 6:18:31:341 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 1

( 6:18:31:342 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:31:460 | 118) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:31:460 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=1,pending download(0),priority:5,last rtt=0
( 6:18:31:460 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 1

( 6:18:31:461 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:31:461 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::get advpn status

success: {"result":1,"advpnADAvg":0,"advpnADMax":0}
( 6:18:31:507 | 46) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::AdVpnBean:
OnGetAdvpnStatusResponse{result=1, advpnADAvg=0, advpnADMax=0}
( 6:18:31:520 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getBasicInfo
success: {"result":1,"basicDays":1,"days":1,"time":86400,"traffic":300}
( 6:18:31:532 | 12) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::getBasicInfo
success BasicInfoBean{traffic=300, days=1, basicDays=1, result=1, reason='null'}
( 6:18:31:532 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_limit
action: showSkyLimit label: [201-300] value: 0
( 6:18:31:541 | 9) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getTopCode
success: {"result":0,"reason":"task country no open.","code":"-2"}
( 6:18:31:583 | 42) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::onGetTopCode
res: GetTopInviteCodeResponse{topCode='null', result=0, reason='task country no open.'}
( 6:18:31:598 | 15) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getBasicInfo
success: {"result":1,"basicDays":1,"days":1,"time":86400,"traffic":300}
( 6:18:31:600 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::getBasicInfo
success BasicInfoBean{traffic=300, days=1, basicDays=1, result=1, reason='null'}
( 6:18:31:600 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_limit
action: showSkyLimit label: [201-300] value: 0
( 6:18:31:614 | 14) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: /ad/checkAdBannerInfo,cookie:261zipped len:0

( 6:18:31:614 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 14

( 6:18:31:614 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:14,pdu:1

( 6:18:31:615 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

superofferwall::checkAdPlacementInfo countryCode 57
( 6:18:31:634 | 19) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:31:634 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=1,pending download(0),priority:4,last rtt=0
( 6:18:31:634 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 1

( 6:18:31:635 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:31:695 | 60) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::getBasicInfo

success: {"result":1,"basicDays":1,"days":1,"time":86400,"traffic":300}
( 6:18:31:695 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::getBasicInfo
success BasicInfoBean{traffic=300, days=1, basicDays=1, result=1, reason='null'}
( 6:18:31:696 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_limit
action: showSkyLimit label: [201-300] value: 0
( 6:18:31:755 | 59) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:31:755 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::OnClientConnectConfirm, Address(
connected,hasPingRequst=1,pending download(0),priority:6,last rtt=0
( 6:18:31:756 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 1

( 6:18:31:757 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 6:18:31:869 | 112) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

n","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
33.123","isp":"Digitalocean","cid":0,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec
10 2018 11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"North
.148","isp":"AWS","cid":2,"ct":"Americas","ip":"","version":"1.1.26 Dec 10 2018
11:06:59","BGP":1,"cr":"South America",
( 6:18:31:870 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRtcClient::Disconnect(c56b3580):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:31:870 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc3685600 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:31:870 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:31:870 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc3688780tag: 3284336883,state: 3

( 6:18:31:870 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780 generates
( 6:18:31:871 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780,GetTag():
3284336883 close physical socket

( 6:18:31:884 | 13) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 14 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:31:916 | 32) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc3688780,
tag: 3284336883

( 6:18:31:916 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc3688780 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : c3c300f3

( 6:18:31:978 | 62) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc56a4660

( 6:18:31:991 | 13) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 3

( 6:18:31:991 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:31:992 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test

baidu baidu ad AdListListener onAdLoaded5
( 6:18:31:992 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DuNormalAdLoader::yxw test
baidu onAdLoadSuccess:5
( 6:18:32: 19 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AlertFactory::newProgress : 80
( 6:18:32:109 | 90) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 5

( 6:18:32:110 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 6:18:32:189 | 79) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:32:193 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:32:229 | 36) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 5
( 6:18:32:230 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):
RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 6:18:32:318 | 88) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:32:346 | 28) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:32:350 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DeviceConfigManager::createVoipConfigData config: mClientSockSecurity:0 mAntiDPIEnabled:
0; mClientRUDP:1; mHash:9f1e719a65c48c52daace89939274b31;
mPretestbadindicatestatus:1; mPretestbadindicatelimit:1; mWifibadindicatestatus:1;
mWifibadindicatelimit:1 44kSampleRate = 1; mStaticNoiseLimit = 0; mRudpPriorToTcp = 1;
mParallelSession = 0; rtcPingEnabled = 1
( 6:18:32:401 | 51) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::FB
loadNextAd onError:No fill
( 6:18:32:401 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads action:
facebook_request_failed label: No fill value: 0
( 6:18:32:402 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::retry
mCurrentRetryCounts = 1
( 6:18:32:402 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds max request queue size = 3
( 6:18:32:493 | 91) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:32:494 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::onGetOfferNameListResponse errcode=0 error reason=null
( 6:18:32:494 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::lastOfferwallAdVerCode=2686 server ver code=2691
( 6:18:32:494 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 5107; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::updateDuplicatedOfferNameList size = 3
( 6:18:32:514 | 20) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:32:618 | 104) APP Main: 1 0; 4775; APP-INFO ; DtUtil::ping es0.gsedge.net

( 6:18:32:655 | 37) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:32:674 | 19) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

( 6:18:32:679 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::
nonIncentiveAdList = [adType=22 adWeight=1, adType=27 adWeight=1, adType=26
adWeight=1, adType=28 adWeight=1]
( 6:18:32:680 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::
refreshSeconds 10
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setRefreshPeriod refreshPeriod = 10
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setRefreshPeriod setDelayTime = 10
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::interstitialList:
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::feelingLucky is
17,98,22,1 dailyCheckIn is 17,98,22 assistant is 17,98 videoLimitPeriod is 18 videoLimit is
9-2,4-1,6-1,3-1,45-1,36-1,33-5,7-2,118-1,110-1,119-0,120-5,128-5 vpnOfferwallList is
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::adConfig is
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::dingCreditOfferwallProviders is 2,5,8
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::configAboutDingCredit is
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::callEndAdList is
( 6:18:32:680 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::nativeAdConfig
( 6:18:32:683 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::commonConfig
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::appWallProviders is 27,39,22,34,44
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 118 times is
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 45 times is 1
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 110 times is
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 33 times is 5
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 120 times is
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 9 times is 2
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 3 times is 1
( 6:18:32:683 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 4 times is 1
( 6:18:32:684 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 128 times is
( 6:18:32:684 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 36 times is 1
( 6:18:32:684 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 7 times is 2
( 6:18:32:684 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 119 times is
( 6:18:32:684 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad type is 6 times is 1
( 6:18:32:684 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::setCommonConfig
commonConfigString =
( 6:18:32:685 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
commonConfigString =
( 6:18:32:687 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdQuotaControl::adQuotaItemJArray =
( 6:18:32:687 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
blackNativeAdList = [22, 34]
( 6:18:32:687 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
fbNativeIdControl = 0
( 6:18:32:687 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig:: appOWEnable
( 6:18:32:687 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
interstitialConfigIndex = 1
( 6:18:32:687 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::enableEnterAppShowAd = 0
( 6:18:32:687 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
interstitialAdListNew = [ { adType = 1 , adCount = 2 }, { adType = 28 , adCount = 2 }, { adType
= 39 , adCount = 2 }]
( 6:18:32:688 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
minVideoLimitCount = 10
( 6:18:32:688 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
grayRefreshTime = -1
( 6:18:32:691 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
nativeAdListJsonObject =
( 6:18:32:725 | 34) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
nativeAdList = checkinLoadingNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ;
feelLuckyLoadingNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ; endCallLoadingNativeAdList = [] ;
lotteryPurchaseLoadingNativeAdList = [] ; lotteryCheckLoadingNativeAdList = [] ;
lotteryClaimLoadingNativeAdList = [] ; checkinEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ;
feelLuckyEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ; endCallEndShowNativeAdList = [] ;
watchVideoEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112, 39, 124] ; lotteryBottomNativeAdList = [] ;
redeemNativeAdList = [] ; chatNativeAdList = [] ; videoOfferNativeAdList = [] ;
videoAfterVideoNativeAdList = [34, 22, 112, 39, 124] ; videoAfterInterstitialNativeAdList = [34,
22, 112, 39,
( 6:18:32:726 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::AdVpnAdManager CommonConfig videoAdListJsonObject = null
( 6:18:32:726 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::AdVpnAdManager CommonConfig videoAdList =
( 6:18:32:726 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::appWallInstallCount = 1
( 6:18:32:726 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::bannerCloseAdCount = 3
( 6:18:32:727 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::nativeAdClickToAdmobString =
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
videoAfterIntesitialCount = 1 videoAfterVideoCount = 5
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
videoAfterVideoWaitingTime = 5
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
loadingViewWaitingTime = 1
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
loadingViewAdMaskEnable = 0
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
checkinLoadingLeastShowTime = 4
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoAfterVideoWaitingTime = 5
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoSendingCredits = 0.5
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoRewardWaitingTime = 3
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::initNativeAdRatioControlMapWithString nativeAdRatioControlString =
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
areaClickControlString =
( 6:18:32:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
checkinEndAdDelayShowTime = 3
( 6:18:32:728 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::videoOfferCRate
= 0.2
( 6:18:32:728 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoEnable = 0
( 6:18:32:728 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoDemoEnable = 1
( 6:18:32:728 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
flurryNativeVideoDemoNoBlackEnable = 1
( 6:18:32:729 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
interstitialAdList =
( 6:18:32:729 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
interstitialAdPlacement =
( 6:18:32:730 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
interstitialAdLimit =
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
adPositionList =
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
VPNVideoLimitCountString =
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
VPNVideoTotalLimit = 2147483647
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
totalLimit = 2147483647
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
isVideoPreferCC = false
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
isKiipAdEnable = false
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
kiipARAdEnable = true
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
kiipARNotSupportDeviceEnable = true
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
chatNewThreeAdConfig data = ChatNewThreeAdConfig{overAll=1, surpriseTotalCount=3,
minTime=3, defaultTime=15, newUserSpaceTime=1,
accessBottomConfig=AccessBottomConfigBean{overAll=1, autoDismissTime=5},
accessRightDownConfig=AccessRightDownConfigBean{overAll=1, autoDismissTime=5,
chatSessionFreeTime=8, showChance=[0.5, 0.25, 0.25]}}
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::CommonConfig
mopubRequestMaxCount = 3
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::tapjoyKey =
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::feelingLuckyEndDelayTime = 4000
( 6:18:32:730 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::videoEndPlayInterstitialDisable = 0
( 6:18:32:731 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::IncentiveStr:
( 6:18:32:731 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::incentiveConfig:
IncentiveConfig{enableShow=1, reward=1, rewardCount=1}
( 6:18:32:731 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::adCountLimitForAdVpn: 28-2
( 6:18:32:731 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::nativeAdCountLimit: 124-2
( 6:18:32:731 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::initNativeAdRatioControlMapWithString nativeAdRatioControlString =
( 6:18:32:732 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdConfig::bill yddj
NativeAdRatioControl = me.dingtone.app.im.ad.r@af15b8b
( 6:18:32:732 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdConfig::NativeAdConfig
init success! nonIncentiveNoFree = [34, 22, 112] ; waitLoadingAdList = [34, 22] ;
endShowNativeAdList = [34, 22] ; nonIncentiveEx = [34, 22, 112] ; loadingNativeAdList = [22,
34] ; callRecentsNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112] ; assistNativeAdList = [34, 22, 112] ;
drawLotteryNativeAdList = [] ; nativeAdRebornTime = 1 ; callRecentsPeriod = 5
( 6:18:32:732 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdConfig::NativeAdConfig
result: nonIncentiveNoFree = [34, 22, 112];
waitLoadingAdList = [34, 22];
endShowNativeAdList = [34, 22];
nonIncentiveEx = [34, 22, 112];
drawLotteryNativeAdList = [];
loadingNativeAdList = [22, 34]
( 6:18:32:732 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::setAppWallProviders
( 6:18:32:735 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList appWallEnable = true
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList DynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initFreeAdList adType: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initRecentAdList mRecentAdList: [22, 34, 112]
( 6:18:32:735 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAssistNativeAdList mAssistNativeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:32:736 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 6:18:32:737 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist = [34, 22,
( 6:18:32:737 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 6:18:32:737 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist = [34, 22,
( 6:18:32:737 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 6:18:32:737 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::resetVideoList
server video list = 128,118,110,36,120,98,99
( 6:18:32:737 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::str is 28,111,1
( 6:18:32:737 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: get_credits
action: null label: 28,111,1 value: 0
( 6:18:32:738 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 6:18:32:738 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::vpn tapjoy offerwall
weight: 1.0
( 6:18:32:738 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight adConfig:
( 6:18:32:738 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight size: 2
( 6:18:32:738 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAdListResponse videoExList: 128,118,110,36,120,98,99, videoList:
6,7,98,99, offerWallWeightList: [adType=1 adWeight=1, adType=99 adWeight=1]
( 6:18:32:738 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAdListResponse screenADList = 28,111,1
( 6:18:32:744 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::lastAdVerCode
= 2691 server AdVerCode=2691
( 6:18:32:744 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setVPNOfferwallList offerwall list: 2,5,6,8,52,53,54,46,101
( 6:18:32:745 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isVPNShowInstallOnly: true
( 6:18:32:745 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setDingCreditOfferwallList offerwallList: 2,5,8
( 6:18:32:745 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isDingCreditShowInstallOnly: true
( 6:18:32:745 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoAdListString videoAdListString = 128,118,110,36,120,98,99
( 6:18:32:745 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoAdListString finally videoAdList = [128, 118, 110, 36, 120,
98, 99]
( 6:18:32:745 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoCountLimitString videoCountLimitString =
( 6:18:32:745 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoLimitPeriod videoLimitPeriod = 18
( 6:18:32:745 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:32:746 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; VideoInterstitialConfig::setUserId
userId = And.356244478977603-And.d04090de9712f6a2ef9fc3983103354e.skyvpn
( 6:18:32:746 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithIntersitialAdListString intersitialAdListString =
( 6:18:32:747 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
interstitialAdPlacementListString =
( 6:18:32:747 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithInterstitialAdLimit interstitialAdLimitString =
( 6:18:32:748 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::videoLimitCountVPNString =
( 6:18:32:748 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:32:748 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:32:748 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:32:748 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::adPositionListStr =
( 6:18:32:835 | 87) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::checkInviteHost success
( 6:18:32:835 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
invitationLinkAccessAttempt action: http://www.skyunlimit.net label: CO value: 1
( 6:18:32:871 | 36) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:32:919 | 48) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

creditViewSeperatePercent":"50","lotteryCountryPrize":"{\"1\":\"$20 Amazon Gift
Card\",\"default\":\"$20 Amazon Gift
( 6:18:32:935 | 16) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:32:946 | 11) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; ERRxxxxxx-->DynamicDomain is empty

( 6:18:32:946 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677;
ERRxxxxxx-->FeelingLuckySecondChanceConfig is empty
( 6:18:32:947 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:32:976 | 29) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigPropertyListResponse response =
DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=4066, errCode=0, reason='null', result=0}
versionCode = 4066 lotterySetting = {"lotteryTicketPriceCredits":3, "lottery_diversion_threshold":
isableDOffer":"0"} setting_config = {"isOnLine":1,"isOpenAllCountries":1,"userCCs":[{"CC":"CN"
( 6:18:32:976 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::creditToTrafficRatio= 25
( 6:18:32:976 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::queryInviterInfo
when update inviteMatchUrl
( 6:18:32:976 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Inivte::canMatchFriends : false
( 6:18:32:976 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; Inivte::user has already matched
, return
( 6:18:32:976 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigPropertyListResponse appseePercent: 0
( 6:18:32:977 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AppConfig::setAppseePercent
new appseePercent0 default percent = 5 app see enable = -1
( 6:18:32:983 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigPropertyListResponse mediabrixEnabled = false
interstitialAdEnabled = true supersonicadsPercent = 100 isFreecallFeedbackEnabled = false
psntCallReportRate = 0 freeCallReportRate = 0 closeKeyboardWaitTime = 10
showFlurryInMsgListEnable = true kiipReward = 60 blockedLanList = gaSampleRate = 100
gdtPlacementId = 1020415177762657 newPingEnabled = true reportKiip = true portoutEnable =
false s3TransformEnabled = false kazoolinkEnabled = true dingCreditConfig =
D","showRatio":10,"showRatio_interval":"25|50"}],"exceptCCList":["US","NZ","GB"]} VPNCCList
= {"period":{"CheckIn":{"day":0,"times":1},"WatchVide
( 6:18:32:983 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigPropertyListResponse kazoolinkConfig
( 6:18:32:983 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigPropertyListResponse flurryNativeConfig
( 6:18:32:984 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigPropertyListResponse inviteMatchUrl www.skvpn.me
( 6:18:32:984 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigPropertyListResponse appCommonConfig
( 6:18:33:272 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:33:273 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::onCheckAdPlacementInfoResponse downloadOfferSize 0other offer size0
( 6:18:33:274 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 5107; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::Begin
loadDataFromDB loadState = 1
( 6:18:33:295 | 21) APP Main: 1 0; 5107; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::Begin
loadDataFromDB clickedOfferListSize = 0 duplicateOfferNameList size = 3 completedOfferList
size = 0 undeterminedCompleteOfferList size = 0 tagedNewOffer map size = 0
( 6:18:33:308 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 5107; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::End
( 6:18:33:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::handleLoadDataCompleted completeOfferData size = 0
( 6:18:33:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::Begin
checkUndeterminedCompleteOfferList undeterminedOfferSize = 0
( 6:18:33:308 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AppIDConfigManager::needRequestAppIDConfigList update version = 0
( 6:18:33:326 | 18) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::handleCheckAdPlacementInfoResponse add banner offer list size 0
( 6:18:33:741 | 415) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::onStop
( 6:18:33:758 | 17) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
DTApplication::setAppInBackground : true
( 6:18:33:760 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DTApplication::App enter
( 6:18:33:769 | 9) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:33:773 | 4) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:33:773 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::onStop
( 6:18:33:773 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; NativeAdBannerView::setAlive
alive = false
( 6:18:33:773 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainActivity::onDestroy
( 6:18:33:774 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; DTActivity::dismissWaitingDialog
( 6:18:33:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::unitAdManager
activity = skyvpn.ui.activity.SkyMainActivity@dda58d3
( 6:18:33:774 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::deInitTapjoy
mTapjoyAd null
( 6:18:33:786 | 12) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryManager::Flurry
( 6:18:33:786 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdManager::deInitTremor
( 6:18:33:789 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:33:794 | 5) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 4

( 6:18:33:798 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 6:18:33:811 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AlertFactory::newProgress : 100

( 6:18:33:811 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AlertFactory::newProgress : 100
( 6:18:33:814 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:33:849 | 35) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
super_offerwall action: null label: null value: 0
( 6:18:33:906 | 57) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 6

( 6:18:33:906 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:33:979 | 73) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:33:995 | 16) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:34: 7 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 6

( 6:18:34: 7 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:34: 32 | 25) APP Main: 1 0; 5085; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:

bossPushMessage action: COL0312show label: true value: 0
( 6:18:34: 93 | 61) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:34:108 | 15) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 2

( 6:18:34:108 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:34:188 | 80) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl onError adError No Fill
( 6:18:34:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FbInterstitialServiceImpl::FbInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load fail
( 6:18:34:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
onAdLoadError___1236 _ErrorMsg{adType=1236,errorCode=4, errorMsg='load fail',
( 6:18:34:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::1236OWE_AD
_Ad has dealed next ad ,so do nothing
( 6:18:34:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='load fail', extraErrorData=}
( 6:18:34:211 | 23) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 2

( 6:18:34:212 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:34:311 | 99) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test

loadNextAd onAdLoaded ad = Italian Kitchen Cabinets ; getCallToAction() = Contact Us
( 6:18:34:311 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
Admob loadNextAd onAdLoaded null add cache
( 6:18:34:313 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdMobNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 1
( 6:18:34:313 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:34:389 | 76) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: admob_native
action: native_ad_loading_start label: value: 0
( 6:18:34:437 | 48) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
loadNextAd onAdLoaded
( 6:18:34:437 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: admob_native
action: native_ad_loading_success label: value: 0
( 6:18:34:462 | 25) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 2

( 6:18:34:462 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:34:619 | 157) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 2

( 6:18:34:620 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 6:18:34:747 | 127) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 5

( 6:18:34:747 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 6:18:34:848 | 101) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 7

( 6:18:34:849 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1
( 6:18:34:945 | 96) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:34:948 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:34:952 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 7

( 6:18:34:953 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 6:18:35: 50 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35: 56 | 6) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 6

( 6:18:35: 57 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:157 | 100) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 8

( 6:18:35:158 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:259 | 101) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 8

( 6:18:35:259 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:265 | 6) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:278 | 13) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:361 | 83) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 7
( 6:18:35:362 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):
RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:377 | 15) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:467 | 90) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):

ProxyRestCall,cmd name: feedback,cookie:12884901890zipped len:0

( 6:18:35:467 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:35:467 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:467 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondBestNES,has result but request already
finished,rtt(82),roundtrip(63),pirority(1) for server(
( 6:18:35:569 | 102) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:586 | 17) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:587 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):

ProxyRestCall,cmd name: feedback,cookie:17179869186zipped len:0

( 6:18:35:588 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:35:588 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:589 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondBestNES,has result but request already
finished,rtt(82),roundtrip(63),pirority(1) for server(
( 6:18:35:690 | 101) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 8

( 6:18:35:691 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:708 | 17) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:723 | 15) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:791 | 68) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 3

( 6:18:35:792 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:855 | 63) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;


( 6:18:35:868 | 13) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::onSuccess


( 6:18:35:868 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

SkyMainPresenter::refreshTopBalanceWithAnim success, user has not unblocked top,do not
( 6:18:35:884 | 16) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:35:892 | 8) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 3

( 6:18:35:894 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:35:903 | 9) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:36: 5 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRtcClient::Disconnect(edbc4b20):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:36: 5 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc89dfe00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:36: 5 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:36: 5 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc3323100tag: 1615071586,state: 3

( 6:18:36: 5 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100 generates

( 6:18:36: 5 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100,GetTag():
1615071586 close physical socket

( 6:18:36: 32 | 27) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:36: 53 | 21) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc3323100,
tag: 1615071586

( 6:18:36: 53 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc3323100 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : 60440962

( 6:18:36:106 | 53) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRtcClient::Disconnect(f2eccfa0):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:36:106 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc76e3e00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:36:109 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:36:109 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc1efaa00tag: 3742892916,state: 3

( 6:18:36:109 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00 generates

( 6:18:36:110 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00,GetTag():
3742892916 close physical socket

( 6:18:36:110 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed6c80

( 6:18:36:154 | 44) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc1efaa00,
tag: 3742892916

( 6:18:36:154 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc1efaa00 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : df180374

( 6:18:36:210 | 56) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7680

( 6:18:36:265 | 55) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:37:470 | 205) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:37:568 | 98) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:38:716 | 148) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):

ProxyRestCall,cmd name: feedback,cookie:21474836482zipped len:0

( 6:18:38:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:38:716 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:38:716 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondBestNES,has result but request already
finished,rtt(82),roundtrip(63),pirority(1) for server(
( 6:18:38:982 | 266) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 3
( 6:18:38:983 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):
RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:38:993 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::admob onAdLoaded
( 6:18:38:993 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load ready
( 6:18:38:993 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::OWE_AD
( 6:18:38:993 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; LogInterstitial::28_Ad OWE_AD
has dealed next ad ,so do nothing
( 6:18:38:993 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
( 6:18:38:993 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyMainPresenter::bill test
loadInterstitial onAdCached adProviderType = 28
( 6:18:39: 83 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 3

( 6:18:39: 83 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 6:18:39:184 | 101) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 4

( 6:18:39:185 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 6:18:39:285 | 100) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 4

( 6:18:39:285 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 6:18:39:435 | 150) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:39:486 | 51) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRtcClient::Disconnect(f2ecc280):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:39:486 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a0c00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0
( 6:18:39:486 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:39:487 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc8a25080tag: 2374172892,state: 3

( 6:18:39:487 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080 generates

( 6:18:39:487 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080,GetTag():
2374172892 close physical socket

( 6:18:39:517 | 30) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc8a25080,
tag: 2374172892

( 6:18:39:517 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc8a25080 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : 8d8300dc

( 6:18:39:587 | 70) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7180

( 6:18:40:393 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test

onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:40:394 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:40:394 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test
onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 6:18:41:144 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:41:145 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 4

( 6:18:41:145 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1
( 6:18:41:151 | 6) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:41:248 | 97) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:41:248 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 4

( 6:18:41:249 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 6:18:41:366 | 117) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 5

( 6:18:41:368 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 6:18:41:446 | 78) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:41:501 | 55) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 5

( 6:18:41:502 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 6:18:42:744 | 242) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: sky_ads

action: facebook_request_success label: null value: 0
( 6:18:42:744 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::FB
loadNextAd onAdLoaded ad = com.facebook.ads.NativeAd@18f67f9
( 6:18:42:744 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; FBNativeAdLoader::onAdLoaded
is NativeAd sFBNativeAdLoaderListener = null
( 6:18:42:744 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
FBNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds not cache , app is in background
( 6:18:43:195 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:43:250 | 55) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 5

( 6:18:43:251 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1
( 6:18:43:340 | 89) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:43:353 | 13) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 5

( 6:18:43:354 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 6:18:43:459 | 105) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:43:559 | 100) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 6

( 6:18:43:559 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:43:648 | 89) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:43:661 | 13) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 6

( 6:18:43:661 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:45:571 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:45:606 | 35) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 6

( 6:18:45:607 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:45:655 | 48) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:45:707 | 52) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 6
( 6:18:45:707 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):
RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 6:18:45:811 | 104) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:45:910 | 99) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 7

( 6:18:45:910 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 6:18:45:951 | 41) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:46: 20 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 7

( 6:18:46: 24 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 6:18:46:780 | 756) APP Main: 1 0; 4775; APP-INFO ; DtUtil::ping es1.gsedge.net

( 6:18:46:784 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 4775; APP-INFO ; superofferwall::back db path =
( 6:18:46:787 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 4775; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::backupSuperOfferwallDataIntoSDCard successfully!
( 6:18:47:996 | 209) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:48: 19 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:48: 31 | 12) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 7

( 6:18:48: 31 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 6:18:48:140 | 109) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 7

( 6:18:48:140 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 6:18:48:871 | 731) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:48:889 | 18) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test

loadNextAd onAdLoaded ad = Kitchen Cabinet Showroom In NJ ; getCallToAction() = Visit Site
( 6:18:48:889 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test
Admob loadNextAd onAdLoaded null add cache
( 6:18:48:889 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
AdMobNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 0
( 6:18:48:931 | 42) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:48:978 | 47) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test

loadNextAd onAdLoaded
( 6:18:48:978 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category: admob_native
action: native_ad_loading_success label: value: 0
( 6:18:48:982 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 8

( 6:18:48:986 | 4) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:49: 88 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 8

( 6:18:49: 89 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:49:116 | 27) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:49:142 | 26) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:49:225 | 83) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 8

( 6:18:49:226 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:49:349 | 123) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:1tag: 8

( 6:18:49:350 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:8,pdu:1

( 6:18:49:826 | 476) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:49:834 | 8) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:49:899 | 65) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):

ProxyRestCall,cmd name: feedback,cookie:25769803778zipped len:0

( 6:18:49:899 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:49:899 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:49:899 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondBestNES,has result but request already
finished,rtt(82),roundtrip(63),pirority(1) for server(
( 6:18:49:973 | 74) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:49:974 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 8 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:50: 65 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):

ProxyRestCall,cmd name: feedback,cookie:30064771074zipped len:0

( 6:18:50: 65 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:50: 66 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:50: 66 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondBestNES,has result but request already
finished,rtt(82),roundtrip(63),pirority(1) for server(
( 6:18:50:170 | 104) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):
ProxyRestCall,cmd name: feedback,cookie:34359738370zipped len:0
( 6:18:50:170 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):
Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:50:171 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:50:171 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondBestNES,has result but request already
finished,rtt(82),roundtrip(63),pirority(1) for server(
( 6:18:50:219 | 48) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:50:272 | 53) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188):

ProxyRestCall,cmd name: feedback,cookie:38654705666zipped len:0

( 6:18:50:272 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75):

Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 9

( 6:18:50:273 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677; WARN*****-->Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220):

RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:9,pdu:1

( 6:18:50:273 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CPingMgr::OnRespondBestNES,has result but request already
finished,rtt(82),roundtrip(63),pirority(1) for server(
( 6:18:50:422 | 149) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;
CRtcClient::Disconnect(f2eccf50):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:50:422 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5c00 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:50:422 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:50:422 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc1efa780tag: 3452895999,state: 3

( 6:18:50:422 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780 generates
( 6:18:50:423 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780,GetTag():
3452895999 close physical socket

( 6:18:50:538 | 115) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc1efa780,
tag: 3452895999

( 6:18:50:538 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc1efa780 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : cdcf02ff

( 6:18:50:538 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7540

( 6:18:50:586 | 48) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:50:603 | 17) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRtcClient::Disconnect(f2ecc910):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:50:603 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a1200 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:50:604 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:50:604 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc775ca80tag: 1074004214,state: 3

( 6:18:50:604 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80 generates

( 6:18:50:604 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80,GetTag():
1074004214 close physical socket

( 6:18:50:639 | 35) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc775ca80,
tag: 1074004214

( 6:18:50:639 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc775ca80 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : 400400f6

( 6:18:50:694 | 55) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):

RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:50:704 | 10) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRtcClient::Disconnect(edbc48f0):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:50:704 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc76e2600 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:50:704 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:50:704 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc8a24e00tag: 3507552417,state: 3

( 6:18:50:704 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00 generates

( 6:18:50:704 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed72c0

( 6:18:50:704 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00,GetTag():
3507552417 close physical socket

( 6:18:50:751 | 47) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:396): Close ClientVSocket object 0xc8a24e00,
tag: 3507552417

( 6:18:50:751 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2184): ClientVSocket 0xc8a24e00 -->
VSOCK_CLOSED, tag : d11100a1
( 6:18:50:787 | 36) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117):
RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 9 hResult: GENERAL-SUCCESS 0

( 6:18:50:806 | 19) APP Tp: 1 0; 4773; WARN*****-->Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1144):

Delete TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0xc2ed7040

( 6:18:50:811 | 5) APP Core: 1 0; 4677; APP-INFO ;

CRtcClient::Disconnect(f2ecce10):enter,m_bConnected=1,m_bDestroyed=0; serv
( 6:18:50:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;
WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:679): XipClientProvider 0xc55a5600 ->
connectWaiting,autoconnect: 0

( 6:18:50:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:235): XipDisconnect,bCloseConnection:
1,bNotifyConnectConfirm: 0,bNotifyDisconnect: 1

( 6:18:50:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:374): Shutdown ClientVSocket object
0xc3323600tag: 2163409430,state: 3

( 6:18:50:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1905): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600 generates

( 6:18:50:811 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 4677;

WARN*****-->Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2531): ClientVSocket 0xc3323600,GetTag():
2163409430 close physical socket

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