FS3 Principles in Teaching P.7

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Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3

An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Exploring how websites look like

 From your previous experience, describe a website that you have visited. Describe its
physical features, the kind of information it contains, and its purpose.

Website Visited Physical Feature Kind of Information Purpose

 Go the library or to the Learning Resource Center, (or use your own
computer/laptop). Visits five websites. Describe these five websites.

Five Website Description

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 7: Using Websites as Sources of Subject Matter Content

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Classifying the different types of websites and the kinds of information they contain

Types of Website Description of the Kind of Material or Information

Contained therein

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 7: Using Websites as Sources of Subject Matter Content

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Knowing and differentiating education websites and the kinds of information they

 From the types of websites that you have identified, are these sites that contain
educational materials? Differentiate the sites containing materials for educational
purposes from those which do not. Identify and describe the high points where
educational and no-educational materials differ.

Types of Website Description of the Site that Contains Materials for

Educational Purposes

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 7: Using Websites as Sources of Subject Matter Content

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 Interview a teacher on technology and request him to teach you the basic steps of
developing an educational website. Write down the steps.

 From your observation, along what subject area/s are the content and materials of
the websites most useful especially in terms of enriching the subject matter?
Identify the kind of content that is useful for a subject or a particular subject
matter. What insights can you advance for this?

Subject/Subject Matter Content and Materials of the Insights


Outcome-Based Learning Experience 7: Using Websites as Sources of Subject Matter Content

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Planning for appropriate use of websites for teaching learning

 When I become a teacher, what will you do to make sure that materials from
websites will help me attain my objectives? What will I do to make sure that student
learning becomes more easy, fun and enjoyable with content from the websites?

 When I become a teacher, what will I do to influence others to maximize website

content as teaching material focusing on discriminate and careful use?

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 7: Using Websites as Sources of Subject Matter Content

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 Observe a class where the teacher plans to use website material in teaching. What
part of the lesson was the website material used? Do you think that the material is
appropriate to the subject matter and enriched the concepts? Give your reasons.

Part of the Lesson Appropriate to the Subject Reasons

Matter and Enriched the
Concepts (Put ̸ mark, if so)

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 7: Using Websites as Sources of Subject Matter Content

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Developing a list of educational websites

 Come up with a list of educational websites and share this with your peers.

List of Educational Websites

 Develop a power point presentation on the steps in developing an educational


 Together with peers, try to develop a website using the basic steps/

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 7: Using Websites as Sources of Subject Matter Content

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