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KINGDOM OF English Language Department

SAUDI ARABIA Course Course Code: ENG 2110

Ministry Of Title: Intr. Literary Criticism
Course Exam Wednesday
Instructor: Dr. Bechir Saoudi Date: 06 - 5 – 1441 H

Time: 2 Hours No. of pages: 4 Total Marks: 50

Final Exam
Academic Year 1441 H, First Semester
Student Name: Academic
Questions Question Question 2 Question3 Question Question Question6 Question 7 Obtained
1 4 5 Marks:
Marks / 12 / 14 /10 /14 /50
Coursework Total Marks /50
Final Exam Marks /50
Total Marks /100
Course Instructor Signature Dr. B.

True or False? (12 marks)

-The exposition is the place in the plot where the -The bourgeoisie present their political, economic,
setting, characters, and conflict are resolved. ___ and social structures as the only reasonable ones.
-Introverts prefer a more deliberate pace. ___
-The resolution occurs when the conflict is
-Feminist critics believe that Western literature
introduced. ___
reflects a masculine bias. ___
-Thinkers don't weigh pros and cons objectively.
-Feelers tend to be cooperative and sensitive. ___
-Extroverts are not good at multitasking. ___
-To assume means to refuse without proof, to
-Women have traditionally been portrayed as suppose. ___
independent from men. ___
-To interact means to communicate and react to
-For Marxists, social values reflect material other people. ___
goals, not abstract ideals. ___

Match parts of sentences from A with the corresponding parts in B (14 marks)

1- When a young woman has a baby, and a- what aspects of feminine life are
comes back into the workplace, she’s included in the work.
generally still nursing that child… b- That’s a very tough moment for
2- So I think the secret is that women… women!
3- Reading or viewing from a feminist c- suggesting that the languages
perspective includes examining… themselves reflect a patriarchal
4- I am among the ranks of women whose… worldview.
5- Don't make characters say ridiculous d- of women must be noted and
things… confronted.
6- All evidence of feminine nurture, healing,… e- of male standards to the female
7- A feminist critic views literature as a means personality.
by which inequities… f- no one ever says.
8- You have nothing to lose… g- expressions are seen as too strong.
9- Whoever controlled the means of h- can be identified, protested, and
production… possibly rectified.
10- The feminist critic rejects any application… i- but your chains.
11- The external barriers… j- for Cinderella is beauty.
12- The basis of the prince’s love at first sight… k- have fallen.
13- Some feminist scholars have even dissected l- have to invite men into the
individual words in Western languages, conversation.
14- Social, economic, and political m- in a society controlled the society.
exploitation… n- life giving and restoring are examined.

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Fill in the blanks with words from the list (10 marks)

A/ insist, including, harm, about, from, which, vice versa, issues, courtship, assumption, arguments.

-In order to repair the potential ____________________ done and achieve balance, feminist critics
____________________ that works by and ____________________ women should be added to the
literary canon and read ____________________ a feminist perspective.
-One basic ____________________ of the feminist perspective is that gender determines everything,
____________________ values and the ways language is used.
-One of the big ____________________ I’m making is that I think most men today, certainly most
men I know, want women to succeed…
-The differences in the topics or ____________________ about which men and women write, and the
differing viewpoints from ____________________ men and women write, must be noted.
-The female personality must be judged independently from the male personality and
-We can also examine the theme of ____________________ and marriage in Cinderella.

B/ normative, leadership, incomplete, bear, another, valid, undeniable, pace, note.

-A feminist critic will ____________________ how male and female characters in the work of
literature interact with one ____________________ in a variety of contexts.
-All views must be respected as equally ____________________.
-And it’s not a ____________________ statement: It’s not that one is better than the other. But they
feel different. The ____________________ of life is different. The ____________________ styles are
-Feminist critics explore literature for portrayals of the concept that men and women are each
____________________ without the other.
-I think we haven’t dealt enough with the sheer ____________________ fact that women are
biologically different than men, and critically that women ____________________ children and men

Answer the following questions (14 marks)

What is the difference between third-person observant and third-person omniscient points of view? (2)


What are the four main areas of study in Marxist criticism? (4)

1) ______________________ 3) ______________________

2) ______________________ 4) ______________________

Identify and describe the two main classes of society according to Marx. (2)

1) ___________________________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________________________

By "masses", Karl Marx means ______________________________________________________(1)

Marxists believe that literature can ___________________________________________________ (1)

Compare the adjectives "objective" and "subjective" and give examples. (4)







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