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KINGDOM OF English Language Department

SAUDI ARABIA Course Course Code:

Ministry Of Title: American Literature ENG 4850
Course Exam Wednesday
Instructor: Dr. Bechir Saoudi Date: 21 - 4 – 1441 H

Time: 2 Hours No. of pages: 4 Total Marks: 50

Final Exam
Academic Year 1441 H, First Semester
Student Name: Academic
Questions Question Question 2 Question3 Question Question Question6 Question 7 Obtained
1 4 5 Marks:
Marks / 13 / 13 /7 /7 /10 /50
Coursework Total Marks /50
Final Exam Marks /50
Total Marks /100
Course Instructor Signature Dr.

Fill in the blanks with words from the list (13 marks)


will, useful, theology, seems, scholar, Raging, necessitate, lest, divine, counsel,
congregation, celebrated, Bonifacius, bedfellow.

Franklin said to Mather's son, who also was a Boston minister, that if I have been a
____________________ citizen it is because of ____________________.
Children, be afraid of going prayerless to bed ____________________ the Devil be your
Born to a rich Puritan family in Northampton, England, Bradstreet was a well-read
____________________, especially influenced by the works of French poet Du Bartas, who was
____________________ for his ____________________ poetry.
And the one career that really ____________________ suited for him is the ministry because that
does ____________________ great intellectual power, a great understanding of the bible and

And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the
____________________ and the heart to get here.
A pastor gives advice and ____________________ to people from the ____________________ or

____________________ fires have consumed over 200000 acres and left douzens dead.

whole, turn, tragedy, Puritan, numbered, hires, height, grief, grave, era, destroyed, alienating.

Increase Mather dies early in the 1720s when he's about 90, and Cotton Mather follows him to the
____________________ just a few years later.
In this poem “Upon the Burning of Our House”, Anne Bradstreet rejects the anger and
____________________ that this worldly ____________________ has caused her.
His father ____________________ him to be his assistant, and of course Increase Mather, at this
time, is at the ____________________ of his career…
Her personal library was said to have ____________________ over 9000 books, although many
were ____________________ when her home burned down.
He wrote to Mather's son that it was that book that gave him a ____________________ of thinking
that influenced his ____________________ life.
He is one of the most brilliant men of his ____________________, and has a way of
____________________ people. As I said, he has one foot in this world of science and another in
the world of ____________________ theology.

True or False? (13 marks)

Cotton Mather was trying to explore scientific curiosities. ___
Franklin was one of the most brilliant students in the history of Harvard. ___
Increase Mather was the leader of the Puritan movement in the late 19th century. ___
The last witch trial ended early 1693. ___
The Mathers were not involved in the prosecution of Quakers in the 1660s. ___
The only position open to Anne Bradstreet was as the assistant pastor at her father's church. ___
A Puritan is a person who is strict in moral or religious matters. ___
Anne Bradstreet was born in England to a Puritan family. ___
Ben Franklin enters Harvard when he's about 10 years old. ___

Ben Franklin started to work with his brothers in a print shop at the age of 12. ___
Grave is another name for cemetery. ___
Cotton Mather had a very distinguished theological pedigree. ___
Cotton Mather is one of the most misunderstood figures in the history of Boston. ___

Match parts of statements in A with the corresponding parts in B (7 marks)

1- He fitted the legs of his armchair… a- little chunks of time.
2- Group things into… b- fueled the witchcraft hysteria in the Salem
3- God would not allow a good… community.
4- Cotton Mather is interested in the good of c- And piteous shrieks of dreadful voice.
New England, … d- And not to leave me succourless.
5- Comfort the grieving person… e- and giving back to the community.
6- A recent smallpox epidemic… f- against the trials at the end.
7- To strengthen me in my distress… g- with genuine sympathy.
8- We have done everything that could be h- with curved pieces of wood.
done… i- the good in all of its ways.
9- The people of Salem turned… j- will bring to our ears the clash of
10- The next gale that sweeps from the resounding arms.
north… k- to avert the storm which is now coming on.
11- Spectral evidence is part… l- person's image to be used by a witch.
12- My love is such that rivers cannot quench, m- of the prosecution of witches in Salem in
… 1692.
13- I wakened was with thundering noise… n- Nor ought but love from thee give
14- He had a passion for “paying it recompense.

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Answer the following questions (7 marks)

What does tyranny mean? _____________________________________________________

What was Thomas Paine's Common Sense about?


What does "putting the cart before the house" mean?


Who were the most influential writers of the Colonial Period?

_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Write a 10-line paragraph about romanticism. (10 marks)











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