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2019 Industry Report

Small business mobile

payment opportunities

2019 Industry Report 3

Contents: Introduction
Mobile payments: behaviours and
perceptions amongst retailers in Croatia
vs. rest of EU
Merchants in Croatia are ready for better
mobile payments
Mobile payments without hardware
Why Settle?

2019 Industry Report 5

In many ways, technology
and innovation in Croatia is
According to the Croatian Employers’ Association, HUP, and their report:
State of the Croatian ICT Sector in 2017, there are more than 36,000
people working in Croatia’s tech sector, producing over 36 billion kuna
of revenue for the country. Of the total new jobs in Croatia, half are
in the ICT/tech sector. Software development is the fastest growing
employment segment overall in the last 10 years and the ICT/tech sector Later in the report, we’ll
in Croatia has the second highest added economic value per employee.
cover some ways to use
Further, 1.5 million citizens use the eGovernment service launched in
2014 which is available for use within 43 public eServices. This method mobile to increase sales and
of electronic identification is not the norm in many other parts of Europe
and it enables many common personal and household administrative improve marketing efforts for
tasks to be performed digitally with ease.
However, the 2019 Bloomberg Innovation Index has also ranked the
nation as one of the lowest scoring EU-nations on this front, dropping
two places to sit at position 44 (out of 60 countries). And, when it comes
to payments technology, for both merchants and consumers, there’s

2019 Industry Report 7

a distinct gap between the adoption in the region, they’re well-adopted and With such a large number of locals The additional benefits to retailers
and acceptance of alternative payment perform strongly. Croatia was also the and tourists alike relying on their using certain types of mobile
methods and the readiness for such first Central European country in the smartphones for information and other payment apps vs. cash are many.
services. continent chosen by Google to launch services, many existing cash transactions These are outlined below, but in
Google Pay. could easily become mobile payment summary, include:
Almost three-quarters (72%) of all transactions.
transactions in the region are cash- On the consumer side, there is strong • Access to additional data points
driven payments. In fact, after Lithuania, interest in better ways to pay. But, it’s not A recent WorldPay global payments to help inform their overall
Croatia has the highest share of cash just locals that would benefit from better report mused, “Payments represent marketing strategy
payments. Auka’s own research (a survey and easier payment solutions for their the sum of our experiences. Payments • An increased ability to be “found”
of 1,000 consumers within Croatia from everyday purchases. document our needs, our desires, and our by new customers
September 2018) found that whilst 85% ever-shifting values.” • Increased security and control
use debit cards, 86% of respondents Tourists to Croatia outnumber locals • Convenience
predominantly pay for goods and services by an average of almost three to one. One company currently addressing • Saving money
with cash that they’ve withdrawn from an As of 2015, 86% of people bring their this need, predominantly for its home- • An increased cash-flow visibility
ATM. There are strong indicators that this smartphone with them on holiday. As it’s market tourists initially, is Alipay. Already - what’s going, what’s coming -
is not due to lack of interest. The same now four years on, this figure has likely cementing their footprint in several which helps small businesses to
consumer-focused survey found that 52% risen. European tourist destinations whose better plan ahead
of respondents indicated that they’d like
to be able to use their smartphones to
pay if that was an option.

Further, there are many factors at play

which seem at odds to a slow digital
payments uptick. Croatia was one of the
first countries in Europe, for example, to
introduce electronic bill payments for
both parking and invoices. When new
payments focused services (e.g. Uber,
Revolut and TransferWise) are introduced

2019 Industry Report 9

businesses serve many Chinese tourists, reasons they cite for this preference - e.g.
the company has also now been awarded convenience - can be both overcome
an e-money license in Luxembourg. and outweighed by alternative solutions
When the EU’s second payment services which seek to provide more benefits than
directive (PSD2) which mandates open drawbacks. Some of these benefits will be
banking comes into effect in September outlined in the coming pages.
this year, Alipay will be able to create
mobile payments services for customers With the race to the cashless society
all over Europe. They could, for example, well and truly underway, this report will
create a local service for Croatian locals cover the current perception of Croatian
and European tourists to Croatia which SMEs vs. the rest of the European Union
connects direct to the bank accounts of regarding mobile payments and their key
those using it - leaving the local banks business challenges. It will also address
and card companies out in the cold the readiness of Croatian retailers when it
when it comes to payments data access comes to mobile for both payments and
or associated revenue. It could just as sales/marketing. Finally, it will provide
easily be Facebook or Google who does detail about the mobile technologies -
something similar, both companies particularly those concerning payments In this report, we’ll cover:
having their own European e-money - that retailers do and will have at their
licenses. disposal when it comes to increasing
sales and customer acquisition. • Current perception of Croatian SMEs vs.
Having no local defence in place prior to the rest of the European Union regarding
these services launching leaves a region mobile payments
vulnerable. It’s not solely issuing banks
or card companies who will miss out, but
• The readiness of Croatian retailers when
local retailers won’t have any opportunity
it comes to mobile for both payments
to become part of the solution or
influence its functionality.
and sales/marketing.

Whilst a large portion of Croatian • Detail about the mobile technologies

merchants still prefer cash, some of the available for retailers to increase sales
and customer acquisition.

2019 Industry Report 11

Key findings from Croatia

Mobile payments: Online presence

behaviour and 92% online presence in Croatia

perception amongst 88% average online presence in EU

retailers in Croatia vs. Overall, almost all (92%) of those

businesses surveyed have some type
accepted contactless mobile payments
(like Google Pay). This is slightly higher

rest of EU of online presence (vs. 88% average).

The top reasons cited for their online
presence include: drive more revenue:
than the average of 32%.

Across the EU, the businesses most likely

37% (vs. 38% average across all to accept a form of mobile payments
In January 2019, Auka commissioned a survey* of 28,000 respondents) and retain and acquire (either contactless or any other type of
service, retail and hospitality small and medium businesses new customers (34% - this is the same as mobile-based payment) are hospitality
across the 28 EU regions average). businesses serving food or drinks. The
types of businesses least likely to accept
Outlined are some of the key findings from Croatia. Of those who answered that they don’t payments other than cash appear to be
have any online presence, 43% said they service providers and smaller merchants
intend to within the next two years (vs. (for example those selling tobacco or
46% average) and a further 31% said they convenience goods).
weren’t sure.
Of those Croatian respondents who didn’t
The majority (86%) accept cash and select mobile payments as an accepted
almost three quarters also accept cards payments method, 45% indicated that
(72% vs. average of 78%). they would look to within the next year
and a further 37% said they weren’t sure
Just over two-thirds (35%) said they if they would or not.

2019 Industry Report 13

Of those Croatian respondents who didn’t select mobile payments as an

When asked about what issues they had The major reasons for selecting cash
accepted payments method
with accepting cash, around half (52%) as their preferred payment method
of all surveyed Croatian businesses said included: preference and convenience.
45% would look to it they didn’t currently face any issues.
Those issues they did have mirrored the When asked which payment trend they
37% not sure EU averages. Almost two in five (37%) predicted would gain the most traction
said cash was time-consuming overall vs. in the coming ten years, the majority
digital payments vs. the average of 38% (77%) of Croatian respondents answered:
from across the EU sample who raised the mobile payments (both contactless and
Cash as preferred method of payment acceptance same primary concerns with cash. other types). Across the EU, there were
a combined 72% who answered with
Respondents had less issues around the same. Mobile payments are clearly
card-acceptance. On average, around recognised as the top payment trend

86% Cash three-quarters (73%) of all respondents

said they didn’t have any issues and this
across the continent as well as locally.

was mirrored in the Croatian response. Respondents were split when asked
72% Card The concerns Croatian respondents did whether they thought neighbouring
have were primarily around time (9%) regions would be more or less likely
and transaction costs compared to value to adopt new payments technology
35% Mobile payment
of accepting cards (9%). compared to themselves. 21% said they
thought their neighbours would be more
The favoured method of payment likely to take up the payments innovation
86% 72% 35% acceptance for surveyed merchants mantle, 17% said less likely and 21%
across the EU and Croatia remains said they thought their neighbours
cash, with almost two-thirds (61%) were equally as likely to introduce new
selecting cash as their preferred payment payment technology. The remainder
Favoured method of payment acceptance acceptance method. In Croatia, this weren’t sure. There was only a point
was slightly higher (62%). Given the or so difference here and there when

Croatia 24% 62% current payment alternatives in market,

predictably, card came in second (24%
compared to general perception amongst
all respondents. It seems all countries in
Croatia, 25% across the EU). the EU think very similarly about their
EU 25% 61% 28,000 surveyed
card cash

2019 Industry Report 15

neighbouring countries ability to outdo the top three barriers to increasing sales We know that in the end, the winning
(or not) them when it comes to the came back as: payments app or method will be that
introduction of payments technology. which gains ubiquitous approval. On
1. Competitors - either being average, more than half of both Croatian
In Croatia, 62% of those surveyed said perceived as having better and EU respondents alike (55%) said if
that the government influences, either a services or products (94% vs. EU there was one payment app available on
little or a lot, how they currently accept average response of 53%) smartphones to everyone in their region,
payments. This is important to know; the they would use it to offer their goods or
success of mobile payments in Croatia 2. Not enough people know about services directly in the app. Only 19% said
depends then on the government’s my brand (85% vs. EU average they wouldn’t use such an app whilst a
willingness to progress with technological response of 34%) further 26% said they weren’t sure.
3. Knowledge and capability (37%
When asked what marketing activities vs. EU average response of 24%).
they undertook in order to attract new
customers, just over two-thirds (35%) Fundamentally, all of the above perceived
of Croatian respondents said they used barriers could be largely addressed
physical advertising. Only 3% said with improved marketing strategy and Payment trends that will gain the most traction within the next 10 years
they used unpaid social media to try abilities. The ability to gain a competitive
to attract new customers, while 4% edge and a clear channel for improved
said loyalty programmes. The ability marketing are amongst the benefits
to market to new customers using
social and mobile channels therefore
addressed in the following section.
77% Mobile payment
(contactless and other types)
presents as an extremely valuable and Almost a quarter (24%) of surveyed
untapped opportunity amongst surveyed
Croatian business respondents answered
that the most important factors of a
72% Mobile payment
(contactless and other types)
proposed payments acceptance solution
When we asked respondents what their for them would be the ability to engage
biggest obstacles were when it came to with and acquire new customers. A
increasing sales, we allowed more than further 24% said ease of use would be the
one choice to be selected. In Croatia, most important factor.


2019 Industry Report 17

Mobile payments
Small businesses in represent a global
paying how the locals pay - we know also
that there’s an ever-increasing reliance
on the personal smartphone amongst

Croatia are ready mega-trend.


A Google study in conjunction with

for better mobile A Juniper Research study from last

year heralded 2019 as the year that we
PhocusWright last year found that, on
average, more than half of all travellers
who use smartphones were comfortable

payments would see in excess of 2.1 billion mobile

payments users.
with using a smartphone to research,
book and plan their entire trip.

Another Juniper Research report, The same Google report found that 70%
“Digital Commerce: Key Trends, Sectors of surveyed US travellers “always” use
& Forecasts 2018-2022,” found that the their smartphones when travelling to
largest global contributor to mobile research activities or attractions, locate
payments are QR code-based offline shopping areas and restaurants and for
purchases for physical goods. The directions.
report also found the money transfers,
strengthened by social payments, would Across the oceans, to Scandinavia.
be another key growth area. It noted There are predictions that Sweden is
that the likes of PayPal with Venmo and set to become cashless by 2023, with
Facebook were in a great position to others to follow suit. A 700% increase
capitalise on this space, initially, with P2P in Scandinavian (amongst whom cash
payments. is rarely used) tourists to Croatia, was
reported last year.
The introduction to this report spoke a
little about tourists to Croatia. Whilst With mobile payments sweeping across
tourists to new countries generally fall Europe, it makes sense that merchants,
in line with the norm - and this includes who in some way serve tourists, look at

2019 Industry Report 19

“One strong
ways of capitalising on this trend when correlation What PSD2 will
it comes to improving the traveller’s
experience - including payments. holding back mean for the
Whilst a large portion of Croatian development banking industry
merchants still prefer cash, some of the
reasons they cite for this preference - is perhaps With EU legislation, PSD2, mandating
e.g. convenience - can be overcome and that all banks must open account access
outweighed by alternative solutions retailer to licensed third-parties come September
which seek to provide more benefits than this year, it’s the perfect time for banks,
drawbacks. Some of these benefits will be reliance on retailers, other distributors and the
outlined in the next section. government to come together and create
cash.” a unified digital payments channel. The
Three quarters of Croatians use Facebook Croatian government are clearly thought
and Instagram is the fastest growing by the business community to have an
social media platform in the region. The Croatian public has clearly important role to play in unification
demonstrated a reliance on and love of of payment. As per the last section,
From our own and third-party research, digital for common online activity. our research found that 62% of survey implementation entities, like this one
we can see that small businesses in respondents think that the government created by the UK’s competition and
Croatia are extremely likely to have some Merchants in the region clearly also has a little or a lot of influence over how markets authority. To date, there hasn’t
kind of online presence (92% of those understand the power of social to build they take payment. With payments being been a similar body created in Croatia. A
businesses surveyed in Croatia) but this trust and relationships with a combined key to the advancement of the region’s body such as this helps oversee software
does not necessarily translate to having 49% saying they have an online presence digital economy, their involvement and standards and industry guidelines to help
e-commerce functionality. for the primary purposes of increasing sanction over locally operated systems is drive competition and innovation - what
customer engagement and retaining and imperative. PSD2’s open banking directions set out to
Perhaps a continued reliance on cash for acquiring new customers. It’s time for achieve.
payments is one of the core reasons for payment transactions to be included in Because PSD2 mandates open banking,
this. their digital experience. some regions are setting up territory The very real risk that local banks and
bodies face by not creating a PSD2-ready
mobile payments solution for local
businesses to utilise is that when allowed,

2019 Industry Report 21

international third-parties will launch local parties have a time and personal
compelling, direct-to-account solutions market insight advantage. It’s also
of their own. We previously spoke about been demonstrated in Scandinavia, for
how Facebook and Google, for example, example, that when there’s a local market
have European licenses to do this, as solution in place which has significant
does Alipay. They also have the muscle local uptake, these same tech behemoths
and money to aggressively market their delay launching their own solutions
solutions to merchants and consumers. here, focusing instead on regions where
nothing exists.
The one thing we can be sure of is that
whatever any of these exemplified Having digital solutions in place which go
companies launch, it will go beyond beyond payment and enables retailers
a basic payment experience and offer to use the channel as a sales and
something of real value to their intended marketing tool goes a long way toward
customers. For example, in the US the addressing these barriers to success. At
most popular mobile wallet doesn’t the same time, the widespread use of a
come from Apple or Google who, for mobile wallet which is backed by large
now, simply offer a payment experience banks, distributors and the government
which replicates that of your existing achieves many positives. For example, it whether they want mobile payments, technology, consumer trends, local digital
contactless card. No, the most popular helps to cut down on fraudulent activity, specifically. behaviour across the board and now
wallet is from… Starbucks. simplifies tax reporting, increases the large tech companies pushing EU regions
visibility of its merchant users and makes Instead, local bodies must analyse forward. Ready or not...
This comes as a surprise to many but payment much more convenient for the the environmental factors at play to
it really shouldn’t. All that Starbucks general public. determine what is actually meant by
(and other popular retail chains like “readiness”. Better ways to pay and
Walmart and Dunkin’ Donuts) have done The heading of this section is around solutions to common consumer and
is solve customer problems and wrapped Croatian merchant readiness for mobile business pain points using mobile
payment around it. payments. To determine this readiness, payments are coming.
we would argue that it’s not so much
Of course, the tech giants are likely to about asking businesses in the region This is driven by legislative factors,
launch and market these solutions but

2019 Industry Report 23

The benefits of mobile We know that many of Croatia’s 118,000

POS terminals accept contactless
payments. According to MasterCard
successful mobile payment proposition.
Examples of regions nailing it with this
platform model include Scandinavia and

payments without research, since 2014, there has been a

spike in the use of contactless cards from
10% to 73% and 87% of POS terminals
China. Google has now also seen great
success with this same kind of offering
in India with their product, formerly Tez,

hardware are NFC-enabled.

Whether these contactless payments

now Google Pay.

People, when thinking of what a mobile

are facilitated via a card with an NFC wallet is, might generally imagine a card
Early last year, we surveyed senior bankers in more than 20 chip or via your phone, with the same connected to a mobile device, which can
locations across Europe about what they think of when they technology, they simply replicate the be used to make e-comm and point of
hear the term ‘mobile payments’. On average, 56% responded: existing card payment experience - a sale (POS) payments.
contactless payment using a mobile device (typically through a payment receiver still needs a piece of
third-party wallet such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, etc.) third-party hardware for the payer to hold But what it can also be is a feature
their card or phone against. Sure, you rich software product which doesn’t
don’t have to enter your PIN for amounts rely solely on the mirroring of card
under a certain limit, but for consumers functionality or on enabling “on-the-go”
and merchants alike, there’s not really banking. Of course, it can still be used
any additional benefits. to check an account balance or pay
using the wallet, likely using a unique
56% The type of mobile payments that identifying number - like a person’s
we offer, via Settle, is a mobile wallet phone number, assigned business
Mobile payments are: service which allows users to pay with number or a QR code system. But, the
44% Contactless payment using their preferred source of funding, in any real benefits to the owners and partners
a mobile device payment scenario, via a mobile phone of a wallet such as this, go far beyond
which is agnostic to either its brand or simple on-premise payment or account
telco. It doesn’t rely on any third-party access..
hardware with which a user might seek
to clunk their phone against. This kind of
platform has been proven to be the most

2019 Industry Report 25

“Put simply, a solution like Settle offers

What is the benefit of using this There’s also a benefit of being in a companies a channel with which they’ve
form of payment method? position to take advantage of real
rewards and customised offers tailored to the ability to protect their market
The primary benefits for the general the individual, that a wallet full of coffee
public revolve around increased stamp cards can’t deliver in the same position, monetise their customers and
convenience. In China, for example, cash way.
is no longer king. People in China don’t fight the competition from tech giants.”
panic if they leave their wallet at home What are the benefits for retailers?
but leaving their mobile at home leaves
them without the predominant method With a successful mobile payment
of payment for everything they need offering, merchants can actively use drive retail interest and increase revenue companies a channel with which they’ve
during the day – transport tickets, lunch, a personalised merchant console to opportunities. the ability to protect their market
food, etc. manage their business and accept position, monetise their customers and
payments. The console features sales and For small and medium (and large alike!) fight the competition from tech giants.
People can use the one app on your settlement reporting, sales and customer business owners, the capability to
mobile to split bills with friends, instantly analytics, insights and marketing tools chat with customers, collect customer
transfer cash to family members (handy – all enabling new ways for merchants information and build their own, easy-
for parents sending their kids lunch to engage with their customers and sell to-use loyalty solutions (such as stamp
money, as an example), pre-order a coffee more. For larger merchants with existing cards, coupons and personal offers) are
or your lunch while at your desk or in loyalty schemes, a mobile payment all business enablers which translates to
class, purchase a product straight from offering needs to provide data sharing increased custom and better control –
the page of a magazine by scanning the capabilities. over inventory and finances.
accompanying QR code and of course,
pay quickly and smoothly in stores. This enables the merchant to ask for data Benefits for financial institutions
(loyalty ID, name, address, etc) through and distributors
It also reduces the risk of bank fraud, the system, making it the preferred
losing cash and negates having to be very payment option, even in retail situations Many of the benefits of being the
careful about entering in complicated which are today dominated by card facilitator and/or shareholder in a
account numbers when transferring payments. Such data sharing services mobile payments solution - like Settle
money. can be used as a tactical instrument to - have been outlined within this report.
Put simply, a solution like Settle offers

2019 Industry Report 27

Why Settle?
You know the term, “settling for less,” protect their market position, monetise
but we’ve flipped it on its head and their customers and fight the competition
encourage those reading to in fact, Settle from tech giants.
for more.
Join Settle and take part in one of the
Settle is built on Auka’s proven and fastest growing industries on the planet,
award-winning mobile payments while creating new revenue streams at
platform - the same platform that was very low risk.
pivotal to the Nordic mobile payments
revolution. Being part of Settle removes a lot of risk
for participants in the scheme. If mobile
Built on a revenue share model, Settle payments is on your agenda, there are a
is the easiest way for banks and telcos lot of things to consider before you can
to offer mobile payments to consumers launch a new offering into the market.
and merchants and protect their market-
share in the mobile payments battle. It
offers financial institutions the ability to

“Being part of Settle removes

a lot of risk for participants in
the scheme.”

2019 Industry Report 29

The model below compares the

tasks and obligations you’ll have
to do if you:

Become a Become a Buy or license the Build mobile payment
partner of the partner of the technology white-label wallet from scratch
Settle Scheme Settle scheme
User testing Product development
Marketing to Market analysis User testing
consumers Bank integrations Market analysis
or merchants Card integrations Technical development
B using advice Financial license Bank integrations
and templates Risk and Compliance Card integrations
Buy or license provided. Fraud handling Certification
the techlology Distribution partnerships Financial license
white-label Merchant on-boarding IT operations
24/7 support Risk and Compliance
Pricing Fraud handling
Marketing Distribution partnerships
Certification Merchant on-boarding
C Product development 24/7 support
Build mobile Technical development Pricing
payment wallet IT operations Marketing
from scratch Technical risk Technical & product
market fit risk

2019 Industry Report 31

It’s never been easier to offer secure and In order to become an issuer and/or acquirer on the
smooth mobile payments - without any third- Settle scheme, contact today.
party hardware - to consumers and merchants.
1 Get in contact!
When you join - either as an issuer, acquirer or
both - you don’t have to worry about financial 2 Get an introduction to Settle
risk, technical or operational challenges. All
you have to do is market the solution to your 3 Sign the Settle issuer and acquirer agreement
4 Get access to the Settle marketing platform

5 Launch!

Get in touch
If you’d like to join Settle as a partner, distributor,
investor or you’d simply like to know more, please
contact us using the below details:

Sales enquiries: Media enquiries: | +47 21 99 94 59

The European mobile payments app.

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