PLC Sheet 1

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The Higher Technological Institute Electrodynamics MTE200

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dec. 2009

Sheet (1)

1. Give some examples of where a PLC could be used.

2. Why would PLCs be used in place of relays?

3. Give a concise description of a PLC.

4. List the advantages of a PLC over relays.

5. Explain briefly the operation of a PLC.

6. List the basic components of any PLC.

7. Draw a schematic diagram showing the internal construction of a PLC.

8. Describe the function of the PLC rack.

9. Describe the function of the CPU in a PLC. List its main components.

10. List some forms of the input devices of a PLC.

11. List some forms of the output devices of a PLC.

12. Compare between the two main categories of the input/output devices.

13. Describe the function of the power supply in a PLC.

14. Describe the function of the programming device in a PLC.

15. State the types of buses used in the CPU. Give a brief description of their

16. State the main types of the CPU memory and explain their functions.
17. Explain with the aid of sketch the process of isolation in input/output modules in

18. State with the aid of diagrams the signal level for both input and output of PLCs.

19. Describe briefly the most common forms of the output modules to be used in the
PLC circuits.

The Higher Technological Institute Electrodynamics MTE200

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dec. 2009

Sheet (2)

1. Explain the term “continuous control”. Give some example to illustrate your

2. Discuss the definition of the sequential control systems.

3. State the main types of the sequential control systems.

4. Explain with the aid of example the asynchronous sequential systems.

5. Explain with the aid of example the synchronous sequential systems.

6. Explain with the aid of example the mixed sequential systems.

7. Discuss the implementation of synchronous sequential systems.

8. State the function of timers and the main types of timers.

9. Explain the function of the mechanical timers.

10. Explain the function of the electronic timers.

11. Discuss the function and applications of the microcontroller.

12. Define the sequential function charts method. State its advantages.

13. Explain with the aid of an example how to construct a SFC.

14. Discuss the parallel branching in the SFCs. Give an example.

The Higher Technological Institute Electrodynamics MTE200

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dec. 2009

Sheet (3)

1. Discuss The different forms of the mechanical switches. Explain the function of
each type.

2. The proximity switches are used to detect the presence of an object without
touching. Discuss this sentence showing the types and function of these types.

3. Explain with the aid of sketches the usage of the photoelectric switches in the
PLC circuits.

4. Explain with the aid of diagrams the operation of the following :

a. The RTD sensors.

b. The thermocouples.

c. The stepper motor.

d. The relay output type.

e. The pressure sensors.

f. The main types of encoders.

g. The basics of the output D.C output motor.

5. Discuss the necessity and implementation of the PLC networks.

6. State the construction of the ring type network showing the protocol of such a

7. Explain briefly the function of the 7 layers for the PLC networks.

8. Show how the PLC can be wired using an A.C source.

9. Explain with the aid of diagrams the wiring of the triac type output channel.

10. Explain with the aid of diagrams the wiring and isolation of the transistor type
output channel.

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