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Godinez English 2 2019-2020

classroom guidelines, the content we 
will be working with, as well as my  

Welcome to  own contact information. This 

document will serve as an 

English 2  agreement 
between myself, your student, and 
parent/guardian, so that we are able 
to work together in upholding the 
Loara High School   learning expectations for this school 
2019-2020   year. I look forward to meeting you 
at Back-to-School Night and Open 
House. However, if you have any 
further questions my contact 
information is listed below. I truly 
look forward to hearing from you! 

Contact Information  
and Students      ​ 
First and foremost, I would like to 
welcome you all to another school  (714) 999-3677 
year. I am excited to begin this year   
with all of you and look forward for  I am available both via email and by 
what is to come! This document will  calling the school ​Monday-Friday 
help guide you through the content  7am - 3:30 pm​. Please feel free to 
and expectations for our class. The  reach out if you have any questions 
following pages you will find my   or need to set up a conference.  
  Thank you! 
Ms. Godinez English 2 2019-2020

Dear Parents/Guardians and  Safe to say I am a proud CSUF Titan 

and now a proud Loara Saxon!  
Class of 2022   
My name is ​Ms. Godinez ​feel free to  When I am not teaching I enjoy 
call me Ms. G if you’d like. I am  reading new books, going on hikes, 
grateful and honored to be your  spending time with family and 
English Language Arts teacher for  friends, and always on the lookout 
the 2019-2020 school year! I look  for a great coffee spot! I am someone  
forward to working with all of you  who enjoys being a part of and 
as we develop our skills as readers,  cultivating a community! 
writers, speakers, and listeners! As a  Throughout my secondary schooling 
community of learners we will be  and my undergraduate program 
able to engage with literature and  philanthropic work was a passion of 
the English language all the while  mine and still is. I am a strong 
learning about ourselves!  believer in helping others and 
  working together to better the 
community around us. 
Reading literature was a way to 
engage my understanding of the 
world and people around us. This is 
something that I value and respect 
and hope to continue in my 
  classroom. This course will help 
  develop the fundamental skills of 
Now, a little bit about myself. I was  literacy while also incorporating 
born and raised here in Southern  material that will create and 
California! I completed K-12 in the  progress critical thinkers! 
city of La Mirada, and after I   
graduated High School I continued 
my education at California State 
University Fullerton. I earned my 
Bachelor's Degree in English as well 
as my English Credential from CSUF. 
Ms. Godinez English 2 2019-2020

Course Overview   Featured Texts  
In this course we will read a  ​The core works we will be reading 
variety of texts that will help  this school year include: 
students develop their reading,  ● Lord of the Flies by William 
writing, listening, and speaking  Golding  
skills in alignment with California  ● Much Ado About Nothing by 
Common Core Standards.  William Shakespeare 
Students will expand their  ● Antigone by Sophocles 
● Fahrenheit 452 by Ray 
knowledge about theme, 
characterization, conflict, and 
other literary elements through 
in-depth study of quality 
literature. The texts presented in 
class will be written by both 
American and foreign authors. 
Throughout the school year we 
will read novels, informational 
texts, poems, and short stories. 
In connection to each literary 
Students will engage in activities, 
work students will engage with 
writing assignments, and class 
the formal writing process for 
discussions in order to apply their 
writing an essay. Students will be 
understanding and skill.  
expected to complete reading 
notes, journal entries, and engage 
Ms. Godinez English 2 2019-2020

in class discussions. We will also  If the student is absent they 

we covering grammar usage and  should check Schoology as I will 
mechanics. Students will develop  be uploading all classwork and 
their technology skills with  assignments on there for each 
ChromeBooks provided by the  day. Students have a week from 
district. Students progress will be  the due date to turn in the 
assessed by class  assignment. An excused absence 
work/participation, quizzes,  will receive one full day to turn in 
essays, exams, and projects.   the assignment for full credit. 
Work and Grading   Students will turn the late work 
Students should expect to have  into the late folder and will 
homework at least three times a  receive a 1.5 point reduction it is 
week. This includes short writing  late. Essays and Projects will 
activities, note-taking, re-reading,  receive a 5% reduction each day it 
and vocabulary. They will be  is late.  
graded on a point basis.   
Grade components   Regular attendance is critical for 
Classwork: 40-45%  students’ success in the 
Homework: 10%  classroom. If students are not in 
Participation: 10%  their seat by the second bell they 
Assessments*: 35-40%  will be marked tardy 
*Essays, quizzes, and tests*   
   Tardy Policy  
The grading scale:   1st- a warning 
90-100% = A  2nd- 10 minutes after school  
80-89% = B  3rd- call home  
70-79% = C  4th- 30 minute detention  
60-69% = D   
40-59% = F  After the 4th tardy, students will 
  be referred to administration and 
Late Work  another call home will be made.  
Ms. Godinez English 2 2019-2020

What’s Needed  Consequences and Rewards  

Each day students will need  Rewards  
- Notebook or folder with  1. Student will receive positive 
paper  affirmation in class 
- Pen or pencil and  2. Student will be submitted 
highlighter  for a Saxon R.I.S.E card 
- The book/novel that we are  3. Email or call home in 
reading in class  recognition of hard work 
- 1 SSR book  Consequences 
- An open mind  1. Verbal warning 
Classroom Expectations    2. 10 minutes after 
1. Students are respectful of  3. Call/ Email home  
their peers   4. 30-60 minute 
2. Students will use class  detention 
appropriate language  5. Referral for meeting 
3. Be considerate of  with Discipline  
classmates’ personal and   
emotional space  
4. Students will come prepared 
to class with all the 
materials needed 
5. No eating or drinking 
containers in class 
6. Follow directions and raise 
your hand to ask questions 
or participate  
7. Be in your seat with phones 
put away by the bell  
8. Work productively and   
effectively during class time   
  Routines and Procedures 
Ms. Godinez English 2 2019-2020

As mentioned in the Course  hand and take the pass if 

overview practicing the  given permission  
mechanics of grammar is a part of  ❏ There is one bathroom pass 
our curriculum. After our  which means only one 
grammar unit we will transition  student at a time will be 
to the daily warm-up “Grammar  allowed out of class 
Practices.” Each day students will 
use their skills and understanding 
of Grammar to correct the 
examples on the board.  
Students will also be   
expected to complete journal  Materials  
entries to practice their timed  ❏ Students may get up to 
writing at the beginning or the  sharpen their pencil if the 
end of class.  assignment or task requires 
Everyday, except for  the use of one  
Tuesdays, students will have 10  ❏ I have extra pencils and 
minutes of SSR. They will be able  scratch paper for students 
to read a book of their choice for  to use and borrow, which 
the last 10 minutes of class. This  they can get up from their 
will count as a participation  seats to get whenever 
grade, as they will be required to  needed 
bring the book with them to class  ❏ I provide​ tissues​, ​hand 
each day. Students can check out  sanitizer​, h
​ and lotion​, and 
a book from our class library or  bandaids​ for all my 
the school library.  students. They may raise 
  their hand or stand and 
Classroom Behavior   walk over to get one.  
❏ There are no limit on 
bathroom passes however 
students must raise their   
Ms. Godinez English 2 2019-2020

Thank you for taking the time to   

read our ​Classroom Community 
Contract! ​I invite and encourage   
you to keep up to date with your  Student Name: 
Aries and Schoology account for 
any updates to the curriculum.  _______________________ 
Please feel free to email or call if  Period:____ 
there are any concerns or   
questions after reading this 
document. I look forward to   
hearing from you! Signing and   
turning this last page in will be our 
first class assignment! Thank you  Student Signature: 
for your participation in our  ________________________ 
learning journey!!  Date:______________ 
Parent Signature: 


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