Transformative Assessment Blueprint Plan

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Transformative Assessment Blueprint Plan

Name Subject Area Grade Level

Andrea Godinez English 10th Grade
Estimated Time for Assessment Plan
Class Title Unit Title

Themes and Literary Devices in

English 2 6 weeks
Fahrenheit 451

Part I: Planning for Enduring Understanding

What enduring understanding do you want students to learn through your content area?

How understanding and contextualizing themes presented within a text can allow readers to reflect on or
engage with past, present, and/or future issues in society.

List content-specific standards that your assessment plan will address:

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its
development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and re ned by specific
details; provide an objective summary of the text.
• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.RL.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the
text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word
choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a
formal or informal tone).
• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.9-10.W.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Rationale: What criteria are implied in the standards and understandings regardless of the task specifics?
What content and skills must student work demonstrate to signify the standards were met?

The criteria implied by the standards are the abilities to identify and elaborate on themes and ideas within a
literary texts. Students should be able to demonstrate their understanding of how literary devices are used
within the text through their exit slips as well as their close reading/annotations. Students should create their
own understanding and connections of how themes and main ideas are mirrored in the world around them.
This will be demonstrated in their analysis of themes through journal entires and projects.

Part II: Designing Performance Task (examples available in Week 13 Powerpoint & guest speaker)

Describe the authentic performance task that students will engage in to demonstrate understanding?
open-ended, authentic context, multi-faceted and multiple steps, & interdisciplinary/21st century skills (e.g.
research, technology, presentation)

Pham, Fall 2019

Essential Question:

Why or How is reading and the knowledge gained through it’s process important to a society?
Do the benefits that come from technology outweigh the negative aspects?
How are societies, marginalized groups, and ideas censored today? How do we justify it?

Students will have a silent conversation task within the classroom. There will be 6 posters on different tables
each addressing a theme or issue/main idea presented in the text along with a passage related to said topic.
Students will be focusing on research and current events during this unit through their literary journal entries.
They will be moving from table to table silently writing and connecting issues and current events with the
theme on the poster. They can ask questions to one another, annotate/ make connections to the passage, and
most importantly explain social issues that relate to their modern day society. After they have traveled to each
table there will be a group discussion on each poster to answer question and address the points made on each
poster. Students will then add a post to their discussion board using their chrome books to explain what they
learned from this exercise and what has changed or remained the same in their understanding of the themes.

Rationale: Explain how your task exemplifies culturally sustaining assessment and advances UDL principle
of expression.

Students will have the ability to participate in an active and productive conversation with their classmates.
They re able to express what they understand, question, or relate to. This is culturally and linguistically
sustaining in that there is less pressure to share their first idea or understanding with the class. Rather this
gives students the opportunity to reflect on what they are going to say and gain knew understanding of
concepts. Sharing together will help students engage in verbal academic discourse to practice their skills in
civic literacy and expression.

Mark any of the principle(s) of Au’s (2009) restorative and transformative assessments that your
performance task addresses.

 Emphasis on healing, cultural self-knowledge, and/or decolonization

 Identifying and challenging institutional racism in their schools, districts, and communities
 Assess students’ understanding of, and capacities for, institutional and community transformation
 Nuanced, human, and complex expression of student learning, growth, and development

Rationale: Explain how your performance task is an example of transformative assessment

The last principle, “Nuanced, human, and complex expression of student learning, growth, and development.”
is a focus in my performance task. This task allows students to interact with each other and their ideas in a
positive and affirming way that validates their ideas. They can recognize and support their learning process as
well as their growth in their understanding. Students will be able to use a creative format to express their
comprehension and development of ideas that relate to both he text and their society.

Pham, Fall 2019

Part III: Formative & Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment: What student products and performances will provide evidence of desired

Students we be placed in groups of 5 and will present a project that will require each group to focus on a
theme within the novel. They will create a visual representation of their information for the class and can be a
powerpoint, poster-board, and an artifact. They will have a 1 page paper reflecting on their theme and drawing
evidence from the text to support their claim/argument about the theme. They will research a book, person, or
group of their modern day that has been censored or treated as their theme is within the novel. This project
will serve to make students aware and relate to current issues in their community and society as a whole.
Students will answer the question: how is this theme present in your society today? What does that tell us
about our society?

Rationale: Explain how your summative assessment addresses content-specific standards

Students will be addressing the themes and ideas presented in their literary text through their analysis and
application of their project. Students will demonstrate their understanding of meanings of words and phrases
in connecting text evidence to their written portion of the project. They will demonstrate their understanding
of their evidence through the argument made within their paper.

Formative Assessment: What strategies will you use to monitor student learning prior to and during
performance task and summative assessment? Name at least 2

Students will be completing journals as warm-ups as well as exit slips related to the essential question for the
particular day or lesson. These tasks will be completed in their Literary Journals for the novel Fahrenheit 451.
Students will complete section notes throughout our reading of the novel. Students will complete passage
analysis for each chapter to review and apply the skills they have been practicing and developing on literary
devices in this unit. They will also produce gallery walks to review themes within the play in groups.

Part IV: Assessment Tools

Assessment Tool: What content and skills will you be assessing in the summative assessment? By what
criteria will student products and performances be evaluated?

Student Self- Assessment: What tool will you use for students to monitor their own learning?

Pham, Fall 2019

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