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The Run Cliffhanger

They laughed wryly, remembering the horde outside. “We’d love to,”
said Dennis as the others added their agreement. He put his arms around
Mac’s and Jeremiah’s shoulders, and both extended theirs around
Anna’s. Slowly, her arms--left and right--lifted to join the embrace.

“But we have work to do. If we need help we know where to come” said
Dennis pointing at the radio station. Everybody jumped in the car with
Bluegrass playing on the to an old friend. The where going to a scientists
place to find a cure for Anna.

Once they arrived, Dennis knocked on the front door. But no one
responded. Then Dennis banged on the door with all his might. No
response. Then Mac remembered that he always kept a spare key under a
rock. Mac search many rocks then found one with the key.

Mac unlocked the door and went in. There was Bluegrass playing
throughout the house. Dennis, Jeremiah, and Anna followed. They called
the scientist name name. “Bill!” yelled Mac. Then they continued
looking around the houses yelling for Bill. They looked in all the rooms
except for the basement. There was a flashlight on a table nearby, Mac
took it and went down the steps. With Jeremiah, Dennis, and Anna

Once they reached the bottom the saw Bill working on something. “Hey
Bill” said Dennis. Bill turned. “ Hey Dennis, Hey Mac, what can I do for
you guys.” “Well” said Mac. “I think you might have heard of the plague.
Right?” Mac said “Oh the plague. The city is like a ghost town. I went
looking up the street, down the street. But no one was there.” Bill
“So. The reason we came here is to help find a cure for the plague.” Anna
said. “And my leg got infected and now I become like a zombie. They
only thing I can tell you is that Bluegrass seems to keep my from not
turning into a zombie.” Anna said. Bill looked at the infected leg and
noticed that there are blue streaks on her arm. “Ok, I will do some
research and try to find a way to fix this. But for now, why don't you go
back up and change, you guys are a total mess. Bill got up from his chair
and showed Jeramiah, Anna, Dennis, and Mac. Bill showed each of them
a room for them to use. They took a shower and found some clothes in
the closet. Then they watched some T.V., which they all found surprising
since the plague hit. After a couple of hours of watching T.V. and eating
dinner it was time to go to bed. They each headed into their room to go to
bed. But then there was a problem.

Anna could not sleep without Bluegrass. She told Mac and Mac gave Anna
a pair of head that is playing Bluegrass. Everyone fell asleep, but Bill was
up and figuring a way to find a cure. The next morning Bill ran up
holding the cure yelling “I found it. I found the cure.”

To Be Continued

By: Jhowens Montoban

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