Comparision of The Guidelines Related To Tactical Skills PDF

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Conclusion: The NA recommend "WHAT" to learn and SOME gives specific/exact "WHEN" to pass guidelines in relation to TACTICS.


Serving Test Returning Test Baseline Test Net game Test Match play Test Comment

Consistency       Accuracy    Bascet feeding. Pass criteria:"Balls generaly 

Consistency √ Consistency √ √ √
SWITZERLAND Court coverage     Consistency land in the court." (At baseline in red, yellow 
Consistency ,  Coach rally feeding.
Consistency Pass 35% Consistency Pass 35% Consistency       Pass 50%
FRANCE Court coverage
court coverage,  
Based on ITF ITN test.                                          
Consistency √ Consistency √ Consistency √
GERMANY Pass: 80% of maximum total points
All tactical  Different expectations from different 
Consistency No Consistency No No Accuracy  No
CANADA principles "development" levels "bronze‐siver‐gold"

Serving Test Returning Test Baseline Test Net game Test Match play Test Comment

Accuracy    Player rally at baseline and backet feeding 
Consistency √ √
SWITZERLAND Consistency for volleys. Pass criteria:"Balls generaly land 
Court coverage,   Coach rally feeding.
Consistency Pass 35% Consistency Pass 35% Consistency       Pass 50%
FRANCE Court coverage
recognise & use 
Consistency  Consistency  Based on ITF ITN test.                                          
Consistency √ √ √
GERMANY Accuracy Accuracy Pass: 70% of maximum total points
All principles &  Different expectations from different 
Consistency No Consistency No No Accuracy  No
CANADA Percentage play "development" levels "bronze‐siver‐gold"

Serving Test Returning Test Baseline Test Net game Test Match play Test Comment

Accuracy    Accuracy    Player rally at baseline and backet feeding 

√ √
SWITZERLAND Consistency Consistency for volleys.Pass criteria:"Balls generaly land 
Consistency  Coach rally feeding.
Consistency Pass 35% Pass 35% Consistency       Pass 35%
FRANCE Accuracy
Court coverage
Consistency  Consistency  Based on ITF ITN test.                                          
Consistency √ √ √
GERMANY Accuracy Accuracy Pass: 80% of maximum total points
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

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