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Tema 1: Adverbios de frecuencia

Tema 2: Presente simple y presente continuo

1. Tom __________ at the moment. Can I take a message?

is working works
2. I often __________ tennis on Saturdays.

am playing play
3. We __________ on the Smith account this week.

work are working

4. We rarely go out for dinner, but this week we __________ out on Saturday.

are going go
5. He __________ every word she says.

is believing believes
6. Angela gets up at 7 o'clock and __________ breakfast every day.

is having has
7. Peter usually __________ a lot of questions.

asks is asking
8. Jason doesn't know the answer to this question. He __________ the other answers.

is knowing knows
9. We __________ a meeting in Chicago this weekend.

are attending attend

10. She __________ to purchase a new computer.

is wanting wants
1. You should speak to Peter ____ is responsible for company relations abroad.

who whose whom

2. Smith House, _____ was built in 1756, is an important local monument.

that which who

3. He came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a t-shirt, _____ was a stupid thing to do.

That who which

4. Frank Smith, ____ son works for us, can provide an estimate.

who which whose

5. They attended Peterson University in Four Square _____ the population is less than 50,000.

who which where

6. The young man _____ is standing on the corner works at the supermarket.

whose who which

7. The woman _____ lives at 67 17th Ave. was employed by Fred Meyers.

who whom which

8. The house _____ was sold to Ms. Anderson was in excellent condition.

which whose where

9. That’s the shop _____ I bought those beautiful roses.

which where whose

10. The actor, _____ wife was also famous, was cast as the villain.

that whose which


Texting while walking is dangerous

Writing text messages and walking is dangerous. It is more dangerous than driving and texting. More people
get injured while walking than driving. Walking in a straight line is not easy. We can forget how to walk
properly. Dangerous things can happen. We run into people or cars. We fall over things in the street.

There are a few reasons why texting and walking is dangerous. People cannot see when they look at their
keyboard. Their minds are somewhere else – they are not thinking about walking safely. Thousands of people
have accidents. Some have serious head injuries.

Too much jogging could be a problem!

Running is good for our health. A recent study says that running too much is bad for us and it doesn’t always
make our lives longer. A specialist said too much running can damage your heart. Long-distance runners and
people who never exercise can have the same risk of having a heart attack.
Experts looked at the health of 3,300 runners. Most of them ran over 30 kilometres a week. Marathon runners
had hard parts in their heart. A doctor who started running in 1967 is sad. He ran 60 kilometres every week.
He thought his heart was strong. Now he has heart problems. He said we should exercise, but not too much.


2. Select the Word or phrase that completes the conversation

Dave: Hi, Jenny, what (1) did you do / are you doing last weekend?

Jenny: I (2) was going / went to a party.

Dave: (3) Did / Do you have a good time?

Jenny: Yes, I really (4) am enjoying /enjoyed it. I (5) met / was meeting this really nice guy. His name’s

Dave: Oh, yes?

Jenny: I (6) was talking / talked to my friend Paula, when Danny (7) asked / was asking me to dance.

Dave: Where’s he from?

Jenny: Liverpool, but he (8) lives /lived in London now.

Dave: How (9) does he know / is he knowing Paula?

Jenny: They (10) are going / go to swimming club together.

Dave: So, (11) are / were you seeing him again?

Jenny: Yes, we (12) go / are going to the cinema tonight.

Dave: Great. Have a good time

3. Fill in the blanks with ‘some/any/no/much/many/a lot of’

1.-You have ……… cereals for breakfast.

2.-My aunt wants to save …….. money for her holidays.

3.-Julio doesn’t work …….. hours every day.

4.-Sonia hasn’t got ……….. daughters but she’s got ……… good friends.

5.-I think it is too ………………. salt in the soup.

6.-Lucy doesn’t eat ………… of vegetables for dinner.

7.-Some girls hate doing ………..… exercises.

8.-Charles heard ……….… interesting news on the radio.

9.-David and Diana got married …….…… weeks ago.

10.-The waiter didn’t bring ……….. forks or knives.

4. Choose, to complete each sentence, either should or shouldn't.

1. Listen to that music! Our neighbours __________ play music that loud at this hour.

2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you __________ go to the dentist's.

3. Cathy __________ keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now.
4. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you __________ try and learn something of the language. You
will enjoy things a lot more.

5. You __________ always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office.

6. We __________ bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed otherwise.

7. That model on the TV is too skinny. She __________ eat more, I think!

8. Lizzie __________ ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course last year.

9. Pregnant women __________ smoke as it can damage the baby.

10. We __________ leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.



Dave: Hi, Jenny, what (1) did you do / are you doing last weekend?

Jenny: I (2) was going / went to a party.

Dave: (3) Did / Do you have a good time?

Jenny: Yes, I really (4) am enjoying /enjoyed it. I (5) met / was meeting this really nice guy. His name’s

Dave: Oh, yes?

Jenny: I (6) was talking / talked to my friend Paula, when Danny (7) asked / was asking me to dance.

Dave: Where’s he from?

Jenny: Liverpool, but he (8) lives /lived in London now.

Dave: How (9) does he know / is he knowing Paula?

Jenny: They (10) are going / go to swimming club together.

Dave: So, (11) are / were you seeing him again?

Jenny: Yes, we (12) go / are going to the cinema tonight.

Dave: Great. Have a good time

3. Fill in the blanks with ‘some/any/no/much/many/a lot of’

1.-You have …no…… cereals for breakfast.

2.-My aunt wants to save ……some.. money for her holidays.

3.-Julio doesn’t work …many….. hours every day.

4.-Sonia hasn’t got ……any….. daughters but she’s got …some…… good friends.5.-I think it is too MUCH salt
in the soup.

6.-Lucy doesn’t eat ANY of vegetables for dinner.

7.-Some girls hate doing A LOT OF exercises.

8.-Charles heard A LOT OF interesting news on the radio.

9.-David and Diana got married MANY weeks ago.

10.-The waiter didn’t bring ……any….. forks or knives.

4. Choose, to complete each sentence, either should or shouldn't.

1. Listen to that music! Our neighbours SHOULDN'T play music that loud at this hour.

2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you SHOULD go to the dentist's.

3. Cathy SHOULDN'T keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now.

4. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you SHOULD try and learn something of the language. You will
enjoy things a lot more.

5. You SHOULD always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office.

6. We SHOULD bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed otherwise.

7. That model on the TV is too skinny. She SHOULD eat more, I think!

8. Lizzie SHOULD ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course last year.

9. Pregnant women SHOULDN'T smoke as it can damage the baby.

10. We SHOULDN'T leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.

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