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their development in the

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING MIDTERMS spirit of self-reliance and self-

I. Definition: PHC as a philosophy, ALMA ATA DECLARATION
approach, structure and services. - PHC was declared during the
II. Legal Basis of PHC in the first international conference
Philippines on Primary Health Care that
III. Components of PHC was held in Alma Ata, USSR on
Sep. 6-12, 1978, this was
HEALTH PROMOTION sponsored by WHO and
I. Concept of health promotion (as UNICEF.
embodied in the Ottawa Charter,
II. Health promotion strategies - LOI 949 – Adapted PHC on
a. Build healthy public policy October 19, 1979 signed by
b. Create supportive environments Pres. Marcos with the goal of
c. Strengthen community action “Health in the hands of the
d. Develop personal skills people by the year 2020”
e. Reorient health services - This established a clear and
III. Examples of theories/models of direct link between health
health and development where it
- Pender, bandura acknowledges that a healthy
COMMUNITY ORGANIZING TOWARDS population is the moving
I. Definition of community development of a community
organizing who will enable the people to
1. CO Characteristics enjoy sustained level of
2. Process health and wellness.
3. Phases
- Goal: “health in the hands of
PRIMARY HEALTH CARE the people by the year 2020”
- Essential health care based - Mission: To strengthen the
on practical, scientifically healthcare system by
sound and socially acceptable increasing opportunities and
methods and technology supporting the conditions
made universally accessible wherein people will manage
to individuals and families in their own health care.
the community through their - Central Theme: Partnership
full participation and at a cost and empowerment towards
that the community and self-reliance.
country can afford to - Core Strategy: Full
maintain at every stage of participation and active
involvement of the of adequate health and social
community towards the measures.
development of self-reliance.
- Organizational Strategy – ESSENTIAL REQUISITES TO PHC
Provides the framework for FOUR DIMENSIONS
meeting the goal of PHC 1. Focus – From illness and cure to
which is health for all which health, prevention and care.
calls for active and continuing - Level of Prevention:
partnership among the Promotion, Preventive,
communities, private and Restorative
government agent which are 2. Content – From treatment and
involved in health care. episodes of specific problems to
health promotion and continuous
LEGAL BASIS OF PHC and comprehensive care.
1. Universal Declaration of Human 3. Organization – From specialists,
Rights, ART. 25, SEC 1. Which states physicians and single handed
that: “Everyone has the right to a practice to generalist practitioners,
standard of living adequate for the other health care professionals and
health and well-being of himself and teams.
of his family, including the food, 4. Responsibility – From health sector
clothing, housing and medical care professional dominate with passive
and necessary social services and the reception to intersectoral
right to security in the event of collaboration with the community
unemployment, sickness, disability, participation and self-responsibility
old age, widowhood, or lack of
2. Phil. Constitution of 1987, Art, XIII, STRATEGY
Sec 11, states that: “ the state shall - Essential health care services
adopt an integrated and accessible and acceptable to
comprehensive approach to health the community.
development which shall endeavor - Partnership between and
to make essential goods, health and among health workers.
services available to all people at - Provision of health services at
affordable cost. There shall be the district level.
priority for the needs of the - Top-down decision making –
underprivileged sick, elderly, the more conventional
disabled, women, and children. The program associated with
state shall endeavor to provide free disease prevention efforts.
medical services to paupers. a. It begins by seeking to
3. WHO (1995) believes that involve particular groups
“governments have a responsibility or individuals in issues
for the health of their people which and activities largely
can be fulfilled only by the provision defined by health
agencies, and regards
particular behaviors as 1. Support mechanism made available
the important health 2. Active Community Participation
outcome. 3. Intra and Inter sectoral linkages
4. Use of appropriate technology
2. L – Local Endemic disease prevention 1. Community bases
and control 2. Accessible
3. E – EPI (Expanded Program on 3. Acceptable
Immunization) 4. Sustainable
4. M – MCN / Family Planning 5. Affordable
5. E – Essential Drugs Provision /Herbal
6. N – Nutrition 1. Role complexity – The CHN is
7. T – Treatment of Communicable mandated to perform a lot of
diseases. functions with its inherent
8. S – Safe Water and Sanitation responsibilities which require the
9. H – hospital as a center for wellness provision of a high level of nursing
10. O - Oral and dental Health care. The nurse needs to be skillful in
11. M – Mental Health both technical and communication
12. E – Elderly Care skills.
2. Special Responsibilities – Despite the
3 MAJOR ASPECTS OF PHC ELEMENTS recognition of the value of illness
1. Promotive Aspect – Includes prevention and health.
education concerning health 3. Role Confusion – Nurses, regardless
problems and the methods of of whether they work in the
preventing them; promotion of food community or in hospitals, face
supply and proper nutrition; challenges disciplines. Difficulties can
adequate supply of safe water and emerge over role boundaries and
basic sanitation over the care provided by the team.
2. Preventive Aspect – Includes 4. Lack of skills and training – There is a
maternal and child health care, need to change nurses’ attitudes to
including family planning, enable them to work better with
immunization against major groups in the community, with other
infectious diseases and prevention professionals on the health care
and control of locally endemic team and with members of the
diseases. society at large.
3. Curative Aspect – Includes
appropriate treatment of common HEALTH PROMOTION
diseases and injuries and the - The process of enabling
provision of essential drugs. people to increase control
over, and to improve their
health. To reach a state of
complete physical, mental 2. Create a supportive environment –
and social well-being, an The interrelationship between
individual or group must be people and environment based on
able to identify and to realize the socio-ecological approach to
aspirations, to satisfy needs, healthy activities aimed at
and to change or cope with establishing.
the environment. 3. Strengthen Community Action – This
can be done through the
OTTAWA CHARTER empowerment of the communities
1. Health – Is a resources for everyday so that they may have ownership and
life; a positive concept emphasizing control over their physical, social,
social and personal resources, as well political and economic resources and
as physical capacities. endeavors. This can be achieved
- Therefore health promotion through community
is not just the responsibility of development/action which is the
the health sector, but goes process of colletive community
beyond healthy life – styles to efforts directed towards increasing
well-being (First International community control over the
Conference on Health determinants of health, improving
Promotion, Ottawa, Nov. health and becoming empowered to
1986) apply individual and collective skills
2. Health promotion – Occurs through to address health priorities and meet
processes of enabling people; respective health needs (WHO,1998)
advocacy, and by mediating among 4. Develop personal skills – Personal
sectors. and social development can be
3. Health promotion action – Involves attained through health education,
helping people to develop personal enhancing social and life skills and
skills, creating supportive preparing people to cope with the
environments, strengthening crises and challenges of life. Health
communities, influencing education has been defined as
government. “consciously constructed
opportunities for learning designed
OTTAWA CHARTER’S HEALTH PROMOTION to facilitate changes in behavior
STRATEGIES towards predetermined goal and
1. Build healthy public policy – Healthy involving some form of
public policy is embodied in formal communication designed to improve
statements that demonstrate health literacy, knowledge and life
concern for healthy and equity and skills conducive to individual and
which make healthy choices present community health.
easier for citizens, through creating 5. Re-orient health services – The
supposed social and physical responsibility for health promotion
environments that enables people to and prevention of illness in health
lead healthy lives. (WHO) services is a shared endeavor among
the different sectors of society and
the community as a whole. The miscarriages, no regular
adoption of healthy options for a check up
healthy life should be the focus of EXAMPLES
attention not only by individuals and -Illness states , diagnose or
communities but also the different undiagnosed
components which affect OLOF like - Failure to thrive /develop
social, political, economic and - Disability
physical environment. 4. Foreseeable Crisis


1. Health awareness – Raising 4 CRITERIA
awareness or consciousness of 1. Nature of the Problem
health issues
A. Methods – Health education talks,
group work, mass media, displays
and exhibitions, campaigns.
B. Actions – Encourage people to seek
early detection and treatment.

1. Wellness
2. Health Threat
- Conditions that are conducive
to disease, accident or failure
to realize one’s potential.
- Family history or hereditary
- Threat of cross infection
- Accident hazards
- Faulty eating habits
- Poor environmental
- Unhealthy lifestyle/personal
3. Health Deficit
- A gap between actual and
achievable health status.
- Instances of failure in health
- Possible precursors: History
of repeated infections or

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