4 Plan Guidance

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BUS020C407A: Business Organisations in a Global Economy

Guidance Notes for Plans

(Formative Assessment element of module)

There are no specific requirements for your plans (to be submitted by 2pm on Monday
4th November 2019 i.e. at the beginning of week 7) but you should aim to include
information that provides responses to the following questions:
1. Introduction: What are the main issues that you plan to cover in your introduction?
For example, what is the particular business scenario on which your report will be
based? This should be stated in relation to the organisation that you have chosen and
country that you have been allocated.
2. Background to Business Organisation: What information do you plan to include on
the business organisation that you have selected? For example, what are the most
important background details that you should be including on your chosen
3. Background to Business Environment: What background information do you plan
to include on the business environment in the country that you have been allocated?
4. Data/Graphs/Tables: What are the key sources of information/data that you plan to
use for your report? Which particular graphs, charts and tables do you plan to
5. References: What are the reference details for the three main sources/studies that
you plan to use in your report? You should provide full details of these in the format
that you plan to use in your final report i.e. they should be referenced according to the
Harvard system.
6. Time Plan: When is your self-imposed deadline to have produced a good draft of your
report to ensure that you have enough time to carefully read, check and correct it
before the submission date? You could also provide further details on your time
schedule with regards to the completion of different aspects of your report.
You may also want to include: Which analytical approach(es) do you plan to include in
your report?
This is really optional as these will not have been covered in detail until after the plan has
been submitted. However, this aspect will need to be included in the final report so you
may well wish to obtain some feedback on this as part of your plan.
Please note that your plan should be ideally one page (and not exceed two pages)
using 12 point font and the information in there should be appropriately spaced.
Please also ensure that you are familiar with the process for submitting your plans via

Pasquale Foresti,
September 2019

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