Level 3 Final Exam

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I.SPEAKING ( 1x15 =15 points )

Please answer the questions or circle the right formula

1.What is intelligence? Can you give a definition?

2.What does I.Q stand for ? what does it mean?

3.What are alternative therapies ?

4.What is infrastructures ?

5.what are biofuels?

6.London was founded by…

a) the Vikings b) the French c)the Romans d)the Greeks

7.Which river passes through London ?

a) The Thames b) the Seven c) the Hudson d) the Rhine

8.How much did the population grow in the 19th century ?

a)by one million b) by two million c) by three million d)by more than five million

9.The London Underground railway system is also called

a)the Subway b) the Tube c) the Tunnel d) the Metro

10.What caused parliament to close in the summer of 1858 ?

a)fire b)a plague c) a war d ) a bad smell

11.What are some of the problems with London’s undrerground?


12.What is being done to solve these problems?

13.Why aren’t farmers producing enough food ?

14.Why biofuels are such a disaster?

15.What did the government in Malawi did to improve food reliance?

(Mark : 3X 5 = 15 points)

1.Which city is mentioned ?

2.Which two factors are discussed ?

3.Which three months are the hottest ?

4.Which three months are the wettest?

5.What language is used to signal the introduction of the two topics ?

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