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This paper shows SAMPLE exam questions. In actual exam, Part 1 will contain 15 multiple choice
questions (total of 60 points), Part 2 will contain two or more questions (total of 40 points).
Getting full score in this test DOES NOT mean you will get the same result in actual examination.
Good luck!

Student’s name:

Student ID:

INSTRUCTION: Each student is allowed two double-sided sheets of reference material (size A4
or similar), stapled together and marked with their name and ID. A scientific calculator is allowed
for Part 2 only. All other documents and electronic devices are forbidden.


Indicate your choice of answer by circling the letter (A, B, C or D) clearly. If you circle more than
one answer, no marks will be awarded.

1. Which of the following functions is an even function?

(A) ( ) ( ) (B) ( )

(C) ( ) | | (D) ( )

2. If ( ) , then ( ) ( ) is

(A) (B)

(C) (D) 1

3. Find the inverse function of

(A) √ (B) √
(C) √ (D) None of the above

4. The range of ( ) √ is
(A) [ ) (B)
(C) [ (D) None of the above

(√ )

(A) (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3
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6. Find of the equation

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

7. Assume that . Find the following limit:

( ( ) )

(A) (B)
(C) (D)
8. Find all the points where ( ) is not differentiable
(A) (B)
(C) (D)

( )
( )

(A) (B) 1
(C) √ (D) No result

(A) (B)
(C) 0 (D) None of the above

(A) -4 (B) 4
(C) 1/4 (D) -1/4
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12. Find the horizontal asymptote(s) of the function

( )

(A) (B) √
(C) √ (D) √

13. The slope of the tangent line to the curve at the point (2, 3) is
(A) -4/7 (B) 4/7
(C) 7/4 (D) -7/4

(A) (B) √
(C) √ (D) None of the above

15. Suppose that ( ) is the position function of a diver jumping

from a platform diving board that is above the water, where is in meters and is
in seconds. What is the diver’s velocity at impact?
(A) (B)
(C) (D) None of the above

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Part 2: WRITTEN ANSWER ● 30 Minutes ● 40 Points
In this part you must explain your answer in detail. No credit will be given for the final
answer alone. Write your answer on this paper. Ask for extra paper if you need more space.

1. i) (10 points) Prove that this equation has at least one real root

ii) (10 points) The greatest integer function is defined by

⟦ ⟧

For example, ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧
Let ( ) ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧.
a) For what value does ( ) exists?
b) At what numbers is discontinuous?

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2. (10 points) The figure shows a lamp located three
units to the right of the and a shadow
created by the elliptical region . If the
point ( ) is on the edge of the shadow, how far
above the is the lamp located?

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3. (10 points) Suppose there exists a function such that for all values of

( ) ( ) (√| |)

Prove that is a constant function.

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1. C
is an even function

<=> ( ) ( ) (provided that and are both in the domain)

2. D
We have

( )( )
( ( ))

=> We need to find ( ). Let ( ) , then:

( ( )) ( ) ( )

( )


( ) ( )

( )( )
( ) ( ( ))

3. D
Not an one-to-one function

4. A

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5. C
We have:
(√ )(√ )
(√ )

| | (√ )

As . Thus,

| | (√ ) √

6. B
We have:

Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x, we have:

( )

( )

7. C
Follow the infinity property of limits:
( )

Since Hence,

8. C
When does a function FAIL to be differentiable?
- Having a "corner" or "kink" (So the left and right hand limits are different, and the
curve has no tangent at that point.)
- Having discontinuity (removable, jump or infinite).
- Having a vertical tangent.

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9. A
We have:
( ) ( )
( )

Let ( ) ( ) ( )
Also, ( ) ( ) √ . Thus,

( ) √
( ) ( )
( )

( ) √
( ) ( )

10. D
We have:


11. B
We have:

( )

12. B
Since √ | | . Thus,

√ √ √

Hence, the line √ is the horizontal asymptote.

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13. C
Differentiate both sides of equation with respect to :
( )

At the point ( )

14. D
We have:

√ ( )
√ {
√ ( )


√ √ ( ) √ ( ) √

√ √ ( ) √ ( ) √

Thus, this limit does not exist.

15. C
We have:
( )
Since ( ) . Thus, at impact:
( )
( ) [

( ) ( ) ( )
Velocity at impact, substitute into ( )
( )

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1. i)
 Let ( )
 ( ) is continuous on [
 ( ) and ( )
 Hence, by the IVT, there exist a real root ( ) such that ( ) . This
means that the equation has at least one real root.

ii) ( ) ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧
( ) ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ ( )
Thus, is an even function, we only need to consider
If is an integer, ( ) ( )
If is not an integer, ( ) ⟦ ⟧ ( ⟦ ⟧ )
In other words, this function can be written as
( ) {
If is an integer, then
Since ⟦ ⟧ when ,⟦ ⟧ when ( ) .
( ) ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ [ ( )
And ⟦ ⟧ when and ⟦ ⟧ when
( ) ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ [ ( )
Thus, ( ) does not exist when is an integer.
If is not an integer, then
Since ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ when ⟦ ⟧ ,⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ when ⟦ ⟧
( ) ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ [ (⟦ ⟧)
And ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ when ⟦ ⟧ ,⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ when ⟦ ⟧
( ) ⟦ ⟧ ⟦ ⟧ [ ( )
Thus, ( ) when is not an integer.
Hence, ( ) when is not an integer.
( ) ( )
Hence, the function is continuous for all values of such that

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The graph shows the shadow’s edge is a tangent line to the ellipse. By applying implicit
differentiation to the ellipse equation , we have:

Assume the contact point be ( ), the slope of the tangent line will be:
( )

Then the slope-intercept form of that tangent line will be:

This line obviously goes through ( ), thus

The tangent line also goes through the point ( ), thus:

( )

With (We eliminate the value base on

the graph). Replace the value of into the tangent line, we have:
( )
( ) ( )
We can see that the lamp is at position , thus:

( )
Hence, the lamp is located 2 units above the .

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We have:

( ) ( ) (√| |)

( ) ( ) | |√| |
If we set , then:
( )√| | ( ) ( ) ( )√| |
( ) ( )
√| | √| |( )

If we set , then:
( )√| | ( ) ( ) ( )√| |
( ) ( )
√| | √| |( )

It is easy to see (1) and (2) are the same. We have:

√| | √| |

By the Squeeze theorem,

( ) ( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( )

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