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Here I/We, mukesh sharma accepting the terms & conditions of the company and the raised
Liability toward the company of mine.

I / We completely understand and agreed with the policy of the company which was explained me
over the call and through agreement.

The statements and information set forth in the application and supplements are true, complete and
accurate as of the date below. I/We acknowledge and agree that the Applicant Firm referred to in
the application shall be the Firm indicated in the relevant documents. The responsibilities are as per
the agreement only and all parties remain same. I/We agree that the application and above letter of
acceptance shall Any claims and/or circumstances, acts, errors or omissions that could result in a
financial liability which can be claim by the your company and I /We bound to pay the charges which
is mention in the agreement which we both agreed upon by any condition the final conclusion will be
in the bare hand of the company.
I / We fully agreed and responsible as the agreement and terms of policy are accurate or completely
disclosed to me before the work started. I/ We very well know that breach of agreement attracting
the ingredient of criminal and civil causes.

Date: 15-03-2018 12:03:04

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