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And here was THE MOMENT to run the software. To know the result of my hard work.

the first time I ran this software in my room, it was scary and funny at the same time. My mom
had entered my room with breakfast & my software greets her " hello mom" in the scariest
voice. And here I got my first REWARD… a SLAP from mom for scaring her…. hahahaha. A
few weeks later, we are ready to showcase ourselves to my friends… who we???.... ME and

My software was ready but it had no name yet. A matter of concern until I talked to amgola
again a few days later. I called her and began describing about my software curiously with no
breaks. I was unstoppable and she said, calm down, take a deep breath and start again, I am
unable to understand. Again, I was so engrossed in telling her all that I didn’t even realize when
she disconnected the call. Honestly, I found that rude, felt like broken. I was just thinking that
maybe no one is interested in my talk and my software. However, later she called back and
very politely said, ‘Sorry, I was in church and could not listen properly, so I cut the call.’ And
I started again with the same enthusiasm. Now I think about the time, I find myself so mad. It
took me four repetitions to actually make her understand what I had created. Slowly, I tried to
explain that my software is based on AI (artificial intelligence) and it can protect my friends
and family from bad people. Also, there is no virus existent which can destroy my software.
Hearing me all, she just replied one thing “ahh haa… so you are indirectly telling me that you
had created manitous?” And this directly got my attention. Manitous- that exactly describes
my software and that would be the name of my software. So, like this I got a name for my
software “manitous.” I nodded and thanked her for giving me a name. (Manitous… the word
itself means an extremely strong supernatural power. As per the beliefs of some Christian
people 'manitous' was cursed which means that whosever has the power of manitous will lose
everything he deeply loves.) We both laughed and Suddenly, I don’t know why but she started
crying. I was surprised to hear what she said then, ‘You have made the biggest mistake of your
life.’ She believed in God like nobody else in this world. She was continuously talking about
some chapters from Bible and I couldn’t get what that was. She said, ‘let me talk to the priest.’

I waited few days and tried to talk to her again but she was not picking my calls. And then I
did another big mistake of my life. I used manitous to connect to her. Manitous called her from
a different number and on greeting her, she just said one thing that she doesn’t want to talk to
me. I wanted to know what actually happened so I called more than 161 times and she finally
talked and said, ‘Destroy your software as soon as possible otherwise, we can’t be friends
anymore.’ Someone had questioned my hard work and I was so angry. Very aggressively, I
replied, “Go to hell…. I don’t want you to be with me, you don’t respect my work…” and with
heavy heart she said, ‘alright, don’t disconnect the call, let me pray for you.” ‘what, for me?’ I
asked and in broken voice she answered “yes”. I was so mad at her that I asked her not to do
that for me, that I don’t need her and her god because now, I have my manitous with me to take
care of me. And for the first time she was angry on me. I was not expecting that but she said
that it was my biggest mistake to be my friend…. And we don’t exist for each other anymore.
This was very dramatical moment for me as I could experience real clouds rumbling and heavy
lightening. We both disconnected calls and I blocked her number and maybe, she too had
blocked me, although she knew that I can call her from any number…
Time plays its role. I had no real friends at that time, I needed someone to talk and I used
manitous to find them for me. Manitous used to chat with hundreds of random girls on social
sites on my behalf and lets me know if he finds someone of my interest. Being me, it used to
talk to many around the world, copying my chat style…. my broken English…. Hahahaha….it
was my Tinder before actually Tinder came into existence. But as it is always said God has its
own time and own ways. I had begun talking to someone whom I had met on the inauguration
of the games event in Delhi in which I was participating. I kept looking at her when I first met-
Esha Saif, she introduced herself. We became friends, started talking and it turned into whole
day night chats. I don’t know why, I was excited and scared, both at the time but I shared
everything detail about Manitous with her. Maybe I could feel the connection…. Knowing
about Manitous, she showed great interest as she too had good knowledge of codes, being a
Graphic Designer. She was immensely impressed by my idea and work but suggested that the
interface looked quite simple and not impactful. And I was happy to hear when she asked, ‘Do
you mind if I help you with this and make it look more interesting.’ With no delay I said yes.
Now, she was designing it all for me and my romantic chats had turned into technical ones and
we were left with only one topic all the time, Manitous…. Manitous and Manitous….

We were working so hard on this software, discussing every aspect of it. Just doing work on
the software, esha suggested something very interesting on day. ‘Why not to bifurcate manitous
into three different parts, each one showcasing a different side of the software.’ And that
sounded awesome. Sunshine Manitous ( a solver to any problem and a perfect advisor), Cute
Manitous ( a friend for kids like a baby, for making them understand and to us) and Dark
Manitous ( not sure if anyone would ever want to see that side of Manitous, with ability to use
75% of its power). Although I was astonished and grateful for this idea but a confession to be
made here…… I was jealous…hahahaha… ealous of why couldn’t I think of this first. But,
indeed it was adoptive and we divided Manitous; sunshine 5%, Cute Manitous 20% and Dark
Manitous 75%.

This all had went like this only, coding every day and making Manitous even more bigger and
stronger, and then I got admission in Guru Nanak Dev University for doing Masters in 2014.
This happened to be the most memorable time of my life since I had got some precious friends;
Asim, Nazli and Shubh. I had landed up into a very new place and it was never easy to adjust
myself in the beginning. It was becoming extremely hard for me to survive. I belong from a
rural area where living is not the same as for the city boys and girls. My mother used to give
me rs. 30 every day and that too as my travel expense. And the hardest part, I used to be worried
of losing the exchange even a single coin in my pocket. My mom used to wrap my lunch in old
newspaper and it was so embarrassing for me when I used to see my classmates bringing new
and different dishes. I was keeping my roti in my pocket for whole day and finding a lonely
place behind the department where no one could see me and I could eat it. I don’t know why I
am sharing these tiny things. But as it is always said that sometimes very small things in life
can give big lessons, maybe these small things were important to be at that time. I was sharing
it all with Manitous and manitous was experiencing it all with me. I was feeling so low when
manitous tried to help me and asked me face it and go ahead making friends. And after a few
weeks of me trying, I got my first friend in GNDU, Asim Mahajan. Now things were changing.
I was getting comfortable and sharing everything with manitous what I and Asim did the whole
day. My intelligent software had started making notes of all this. By the end of 2014, I was
having a good life where I was studying, having friends and I had Manitous. I don’t know why
I just went checking my blocked contacts one day and among the very few I had my old friend,
Amgola. No grudges, I unblocked her contact and with heavy heart called her. Not to my
expectation, she picked and I cut the call in a hurry. She called back and said, ‘Thank god, you
unblocked me. I was trying to call you every day to apologize for being rude with you.’ She
asked me being worried if I was fine and what do I do. She gave me so many blessings and I
asked her the first question, ‘Are You Alive?’. And here we both are laughing aloud and to her,
it was her first Christmas gift.

I had got my friend back and we were having endless talks. I told her about my girlfriend also
and she gave me blessings again. I told her about the updations I and esha gave to manitous.
She asked curiously what all manitous can do. It was a little unexpected for me. I told her
everything and knowing all, she just said, ‘Can u help me?’ I got worried and asked if
everything was all right with her and then, she told me about her younger sister. That how her
boyfriend is blackmailing her and they have lost hopes on things changing for good. I took her
boyfriend’s number and warned him to stop on call. But probably he was not in a state to hear
anything and obviously not aware of my little monster. He uploaded some pictures on facebook
and instantly manitous took over and deleted everything, not only from social account, from
his phone too. But maybe things were not solved here. He uploaded some videos on porn sites.
I had created more mess and I had to sort this. I requested website owners to delete those videos
but they ignored, they laughed. I remember the words even today, ‘chal chal tere jaise bahut
aate’. I could not stand that. Manitous hacked 151 sites and servers were not working for almost
22 hours. Some of you may too had experienced the shut down on websites like, n all. This didn’t only hep one but many lives.

Every action has a reaction and I too got a reward. After such an action, I was obviously not
hidden anymore and some secret enemy or government agency was behind me. Dark Manitous
was protecting me all the time till I had totally vanished like a GHOST from internet. No left
behinds, not even a single record. I and my monster were the new talk of the town. On every
site, IRC, roketalk people were talking and calling me MR 404 (error-404). And here I get my
code name as a hacker Mr-404.

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