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Name Rehman khan

Department BS commerce

Batch 4th

Semester 8th

Title project appraisal.

Instructor Sir Muhammad Mubin Memon


Introduction 3

Types of natural marble in Pakistan Target market machineries 4

Location of the project plan setup 5

Swot analysis strategy 6 to 8

Input raw material and calculation 9 to 12

Income statement 13

Balance sheet 14

Cash flow and payback period of the years 15

Other information with detail about the project plan 16


Shama marble company

The marble is a natural beautiful stone in and founded in balochistan and kpk
mountains .the marble stone is big piece as 20 to 30 ton a block and bring to
Karachi company for process by cutter machine called vertical machine for
makes lot of pieces of marble .the marble stone use in different places for life
time decoration as home school university masque and hospital an there is
available in different colors and sale products on feet square size .the marble
stone use in abroad countries as Saudi Arabic Dubai and Singapore .the
marble stone is suitable for life time therefore nor change colors and not end
life that’s natural things as you called natural resource land .the marble stone.
There are two type categories marble in market 1st one is natural marble that
have available in mountain as million years old .and second is Artificial Marble
dust is combined with cement or synthetic to make again marble but this
marble only good decoration not have life time guarantee in a building or
home etc. The natural marble stone is million years old available in mountain
in one colors.
The name of the marble is available in Baluchistan near Karachi city .
1 Noorany mountain 100 km from Karachi there is block stone marble ,
2 Durjee area mountain there is 150 km distance from Karachi and
3 Chaper area mountain 200 km from Karachi.
4 Lasbel mountain 50 km from Karachi.


White, Black, Green, Pink, Grey, Brown, gold and Yellow colors
2 ONYX marble like as marrow
COLOURS Dark Green with layers of Light Green, Green with streaks of
white & yellow and White with layers of Light Grey.
Onyx occurs mainly in Chinghai District, Baluchistan. Baluchistan Onyx is
favorite in the world markets and is used for facing, flooring and decorative

Types of natural marble in all Pakistan

Mohamed Agency, Chitral, Buner, Swat, Parachinar, Gilgit, Hunza, Swabi,
Bajour, Mardan, Wazirstan, Azad Kashmir, Lasbela, Chagai & Khuzdar. Onyx
occurs mainly in Chinghai District, Baluchistan. Baluchistan Onyx is favorite in
the world markets and is used for facing, flooring and decorative items

Name and Price per ton rock stone without process in

Karachi market Mangapeer road.
s/no Name Location Baluchistan color Price per tons
1 BLACK Noorani mountains black Rs1600 to 1800
2 TIPEE Durjee mountains Pink/grey/white Rs 2200 to 2800
3 Fancy Durjee mountains White / pink Rs 3400 to 4500
4 Royal Chapar mountains Blue light Rs 2200 to 2600
5 Tarvila Chapar mountains Dark blue Rs 2000 to 2200
6 Cream Chapar mountains Dark white /pink Rs 3000 to 4000
7 Onyx Baluchistan mountains Green full lightness Rs 4000 to 6000
8 Golden Lasbila mountains Yellow and dark yellow Rs 3000 to 3500

Black marble TP marble Fancy marble

Royal marble

Tarvil marble Cream marble Onyx marble Golden marble


Location of the project plant

The new project of marble industry plant is setup in Karachi mangapeer
area .the main purpose of location of Karachi city is a big central of the Asia
and near to sea side for marble products can export to abroad countries. And
TP marble mountain also only available in Baluchistan near Karachi of 100 km
from away.

Target market
The marble TP products are famous worldwide for their uniqueness and are
used as decoration and gift items .Major export markets for these marble are
central Asian republic united states of America and Australia .and export to
emirate Dubai Saudi Arabia and export to other country .this Pakistani marble
is absolutely product of Pakistan. The domestic market also carries a great
untapped potential for these handicrafts catering to tourists handicraft shops
and hotel industry.

Uses machinery for product

1st mountain stones products
Excavator machine uses for break the pieces and prepare the stone piece for
Shawl machine use for clear the way for the excavator machine and help to
uploading piece at trucks vehicle.
3rd trucks use for stones bring from mountain to company by roads .

2nd Machinery uses in company

Stone Cutting The stone is brought to the unit where it is cut to desired
pieces depending the product to be made, The stone cutting process consists
of fixing the raw stone on a trolley set on four steel columns to cut the stone.
Shape Cutting, the cut piece into the lathe machine and cuts he corners to
give it the basic shape of the product,
Grinding and Rubbing, Hand and bench grinders are used to give final
shape to the product,
Polishing and Finishing, Polishing and finishing machines are then used to
bring shine like as marrow for
Packaging, Finished products are packed as per the requirement of the buyer
, Corrugated carton boxes with packing are normally used to keep the product
safe during transportation Product specifications and quantity tags should be
used as a standard practice..


Strength Weakness
1 Excavators machine 1 shortage of electronic
2 Shawl machines 2 shortage of technologies
3 Cutters machines vehicle 3 weakness of rout way
4 vehicles 4 same products shortage
5 every year month create new routs
6 weak role and regulation
7 shortage of spire parts of machine
Opportunity Threat
1 good opportunity of cpec 1 non regulations
2 new customer dealing 2 risk in deposit area
3 china technologies 3 bad situation in Baluchistan
4 increase growth in market 4 working in big risk
5 different marble make in different 5 risk of accident
6 stones sale without process
7 highest price in market

1 Strength.
Strength is internal factor of the company as I have fixed asset excavator
machine shawel machine two trucks for loading and bring stone from
Baluchistan to Karachi company and we have good stone cutter machine for
processing its my strength therefore we suitable due to own machinery to
reach and easy receivable marble stone from mountain to company. My
others strength as stone can create big stock product any time for demand of
customer in market with lowest cost and not have need to want help from
others organization about any problem and high level tools existing with
expert employees with worker owners.

machine Shawl machine cutter machine

Polishing machine

2 Weakness
Weakness is 1st of electronic due to not complete customer order or markets
2nd one advance method or technology shortage to send marble abroad
country sale product on highest price
3rd one is way rout to bring marble stone is far from Karachi company there is
cannot reach marble stone time .

4th one is same color marble stone not available in there is a place mountain
its very difficult for searching .
5th one every month or years create new rout to mountain for searching .
6th one there is not rule and regulation in Baluchistan for legal agreement with
owner of mountains.
7th one there is not facility as spire parts of machinery and not have
mechanical engineers in mountain areas.

3 Opportunity
There is 1st one good opportunity as new free cpac port construction and
create new city of gowader there is need new marble stone for decorative new
houses ,hospital, roads and new government and private offices .
2nd one as new customer of abroad countries can dealing with free duties and
development new markets.
3rd one is new china technologies will be coming of lowest price for product
4th one is I have available good machineries with expert organization to
increase our growth in new marketing.
5th one is we can different marble stones and different color make and issue
in market for sales.
.6th one is that we can sale rock stone in market without process as by road.
7th one is we can rock stone convert to marble as squire size and sale in

4 threat
There is 1st one is not rule and regulation in Baluchistan of mountain owners .
2nd one is there is big risk for company machinery and worker due to
unknown areas and not government will sport due to sardari rule and there is
use fixed asset without authority registration .
3rd one is large and long heights mountain and difficult working with use
machinery and there is big risk for damage machinery and lot of threats for
death human as workers.

4th one is big and critical situation between government army and baluch
army therefore baluch army not accept government rule and regulation so
there threat of fighting and close working for long time.
5th one is there is Lang distance ways with bad condition roads when star
rains so there is stop supply with lot of days and make a big risk of accident of

Useful Project Management Tips

• Required spare parts & consumables:
Suppliers credit agreements and availability as per schedule of maintenance
be ensured before start of operations.
• Energy Requirement:
Should not be overestimated or installed in excess and alternate source of
energy for critical operations be arranged in advance
• Machinery Suppliers:
Should be asked for training and after sales services
under the contract with the machinery suppliers. They must be communicated
about the timely availability with clear mutual understanding of the required
time period.
• Quality Assurance Equipment & Standards:
Products quality standards need to be defined on the packaging
• Product Development & Packaging:
Expert help may be engaged for
product / service and packaging design & development
• Sales & Distribution Network:
Strong contacts to be established with civil works contractors focusing upon
house construction for middle class people and owners of retail shops.
• Price - Bulk Discounts, Cost plus Introductory Discounts:
Price during introductory phase may be lower and used as promotional tool.
Product cost estimates should be carefully documented before price setting.
Human Resources
• List of Human Resource

Skilled and experienced staff should be considered an investment even to the

extent of offering share in business profit.
• Performance Based Remuneration:
Attempt to manage human resource cost should be focused through
performance measurement and performance based compensation.
• Training & Skill Development:
Encouraging training and skill of self & employees through experts and
exposure of best practices is route to success.

Thanks good luck

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