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Course Description and Classroom Expectations

Mrs. Burke ~ 2019-2020

About Me: I am Mrs. Burke. I have a degree in Mathematical Sciences from UC Santa Barbara. I have been
teaching in the private sector for four years and am completing my credential this year. I am the mother of two
high school students. I believe that every student has a mathematician inside of them and I can’t wait to help
students fall in love with math. I look forward to getting to know you at Back to School Night.

Supplies/Materials: It is recommended that students have the following supplies throughout the year:
● Math textbook (keep at home)
● Two spiral notebooks, one for homework and one for notes
● Pencils, pens, and highlighters
● Glue Stick
● Calculator

If you cannot get the necessary supplies, please come talk to me as soon as possible.

Classroom Rules:
● Follow all school rules
● Be nice and respectful to your classmates and your teacher
● Offer to help your partner or group members
● Clean up after yourself
● Cell phones need to stay out of sight AT ALL TIMES!

Classroom Expectations:
Start of Class
Make sure you have all necessary materials for class
Be in your seat before the bell rings
Start working on the Warm-Up
Have completed homework out and ready to be checked
During Class
Raise your hand to be called on
Stay on task
Ask for help if needed
End of Class
Clean up any trash around you
Do not pack up early
Wait to be dismissed by the teacher

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. School policy will be strictly enforced.
Examples of cheating include: using forbidden materials on a test, presenting someone else’s work as your
own, allowing someone to present your work as their own, asking about or sharing exam questions, missing
class to avoid turning in an assignment

The Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to you free of charge. Your right to a free education is for all
school/educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and whether you get a grade for the activity or class. Subject to certain exceptions, your
right to a free public education means that we cannot require you or your family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school
activity, nor can we require you or your family to pay security deposits for access, participation, materials, or equipment.
Electronic Devices/Cell Phones: Phones, iPods, tablets, etc. must be put in the appropriate pocket on the
wall once inside the classroom. If caught with it, it will be confiscated immediately and turned into the office.

Grading Policy: A letter grade will be assigned based on the following:

Homework………………………………….………..… 20%
Tests/Quizzes…………………………………………. 65%
Final…………………………………………………..… 15%

I reserve the right, as a teacher, to alter this grading policy as necessary.

Student grades are posted to online to school loop.

Homework: Completing your homework is necessary to succeed in this class.

● Homework will be assigned each day.
● Homework should be completed in a separate spiral than your notes.
● Up to 4 points will be given for each homework assignment based on completeness and effort, not
accuracy. Credit will not be given unless all work is shown!
● Homework will be checked at the beginning of class, during the warm up.
○ If homework is not complete at the start of class, you can turn it in late for half credit
● Late work will be accepted for half credit.
● Students will have one day for each excused absence to make up missed work for full credit. It is the
student’s responsibility to find out from the teacher what work was missed while he/she was absent,
and also to copy the notes that were missed.

Notebooks: You will need a spiral notebook that is dedicated to only this class.
● The notebook should include all notes that are given in class.
● If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to copy any notes that were missed.
● Please keep a separate spiral for homework. Notes and homework should not be together.

Make-up tests will be given for excused absences only.
● Students are responsible for setting up a time, outside of class, to make-up the test.
● Students will have one day for every day absent to make up for a missed test.
● No makeup quizzes will be given. If a student misses a quiz, then he/she will be given the same grade
that he/she receives on the following Chapter Test.
● Tests will assess your knowledge of the current unit and may include important information from prior
● You will be given at least one week notice of any test.
● Students are expected and required to maintain academic integrity at all times.

Additional Help/Resources: If you are struggling in this class, come talk to me as soon as possible! I want
you to be successful and am willing to make arrangements to help you. Additional, resources available:
● Student tutors (talk to me if you would like the list), outside tutors
● After school help in the library and my classroom
● The textbook’s website,,,

Please return this form, completed and signed.

~ adapted from the San Clemente Math Department syllabus

Student’s Name: ­­­­­____________________________________________ Period:

☐ I have read Mrs. Burke’s syllabus and have discussed it with my parent(s)/guardian(s).

☐ I understand the syllabus and agree to abide by it.

_____________________________________________ ________________

Student’s Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________________________

☐ I have read Mrs. Burke’s syllabus and have discussed it with my son/daughter.

_____________________________________________ ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

~ adapted from the San Clemente Math Department syllabus

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