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CalQuan India, Email:, Website: www.calquan.

com, Tech Support: 9730077215

1.1 C-002 - Import OGL (Vertical Format)

– To start software - double click – the icon CQ on desktop
– New form appears
– Select tab < Demo Kross-X >
– Select group < For Beginners >
– Select Project < C-002 – Import OGL Vertical format >
– Click button < Create >

– Select main menu < Menus >

– Select sub menu < Kross -X- Cross Sections – Quantity >

CalQuan India, Email:, Website:, Tech Support: 9730077215

– Select Main menu < Levels >

– Select sub menu < Read File >

– New form appears.

– Select read file format csv file- vertical
– Select level(survey) OGL as shown in fig

CalQuan India, Email:, Website:, Tech Support: 9730077215

– Click button < Read File All Data >

– Select ground level data file ( e.g Demo OGL.csv)
– [ File Path –Project Drive/CQ_Projects/C-002 Import OGL file (Vertical Format)/Demo OGL .csv]

Note :– Demo OGL data is preloaded in this project folder otherwise select own OGL file.

Note :- Ground data has been imported. To check the data go to next tab < Preview >

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