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Translation of seize in Spanish:

(grab, snatch)
(object/hand) agarrar

(opportunity) aprovechar

(power) tomar

(power) hacerse con

he seized me by the shoulder — me agarró del hombro

I seized the handrail — me agarré / me así de la barandilla

she seized the book from his hands — le arrebató el libro de las manos
He quickly seized it with one hand and pointed it at the door.
She seized the opportunity and there has been no looking back since.
She seized the older boy by the arm and drew him inside.
He quickly seized her wrist and pinned it to her side.
They were being offered a regular and secure investment opportunity which they
seized with alacrity.
This is an opportunity they must seize with both hands.
Logically, one would think that the church would embrace this opportunity and
seize the chance to equip the saints for the work of the Kingdom.
Cooper writes about post-modern politics as an opportunity we must seize.
Instead of replying Faith seized her by the hand and began pulling her along.
Limerick will know that they should have seized the opportunity because the
chance was there, playing against a 14-man Kerry team at home.
Jin escaped Vamp's hold, only to be seized by the arms.
Warner quickly seized the opportunity and immediately signed the prodigious
We must admit that China's decision to seize a business opportunity to promote
Chinese language has had good results.
What unplanned opportunities have you seized, and how?
This is a momentous opportunity that Indonesia must seize.
She has seized every opportunity during seven years in the Navy, and recently
took the position as the top Sailor in her field.
This is a conflict that can widen or an opportunity we can seize.
The Government has set targets for reducing CO2 emissions that we will stand
no chance of meeting unless we seize opportunities to invest in renewable
energy when we can.
The two attendants quickly hurried forward and roughly seized Angel about her
You find the miracles in opportunities seized, in magic believed.
This season, injuries to others gave him his opportunity; he seized his chance
with aplomb, and has been clinging to the shirt ever since.
This magnificent opportunity was eagerly seized by modernizing employers.
The British National party quickly seized the opportunity to exploit the attack.
Find opportunities and seize chances to convey the message of Islam to others.
Germany seized its opportunity following its victory over France in the 1871 war.
A decision to seize the opportunity they present could have a major impact on
the left internationally.


(town/fortress) tomar

(town/fortress) apoderarse de

(person) detener

The allies had made several attempts to capture it so they could go on and
seize Rome.
The British army seized New York City in September 1776 and continued
to occupy it when Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown five years later.
Things did turn sour, though, when Chechen rebels seized a Moscow
He has admitted he was one of the 32 armed rebels who seized the school
last September.
On Oct.23, 2002, Chechen rebels seized a Moscow theater and held
hostages for three days.
The government had for days promised an all-out offensive against the
rebels who seized half the country after a bloody coup attempt on
September 19.
He could not seize Rome and secure his logistic base.
In 1862 he moved to the western theater, leading part of the Union army
that seized Corinth, Mississippi.

(property/assets) (confiscate) confiscar

(impound) embargar

(contraband/cargo) confiscar

(cargo/contraband) decomisar

(arms/drugs) incautar

(arms/drugs) incautarse de

(copies of book) secuestrar

A transit van was also seized by officers, who are continuing their
His right to possession may be suspended or temporarily divested if the
goods are seized by the police under lawful authority.
The problem was that he needed access to funds seized by the police for
legal fees.
His captors had sent e-mails to government and news organizations on a
computer later seized by the Pakistani police.
Hundreds of miniature lead soldiers seized in a burglary bust are to be
reunited with their owner.
Customs officers at Dublin Airport yesterday seized a drugs shipment
worth €1.3m which was bound for New York.
Drugs worth billions of rands were seized by the police last year, the
department of detective services said yesterday.
Forensic tests are now being carried out on items seized by police.
He was immediately seized by Canadian immigration authorities and has
been held in detention since February.
Officers believe the amount of cannabis seized by officers will seriously
impact supplies throughout south London and beyond.
Police are examining computer equipment seized during the search.
Magic mushrooms and cannabis plants were seized by police officers
carrying out a drugs raid on a house in Atworth.
In addition to the arrests, caches of arms have also been seized.
Though he intended to crop out all identifying details, the uncropped
negatives were seized by the police and leaked to the press, setting off a
media firestorm.
In 1993, 53.15 tons of cannabis were seized by the government.
This is the haul of alcohol seized by police in an undercover operation
targeting young drinkers.
An amount of ecstasy tablets were also seized in this raid.
They also produced receipts which they said identified where all of the
items seized by the police had been purchased.
The drugs and property gained from sale of the drugs were seized as
A large haul of weapons was also seized in the raids.


she was seized with panic — fue presa del pánico

they were seized by foreboding — les dio un presentimiento

he was seized with the desire to … — sintió garas de …
He'd never seen, never imagined, the like of this moment, and a vast, inarticulate
longing seized him.
I was sitting at my desk, hunched over a grammar worksheet, when the feeling
seized me.
Momentary panic seized him, and he patted urgently at his pockets, discovering
with relief that the things he would need were still there.
Panic seized her as Pearl felt herself being led towards the water.
Panic seized me as I realized Jacob had not been selected.
Fury seized John when he learned of Daisy's destination.
I gasp sharply as a sudden pain seizes me around my waist.
Panic seized me as I realized she might have said her name during one of those
auditory lapses.
Three miles into the journey she was seized with labour pains.
Suddenly she was seized with fear, not of death itself, but of what comes after
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.
As the evening comes on, an incomprehensible feeling of disquietude seizes me,
just as if night concealed some terrible menace toward me.
I saw them stand up and leave and panic seized me.
A sudden panic seized her, and Lila hurriedly tripped her way to the glass doors,
managing to arrive there just as he was about to walk out.
Rage seized him, filling his throat so that he could not speak.
For a moment, panic seized her as she stiffened, sitting up abruptly.
All the clutter on his desk was spread out in front of me, and a great curiosity
seized me.
A foreign emotion seized Jason as he watched the scene.
Fear seized her as she suddenly realized that something was indeed different.
She felt an irrational anger seize her at this small disturbance in the palace


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