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xdtrdq?.niq: H'D.lhataAtS
tb|.dgtdst A||IrlIffi
Ffc.o,uaott DQ.ltla.td Hb.y t ffilstdr'
LHt'q* o,L Pttl.D' |.Jse
O.bdsdrfilo.t l'}ol-?o12

qffi !@
I ldv deLF 6n tb dsiiid ltt .dy sblltd rGbS 6' dtL
iffi bffi Bd.LP.5-, d.tritLLn!dry'''!"'ddEB'

|)stn.rof ISGy &ISdr ltl!..

Udvqivd|l. @'hlEt

I ha.by tlcpdElod 6d fr. &!dr' DctDdst urd" av 'r!'rddotl bv Alllt|

rtud. ffi {triddbldiryt CHt-ndti!E*it: l$tr999b'
..o{cri toFd.lrtu d5.n@dft.e|t"ofDodoc hLqb

4,t' '
MDt l'l|!{raAtid
udwlb,ot&. llclb
U!iv.!|W.f6. Plqi.b
w, r347-mr2


ni L io o!.ry tu $ b !t d |b l8 r&lFdtv 'lEutu"d 'd

frl s irdtdirallhbtdEffifr'F5FdtL 4(@.tv
rh|Gllv .( 6. Ad.b, L!!.r!, ft.rb 3En of d.!r* of D'dd Ee"dr b
hHst ! st6..

r4r' '









P:|tr ul

'IMNSmoN 10 DEr/OCMCY: POtr a _Ur-r|^aD€t/ELOPIYENTs-..-2o

fi€ sEcoND rMsE oF IXANSI1rON-


In losl qurtd of ttc 2d 6$ry (197rn96) wilDcsed tusnio. of enc

forty @ur.i6 ofTnarn lilr dt dilabry io civilid ruL n sms inEEslins

to snrdt thir chrs.. Th. polnicd eidli.l3 Pter.d st. ul.ful @.@pMl ed

tl@rciol neetu*s ...ltsan8 th. chugitS n.t!E of thc civil_nilitorv eltrions i.

fie Third wond 6unoics, Ths thcotiB Point out lh. ditriculti.s' vhich eie wh..

fiis tdsitjon occuB 6om dE nililty !o qivili.n ruI.

In the light oflll li.s.lh@d.!, $c thr* Mtnisl r,ws in Pakist n w.E

imposed in ditr@nl circwsnncos. 8ot d.ry tin. th.y Pesnted lh. dplanlton
thll th@ 6 c po*e v&uum ud in incvitlhlc circMsttncd diUl!ry had lo

inr.d.... ln csc of th. Thid Mlni.l lrw C.n. Zir .loincd to b. I Eluct&i

intd..tionin for th. lirit d PUrPo$ blr pFlorgqt hii P.6oMl nl. lor nol l6s dld
.t.vd y6, U. cm.d dt olc of 8udiM ol idololv of P'ftitu md dEnd'd

milirq! @aonte &d elf int.Bls in rhb guis. All lhc th@ rimcs Ftnsition

@!n n but in ditr*nl ciFumsuncd ln @ ol snd nMial lawi rh' tusition

w.s lbdidt d b4!@ dilit ry *s dkcGdiLd ttut a d.f..t lhe h.n& or ils

Thc oihq two rrinsitions w.E pt.nn.d lnd Dilit!ry volunlarilv rclinquish'd

power. Both rimes il ws 'dicill€d 0?c bcclNc milillrv 8$ pow€rful as €mpec!

lo lhe civilids. Th. my *e nol in f.vour of imncdiat rillddwal and chd' to

l.ghmise thci. rule lhough rcf@dun ed thco a}tb cFited a panv q?c o

civilimis his rul.lcting lnc be ln ceof 1977

nitit rv s hisohtio6 suppod

Mrnill L.\ Oa. Zii wG mod @ntid.nr sd hG dic6&d ii! hs io rclinquish

pow.. nlst d'6.en kgnind.s his dl. lhouSh EfeE dun md rhcn pattv_lc$

cl..1ions lo cdt . Pos.tl.$ Gemblv !.d . citiliM 8ov'mme ft vG ! q!6i-

civilid rulc qith a wing milillrv me s! h'td of th' $G Th' trB'non
govcmcr w$ . mix of thc nilit!ry &d civilids nomitd! u'dcr thc diciiLd

t.m! oiliilly rEs.ryGd fodigI policv, suritv &d n*tq i!* a it' cxclusit?

domain md wn n civili& Sovehmc aicd to 'xcc'd it3 lidns' it wrs fiFd

{Gov.hmani of MonmEld Kh6

JuNjo) Atur lh' delth of Gm zir' hilit'rv

choe to sl|y b.hind td lct lhc .l@tonl dtfctuv

vott bur IE3' rhF !s
Eilii|ry' tl ws i'p'cl lvp' rdsnion !s
emrincil again th. exclusivc doFain of tlE
B'nuir Bhuno' tnc
th. Any Chi.f C.n. Boig pur 'd!in condidons b'foE
pdg in 1983 &d Dow4
chirreen of PFP. which Goee'n s n'idilv ' 'l4tiois
ws tesfded to hd whd 3ne &c.pt'd those
Thc p@ss of tnnsnion pFloigcd duc
ro !fic tds"e of ft' Eidrh

civiliu sovcdD'nts md
Anddnqt vhich .utuiled dE ind'p'rd{e of ttu
e indi@lly .l.ct'd P*side *irn t d@isivc position The milir'ry
lh' @h of kiig
comnrndd asscncd lh.n viu thFugh dE pFsidd! dd lsuncd
dv in|.n'r'n@ in i!'5 in|qml
mad.Bfic nililtv Fn'in'd highlv itull'i'd iglin't
bv tl&
@!ld suniv' which wd aDprc!'d
mn&6, ln 1990s only thlt golcm€
lo b'
WlM in s?6nd Phr* of tusnion nilittrv chos' 'addl
miln!ry @dmddc6
iid msew
$c peiddt hd ro sign (tdooq rtgh4i) It!' eor Poltid oani's
eod a pow'lftrl nilnarv in
sclf intc6lcd
polilichns @!kt nol rcsist thc or!'nisd'

nBr half offB lrdsirion Pqiod'

snd lcti csD@illly wh'n 0'et
Tlt v BE d onfidcN ii lh't r5!"iiv'
najorig in lh? 9lrliimcnt Thc Eilktlion
fr.gile mcjotilv rs @Ncntd 10 a sronS

wi$ fic po{cr of dc peli'ftnt

that lhe milihry hcllrnonv could h' @niod'd
gur $c trining onds dt luspicio6 oI
I.d ro FDcrl of $c EiC[h AnFdm'rt
also Th'
dcspotic tEnds in th' civilian govchmc
niliiery rSin. !'d to
irnamioEl rito !i @tienrioi b.rwcn t. judbi&y &d 6c q@uritq $.
pqid.dr lrd rlc priDc minilcr cie nnhq bm rhc @ly t jftd f!bd. of ihe
polili*l 3j4t m. &spire ltl po*.rtUl lolilior in rhe D.tiry lh. pn@ Mi.isicr Nawa
Em.ined D4ially iubordt Ed ro rh! lmy cht.t Hi! wal,.!s ws cxposd wh4
hc 6uld nor l'l. &rion .glinsr rhc C,in4 whd h. 5ntcd hitihry .cdon i. Klrgit,
byrr$ing d!. lliicipL ofih. civitid sulrtr!.t. Lrtd $,h.! h. ni.d ro doov. r[.
rsniE my chicf, Eilitlrt EfBed ,o subhir b rh. civjtie gov.mmcn. md
mposd thc Mdi.t tlw in 1999. As ! dieiptin d or8ldsrion, fi. nilihry ws nor
suppos.d ro l. r&insi t civitiin govcmc be!!s. it ws lh. p.n of fi.ir
di$iplii. ro h. torlt b rh. cavithi aurhodry. Bul hiluE b .bid. 6y rh.ir orh od
hErrLrpEt rion of rh. pDfeiodlisnr peidcd d. nitj|jry . junificdion to !s.i.
llc ovd th. Dowd. This tinc rc id.ologicd, no powcr v&uuE
ed no llw !n.r ord.r
bqtdow. ws ih. rsoD. Orty rhe nilitdrt setf inrscss ,nd rb co,lomc
ru@romy *a ftc trincipl. moriv. ofrlp Maniat L!w,

nrc sfody orctudq

dlr 6. Dilirlry i! . etf inr.Bd org&slio,. !r
pEf6 ro sLy b.hind rhc eqc bul sh.n its o4D6i.
.nd orhcr jnr.Es!5 e
ih@lcicd it lrkcs ovcr ih. toreMcnr dn cdy. OM ir
lnrB $. poriricar domaj4

8olendce b.6m! thl pnority of rhc amy chi.ted rh. lop coonlndcu.
@rsid.. thdsclyF s tn. bcdd or,a8lr ofpotirics ,nit
.@nony and n.v.r tik ro
@mplcr.ly di*.99. aq if dEy rtusfcr pow 6 rh (ivjrjdr

..__ .iDlccuSioFu'6udDrDod2.i*d. rivir.M ibytuh,N ftdyii,F pd


h dE N@c ofAlhi! dF B@f6|{ th. M@itul

My hEtj.st g'ntad. is dE io Dy 5upeviid lDl Dr Mssml Abid td hd

.tr@ridlrr @parior md @3ind r4pon b Da s,!.@d I ws h !..d of hd
guidee $e wa llmF *irt Ec, d6piE ell h.. re.ti.r a.d ldbilisriv.
cDoaibiliri.6, s[. Ev!.w.d thl wbotc @@ipl with gFd ce &d arDd.d
vdq.blc s8sldiotu ro 5h@. tis $6i9 idro rt pBar sh.r.. prot D.. Qalb-i,Abi4
dEch.il:eoflt D@&rDdl rt5 h.lpcd Dc.lor wirb bir ululbL gutlre 6l rt
initld sr!g. o{b, !!3@h pbjecr

Dr, Adr.r s&<t!, es rn 66.1 4 b wn( on itD iopic

*'fio e8g.3n.d
ela{ng b tlE oiti|!.y.ilit Elali@, r,ot Dr. tas Ask!.j &z!i, fomd
cnaimr. &d Pref D.pernc or Ibliridt Scidcc, Uniee,sig punjab,
ot rh.
&Iorc qDorrcd s. b udqirr. {F lgd sd
@ tnc ,tc is rlc fd
asdchicie vbo hd worLed on ln. niul!ry &d i$ rote in p.tisrani potitjs so his
$gtFrior E vrt vdu.blq tt lor ody frrti!.d my Es&h pmpost bur also
8n @ iBtublc i.prd r.Srdiig is!6 rllr.d !o Dy lopic.
IM .l$ iidobrcd ,o ny r&lts pr.t Dr, naul Bubsn ptis, pbt Di
M!ll@.d Ist@ Dd lrof St!d6 Hirr $
Dr. dE s@ or ooliv.r.d in fi.
.6pldion ofoy r6qrh.

I &.1 iudcbt d ro ht v.ry hior olaeu. Dd 6idd tron eu6 M.ry

Col.gc L.nd!, Pl!r, w',t .d. Si.tdiqi *,1,q d6piac
dl b* lodi€I. duc lo e .y!
opdldoD, qic*rd rhc 6,n dho of Dy th.'i5 &d g.v. n. v!,tuabrc suggcnioB, I
@ .lo itrd.t ed ro Asa Mallsr, !€iE4 D.p&r!di of E gtish, Ittq wl,o Hr
tbtugh th. @ei'r 6 ! Iii6!r, Eview ed a p@f Err\i, d6pit alt ha
|la.hirg tud .dnilisrdivc mnDitddr,
Tb. dd @n crrd for t toph vbich b 6n|y o@t io lh. ta* tl'tt vdy

6w docundts e d.ct.&!ie4 tovcd io bc e i|ttillidding tasL Nomllv' it is sd

6s lohody c..?qdd win lle t@Ene. Btt I @ ltck, @ugh lhtt ood of thc

slaf ln thc libdiB .dq!d.d ddt @oa!ri@ Id also $llktuI lo tlc

adoili5bdoF of ln. 8ot!fu6t irihni@ fd ptoviditg e ad.qulc suPPon to

tt. rlcdd of Supbc Coln of Pa&tllq I!ld!b64 ln. Nariml Asmblv

Fo€dings ed &!.!6, ih. ledd of lt lr6id.ot Hous., lshbtb.4 dd lh. l'nnc

MiDislq Hous., &loda4 for it ier.rts dd pr* Fl.s of th. P6iddt ed

liina Minisi!., t[. Librdy ofNalioul D.Gn@ Unlvc6ily, I!bD!b!d; the c{$al
Lib...y PEj.b UriE ty, rrldi dE Litrey ofP.tj$! Stldy Cab., Uliv6ity
orrh! \jr!
Li!@; Qu.id-i-Ad Uni6iry, IlkD.tsd ed Qud Mdy colhsc
lrboF LibEry q@ dt siv.ly !s.d. I u aie lrlr.tuI ro Di@ior Crndrl htq
Sd&a hbUc Rcldidr &. aiadhg tis po[isid ro coNh l|i. Eod of thc

Isl& OHq Rrwdpindi eglrdin8 th. nltonmts of$. Afty Chicl Sinikrly, thc

o6cid! of$c EL.dd C,-6nri@ ofP.ldrq ld.o!0.4 Eovid.d ded@ leltr

fm th.it irrr@a &d $. X.?d!r @ e.Ed EI.dloN frn dpt ofte @ns
\,l'ich @ rq-airyr ont of print Ttc alnriniltdid of lhc Natio.l Achiq.s,
I5'le.t{4 tu rlso v6y sq'po.ti€ ,rd t!.y auoe.d o. !o @Ucd FlcEr o.rst l.
It will b. @f!ir if I tuuld ror lctrwLd!! ihc .ooFniior of ny f^rily
espditlly Ey silas AsiD!.nd SMd &d Dy beth6 D.. A5iE, lkoo!, F.is.l
aDd ME f@ .I thc $ppon rb,t rn r dr''ded b oc to olgFD. d. .h.ll@86 t
o!&odcd ln by lif.! job ard dis !h.D G.eh My brolhs H@or ed &isrl

-@p&i.d r. b dl $. i avi4 I odu...d ir td@, My odh4, thouS! @l

vcry elivo p@ticdl, b( na playlc dut6 €!rc nG th. @ddoe fr sc@. I
@rd fo8a by cbn&ln Al! Shde4 Mubru ed cs,oituv Abdllhn

S@dic I fll6d I t$ roo,6."ring to lt6. vF y.ugchildlq hnth'v ttcs

b€.t d out I'ly b& fda Mrlnoo&ul_tlM alsts t@rai!'d t to@ of stlng|h

br @. iL E @ of tbc @ Ata! of 6is rlodlid $do idE dndiai"ltd

asridir hi! dadIa. dd DrevftLil lhd wie dl ih. &.ilili6 vhicl wd MilllL lo

d.ir @, h fr.. t B t!. @ b.6i!d .ll D' norivdiN fd tbc iMsr snggl'

i! oy sddic .!d Fo&ssiorl li&,

Alh! Ssdhu, by bsbll4 rvi4d rh. odd nu6dpt

D.. Hc d5o

@dl.!od !6y btcvi4 eit|! @ &d d@ tettdiig Ev @ of Kid. Dqinc

his st y u En8lrnd hc @ll.scd r NEb.t ofdocuddE to $Dpon ny acrod non

d. Ernisb Ubdy, Iddd od odt toi|lB \vhd I visiEd ln. Brid.h Libffv

ntel4 tir .xpai.M h.lp.d M h oy 5@h fd h@ Eldt n d@mart ! d

sly irdct'r.d ro hid 6r b& n lp.

At rt ad ! Busr !.I!qlcd!. ihc a&dion of my !o&!tt .d t*!rd

Gsisldb including Sain, &io, Mrd[r Attliq Dibhtd, Mqi!, Sobi4 Nigh.i od
Snlgl! do liEldly b.b.d D. &rbS r6a! !d d'tdi.d
$is @ er dd
@llerion nd ditubr lib{i6 od gotuot offq.

ADC Aid.n -ODp (. duErv.id. to u dFutiE)
AN! Almil.Lliodldg
A!r'T AjDyvdntTrud
ND A|-Al6qr OrrEizdioo
BBCI B.rt &r Cotno@ ud CEdit btstrrdon l
BNA Llodisio Nddl AIi@
cII co@il oflll@ic ld.olog
CAS Chi.fofr{t Srlfi
CBR c6td Add of &t@.
CGS Chicfofcdarl Staf
CIA C6hrl lltcllg@A8Edct
ct Ctidt6lic
CTCSC Ch.i@ roltrtcbi.S of StaffC@Dtl.c
CML{ Cbi.fMld.lle^rhitris.to.
CNS CticfofNwd Si'tr
COAS Chi.fofifry St ff
CSP C6trd Sl{si@Sdvic
DCM D.pdy Cnhfofttr*ioD
DcMtI DcPlIychhfMrdrllrw,{tloinilf.rd
DG Dtrr(iorc*El
DIIA D.ftd€ lto6idg Adhorld€
DIG Dttrrht co.Gq@l
FBI !.daal lNcaligltir8 Bwu
rCA ldigr Cura.t A@ui'l
rM Fi.ldMr.lid
FSC F.ddl Sh&i'it Coln
ISF F.da.l$eriltl@
HMG tlis Mlj6iy Govtuq (n! &iti5n cDw)
ts b&[iC!.@B@
IG Lspccorcadl
u llleni Jahui lnihsl
ISI lild-Sdh!€ lrElliSap
JCS.IIQ Joiltchid$rdqadQulnd!
.n J6ar-illltDi
ruI luh.t ULdt4-Illd
tWP Jelui Slimldg
LFo L.g.l F@cwa*old6
MI Mlliurt Iniclltsrc
MKP Medoor Kis retY
MN M@bd ofNdiodil Ar.@blY
MPA Mdbd Ptoti@itt A:sblY
MQM Md.jn Qddi MoYc@/Mutabj'L Q@i Moh4r
r'AD Mdd@l for th. R*loltti@ of D'mstct
NDP Ndioorl Ddoddc PrnY
NPP(K) Ndiolrl rcal6' Pstv (l(}e c@p)
N$c Nd@l S4unt Co6cit
NVTP Ndlh ver turnia l"ovile
PAI P.tbttt A'ui ftih.tl
PCO rrvbl@d Collilulior.l dq
PDP P.ldst! Ddq.'c Pt!r'
llA P&idr lddatidd A ile
PM Prlhc MiDi$or
PMKP P*ldtn l\,lad@r Kiss Pat
?!eoo P.r&t4 Uustin lr.a& Nrw GeuP)
PrYlL(P) P.llst4 Mulim laAE (P.!!r gouP)
FMI"{ Piovilcbl Msdal !!w AdnininBroi
PPL PsSaive PaP.6 Limilcd

PPP P!$nttlcAle'Pt tY

PF rtud oflttittn
Mw R€rch & Anal"i! Wiis (o6s tndis Initlisa@ A8!icv)
Rco Rcatotarid ofcodditutio' Order
USA U!io..l StneofAodis
USSR SoviaudE
WAlDrt Wsl4 ed tlM Ddclop6mtAulboiitv

r. rbtt-ld(thbdE' r*rt m/E tF E

2. hldat a!-&----------- 12

a. w.fral'r'l,,----'-------ir'6
{ D.errbdlJsp--6.-tt8
!. D.tb tddttTrr.{ts---------la

Lik E!!y sldB ofthc'&idl Vo.l4 Parilt r hd b@ urdd Diur"v rul€ 6r

dostof$eloioilaiaits ratio! i! 1947 fte IiBt Mltii,l l^rw wd iEposcd i! 1958'

s€cod in 1 9, t[itd in 197 ad fouth io 199 (&. nrs lbc Msd'lIlB i[ in th'

pdicw of tbj! sMy). Thc Eilildy lad to wilhdlaw 3 ! csdl of lhc l97l tr4!dy' i c

lh! fiI ofDhstlr, Ttc vol@ldy t&lfa oflo€ eluEd twic!' ftst ia Jw 1962' @d

s@nd i! De.Dbd 1985. Bolh tl6 dns n brplad thousl s pl!nn€.! di$ng.g.ndt

Ilc politi6l sw ltst'rtlrd siich $iad to Oc otlEjJ8li@al

pt!f.r€!€6 oftb. nilitlry dd @tinuity of ile osjo! !olioi6. rot O't !'rrpe, ilcv cG

ottldwilhdepolhc.lelit Edy r. fit i! Ibc Des @!g@dtr

T!€ t!!lido! of poq6 i! 1962 rcsuLd in ! €tdiscd pBid.riid tsr@
*t@i! .I lhc por6 *rt rt!&d ir t h&d! of Atlb Kl@ 'ftc drsltcntEal of

lh. poliiicis &d i[c rc r6dtd in @tt r Mdtial Lre. I! 1985, lhc militdy

Fsioc of Oddr (hc@fdi! G6.) Aa-ul-Hq u!.d thc 1973 CoBdtuliotr for
i.slitdiDg th. co8rioity ofhir Flici6 &d coDnol oE lhc civil Sovc@dt tbrelgl tb.
Eighrl Atudi.lt io rh. 1973 CoBriludoD-' It Lgitihied aU lha Pr6idatid ordos

ald odiDlllE i! th. @ of 'b.l@' b€tr@ rhc pol|w of th. PFsid.nt &d lbc

&in. Milislal of P.kj5&n but virtu Uy 8.r the PEiddt e dtitute $pr4acy over

all otb.r lolitiol i.ntuniols Zir us.d tbj3 Fvlr to disis hi5 btrdlick d Pribe

Minist r, Mullniord (!rn Jlln jo's gollrrmcrr.

A rd p.nd of M-&t€ov6 oilitary ilt rvcntid tLvdop.d i! tbe !o$-Aa

Fiod whm dilitdy d@i&d to lcr dct!].3sy sori( I! this tsbMrk" th. Ady qbr.l
brd to play a piwtd d. alolg wilh thc PEsident.dl thc Prioe Mhistd cos$hrtiDg a

Liarylc of losr tno*! as Tmika Uld.r rhis dha-consttuiiool emgclEt th.

Amy Chi.f E d ro hold Ferilgs wirl 6. llgidet &d tb. Pljoc Mirisra @UeljEly

ed *pe.iely !o bujld coMsus oD Epdl|It iss. 'nrc lrcsidcnt od ihc Amy Chicf

@incd i!-cbnsc of ire Af&o polict ad t lucldprogttMc. Tlc Pris. Milins

vs nor cntrlstcd ro dtd rhB. s. itirc policy !Fr& Thc consdMonal chalg€ i! 1997

tlduc.d fic pos6 of th. Pruidcor bu d. civilid gov@ts mtiru.d lo rly o! L'tc

nililny fo. D.anagilg poliiid afrsiE io avoid coltap* ofbc roliy.

'Ih. t&sirion Ad &c Eiliidr ro civilid tule ir ! cond.r phdomdo!. Ih.
civili& EgiE s hld ro f!.e scdoN idedity crilt& 'r!cy w.DLd ro Ircv. rhrr ibcy w.r!
autononous i! rh.ir actioDs but at the sl4c liDc Ocy coutd lor .onvi!@ rie militlry !o

rc* udq $. Co'lnnudo lrtc prolonscd milirry ntc 8.n nl.d non{do@rj.
poliri.al cultw whjch vE*.ncd rb. jnstitudo8, ft.e ilsliririoE could not b6 L't.
shocts of rb€ bisl,@g€oer by U. ro..potidcd govmun€lri I! thc a!s@ of
e$blishd poliricd instinrioG, rhc ta* of potiljc.l l@!8mor bccod.s diffcult for

ey Posl-Manial l^.w Eginc *,!ich aidr to .d$ijd jlretf s a g6uie ddqlric

go!ffir- Frtldnorq lh. F€e@ of aitirny otr6 in de ror dccisioFD*j!8

positions i! puuic and priva& s.ltou @nplidtcs ilis rrsk no.c.

Th. la5i quand ofdtc twdti.rb @tury (1971- 1996) pitD6*d E&5'rion ofson.

fo.iy cout ies of$c Tnid Wdld Aom elhdirdj& rul. ro civilid Egin.. lt s.cm3

io&Gsiiig lo stDdy th! cbr!8., ftc poliical eiadsr prlscEr.d soDc uscftl @..?tud
ed rh.orcdc5l ftddewo*s ,rElyfig lhc ctosj!8 BrN of rh€ civil dd ailit'ry
ehtiou in the lhjrd Wdid @uEi.s. Th.s. rh.on€s poinr our de diiicullies, which

disc whcn lhis tasnion occuts ion oitkry lo civilid rul..

Wly dB t bi[1nt idawe? It it Dot th. foca oflbb etudv. Th. studv f@'s on

$F! tndor s.ir ofhsu6;

It f!s1 o@ ,r, $dy do tb Dilitsry ruld! lttnsfd PoM lo ! civili.DFhicd Esioe?

Wly @ th. Diutaly ntLrs nd stay in Pow .ll th€ iint? \[/bit consideElio$ ed
f&to6 s!.ap.lb.ir d6isi@ to cldgc th. lrrw of lt ir nJ.? S.@dly, *isr is rb.

dt'@i6 of li&siti@ 10 civilie ded@dic Nle? Wld b.tbods ed Fo.tdws do tlF

niursry.ul6 ad.pt for t@irid? ftit4 bow tu tt civili& reis.r caLblisb.d by lb.
Eilitry ru16 e gdiEly civili'I ed d.o@Edc? wlul lte iL pros!@ts of O.ir

Th. lollicd lrd Fsr.d t !@b< of t!.ories ro a!5{€r thcs.

quesiioE. On lhe bsb of Fild's cxpl.rdioA t bl€ I p6dts thc sv6 1o the

qestioa 3! to *'by tb! Eili'bry irt nt6*. Vhlr @ tbc ncs thd @ dplord 10

id.It@? Ad low Eilitdy g!t3 rb. dpportDiry io illedd. th. civili& dlfuirf
Table I : Th. FiG Aa€d Calculos ofMliLry tor.Mtiotrrusurpaid.

gore: s. E. P[6.7h2 M& d k EM' rdl (2!d Edni@ Middd* PdlM S@k( 19751, 7iL7J
Now L\e qusrio! is why i,\. Eilitdy M Dol 31!y i! loM foEver? I'Iy lh.y

h!r. to llesfcr powq lo civili& Spve@.!l? wld @DljddatioE &d &!toB do sb!P.

rh.ir .lccision !o changc lbc ulu. oftb.i! n!e?

Nordlinc* @!t@dr d.r r[c DDfoqrd dilit ry ru|. @v PoUdci.. Eilitarv &d

lb@ is a f.s of @Ela o{u by tle Diddl. &d j@jo! ofrc6 'ftis 4glbdt is

supponcd by d€ Acl$a! duilg th. Fdo4 l9a0el97G Dos! of th6 altcEPled couPr

w.e ior to ovcn!rcw rt!. civilar t€girE bln fd th. tetl&@at of onc mv
goe.ment with thc othq,r A lolitrcilcd Eilittry dcl norc likc a toliti*l rdly the a

snong disciplin€d figlting tor.' 'fte Dilitlry dly b. Eolc concdcd wilb the fcd that

@ula ud rcpqr.d @!p tuy l6d to tlc F?aijon of thc PBi f!il6 levilg negarivc

inplcts on thc lalror &d th. Dilii.ry itcll ln ih. bct*@ 1960s_1980s,lhc
miltar) tov.m@!5 sho*!.l iD.oe!.c!c!, tgSrudis@a ald EPBion de lo whicl

thc mosr of lhc ofic.rs djlsoci4cd de(i noe th.lcs&y of the nilitay lulc i! Solrl

Anorha sult So!ffat w.l the dectinc in

ot thjs pod pdfomscc iD

"hilillry statw, uity ald slfco!fiddcc," .Dd lhc mis bc@c cotucious of sving
tb.hs.lv.s tro@ the n.8.live ei4n of lhc dirrcr nilitaly lrlcover of cililid affas
fte niliLry tuy !ufe. ftom orelnisatio l div'lion! donS *ith Politic.l difqses du.

to Flong€d Ejlilary .ulc.-fhc drtrcrcncls mly mcry? ,Do.g $e thre fmB, i.,
m, dvy ad an fo@ or 4d @@8 Oo ditr@t @r of 6c @. foe or thc

diflGGnr gsi56,! l}e i .E l .oh6ioa .nd orgrdsltionil uiry ate tLe dinincliw

chnlctcrislics of tb org4is.ti@.t fomr of nilit rt whici PDvj& djlir2ry . 8&!r*

abilig io d..l rnL 6c i.stturol of violar. s @nPd.d lo @v civilid iDstitulid.i
Ant hiliif, 8o@t ould Dot sLv h pow for.va lhc Fopl?t rul' is

thc @tlral dcmud of the Pcoplc, who dlwlvs sEusgl.d io bling ddocev! ed

sdific.d ro gct tid of opPr.ssirc dlc. 'I}tc dictriols @at. diff.Ent t?' of n.l@s ro

@dii!@ theit tu1. but Dltis!.ly thcv h!v.lo FstoE ihc !'oPtd' ! c Thc lolirical

mov@@ts lo gel ri.l of alt sotu of di.laiot$rp ald blaltarilI rule ee ! Ploof of th's

hu:@ idinct. liM .tgu.s Ibd llc l.grlih&v of njlildt lne is of !€8li8iblc
inponane ir wtl politiel cultut€s. But ilc dsing polftioal awrencss in Oe s@'dv

My poilt our a l.8iti@y flctor whicb hls hoth !ega!v. ed p6ir lffccrse Th'
60!.1 Ejdion of nilitary rulc intnaiistely rid taleou or and a Plolon8'd Eilil!ry

rulc may eult in plblic Fol.4 liott, sd strik$ @d .vh it aded sinan@ Thit

csisr@@ wdd bc PrcFrtio l b rh. lcgiaDev the civ'ti6 gov.md cnjoved at 1b'

tmc oflll@vo, Il is on. of thc ..,106 to d.!or mjlitary 1*cov'r bul iftlc hgili@y of

thc civitid sov.hndlt is low, lltilsy muld dilt 16l@wtro'|!! lcgirieacv crisis

my chaueng€ thc .xisloc. ofDrlitaiv rul. .td eDc tinc 3d thcv havc !o rclinqujsn

lowd ro tij. civilie gov.tu@r.

The pdforoce failE (ccorcEic or P.litical eic ) on the pd of lhe

govcmcnt indesc! tbe opPoiu ry of miliblv r*eovori 'Ite @' P'domacc

Iail@ of milita.y 8ov.r@dt Dght @P.l n 10 trsfd Powr ro civilis 8ov@dl

lhe pomis€s by ihc dlidy sove@€nt lo rliqujsh pow€r imcdhtclv and

ehj.ring gosls ofdir@t r'kdd d$ fa.ilitd. @lv vibdn*d &Dd Pow'!

of enolation of
The efimal p.*sw sd inl.Mtionsl Public opidon iD favou

&mocacy cspaidly i! case of miliary lal@v.B bv dis'ssins u clccr'd sovmcDl

o mtim! in loF for a lont dne tunnd dosino
mak il difrculi for lhc Dilitarv
cfels of global &d Egiorrl .Ldddisdio! hjucM oilis.y's elf co,fdcne on rltc

one hrld &d ilsrjgll! rhc rtoD6$c rolili.d forcs ro f.se 6ilil.ry to wind u! iE rut.
o! 0D orl4,

Nor.tlilgc. rt)s tt r tb. @sr coluo! p!t! wbjc! nniei* tollo* to pilltdn*
froE power k $. ,votll|dy dis.ng!8d6r.i Ir uy b. d@ to ifta-nitrr:y or civili&
pasu.e or w hou! llar. ,Ilc hlalrt pBslrE t!1.@ the Eilrl of milir.,y officds ro
slppon Eilitary EgiEe &d ar1alrl pEsru! eten civjlisB
force hilta!, rcginc to
Elinquish poqd theu&h st'ilcs, lgjtatior! ed pubuc.l.Do!s[4jos.,r
I! fel
NordlirEs slys rhr eilir.ry $pport d by a sicd o6jer corls coutd n.rd b. folccd lo
Flinquish pow !o Drrtlr iop Duch riD. th.y s&y in pow.
Wl.n the Biltury Elilqujlb pom rrlc !4r q@6tio! lh.lcoE4 up b whsr &e
tbc dyneic! ofE Eirio! io civil& .t Do.iadc rutc? Wld m.lbods &d prlc..les do
Ihc dilir&y iJ.E dopr fo! r.$irjon? nirdtn bow flr Lhc c,vitje Egiha cn.btishcd
bt dilio.y ru16 .r! sduinety civitiD .orl &docnric? nr'bd &! lh. Fospers of tcjr
sustdiubiliq, Wtr !s dE djldls e.t PlDbld of rbc c,utjd ESincs pur rogciid
by nilildr, tuls? How do tbe io! @!!E !dc6 .it Dpl to pmtc.r &d lehotc rh.n
intcresis ald inllucncc in rhc lolilical sysre& oncc rhc/ bnrc dilcct nilitary rute to l!
ad. Mililatyt nlinquishin8 ofpons is geldaly rld ,s ! re$rlon io dcmo@y,
Finc. ed Hudlgron both luppon .l M.rjca! chplc wlcE nitiiary Fensfe! pow! to
a! omcial paiy, lle our .xeplcs ve.c C!b!, Tajw &d lEq,rl
Thc o.xr Ftatcd iss is bow drii t.esfd o@s? Foltowld by Ltc qu.srioD s ro
wbo 0& tr8f.r rlka plra?T hc hrririo! tod niutary lo civili& n!. is a cohpt.x

phcmDem od g€letlledo! B lot e *syjob ro bc do@ by $. r\coEdcjans. ft@

w& tffi i!4 .ighty ca.es of nilitary witidnwal &om lolilics in 1940s-8ft' o$ of
rtfch eud ondlbitd *q! 'tbdsb t sc!dbl.4 pl@"l *itbdnqd aaq hotdiDs
ele.iios' Tr'€bh .dmited l!.t th@ $'!s m {id.lv aocFcd P&digrn lo $lldv lhe

F!€ ofrililsry ,ri6Stg@6r&lM|!eEl ion Politi6. ''

ftdc {! so lMv \€rialiod in lhc lmess lh,l oost of the schola6 dcalt il o!

c4 by c4 b$is Ho$fu, $d of lbc Sddaliric! N !ovid.d. Tb@ dv be lb@

poltibtc elesoriB of bow lhc Ptol. po4{, $rcs Placc depdding upon rbc n.tuE ed

l. fte tEsiti@ js'Dict&d' whcn fic Eilitlry is polilicdly st@ga the ns

2. ft mulil bc militey natch* wjll its civili& olposili@ i!

'!ad' t}Il. wh€D rbc
saelL lt @nclDd6. !6d qit! civilis &d lhzt @6 th. $holc ptoc* of
t@sni@ b d@o6rcy,
3, It suld b. 'Abdjcar4' th. dililtry i3 i! wcatir position th& itg
olFsitioL b thd ce it siDDly r.linquis!., powr and 806 back to lhe

Ihc dictded tt?! of laridon is noF ooFpld the thc rcst of two qFs, It i, difrcdl

fo. . powntl Dilil&y lo Elioquish poF. WLla Ocy do th.y Mm to Ehi! sone

Fwqtul rolc for ileNlw! trough l.gitiDistio! of Uen rcginc. ln thc Dictated'

cd.go.y tLft @ teo sub iyp6 1}. 'EUlquish tF tusfa poM throus! pl@.d

rd roh€d'ilc.l cle.tioD!, *hich.itha lca& to tuI &E@tdjs.ton or en. arug@@l

wii! op!6iti@ ladils lo d.D@$ric rutc. Tlc 'F.t liL' suFqpc fiBl eaoltr.s $o.
sn of t.eiti@y l@dilg io libd.lisarion .td linii.d .Lmo@y. 11 fmili6.s
nsu@tid of civil ei€g qith lDrnd,' slppon ultiE lely Llding to 61ontiotr of
.onplde .lcb@n y.r6 I! bolh .ls nittsry sek inde@ity for aI 4..ss ir hA

@bnitt€d dui!8 the .lir€1 oilitary ruj.. Milittrt .Irc pul @nditior tbar Ue civiljs
rculd Dor isist o! i@c.brt relrFdo! of d@o.i!cv r'd mdd Fn'jn Aom Eing

violar oe3st.s .grid tDnildy 8old@cdrt 'ftouS! nilitary &d civilje fo6 !F
ar pd with eacb olhd s'lilc DcgolistinS .sreandt but tnd 0rt pol'tcal batdcc

draslically s[iff5 i! favou of civnie. th. gBdul libdalistion ]4ds lo nenslhdjng

ofpolitical for!€s by @Nquent lve*oning ofrnjlit ry tcginc.

O' DoMeI and Scbnitlcr coPhrsjsc $c rolc ofrcomPmnise acr'eEent' in t\e

balsition lo dctuqlcy, !{ijch tb.y call !s txtricatior pact ' Tbis g?e of agteebdl

taks plae $'bd th€ tlili!ry 6!d ils rivd pouticd foEls ar. m&hed eiil e!'L olhei

Thcy firnler ehbo r! rbe corccPt of cmPm6r!. Fls.rncd bt R1Etowr! dd dcfiae n $

e dpl'cit c@pmnis !EG@@l hlin8 rm cbrst dni6: (a) it t'de'itr6 lle rul* of

the political g@ &.t O) io FoLci th. i.i.Fns of ilc P41 ruI6 it tbvid6 ad'qEre

ddual glsa es,'e Pslow in his Piols q,o* clt Sdics lh. r&siion PDc6s ido

$e pbases: rtc fitst ph.sc i3 @Bi5lc.l of ! lotg ltuggl. b€te!'n tb' pol&ied hn

.qurl political foMs ft. 3@d Pla i5 th. @DFdjs .g@l bctse ste
pol.ilical fo.G ledilg !o itditti@rlilltio! of d@o.t lic Ptoctdes tl' tt'itd
phe mutl b. thc 'bbtMti.in of ddoctric ?rc..du!s enich gnduallv oleecs lhe

deg@ &d lhe tugc of co.!.68 n'Tlc llilirsv nmallv olt for d dddlv Pol'bcs

{pady politict 8lhd than slret Polirica,:r in n\. posl wnhdnwal paiod vhich t\ev

sually ban duitrs Uc Poiod of di&cl trle Thc sitc'l politics nav l'3d to !e_
pouricistiod ofeciely sd fcd of eotru nlilarv t4olt by shoig haadal ofrcqs If

the !&t is tale s inplicn tot $! exPlicn it is not v!ry rd' Thc tltlysis of ssitioff

ir diffcrent 6uiti.s Eltds th.l lhcy involve tacnc a8l!@ctls or inplicit

'ftolgb lbc 'dtic.ti@ !a.t' cdEilid itlw 6uci tttstioD tod th9
rheFlicid hn ir 6icd . eely &w gFuld qtdplG TD! V@.zFb ed Coldbit

195tu e the d! cx!@les, Plilc i! 1980s U'u8r'v p&"d t!to!8lt tt&inon

fad rhsr ir w onlv
ltlniDind€d by a Pa.r rtdcb prc!.d vcr, 'hon livcd alln fim tlc
q@plc or
p{tirly ibde!El.d"? Ih. @ of lrenlo! i! PolEd i! 1989 b lbt el'
pocl' s,lict @lmd in l970e9G
! h Atri6 noF l}d
e 'dltict nilildy'diicrnd
tlb .loa irosiliols tom Eiliisrv ni. to denoca'v oo'!ftd i! 190'95 vfthort ev

cvidc!6 of p.ct Mon of th@ andlis[.d ih' nalio"l onfN!@ ot onsriluljonal

E 1.B driig lbc Foce3s of t'6riod hr lhG. cdfallG divcrgc tod pr4 in E"v
rlspocls liLe siz., t@t 3.ntdio! otcivili&a Prcc.d@ ,!d i! cf'ct':6 Ttuilio8 EoD

DiliLry to ci!ili6! rutc iD Asit (Noih KoEa' Pbililpi!'s, ftiil0nd' ?ahs:t!t' tnd

Bllgladeb) duing 19S0e905 ale L.t qdicit p&t!'

Th. dicld.d tJF of tdidd Aon iilitdy io citili& rul' l€@i!'d i[c 6oE

@!)lM 9?e i! tui! i! !98G. Tb. c@ptd cx@dc i! $!t of T.iwu which Psed
tbrcWh ! long prcGs of telnion. I}i! t&silio! sle .xlibiLd sorn' Pact litc

fcatrlA' Tt Soulb Kol@ dePlc $|s al$ drcld.d ttlc t^n ! Flatirclv 3ibPld dc
s witbod @y codpli€tios lh. Dditdy nesf@d pow to a potilic€l pdty- lh3illd

.!d Pr&isie ate prsr.d thrclgh thc dio6.d tvF ofhsition,

In Ldi! AE rie Eod of lbc lo!!iti6 rq€ of Fix.d Ei!& itrlbe sa pdiod

Dictat d iJrp , edicb occutd i! B@il lDd Pd 6lalv fl!.nlt d bet'*@ dicltLd &d
p&t type, IrE Udguyu L.rsiiion w!3 pa.t !d Argcrtilcln tiosition w sbdrotcd

wbiL Bolirie b&sitio! lo d.@6cy wd s conbillliod ofpaci and l! Lalin

Andi€ lbc of tus'dd Aoo oilitttt to civiUE ruI. i! !990s E de lo &'
immea& lublic Ptlsrw. TL Dililry rul6i .!rnda.d rcluctllt lo rclirquis! loM &d
{E colid b. &@.d d rhc s a oelgcd t".BilioD.'' ft.ir
'fuge|@r 'uiD@
courcl?arts i! .Afic! elr! doE sitlcc in lralsfnt g pow 10 ll)c civilic dd
facilit tld ! bie Mv! of d.nodalsariorro

Tbc dird cdcgory '1h! aldicd.d' typ. is r.lrtircly siapla &d rn iebt f@ed

w.y of lresiti@. Th. oilitrt is coDFUcd l,o rrled.r pow b.ing di$Fdit d duc 1o

p.rfomde failw d d.tcel in w ac. I! rhi! si$Aior niIr{y F8in.\ trsfd of

powt! is .ilhq @np.U.d by lhc firious civilii! oppondt! to lcuDqujsh powa o! irg€ll

slos ilclilrf@ ro rah !o thr brtulr. Th .&id.d tt?. i! dif.Mi t@ lact typc

a i! lhc follq biiilry &ets r.sld.rio! of fiU d@o.ruy iMcdially !s rbc

osi.nsible p.icc lo csclpc Uc hrd'liarion, Bu! still r,r!s abdi@tcd tW. mighl b.
coDplicclcd by lh. Eplchdioa of Dili!ry ,!o't Oen cor?oFt. elf inl66!s Dd
ndd.trt wib lnc 066 djcrly Es?otrsibl. fd dess.s, bdd th. civilie Ecibc.r'
lD a! th. tlle iwc! th. dilitary t!di!.d @!cm.d alout ic futuE i.. b.fo.c

Elinqubhirg DoEr lhcy cnsucd ila

L Th. si]c6sor civ i& go@-ar wdd lor igD@ &. @rpoBrc irrecsts and
policy Prcfa!.c$ of niljtaty." Tbcy mdd Dor ilErfd i! dili6ry! inEDd
2. Thcy sk i!d.@iry fd *'l!d lh.y h.vc dof duing fi.h tule.r For Llil
Plrpos th.y s.et iom. alst)li@ or connitutioDl g@at d,
3, Tlrei. civilia! suMsloB @ clEp.rcll c!ou!! ro provid. stabl. govtudr, !
P4cetul Priry o! pr!:1y sysh,r'

Eililry *odd sray i! F@ ald lbc t@itioo wdd Ll(c ph.c .nq Eilir.ly
gcts s.l,sficd aboui .il $.n !gF!h.!sios.

h th.8n$ition pdiod tbc civnEn govdnrnots fa..lcsitiErcy crjsis.'ftey wet

io 4s.n indepddencc bul .i thc sld€ tin cauol 80 a8ai6t ihc niut|ly hig! @Imdd
I}ey car scculr stong losilion llrist Eiliiry if ih.y crl'jbjt thc ability lo Fodue

@Getuus donS fi. poliricd for4! lDd di. 3ur. ilnir|llio$.rr 'ftc ftasrn4ted ad
confdrins civilie irEtiiuiis iltllr codplicd! th. pN@ss of E4ition dd

uad€min€ tlc slreryth of thc civilid gov@. inrolt *io&awd petod.

Ir the ligh ofall th.s. th.od.!, th. $E! M!rti!.I La\{ it ?.kbt& w!. inPosd

in difered cidlDlrdc€s. Bu .v.ry linc lhcy pEsled L\0 cxlleai'on lha! lt'ere was a

lowlr vacuud and ir ilrviirbL circl)ldlnc.s mjlillry h.d to iltdoa TbctE v4 no

laq add oddproblo whd Istedd Miro iepo!.d Mdisl L!* it i958 h 1969 O.

isucs berwen lhc gov.'r)tMl &il opFolitio! ee ltgnv.tld wl@ thc poliiy @ slil
bds u&sitiotul pdiod tod djlit ry to civilie rulc (Itc H.!tl ofrh. $atc B a

njlitlry m), wh.r rh. hili'rt *itbtllw ia bekjrS i6d th. niltary PEsidal. Ihe

Ilen B rhe Frerat dtitiolr of lh. CoE rdldait4i.f ed dE sior

coDEddels to str-clsh ti! opponuiy ro .5!bU3! tbeit oM nic llitd tibc Gd aa

claincd him$lf to b. ! r.lBt nl id.nqri@id for th. linilld plrPo* but qdojlcd lle

opponuniiy to prolorg Ns FtloD.l ruL for Dol Is the elcM t6. IIc A@cd thc

rcI. of@ i.l@iogjclr gD.rdid ofth. odEy &.t qt'tdcd Dililt yk @iP@rc dd sr-
intces.s in this sdr.. All tl. tlle dfr6 E&silion o@uacd but i! ditr.fut
circms1&c.s. h 6c of lrord Mfiid b*. th. rrsirion wle sHicalcd b@.ue $e
d']ir&y was discredit d aff.r ! dcf4t ai the btlds of jt! tsdnion t cl@Y Irdja Btd niU

nilitary ws nEuld.d !g.i.n id.rf.fucc in ii i dn l E &s ed loscd Esisttuce

againd lh. dccisioc of the civilid 8ovllmai Thrt liDc l!. Pto@ss of trsitio! s€3

s!€edy but thc pady which cahc lo po*cr L'uough thc dcn1omtic proccs faihd to

e$abtish a dm@laiic cultuE due io its loddt p.Isoml styh ofpolitid

The otno lwo dsirioB *w pldlld ard rhe djlir|.a volurarily Elinqujshcd
poM. Bolh \|@ 'dict t d' 9pc .nd sub-ryp. M 'p..l liL.' I1E oDy *d nor in

6vou of iEE.rit wirkld$'il .Dd .lo* !o lctitioi$ rb.t olc lbrcug! rcfetud@
&d ftn cratd ! pnty Vpc ro civilialis. tjs tuL *ii[ thc obvioN $ppdl be
fron Dililaty- ln ce of 1977. Zi! els oor. corfdrd &d hc dictalcd lis t€m lo

Elilquish poslr 6$t tbrcugh l.siriDisilf his ntlc rhrougb r.fc€ldu ed r1@ linircd
Soal cl4tior! 10 cErc a powerlc.s ssbly rld a civilid gov.@oi.It ws a qsi
civilie tule wi1n a w'rg niliery n., s s h.!d of thc s!a!q. Tlr F.nsition sov.imor
m . mix ofjut! ed civilid. Undo th. dictalcd rcms thc dlitaly EFrved foFign
policy. sccuity and nu.l@ ils 4s iti .xcb.ivc dotuin dd *nen rhe .ivili&
gov€@dt tdcd 1o qced il! li,!ir!, n *!s trld (covcMol of Mdrmatl x.ie
Jbcjo). Anq rh. dorh of Cd 24 rb. oilirry choe ro sby b.bild ed !a rhc clccrolrl

dhedcy wo* ba dr thd &ss lloriftd !gai! thc ddNiE domin of the

niliwy. It M .l$ . dictai.d itlc !5 l!. AE Chi.f Gd arjg tul cat2i! oDdido6

bcfoE B.@ir Blur,b, cb.i|p6@ of PP?, ddgcd a s @jonty Frty in 1988

cl@ 06 dd she ae€lied a! rho*.i6

Thc prc6s oftdsitior lrolongcd duc io lh. prcscnc. of i.\e Eic!& AmeDdhenl

which cunailed rlE indeperdere of ine civililn govcm.nts dd cavc e jndn€clly

.lcct.d pEsid@t a sllolg losilio! io thc politictl sFlln. It also ftciiit i€d nilitarv 10

.ollaboEtc with thc pBidmt dd isMcd fie rolc of a kilg nalcr' Mililary idailcd

higldy ssitive to @y iderfercDc. m irs int.mi E n $. I! 1990s onlv rhal govemcni

@uld rwiv. which w .p!tov.d by lh. njlil'ry co@ddds wltd it s@ld Ple of

t?l$iton niliLry choe to b. ncItd lhc prcsident hltl io csiSn (Feooq righdi).'!]t
re& polilicol Fni6, i c.1E ed l@l.llv shEisiE Ftftj'iN *tb M! noi Fain'd

i! . Fliic,lly @ldFivc di,o@dt, codd tor Gie lhe or8ltitt4 sr ida€sted ald

porqtul Dilit!ry i! tho ff$. brlf oflb. bu.iii@ pdiod

'I! y r6ucd @ddtc in th.n rsP.cliw s@ld t@ asPditlv vtd th'ir

tlgilc o4dity colvacd to ! s!6t djontv i! th. p&li.dat Th' 6lissli@ lbd
ibcDililaryhcg@@y.oildh.@nt@!,dwitbtbcpoeof th.p,iliucltoy'I'dro
!c!e.l of il€ Eighfi AbddEdl Blll lhc tai!'ry uld'r th. alsli'ioN of' bilitarl

Egioc l€d lo dctPolic tEds it lte civibn 8ov€@t also Ile indihttioDd rin! ad

@nAodrliG bctffi dt judiciey tnd lhc *adive F6idlitt tld FiDe dirista at
&rtba tod thc twly hi!.d frbdc oflh. politicd stst4r DdPi& d lo{crtul pdition
i! the polity thc Princ Minied Navla r.Drin€d lEullv $bo.dinaied to llE Amv

Chi.t IIs w€.*nB w o.pos€d $lta h. could lol lr&c &tion a8.itn llc Cin'C *!'n
h. bypan d r!. civilis 4tbdity ed lisLd dilitarv a<rid i! K,rSil wld Le ai'd 1o

@ove thc alsdrirc AEy Caic4 biliidy nnscd io &€Pt th. $P't@@v of th' civilio

go!!|M6t ed Gstrblb!.d il| adhority bv iEPoring l'lsti.l Law As a di$ipli!'d

orSanislion lh. Edlil,ry should Fr blvc viot.Ld tbE gpruodclt ord6 b.c'r it $!s

! p.n of 6.ir dieip[E lo h. ioysl !o lh. civilid dnhoftt. Bu frile to bv lbt'r

olth @d 6bi!t .p..ralid ot prcf.$iooli@rt PFvi.lcd ihc t litdv a jdincdjoa 10

.gaiu tlte ovd in poslr. ftis ii,!c no id@logicti chal€nge' no pow va4!u md no

b* &.1 otttd btt kdoM rw th. r.tsli Oolv tbe nitit tv's sll-ilt'r'ds 4d il3

corPorarc a o.oioy E l!. FituiFl notivc oflh. Mfiid tn h 1999'


AlilDugb s! find ! nunb€r of books on civil-hiliiary Flatim by ebir.ll

fo..ign &d loc.l s.holes but th@ @ roy c4 yd ro bc cxploE!, which dc Elarcd

&r rhis dilcma in P*i6rar Thc topic, t .lsirion aon nililE Io civilid rulc, is uiquc

it a *re th.l oDly a f.w scholely mlk h4 h.co donc on th. nilillry !.siDd jn

P*ista!, AU sh *ri&ls ig@rcd tbc d?er oi the traidd troo Dilit ry to civtlian

rule, ilsitio..t !rcc.s &d tt€ atd{ft.8 of LL rod@cntic rulo

'I!c tlsition Em milillry to citlie ruL jn lon'w:Udhwal ?qiod presettcd !

nub.r of probl@, *ilclt lol ody det ! disption h !h. Flilicd 5t5r@ but als

culrilatcd a bad in!8e fd th. @ul'y, oDc 6a.r eth6 fw. cl4tcd gov.Eddli
b.cdc victim of this qubdtry. It is imPonqt to snldv 3 ro wld {ac L\' fdros

Bporlible for ntrs iNabiliry. Alothcl ad of fos mv bc 6, thd v@ L\e El

hurdls in tsidonal prc€ss? \r/bst k nrE l.v.l of tb. pofilicaf ptnicipalio! of lhc

tuscs in ih. pohicil syscF &d s'hit sholld bc dolc fo! $' cslablhhDcDl of Fal

Thb stu.ly suggesrs a @EltEhdsiv. sei of colditio$ to 8et a soblt ud

@nsislcnt d.mocdtic Political svn.m h tutw bv ellysirg ii' facioF &d aclots

Gpo.sibl. fo! thc politidl itulab'lity in th. p.st'wi1h&awd P'riod Findings of lbjr

Fs.dh would !.b to !rcPosc th. sFale&, to cub rho* fdors' which caue ilsl'bilitv

TIE study f@es o! thc h}?oth.sis thd the !'&silior fiom DiI!.!y 1o cililie
rulc des noi 6&!lisl a crl .Lmo@y. Fulb€.d@, it addts Edy hyPoth6* by

unfoldi.g fi. qu.ri€ duiig th. re*5rcl.

I! Plbsu! 6c nilitsry dc lol tulfcr poerr to civiii.! govcmcd tul i is a

son of boffcirl !!d offici.l pok lharirg aruecdtc lo pbtcd &ei. Deifold
id.e$! including istituionrl &d coDolrlc @es. 'I.lE 4iLil.ry rcDiirs @n..@d rbout

ir! *lfsd .oQoBlc in&rcati &d &c.ps a sttch o! ih. $,o*i!g oflh. seclso. cMlie
govcmals. Th.y csidd thcNlv6 s lhc betta t@ag6 of e.onony dd Pol'ticrl

systcE ed al.lm &. rclc ofgurdie ofd! idcolost oflalitts' IlE artuctuFd o!

unsiructuEd irslitulio l .olc of ao ov.FdddoP.d nililary cars* djsPlion i! lhe

poliricd syd.n of Prkists!.'I!al is whn orc.oilitry tak.s ovd &d r.$ord

ddo.ncy, ir lgab impos€ Mlrtial t*.


A bulk of rilt rial i! a lqtc.ed fod is availlbl! on thc subFcl- libraiB'

officirl md non{f6cial .l@uds of rhc p.dod e !v.ib!lc in Pal<itt'n Thc o6cid

d@@61s of P.lislaD got.lrjlMt ilclDding sP.c.he ed F$ @nf.:!@t of thc

Pr.sidcnt, Plimc Minin6, diDjtEn ltd st t.D.nlr ofll,c Annv Chicfs ptlel a Poi

of vicw which is qunc @ntndicloty io lhd lr.s.nred by l,hc sralmols' sP"chcs atd

lafiy liIq.ruro ofuc political lesdc.yPoUtj.d P|nia who

@ & victi@ of disissd
Poids E|y !.lp lo s.t t! objdlive 'pFoach
in this psiod. 'Itc @ ddiclory in ute

r.*tch. Editorids oft}. n4sPap.6 ed tnictes oD cditorid Pag', cs!'citlv in Englsb

pss publ'sh.d in thc @nte@dt pcriod !t ar i'|poflt eEEeofiltotutlion M4v
*ndsjou.Mlisc h.vc dqild a lot lb ltlsve thc bistdical d1ii4 alo!8 wilh thc

dpcd'cnci.s ed daggcistio$. Th. .vc\tihcas eounis as oral hislory accoultf'ld

es.a$b ruy bc anothd wluallc sounc io tllrlvc tb! uddlired fd! Th' i}'o!'ti*l

fiM.wo* helPs 10 s.!.rsl!!il ihc Dilisy nlc lnd d'Eomiic tlesiiior

Volu$jnoB biJloncd aacolri! ofth. Polilicd d4dolEdt i! Pa?&E @ t'rd

bul. fcw @ver tlc Fo.s of 6is tr Bitjon EoD nilillt ro civili'! rulc ion l9Es'

1999. MoEvcr, mst of thc witas lw. Plid ! litrlc had b $c tditiodl Pt@css sd

th. hudl.s in thi! Po@st fte/ @!in.d @d.!t with f@usi'g o' ttc flagjl' chdrcl'r

of dmocracy 6!d bafttior ot $c ev.nB Kc.Ping ir vi* r'lc tnPorlec€ of this roPic

&d iis clos. !.lcvec. to thc Flidcal !v$en of!at.js1!4 ii desdes sPecjd an'nion

adddjc sd eholslY eoir"

Th. no5l rduabt vut i! thi! contdt i! rbat ofDr' H'ls askai Rizlit boot

Milit.ry and Polfis i, ?abtt@: t917J997, (2000)' which di9.N4 $' oiliwv

intdcntion in P.ki61rn in rldarl. Hb lalc! 'tbrl on th. s!tr toPic k Mililary' State a44

soct.ty i4 Paklsbn QOOS)- H. .odprchosivclv dbclsed the rcle ofthc Dilit!1v

iD fie

@ul'yl Politis.!d its !6€sarion i! l]rc socicly. H. tls dis!$* lhe lini1llios of

ou politicrl institudons Bul his tujor focs is r\c nililtiv ed ils civiliaD Pdtn'tt'

b@udcy. Ir is ! good w* it rttb conto<r How\tr rh' pt1).6 of rsi on t"ds

Arorhc. ecll qwted mrk i! lI. Clvll'Mitttol Rtlation in Pabttah 11991) W t'
Saeql Sha&at bul n not conc€tt].d wilh thc lelaliotu of $e niljtalv and civil
of thc
bl@ucdcy ed its chogilg equadon. Mdcovd.lhrs book Mdeiales thc $udv
Friod of ilc trc Bh'nto3, alfqa Ali Bhmo &d Baeir Bbdio. Djs$jlg lhe

@*irg of civilie go!!mdt{ its ui! .@ph!sis Eidlincd thc rclc of p.ll@d!
&toE of rhe Prlisrdi polirics (Diur.ry @d .ivil bldumcy) dd FW shdilg

betft€! tbm

Dr. G. V. ChordhEy\ book Coa,i&ttonal D.velopnet in Pahttan (1967)

disclNs thc d.vclolm.nis in th. injrial p.riod of ?*.ist!r. His s.Mnd bnok, ne Lasl

Dals of United Pahttd (1974) is hcbtul in udastlDdin8 tbe $laation of E4t

Patisla! sd bL of th. dililary sovffidt j! 6c evcai. I{ls thhd baok, Pakl5td:

haNitionlron Militqr to Cteilt@ il/e (1988) d.rh with tbc prcc.$ ofrosjtior only

i. tlE ritle &d itr facr ir d.rls Mth lhc fir$ Dd th. s@nd tr&nial Lgw &d ftll of Dhala

He is very crjlicd of ihc Bburb r.8iEc snd ils wor$!g. H!vi!€ $ough of Godal Zia-

ul-Elq as a jqslined EiUt'ry ;t Erori@in i! t!. skc of uen ed clros in 19?7. [c

ha ! $n cda for hib. H. wts !l adailt ofzi! for bi5 Dovc toM r Isleieti@
&d d€lar.d th.r rhc gEarcsr !.Licvd.r of Zia wB th. t6itjon t@ hilil&y rule 10

! civilid orc (!. 50). In f&! h. r.t6 Zia\ .ffon lo coololidai. hjs !i. a thc p'oc* of

lrsiiion erd @BidcF lh. @lstilutional sd sEu.turai lnangddls irlo bY Ger Aa

for Isluierio. proes s wh.t h. cslhd a bllFic ddod&y in Patiskn. MoMvd,

his vo* d@s nol @ve! the pon-zia pdiod.

V.@ Kur*j.'s book "Mtlttory Intenvntbn t" ?akittd: tt C6e Studl af

Palt$d (1985) is eotlq sllldy rh.r Prcscnis mjlit!ry inierveadon in ?ali$e. It is a
good effort bul sine ir had gaps in dals lnd tcld sndv $ th. Pr@.ss of traisilion

.eded much !o b€ doE, MoEovcr, il docs Dot cov* $. p.dod alla 1984 Hd e@nd

Vtot, Civit-Milita'r klatitu in Sodt ,'{J,4 ( l99l) ffiia t scplntc lcctior on ?a&istd

but ii .lo.s ro! offa t .Lt ilcd &d id.dc!r.! study !s !!c inponoe of tlis 1@ic

dwtu1d' Hn p.c\t bo& Cod.mpttary ?ar$@ (2003) is s study of dircMt pbac!

of U& bjsiory of labst,[ Ir stso ddotcs cosiddablc spacc fd $c miliidy lulc ed

d.noc@y bui rhce d. visibL sip! in tbjs shtdy. lt do* rc! foos rh€ procds of
fiBirion ro deDo@cy.

Shqj. N!w's c'oredsi@d (2008) i5 a rcl@iloB {ott on Pa}ind Il

is A c@pchdliv. b@l @vqils !I rlc .t t ilj of tb. prct$ioDdl ddclophe of
P.tisrrn aoy, suc of @poG, .xtdlat r.lariotu of amy ald ilj com&dds,
intuoce on dcLnc. ed foeigl policy Drking.nd dclaihd aeounts of wln lhc my

had fought .d rtt exsdes it @!du.tcd ovd tbc ys. It rte @v6 rh. politics of
Palisb. from rhc adt b.gidi!,s nr l}!e Mushr@{ da But n ct@ly depi.r5 ih.
milii.ry's stddpoinr to rhc is!.s u,tu! ib* B ! cllsh bdwc@ $c civil& ,!d
nilitary vddor At ehc ple.s, h. $!es d.fcDdi.8 th€ lninrdc of thc !m, goeEls
dd bcir aPprcacb row!:tr !&dling ilc affaiB oitb rho civilia, govcmor ft.
t,&snio! tom ihc milihry ro civilia luh ald the prcccs ilvorved in tbe @use !r nor

Pe6;z lqb6l Chtu's The AJ.tue poticl o! patilm: t917-1958 p,@ide .

good &@ui of !h. dly !ha$ ofpartb, hitir.ry ed is rct. i! slapj,s t!. !atjst!,\
dcf6e poiicy. ft. ddctolmcot of ali&.c p.nffihip wii! &c US dd joirin8 Lhc

defcrcc pacrs @ slso discused. Dr. Ch@d als disclsses r,E rcte of $c civjtian
innitutios in co tol ofrhc anncd fo!c.! ed dcfo.. policy, Ii is a good accouni ro

b.d\ \itn His *qk m. im.d Forcet of p.rittn eo12) i, tlE slory of 0E palista,

am.d foei irs d.vcl@rlaf dd rie ws. Hc !!5 daol.d oic chlF€r ro &c rct. of

Dilirlry in 1l. loliri6 in P.tiqr.! !n ih. rlBitio! ro ddo.fuy i5 Dot ttrc ropic of l!.

Si?hd P. Coh@ i! Its fatirrd,{rrl (1998) Previdcs ! 8@d s1My of lhc

deElophcnr ofP.bn r Anny !frd 1947 !r ! @lti$rrioD ofhis wk on hdi& amt,

K.?ins ihc @lrineB ilvolveoedr of Pald$$ ,rdcd forces in Politics wh.Oa on $c

soc or bchind n'E s@., Cob.o dis$d the blc of my in th. Polilica Bul hb rlll
focu is tbc prof€ssio.tl dolllin of th€ !.nt It do6 tur qufiry ts $. B€@h o, thc
Pi@s of Esftion ioE nilitny to civilie n c.

B!i!n Clou8lcy's wort o! ?llido AM]' Wd, Colps and Teiar: Paktstil

A,nt in tk l@s d TstuI (2008) is .ls r tLtrjl.d !@Er of thc @y @v4i!g th.
poiod fron Z. A, Bhutto to Cd Mlsnamt Tbc fou chaF.B of Clo!&lley's pt.vioE

taok, Th. Etstory of Patt5tan.lml @ rcvb.d dd iftlud.d in thjs wod( Hc vdt

rigbdy s.ts tld U. 'nory of lbc my's Fn fout d4d6 is arscotisilv lb41 of Pabslr!

ir*li'(r. 3) H. @vs th. polifca ofP,ldste in posl ltl Fdiod eitn a fos @ $c

my ed ils rclc in th. polity, Bul hc dcvotcs oDly a chapl.t lo thc trasnion lo

d@o.@y h posl zi! pdiod &d bjs @jd foca is @ 6. fouth MansJ kw ed Posl

9/l t olc of thc Pakistao my,

Ay.sha Siddiqat huch publicised work on thc Pakjslar Amv, me Militat, Ik'
(2mA Fov'dcs a Sood illigbt into thc ilt lnd dvn Eics of Uc nililarv
dcv.lopDdr of ils @?ont int r6ls ovd rb. yc6 .sp@.lly dEinS $. dir@t |niliisv

rule. she dissscs the prc.ess ofnilit4y's ilvolvcDai and @ntlollirS najo! s@to$ of

tn. eomny. Sh. 6Go previd.d vdulbL bfotu.don on tle adivid* of rhe med f@cs

&d lltci. sub otgsi$rios in thc ccoMic domai[ blsilB &d indlsnv i! Pt]is{'r
Sic dj$')s llc coryord. c'rftN cstablBh.d by thc lop bi5s.s, trofn ring by ecd
foE6 etc. ald $cL r@elability to Dom ofd|c civilian iditutiors- ntis b@k belps !
lol in undenbndjnS thc diiit ry{ivilid ElatioB i! posi Aa-ul-tilq p€riod bur i$
suljd! is @,6r.d !o @!o@y. Cabbly il to!.hB th. elc of rhc drd forc h l!.
polirics ofPatistd bll! n did mr .leal vitb rh. pt!..ss oftdid@ io civiliu nIc.

Itikh{ H. Mdil ir his b@k Al,|l. atd s@iet it Paldsta.: luthotit!, Idealosl

nd Ethniciry <1997\ .xrtit s Llc "tiede ot ,'rthotity, ideology, &d coniciryr! dd

rtt mpts io Fotdc ! rbcotaicd ald bjndicd luMrk for lh. ltudy of Patjsta!'s

politicd hislory. flc feu!.s on te rclc of 0|c inporter rul'ls cLsscs !'d Sroq6 ir ihe

sble fomadon of lrkisLn Thc* gnup. ilclud.d thc oiltuly, O. b@uctuy, ed tbe

fcudal. ll€ discu$cs r'rc is$B ofnational idlgnliolr elhriciy, 8ddd, ed ile role of

th. ilt lliglt)e as6d6 lliis bool is ! vElubl. sole o! th. socitl Eolps ed pow.i

blo.$ in the slat ald socicty ofP!&tsta! bd n do.s nol del witb rh. proccas ofresitiot

Dr. Safdd Mlhsood i! his bool ?akidM: Folnical Roots tud De|.lapn%l

(2000) ddoted ! chipid to lh. 'DilcM! of Debo.rlcy. Hc woi. jusl 32 Pagd (374-

405) about all vhar happ.acd dlring 1985 to 1999l*vjng. feling lh!! tull jusde ha

nol bd done wiih ihc lopic. CFig Band ir his .diLd book z'a r f4iittat jlsi rolcbcd

rhc topic bdd rhe hcadint 'lrgili@y fo! Zi! ad His Rcginc.' Dieusing thc rccd for

rh. c$odrion of d.hocFy i! Pal<isrd! so s io Ec.r thc d.D&G of th. poulicatly

.cliv. sroups, Brxtd d.vot.d t f.w p.gs for 6. !.r5jtid ploes ed tlc coopositio!

of rcw tgiEe (!. I I8). 'ni! book @vqs $. Pdiod ofPolin.al delopD@s tjll t 985.

'ft. sme i5 6e crrc with Louis D. Hays, tlc !u$or of fte SrzgSle fd LesitiMr in
Pah$az h lne IBr claprc!, Hay! di!.!s.s lb. polidcd dcvetopEed duirg i,'E third

M.nial lrw, MRD Eoi@elt bur @d5 just sbon of |hc rsirio. Aom iilily to

cidlie rulc Robdi IrPonc Ji devotd a fcw p!€!! (t7t18o lo rbc whote 9!oc.ss of

d.DocElisalion und€r Zja in his chalt r lublished in J. H.iry l(otu! €dited book

Cont.npo@, ?robl.tu of PdHst@l Tb. f6u of Justi€ (R) Muh.mad Mun in his

book hlanisdio, in Pal&ot tE rB€ r@cass of Isleisaiid Pa}jsre vdich stded jiln
lia Oe .r€tioa of Pa*isla. to lhc nc!6 lrlo by aa.ul-H.q &d lot ih. tiuirioo fton
bilnary ro civilie ruIe

KMd A&rt i! hiB claptd 'Con$iirional Dil.M in ?akjs$!" conrrjbutcd to

Shdtd Javid Buti ed Cdi8 B dtd (ed.)'s PdlAbn ttd* Milna,y Rale: El.v." r.@t

o/Zta-!Lfa4, di$l|ss rh. taDr&r otlow to thc civilid sov€ntudt in a fd Pas.s

(72'E2). Allear Sy.d ir hjs inprlss|. a,(trv Paldttan, Poltics old Natidal Solidnitt,

Edaincd quilc ditical ofas-ul-Hsq but t'E fo.us oftb. booL is bid aid Solid{ity not

th. f&fo of !o@ &oE m nlry €8iE. to .ivilie 8olEfuot Aveb J.l.l Prcvide
! cood ddf of cotuPlrison in bq b@k Dfutacl qd A"hontqiarisn in Stuth Aria

SLc givcs a @n@piud Ad.mrk fo! sfudlrg dil@d of nouienins doocr&v in

Idi. dd au6oiilad&isd ir Palista! sld BeSlddqt! Bu hd focus is nol llc ftnsirio!

of niln{y rul. ro d€tu@y io P!ki$6-

Ar ensblish.d 45d.6ida lrt Mulmrd Was@ discuss rb' polilics uda

Zia i^ his t$nk ParN@ u,tb, MotrQI Ia: I977'l98t,t\a Es bool is conin'd to th'

dieu$ion olthe PaPelory lcnod of lhc truritio! of Pow to civiltn sol!@dt -d

Injng of l1le Manirl L!w. An Urdu {o* of Muii A.hmed Bol'r,,'n ta Datr ('4 Period

o/C'ires) (20Cr0) mvcrs oDly lhc ri& lnd fall of Nawsz shdif whil' Alned Sdm\
Toot n RMI A$enbltut, (190) foclg ody or iL role of d. mih:} lDd cjvil

buMucFy in lLis colrdr i! Zh Frio.L

ld T.ltbt's Pakindt A Mod.n ,' rorl (2003) i! . vat!.bL wrt on rh. hj$ory

otP*i!tr!. ftog! ir doca rct diEcrly fo.us or niljldy rulc bur lbc cov@sc of dl rte
paioG in th. hbrory ofPatisr.! l(wid* t rdu.uc isitbl ifto rt !.tiri6 of?rlisrrl
Lll,Me adls wir! ! tudbq of rdicia @ patisra! ed lis r*o boots @ drc trisldT

of P^kittAt\ ?aatio, t, th. l]w.nn4h A ort A Potiti.at Hilrory 0991, ed pahstu

At thz Ctost Cnei! of tle Htttory (2004) pmvidB a 8ood sou.cs of insigh rhouel

both the hook! do mr r,t. !p thc $bjet of rEjiri@ to d@@y.

Hu*ii Eaqqdi's Duc! publi.n*d W Bete..i Motqw and Mt1tary l2oo,
focBs on rhc !!j&@ ofuc religious tactios ed oitirsry iD p.risr$. Ir cxposG kry
nrc idodllio! &ssdinS rhis aM !n.t atso |egirdirg ibo blc ofth. .g@.b i! ibe

r.kis&!i FUtcs. Ir h.lps to ;d.'!iet 6. FaE ii@ of tbc aga.js i! rhc d@cslic
poliiics &d rhc rlc of ftc Eligiow pani6 in shaling rhc runlrs *pccially und.r rle

direr military rulc. But ils .@pbais k @i rhc rcit@ !o &n)oc@y.

ln addirion !o ih*c ro.t!, . large nmb.r of polirical }isiolics or PaLisrei

rol i4 blE bei Min o UL. thoF ofMLsh.q AlEed Hdid Yos6l Ohd N(D!u!
Kblid Bi! Say@4 MuLmad wseh ad odcts. 'nEs books pEscnt a sood lccobt
of thc ?ab$ani politi€ 'ft.y abo dirc$ O. *bllirg of rhc Diljnry 8o€@.nl (.s
P*i$e Esdn.d udd njlitary rulc i! non of tb. pdiod of it! cxisl.!€) but $en

f@us is lor lh. procs ofltesition.

'Irris rcvicw of thc cxisrinS ljletstut! irdicares tbc ,c.d of ! srious od

@mpEhsivc 8c!ddi. ebtt oa th. rolic,


ranly dcsc.iprivc lrdyliel !!d coEDdlatiE tulbods of !!s@h b!v. b€!

utilied for th. study. The c!3c of trtjsra! is di$u!s.d in t!€ $corcncat t Dcmrk
4olvcd out ofrle lil6tur. svatabte o! iElsition nob nitilrry to civije njlc. II.
{r@ri4 ofFila, Nddlin€d, HbriDgio4 JeoME, pcrlDund, Rtlstov and C, E. W.lc!
s *id€]y u.d for r!6Eri..l .xpbdd@ ro &tdr6s rh. qucsios d io why rhe nili!'ry
tlicrycne. ivny .@ot tncy stiy b powd forvq? n h.b.! lo matc a conc!pr!.1
&Mcwlt a lo bov rhc lroccse oftra$ft:o! i! @ndrcicd ed *,!Er a. thc dyndics of
dlr5fd ofpow in Pltisrer

Ihc taditional mctbod of es€.Eh s rdopled io d4t wilb rhc tolic ulilising rh.

lri,urt ed s@nd!r, sEc! i! lhc rcsdcb. IIE prjlt ed cl€croric Dedja !Fd@
mostly subj€.tirc aplro&b bdr rt c.lM policy b vd, sEjcr duins itris da
psrticu&fly i! Zi! s pdio4 dtadorc,6e iDlartiat foEiSr wirilgs.nd olisiMl
d@m.nls w.E scd ro dcducc objeti!. oul@Eei,5Ddings. Si'* .nli!. oficiat Ecord

i5 yet to b. d.clls!fied by $c Sovc@cor of?atjsllr Gxc.pr till 1955), ihe ehlhsis

wa laid on thc Da6p€pas, Reco.d ofsrFt@ Coud ofPalisr!4 lsldabad, Assdbty
p@.cdings dd D.bard, &c@rd ofthe lcsid? Eo!j., Isl@abad ed Prin MiDino
House, hluab.4 for rhc arar@clrr &d pss rldcs of l}c Pr.sid.nr dd PrilE
Mitiecr. Rc6d of laid Scnic4 Publ'c Reldlios oSPR), R.rilpirdi Eerarding tlr
sr8t@dis of Ary Chi.fs thc librlry of NDU, bl@b64 for d. mcd forc rul$ &d
Gguladonr, All $cs euEcs h.v. bed exl.Biv.ly u*d,
In conducting , r!$rch oi the Eclnt hjs1ory, a big advells. of ihc rescalchd is

thc suil.bility ofrbc oEl hi$odcs. Eirclsirt ctrons l@ ddc ro collcci dara tuolgb
inldview of son dinclt loliticit$, 8!!ElsL atd those who .ilhd involved in
rbe Fo.€s or th! ti6.!s to th. diutry l. altl lbe !Ioc* of rsiliol 1lis tas!

bqe. !$ld *t@ lt. Polilici@ !.co.d et radv ro t.it o. t!. sPocifc i3sq

Eg&tting sP.ci6c corE6 of dif.F tdsitiod 1o civililD i,lc Tblt tuidv lit€ ro

di*N @ gen El jlsB of ibe Maiitl k*! i! Prlistd tld !!ch ilf@ltid M
alBrdy aEil.blc in tbe p.iotry &d s.c.d&!y eur6.


Bftliog!+by or 6.lisr of $8!s plsy3 s tcv rclc in rn eld.Eic r'sarch' 4!

an@pt w Md. kr .xpl@ ldinum lolss .vailau. i! lakist n' ed Brilio
rribirt rd sc4ndny sl)llG i! thc Btidlh UttEy ed NatioDd Ashiv.t' L.trdo4 dd

tlqtley Arcni!6, Ulitqsity of Sotih@Plot, tX bwe dt@5itlv b@ @!stfi':'L I!

P.ri$ra Quid-rAzad P4eis, R.port! oo G@tl El@tiosi E@!@i. SEltvs ot

Paldsta4 N.$FpdFs, GovcmE d docuo.rrs in Naliodl AJ.ltiv.s of Patisbi,

Nrdo.al DocM4latio! Cdtt, Ndtioul Almblv of }!ldslr! and othd Ubtuies havc

ptuvid.d s d!.p i$i8ln ido i[. subj-L

flis F!.sr.h $trts wilh e lotodudio! lhal povi.les t ba!. of thc study I i3

6rtbo.livid.d into 6v. cbaplB snd ftdhgs @ giwn ar lhe 6d in Conclu8ton'

Th. th6b b.giE with 6 brief intodultd of in. bpic s to how Patisld

@incd bdd Mdirl hw oost of tt tiEc.na lbe itdcP@dcnct Th' d'oi$ of

ddo@y ald ovEt@F*ffit of lh. niutarv 6i6 wioB qd@riG BDt ilc
.D.l !6ult Eddncd . Eili|{t b.gdmbic drt hrvilg a pow.rnn dc for tb. niliref in
thc polity *lt.tlE @ tbc t!.o. or b.hM th. !.€e It Efol& tbc lbdltic.i Ee.Mk
coldilg lhc ruin argb.ot lnd orrldc of tb. Es{Eh. A c@para.ivc 3rt}3G of lhe

stdc of miliEy rul. ed lllc proc€ls of ti!$tioD is atso Eldc wilh other dcvclopilg

@ulli$ sutrairs A.qhr nillrly ilidv6tioD3. Tte ih.o.aic.l tueMk .Lds witb

wby Filitaly cD lot sr.y i, pov,€r tol.vcr? Wly .b 1!ey withdsw? How do thc

tnailioE o(u? lvhd aF Ur pebld of r cjvilid tegirnc coined by th. niln!ry?

R.plyiag to th. ihcoraicrl qu.srioA lhe srudy lcd to ta cg ltudy of?skistn.

CEAPTER I d.als witi lh.

of U. Fobld!, x/hicb Bultcd i! tb. oq-
dpokm. of lh€ nililny ald blr.awlcy in @mpdien to th€ rcp€scd.tivc
politiMl inliiutioB ed l.rl ro thc nilitary-bws$rric lurrc. agai$i thc dmocnric

8ovem6c. lr slso srudiB th. ilrddif of rbc poUrical ,ad @roliij.tt d.E@ts

siitin8 in Epas.nutive !6ni@! ro d6idc thc fsr. of &Docn y i! Pa}isl!, How did

lhc @.d foE $mc dr rch of rlE cllsrodia of id@logy and biry of ihc coutry

ad how did rb.y r.!sl.re l[b losirioD illo rbc diret rulc ofth. DiliLiy j!$ lnd .bvo
yc.ts of th. @atio! of lbc @utt, In rbfu chlpra,1he frst Manirl Law ed lhc first

taNirion have .lso b.a di$u*!.

CEAPTER 2 studi* lh€ politicd dyDdics of Y.!ya rcgiE., l}l€ F@nioa to

dano.dcy, lhe iEsijMor butldilg Focs lDdd thc civili.n 8ovguelr, cilil wiB
.nd nili&y rcfoms Ddd Bhuito, rcrkilg of lhc politicnl go!!m.nq mi. of thc

polilicdl pani6, civil-mili&ry !.l.lio!s ed inttly th. t€asos fo! lhe idlosjior of the
ltrid Maitid bu Thc chiPid ddls witl how thc oilir.ry at rcd i! thc govemdt ad

why n @uld rcl stay in powe..f!i!st dE wishes ad iDintio! of thc Eassc!. It also
qDioFs th. ftakr*s.s oo th. pln of rlrc civili@ govclr]l@is &d rh. @n@ch.!

innM* of $c a@y a6 dEinS i!. .ivilid rulc.

CHAPIER 3 discusl.s &c pFc.ls of @ur.b'lity, blrmsanon, US rolc, cor?oElc

int t!!ls of &. militlry.!d oth'! ro.!9rt!s t Ld by Zi! gov@@t Ir als d.rls with

th. politicj lre*ls of thc d.y wlich @ bc divid.d irto two, pro ed eti-Martid LM

8rouls and i&p.ct of MovElni for Reslditio! ol D@o.@y (MRD) in @nrc!i!s

nililiry to Elinquish pow. DynDics involv.d i! aa$irional p!o@s, PCO, RCO,

@nsliutioMi dadh.r! ao!-psry cl6tioD! of 1985, InirS of Mrnial Lav,

Pns'deds rwo hats issc, disjssl of the clccrcd gov@e of P.inc Minjstc! Jucjo

and casL ofzia llso dj$uss.d i! tlir cb4td.

CEAIvIER a 3 dies ilc i!lj41 ph!.sc of rlanrion and th. darh ot Ga zia. It .le
stuJics lne new paiths of @-l!k@va, poM shailg .!@!ll)cft in e .xtra-

@nsridiond $nrp phicl e!d@r.d a ep .qEri@ of dnnary{ivil Elariot! It

.xami!$ as ro how rhe inrdfqcn@ of thc ISI in the elecronl Foc.ss relutted in hug

pdliMats &d co.lition gov.@altr 3!d low t!€ w* poliij.al SovctlrlMrl in lle
neds of inqpclicn4d polilical lc.dcis ad tagnsted politjc5l Panics jncFrlcd the

rclc of the @y @mm$d6 i! rL polirical sFr@. This cha a studie\ ho* thc

poliricrl govcm.nrs dcalt wirh rhc diima of Uc lcgiliFacy disis. Polj$cal

challdsc* c.onomic declircs ald dititary's itlafaac. .s!.cially iD lhc pr.scncc of

thc Eighh As.ldEmt to tllc 1973 Coeitltion ir tbjr 6Et ?ciod oflE litioD

CHAPTER 5 tliscN.s tlc polilica of Pakji& udd tlc l!51 lwo civilid rcgjn* ol

199G, ,!d srudja, th! rr$giig tulc oflhc politicd irniulols, cl..loul b€hiviou of

lh. rcr6, ed .arnEng.qultioD ofcivil-Eitirr/ eblioB. Thc pqiod non 1993 ro

1999 wih.$d a ns Mvc of i.niudo l codlicl whicb again rsuli.d in tuolho

M&tial Ir*. nis cbecr de slldi* d. poliridl qisis dersld dE to l.!ii @dicr
b.t@! ald MonS the insliruti@s $ch s po|nical prnies, judiciary, cxccutivc dd
Dili!{f whiclt ulijor,tely blocLd thc pro63 of drsltid to civili& rul. ed lcd 10

ethcr milirdy r.l6vd-


'Ihe ay&ldctl oililary tulc chdecs rh. s@iclolilicrt .ultlr of $. poliry. h

$cies vcstcd j cres& &d b.ncfcidid ihlt $ppon au$o.ilsi& rulc &.t !o!-
.L,nocrai. gole|!c.. Wld th. loE is r&d@d toE rh. Eiltutt to ilc cittia
r.8inc n is nol th. rcstoation of, eal ddocacy blt n is a son of pow.l sbdi'g
b.twe! dc ojutaiy oDDaEd rld dc loliricd .[te Tl. plobl@ ol r4ilion dea&

diffcully ild Durul rcladds. Thc njlir|ly wt! to pr6ew. its plof.$ioml dd
@ryorare interesG.lftho* @ be egcd witholt alsMiDs pow.r, !E Eililary p!€fds

lo stly oltsidc a Ms rh. ce j! l9Gl99. But *,!e! iL.sc ila!?ns e tls!.r.o?d rlc

ntliury inl€rym$. Mo.€ovcr, ll'c louticial|s' inabiljty io rlcvclop coselsu! for noolh
rrEtog ofFld.dFrs oqLd rtt t r.l Ddtd,..I iffid.&o ro... oda
ltrdL Llolidc.l.F.d hld ri|hth,rl Fiod-
Tuddoo t6.{ tr v.t coqt L tl. d&r, rdrsE 6. cEjrdo
dn!. t!.ir .&diri! o@!ol .16 i! th pl*rItaU gb* n corirdodl
llltrjlt .!d Hght{trjtuEd c.er d..!!|! orqd.v.t g.d Etx&ry i!.L.' iioda
rocidtr io drn4 l[! lotiriad lyrlo. ff. ooty !o.d,
i. io o!€& ou !@.
coi.trdord rl[y b Fdd.lldl !!.@!!tjt IDi. i! 6! q/n!d.



Z!{l.H.4.ti.btllat civlb arvfuar li Mcl l9l5 ud* dt lt, codhdd D
.!p|d.d !y ih. r.dvrl dcdrhdd oi.. (R@) drrrlb 19t5, tf. Ettn Aldd''at b I971
coditrtid Q. le lddrrr b
l. F!vi4 pr$!d{Ey rtF dit.d n@ undc rh. E$nt

'P.ul &!olt, /VoDedcr.I.tir.: ,rdt', 04@ $.* va|t: n

.nt Polnq
A. Nordthtr, sardrr Mlrq Covpt arl oototul63l\@dclilB.
Ptarie tldl lD. 194 l,lo 'rPdrrdj
'P6l 6idt, xeDt@d A.attD, 61.
tD.P16'!gl , h.al" Dd@d6 tt salt l@rt4 c6?44h.
M.Olscrnt o'l
P./rir 25 (@ l9tI 36, t3-l@,
\ E-F E.flr u@dlt Eq, t..,,rt R.h 4x frt,6 Pat[E 726
\te6 tb*iE.?1!t lllle, h d. Poul@l NNtot {Ne Nctotulon 6!4cnk,Sp
uiiGiry Pr!.1 lrnr,2?.21 I-'l. J
ts,E..id.rb tlot ."u/D!ir.G-dD.@..r,"D6@crcJotII (D*4b.r200'l} ls32
d h 86. t&L, ln',lrtn
''Ndtttit gr, s.ldlet tt dtle: Nlto! Cog *td G@tu,93.
''Pu1tuldr. NeMtql'a13.
bd t!6 Dot€r.v."
'rrry urhrd& !d Mtd-l Lr.rr, "Mo&!iDr rr@iti. b
D.,ladttata, 11 (l@2W\ tsl.tal.
ttNddlh.t,S.tAa b,outta: tt4try C.td 4d AM@, 119
'rE-rM,lt uo'tt lte'. att tns, tto,lds''gl P H8ni6 Polxtc.Itu
r, Cr.drr $d.r/. (Nd Hffi Y& uD6iry h.4 19631 23$262.
r'c. a wd.lr -Milirry Disga'Mr tm Plh'tjcr Pddg'r Plc.g a tudran E@ra'
,atda FN.h.ts..J.v tal' iN r9'2\t2+tA.
rrPstg66ta. rDD.@dr. n{re, 2ot.
l'c o Dd.*ff 6dJlcsch G, Ddno,r l61td,..tobt nr/. ftutrrcokrht
&d lk@.t" Ddebla @.,6dr ro|l! Hqre. |.,Ii6it Pt .l' ltltl203c.rPodb' P. t/€zt
A. Rew.'tr'nid b lt@
''D. rowe.orslcMe/l.,':
"c, o'DonDll
j'i t c s.[nlG. tdrrortd /ttqtat hnatl-
'o A ie{ "T&nior b D.@t: ToEd5. Dvrtic Modtl " tt't
'c. o DoMdt .d P. c. s.hni!.r. tl$rrartd laMd, RtL avg
lsnEr P Hdf@ lr. |t&d tfe D@cbdto, ttt tL. le 1\dlah C'tutEt
Oldm.: UtriGd olOUilN PE I99lI lt., l39l,o, t6r"67. se llto S tl.3Sld ud Rf,
i<Dfr ,11t Polt;dt E@nq {D@,adc 7tdb,t(Prhan: Prn*@ U dit Pr"r' l99t)'

"6.srlan rdh c*,Ir-bt'a D@ rr. cottqi {cMMbn n Eau^ Et'pt

(Oaford: Orft{tt thidlty Pe!' 19'3}.h+u a
'r. A. wL.na;t /v-t"t/./e DMd! httlrk tdqt& ^rrhd!
t9o6) u'e4
Itt. n prn s6*a. NeD.Mct,.4@ 2u,
-rioq_rim;ziarmao rdl,R.ijn. hr!tr " to,t Polt/dal (lulv
'_' iu.soltt.dX.v-d.V.lL,"1,l@P&imonidR.tiiEodPollridlTdshidhAii{'"
Yekt Potfiq 46lDsnt{' rr94),4rt
) tP'tn leD.sedh R.di4
B@o14, l 701.
' ll d.rrFd d I! Nddlhgsl977. Find l3l& w.l.b l9e7 od u
!.hoLd oldiltby rt dy
su l*N!i{! "tb Dnblfty ofMiflly Rl3:'mc b sodh &t ltir' b z rt Ah.d [d H cdch
(.d*\ M't@r-Clvlllet trlcLE t' tdlt Ed.t ,, (!htpor.: O&'d lrir6iy Pt!r., 1935)
"XcKmiqrndD tsi!rorr.d16L: M r@,ed Ncid ttunxL.tlt4.4
D@@l]rtu ?,ia..*\ffi4123.
'r|M rlt!, V.lcll ltl7 tn U e!du,.o, l9$,
'*Il'r'ii!l}',Du@*t lr&nhl tat
(D.li[ Vir 8!ka 2ma] l9l
1 ie di*u.t d in clda a orrh- rh5. h d.r.il.
tD. Cod. h@Dcdd.d Dr Dd|ni zi*r,'Civilrt ||!ry R.h.d! tlEv itr th. P6
cotm6'* wurd.'6fl;r cs fttr rh. Ddsdc cdrol oramd F@! @c^n 4di8 Prr4

Pakistar cmc disim€ with thc Poputd sFcn8rh, This .lcmochdc nan
should hlve Bdtcd i! thc $ublisbhed of I tuly EPt€$tdiv. Poli$.d sysrd bu
urluctjty lb! po.6s ofiistiluli@ blildiDg &ol bt l*21 Edd U. Sit tlic Ptubld of
t11. Ftue6 ed llc !&uiy threl iln hdii whicb s @nvcft.d ilto a tull'fledgcd

wlr i! K.shnu wilhj! ooc ycar of ib cr.alion lh dclay i! the ha$fct of mon€v to(d

hdj!, tb. la.k of irArstu.nr!, b.sic f&ilitj4 buildiles, @Powe! &d cxp.rt$ *4
Oc olhd challdg6 fd rb! ewly ddgcd @@ty, A c!dp.t@t political leld€rshiP

@uld hedle this situti@ but udofiultcly s$y ofttldc ptublm r.daincd uohtd
dw to sp4fic @os pdiculdly ilc dca{ of thc loudjng Falhcr Contoni'tionsl

polilis .r the turiodl st I !e ssvituitl l4el d.atld Yd/ sdious .hdl@8es 1l'
Dl@s of ir'litutiot bulldilg helec noE tldiou i! lh. Pffie of rh. disinEEsr'd

b.hrviou of i.\. politcal Ladd3 !!d non-r.Pucntltjv! pe6oG in officd who sawcd

thcir pow.r posl tbsulb ralsc. iltrierB and inlddav of rilal Poliicd foEes Thc

l.ldqshi! faile! rc u!. thc do@ ol ![. i!d.p.ntLo@ b se @l:s.s on ttr'

nario l 6sc hv€ld Etsl P*is14 lrd Wc$ Pausrd tud b o!t' a lt@iho6

c.Dstitulion which 6uli.d i! a cl@tic iutbulo@. It ovcr 4Powmot of th'

bwsucrdy &d oilirry ws obuos 3i@ tbcv wd. ctrryitg $c kgacv ol authontv

bsjfc.i.d by thc Brnbh, s th. s]l!rdi!$ of tL iEPaiaI i @srs i! Ildia Bv

minisci!8 dE visi@ of Quid-!A@ MulrnDd Ali JiE'b' ihc flther of tlc Ndion'

all thc Drcbl@s coul.l casil, bc @ped with bllt ilc lxisting ldddshiP failcd lo Eaintain

the @thuliM it 6c itsiinitio!'btil.Ung soc$s. ftis chtpld d'ds wir! thc rcols of iL
pobleds, ehich r.sult d ia tbc ovd dpoBm@l of llc Dililary dd bullehcy eld

lhc @iPl@i @ddttlvclop@col ofth. EpEsllijv. politic.l instintjod Thb ch.Fe.

ale sNdj€ thc i,rdplly of &! IDliticrl a !c'!-!oliti.rl .l@cnts sittilg in

EpMtaliv! posirioDs 10 .Lcid. th. to of d@oc@y ia t.biLrn lte dcd fo6

ashcd n\. mlc of rr!. cusrodj.n of idcoloey ed uity of tbc counry ehich pasuaded

th. Dilil{y io dc.o.cl lbc politid doMj! julr and dao ys ofth. darjor ofde
coetr. 'Ilrt chaFd dcds wth 6c fln Danial t.w &d lhc fi6i a6idoD ro cjvitie
itn sd tE political dthrDics rcsrt d i! t. iEDosilt@ of$e seond Manial Lw
b€foc th. @mpl€lion of iie pro.a3 oftru5itio! to th. cjvild ru]c,


Pa&istar was Llc Bulr of E $ g8tc by rhc MusliD oass.s of !rdi! yhich
si8lifies th. spiril of deoocfuy. But lhc
lotitici@ wbo actusly b.licved iD ddoq..y
@urd tur ov.@6c th. @gdiv! !a4ri6 of rhc @loni.l ldiod wltch prov.!
delrib@td ro &c cstau*h; of pod.\ tule t!6. pE ii4i at$ bhdftd tic
pbc.$ ofrlc itreritutioFbujldiag j! p.risrrr.

It. siudy of th. iDsriMo6 h thc @lo,j.t pqio.i lld i! the .oty dlrs of
tulin& h.tps ro uldd$ad rhc id,apby of tD potiticlr dd ior.porlicat crddrs
siltjlg in EprBcltatjv. Fsitions 10 decid. rh! frL of ddocracy in ?.}jstd. ,t!.
qu6do6 likc how did rhc am.d forcls asr!fu rhc rote otlhc cusrodiar of riP id@lo8y
ofrarj$.n tud uny of rh. couEy ed hov ttjd rh.y E EtaG rhis posnion imo !h.

d'Ed Nlc of rh! niljrsry jusr aia elcv@ y.5s of ih. @tio, of rhe @elry shou.td b.

dall wit! fusl. Tlai is $&y rhi.s ttudy uadqutcs th.€ qucltiod hcr. b.foti udoldilg

[le hislory ofdircct milibry rulc i! PsLi$$ md ibc oftrarsitio! to cjvili& ru]e


Tllc Royrl loili& Amy pnv.d lic mon itlsfumenld h €sltbtishing ed

onrrollins a crer dPirc i! I t rfodc! du.l tulctio6 for LrE Bdns! tuj

includilg secuity of lhc cnPin on lhc lodian bodlt! at wcn a, on thc i enatronal

tons ard thc aqlpoding irlttudt io h.lP tb. civU adnidsEslion to @iri!i! Iaw
ddahih.dviro@colof th.@@udddFolitic5lvioldc.'I}cBtitjsbrulBwd
$ bavily d.!@&d o! rhit itstihni@ ttlr $.v w&t d to Fcs.ft n d'n 'nd lh'
division of hdi. inlo tm ind.Fldotr srn6 in 1947 Th.v cotqud'd Indh wil! 1he hclp

of a s@U bln q.I tliled tld dslliscd sty. It ov.rwlclDiDSlv @DsisEd o{ thc l@'l

eldi6 *to actElly rlcruicd for 6. sc.uit, ofuc ttldilg Po6! ofthc Eln t!di!
CoDldy in B@gr! M.dts &d BoD!6Y.1

ftc AEy ws used to !d!.@ thc itFial Policv 8o.b al thc @st of th' hdi&

rever6 &d lhcy 9d $!i fo! bdy Ditir.v ceFi88 oulsidc lldb a'! dlsg tbc

leiod of ElC.' BcfoF &. World ws I, rbc lndie mv fourlt in Abr$inj''

AfebdisL!. BuD4 CliDt Eg/Pl ttd Elst AAi*r Ilcv P'rfomcd duii6 h Eg,!t'

Pal€sline. ?.Bi( !l,@ sd Est .Afiic.i. Thc s!rn. !snd! @ inu'd i! th' tw wodd

wd whea tb. IDdi6 troops qw s.nt to BuE! Mahvsi!' L!q, Abvslinia, Svtia' NonI

Anics, Hong Ko!8 ald lLdY.'

Thc British focucd on ibc &ctuilndti oflh soldidv iom $t ?ujab md N\\trP

Thev nainlaincd
Gnybd ?akltjtlds€) in thc Posl'Wd ct! ofihc IndcP'ndoc' Pqiod'

a 3t'ong adEjdstr?tion in lhcs sM wbich l}!s hclPftt in rlmitn.lt espmiallv h 0E

rwo world Va6.r 'Ir!c Bdti$ *€c !\mF of0ds fact .Id oiln @iDdcd ca.i othd of n
'IlE Gov.fu of Boeb.y cxF.sscd hjs vis abo rlc iDpon,@ ofth. Diliuty ro


w! hold fidi! ,y rwd L *! c* ro blhrlin oE diliby a.sd.n.t oE ruh vjll

.Fdity .or b 6 ald...rhu dF hrnl$e of rh. hith.r @ of cfficidcy of
.Errd'iry 6''d.n b ln. hy b4o'nB M bindi[ to .h! Brjtish so6h.it,-

&jtish Pujab, pldoroiE {y f.udrl ed lortl, B k.pl d@rivcd ofroDd
Politi..l, c@oFic &d siri dddopE@r Ir er! d6icd of lcSj.lalion rigbt! for

d.ad.s s comp&ed no B@bsy ed Mrdr.!.t Thcjudici&y w4 nor steated tlD tlr

adminirlration tud &is pEcli@ @nrinucd cvo de!d6 aid 1947. D.pury

co@is5ionc6 mjor! judicjal. n &cisl &d adbinisrarivc poe.ls wnich .srblishcd

l'dodou idlM.€ or Ib. distid edEiiisllri@ ft. iaductioD of r.!c Brirish ail$ty
.tre6 i o r.\c civit rrn;nr#do! w oorbq ud.eoo.tic ,@ri@ *hich
sucngdcncd rnc ed-dcnodtic tradidos in rhc British rhjab, Tlis iicM.d rhc

dili(lly iiIluelc. i. ih. civil &d polirjc€t doMi$. thG oh mFowmor of rh.
buJ!!@@y &d mili!.ry i! rh. Itrjrb lcff dc.p ffi3 on lh. pocl-i!dcF!d.!@ polnic.l

s@io s,icE de i.sriMos Etu&d lo r.L a ba.rsd ir lb! p.o.c$ otgovddca

Ihc mjlit!.t swice wd a sol@ ofcconomjc, polrjcal and sociat sEergr\ in rhe

Pujab. Thc udchoc.aric idditions r,@ suppon.d by $. lurlorihriv. locat culrw

wlich turlbd clEked U. liospccls of dcdo.fuy i! Pakjn&,r 1tr. Fadftional Ftjl'crl
ll$ds @nriDed which dodi r.d lbc potirical proets i! d. c@a. dso. T?tc potiricdly

ur!.ined l\uja! !!min d .loDi@r i! 6c potiiics of l.ki5t ! by Unlc of rhcir

lopulltio! aod position in $e niliraly ad civil adnirisharion. ftc rcsponsibiliiy gocs io


lhc mjoriry cornuniiy .Dd in Pujlbi lolidcj!$ codd el d.bonst"L RlU i! tc

pohicC l'h'cb cNcd D.gsijv. ihpact o! tlc 6Jhft of d@omcy j! ?alisle.

It wa ov6!5ir!tid on !h. ldt oflb. Brit'[h &1 tbey s&r.d 1o pror.cr th€n

intGts in lbc SubcoltileDl cv.n .nd thc dc@lonisltioD ncy @!sid!Ed A.e

dviglrio! i! the hdie O..ra toth thrlu3h s ard.ir vital to 0tc Co@o.qtdtb's

dcfenc€ and ftd.. Fidd M.nill Si! Claud. Alchillecrlo suggested that the only w.y to

@i!..j! ir I bI tceilg lbc lldir! .!dy rbiLd cvcn atd lbc i!d.podd@.
Th@for., hc toot !o sGp to divid. ihe Ildjd Anncd I@.s lll April 194?. " Wlen tbe

p€nni6 ple B .Nuncc4 lhc divBi@ of tu rdcd foB b..e. irevibu., whrch

!o oDe could avoid ilcbdinS tb. glitish ed Uc Coner.$.rr Jidah alEady thuloed
iol Io poE*idbu.it op.'diool co rol of lh. @cd foB.'r'i1). CongB
vd al$ lol @!@dinS wih rlc ido otrh. uldivid.d arny afl.t !!c divisioD oftL

@uEy.! A5 rc pdiols pteilg srs thd. fd ilc @rg&iz!lio. of lhc my on

co'u .al lin* lnd World Wa IL rhe pnc$s of divisjo! ba@ moE conplcx and

dn l!&i.g,r'B.n dtE l€ty 6. hdjra AEy xlt diviri.d ilro reo s.!srlr. @iB of the

sucBsor 3rales5 Indi! !d ?akjitr!, *ii! .ll ti. lerlcj* ed llrrib e of tu !ffil


'Irlc aiilish cstlbUst d a udqu. g?. of cpildlilary El.dotu in whicb

!.ieiFJly &c dili.ry rui subonlilncd ro ll. tovc@cdr bd ar th. s.ec ti@ ji w&! a

suppond of rbe SovhsoEl lolici.s ed 4rcd s e ilrEsdr of rh. poucy. I! $e

.bs.ncc of a eEdtr llldill govsdn@1, rbc rnilft.ry *lg rccoEablc lo rfis Mrjcny
Oovqnncd (HMO) i! Lond@ stile oPc.dilg in rndia t5 an tlnost €qual PamE oflh'
Oov@or-Cddtl bul s a
8o!o@€! ftorg! in C-in{ v$ @rqlbL ro tbt

odbd of tbe lldjd LtgisldiE cdlcil @d tb' elil'tv ldtioistdoi of tlc lndie
Ary, he M atl po*t(fid in t Dilit tv !tr iE Tbe Ildi'n coucil Ad 1861 conf'rrld

tbjr uliqE lositio! W.o lhc Gin€ tld b. *€5 th' o@bcr of Oe Viceiov\ Coucn

&d nmtq oE .ftd lD! Vi@ov-!6 H. E slso tt tdvisor to th€ Vicaov i! lLe

inilibry s&i6. Alolb r @v ofr6 w!, sl$ a E@b6 ol tLc vi6v'3 E)Gdive

Coulcil 0nd lhough.iuriot in r&I, also aci.d .! d advisor to tho visov on thc nilitdtv

Estlds, tc s 6. taql of th. siccs d.!.rto.d dd lms ' iUedro sugS'sl crEg6

in lbc FDp6ab sr by tt. CEQ.

Lotit Kitchcrd" {!! th. 6131 @c to qucation this syslcm Ec opposed lhc Poffi
of.junior ofrq to dili.ie the C-i!'C'! proPosb Hc lbousbt thar dutl @!tol E
idF!.ri6blc for 0n.6.ciirc Ddlsddt of lb. oilturv.'r T!' vi@v I i! h@u
of thc 4jning .@8cr!c!t,re Ih HMO tticd to 6olve lbe di5lulc il'torg! a

cdpmDil! by rcduoilg t!. lo\r€ls of l[. rilturl Emba .nd ndcsigldi!8 hid as a

Mililsy Sr+ply M@bd. 'I!. d.cilion lte dlided lht! il muld Do. bG lPPoptitcd to

nlc lh. opinid ofey oe oltd th@ $c my chi€f rcgddins def@ Dan6 nt'

ofre ofth. Milit ry Sutply Mdbd w l!!n lbolbhed in 1909 dd $. Gin4 be@
tG stiley iFclr.Sc oftt Eiutay rt&iE'Lord CEzo! fclt i!5ult d wilb lbj! d'cisiou

&d cis!.4 laving !h. C-icC victotiols.lr 1bi5 ddisio! .d.blish.d th' s!F@!cv of

ih. c-b{ s lbr s ihc Eilitary MtttB ww cotc.md, which M 6icd oD bv the

!.tidr! Eiliisy ae ! lcSiary.

Evcn nr oov.rlD.ot ;f bdi! A.r 193j, vAicn Fovid.d ! r51cm of sedi-scr

8ovedldr i! thc @!! .!d Fov!ftes, klpt dcf.o€ |!d fotlign |trliE d.p,lttncDr,
ulld rh. Vic.oy,s dir.cr @rot,D rij|. tlE ct*r.d lndtn t!'tllotltirc hrd !o

corttl owr th. 6itt ry Enr.r&a & l!! hdi.n tcgiibiEc @d.t da!i!. no @rot
oE t!. Eiutuy sadcfic plllnilg ed ae.ddinft!, r!. EiXllr, rftj'3 {.!i! vinuny
our ofbo'Edifo! t lldiDrr I}GBridrb!a!i!at dcftoe u.kcrh.b condot ro cojoy

Nlonony i! th. militry n lrcr! wilbod I!di& r?rdcotdiv.'s jrerfcr..c!. TlDuSh

Ib.y rrG old fd lid ro d. civit 8olallt€olr in dd&ocica bln t!.t ida!.I
aloloDy n€|li!..! iDst.tod toD ih. civilj.o iddtow!. T!. vihlity of $. .rEGd

fdt r ro lh. idFid rd! dbecd 6o Ditir.iy !o .t!r .! &c gultelor of rhc Briie! nt
by @Ih8 i! tbc @st irDpoiet ioaillnion of rlc cotoirl paiod.,t

rllc arni.f leg.cy i! h. srt.tE of d. Eiliiny Fovidcd lh. b.s! of thc speid
polilio! of Eilil,ty i! PlrisbD.! ni3 M 5rypt@ELd by 6! guiry &!n b Oc

nN $!lc du. lo thc cacrhrid ofwlr i! KabDir.rT ID i.t, tE A@y Chicf ssucd rhc

s@. position in Prlisrr4 {tid rh. GirC! hld d@i!.d si@ Kit Dffi h Bririsl
Indi.,jld ! &w y.it! !&a rn c!-i,n c.


Ji@rl w! ! dc@oc..t !o rL! coE. n ll|SBi@r thll bc a|s auuonu'lrv. @

yMt rnd a! ! plrl of . c!Dp.i!r to junit tr diolnorirt E6ds i! P&&ur No dollbl

h. hrd uscd .h.lutc po\4!B aic! thc daM oli!dc!.a{t re bul ir vB only duits rb.

intcrih paiod &d ,itud vr! rh. ody olc 10 rlk rh. rsL ol ir$iM@-buildj!8 t'd
nrtion'bujldirs logclld. nc !o!r,.r lc ld ulcd @uld lot t t 16 s. Ptlc.ddt to

juslify rhe dicratoBhi! i! tE !t.t.. ftc lo{allcd vicrr.gd tradnioB wcrc nad
rypdialcd by JielLx Hc detuld thd lhc cc uils old adva!. .ir.ud$ar.as tcn r
negal'v! i4et or 0E eF valuc! ofl\i! qtior olh.!wi!. dcnodcy w4 in rh.t blood.

But an.t indep.!dd." iI. situdior woutd b. cbarS.d ard &crt *ould b€ s pFpl€s,
gorert'|ot in P*isid,
,ier! wlnicd a 3ubordi@tc ble of both tbc civil sdjc6 ed thc niljr!ry. I{.
cl6ly d4lsE l bic poticy .boi &6 satB ofth. bor! in thc louri.st slsl@ of1b. ncaly

bom sac. IIe as.rr.d ibn tbc niti&4, rcutd b. $bodi,,r.d io lh. civilir!
ed tnai drac wosld b. no lolc ot$. milita.y jtr i,\c potiricat dccision-nsJdng.jo Hc said,
'.l.Iow you iav. ro si!!d 8urd owr rhc dei€topD.or ad !t@t ne of Isjr@ic
dcrdoclacx lsl@jc socisljustie .rd tbe qudity
ofDot@d h yow oM urivc soit_,rt
ln his addnas ro th. studore and jlsr.wIor.
of St2F Coxeg€ in eu!n4 h. cleficd thsl
ht offi* did aor n*c Ftic'. Ilji wss 6. p@g.rirc o, thc p@ptc,s
Dlm@tafivcs. Tl. al4y oficd!.job wa! lo ob.y the d.cisid of d@n civilid
hr3lcrs.' g. sErs$d rbe n..d ro uutc6i&.t d. oblig.rio, @dd Oe @d bten by lhe
ofliceE of rhc a@cd fo@.
JiMaI B s$p..ring fial n rclh no1b. 6y ro sup!6s rh. arnholiraie lcgact
of tnc Brjtish .ut. &d rlc blM!@y Eigh .!!rirue Io foltos ibc sc inFri.t d.!dt
h 6 sr.&. H. @nt@dod i! !i5 ldd:ts !o rhc g.:.ncd offcas Lhll rhc
lnd.pddencc hrd brough rcvolurio.aly chdg.! ed !h.y lholld coEe ou oflb. t.gey
of thc olorial pdiod. Now Uc gov.Dd.lr *F ue scrvars or $. narior Hc
eid tur rc .lays hld gone whd tb. blMu!!a., m .lt j! aI i, $e nsiional
Pelid€dlry lBcri.cs had cFalcd a s€t$c ot Fsposibiliry mo4 r,h. p.oplc. Hc
advised llcfn b b. aloofi@ Ue!an, af,liario rld10 b.,,lolal b $c gov.rdlmr in
powo."! H. sti.d lho ro ..m!ior.jn lhe }i8h.st sundslds ofhonou, jnrsriry, j6 c.
and lai. plsy."r hjt !ffc. rhc dcath of JiDDb ih€ w.ab.sscs o, rte lotftical
golfua1s prcvitt d lhe &i,'ir!ry dd lh. blMu.ey wirtt !! oppom&iry io !!fl!c!cc
tn. daisio!-brli!8 I@ccsst Ttc slrc..ssor ptilicilDs
coutd lor assr rlc ciyiliD
5rrpr.M.y ord dcr. rm isjturio$.* coos€q@dr,
a dlc|doEt !@r!..r poijricst
systcxn doldln\td by rhc Edit$y.burqrcElic otiglrcty sr! csiruisred.



lnitidtly, lhc.e wl i Soodwil qt l.sr atatiig !o tb. bitilary F@ijtjiurion &d

uda AwLirtek it E deid€d alail rh. n jling
r,. hcniid dlt 1 948 by lhe c.das of
both hdia dd Palisa joiDdy, B!| rlc l|^J6auS pouiicd siiudion dslcd aI
rnc hop.s
of tlc cooForjm I}c MXiry Reolllrucrio! CoE !,r@ \f!s absodoEcd bcfoE tj@
&d 6c ilsiiinios w'! h&d.d ovab rh. @!!ti6 i! which rh.y wer.lo.ded &d rbc
cld.rs wcE diBr€d lo nldr 10 rb.ir Esrcclir @ui,1s. As a Bul! tDit l!dj. ed
PatGq. hld b .sllbtish lne Etlaemob ofrh. ilaiDjlg iD5l!rul,@ rh.y had lo$ lo .ach

TIE prcbtcn of$e rcoreddsarjo, w6 vdy chrllclsins s the Bntsh ert!!3i.d

no ban lio! tar vias exclueivety MutiD. ,All rbe EEE.nrs &d barllliou w6
ESeu!.d tubt diog r!.n @!-Mu!tid
D.,pow did t.n at &c ri@. of rhc division of
tbc hd foEl' ftc r.o€llislrid *s dod. ar t*o lcwls, olc B &. e.tga@tjoa
of th. disrirg FSiodts o! llc basts of como! cts, oE!o$!o!, E@ftilg.tisEjd
and ftdilions; rh! orher measulc *,ar io Ecruir a tcsb sioc& of soldids toD rhc soci.ry.

Sir@ !h. ofics ed sldi.t€ collcctcd i! tbb r!o.gd$!tio! hld b..n a pan of di6e..D1

cgihcnis dd s.r-Ws. llcy lacl.d 'csri.ir dc co.!s.'rl

Under lcitivc sittdioq d.rged du. 10 rh. plnitio!, thc Gov.rded of

P.listiD tool ! !bb.. of d€s!.! to build up @y's D@di.rl sd@grb ed ddclop
its Fofc$ioul dd rcchdcal .5P$iliri*. IE pm6 dlcldy rcl.!5.d 1io!i O. .6cd
for..s Pft dircd.d lo cnlin tt.&*lB lad @y of tb@ y@ i*@ b!.L N.*
!!sn!@r M 6ied out ed rhc sdilg otiras lrcrc proDolcd !o flt $. gap of lhc

P.lis!.!i o6cc.s i! @en ldirg lesnjos Ayub Ki4 s Fdhor.d tDD &. Ft of
Lt. Colonel lo . Mqior O€odal i! Icis rhe a pcriod ofa yeau.re fic b@m. th€ fF!
?alisuni C-in.C ir I95l since 1\{! offcgs, sedor 10 hjD, bad di.d ia r ptec drst.o
lurrho rcl@r &@ thc a@c! fd.s wc bturd cxelr for vcry slecid cala.rr A

fd co@i$ion.d ed no!@ilsiorcd o$€s lrd @t ro thc t K ,!d olhcr

Codaooqq$ couolriB for leblicd t6iDi!8 to ..t6c! i,!E nilirlr/ shlls. Alln Aon
lhc my, th. mtioMlislion otr\. !i! lorc. ed th. DlA E nd. challogjnr s boih

th. foEs 9w BIllljshcd s $bddiul fotrls lo srpll@ar rhe Royal Navy lnd Royal
At Forcc Es!.!riv.ly.a I! f!c!, all {lc 50 Mstjn Na!.I ofi@N joi!.d i.hc forcc dujng

Ibe Wodd wa. lL Tle Ai. !o@ nEs dso Don or l€ss i! rhc @c lositio! at lhc rim of
the panilion. thc firsi P.,!i6iei who bccde Ajr Chjcf w$ Air Mahd Asghs (]h.o
Slowly, Oc equi'ld !ub.r of th. 066 ws sliai&d ro Fdac. $! wic.s of Uc

Brilish 06@8. In 1951, rhc !@y lot ji! f!s1Psti51aDj CoMdq-jFchiel whjl. rh.

PaLbbr Nary .nd Palisrn Air !or.e @utd gcl rh.n !akjs&!i b@dj nor b.jbra 1953 ed

I,'d Muqer! Kb.! ey! lba dw io $. rlbulatr p!&rr rhe BdeaUs wc!.
os&ugcd 0o g€r a coMilsjd ilto rhc ,mcd fo.6 ed ddj.d hductioD ilto $. civil
i€.vicco, At rh. dne ofrh. pdiilioA ,irtuily @ E!* r*i$rd E & ICS 06€, Iri3
E siso rE for rtE l!(|ilo potica Sdvic!. On
rlc oila t€d l]). WBI pakislalb beils
loyal p.ople io thc Bnlilh tuj ll@ sylte@tjcally sLoned in tb. fo!c66 a3 wli .5
$c s.dic6.at Howvcr it docs nor ocaD trt aclgdi! lad Itcva
rh. beeD a !!n offic
BDtish gorcrMclr ncy r.6aiDcd i! ddlds
loyal io lh. Briris[ otha io srbstha fi.
ielaid.u1., Afr€r nrt pditio& the gov.lurcnl ofpltj$a! rhrousl a @Mious.rfon
rri€d ro inducl d@ &d boE Elr !.Iisr&i cirid ia rnc @c!,oB ad ris.d th.
Frsl B@C Rifl6 (EBR) rld Ern p.&illo Riaer @rR). Thc re poi.s. of lhe Bdgltjs,
ho$€va, w.s noi e!@usgj!g.4 Ncw @!oMdr! w@ e$.btjstDd ard East pakilla,
Resihdr ws €i*d i! th. @ly noltls of l94E.a

apan 6od 6c !rebLr! of.d€qlac DrlIbE fot rb. &rc. foEB, ,rns &d
equipnor w@ ! sMr cbl@8c G+eciany
i! rhc \,*c of hdir,s td$at b u"sfa $6
due sltaE ofU. nilirary 6s!.t3 io palistar p.H$!! i!trhrcd !o odn&c.
faciory ai &.
dn€ of i!dctad6@, Alt i!. sixre@ e@ l@l!d b rn.
Indi$ idiiory, TlD jrdim
Iad6 qd! nor Fady ro r.,!f6 a singlc pja! ofmclila, ro !aki3&n lheEforc l.dja
cve! En$.d ro hnsfcr Ue n .hine.y fo! a B|.n_gu fadory ,nd tuse fuiig flctory
wlich vas noi tcr ididtcd .!d @dd aily bc 6ov.d io !rl.isl.!,r0 tlc siruatoo wa
n@ qigcrt i! thc ce of rhc Ntr1 ald tc At force. TL ourd.cd @d asi!8
equphed ir thc ae of rbc* toE n.cd.d imcdire Eptrc.roc , Tne pakjstEj

Sovemc i|!ncdj.!€ly phnod lo procur thc r.quird eqdlmcnr Ttc UsLs of th.
EquiE l itm3 v@ sr ro th. Co@6*E lA @Erri* ,nd lhc Non! Aodj@

@uEics bul rh. hjsio! w$ Dor so ridpl. b.c.uc of rh. sc,M !.s.u.c€s of tlc
coultry,5r ft. Cov.@c!t oi plktt ! wi!.ly gathered wurccs to stablish thc lrsr
ord,aDe FlotoJ, in WaI i! l95l to De! 1bc r.qui@ls of thc Adcd Foecs.5:

India war cbjoying rD ldv&tageou! posirion 4s oul of 562 prinety

Srar.s i!
Britisn lndi only t4 w.r! @nrigrcu lo &Lj5:bn lld thc Esr w@ iD India. Mey of
th.o lik. Patilta BuodrL Hyd6$dd !D.t KolhaFr minrair.d I&ge ed wll equirp.d
anDis,'J So 0t.y og6s.d suiLblc lcMB io rhc lrdiaa lDd rcrdcd 1be rcsr of
dh yii[ bcn.fi! adoissibtc lllda lb. l.w. Bur i, 1b. .d of pa]jsLra
no!. ofthc
Pri@ly Stats eocd w.s ori aiDj!8 sizc.bL .Ei6. ltddoE Uc 6dE burd@ ro
d.rclo! a psld !@y ilio . Grl oe Esic.t oi U. 6rgil. @!oey


Ircd &. ivis.ctior of SlbcorriD.D! hdi, Fujnd| ,G chdjshed
deaD lo udo
&c panidon or d l4n io t tE pd<ii., ro .!
si.Iii. sr.c of Ldi.,! llc CoSE$
lld ae.!r.d rh. pantio! o6ci.Iy but &c c€lrd worfi!8
@mjne ,egisL,ed rh.i.
a!!..nc6'o! b, d€.I&i!g rhar &cy ,r'ould lor fo,gel rh€ otd Indid D!9 lhlr fiey hld
Mrtcd to chdist, Sad& VdatnuEi ladJi ats deated
rlEr d. new nlte ofpatist!!
was nor 8oug b lasr,! J!w8!!! ld Ne!rur7
hjes.lf cxpE$.d bis d.siE !o
ir i! lndis &6inar.d codfcdslrio!.,J For $c lndi6s, .the
@aton of
P.kb!d! w.s lolili.a.l .xlcdilncy of L\. pasl wnich
hs to b. udone jn tutu..,5, Ttc
hldl.s in the divisio! of ss.ls j! gturd ed defd@ ass.B ,n pamcltd fion lhc
India sid., co@@l iiors ed butdd of t. Etuges, md rn n $. we on Kashhir tld
t0 lcnsioD in lh. bilat€ral r€lslioE bctwen tndis palislar Bolh
aod rhe srlrcs havc vcr ro
r.cov.r fto6 rtis rcosiol ?alislaD, b.i!g coinp.raively sriattc. st!!e! $ih alnost o,rc-

t nO of thc lndi6! lsrftcs B mot! rabalblc s @np.rcd ro ldja60 Tlc cuiry

thrclt on itr crsrcrn boldq col?l€d wit,! Lbt iod trc wstm sido, Afshadslaljr rh,
.lepulsio. lo deftod tM ScogaAicalty f{ atan wi!g!; . lwbul.lr Fibat b€tr dd
did.ining i!&dd otdd !a! tnd chrl@gcs for lrlista!.o Si!.c Indj. djd lor Ft.!s.
the Eilitary .quiph.ar b r.rj$a! tb.Ef@ rb. pstid.! Cd.@6! tud 10 sr.!d lugc
s@3 ofDoncy on d.foce. Prin€ Minjsq, Uaquli Alj Kha! d@laEd tbal
lhc ..defelcc

of ih. srrlc is ou fo@on cGi.tcirion ,nd h!! doniEicd ,U or'rd

a.dviri6d !.lisra! .lld.d s Duch as sa@O, pd c.., orits $'@ |g!@s for rbc
defe.e ir rb. ftsr budger ofplljsr& ilstad ofs?€rding on !r. scirl se"rors.s Thcsr

Idgc dcfenc. lllocarjois E$h€d in th. devctopoe offi€ plkisrd.my into a srlong
fehting fos. ft.a sigDjlg rb. daf@.. !a4 witn tl|c Dtsran bt@ !!d rh.
Asdi6ierio! ofdt hilitary t.d lo UF ovd dcv.lolDcd ot$c laner.6J

ntc in$&ra!.os rson fo oFrilg with th. we$ B .jso a Dan of rhi!
deftu. ca!.biliry dactopdclr Foess in addiion to r,!e eindsct to i@k losrds rhc
Wel for .vd'rtrile oeilg b rjF @ldi.t
F!r.6 Tlc Uaitcd 5!16 ed Arnai! wG i!.
obviou cboicca ro bd.rst!.d paljsr.r's .tcf6a Dad! agaid irE Sovjcr thrlt ttoue!
both woc not convjmc.t lo invcst in Sollh Asia ed spccidly giliD8 any pEf.lcbcc 10

Patiirn oveJ Indi..6'Bu taljsr!! D.cdcd csoutes for irs d.fen@ s.do, It cau€scd

$. US for a $2 bjllid l@ jD 1947 which

shos Ib. ghvjry oti& f@cjal silurion.6t
Fo. thlt pu:?o$" Irtisr$ wq lcady to Edc! its f@ig! ed dcfcn@ Doticjci

wii,\ thar ofd€ US.d c.n. Arrb KhrI, the C-in-C, va5 convinc!.t rbar
$c seuit' tueal
Io Pa&j$& @!-ld bc d.dt Ritb oDly by blyilg & a]li&cc wi& lDvrrijl srcs.t. In his
fiJst visn o $. US, Li.qul Ali KI@ sr$ls.d the nad loi dmdac, hulM righs,
Espar fo. binolirie &d a te rnlrkcr eoaoDy ee o. @DrnoD idclll of bori rle US

srd P*islrrrr Ait &c cugi6 wE sFlt o, Miag ttc US thlr prkisr.! wll stsilg
rr'. US colcd asainsi Comunild 1!. Ahaic$ djd nor givc ey hc.d to patist r\
lsutue @r lnd tlc Ko:@ w& plo rhc d.ric!, s-r!i&y of s|!G Jotr fond
Dt'lLs visited r'F Mi.ldl. E!5! &d Sourh ,4ri! i! May 1953. hlpied by thc rcd c&!.t d
wl@h. by dr. Plti$d Ady @d i|5 lcaddE Dur6 E .onvined 6d latisran had a

$bs!!nd.i lcvd of Ai€o.t lip ed n E tbc ody @!nt y rlar @uld €skl Co@@jh
H. convcyed his fecting ro rhc US Colgress !t t\e eld of rhe visi!.z

Vi6Pnsiddr Richrd Nixoa vtsir.d prtisraD i! D@rnbd r9J3 ed

T1e US

fould Ocn, Arlb straplingly ari-Cotuujsi On hj! Errh, ne

rcbs y F@m.Ddcd
aid Io Pakjstd *hicl w finaly lpForcd by pBidar DwiShr EisdboE ir ''tuulry
i954, i, p.i&!!!c.8 OD@ 8ov.tladr,o gtu@t r!t!ri@ s&i.d wnh rh€ US, rbc
hililary cs|ablishcd Et.tio6 vii,r! rh. polrgon adt tb. US m/ dirccrl/, Being rhe
ba.ficilry of te tids i! rb. fora of rahir& prlpoB ald tureid ,aciljti.s nlc
military gained confdcncc oJr onc tald ,nd bemc rcsjsbd to d, ancDpt to b!cd(
away wnh de W.n. Deng 0!s p{iod t. US povid.d pat im $?2 d lioo olr or
whjcn $152 B ur aid aDd €sr ofi! B tI. crtdir. It figft o$ b$445 hjllio, by
1958, in wnid $389 niu'or us, gr.!t ed tE MaidDg $55 hiuior w$ thc c!.dir.
Ur.l€r a Eutud $tuiry lrogtlmc, p.tisl.! Ecivcd t rorat of $390.910 niltior,
Bcsid.s lhjs miiir{y suppon a! eou of$221nitlo! wls!rovid.d to. rh! budgcrla
s1jppon. ftc US dso n&ded nny terhnical ajlisrdc€ poj@ts h lh. f€ld ofeducalon,
.ericuitu. ed i!d6ry.7a

I}i! gd@us.i.t B Dot giveo fd 6e @lidltion of dt6@!"v i! Pskjstar

M Pfist!! for b@ojn8 ihc '@sl tlicd sUv' in $' Cold wr

but Fid t5. @3t io

reri.t t!. Sovia U!i@t' ftouSl lhct! v$ !o cvid@@ thli $e US $pponcd ihe

Dilit ty to iDPos. Mttitl Llw but lbc Gldi@sliP b@D' DoE cordid wnh ibc
i3 billid for lh'
oilidy n8i@ .!d lb. @oEr of id de @Pli6'd Ii rttit*d
Five Yd ?l'! O96+1965) 6c Us
s.condFirc Y.5 Plr! 095ft0) ltd iltlin8 lh' Ext

!!liltt! *ith t550 liniort6 Notcibeldr t!' US

h6d b..on i! bt86t dolor to

for il3 policyD'lt'rs tbd to p'onotc thc A@i@ valud

id.els $t . @orc idlorillr
of d@o(t&v ed h!l@ righa It *ss ale a ftlt thlt th' Atn'dcs wE E@
$e civilis as tle C'in-
i! d.tli!8 {itl t}' Eilit!ry hadds ts @dPe'il 10
@Efort bL
militdv' ojovtls soodwin
c $a, directlv d.dilg eitb lhc Us ltoinittdio! tld 1lc

de'ldd n ss &' 'do61tli€d alv'

P*i!td', otv ido SBATO' ttd CENfOl'
dilit[y @oPsdion' $t rele of the
of e Ls.e si!c.ltcs.niuc''s vrqc ?utlv ftr dG

Prlt.* with F4!td to dc forcigD

Enitdv ,rs t!$a lleDald in t!' d&ilion-dakiDg

i!' Bilitsrv in Pari$'! $s du' io thc ADcnco

0d &f.de lolici€s Th' dooii'!" of
Pakisn! Amv
wdld @udes Tb' Andica's coDsideFd rhe
dL s b th. otbd Tbird

Tr' ofi6 c't!s \r'!ft 6??ti'[v

s tc b€d ilstitulio! hdi'g t fo sd lti*i!S;
cordeisntt Thc sE k lolliel
suit€d to u. Us cold wat d€'i8!5 t8'i!ll lhc

thdt tails dE to th'n n4 e

goltorddi. could not show ltv r6isntc' 1o
posiiion i! thc Politicd Esl4'


Palisb! AoE lle fu$.t!y otjb bin! &..d r\. .tildD! ota we*,olirical
idstirudoa ed ! srong 8ovcftD.lr apFrlrE, Ji!!!t,3 dc.isio io bc lh. Covmo.
Gddlt 16 for r\. b.rGr lot y, ioslinniold d.vrtop.ai dd.tcdilg witb the utioE
buildins prsess eiicb sB ftl pGsibr. rhrough rhe psxrD.lt ttc .xct$iv.
!o*€s of
Jibu! ecrc a.rully u.d by dE Oo!@oI! &d rhc Chi.f S€rciadcs of the provilB,
sirc! tL, ad.d rs rbc .!r &il cr of6c !tujlistrdioD lDd te ofdc folt provircjar
govenolt wep Brilijh. Sir lralcis
Mudic! .!d Sir cdSe Ceilgh8bk us€d io scld
d.tlilcd Elo'rs.bod lI. eottj.8 ofrt cjbiEcl ed pdiy flcdos 1I @jn dphajs
of Ue'! lcncB @ thll r.'je politjci&s w.I! e! a]lowing @. govem.,r m&nj!.ry ro
ft&rjd .r rbe pcird.p.ld.rc. .6cia.y lcvct. Kbltid Bin Say€cd *irca, Jinrrl look
two dccisioB ro jrnprcvc ihc adninistario4
oE to lcty oD in. bl@u@y for
ldDinisdlion old r!. orla !o upiov. p{iy a(hjri$.rioD. TlE rh! wiio bjNlf
ju!$nd lhd a dying hr! .ruld lalc oity shon lcd dccjsioturr which msy b.
guestiol.! whelhd JiEd rss un U. ro iry.n t@g llre rbi!ti,& N.vdrlcls, rb.
Mr& @ltcrlds thai in th. cdllltis.d Goffidt
syst€E uldd r.!e of Iidia Ad t 935 i!
anended foh, lnc Cov.lM-Oodit e.l civil wi@s bede no!. pow.rftl s
.oBpor.d 10 rncn Fcd@ssor Vic.rcys ,rd lndi& civ Sdices.t6 Ii neans ihar
colorial Facti* @uld b. clagca by .irn,ins tE @nsriiriorDl shcru. whicl Micd
lh. 61oirt lcgaaiB &d it M rh. t!d( ofrh. Cor$ir@r A$@bty, Dor rhc covlbor

Bci!8 a do@i@i pblonion of rb. ioid popderio4 0!. Fwdftt b@au@cy

was domiEtcd b, thc lDjabi ofrei' Bur thjs v.ry fact c..d.d a $sc of atiturion

@ong tne oihcr previtB blviag lcss raItr.sclillto! i! rltc bwuchcy. An r

ind.Foddc., &. r!fi8ccs boih toh ud sd Ebb L.ri! gor siglifclm rrpcdIlrio!
in th. P*iitrli bElual!.y. h tqE! ofajoinl p!ki5r!!, rbly wE od, l0 !d 6r of
U. populai@ vhjlc lhcy @cr.Fi.rt atrnost 60 pcr cat of ibc io|al *als in ihc civil

sryies. This lltld domindcd for ovet a d.cldc wjfi minor !!!i!ljon.t A@ordilg lo a

swcy, 34.5 pd c.ni of the civil sd.!t! stte r.fuc6 wtile ttr!-fffh of r,bd wa,
alredy ir ewic€ ai &. tiEe of the 2utiti@ &d oerpid a mio! p.lirion i! th.
blslrcEy-rt'ft.y wa! c.!fidcd 6outh to Ddrgc !trsi.s by rurhodbtiv. alo.arjN
without nfdir8 th. @n6 b Oc pubtic rpr€sa$rirts, d@ io rh.ir s@io$lturl
$paioriryrolbcoticriDni i6of tbcsrdc,o

Tlc b'!.auo!cy b..anc Dorc lowqtul i! rhc csly y.ds of pr,rigrq wh.n atd
th. de.!h of Ji&ah !d Lilqua tt€ Foplc n E nd-poliricde b6crgobdr iook ovd

thc EiS,3 of powd. h th. loE g&., th.ir .rrut .tlics wcr! Oc njUlsy, thcir

cout rp3lt i! th. 6lo.ial Friod A.rh coGid.tld rbc@!.lv* $ rhc bca iDnirdj6 by

v'nw or i!.L lEhiry org&j!.!io! .!d p6fo|lea. Bo& bad ihen vlsr€d i!&G5t5 i!
Oc f@ie! lJraiB, ao@oy ed dcfoa lolicy. llte/ wtcd lo *cw f.voublc
ddisions at fte gov.Moral l.vcl. Tley alsllhcd nor. !ow$ whcn $. loljtical
pani€s cs?aially d. foEdirg pdty, th. Mulin L6guc losl i$ E rcslariv. chdaclei

Il is o8e! cLiD.d tb.t th. politicid! Es?oBiblc for co$tructjn8 &d m@8jng

lhc nee cerr$l govelNor app,latE P@ hving litd. d no sial suplon in 6e

prcvi@ of row wbrt E !a!*ta!. 'ftcGfort i!s|c!d of sE@elheling tL. Poldcal

iDsriturion thcy deFnd€d d lhc buuumcy s a powcr la*.'r But lctu lty all had rols
mong the ot.r pmvilces h..virg lcas r?rMiltiou i! t. bwluclacy. An ,
irdcFndace, th. FiBles torh Ao|n E l rld urtrn l!r!i! gor signinclrn rtlra61nion
in the Prkistaoi bulau.n y. Ijl icrbs of s jojlt ta&ist&, th.y @. oDty lO pd cor of
drc popul*iotr $trilc lbcy occupicd ddon 50 F @1 of rb. br,l s.{3 i, |!c civil
*diccs. This n nd domiEr.d fo! over a rtcc.de 1'ib rinor vdiarjon.tt A@ording lo .
sw.t, 34.5 F clor of lh. civil sdwlrs P@ Etugs *tit. rttEinl of lhd vrs
alrQdy sicc .t thc tio. of th. parrjrion ard @u?id a sdior losjri@ i! rhc
btEe&y.s th.y wcI. @nfd.Dl @ougb ro in !!gc .trriB by luthdilarivc alocalios

sirhotn Gfdilg th. hands o lh! public Eprcsatajv.s, duc io thcir locikdtur.l
supdionly to rtc oUr.! irstitulioE ofth. starc,r,

I}c blMucn y b6e. nor! F*Eftt i! tbe ety r.ars of takis&! wld .iq
thc d@th of Jimal and Liaqut th. leoplc fim !o!-po[ric..l$ b&l8routrds r@t ovd

dE EigB of !ow. In th. poE gd., d.i .!.lDl .!i6 s@ t. nilil&r, lh.n
@ui.lpfi in r.!. @lonbl pfiotl Borb osidard rtrc@lv.s as rhc b.sl ilnitutioDs by

vin& of then ftirj!& dgslisllio! &d p€tfo@a Bori }!d thci! Bi.d iD!€Esc in

th€ foDis! .faiB, @troEy ,!td dcfcnc. policr. They Mrr.d ro s..ur fevo@ble

d4isions al the govcmial Lvcl, TlEy sDcd noF pow.B whcn dt lolidoal

P6,tics .sp@irlly rh. foDdilglalty, rbc MuiUd tsgE lon its EprBmiarivc ch@l.r

Il is on6 dlir.d &!r th. poliri.id Estoau. for coEEucflg and E&agjDg

drc !.w *tud gove@ot arpdtus k! bving finlc o. no $cis] supron i! 6.

!Fvi!e3 of now sll4 wa Pabsto, IlE!.forc isr€rd of srrcnSderjn8 lhc poliical

insritudon lhey dQodcd oD rbc buutl.@y a ! pow b.*.e' Bui &tuall, dl had !oo!5

in the British leg&y rt6 tb. Elttnno[! 9@ us.d.g!!5r tb€ An-ltdia MusliD Ls€e
by lh! iniag larty, ihc Pej.b Uli@ist ftrty .lo!g *ith lh. BritLh cotltMt
Hogffi, if the .lcdioD3 sdd b!e. b@ h.ld iDD.dilI.ly tnd tb. i!de!.nd@€' lhc

p@!lc of Patitu biSh hlE $49orcd 6.n hda ttg.tdls of rh.! lrevi@ sirl
h.e. ft. Ftilical @Nio!s!33 ofihc E!338 B 4idd too tt .l4rid of 1946'

tb.y vot d fo! thc Fliticsl plni€ aDd lbcir ed nol to th. pqldditie
"tM 'Eiftsos
Tbe othd 6p61 M that lh. t€fuE phdoE noD E nostly td in Ihc ube a$$
$tt@ tbey Elde !p a.di.l€Eblc @jo!ity. So i1ft3 [ol difrcult to coltesl elorioru'

ln 1951, the mjor cili6 liLe Kr!a.ti, Hyd.n!!4 Olj@wala Lvallpu (F.isabb.d),
S.lgodha 6!d Sa${ bad r.fupe. i! Mjotity \t . rrhqE, Rlwlpbdi, Multa! 3nd

Mo!tg@F/ (SahiwaD hld r"fucc popdstio! conitstilg rod. tla 40 Pq elr oftb.

Fpd.d@s Th.y (.1/t 9D built 6. erppdt b.$ ofthc Mlslid Il!g@ ald alwvs
@i@d rturld {ir! thc id@log of P*illu rtict E lbcir iit dit, in tb. !q i.r..
'Iler rl$ shd.d de bdrcd lgrirll bdj! lc.!i!g th. painftl !@ode of thc dis6tio!

in 1947. ltb Ldld ini.snr.d blEEncy .d Eilit ry b sbrpe ,I dti-Indi. dc&acc

e.t foei8E lolicy of Pltistarq MubrE Dld lvss..d sals thal th€y i* aight@.d of

losilg rhcir lositio! i! lhe politics in sc of.l..tios. Ho$.vd this arsudl is nol

vslid d a ttls for avoidilg .l€tio$ by ih. rctuga clitc siM &@di!c to his oM

cet$b 6Ey q@ eEyirg mjdii.! lh. ubd !l4$ dd e btd built uP tlcir oM
@DslitEDci€s. Hovffi, thc.l-ii6l€rc d.by.tl bcds.lbc M6lin L.age losl its
populdity uolg th. ENls &d th. potlici&s sinilg j! thc gov!@@t
N of
th.ir d.fat i! rb. .l6ris It beie qul. obviou, tnd th. rslis of pdiEid
h &rl, iL l!.! ofltldi.rl a<pai.6c! fc N:liry llc tovcldltti &d dtadc
pmbldas of r !.w s|!t! ra i!.d lh. Elin !oe! of d.fe!d!o.c on $c civil !.cvic.!.

Iti! d.!cnd.oc. pDvid.d &! civit st!!B wirh !! orPort@itt io dmillL tbc

dccisi@-o.lilg Fo.ees h l!. .b$!c. of lhc polilic.l o.Fni!. i! tc tllcvrnt ficld

sisc drc folDdll]tft n i!.d in ft. hcd sadilioB of tb ool@id a$odi.rnnisn

'Ih. blll!.le&y b..ec !J powtul i! !.},!re i! thc sr. of lh. n !8r.
pdfofr.@ oflh. politicd lcd..t !d 6. flibtc of t!. MNlid Lrgu. to b&don
iltcf iito . ttu8 pohicd oE!!b!d@ T!. d.t!y j! .lc56o! rlducld &t
i4!.ahris d.fut4 od th. politicd ilniinid! iixtis l!. bqLoc! in hrcu of llc
blllletuy &d lltq io tc bftalcnoy Dd Dilitly bolh. lt it i|!nj.tt tlr dl the

niti.ry rld civilid rovdErot3 ticd to |!dM tbc po$r€.! of thc bw!.r,ct!cy rna
1958's Mrnid hw. Dui!8 ih. ftn Mrnjrl ltq 6. DiliE!, &d l!? !u..E!cy w.t!
!€rtt4. B.i!8 utlilcd i! lL civr'l'.! .,6nl.Fio! t!. DiliEy !.edcd lh.

sppod of thc bll'uc..y ro M th. srd. .fril3. Ay$'s BD s$.d dPoqqd lb.

bur.!cr!.y wirb !! eod!! coidll of 0E ml poftica i! coltlh.ralion sii! th.led

clir6.$ Bul it h dlo | lrdity l! ! vilb th. ilto<luclio! ofl! Mdi.l bw in 19rE,

!bjn@ sior civil w$L vtr! cit!.! di!o!s.d o! $tcd !o BisD' Thc !.cond M.njd

ti* in I%9 npdrcd th. @. Foclrs by uiriat or djldtisling tbt c hundrcd @tnl
cid omc.lit Aftc. &c lccdd M|'ljd L!w. lhc buttlulcv *!3 r.dwd lo th! srna

6f a juaio! !.tu&r in O. Foese of gdcnln.q Thc dcc,.ro! Eltjng ss tullv

r!.rsf6!!d lo lh. 3ctior p,nla i.a,lh.diliLty $/hjl. th. btMu6.cy *a Bi8lctllh.

duty of

FroE thc dly da)5 oflatilra4 thc hftau$a.y udd rhc jeSrcy of1i. Bdri
rulc co6idd.d political ..tivity as a tlwA to law lDd ordd situaiid. They rrro!8ld Lrut

dre politicia$ P@ thc crr6 ofpotitic€l ilstlbitity in rllc aocicry. ,ftey gai!.d pow
in In. .b!.o* of a $roIg loliticd sovsrnclt. Bl' $ilt th. poM vt' j! &c !&& of
Ihc civilirls. lrtc. $/b.! tle sclf-iriats&.t rod sbon siebrcd lor-rlllslDoriv. h.!d, of
l!. std. likc CovaM-caaal ch&s M$.DD!d invir..l rb. Eitial ro L.tp i! ihc

proe$ oftovc.!''cc, rhc .t t polrr srli.d nowi!8 to rbc nilir.ry, *tic! E ih. Eosl
ory.ntu.d lrd di$iplind orgojsrio&Io, Now ifth. ald p6oGl sr.$ddd3
hld bcon mainLiftil lhe b!@u@y Did! h|v. lded s a meter forc lo tho Eititlry
doniM@ ia rh. @ury,


Oniy ! cilrg. lh. c.totrisl sr cn@ ed Drovide .

stoDg p@liaE@t coutd

EvolutioDry @Dslftnio! fcr .D jdlotoictl sr.rc. Ir .oultl .jso o!6en, lh.

ruttrorilarir! n & in lhe poliric.l sygrd! Bd rld s!! bddty ey sdioNcs I.n is
lhc working of th. asdbly. llc tirsr C@rtit@t A$.Dbty Dcr at d avcrag. of 5l

days lcr mus in a pdiod ofseven ycs. Ilr sc.old Cotutitudr Asedbly ws only

adivai.d i! Urc dlys of filrlisilg tbc Co$rinllid of l9Jd &d an6 rljdr ii Esucd ils

.veEg. of 47 dlys jD ssion pc. tc!r.r@

nt. Cd'lituen Ashbly of P.lisr.! hld io Frfod rD bsic fiDdioE,

6$li|'nio!-rtjog od li*drltlg Nole of rtc tero E j! objoivB @uld b.
l@hllislcd .ffcctiElt Thc dsd$dd-D*ilg ws d.Lyld ed rbc @ury @in.d
wilh r! intciiD colsdtutio! till 1956. Th. titn Colltitucnl A$aEbly sas .e!o:1cd ro
finjsb lhc coDstiMo!-n*inS job i! l95l wh.d wri di$olvcd W th. Covcnor

Gloarl ChuLra Mut!@!d'6 It i@odid. r..!o! w.! tbat th. fomc! ricd to

rdue tb. po*..3 of GovE@ C.ocr.] rkoug! lcgjddioi.rq Tt? Cov.Dor-cslcr.l

E i Etir.d burt.lqll erl d,id lot \||nt b Sivc tbo oorsdodoo-oltj!8 t sk ro ,Iy
.!.cEbly. H! Md.d ro edr ! c@ninni@l c@6irn6 fc tir pupos.'6 But rbc

Fcdcld Cout loot . ftm $.od i! ilc Usif P!&t v Tba Ao',I 68c,'e ,!d d.clst d thd
Gov.|lorcta.t|l hrd io c{blist I ew CoEiiu.ol Alrcebly b.c.u!c lhc por6 ro

D& ll|c conditutio! of&c strrc w!r! c.ofat d qpon dc Colrtiualt A!r.6bly .!d lor
lo .ny pcr!o!'d OD t!. 06- h!4 v.liddilt lbc di@brl odq of th. Colditud
Asbly i!. Uigh.! judicia, idoxic|t d t ciunry'! poliiicr with tb. deEiac of
!'eany ir iG @torioB judg.dr.ot of Modvi T@iaddin Kbr v tllc Fd.lrdon of
Paridera 1leuC 6. indi.cl cle.riou, @lt ta 6.6b6!tt of th. firn Cotrnjtu@l

Asdbly r€. cler.d .gd!:!to T!i! !!M rD! @{!'[!sat'rie ct .|.L. 6f rhc

lssuy t{bic! sl.r wtin8 6r s.tta t!6 wirhod l!lj!8 r A!s[ DrndrD tos i].
P.oplc. Th. $@d Coonit!@t Alt@bly @da rbc ladcdjp of Ch&dhli Mobrdr!.d

Ali toot lbc usl ioD ilc poin wn G it *n ddrjt.d with th. djsjsd oflhc frn
CorninE A@bly, &d uldndcly *irhi! rm tlc th. !ry coDiiMjoo ws

Tlc l.*tuljn8 *$ ih..Iha ftlcrjo! d.r fo.

of th. .ss.dtbly wbi.l Ms

gtut d by iL p'rli.c.otri|!!. TL pr!cc!, of bsortilS ilvolsd i!. Eflool d

Eodifcrdo$ of th. qinilg bB TL.ir.@biy !do!t d tot l 283 bill!, out of which

ody la wcrc ooDild by thc !.lccl cobrlitrc$ &d odly onc w! EfEEd io th. lcopl.

fo! opinion.rtr Tlc ildifcr.lEc roffidr rh. $m*jng of rb. usco$ly show! thc lek of
inlerc$ or tr pan oflublic rlpr.scDtlives siloc rlcy s€r. not ctdtcd fo! rl€ hw'
makinS or @rnirutioD-Drtilg job. Sone of ihc vcry sitlit@t bills lik.lb. ?austan

Indusfiai D.velolE€nr CorloElio! BiI, whjch B vitd for .coeny p.ss€d Lr)roud all

lhe $!ges witb one h@r. Ir ws !*d Efded !o .!y s.l.d comin4. L[ n. Xecbr

InprovcE nt Tsst BiU w! pssscd i! lle srne drnlcr.rrr Sinilarly moE bills w.r.
a.nod.d ths thc rcw !tw-!|r!.iDg blt th. dcblE w3 avoi.led by mt ?roviding ilE @py

of6. bills uldd .osid.adoa to thc ordilaw E@b€ts ofth. How.rr'

IX€ pdli.mdbry LltlitioE 6uld @t d4lop i! th6 Pslid6t. 1!.

.djoweor @tio! which wa e 4lablish€d traditid olrb. lEliddtlry ddo.fuy
bur n cMin d v.ry @ in tc psliledt !y Dn ri4 of rh.6rsr CodriiEnt Asbly,
li L\e s.va y@ erkiag of th. ti$t Corltitlor Asbly ody 56 Dotiet of lllc

adjoui.lrdt holion E givo wbjlc orly fou v@ dj!cu$.d id rh. Hor.rrr Sioe

llis ptutie M d.rd 10 &.o@otl14 oppo3itioD's coljcfu doln rh. 5l!t. jstu.! r!.
Esis&@ to q6i* thi! riehi sbovEd th. rnindc bq!d! r.hc olposidoD in tLc }Ioe

Il i5 a slltt lelit, tb.r pouticlr !rni6 & lh. .sstid @DpoM1 of dao@y
T}.y ec th. 6sir. io suc .trccdvc pofticti Elfeiario!, dohlililg vor6,
otgejsio8 thc Eov!1@6t ed sbalilg public polict.rri Blt lb. Mustii kagu. ed
odc. pgii6 cruld nor !.rfota dcir lqric nDdj@ 'nc Muslin L€38!c lon is
popddity Mrbin r*o y6 of rb. d.{rio! of Prhs&r- nr iMbility ro udsfm iis.lf
tod a doveod to r politicrl FtV ed poo! F.'ornsc i! the F.e$ of nation

buildirg had. ii upo?ula.r'1 Tlc pomr stugstc withj! djtr .elt facijors of$e Mslin
L€gD? lcd lo ils disidcgndd intc, n* tolind !ani.s. Ttu i!&iljtv of lb. Phvincial
l&dm to @nc oul of Pechi.t ilict st! &d to t'@!cnr wii! tltc @tioDat

AoD i!' MlsliE

ndhc !dd.d io polilic2l iEdrbilily |!d th' alicdrior of thc Fas*s
rrr'IlD ladasbiP cisi! lesc sioqs ai€! tnc dcdh of
krglc a as Politicd lstv
q:U *ort!!l'
rll B lot abL lo h&dc ln' litudjo!
Liqulr '
Iidsl! Despitc etrolts

The Uoionilt Pdi't lcgacv s d@i@r G'rei6llv in tbc Pujab'r' u<l wa

the provitcial ct.ciiotls codrt not b'i!s sl'liliry i! thc Foltndtl so!qM61

t'mdn'd a P ctia sod dte b'giEing ln

Tbe i!!old!c. to\^'6tds thc oPtosrdon

blockcd $c consd$s
fa.l lhc failw to €lc oPposidon ts ! !€n of Politidl Pr@ss
CddcisiDs dle forlllion of thc opPosrnoo
bu ding on th. !.tiontl isu"
tu fotottion of Pahsi'4
p.nics alrt dPbasisilg thc olc of lbc Mr:slio lagrc h
! Fat noth€r
lb' M!5lje'I$gue sls th' sotltct of?'Lisra! dd olnv
Uaaut ser.d tL.l
iho polili'd opposido!
wd dal of
chitlta His tttihdc tow'ds
could c8. of$c
*g!t $an'd lo disintcgld! i o rc* toliiicd Ptni's
tan.i'* '" tt "
"*Ut l! frot out of 13 lolirical !dn's
*-" *-, * *"* *u!d P6@ijd6 'jn'
a3 a rurllg
Musti$ t'aguarrl Tltc Rcpl)blican 'Ed8pd
rs! ihc ofishools of |hc
no !'s' ou$d! rbe Padiad@i
o,l, ** t. o"**r'
'or** "t'*dd and sftnglhd'd rhc
** *t *-"'" *th ihe locd ptniB ir ibc !ro!i!c's
$' poliri'al ptrtd wd
pue to a log d'lav in th' ![dds' clcttioD
provinua potirics
vnicb nmld i'c""a*d
6cir loriti"r !d' !so!g rh' P"er'
1lrc powcr doorir'r'
1o $' inilit'lv
U.*U** - O*t'*-' * allowd '!td
did not
\|.rt consin'd of $e N'l'bss.d Pomcies
,"1"^t *" l{bo
""u"* " rndition'llv' tb'v hld o@
tnd olsaddion'"6
I*. *", *" ot,

affDity wifi lh. bu4@y aud .8Ei! lh. dclav i! gclatl .l..tios strcoSricdcd $c

ptlvious boodi l.$hj!8 h d.p€ enc€ on thc bul']l.rcv-


Tlc R!*tbildj Corslin 4 illst!,ljd oJ rne eilirtrv's

y Cac
.tisnt@iEc roM& thc aly rh. civiliD go\q!!@t s D&t8r8 thc !41&1y
ndt B. Li&qud o! lb. d. of lh. pbYi&itl cl€c1io$ in ii' lujsb di$los'd thal

|o wa8c !
mitit!ry coEl@tt .s uBe cosPiri!8 lo ovqilN{ ihe civiljan sovffian

M fo! Ih. sollni@ ofd. KrdEir Fobld in @UsbodtioD Yitb ih' Comuist Pdtv

of?rlisorrn rr m sl+etn r[ar n w d .fron ofuaqu,t ro .sablish lis sade bold

ovc. tr\c 6i[1sry. G@ AyDb w tlc b'lcic'atv ofihc tcDoval ofth€ Cltcfofcocral
v'rv fd
satr ocD A.k!€i Khs!! nori dE s@e 1llc $no! @ idoned a!o!t
cighl@ E@lh5 ritl tstr.d b in'
onviclio' ofa!
ddrils in th. d ofse.@iy. Tb'

|h. culplts but io i!. $tolilhbot of tb! !3ti@ tl" e@ givd nlld PujsltEdls'

tui for l!' diliitr cout' c@5!in!8 10

*br.h r@ brdty &coopljsh'4rs lt shos

disiss ! civilie sov.mdr M lot ! btamv

lakiedi 'r0 11t'
lrc 8lwdpildi consliu'v ce Ln d!c! s'd o! thc
d* o! Apd 1951' i-e r'$€lpindr Conspidcv (Spe'ial
sovcMdi ps.d 5 sp.cial 16
Tlc frst ourcome of dns
Tliburl) Bi[ It ws lhc violatio! ofthe b$jc 'otas ofjus{ia

ots3uEs rhc ?'bid govetuol t*ond 10 in u'

ce ws thc litn oftrosc
agli[ur S@dl,' lb' Mu'ti6 L'4uc
a$ the bcn'ficiaiv of
l@c of s.cuiry agaj! &d

a @jorilv i! ln' Puj'b Povincial

elcciols Thdlv' lle
lh. sitDiiot si!.e it s6!td
tb' dffi for av dissidot idolog/ u
co@ud PErtv M be'd fot'vd' closinS
Pslisrb. Thir &ri@ ll3o coDvin@d rh. AD6ic&3 lo t*c Pdosid a d dti_


chaltlli Mubrmad A.li 8or hi@U r! .plDinLd s llc S'dtlttv codd of lbc

Pali$aa SoveEs.lf e un$!4dcolcd lortroto th' Btitish or lldiat Civil Seflic's'

di!!.tly apploved by rh Oov@or 0.!.61 at lL ii@ of ptnitiot rs E wB 6si!!ed

tF tulotios of cooflliudo! |sorg thc ldirisuica tn llis q!v' h' $'s Fntins t P&ll'l
cabinct by pGidiry oY.I lh. D.,fE85 of !U rh' s@nii!3' $6'tiD6 ovdidjnS

r @DlcLd pceD ed djov'd thc co'6d'n@ Q!dd't-

muistdial d4isios. Hc w
Li6qu& bo6. GhulM MlllDEnad,lrr 0F FEdcc
Mi slc! in Liaqual's
Aze &d
{ilh Chaudld MublDstld Ai's Po*Il to s'idilie thc
cabirct }?s not comtotublc

afai6 ofall th. oidsttiA iEhdilE th' fi@a 6i!i5Ev

utqu'! Ohd'D M!b'@nto @vilced Nein_ud'Dinrr'
And tlc de31h of

olic! oflhc Pdlc Milisld tld 'levde lin to rb'

dk of Govmor Gendal'
,rsude rbe
r0 lnc
had r.duG.d th. pollrs oftc Govano'
Odod tbrc4! a!
Lialuat 'modDenl
th* ofra lo n@ly had of ih' 31at' with lodinal
ioldih @$rinnioo 1o coDfDc
Muldtud Fviv'd all lb'
powd ae i! ih. Pdl.lldltry d'@oecvrt! Bu Ghulsr
rhe eti-
dd b4M' $c absolur' tuld- I! thc wlkc of
po*€s ofrhe Gov@orcendd
6 iEldcd iD thc Pujtb tbich @dgi*d lbc
Ahn.dia nots,r3r oc ftlt Mani.l Lae
butrdats snn'd qucslioong $c
mili.r/, Th! adv rngh @EoEd dolg wilb sttonS

poUlicit's lo ru tlc couirv No irorclsc in lhc deftlcc

alility of thc Mullilo r,agu'
iflhlt allovcd thc Eilil'rv Now l,\e eruatiotr wr
budgd due b fi@citl @Dstdlts
favoubl. fo. th. acdon !€airrt tb. PriEc MiDilt r'ra Cluld Mulurniad disissld

&r govemeni of Knawlj! Nain_ud_Dilr'r wjib lhe lqpPori of thc Dilillrv ed t^h'

blMu@.y @ leodt of tbc ed.tr Bi5b i! tb. cluttv tld nis&lgaEcDt i! the eii-

A.btrdi. liots in Idr@.ra': NoD.&cl.s, NariD-ud-Dis ai.d o hilg 3 brid8. @@g

dtrdnr factioru bur thc GoveEor Cltel'l bcliclcd iD ! lcchdcallt dp€n €bind as a

sub6iitul. fo! ihc lolidcies. Neio-ld'Din N .ojovilg ujdiv it thc lqliltot bur

n. djtl not cbslloc! thc disDilsal oldo in rhc lcdcral Coun.ro ft€ disi$tl of Nein-

ud-Dh B th€ filsl civili& coup ,g.intt at clcd€d ?ri!d. Mi!,$'r''s

Thc Co.stitu@i A!5€Eblv @dd rct Esist l.t. disbsd of & el@rc! Pnhe MiDstd

dd MlhaMsd Ari BogFraJ v6 lploiltcd s thc Pti@ Miline. ll ws t!' ildElon

of eolha nd-Epr6@btivc Pen i! ofr4. But lE B sl5o tui allowd lo work si@

hc $|s trylrg b $s.tt rhc svcEiS!9 of ih. CdnillEt A$nbly ov'r rh' Gov@or

GdeEl s a *s&tial f.!ts of th. peliddrrry fo@ of govad'nt

Ghulm M$@d w3 not i! fsou of dv @lsdtlnio! qnich could Fduc' tbc

Ew6 of thc b€ld otlbc slr't .'a D6iL fiiXlg !.€li!' hb dcsic to r'oti! held of lhc

sr.L ws the notir€lot for dt be did Ec nol odv djstn$'d Bog mjtturv bur d$

di$olv.d th. Co$tituot Alsblv for pasi!8 tb! bill etrich w3 &rutllv e ctron to

cunail the lows of Oc GovmoFccner.l.rrt Ghul,n M$alBrad alpoinicd Bogla

!gai! 3s ftiec Mhina dd hj5 scalcd 'c.bi!ct of LLnl' iDclud'd th' tld C_i'4
Mt@!{ !di6. Avub had b"n otrercd Io r'kc
Gen. Arlb ad Majorca IskEdor
MubdDid thich !c ddlin'd H' a@?tcd
ola th. poM @!diti@!Iy bv Cbd@

a O' C'in-C of Pakhl4's Ii

Ll1e @bind posl or lhc @nditio! thal h. wodd @n6!uc

% aD qtlatcft5llid lFcte a d@octtcy $at d saaiog govtu'd o6er M


iDducrcd i! s civilie c.bjer llolch and i!. ,ti-n-r of Aosn nidsry, Arrb
ret'ed to Llc CHq de irdelion of a serving C-j!-C i! lttc civjljb dis!.netiotr M
'4!E dst d elich *!i a v4y d@g@B d4lopo@t Dd dicd sios
Elclssios in lhc &/s to @m, Its cols€quoDc.s pp..|Jed in iwo Mys, AFb, ftsrly

bld u.d IEqs s r rnirisra go! hioxi@r.d by it[r Dd s.6dly h€ obse.ved rhc

vqlessls of lhc politi.d stieo lrd @clud.d th.d th. psiisE6&ry ddo@y ws
not a suitauc systd of gov.@.!t lI. h.li.rcrl tl.llh. p.liri.ius w! compri rh.

niliLrT euld 6U i! th. g.p i! Iaddstip ed ir E dr ooty otssi$4 dieiptine! &d

@Dpctdt irsritution to addus tb. ius of rhc poljrical systqD bI siacce way_rr, Ihe

sdior bulsudrrs d$ bld orfomity of id.s with l,L go6al!, Boti .pprlciaLd ibc
po{erftl offi@ of rh. Aned6 lrcaiddt ed considdcd n tu b€sr sotlijor to rh.
poliic€l probt.or id Pat&rarrr3 n o!r@D. E thlt tbc my d.'gcd s thc

pDbi!6I pjly.r in the FE ge. elich @ltinued til O{rob€r 1958 ed lnq i.'rar !h.

my bcc.@ llE solc in-cbg6 of tb. po[ricrl sysld stEtbd o! Ue sc€lc or bchird

MUIamad &shd Kh6 srlr tbit ..co!do! O.qal chuld M$.mad lad

irpli.it fair! in Ajdb." tl. u$d lo.dl hi6 on r.tcphon. dd *tta h. w b.driddcn

ed ialo ro Loldon for tettn ri. Th. sde @ntdencc war €njoy.d by tstedcr Mira
d a D.f.nc€ Sardrry of rh. gdtuer!,r! ktddd Mirz!'s .l.valion trsl to trc offc.
of ihc Govc@! G6€.al ald lna d. lMdSatio,r of Uc l9j6 @lstiturior, i! rt! b'gh

ofii€ of rhe ft€iddr conptiDcir.d rtc civitia! dicrltoshjp of tho ciuld Mulmd
ldiod e.l op€ncd . ftw.o of p.l.cc &d Fsolal nlc lcading ro potiric_al

irirlbiliiy in P*islt!. I dso sbdtd.d th. co!.fidcD@ of the ms5'! on dE pohids

sld thc political ptoc.s.'rr

Ilc €trorrs !o postpoe cLclio.s !eri! dd .grin wti! dE o tle Gd 0r tlc

rYcsideor tlsl e r$ciably shodd tol b. ctcctcd elich dglt bc Dore Epres'otanE E

ch@td dd in tum ooF tslstiv. i! poq6 Ddd rhc ldli@.rndv coE hni@ of

1956.156 No politicd go!.mcDt \rr! allow.d to wo* ed wiihh scld vaaB (i951 10

1958) six nilislrics'r7 w* cbn8.d *bile thc C-i!'C rs!ai!'d i!' sdc givd

dtcBion .ed! ald !8!in bv lbc s!@sd .ivilje govctrurdrs rsl


I}DUd! th. Dni.ry sls.t tl Pbying . roqfll rek i! lbc Fliti€l svsl@ of

Pakirta!, cspeialy rn6 the P3*Elpi!.li Colspincv c!sc, ed lald the irdtciio! oftbc

C-in-C in lhc Gbilct of Mon!@d A.l' Boga lh. fd M.nisl Llw ws inPos'd ir
1958. Non.rndcs n had b€6 pl@cd for quilt sonc as. lut ih. imcdia!. c&lJ. €
ttr. mv. of conAo atiotr b.twen $e polil,csl P.ni6 which E$lted it ih. d*1h of
ShqHd Ali, lhc DePuty S!€!td of ir'D E!$ lakistd A$.Dbly. It ws 1bc lii. qb.n thc

natio! *ss h€adin8 tow.ts eencRl clcdions. 'Illc British EisI Cotui$ionq Sn

Alqsdd Sroon! suspeltd tbil P.6idd Mjrr-r djdt have ban inrclvcd in thc

vioL@ to 6r,ibli$ lhc l!@D tor .letio! poslpd@ot &.1 nilitatv int'wdtjonre

Ile rponcd j! his lcilq lbnl tL lsid.nt wrr .lci@itr d io iltcrvenc if ihc p@ple

suld ct@i 1Dd6i6bl? dddtr" IX. Brilisb Hid C@6i$iord fil.thd to&d rhat

Pcidol Mi.a tuicd lo c!@* 20-30 p@Flc of hjs choi@ to chlF the @EftLtim

and ro M the govemm€al.ra


wn n !rcsiddt Mi!z! .l*idcd to inpo* Mtnial llw' Gd A}!b was thc C_in-C

ofthc Pr}jltlt Amt. BoIb l|/cre Putlo! i! thc d&ning dd thc oc4nion oftltc couP

of Octobq 1958. Ai! Ctief Ar!4 Kbe *roL tbal bc wls infomed i! thc $ck oftinc

abod Lle idposido! of lbc M'ltidl bw16' It show! $!t tE Manial tlw sa e act of

thc mr coEDatlt oaly ald lle Air ed Nav.l Cbicf! wcl! tala ido codid€n@ witcr

dl thc .fugdmB bld bd c@PLl.d @d $.y w!t! rct iroludcd in ire pl@iig

Most of th. loliiicia$ *e!! una$lE of$rs nudd of d@ocra.v &d lhtv 8ot

thjs ews thrcD8! ih! rcspiPcB ncxt DoniiS. IlF ?rid. Milisid i! ofice, Malik

INa Kln N@r *as idold€d rbhu8! a lttt.r selt bv ih. PBideft on thc sc
cvdils who tb. Maltid Lw *!s iElosldrc Thc oDly !ce! i! sddltioD !o ?!.sidot
Miza Ga Ar{b, ed the s.bior lr3fi !i tb GHQ r'lro wd wc! idodcd about th.

politicd chug. &d iDposiri@ of M.niat Llv vE L\. Aodi@ Astassdot Mr.

Jd$ tagtc, a Frsorsl ticod of Isl@dc! Miar6r Tbc ahdi@s Esp@d.d

D.sirisly i.tElgh ! l.tr.r &oD tbc US P6:dar os I I Octobd ald lltd by a five days
visi ofjoh! Foslo Dutlcs lb. Aodi@ Def.!@ S...cnry AoE 23-2? Ocloba l95E.r!

I|€y &ssurld thc supFn of th. US govc@ot io ihc @* oilit!ry gol.t@ot of

P*ied od apBed ilcn oldbis thlt i,\c lausi.! ,AEy $ a nodcni$d forc.
eoLld b< aU. lo brilg po[lc€l s|alLlry 6rcu8! sodo-@Dodc ddelopmsr.

Mia lbft8ared L!. coE titdi@ of 1916 dd io!o!.d ih. Manjal Law &d Attb
!6! ,ppoiDr.d s tbc Chi.f Mdisl l2w Adninisfttor (CMLA). A lcw Amy Chicf*as
appoidcd sj,e A}tb took lhc cb,rg. of CMIA. ft. Deq C-in-C m G6. Mdltfuad

M@ In addjiioa lo CMIA Arlb M lppoi .d ss rh€ PDic Mjlsid of Pa&isl!4 lI€

tst *rving .rdy otr6 in tbj! ofr@.r6 Ptltosly h. hld bd &c Dd@@ MiDina of

Pa&isri! in thc ciulje Sovmdt! iD 1954. Mira vay $on EPclrcd on LrE Poitl lhar

hc sbould er brw blrd.d ov.r stl tb. lo&tul 06€ lo Ard.i6t Duilg Alab's 1ou

!o E sl Prtis!, Mira ti.d to @bilis th. supDon of $. sid c.EE nders !8dd
hid ad asked rhm to !.Est bio (Go. Ayub) @ h,is crivd jn Kechi, lhc the! cl?ittl

of Palist6'4 blr dE djtitsy corll@da3 gor otrend.d dd bypas.d dE !q!61 o!d6

ofilc P.csideltr6e To avoid rny nfile! m$!i!rcy tom 0t€ ?Ilsidat on 27 Octobd

1958, thc dy forccd Mi@ lo rui8lr?o ald Ar1lb rook ovcr thc omcf olrlle Plesidcff

i! addition lo lh. CMLA.rrr ftc d of ihc didt dilr.ry tute now srart .L ltis c.W
.rtauisbcd n\e cdditior of |h. su!@y of thc -4dy Cbief .s 6c dosi powatu pqsoa
b P.kistaD Amy.


si'rc i\. people of Paljsta! tw.! f.d !p wirh lb. @srp! .!d tisilc .tcnMy
&d tqq@ndy cbagilg govd@@rs, rh.y wlc@..t rhc nilirsry r*@E ,!d
elcb.Eted lhc cv6l i! ,ll @jd cni.s.12 Ttrc comon pcoplc csFclcd ed id.ati*d lhe
Pabstan rdy dl)d codidc|€d U. mililr.T ac! a pdsons of iDtcgriry ald bon.sty. 1]1e

fiRt lidjlcd M.nial I$ afid Ue psnjrio! in ljlorc gavc tid 01is impEssion tlal lh.
@tlitary eas thc Dlridr. lsviou of lb. !rlid.r?3 T!. suiry ll@r &oE lldia Doui.d
r,bc lcd ro blild . L4. &Ey tor wtict u!o, B sc.riryils rh. @jor she of linir.d
ndional rcso!r.*.I74 ftey.xp.ied rb4 d. a@y *outd Brorc ord€r and gjvc srlbiliry

Mi$ Iatiru Jierl al$ hril.d tle olstcr olpFsiddi Ma ar th. hsds of cd.

A ** d lt h.@ @rk rb. Ga Arll &d th' mld 6@ h'vt hda 6b to d

o iic ii'ir's.i;* 'oro -a t* ;ddid ptude b.tt* ! * or
iiliiiuiro. u"gnl*;'r u,.t o roo oinm'tcv'"

h did nor show thd Mis Ji6d sulPon d Mditt hw 6 a rd' of lhe @utry Sh!

edly cxt r.lcd bs $tPdl lo tb! d.d &r€ to brils lL' @unrry 'bet to roddcv

r.lemoqa$c civilie nrl.) ed whcl slte lealis.d thd |he mcd forc's had & i cntion Io

sby in pow lor t lo!€" sbc tuh.d itlo ! suoch sitic ofthc di'tator's dlc


Ayub cgid g@lttlv @odeDlcd Llc Polidci@ t'd lb'ir ilEgritv M

qudtion.d bur t@L a.rio! ddv .gainsl a lil oftb. s'lared dd vbo v@ @6idR! to

bc rhe nvak ofth€ rcgihq 1lto idstiotu 16. io owt tld &oh Oc 66isu@ polilid

ed to cui! a s!o@ fo! fi. nd hls ibd Diglt t +@t uc a!6otitt of i!' n* ItgiDc

&d b. r.!dy ro o(dd .lt 6cit splon ucoldidot'Uv'76 Fot $js P!Pos'' Atlb
pmnulssl.d M ort dc*, fr3t lhe lubiic OfiiG rDisqulitcadon) frd 195917'Md

de olbd {ts thc Elecdvc Bodi6 (Dis$Blifcnio!) Ordd 1959

Tb. Bsic Dd@.!cv Ordd l959tt * l'e

lbe thid lsw cllctcd bv AvDb ltis
(in8 of !@d Bodias i!
EDcaled six cxisting laws d.6lins with thc forunoa od wo
wot* a
w6t P.bsb 4d ui,c siailE h* in E5st P*rs Th+ ilstitulio6 had !o
the El€.n El coltegc for lbc .l6lions of tnt lig} p$lic omcts itcludins lhc ttgisladv'

As*mbly &d !h. A*idbt of?.ti5lt!. thus Fovi'lirg e irdn'ct democ€cv tud dor'
mrked a a
pMis€ty in Atab'e words ti. 'Cootolled Demcrev "r0 It actullv tcvq

local 8otcm4!r ryst@ b*!e lh. acul towl3 rc i! rh' Lnds of rne b!'o!o@v

The bu..ucltcy iniially fcll ulconforlabl. du' to th! M'rtisl Lav

but tt'c At{bt

posilivc Scsnrc in ih. fom oldFlmcnt in day to day afail!. nol iElliddting tb.

rc.ommcnddoos of $c Psy sld Swice Cobnjssio! and rcvcEing d:e policv of

ildu.tioD of ihe Dint.ty 066 ir civil svicls PL€$d lhc buruud&v ed d.v.loP.d

a sNtai..blc plltrdshrp whjcb coltinE.t tho!8h ott thc paiod of.liFct Eilil,rt rub.r'l


In ordd to sEc leriiolcy dd civiliEirc lis tulc, Ca. A/ub @ldudcd a

Ff.mdM i! Ic!rury 1960. xb El€ction Cd@ison of Pakjsid lsk d l!. EcDbd
of th. Blric Deddeics (BDs) just a0d L'E.l.ctios ot lh. BD! that whcths o! toi

lb.y dicndcd!volc ofco!fidcocc10 lbcPr6id@Lr&ThcPoPuItt vot els rot c.ll.d i!

for thtu dfaadu,'3 Ib.6dts 9@ obviou c the Bsic D.dodls w@ dE
bercficiarics ofthe lyercF int'o&ccd by A'1$ licr€foE tbcy could not vot€ agafit thcir

oM inidts.r& O! fic !.co,bl of &is r.-c.llcd Ff.qd!l'! 0t cds!fuiiontl

Comissiol mcnd.d rha t[c &rsidcot \rltr Dor rguir.d to cotrlcsl &e eLctiors for

$c tulr 1.rB sirce hc tld e! tb. corfd@ ot !\. Elcctord Co!.sc ald ru th.

.lar.d PBiddr of Poljlt !.ts Arlb @g.d s th€ Nordli!8d's 'Rdd' 9?e wi1h

abelutc ,ebirios @d @oltcrc bold of govq@@!t loE for EliDir.d pdod. re Dlt

with this rcfcEDdM hc stan.d dE pr@.ss of Fditiol! a powd sb&rg .rugdot in

which r.'r. lcal pov$ w.F i! dE hdds ofrbo Mjlirary Chjei


ltc proess of t-d$ition sas in faar lic civjlia face of t\c nilftdy sov.ment

wiu ! Ficld M4rtid as lhc b.r.t of lbe staL, bvinS bis s€if .@i.d @rolitutio! &d s.lf

slyl€d coltolled dedocracy.

G... Ayub t@L l@y oPFBsiv. toolur.s ro @solidll bjs pdstl rdc bcfolc

Unilg Madial Lau Ih. regib.look ov.r lhc Ploglessvc hls Lidted (?PL) wlich

B lard trsfor.d jnro i!. Pts Trult of P*isu! (PD). To o*c rhc ibloi'ni
ncs!a!6 liL ltt4 lltt ,lu.or. subwi@lto thc 8ovmc , tu M'nial

t w 6gimc auclioDcd thc oMcishi! of PPL b A.b6€d Dls@d'u ald td ro ClErdhti

zs!@r llati.ls 1r. di@ {!! srpldt d bv rhe ladi!8 cdiio$ ir r}c c@vvrD

ftougb PTP arPently hrd ! lcPelc leg.l st h$ bul i! facl M dir'otly udcr rh'
@.601 of rhc 8ov!@@. 1!i! rron llEhr!.d lh. F@iFlt n$pagcE boli j! Urdu

ed Enslish in lddiiior to llc n.w neksPiFre Ucv htd $an.d. Tle puposc w rl allow

only ilDe @*6 io be !ou&!d whicb w@ "iD cn@!!lce with dt govment

Dolici*."r{ b ci1.@ rhlt tro irsrittid @uld r.i* 6i@ in Public suPPon Tlis eav. lhc

govcrM€lt conffd.n@ to novc lo ile !o$€t shlnng amgcn.d!


Arrb sdved rs 1L. C-i!-C for lM @D!.cmirc t@5 of foE v6 &d o!. r..m

of$o y.6.ter ID this r.riod h. clos.ly o!w.d the politicd sFrd ed chall€d olr lh.

dnwblcks of Ue s/5td. Ilc doculMled ht ob3.fttrio8 i! L\. fom of a doc@6r "A

Shon AppF.irnotr of the lrobl.rns of r!h5t !" od Ft$cd it to tlc rb.n Gov@or

Ccncnl Ghulsn MulEm.d in 1954.'nis doMenl wss in fld a constiModt

prcpolal for t lisr.d slowilr Alab'! sllug.pprch@siot lbout &e P&lie.nalv toF
of govcmdt ed thc adEinitt'rliv€ srnrcne ot lalitiat H. t&tcd to Estrr4lu.

Paldst ! inio two prvir6 rtti.b sbould b. glvo a liDi., NlouoE , Ac@diry lo this

docwnc he*a cd a cefiralscd poliricd slsico vith a! autbo.ildiw herd ofde srac

Ec prcpos.d . legsbtw thjch $€3 lol $v.ogA 6d d!@gh e 6 to !'

Eldolzl colcge-r'Ana sss@j!8 por{cr rs a Pnsidc4 Avu} prcvid.d a .evis'd
vdrion of dr @c d@ul@lto thc qbiE€t dEbqi, which w$ noE €fialied dd
authorilarie as co4p!!€d io th€ pr.viou! dftn.r$ T!. @y and thc b@aufacv $€rc

@vin ed ther ?.$s1@ ned.d. Ew pofiti.d sr'st d in thc @@l.y eitb ! srrcnc &d

sthoriltivc paid@r ftG Colslftdid ot 1956 did et gu.lift si'ce n Pbvidcd a

pdlid€!16ry coadtution. 'IhcrlfoE Atlb eii'$1cd in. l4sk of onstitution-mtling to a

comisliorre espccilly a!!oi!l.d for this !El,osc, tho4h it wls thc job of a

consdiur Asdbly c{Eyils . Fblic n@d.l. fo! lbi! $ignbot
Irlc Co@issio! wa gi@ i,!e tait '1o qei!. t. progcsirc fanuc of

ldlidenrlrt govm.nt tr lrlis&n l€din8 ro th. abrcCation of tl. Colsliturion o!

1956 elsi .!d rb. rrtE of lbc f!il@," It B also to $89.5t "how
lrd dd@ilc rb.
ber lhc eid d liL. c.)s ely b. id@d6.d a.l i!.n Eofu@ tddLd."is This

o@issbn had to *diE th. b6l!l dd.nuddo l ldcl of $c l*i$dri !eorl.,

rhci' he ofEiiodoo4 dd |i,!. ioplct of tlD @,rituiidEl ed adninidraiv. ch&8.s

I@dy iltlduced by tlc cgiDa Ih.y !.d ro srbDl a r.?o!r on d. @ruritutioDal

poPosals i.'ut how LrE nev politjc.l sysrn.ould ovd@nc thcse ploblcd.r" h snon

th€ 'illit@le !.oplc of Patisr4' red.d a sr'on8 tadcdhip !o tulc lirc ! comed.r
lle Comlssi@ $broj!.d i& nTod in Alril 1961, ba n s lot publisbcd by

ilE govtuclt sfid th& Ile c@stituti@ ensuy crD. inro fo@. r'3 This

Codtit'nion s @Bid.Ed lo be a braiDcnild of AtDb be@se hc hiDslf shaped il

@.ding to *hat he had i! nild abort ll. loliti.d synm of?ak sL4 iSronrg Dosr of

thc pbpo$ls pDsqr.d by i!. Co@isioL Ir w lot suh@itlcd fq rfd€ndM 6 ft hrd

ben @[d pbDis€d by th. Psidd in rhc procl.Enior of Mafiial lrw @ ? Oclobd

l958.re The 1952 Cordittio! B t fcdcrll pEslledirl @rBtitutio! @lteEing aI

po96 ro e ia.ti@dy .lar.d Peid@r srpporr.d by ! Eic!fual lelidoi wjd

d!rgi!!t po*di Tte prituipL ofFlvilci.l auloloEy $ts virtully nolqjslelr sina
thc gov.tlM ofttlc Fovils rtn to b. .!!oid.d by Oc Ptctidat dirEdy. Thly djd

not hrvc dy tcnw ed 9@ $p!o!cd to 3l!y it ofr@ tiu lhey enjoycd lhc e@dwiu of

thc Psiddi, 'ftd.foE th. dir6l @nitol of th. f.dd.l eov.ffieni d thc Fovincial

sovcmdt und@Eiled the Filcjpl. of provin isl etoDoDy, which bad ssiou
rcpdcussion on the frlfulc ofjoid PaHsi4. E$ccitly ib! Politici&s in the Ea5l Ptlisrd

wrE gBduly alidated h.cluc &cy we ddaMj!8 odPlctc Plovincial elonomv

s'ne l949.tm !d ihc l@.d fedor8, il baD. dld tEt ! milirary Cov.rmal in a

c'vni$ slise ers crdlidd.d wi& ! !.q!.d prBid.ot fot jndcfili|! F.iod.rol

wit! lle procbedio! oflb! | 962 Cdnitltio! thc M.niai t"ae B li8cd on ntc

dly rb. Nrtiotrel assbly d.r fusr. Th. .l@do$ of the Asbly Pw @lducrcd

udd military @atlol oo @-pdty b$b.s At lhc ,086 of ibe CMLA 1|@

hdif€sted i! tle offi@ *trich Prdidat Attb brd ak*dy Nu.d- Atlb watcd ro

onlinuc with hh powds of Mdti.l Llw bul sitcc lhc nalion E alrtadv swicios
abou rne natuE of the lew cjvilian stt uP hc hld 10 EPeal sonc of the Mar.id Law

.cgulaiios rdd orilds-'r Tlc.pmclaEnion of ? oclob€r 1958 ed fou of tbe odds

prlert uder thai wc EFil€tt ude! &c dniclc 225 of th. Con titfton wh*d five

Manial tlw cgriatiod a@ d@Lcd s d3 sdd Il* sc lnicle At l!€ @c tis.

vdios laws *lrich vw lr@laio.d by dF rlPdLd M.nial kw odcB *rc


ind.mificd by the s!6c rticlc !s D. 'dislirs bs' *ldcb *qt to @Dtinue tid th€

Maitial Llw vas lifted.:s

ln dd6lo cleit tb! Positi@ sborn tri. valdity of Mdtid la Fgubtiots

ordc6, ed aolioB takcn undd llcm aDd PFt cl !b.D fron b.i4 challe!8ed in $e

sr4aior @un!, thc Pi6iddt isE l tw oildjus bdot th' d'v of thc co@d@dt
of {E 1962 ColaliNtior 1!! frsi w!5 irs!.! o! 6.1u. 1962 ntbd 4lhe Maniil Law

(P@diog Pro.!.dirs rDd Pbl@tion) Ordd 1952 ed th' othd w jlsud or ? Juc 1962

$!€d 6 $c Manial La'i./ (Rep€51) orde! 1962 Justi@ Glid ) MNd Alnc4

thlr thc @mbin d efer3 ofth. rqo Ptlad.drid odas' rcld with thc Flder grcvisi@

oft!. Constrtutio4 st! that tll ac!6 t*e! ed oldds !$cd bdd thc vdious Mlttrdl

r-rw Egddio!. ord6!, PGiA@dd ordeB' d!ti@es, ac dui!8 {E Martial tiw

pcrjod r,@ savcd ed rh.i! validily @uld lot h. chdlens.d bcfot' ev Coun of la{' nor

@u1d dy Pffin b. o& li$l. b.foE mv Coun for &vtlils dorc bv hiD dui!8 thc

Manial Lalr] rcgirc, i! pus!4ce ofthc od.rs ?alsed bv i're Manid Lav audodlies

Trlc rdri! objcctiw of tbese Previlions E nor odv o grul i@!!itv ro thc pds's

who rqe 8lilty ofthe illcgal &ts duilg rtt Manial kw P'riod blt aho 1o I"p vdious

Mlnjal lr,/ otdd and r.gublioDs tld othd llws alivc dicb }ad b'en pasd duing

!,bd pcnod ald which we savcd d "disting l.$'s

Alab e!d!d to PoPUlais. bis Fsiiio s ! Polili'ie fd ihd $rpoe !'
! to sundin hrs
Ellied ddr withoul th. $p!dl of Poliical Pdtv it wss nol Po$iblc

p.@n l .ulc fot loDg Thc(! s vinudlv N oto lolitictl tttivirv tllo*td u'ril lifting
on Julv 1962
th. Martial Lsw. Th. Pohic6l ?aris Ac! s5! P6scd b, lho ?adi@cnt

rbposing a nuh.r of djlqulif.ni@ cl@s' 6i! Acr alo*€d odv 'laqiin' Polin'd
&dviry.)d H. sourlr tlc srtlPod of tlc Elitious facli@s' lholgh it E rcl i!
coatomity vit! llc !p!d.dly Eodanisld oudook of bis govc@slt llc
lslsic Rcs.!rch llstitu. uda thc hcldsliP of l!z!l'u-R.bde but he rdovld hjn
whd $. Flisios 9ani.s obj.cted hi! nodh a!!rcach TlE ovcbll tsPosc of
Eliciou! lanics @.itud oix bl' th.y activ.lv p.nici!.r€d in Fas movcncnl


't]D Fjlila.y govcro@r .lMts F.s$ irscf s Oc ageDt of DoddislioD in

tl! ta{tiriorul s@icry, t lr9icd E!o! fo! iaPosing M.nial taw.'or ftc sclf_pcMllion

of Ayub !.8ih. ws in .@rd!@ wilh ihc thcory of nod€mistion Preenlcd bv M'

d. i! rhe Uird world coutti*'@

Jdowilz in raling ovo ed erst iring th. Eilitary

T!. E8im. iltodu..d lh! agdd! ofafo.E! 4d th. .ca s @k€d wilh upm'dolcd
@smjc &v!loPo@! It€ rcgi@ show.d clsjrv of objcliv's dd cfrcicttv iD

idpLE. i,rg Ffom5 $'ttic! sFv.d t!w.d lltct. Th! l&d Ffo@ dso lrcvtd ! fail@

lil@ rhosc in olhd sios.2ro The'Decldc of Da.loPtu@l'lrr od'd in a failE shjch

lcd to e@nonic DsIllMg@@|, in@no dispdity, a @!ceDt!tio! of {eal$ in t fiw

hd& ed rhc sr@8lhnine of li.bic di$ord i! diffd@i rcsjoB T!' atulvsrs

c@i.ld.d it ! plrsEd .{ron b b@cnr tLc Pujabis std l&iarli sin@ lolh fomcd thc

@jor componml of rhc bililarv ,!d thc bulaucE v vbjcb wrc teaditg thc njlita'v-

bwaucdtic hybrid.:'' Bl' th€y igmre.l ilEt Ptbrun wBe 'l5o a doniiad f'dion in rh'

Amy dd holding ptomiMi lositios in coDbed slructuE includiae Avub KIs

Thc .cononic 8!oYr{r rc rb. t.sul of bolh 0!€ e@@nic dd induilial

developm€nt which gc[mled a GN? sowil ta!' al 5 5 pd @1 Th' d'vcloPf,cnt


st acg/ B qc:lcd i! rrc @e$iv. fE y6 pt.4 Oc s..ord firc Yd rbtr

(1960-1965) dd lh. thid liw Ycs Pla! (1965-1970). fte F c-{ii| ir.oDc jncEalld
ar lhc d€ of 3.5 by thc cnd of r!. s@!d &d 3.? .As &c rhid fire y@ plu ftc
lgricltrts slor ddltopcd sr lb. nl! of 3.7 lod 6.3 d r[. eld of sccold !!d rbird fvc
tqB pr.nl Bp.djv.lt, T!. gbwlb h t.Ige !.dc E&ufactuing sid r! Dliad
tulrrlblc ar 16.9 ed 9.9 pd c@r Egativety i! rt.s. r*t lvc y€ pla!l.:E tll.
ovcrll ero*,O la€ *rr cdlrrt Uc &d th. b.sl i! Asi.:r. But rtc E!jo. naw jn rhjs

pl,$ B tb,r E higbty depcd@t or 6. i6w offocie! cqird in rdEs ofloa4

.Eouding 35 F c.nt ad 50 pd c.ot i!
!d &c rhird fiw ycd de
orc sond
Esrectircly- I! rbe lnmnb of &e 1955 k ,vna l!. W.sr clo*d its dod os

r4isit4 6. noe of epiilt b..e. @cistrri |,d rh. @!dl sh4il.Fd,

1}. onlq oaw oftlE dlv.lopd@t shrL&l es ia rw l. eS clN i!.qurlity dd
EsioEal di$dtty. ft. mc.otltior of wet& i! ! fd brlds ,!d hor Lr!5{di!s &.
tuir! of d.v.lopD@r ro $c co@oD p@plc lcd ro ! tritr . i.t@sificlijon of lhc ct.$
disrEity. I lbo aSglvar.d thc r.giold dirujty cs!€cirXy b.tste, Ellr ..d $tsr
P€ljsle Fo. cxedq Ltc po.6!j!! i!.oe djtrctec. ws 30 p6 @r i! 1960 wtic!
.os. to 45 ed 6l !* c.Dr i! 1965 ed 1970 rcsp..rivclr:r6 this i@s.d rh.
drsnt nlh.nr i! &e Esl !.}j5!a! l*dirg b $c surpon of thc six poirt neitdto of
lh. Awmi ltas@. Ihe pubUc sFodiDs o cdlclrjoD, bsic !ed!h t&iiitia, roM
Pltujlg ed lopularior reL&rc wcrc tbc towcn i, Alia lcadi!8 lo ! doMslide i! $c
staD.brd of liviog of th. @mo! &4rr? \th@ Ue Eginc dccidcrt lo cclebd. lhc

&edc of dcvelopDelt ir lgghvar.d dte lubljc srihcDr .sd6r he govemdr

policics whicl uadc rlc ricJ1 richer ed th. p@!, poorer.


A}!b cnored poliiicd ..!ivity *itb rhc tiffjls of Mrnjal Law in i 962 but t'E bd
o! politicrl p.n cs ..Dri!Ed, I! 1962 th. Politicsl ?dri.s Act !Jo*!d i!. pE.rariat
l.w politiril gani4 o focrio! dorg with rbc Gw pouricd lrnics.
,I!. MBlin t lsE
w4 divid.d irlo $o 8erys! i,t Colvdrjon Mulih Iaguc,rr ed tic Coucit M$tjm
IagE foED.. sdved !! r!. omciai p3ny rDd A}!b rud joilcd n d a pr.sid@t i!
1963 ed thc l.n6 Ffm.d thc Dtc of a o!p6iton.,'t Acco.dilg to Fird ard

HutingloDt classificatio! il $r! rhe situation wh.! de Diulary ralsf.ncd !o*!, to o

omcial p6tty30 whose lad er! thc Diurrry dicrltor Thougb lhc poUtical pdti.s Ave a

politicsi oudool io lhe sysrcE bul iD &.1 il E a one bio sbo* Dd {D gov.tm€d
condded all ils rcplssiv. in ,lur6 agaiDst Uc pr6s &d uivBjtics io .!r6it lbci!
.uonoDt Thc opposiri@ w F.!rEi$d by msrine rh.t t.!d.s or lllc ch&g. of
.ltj-state rctiviti.s, Tle g0v!m61 b@cd J@t-iLlMi in 1964 bll !o rhe

.Dblmselt of ilc gov.@dt it sE rcsdcrt afia !i@ 6Md6 by L!. Sup!@.

In 1964 whcn Atab FlMcd ro go for clcctions, mon of thc haiturnd l.ads
\a@ dbqulificd urld EBDO d hld olied fo! rcimt udcr rhc f4 of EBDO ril
Dffibd 1966. 'Ihis @nfirded ! srbn8 losirior to Ayub as ! Mdi.t lc, rlDoe
u'chellogcd in ti. Presid€nrirt clcdiom. Under rhc !:licte 226 ofthc 1962 CoDsliturjo[

O. Ptsid.nt ws not EquiFd ro go for cl&do i@cludely !n6 lhc @pcitio. of 0!c

Cohstifutid His r,aE fo thc fid dm Ms trae r-a$ dd sixq d!ys, coMdcing fild
$c.by whcn th. Naiional Assd bly het for i,h. 6st tiD€ (which wd 8 Jbe 1952) 3d
!o b€ expiled on 8 Aug!st1965. Tlis &lc \r'as ohdgcd 10 22 Mecl 1965 thioug} ln.

*6nd .n.n/E.!t iD tb. 1962 Colsitutiodu It B ibc !6n oflolg r@ lladilg of

Ayu! 1o slsrlid the FBid.oct for 3 lif. !@
'nE oppositior !rni.! qw nrsE@t d. ftc id.ologjc€l ed FeDalitr chrbct
did .ot alow lh@ ro alsblc in d .lfrne A$ *tt@ A]rb do@ed 6e periddtid

cl..lioB th.y $c6sfiily joiD.d hq!4 ro d.fdt thc Eilitsry di€L1or ed nadc &
sllisace i! thc De. of llc Cmbilcd Poliriod Pdi$ (COP). ftcy d@ided to lsuad.
Miss F!ti@ JiDahz3 ro @ltest tb. .Lction s 10 dM s& es th. oDly olc cap.bl.

dgdinst !rcsi.lcnl Atlb KltrD- Tle Ed*s cltlui.nicslly panicipaled i! the .l.ction

csp.ign of Miss IiD,,h .slsially j! E$r &ldsle. Bui thc ditr@cc i! 1@s of

polilical .ilditu, "i-i"i6tirc sUU uri politjcll l:]!@uwilgs wa visibl. b.ts€d

th. tm lGidcDlirl c'dir"n , Ayub dd Mils lilnrb. Mo@vd all rh. gov@.nr
@.hin ry B ery.gld lo supFrr th. sidls lrtsidatzr Thc COI good for O.

csiodlioD of p&lidor,ry d.boo&y, diDd.l&riod ed lh. anolitio! of oDe uil.

Sinc rhc BDs bld ro €l€.t thc Pr.sidcDr rld ilcy djd lot likc lbc ida of cldging i,!c

systcD of{,hich tlcy l^@ lbc bcncficidica, it ws obvioB Ulr Ucy euld.ot rctc fot

Miss JiE.h Tlc ci6n@ Esdted i! a sw vidory for A}!b norwirbeddirg ir wa

wiih . llmw @gi! i! Eist ?a!i314. H. could not wio fion Kaa.h| the b*ine$ ed
indusltial bub of PalisoD25

ft. f&t tbar lhc narid B slpporlilt Mjss Jin r! *tdlc thc BDs d@rcd rh.i.

bdlflcior Ata! @liitar.d rh. iDlr*sioD i! public thd n *a a.oD_r!!t!s1aiite

iysrcb. Ir E boE cruid fq r!. Frsr Prfjlrlli5 wlo *@ tiviDg a tull Fol@l lo thc

ris&r of thc Inhs of thc Nnio! and fch bctlrd with ilc .lccrid Esuls. Ilc eginc

losr ils lolitical d.dibility h &s !.tist&.!' I1E COP @uld rol s1lsui! thj! s4back


1!. wq of 1965 E tlc treilg loi which lda stiElbitd tnc factoF l4dils
!o Ayub's dowltall. Elll Pa&isl& w alidd.d dEing th. sevol..i day's sd ud
vi'tudty fcl uprotqded. Tt $i2. 6E B lporsdtd !y lb. Sovia UlioD trd Fsll|id

in Tshlot ?rct,a Alab govcm@t pmjccl.tt rbrt il ws s scccss for Pa{sld, Bl'
his ou F@ig! MinisLr, Z A. Bhstio portlycd it .! thc gov@ent tu.d tdory
cmcd in ltc bank li.ld i o. dcfcar o! !.8orialioD tabtc,r'!t!. op?osition cxplo'led

thc oc*ior r.hic.l .o|'.4ioB MrjeFw-R.nD& of lh. Aaui L@sp.

io g.t

prcs.nled hjs six poi s sbich blcaa. r.'le voi@ of Bcngal.a' Ar tbe ad of th€

dis$dificjdon d,re, Dost ofdi. EBDOat poUticilsjoi!.d lhe ollontid cd! Alcbd

KIaJ3r also joilcd oppositio! alolg with soEc olhd inpoltid !q!on6liti€3.:r' All t!.
opF iri@ pqrd€ joio.d h4d! alid th. go@@t qc.Pt lh€ P?Pr NA!. Tl,"v
mntinEd th.n cdpaign !.pdrely, l."n ASrirhd. Corsli!!.y ce isdr€r iror€scd $e

ch&s. AI thc rlspets, .c.us.d ofcotr+iring *s5@ $@ dr.s.d Muj4b *ho B

al,rady in detcnlid 6 als !4.d s s pad ofthis colspi.aols whic! loluldis.d lim

a tlE lebd oE l€dd of E35t !ali!i&

The Alab rcgioc u$d e iroD !r!d tud thc oplosilion lcadds ]tc.c antsrcd iioE

a! oq Pali$a! whi.b fun!6 iLtcio6Ld thc l.w &d odq sitladd i! loih *ines of

t.l(jst6!, Th. cxceptio l eotubic .levelolsMl !tuved ! sh.low cvli er witb Lte

b@i!g of $. US aid. lbo Fsiolrl !!d ds disPtDriq th.6@tlttbn of qqlrh in

fcw beds .Id $c goveMdfs alooftss iom th. plidt of Oc co@@ Dd aljoared
tb. rrss6 to th. Ggidclr &d ilcrea*d fic clqFoi fd th. olpcitio! llovcoclr iD

With Iic ecdatilg violftc sld ihc il].@i!g sr!6tth of thc opposition, Atlb
deid€d to .do/ t .@ni.rqr po6nE E eirb.tlelb. sidc ofeoas@cr rlcs.d rbc

d.r.i!cd polidcilrs rld oflctld th.@ a disloglc. H. ale eou@d noi to rll,l fo. Uird

t @ !o a!p€$. tlc public s.otedns agai$r bjb. AFb call.d ! ou&lbtc colfc@e

io .t il qilh th. politi.d l!s$, rqnd t*o mlrlib of dilculsiolt rb..g.@@t B

uchcd or lhe rcnoFdor of. fedlEl pdlieetdy coistitution, Bur the olposjrioD roo&

ir a . vlatlB of lne Arab E8id. ad n!.d r Dub6 of orh{ isss.a Thcy

d!.l@d.d tbc j@cdia& aignrlio! of Alab. ftc olbli !!sn for lhe f!il@ of d:c

loliii@l ploclsr B r,!c niliret'! pdc€ptio! thar A}!b codd lor cdrtot llc situaljo!
&d tar thc nilil&y s[ould *irhdnw irs b..tj!&at Zirilg eys rhlr rh. Frfolrll@ of

Alab Egim. B dcpo.lLqlr o! Bhuto's p€rfome.. $ wftb rh. delidDg positio! of

A)eb (!a ir tb. *tle ofth. poulicrl agiidior in Uc coetry, rhc nilir.iy gcndals

srd&d rh;iliig i! t @ of s civiliD s!c€.3sd of AlrD.4 tlo*wcr ir is .vid@r toE

lh. lalcr devclopMls that thc hy g@dl5 wcic nol IbiDlilg of a civilid succe$or

bur ir fel tb.y wtcd ro c!&ge lhc co@dd sd lal(e o€ dj.edy.

'ft. b't!!''l.@y d.l lbc 6ilil{y ligh co@ad w dnr then blctilg and

@nv.yed rlis ro A}!b alio.le A)db wotcd lo inpose Manisl Law in Esr Pakbrd

.sp.!iall, whi.h E.!e.lin d by lbc s@@l5.l,dsilg slppon &oo lnc eilitlry, t@

qai !o oltion Lft for [id dclpr !o |!!ig!, Undcr rh. l%2 Constituliotl h. should hed

ov.. the powo to th. S!.ald offi. Natjolrl A$dbly &d ftw a plesidcnt w to bc
cleled wit$n 90 days.:s ! v$ @1 McPlabl. for rlc oplosirion b.case rhc sP.*d of
i!. Natiolrl Ass.nuy % ! mDince of Aru!. Mor.over lhc el.ctior node *ae BDs
which war alrsdy b.i!g ilbeded by thc public. ll.Efo!. rb. coEsdrurio! B to b.

m.nd.d but thc oplositio did @t .c.cpl thc @dibilily of !b. Nllt@al Ambly, I!
thc* circuDltan*s, rhc tlrtf.r ofpoM cosld @t bc adEinist.lld Mlho!1 dr. suptdl

of thc Dililel, wt ro spe thc o?ponuity 10 ulc

Bur scoior co!)l@d.rg did nor

pok tn rlcir br!ds.z' Y.hF KlrD' rlc Ci!{, $p!oi.d by hlt ucncy dd sodc
sjor ndbd3 of Ayub ebiaa wa bdr.llt !I r@d to r*. ova rbc 8ov.@@r
Ayub wa lct with no olrio! excat ro nep doM dd hdd ovo poE ro Yalya Khu
Hjs lrsl ddre$ M Faord.d fd b@dc8r i! th. F4.@ of Ya}ya"' gis oft.iai lcnd
*dn@ ro Y.!t4ur tr.n/ri.g otd IFw. b lin ws El.sed to tb. pE$ latci

Mdulr@d asgbe ru!! i! e dricl. wrc lbrt AFb *lr gtr@hg YlbF
Kl'd s bb sc.sr Efu brclha @ rL bdd of thc c'vilts idcUi$!@ rh.l cEar.d u
@vimlm.nt of st ss and cba$ srcurd thc lrcsjddt by lrovidilg er1beliilhcd rEpons

about i[c d-]ining pop'ldiry ofthc Pr*idcnr whjcl ulriddtcly lcd io thc signarion of

Atllb ald fa.'lillcd rlc iilirsy tslcovd i! !.ti!aan.a H.l5 Asl@i Riai h6

drcludd tbat rh. @y s .-xicnd.d bL i! Flitics "fdls on thc snoddG of polilicd

1ad6.'iar 'flrjs p@ptioD is widcly ucd by i.'tc Dilil.ry !o justiry ibclf tbal th@ M! a

powd wcuuD wbich w! illcd by thc biliral by.Lfadl. This s.b@l oflioughl asscns

dsl if th..iviliffi rculd et bc auc 10 tui,r.ir a bdtu4 lawd diff.Ml foB ud

civilid iLttitutio6 @dd not s.n d.D!.lv.s sgairn tjlc Eilir'ry, thc fmd rculd
dodi&te by lirtu. of i! disciplilc, Friliag aod olgdi$ti@'?46 Howd, i, th. ce of

Pa&is!.n, i.'rc loliticic @uld @t excri5c s dechiv. Posilion in i!. prc!.tce of a


pow.rhd Eili!$y std bu@cd.t to bEiPulat lhe ilsB in tlcir oM irtd'sts llc
FE of tbc d..i5on olfilg r@lin€d i! th. ldds of boih the o4aD5dio$ sd tt lb'

tot ldcl il w.! Esfctr!.l&$d o!. g!!o"t to @lhd @iclblv ln f&q th' !@cs of

tasitior provi.t d deidy a civilit! fa.. to a nilibrv r.gittc bccle th€ svsid s'v'n

by 1962 Coditmion lEs a codPlctc dc&lcc iod aI the asred Poli[cal noms

MoEov.r, it vls tot c!.{.d by ev F?tls.ntativc Mbly. Atd l]l@ecd Lhc Polly
rhrc!8! ttl tL oprte$iE o.lruls r.la i! . dictnqshiP. He wa nlinS l'!' @utl

with U. suppon of thc @y !t!d tlc bE @6cv *il,\out bwi,g ,t/ sj'l be i! llrc

@uty. ftc loliiicd Parry b! B hadilg B .stablis!.d eud his oM PceDluly,

eticb M .gait d.lditcnr ot llc .tDy ltd bEd6@y s! sor@ ofltEglh whc!

lhcy withdFw tb?i suPpon, estocialy iiE My, h. had io Fsign

Peidcnr Isk !.t€r Mia bid ibroscd Mtnid llP o! 7 oclob" 1958 Tlts wE

lbc fr$ Dilirey @!P i! Pllisls bul lot lh€ bir 'ft. bilildy loo} ova agai! ald agai!-

Thc !016 *d ml r.slly i6dcd ov* ro dE civili4 cvd .td Inits d:e 6F! M'ltitl

Law l!ou8! dic Political systam \ras \rorkjng tih a civiliao fd but the hcad ofdc

sble w4 a Field Mdiel. Thd l,!c oud dbitios Oo6tl took ova Iit eigt ofPowd

by id!osi!8 Mdnial L.w for a s@!d dne it i,tle outl ft' disint€c*riod of Patttan

led lo . for..tl ftlsition noE rhc oiliLtv to . civil& niL, tbous! tlt nding Co!'dls

wrc not .sdy lo Elilquish low riu thc 1451 mv@6L



rsn gat, ' ftiE oa6e rrdi&t Conpaoy," in It. H Dodwll, D. Chbridge Etlort
c//d?, vor.6 (6hbrid3q cmbdd8? uni@i.j/ pB!' re32), t53.66.
'Iribf $dni Guprr PM, Prr'rrd a,!r h. P.qh landd: Atr't Ptdr,2CA2\21941.
'D.Dt)$ w PBt ttu Mta .sd MM@: Co|ttd ltftia .td c@rtor gtu h hdt4
Jrr9-JrJJ (Iddo: LA TdL It95). l.
'HN A!*!i ni\l ftu ttllar.'a Polth' h Pt*u.n: t947.tt97 (IAbt 589..-tt .l
h. Ps b vi!.Ey *d lbd Depr. ot rh. w6t pqlb *w vlry impotur bele.1.y
po\ id.d rh. bs ro rt* ht, Tn Efoc rl€y ltolld b. Sifn v.ry .on!.Er lrflr'qnm
ror rh.n b.nd'hnd
fiE. Ab.ll'. r dEhng fe Vi@y ESdh€ dis$rm srh Jimah or 2t Jrt, tga?,
Ma l/D-30& Moldblb hDeq ll'rlly ralEq univdq otsoulmpoq uK
'C.lo*l Mc[to!.I4 Scey b Sot€'ld of !@h.r, Milir] o.p.tua! 29 )@ 1375,
in P,ri,eb'y P$6 | rz, wt. 62, 13.
'Anup Ched x.pri rr. ?{t b ctt'tt: 1n t^.|ttb.t g1/4) ot q D.ktr s cnhd & co.. 1935),
.-- \!, fn yo6s n. adti sd.. nt uutat, aMd a.t sai.t i, cot@id p!4.b.
rr.4/9.2 ois. v&'surd 8@16\ 2oo5).20.
1r iseld sd Pu\jib prdi@d Sur sktEn bd d my tEn potirkio.
. 'Fb.hldcrM$hi Sn Chud. Au.hutak w h. SupEf,ac.h;hda of RoyrtJndi6 by H.
E lDa oftuRmlhd ol rh! fdG .na \rdtd wr L Ar rh. nh. ot pd,rjon ot lnd! h.
@k tn. AisMdr of l!. .liviri@ of mG ad &6 b6Mr rhc so lee s6Ei bdir ri!

_ A i@ by auchidtek d rh. @!gi mDtpi@ otrh! jndcjoi otp*en iD t}l BdBb

kmqlErh (w l&bc nl4) &.! | | ,'ly j9.6, pq?, MrJUI t52
'.s,rd& Bnd.a si.d! d@ b 7& s1afutu^Eniir..t
26. M4 i%1
''t^dltEy, kz tthais ua'd'6: *rcmn, t9601216.
''9rd4 Bf ldd Sitr8h! *h. j It s'dado^,26Mrt )9'1.
?Miz lqb.l c6ca Itu D4@ po\i., ol p.tstod lLda6. M&hjlt . pE'l\ t990I t.
^- 2

'.rndio coudt A.t | 36t.

':Hc a ft. C-in-c j! I902.
''Hc *6 of tL. oDiDid rhd iL
coMud riould b. mifBcn b olc i6d @ .rsft .nicjo.y.
Ir h pa'a huld da, rin 6shd'S |e ad Fi€ d+.fuhu rrurty, ,L,
Murd rd E p.s'bq hnii3 detim ii tsrfolfua --.at *oi,
cob.a 'lss, R!1.. ud paonrtny, Kirh.nd cl?m DituG,. Caapa.ah.
,'s.ph+. P.EBtary
- , tr-tukt,t'd
_r.df S.rd'r cup!,t0(^pt
tto414 )e{3). 2o-2e.
Pro, potdld .nd h past.o^na. 2cm).2t0222.
P c.l!4 1sq Ror. dd pamr,rr: rrl. xdida ^jiliap@
cu@ DBpft..
-cov.nnqr oflndi r0i5
xTh. ^dob@.d $n lh. @rrol dd dimdon of !u!h s .my nun rcn ii $.
.\bds of E Sihon Cmnisior
f8.nr of rb. hpsill sovcnhar tvj@t. s4 tlE ReI@ ot th, tooioo siotuo,.,
Cdnittto4 t93d 6LLt1.
tp.diztqh.tc\Enq tatiidul D4iw pol4, t2-17,
'' Ti f.i y6C Ih. UJtc4 cMhh.d tud Sdt.', h Catahot p,4ab l|tg.t9r m.
cauror_Std. (Ld@ vegulrd! 20051 2l-)4
"Spam ddpdic :rhinituiE lrfu of PEjlb ffiblbd b irnonejh rn.t ,i Bnirh
turrD0d Jts l@ 6 hitjEr, @rrb'! ,FEdt g4nbc ,+onbe ftnd! ,n p*i$n , p.nhion.
Tr rri \6e rr, A@ti'on Std., t9-25.
''chaldbj Mulmd Ali th. En+sd@ { P.uthn (bh@: s!ryics Book ctu4 t938), 375-

tlFodEpon otvl* L iF6.rd !,.hdd ltr Ahdull|n Mr|lL Fd dulDl. h.uyrrhr

pshrp6 ,iu$ .DDoi6d Nnllf D 3pw Gg6l & dn h. wld u d..bd pow [lG 34lhh
vlc.r.t tl. rhesit xlrdtit s- Autl r/lttu Pt ltta k t/'rydt Hqirnln @ P.ttt.'1 Foal
n thtid. (Irt tat t.hL4?.atu.dt.sdd2.ra@tnt)lt d: Mth!+nFjk^t
'Jh!rn" rd.!a !o ti. @4o! !d &!!dd ol Srf Cln.to qln.. 7t Peldatr@e,15
Ju? 1913. lid.h'r dis d 2l F.twt l9|l, DrblitL.d b qli4nl& Mlltemd ali ,im4
sD*Lt l9a?{t(LLrhIt Milidrolt!tuo&tl &qdE tr.d.} l6r.
\.'lH P c.bo. "Ihxio AE ssi., rn seuity."dd 4r4lo(sMr ltl!):2.r.
'liin|h! rdds b tuo id{M '.dffi m 2l Fdfr-y l9at PublLltd h Qri{lLAa
li'hit, .l Inlbmlld od Bddomi& i.d),
Mui.Md Ati Jidd! sc..dr.. t9a7al ll!ld!!.d:
61, Al$ quobd h 'Th. Qoid! vi3b .rt ti.DLryi ,r. Nd4 ll Jul, 200r, tw||bL r
hiFr/rrthifid*o{dFaq!201 0/!Ul3inr9l.idrlE2!],{r|.49witi(trttlid..lo8/.pcitl

'^!drt<ta u.Iafl tt..ttrt$ E&tqr: P.tad zolxte ed i xatPMKE Ai

wntr Rr,200rI3,
A! ,b!.L addE b rb o@d Oratd b Ea Prlds! chn!!!n& 2t l!l!d,
r1i6.dl blb !o clvll oG6 r Pr[.*. la Arn lral
'Ab[d sd.qn t6r&//,6-re' (urfi) oid ,6t PrblLhe* Ir'q,201.20]
(UnrD g..ld: Drd slu,200lI 2&r2
,llitG\ P.rtut N.8 Falt I/ rerdb
fqh.f OE4 tt IV@ Polir dt&ttd 19rl-19t2,9at9.
nMrid (i.od-) M&od/Jn d, wt'r br Puj.l Fdr.i h l9a7 s. L'.@( lDbid b,
rh. MEIE oD t0121999. L.Io{q
'Parttqne,t t@! ttllt
\ E re!..d b s.rht l9a9 n M.ia Ca A}!! Kie 6!B t*c..d sn Doutls
Gtut s d. nd cL}c i! *t 1951. Mtic c-. Mln rsd tnjtir Kid in Bftrdc sn6 K!{
w thd oat6 stll S€ Cbdb Mubud Alt t'r 6tt?I@ dr.tta ll9
dLd h &
"ltae ty
oolldltvdntut Al\ftu al.
dtL sv.d ! 6. Air Oi.a!tu ,ul, 195? io llt 1965, Le h. dd. r polilidl !.t l!6til_i_
tr&lir{,r!mh.d ilv.lvlil h diF Flrdo h iL r.iod oatunion lrltl999.
nd CnlC of h*16 Nrr,, 6 C@odc! tqrl Mrhlmal SddhE Cbt lli *t
to.tMh Ir5!hrllrct 6.du.Deo.tbIvhytr3l,dtrt,!l Mrv199.Th.6tttc-
i!4 of atFG r..toqh lrt lL E /ririrtl.l {n,xn!
9l E dF aarl lDy mtt.d b tt57, Dl! b djl nc &iritl di...d.d th. milrbt Fedrl
of lal3'l for dtd tm di..lt MiNly t*iot ri. wd.l d tltdv a. !.5 ror lsthd
ii rBy, P.Mi, hD.f Cid'a I'. D6€ Poltct {P&du: |N7J95A, 16t5.
<Oqd;6d.d @ddd..d g b e,lry tb. Btidd d*ttl tlE Phjrbi 9.6P1. |8tii od
.3.h s dFy &t d th. br .od6 &. n !y rhts bd atC! ** id EqBid fd Adudl, dl.
B'lia[ v; *ll .[E d. nsi.] dlti@ ed .idtty of rh. Puijrbi poPL od* ri.ir 4lMl
han$ od i|i. 6siry d.tE oldr. Bd||lit
'T.d Muah xJ& P.rtt6r c tt tn L..atthb $EiJl'i l,h@: Ndidl Bok
ti. rr..dc *tr.rl E vindb .lo..d ln DLL ds D @riuhiliv otsd.d
'o'rudd Muleh.d AIL ?t*M €!','F o/Pa!r4 3t,
"o$d!i M"htutd lihL *.r dr h. i.!p.,.Ed tu 60 o llo i. lid or
hllt6'r Js ol oil|@ i@t6 ^il lrd b.t rh. ttl e dbilh h odtoe n@tt r v$ M
tu*'JDnnL H. cld6.d rL rb. rt6 Ftlg Mblsd Gh!L4 Mubmd opro!.d d. FJd d 0E
ftbar dd n dB b. bn d@ xd. H. 6dnc cblrE dd erFlstlv lty hadq!4E itrd id
;dr .*r' tu d d.v *; d .!L !o 4 lloDl. ofiq lc 'Itit Fojd ^ll $. .mt!@!
tln hrd@ or Agt d th. &!r!o.d'hol .;v 0ln6 trhin, w lsfom'd bv ch'lttui P'rjt4 rltd ri'
M!I@.e A[ b6.df Mt L|iq A!. d! !r@ Mhi$ ot Hvdt !.d *4.d D

lndiu@opdionof nt4,s4!.i .d6ih.i@ht!'otolfildh'1orvDd'D'faeAdvisro

dr CovcM o,nml lbid.,377 Un Euiry Prolr 2007)
n's Fetsn Pali.l Iu7-lOrJ (xmchi: oxfod
'tAhall s@,I.krdt
t''_ttt"*i- n.auid'd h lgll oedM Muh@rd lll t"
*. r*-r lvth
E qedPotn@ln-
" -'' Ts'-t- p ca'-. n'. p'!t Prs' l99l)
-fi'r(Ksdi: o(tu rhiEnt
sF;l Mqd Kl.'xr Pr&rr'? Cr&tt k |td.]3t,'A I
tigntfiod Eh h dslL tor nd'Fm'B f'n fi' P
'il"-*. rcrie.r r".4., rLr.d
6;;;i"-#i"i6!p'vP hcMin@orlndn H'o&dr re50

!7h. t'a, lsdoi, 17 0@64 194?
r"iri- jd!@ -*rv Fdip&d o r'ussr ior h&rddoa H. !d.d s
"irf# -
6d- Pt@ MiiiG oflr.t 6@ lr.7b 196{.
ili z*-mo,a,*ow(Lbde Boorcanq Ld) I3l
"i i. x'r*ii ni"i"- q'oa iy s *z'hin ds^dE.>t4' trt
6c}|.@i r4]f,'@rn Ni. th. Eraz.M 4 P"Jt4 t16
M $' b'gnuing l' *a queo'd dt'
''r'16 AfdM Flffdi tbot d h6!uq b rru6
drouh' putitd or lidi' n' !b m Rj'sld b'
P rtun:s md
i"1'li"r;ffi";..';;;;.4;i;;l; i$u!
* rth'E mtiNld {i'b iL rh'v Eikd rhr ch&dbM'ldhrd^ri
il",rrdr'" r"a. **.*
i;;lii ;-tr;;;;;*;ris!'n'vrtutuunitdNdons
7h. E^aM 3tt
- -diii dP.uda Hnd@ B'nilh
iri *"t a.tn' * B.lr&b t {tjr w !..d d d' pin dcftMeDddv 'r *ni!6 tu
-iri* .*r.a rai.ia tru-i d'tus ol PltrN
* iDpGibr. E o!l&t(cx''ror'h' -D"!n"
ilil;,i': fifi; b. L?!n^nhuF smid' cd'Er sbnii rndirl
Lii;iiliiii,-ii.p",i"tiiirr;r.n"PalituedHindue'E I arnr Ie46,uwvvro2e rol
'''' 6r""-i.lr: xt'* r'aaa o ino l\tioi otr RtdF t&isa 3 oqobd l9d8

;,;;#;;.""d s*.a' or d hdsd sholrd b! d$isd b l}' @irr rd

a*r."*" ,je n* r"a:s 'r- of r'll@ Mhic B'dgd ol th' c6t'l Gov.l1fu 0r
'- 1947{3 O t ]{usq b ll MrdD !!d lc.k9
- .c^ue,i --1r,.s*ory,n?E/.(r.rF: s's+Mal hblidi@ Ieee} ?9re?,301
M!,,nrn E az.N Et P.LL6,. 31e,

";';;-!r ; ffiiifi ^t\rr.;.h"'6'; rh thlrd sda nd ?'t!"at r^' E@M'6 4

'_ R.|d@htp(Nd vot}l Pnhlr, t937) 6
" v i*, r,r^a*-cl,es. l
io'.h'lb d'. sedJv ofssq
@'d do*i hv us '
rsaz. NNoii6or0, tclc, d; idis, &45Fir/e_21?
' ' fi.;;ij- .i*t"td; N^ tr
udu! M' krq M o Bris 6d 'h'
oticii! d tr' us sbt-
*** no*tj dL r'at. l^rid
w L.v! o[E! ^d
^4 (rn'hi] b dr s..da or
*^"ql1hY'l;^ *'^,^,-, tdDp.,vt 04\id R'en ^6inr
H@,eA, u
" ilifr "iGi iit"ii m s*, ar'ard iclnmos':
H'dlid un'v'D tv PF$ r0r0)

tChrLt Mulm.4 itcrhs Gov!@{!6I, Mubamrd Ali BoE! Princ Midtrd dc tho

z,r'-rr"r' ii'i'ili r"J.ir;a i-i-* l'.idtci* 'g"id u' *hdid md'

ed nro dr'
E;;;;d;;.Idt-r;* ru'ls6 Pde;' FeB' Polt"
trjd',.n Niu tr, ndrr (lk" ydk w|F so.lq l9?3), l5r'

iiii i u."z s". d"aq"d bt'tft' b P'rit@ Itt2-30 R<Pdr pE d bv

""" - {J.lmF JohBd Dd

us^iD |l4le
Im,l9n) .7 p'r*
"{Iiddi!,i *JirJrrir. us iu.i'r oo'."i. pato i" teer rd 2006
^n ^n'rFtr'
-'-"ri.;;;'i;" I|llldiooll ltllhi. U!i\ aliv ltl6rL4 Pa!*!'m Dd'lopd' P'kt!a1
6ds id.lat td ad Le'Eht ^
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o"r"'- *.ifffo AML "g"a i95.. P*in uS is'!.lffi d c&Fdin 1959 Tw od's
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d.Mcr for Bd olth. li&
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of d. p{vinci.l |.gblE .ldiN itr Es dd ivd P'kitu nd dE d.fd of M6lm t'4u'
a'M6le Ahdd dbd! dd M of th. bill! @ d dikrs!.d Fopat xd il dk@4
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r':corotiniort ]lsbry
0r&) D.lc 1950, sL 1, 793
ttlMvttu/&nt4 GM a'd P&ia ti P.hd4 9+95

"tel W!bb, 'Polttioal ?dia bd D.mo@, Tn. Anbi8uoa Gisil D"a4'l'd'@ 12

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)r@|MNitmiol@i1 es$daa tw Kt rdddd n t'(t ae: tdvtn B$t420ra),
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tlPtfa Palitu )t Mod6 B@, t36.
Atd.|h. Polinc.l Patia i' Pzllio /rr7-Ja Gr6r!.d: NIJ{CR. 1936), 31.
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'''C}!ihn Muhsrrd a ll lr. f,ra!.4 zlP.tua 243.246
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alDta Bhtpnitdon ZB PB, t9?,3\ 15,30,
''rH. 6 ! lo'e buland tle . Indim Audn od ,ccod sn:E. H. h:d r sood
rwlds 4d E F$rUy irvibd by iidh b ru ln! Mi,u*, otFilb4
ww n Pdtu ad tt sd. n P.r:a^ t11.
vctu MEIh L.rgu. pol cu 8,ob Es Pakiq ! Bdga I
"Mrsnw Nnnd-GMMw and Paltua tn Pel@ 15-11 'ni!.
o.rtodor eFups ndld rior ii Puj$ Pssing So@Ed b dele Ahn'dt { il.
. In?y !b. dhedod rl'. *itus ot$. Fd4, Miniiid, z.h4n$ xhli els wa u
Ahn di, Mdirl L!* w imp6.d i rrhoE rd Mtjor Ga VuhMmtd Ad (hln m.ppoinEd a
dE Mrnilr r:w ldnjilmbr, PEe R.r.G 01tb. chi.f Miiic ol rha hlnbi Mid MM@ Dul6!r,

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'"lwne znint Pt !'u i' th. fe.ddh c.nh4,4.
'_,nsEd hl ri.d b ,a.@ b tfu anBi Qua 6 oovfrd c@t bu in E6
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rro &ir!h ltsb Coroi$toDli Donjd d'! i$8. tt mid KbrL H&ory af
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w cd |€lu dr rtd.d pri@ Mj!i* ! 6 j.E 4d b, ri. gaat,
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b@r Dd 6 dn.d brd b b@r. d. P'i* M,n@.
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TllJd wdld Fou'd4bo, tt79). 4.
_ "l.|lmd.d_snn
.ro olMBi t0 A or d. iib, @rirrid b $.
0. hn. Minin4 Mublm d \tr@. patt6
!h dlc pow6 ot Co@ Ca.dt
ond tk sr.k td i.rtua 129.
,"db *;ffI5Y" tl..f* Miu) w heic.l,y tlod &r|l rrdl, hr, hld mlf?Ed ro
C.nat offe'ld iiE b ur. o.d or rh. roid,ri6 rh, h! ftutd .oEptlk rhr G4 o,
oin{noFn:rjn! uiiril uE nodh! Ho Ef!.d bu ofi.@ b b6,ir. Dltde M;iG cMd
. eEp.kd rd EtLbt. F:6 td rh. sidi d. tdd p,!$,tC

tt*t xto: pahd! f6, Mtltt, B u QnaEi s[s+M6r prbtjdjo4

,* s;-^t6t.a*,
':ar!@xizDtcad/@sraddd ltu p aa.k $,,\ h24!.
* t-* - &e@ '1 ?a!n..t (t,-*l'' oxn'n ui,mie
.t*rrt €idm.d d. polidcib r ti..rwad &d mrldc pllnho!.t forD of
sotnnor r I nitn h hrM. *ons.cdiE b,;i w tr od ,ofii,"orr irr*ir s."* i,
sqcn6 uoiohy rtr 6! ruurq.y. ^ Mi[by ltjo ,i!.d hii Fim of nc*.
;;Y 4.4:' x!4-'!fdrtuv Rd. ii rutq4-/di4 rd r0o!. iihad,uon.
,ME rc@\ r,Wd tt stu+ clpohtEd DNtop$tu^ur6
1r rd s. ro or S:k!!dc Mia Epod by d. Briilh Hilh aorncrcq,
.l1g:3: l* b^s" goT_L,t{hn u!D4 ?7 s.rrerq, i err, Dubri*.a , n*.a.o r_,
(J }
tM *@r popet. *d ud cdfrdma haa tead^ zat"aai ow tcsa-l, v,;;dii
u\ bd u!'jv.niry Prc$, 20o2r, t!r L
'"Muhmrd ar' Bogd l4ijd prift Mhitu M nDa
-ar1b E Sivh .Gror dE irG, t6, by r pJu. Miirlrd F@a Rh:1 .,r@r !.,y
- .. MudKIirAiluh,
rerucadry- ]oerrirra M.tn fc,L hatnnok^ 414N.
'Str At.6dd Srn4 t@ b SEc,tb.d t jri*.n Lnb!.
fta, (d.).1h. Btuth pqd, tz. ZJ S.rrmb.r. te5s, Redrd

-n 11.:yq r"f"" t h!tu b conmoD{rrx,\ Rddon om4 e odob3 rers, ,,?

" ..," f0p4"
tturt " t6-t8. fti5 Etcg@ w s .ne 6. ibtsjn@ ofMldrt L:*,
':Muhed! AlgLr XDla O.,@& d p,/hd (D.Ili. V,rs publnjB t9s3tr ?.
-_,\,l B Kb.tirt
_- o oeit rFEr *to ,4€d id pdtdld lioe tor t6,4 6.om j052.jo63,
(MJ M ts M!ri4 rh#,.s,b nds,h sa.t, t2o.
,-- , :FEid.m_Mia@k hi6 bb ofidlrd sd 6k n *nnhd rh! Unid Se3 $o!td ,ppod r
E@{r. 3d Ih. de .Np .ov.'d b $. LS dm,nlmdol w . da
of rh.
pkruhonq h.'s h 6qof b, rdid 6on b.r tjd. Td.gm lton r!. Ls EnBy h p( sb
b6. us D.r!*d or s6rc d&i t oc1"tq, rsta, Fs?E Rdd@ ofrt u^dso;o, tsre6a,
vor xv (wshtDgb'\ DC: U.S. co@F.!r prinrtrg Ofr(, t 99J, 66aJ, 669.

''T*i of6c Lrdr of US P6ld.ir Eb.nhowd, rD. visn offic US D.f.ne S.o4ry N.il
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.1iee Atytn pJ&l,
tnlha, Sh. e"d So.hr,3t.
'"OohaAy!b,h&!dddADC,wirBi&rhobtdhi!frdu6e *,l i!.bourrohlppo jsrd
soiry io su.eo.L Ir wil b. llb pud!8 nro rwdr i! o!. s.tb6.d," Bs Alub 6sr6! lhd *iI m!*.
n rcrf" and 3bpp."c hi. s b s.y o)rhl4 or rhh ,uu@r Se Cold Arab, Orrpra itua th. cdniAB
o/Pee' (Kmhj: oxford Uildlry PN!, 2007), 35
"'^tr M,ahllArhd Xh& *ho @ C.u.C ofA. An Fm ii 1953 m. hn boor $d hir
Chid of Setq Air C.nno{bm Mrlb.ol tubb *B @d.l!d by !i. Pcidd l*hdd'rMira to mobjl6!
60 suppon ot milibry sFmDdE |!|id Ay$ Kho, who jifom.d lh. An Chi.f.id orhd. Tni!
ofEidd Eili&ry p.Mid, aagun Mlo6d Mlzr, $.6d ldy d!d! PEjdd Mia Erli$n lhd lr
omnild ! nisbk by hldili ou dl llc Fos b hn c.jFC, M B Kntlid, .tutu-isadr na" Sola
rd^; A'8br r.hrl o.rr& r, polr/d, &9,
lat rtutid
My y.c olPajdar Mt4! ddd ib sn h. da d.y (ltry G.!.dh) wd.d b
pEvok ny 6'IF ro pb4iolly E+o!d $ rtrd D. @uld b..libirFd (kill), CMIA *nd g!l@k & ga
Eign of pr6iddi Mia !|d i! @ olFn!.1llld !iD, (HM.'u Mia, ,AA, s.rbn|,' t31),
rh Gd, Aa $4 k 6*dw. l- Butj sd h oa, K. M. sh.ilj kd ro rlc pErdcir
Hoe. EBtdd E ll..pilgi hr B
boclod od ellod 6 dEwin! dh. wld h. *a iilodEd lbod
rh. puDo& of visn ol dG 36dlt bd I Birldo! p.F w pleGn b !j3D. tt h6i!l.j ftrrLw
hi'G &d ra drii!8 dr Fvit of 6. .iMio r!. h. h! bn yiil D
fd dilld.b Qua Dd dE 6l&lfor C(Dt trtlb, CltrAtu tao h. Cdndot afP@.31.
" rr Oa.r&u.b ltb$ (MI-{ Siodt ed h6 @in d Gov.ffi Sirdb. ,4na di@d jn
Apil 1932 ho n 4polmd ! rrolce& b lb. ulild tr! EEidB) .fuacd 6d tu Ga, Aylb
*ls inpoed Mdii llv for ,rtrd6 Mia H. $.q!t L. .holld do h fq ih!.lf tr O.D. (R.rd.)
Jr!&b .^ln!b, I@irw pouirtd in An H@\ PtLnq JotuI tu stdtuJdml* (ltlFrc:

'"At6ht lttd,Ir. s@ dMdttt Rll. tn-t7a,

':ctud'ti Mirls n d EtusM d p,ttt4 316.
" Mis lir.d.r sl@ar ,,h
i, (,*ri 29 odobr 1913.
'xJ6t. (Rad) Mcod ?,Ir,rd I etr! 4 b cNttuttuat E&tot, (t357 teTtt
0-.J1c: Rcalt Sciay oa P.l6r ^Int4
lrl), 5l.
''lr 6 jsuld d 2l Mrr]i 1919. PLD 19J9, VoL XL c!&rl Sdft Pi4 152.
rr 6
rr Au3G r 959, PlD t 959, V6l. }1, Cmrd Sd@ Pr4 ?83.
on 7
r' rr E 'sud
pmnursr!/ d 2? od.ha r9r9, PLD r 959, voj. )d, c.nnl srtur. P4 16?
'eAFb on./ r ". bkndh! otd.nm
scnty pid sEib Eov.lntrn. hd eud tdniiidrion." /l}!b Khi, Frldd JtM,214.
r'Sbrlad ^d
Qcii Civil-Mili!,y Rdxidr h Prjto 1947-1969. Ulrubltr
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'tPrtsiddtiil ond NMhr tt, r960.
r'Tn B6io D.ho@i6 @ rI. ELotodl Collc8a drist.d ol |@d 30 ltosdd p.oph
im borh *ii3r of Prtls, Tb. dd !Mb{ ol BDr *ho p.nicjFed ii vorhg u 71,720 *'bilc
75:33, i..., nod du 9t p*dt liDH.d thln @nd.ie in PEsid.nt Atlb Khm Eldion
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,a Studt ofu' CadNihat Htt@t (l3t 1- 197t), 34.
'1R. L. M.lhm!. Bsic D.Mid syfl.h i PA*h6!, /tr, $r ., | /^!gct 196l\: l0 l5

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I'a x'rchi bs.d indBtialh,
'!T h. Eh'k ofd,B Dlx 4 KhD od !n).iol rdo 6 @idd'd bt Biddo
B'irdia F R
sd cffir l(M. sh.ikh Td! Ali t4 R'lnt u'd PtoPh ! Pow (L.ndor: lm:rb&
P"t'id Mtl
c'p" FGi*;*
--sd,- * d..nid ortt'! orbnchi bt' &.@rh..ditor orP,.{,,'4
Tda. Z A. Suldi rnd Alnfllsii! ofDdn Z A Sui.i w . llruch spr.e ofA)!b' Yahr! 6it
Bhe, s.. ?,DtNnzi, t , P.4 j' crrr, (Krsil k!.cli Pi{3 cl!!, 936} 29095' |

''Jut€ Ead) Mdd Ann.4 Pt&r4 /t stoa, d B caB'ttottont! Ektory Q$7'197, 60

ro 195i, in rduty l95i ht l.!w yG
"'Fi6i; ; 6!m l? iuutv lgtl rd
1953 up'xtod€d
Jeu4 I959, fd 6o{bd l6ur *bi.h wE idnt *.'d.d td Fo }.d
}t!t, ii Jse b

rnThL demdr B nrn. publi. in r g60 Por d. en dt $e d@mcnt *' Avub xhd tire'l'

'\M Askai njzi,fh. M n@r, stdt $d toct ,t,9t

shln btd.Dh wu rh! had otlic comi$io
'tto iu5lifidion tr{ 6jo3 !t tlE ommBioi qd F.o{.dth!ingdYdnd
th! Epon of oar r$ron
,@@ bd dE 60. Awb s dE Mi
ahilr w o,trcd o dr ovd r rin6 bd h!
did ; No* sfra ;uaiir th. My chhf DmE.d
F; to r.!@r th. goErmor md in's
Mmksion h
@m&d b dry out ur pori$ _
R.pd old' cdtimh coEi:'im 3I

'iiee l]Rdd) MGud z,rdd t5tu4 oltt C@ hra^'|Htbtttt8t? tglt) 62

'eF-tu;oiiLdh!.d@ddt Todobt lc53 Pdtlt,t's lo'bbrla5l
&Da4 20 Ds6bs d 22 D@6Ld 1919.
' ru.init* , rrtur.os*ot v*t Qd! td XJ'l shtrkh vitild d"'uEv ud fobd L\d
*u * **i.O" "t" fmul4 d. o6riMid Bd m'l'nrv 3ovllmat drd nd borh'
i' ia* a'j qt,-ept t'..r* t \b rtd: P.Ixtsr FtdM !'4 Ratqfli\nrc'
ssr+Mcl Plbh€da l99]), 162 ^rulcotu,
- \,,jq*;".h; Y"1- L-N 4PotBti )t47'77 rtttn(:P",t2'Ptbti\rie

'M'in ti'ar{ Pcldtbt t srb {tb cMtlr'tod uudr' 70'

z6PLD 1962 Suc Prrl 69t700. _€
"'r* r,n--u,*oa tr-r*r.a-! bo.l,!* | 6odds uc'D*tioo df lllm
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Rdig'od FddE in Ie77
io dd' 2+?7
tt; t'.'potx;al'Modu"tld;(ch'sto:Uni4nvorctia3oP6.
o.p."i.* orHi.kv Qui'lMn umvdirv
l%t -..
jM4C ftq MUne' u tu pohEet Ddrloprd oINd NattA |Jd.reo. Lr(teo
nM. ^M.
- 1"r-. Jali *av otr't rud othd Efm3 in Plljnd rn Avrb ed Bhdo@ e Alir
r"u"r r"r* r"r"-'t in r'xl3u dui!3.^vlb &o siuno EJr. upLb 'b'd M Pni 64n
D:.mr olHkb*.
"ir."a Ouid{-ath Un'6iv, Llh!b!d' 2009
i*;r.unrmr rdcgo. ociou- rxs I o ddMcd 'oi orro r50 F rion
."*.ft'; x *s
;;ir';;;;';;;;i.eru-,h-io *s,rroo 'r'. D^'|'EmaB ta'1e7 104 ids
bono\d b''n'
s;,a v"Bl P,rr^ 'ts^qotP"thet
''''-- rddr Nons. p,r!k,j "si'' (.g,F P:u
"i'r'tJ'ii'i?r"td*@ ?6t i.et c,t E otur,c H\ttt,kr /9,r rl.ioor
" ili ,* **o"" sw, /e7eJo odrhrrrd: Go\nrld or P'IBEI)
cdosrison of^!'! dd nd idud! JrFn
) \onuNds PatB@ Patk ct."d ktu^k HBtod an" l9'7 41

l' dldBoLl9?i)
!1Ed'cdial s@@tt@N^cPepa
"tFii ! c;loiim Mdlin !'t!J' *! -..
dsild sd/ of SidE 2rh4 It' coanEn MLlin
*.;;r;;;; -li D.pddorHisdv qui&i-^s uri!6it) kh'bad F&k
n\M a.l-iRiaL tra gaEt'dbttt t)t

z\.!.Fia.Itu Mddtt E@.t@r (hdalii& Mi&lq: Paslio Bo.,l'r 1975I r30.

dd SDsl P Hutiogtol ?otflcd Or',t ,, Cr,'r,s t '/"?J Cr'{'w Hav'} Y'l' u rtirv
*' 't9?1"'"1iff;n.t* o*,of wd p.*i'd!, pLD re6. s'ptua cd 67r.
u Ti. lti.lc 166 bar.i" p6idat 6 dd d..dN ld it. ll|M tm if h' ohpltr'tl m@ hG
thms@d'ncoiv# in offi@ ;|4r $. nmbd ol Ndid.l as'rb'v rd d' pror h.''l a*mbl:'3
orEs r V/d iiritu h r ioht ncrhs IDDF( tis.idl&@ b) | !@ brllot Bv Fducns "
rd rm br fos od . bnr E;d h. w&d-;, @ l!i! {'djd|@ ld tir. $i'n h fi' S.od
,^rddrd b r!. 1952 C.lsdtu!'otr
ash. w 6. lic of $. Fdhd ofGo t{dio4 Quid_i_aa Mlhmnrd Ali Jhmh *
dcly EsD.ai rll og P.*io! vr6ioo4 "Th. !bl i4, ldaL of Mi$ ftih! 'nd
P.lbtu lkid 6 (!!ly2ctr5): 53-76. ^m
DAvJbKlxr.Md6131 F*^roldrol@pollld Mi* J'dri3d3516!dcmlTi'M
l3r tE g!'dr4rv r*
ii&E d.d ;&did.6 Mio B.thtr ihmd ed K M (nd 6!ld gd 65 edtr""'i-
'iiFiiiii'iliiE;;pi^"itns *' r ol'*hud 'r* cdhsid re6T)'
tuhho.d. {n. Polinctl ldldi ol M'* Fsdjtr'lh'JtTt
:^ro!cmFtu ,d, nd
Mudto IaSF w ?t @, qne e ft! *m-d s! ot
'In -r;Fi,z'::f,
ffi tr i+r#,ffi ;rffi H:! ; ":r,ir I ffi rl;ff
shdi id P*itti PErd:d ^Fb l(hb *R nrird bv
'*n "&t"',* ... uou* t'' urt,rdu n p@ pdd rfrd reor w& te
* s."." i;; rffi;;;rr;'nl-' b turE bal ise ed
dtrbm. s olhd Taht.nt Prd
kffi-.'#'#ljJffi f,i",fr'iifiu* - -'"n'* ^*' -*
M *i,,r,r,o* p@r6 Plw M n. Ev p.ritjdr Priv roTf'd bY zlrnqd Bhdo m re6?

".-"*=.ffiift 4,ffiffi***'i"6ddP!b'n

/r'" co'iruitv cxelo ii ! Gsnen sdrc "
.,.". n "t'*'u"" " "*isdn:

Hff H'ifr ffi *,{nifftff r'in#''i;;'# ?{"n#';*''"-"

oad Pdtr k Pd'rd
'no" ,rr*
1.g.gn ^.-
*-, *
fh. Pttud adl, ltte'

ne gecral leadjo! lo ttE Ejli$ry tlk ov* i! 1969 @ mred @oDg

p@plc of PalisL!. Tle Polihcis sld Pblic gdqallv tool it a! a t@Ponry
tugcl@t !o EnoF th. ddoctalic !1645 ia ilE cordtt G@ Yahya Kh& loot !
@Miou3 sLn tld a$D€<l th. tid. of lh! Cti.f hni.l ti* AdEinist*ot (CMLA)

ht did nol lPpobt at oihc Pdso! .s lbt C'irc' gc desiSnatd hio5cu a the

Pr$id.nt ofP&btan ! 6o!th lar.r. A cou.il ofAdoiDilt'atotsr m fom'd iD whicb

thc Ai! &d Navel Chicfs wE lbc tDehba!: NoDclhcles. ibe rcal pows rc$cd \{ith

cd. Abdul H&aid srd Geo Pc8d& Wlm Yalva soucld gd'r'l el@tions' G6
qd(' ofuc
d.t M.jd Gd Ghulrn OeJ $ircd Srrict iE!orta!'! i! 1be

i@ing loliticrl &dvity i! lhc @ury. Si@ Y!ht! B inpdi@t a!'!r ihc ddrils of
thc gov!@.Ir Etltcd i$u€s lc .llowld @sid.t'bL autor@v b hs 4siltcs i!
dr.ir assiSrD.nG. Tlc ceimc h€vily d.pod.d 6 ths GmcEb tlong widr son'

btMuc6ri for dccisios.a

Yallt 6p9oi8t rl ! civ'li& cdbilct it Autls! 6!e Eonds aftd NuDing Pow4

witich work d riU 22 Februdy l97l lt w&s d.Glv a d.honial bodv to dieas lh'

inFtur! politictl, e.ordiq seclnty ed foEig! afraiE.r Th' Ed dccision bdd!8

$. cbi.f !'{ani.l Ltw Adiililtltor (cMI_{), lbc D.pltv cbj'f

roE FBlrrld with

Mani.l L5w A&biii.rdors (DcMI-Ar), EBt d O.Gats ard bu€ucals whil' l.!'
iEpkmdtarion w cxeded tlEoue! d. rcunnc chs'|'g of Ure cjvil lddnis!_'tion

For the provincial addinistdon, thc Prcvilcitl Chi'f Mdtial Law Adninktator
in darlv nsnds
{PCMLAO and t\c Provilcial CoveEols wdc wdkit|8 Pith dutonoDv

udcr ihc plrd.tas $t by th. CMLA. APPalen{v lhc dilild/ Egihe glw !!
impF&tion ib.t ir w crmittcd lo b@da PoE !o tbc !'oPl6r FP!'*ntatiE tn'r
rbe .lcdiom hn lhDll8h ilnindits bsic cbegB in lhc Fliiv ihiolsh lbc LlO

3hould coN tllolgh tlc coGliMiotr d y), YlhF si llls ro bla|8tlv s|!v i!
poM. 'I!is M c.!6Fd by lhc bld dcv.toPoeDts.

ftb .l!Pl6 lodid tb! Polilical itttlDics of lbc Y*va l!8it" u' foted
liciliotr to d.My, tL iDltitti@ b!iBj!8 Ptoca l!)dd lh' civili& Spv6nr'6t'
diliarr and civil sdvi@s .fo@ lEdd Bbuno' th' ro*i!8 ofttc Politic'l sovd@crt'

lhe rclc of tbc polilcsl pani..' civil-oilitd, r'ldi@e dd 6Ellv th' less! for rh'

idpositior old. di.d Bddd lre i! Palitl,! It tle the vqtltss ot ilc ron
of lbc civili.D sovc|ucDi &d lh. atach.d i'fluc!@ of tb' adv
drins lhe


IDii.lly thcoilisty 8ov4!i!@totcd Yalvr !5'd thc Mtnitl
t'w t'glladoa

ot 1958 with A fcw nodi6catios bll lda, i!' nry L'8'1

!@'Frk orda (LFo) wa
issuedt o! 30 Meh 1970 10 ch!]l our rh. b4ic s$d.lire for ! funs coEsc of 6clior'

It sured diFr .tcctio6 o! th. pilciPl' of aduh !"!chis€ ed PopLatioDr Tle

AscEblv T}'
P6idot {odd fitluv ntily the co$titution Eadt bv ihe Na{onal
politicir$ \|@ noi haPPv eii! thc I20 linit 1o m'kc th' cotrtitulion ed s@ondlv
NtdoEl Aseobly would !a$ L'r'
rhey wcre dissdsncd wilh th. Fovision ihal thc

.o$tituto! ed $. PGidcnl rculd fi!4llv dit ir'''Ib" rook n ts M cxccutilc conoor

oln rh. &!n6o ofdrc Pdliuedt

BJt dcsd' rhe rcs*v&o!s' rhe loliticius asled

lo ptay with ilD nsic F.l by th! bili$ry nild, No.thllen th.y did not wl lo givr fic

E lia.y govelnndl !!y do@ lo dclay otc elodotal Foc.ss

Thc ptinoipte of pdity sd thc nrlct of !c!te of 0E lwo wings of Palisl0n eg

strlcnlrd afia t ldg dcbatc ed coEpbois.s. It *ts Dol thc lask of a militarv Egibc to

ev@ n {irholt !.tio.at codsasus. ftc Povisjo! thrt lhe s@Uv Mdd !d$ lbr
oinirudon wit! a sirlplc Edqity l4e. on Prcv.d 10 t desitomitl for de ononal

idt€Snlion of ?rlied siDc. thc tujori!, putt ib. A*!ni k"euc (Aq rcns.d 10

@npromie dlc to its ovdtll positio! oftb sitndc Eijority lb. Ndi@tt Assdblv
aId dc $ ity ro EEkc . @Dstitrio! ridloa ih. suPldt of &v pdt A.b i,lc \v61


Tlc niur.ry gov@col did not b& ilc politic.l !€ni6 $ough rhc potiticd

activity est resiriclcd fo! tb. riN b.iDg. ft B tstoE l aftd thc iEPositio. ofd' LFO

on I J&u!ry 19?O,r Ttu

louricid 8ol a $6d.n1 titr for tbei. .eP.ig! fron Jdulrv

1970 ro Dcc@bd 1970.11Ridi Kte tid Ytbva B dutioulv ald a mi

willing 10 a88ta!a1t tbc politic.l situatio! es!€cialy
j! &51 !a&in& Hc Eailt2jted the

ildi@l elados wilb Muj*Lu-R.hDe tld w4e nopilg lor a viable trsfer of powr

snei rhc el.dio$. Ths ws &e tss wht h. tlloqd all tlP's ofaurolonv to the

poliical p.nies in lhei! .la!o! canlaip dleially to ibc Awa@ Lcaguc dc+itc a

politically chds.d el@l'o! c!dP!i8! bv lhe hardcdc of th' Pdrv and isloEd d'
colnFlaitu of othd pdiis agailtt thc sdoaheal of lhc Awdi Llaguds in $ln
pohical metirg!.'r Eovffi, jt w ! !.n of hi! cEon 1o ecuc thc position of rh. hcad

of thc staL in . civil& sduP,

Ih. @y djd Dol.xp.cr td tuy poUdc., lery vodd b. lbh to ecw absllrc
mjority i! dt. .latioD8 of 1970. Wil! a sllir naD&rc, thc tovcmfr| fomadon wou_ld

b. ! diffcuhjob givilg dE .Ey rh. blc ofdc ddrulc sbindor'. Mljd c.r clulD
ODd, llc l|cld of r,lc NSC ald tldor Co A.kbd, rhc rcrd of rte tSI B@ asign d ar

&livc rcle lo play in the Fgirc with thc a@bc.rn.nt of thc gdosl el@tiols ald thc

$.n ,ftcy
of lolitical ldiviry, Ir.ISt.rports w.re eddacrdy i! rhis rcgald. as.d
6d thc PrP &d Lage rculd wi! ody bl4iut sts dd n eDtd bc 6y fo!
thc milita.y high c.dned to d.d eirh rb6 !s!uj!g a lEid@tirl posjrjon Ii' y.nys

llc .l@rior llsdt wrc .Ih.

srsprish& dgDiru.L of rhc s1@$ of lorh rhc

Fliiical lsnie .slorbtr.d &d,i6 h Esr p.b5r!4 rhc A*rEi Isguc se<t 160 ou
of 162 g6qsl s$ alolg wirh $ven w@d scais. tls totd stcrgo i! rbc Hous. of3l3
Ms l5Z TN no!-Aqui lr.sE e@bds.t.ci.d t@ Elst ratisc, prn Nu{t-
Anilit (PDP) ed R!j. T.i&v por,t h wca pa&i$r4 &. lpp surcd 8l our ofbr.l
l!8 gcleEl $ars.r''ft. eledion Esults cteg.d rhe p.nm of potirjcs in ?akist&.Ibc

Awdi I&grc @u.ld nol s.i r singt. sear ir W.sr paliste white rhc lpp had ncvd

cslablsh€d it lf as ! Fliicd paiq i! East pstisrrn. T!! poliljcd pot dsltion ,a,
visiblc aa b.fore thc ele oB ed itE F utrs w@ a .t.t.ne fion lh. polirical
Ealili.s, Bur $c prcdiclios of rh€ lSI h.d nol ba Falisric, fte @son Fjght b€ lhar

r!€y wft lot lain d h rlc lask wnicb B assig!.d lo L!d.


'Ihc $pFm. rujdiry ofrb! Awei L.agw in Elsl Pilistdr od lhc Plt i! vatt

Paltstan wG sEprisilg yct uj'@ugablc fd lh. oilillry aullonri6. ftc Easr

?abst&is wdc dcEedilg a de.nlraiilr! lolitjcal syitd ed a coroplac revisioD of

thc @romic sEucnte which *!3 ror a..€pau. for th. Vdt latislaai clitc. Mujeb.

*ho oid c.lradod Od r!. Sn Poilr MrlifBro of thc Al@i lr.gue {rs legodabL,"

switcn d ova to a lErd srlne .!d rlcoad.d tb€ sa$fcr of loM nd and rh.! t\e
issues could bc lcttled dolr! i! rb. P&li@ar:' O! &. orhd h!!4 Bhuno d r hdd of

tlc Eajonty lsnt in wBl Pakisl!! ws lor pdy io !@pt a go\4@ol wi$our ey
ac@mo.latiod lo his F!ty,! Hc ys nor Fldy to s't d thc oppsition bdchcs whjcb
L. d.sad i, thc joiff &rs.obly of P*i!r.n.!

Th. nilitary G.n.rats {d Doi willilg 10 ltufd povd !o dc Bcngdh.'4M!!t

mu@.srtul rcu& of &sotialos &d rlc posrlo@or of rlc Mbly s.sio! t.d !o

r D6 nov@at i! &r P&i5r.r T!. US didoEAt Fportcd ro lv8lt g@ tsl Oc

Wdi Pa[$rni lolilicisrs \rould nr]Er !rcfcr lo sllil Lrt coMry &d lo ac.ql ttE

Bdgali doBiD.@s Si@ tbc cordry ru uldd &c rnit rl Fgirq olty dto$
Politiciad w* a..o@orhid wLo \{w $!Foni!g ilc frr dsier! of l}l. iuting
Gher.ls. Nd.thcl.s!, &c Awui lrase ws lsLirg for e uconditional rznsld of

powa, wltch did er $it Y8!ya who d$iEd to sew Lle pEsjdorjd ttae in rhe

civilian $tup. Sircc the PPP Chlime ws skils for sonc sedlemcd oursidc li.
N!$ooal AMbly b.foc rhc tresla of !owr, rhG Eilirar CoeBls sllled laldlg
Enl8e belird biD db.i! Ocy 3utiDucd lcsotiaiios wirh thc Awdj Lrgue tud PPP

And rhc f.il@ of s.vdl

ofLlt! &it r. A*aEi tagucr rld }?p.,
lncodproriising $acq thc njlery r€girnc dccidcd !o dcrl wit lbc sirulrjoD tt ough a!
.@y &tioE26 ftc bnt liry of llbc lEy &tior agaid rbo civiUs poluhri@ lld b U.
scc$ion of Ean Eti$&.,'ftc Indjs! aitact, yslyr's ueausrio r!! Degcn6l! i]c
fdiS! i.OEae oD ltF B.ogdijr ed hr$[ potricat e]iii.s within 6. cobny
.61drcd in a buinitiari'lg surloder oft! p*idr! srny &d lhc !.ldation of Ean
lalist D H[ss.ia Hrqqoi coDrar.t .l rbll sn.' &c Gledo.S i.tc 6ilit ry @uld wiibdaw
AoD the politic! gtu fuly ed ld t!. politicir!5 @lt rhc jsu.! o! th.ir oM. ,Itrey

did Dor chosc to do 6!r bcc$$ s .oslinxioEl ,rrangodr qlb a kat enlnl
elhodty .!d a ditutcd mjlitlry.s jd@logicd prcdirysirio, Ms lor &ccDrabtc
lor th!
Od.nls." No..rhclcss, ro los rh€i! rct. s rhe utriDd. srD)tas of lok w!. Dol
e€?tauc fo. rhc Gclcnts. Mor.ove., rhc n ios Csie.rb !,a!t
d 10 continu. rhejr
n 8doi. losirioa i! &. civitie etu! wtich coli.t b. &.ilt t d by a slrong c@sq
And th. fdl of Db&A rh. Eilit ry losr jts cFdibiXrt Tbci! posjrjd qa! r@t
whi.h gavc & inpression $.t thcy ujould nol sabotlge i.rc polriq!_l ituritution of $c
@qry. Ilt@ B a]lo & ulredenl.d ,enttnol i, rh. s@iery .Cai.sl rhe hililary
higb couD.and tur tosiDS rb. lrrr agairn tfltia &d public nllics qft dehardils lhe
tirl of C@ YlbrL ftc ailitdy co@Eed6 $!c stitt rdEtalt io t .rs'd poe b rn.
civilie govelMcd!, Ir coltd lor hlrpo bcforc &cy bld wirrscd thc !lg* of rte
Majo! hd 6bore offfa iD &. hdt ofthc cHe wh.n O.D. Abdul Hmjdro tiicd
to addr.ss th.E! 'ncy Dor odt lcfu.d ro lisla io tid bur als Cenlrdcd ar i@.diale

wi6dnwl. Ir E fo. &c f!!r iioc thrl ibc Eitirry c.!6rts *er6 for.ctt ro ldvc Dorq

br rhc juior ofr@.rr IEy wE nor Erdy ro 44F alv otld G.Ddal in placc of

Yahr'r"t It aho thoFEd lld tle qlotalc cultw w! Dot L!!sG!nd to ihe nid.Uc atd

rhc iuior ofr6 yAo *w Doi lady to $]. lh. tls?odihlity of$Ad tb. Ga6.b bad

dorc h thc E st la}jilu ei.ir.

T}c Chi.fofO.Dqal St.r(COS) ccn. c'ul H3& ed An Mani.l R!!ia Khd
@dey.d tle s!dti@t! of rh. juior 066 to dF Pt$idr ald foE.d hiE !o steP

doq ed b&d ffi th. poE to rh. cl4r.d r9rlsenariverr The Pt? Cbiindd

Zd6q{ Ali Bhuno wa .rllcd blck noE Nlw Yo* $&@ hc w.! @t lo Fescnl llc

cr!. of ?alisla jn ib. (jN Slcu.ity Coucil. Tle !.nid con]mdcE adsinjslercd Ltr€

itsfo ofpowd &d Bhuno lolk thc oatb ofthc otrcc otd. Prdiddr oflald$d oo 20

Dcc@bcr 19? L' Ee be@c thc frsl civili.l Cnief M&risi Lw Adninisirltor udl de
NtrioDd Asbl/ 6lprcild ils ini{iin @Isdrud@ o! 2t AFil 1972.

II *a .n.bdjcsLd typ. of tsfc! of poE &d civiti!! govcmor * .1

advetageoB positior b..sus. inc Eilft&r had be.o dir...dired bccaDsc of ddcar in

.rJ Il.EfoE Blftto too& ovd with Eary .dvrdag.s. Fi.$ly, !c mjoy.d e cloqMi
polnical brs€ alols sih ! oDfo.r.ltc djofty ir lh. Nrlionll A$.dbly s rh. csid
vils whic! B ! l@B of ilc poliic.l roublcs !!d bc.D s€.ciicd. Sc@dtr tbe miiitary

w dcjer.d ed biot n b..!w ofue defear al tF heds of$. tndie My whi.!

€BWd hin lhat bcilg delBe4 thcy r..d.d riDe lo @8. ou1 otlic haMa, Thjrdl/,
fi. @un h.d !rv6.d iE sr.!d of 1958 &d d.cled lh. Mdii.l law of Yalta Kna! d
ill.erl.s TlDuSh n *.s doe .l ihe lidc *t!o Yahr! h.d st@dy bcd ford oui of
ofrc€ but it etd!ry lup?ond thc lup.drcy of Uc civilir! gortudr ovq the

mililary. Tle }}P leaders ed vorkqs ndiclllcd lld p.rst! udielincd Fmsks against

tlc @y.3? Ilc my o! lbc othc b&d ru Ft h a IDsitio! to coutq-.iact !t tut

tne bu! kelt dl tliD€s in EiDd rrd dcvcto!.d ! srlng haf.d for Btrdro Nld tc ppl,
Phicl mc Io $rf!@ lRo July l9Z.

Gd Gul lliilra &.itia&d rb. niedcr ofrowc! to Z. A. Bbutio lrd j! Flm

Bhutro ofcEd hiD ro bc.o6c th. Asy Chict c@. cul srot, rh, h. had fssi rcn$cd
blr| laar 4cpled rhis olft. wirh thc.olditio, tb4 h. muld sily i! !i3 .nniDg Elk of
Li. Gr!.61. Btuno .gE.d ,!d &ltouccd in his ftsr spel to lbc.alio, rhai hc had
appoificd O.r cd !6 rbe .cd!e C-in4 !!d b. shoutd Dot .x?€cl thai rh€ govmr!@!
tluld ltDnolc lin a! a Gai@t. c.o. cul ESisrald lis prcl.st ro Bluno o! !!is
statdcnl but Bhutlo qicc&d i! by .tccldinS n b b. a polilical staldenr,I Ii w.s
slouding 6 to why Gcn, Gul wdl.d to stly s a Lr O.nelal d*pite l&wi,g tb.r the
oEi.e oflle C-in-C sr! Bcrvcd 1br a tuI Oeerd. I aFpcdcd rhlr Bhuno in tis quesr
fo. not l.nile rhc !o*E:d! O6cEl! rssuDc rhc rcI. ofkjnS @ts, d@jdcd lo gel ,jd of

Bhno tek rhis oplDrrDily io udalt.y rh. Dlc oflhc &!y

ed srncd $l&ng
of . p@te's ey.3e tl. o.d.Ed rtc r4i6€!r
of boy G€!.Els *bo hld bcd cto$

'ssbls ot C.r
ydy&10 Thi! $s
.or $ .!sy fo a civilie t4d of t!. stlte i! rlc
posl-wilnddwd lcrjod Howre, ar 6ar
riec $c niti&!r\ .aist&@ lev.l !o
odo&lD@l in rhcir i cnlt @n6 Dtl rchrtvcly jow b€.3e o, its illmat
reenD@t lglinn llc rop @@&das t!. srorj6 abour
cb@r.. ,ait@ dd lb.
drillirg Dlrie of Yahy! Kbr! ar tc 6n ofrh. dionsl htcrcsrs al,cml.d th. niddtc
E .k'' otrccE &d cerld doqhj abour rhc siot coMsrdds, irtcgity gld ddolion
lowlds Oeir r.sponsibiliri.s.,, It€ Bhul:o govemcnr esrablstEd a @nni$ion ro nx
lhc Gspodib'lity ed dMinc the factd ltril l?d lo $' slmdd of ilc Pa*isla aEnv

ard tle E5$ Palistan dcba.le Thc Hadood-in'Rclrn!! Co@8sion'!

Rcpon m oot

pubbhcd o! $e ElEsod.nioD of tbt @v liDe ir Ism@d'd lhc ttid of soDc

!d of Bluno' tsl on rh€ oDc bed bc I

G.!crls.4 It t!fldted {D dllll Policv o! Ue
i! od'r pl'asc rbd ba
\{ill or lh. Gclcral! dd o! tht orl@ }ed
tryiDg to ass€d hir
Had hc cl"scd tn' EPotr
did not Elcls. th. Hlmood'E_R'tud6 Consission XlPort
b.!r |h' r'sPoqbility fd th! dclale il Ereh brvc bca dificuli
ed la $. Filitlrv

ih. oitilsy !o iE os! M.'ditl trw aC'8'

DesPit lhc forcld wiih&awal' th' sclio! Gd'dls tdahld !'sisE!t
E!d! by lhc civilitn EovtEndt At thc tric
s$filinlre tb.Esclvcs ro thc d'cisioDs
to ptovidc $oops i! did 1o r'l' civil
thc poli@ sEilc in LdoG' tbe Adv Chj'fafts'd
of dE
hc rcfred io Plovidc ! hel'coFd lo ihc Covnor
authotiiias h soths i!sla!@'
rr' issuc of ihl Frhal Fb'b al
PulFb whcn ltc wdcd lo r'aoh BalocListt to Glotvc
goe'i!!d and forced Gm Gul' lle
took ii ts . @lpttsy agri!$ lis
sui.ri Bhuto
ldd O'd cd tdtr'd abour ur
At Chi'f to GsiP
AFy Chicf e.l R'hjo Kb'a lh!
lhev wlF n'n th' scdc drcugn
etio! ofibe Blutb gov€t!4dr tbd 'vaa!d'd
assigMmtc to dilwt thtt infl!fict in thc @'d for"s
degeEst wfth Bh$to lron r\e
Gd il6s& @dddcd dd hd ha<l d'vetop'd
nilntry' H'
idcrfqctrc' in rh' intcnal dtnds of dF
vlry begiding duc m tlc bt'r's
a\{a' Ths djsrgn"E lcd to llc
Bhutto to ko'p hiss€lJ
claincd tb.t b. btd w!'n'd
Klan He conrdd'd thal b'
Hdsd ed Air Manial B'hjn
for@d rcsiglaiiors of Gul
@l possble ti lhal $rge
hrd io int ndon r' iEpo!'
Mditl liw l! {"t il M
1hev wF nol reldv 10 su?Pon
6 d'dov'd o! the bordlr' MoFovd'
half of lhc sdv
ey ble of thc DiliLry h politis du! to dc 16!10r of ilE 1971 w, Hc eid ihal if L'rc

Pr.side ald Amy Cbid di'd Dol s crc 10 cy. with och olbd, thc juior slould quit

ed hc did jult thrrrt ltt! s&t@or hrucd rbli th@ v$ a disagt!@.Dr bdwd rha

PriFe Midito &d thc Ady Chjcf ald al3o thar rh! Amy Clicf pEfcrcd io Esign

ratna tid ro submit hj.oseltb ibc cjvitiaD .urbo.ity,

Blurlo.p!oi.Ld 06. Ti}} Kb6Ir rh. r.xr Chidof ibc Any Srlfb.clw ot
tii Fluuri@ for e u@diriooat slodiodio! to th€ sup€rior !!d who dcwl€d lis
4agi€r io thc FofcsioDd cqsiry buitdbg ol dE my..t Itc s@c dldi. w@
fouow.d in rh. s.l4rid of Tikb Kh&.3 suc@s! Cd A!d-gaa.., Odl Zia
eslabltul|d hjs dircl Et.tiotuhj! wji! rb. &iDc Minist{ ed Ea.e.d io .xlibn hidctf
at a ioy.l, h@bl. rld vdy rrefsioDd $ldid. lt es s!4stu1 6o!8h to louch rbc
,!crn of Blrutro v66 h. B coldEri4 rb. c.m hrnid of lb. ofrcd invollad i! lh.
An@& CostiF/ cr€., Ite u!.d ro bdcfttrc !.i@ Milistd daily lnd rh.Ire€dlgs
ed @nv.y t'rc gri.mc€s of tbe ofrcdr agaiDlt ibc hgh comdd w]lich tey
spGed duing dr* poceding!.ro T!€ r.in Midsrd p.E iv.d Aoi rhc* n.4jD8s
rhar Ca. Zi! E @nton bL ro M* @dd r[e.ivilir! supreacy, tr co.vjled rh.
P.ift Miaisrer b rploi.r hin !s rh. su.c6sd of Tjr*! Kbe. Tikr! Kn& prored ! righl
clojc. dd he EtilEd i! tjne *irbout @ii!8 !!y t oublc but hi! slcccsso, Ocn. zja

b€tayed 1hc nln by nor only inposilg Manial Law bui ntu8ins hjs ndror Bhuno.

'ftc p$cas of..rjoD.l illegEtion ficd iD ?atjstd ude rwo cornicting goats,

a stong .cnrF &d !rcvircial tui@ht. ftc @rtc hrd bc6 shivirg ro govh llc

c4llltry litc a uddy !11L bding aI pov,ln jn hEd, wh'1. ilcdltically supponilg

previnci.l $ronoDy.'' Aly 6itici@ 6 rh. lolici* of tb. Gdad sov€mot eoscd
b rGrioesl TL cs.oh@t i! rh. lmeiles vu @iDly de b rbc dbrossanjoa of $ci!

fieh& thit thcy wlrc expcdiDg j! lh. feddltid of?akisirD It i! cbidcd dEr th. 1973

Cotsdnni@lglv.d!l1lh.l@gstrrdiDgilsu.sinrridsE .sp..iaUytboc bet*arhc

prcvir* md the 6E bd lhis Fov.d thiMicd. ! All !o$€t3 Ehljr.d
@tccnt"rd i! tb. !r!ds of tbc fcdcGl gortr@eot lrd idcrf€i$ce in $c pmvincial

Inilially the oplosili@ boy@trqd th. codintii@sl @min e lur l.r€r or Bn[to

iNit d O. lcrd.B of tt p.dilDdrdr Fnis5J .!d .nd htd !6rgdniq, ! 6!rl

ag€mcd B Mouc.d o! 20 Octobd 1972.,6 Lata, wlen L\. .Lrfr w$ p!es!.d ro

i.!c N.tidd AMbly o! 30 D.c@be, ir *r! lol fitty i! li!. *irh th. @. alpd.d bt
&c olposilio! ed th. solqlo.Dr @i@u5ly. Tlc ollosirion proroscd !@y
md.brents bui rh. goa.rmal illi.lcc did nor valuc $@. Utrinarcly, rh.y d.cjdcd ro

fod ! Unird D.6o6dic Frc (UDD.' T[.y sl rI rhcn Foposab5r ro Btruno od

and wlitilg fo! a wek i!n.d boy.otrilg lhc sNi@ of lbc Ndiiolat Ahbl/ o! 24

Meh 1973. 'I!c govcrun.ot{ppositioD Egori.rio$ .odDucd ioD 9 Aplil ro 10 Aplil

&d lliiedely dc oplosirion's dcD&ds v@ inorpdat.d in thc .trdr @Dsrin|jon by

rle Lrw Minisrcr Abdui Hafc.? Pcsr2ldart

Si!€ U. CoDstittio! M, adog.d @jnoustr ir lnvid€d a ..np@iiv.ly

dmbl. b.!c lo thc politicd s'stcn of L\c county s cornplEd ro jis prcdcccseE, Thc

Conslilurion pDvid.d .xtrordirdy po96 ro rh.6Ed 8o@.rt in rh. tue of t.

D.f@€ of talist& Pql.s, vhictr qe! D5.d br Blurb lo.i.blish nis @trd beyod

ddo@lic !om. las slch .! Pr@{@ of Atf'Nltiodt Acliviiia Ordimcc ( 1973)

ond lhc Swptlssio! of T.Eolin Adiviiics (19?5) eq' !*d to dal *iih th! politic'l



Bluno w qce?tio@llv ifiolefut lowtd! lis olPon@ts &d Eed 6 iton ned

io cn$h thm n'hch crca$d a favoulablc cdvircuidt fo! lo-political eto6


intldu.d s si.r of @!!ll'i@al @ddDcote to cutail tbc F*6 of lnc hjgld

ju<liciary ro Fovid. r.li€flo Politicr.l victid. 'ftough he had ts5'tlird Dqjonry blt he
ll Il shows his
irstit&d th. @nsitqtolrl lt!.ndndts jn iit rbsce ol the oPPosition

@d@ocr.dc b.blviou ald did6P€t 6! ih. Pouliel imdioc

N@othcl.ss, thc firlt ucldrdal wa! 10 rccogisc inc fo|od Eas Pllind
BanSladcsb" Tb. smnd ltocnttEcd \t! to d..ltt! lle foUoMs of the A]n'dj scct a
nor-MBliB Il ldde.t rbc dcfn$@ ot a Mulun 1o dc Co'sitdion' T!! llird ed

founh dendtncnts wse incorloEr.d lo cllllil tlc Poffi of $ judicidv lo giv' rclief

to thc Fliticd nul5 8ov@at6 1}.e lEetde'DB Me Psed dtslit' tb€

of thc

pro!.st &d w.lLout oflh. ollositi@a Tlc litu Ai@dDdr ro lbc ConsdrutioD turdr

qrtailed L\c po\rds ofthc higb judiciary tgaitst sivine rdnf lo th' Polilic'l oPPon@ts

d.tdilcd by th. rolie6

Th Bh$o Egihc tool adlrDbgc ofth. nv.tv song the sdjo! jud8d oftle

slpedo.judici{r ond in@lsod th€ @ntNl of ihc fedqd govalrleni rhc n'ltcts of
thcn .lpoidDcors, F@otioEs tid iidd6.6 Slch d€sut's whrch cutbil'd ih'

powcrs of litc jMiciary destoycd thc ind.!.dcto' of a pilh of tht s61c dd t civilis

inniixior In tI! po51_witb.ba*d pdiod howelcr Uere wts ! n'!d to tunld sftnstb@

thc civili& iD{rrutions Si6iltrly, llc lolc oftb. olposili@ wrs blc i! ming llc
d@o@lic sj$.n 1} Btlgt of thc Pollical @a8J io $bduc ltc oPlositio! ihtu!8l

@lstitLniolrn @d.td@t btfttd thc ptoc4! ofpoUticd &itloln@l ed v.akocd &.

poliiicll in$ifiios 3 ! @u!t r-wi8ht i! ihc arny,


Ay6hl Jalal *ils thlt it B vcly difrcull 10 t build a sutc app@tus in a tosi_

wi6drav€1 ptriod. Th. civilian ruler hd lo €sloro ihc con6.lcnc! of ihc Pco!1c.67

Bnu& egldc had to frcc ao ini.$. Eskt!!c. AoE th. rcligjou political lanies atrd

othd loliticat fa.ltoB, 1!. Iw dM@Etic 8ov@.ot o.l th! cbll@ge vin th'
popd.r $ppon &d @i.d our.I ib. 6.i!Ec! in thc nd. of tEfoms ro curiail d'
loe ol the civil std n nlry bulllucta.iB N.w iditudons lit t!. Fcdcrdl S@Eitv
ro... (FSF)6 re dqtcd ts ! @lrla-wigh lo lhc trv. Bhno oblis'd this fo@

wiih lLc bdt dailiog ald e!-tPo6 but tb. ainy sEolglv Bi$.d to cquip this fo@ wirh

tigb gade @poB lik i.!b .tc TlEy tlso llfE d to Prcvi.lc rdililg feilitia 1o l,iis

fou.d It shor.d the lev.l of disob.di@ bv tb. $E d fos to l!' civilie

gove@dt Ir a dmocBcy, the dilitaty is 3lhordidt d to the d*isiols ofthc c'viiid

golcJmml dd c& not did.r. fts oM d@isiot!, but i! li}jne thc siiulid B vi@


The tP? adolrcd rhc slogs of blamjc socirlish vhj.h f&ilnaild lhe poliicnl

dobili$rion of th€ d6e' In conirasl to Ayub govm'nfs @ntcntio! ihat &'

@Dmic i*qualirie afung diF.tctrt cb$s *@ idFativc for gos'il' Bh'itto
offdld lo bilg a distiMw ilsticc i! thc aocietv |'d ilE b@'fic'8id *ould L thc

.],g of Pdd$@ru ThouS! Mul@ Kus Nie, sPor dl his coagj's lo @nviD4 tlc

pbpl. tlat lh@ v.3 confomig i! I!l.@c &d socidist idcologi.s but a stro'g ctiticism

fo! lhc PPP\ mtio! of lllbic So.idiE r@itci tld! Bhuto P$ d'cl@d a

'&4t"r by dr cligioB lad.$ wio i$*d swdjcr .8ai!5r hiE

Thc tlbou FfoB pDv.d coEL. PiodDdivc, d!@dng 1b! supponilg b6c of

the PPP in tho lalou cls.u 'nr. aSSnvatd uio! a.tivily c.uscd e.ioc law trd ordcr

lobtns ad th. los of preFty i. Lulbr dd Korusi. ftj3 Esllcd in violat cl4b.s

bdwn lbc my @d tb. Ia!o6 d irijlAt{ ft .bo cbE}ld 6c !lP's sbqgtb ed $c

Midj goup plned thc $!ys wirh lhr llP. Ihc @ndjhoD Io rSbld aI thc aEdl
oreryries wo*jns with a bilirdM of fiv. wd€$ ihposcd !.sion &d @!kds'

orl .!t!pr.nc'! in lh. to$ of GqiE!

wlfarc lidbility or rtr ovM, It @oy.d rh.

vuidbid Kdolc !!d sill(or $tich E! Lhc centrc of sall bdusEiB.'r Ih.
govtudl bc.@c atuck b.tw! th. $! oFposilc @stitudcia lorilg th. sulpon of
bo&-r' Labou !trn Fovoldi rb. @ of tlops fo! dd civil durics ,!ic} jD@!s.tl
ih. i!rcltmdt of tL. a@y i! thc civili& @!ttcrs, !tri! lrovidilg tb.D *iO ! rcj. i!
i}c civilid govc:]llMt,

Tle Led Ffonq though ard&tivc iD o!rl@* could no! b€ inpldenrcd. In$cad

ofdishibni4 Lld r. th. Lldls !.!d. l.!d pfo@ &stroyrd rh! cxistiDg rgriculltr
enp witlod c.c"niDg dtc @w onc in dac.r7 'ftc fire t!@D wrs Lrrc sEolg footilg! of
the la.dlords in !o[tics, bolh in th. Na{o!r] ed ib. p.ovircial dd scond wd $ch
,Iie! witb rilita.y and civil bul@6&ra -r]rc
FUcy of Eriolrls.rjoot @i.d a lor

ofbBdcn or &. bw!3rdlts ;o h.kd rle dpdti$ for their ncejob. tt €u.d ile loss

ofEoduciio4 lalou unBf !!d rlc potiicilsrior ot lhc @ijolrtised irjdturjoG.&

weG 6ll.d wirh rh. Ppp f&ouit s ibst !d of @roFror pcode. Ir dso ir@d rhc
gov.hDoi's dcp.nd@c otr rhc civil s€.vis whcb Bnuno
hld ,,jrially aimed ro stoD.&

In &c Dcxt sugc, flllcirl r..rd, dong wirh U. ti& i61m@ coDlsni6, ws
etion li*<i, Tlc rhird slrgc !(lduced rcal d&&gc vh.n tE govdsat toot ovd thc
eril cotE!.e!.urs& *ho consftn d t Dljd voL br!} of itc ppp i! t970.
Con&qrcftly, th.y 1'@ i! lh. frotrt mq of rh. .t€Eolstr.tio! agaild Bnuno in 1972,

ftc Nltion lisado! of thc trtrivd. edwatiotd ilstitutio$ wirtour ary pbejsio!
@opdialid tulrh.r alioal.d rh. ..hd.d didd. clas .3 wdl s tc Firoriri6.
fte €@noEic efoms &d Eti@.lissli@ sb@k $c co!6dec. of$€ iDv.slors
ald clpilatisrs od Guired i! rt. flight oflhc dpilrl oui of&c @btry_ Ir,te ciet.d
thc 8.o*rh ofth. prjv.ie s.cior i! p*jsra.6 A ctss russtc ndcd in lhc coeFy withoul

ey pb&Bs ia a.hi.vtng d .sdibrid si.ry *iich i! ilc utri@tc so.I of si.lis.

14 flcq |bft B rc @@r.ic ltading for ilE rc&@. nc lcn wirg otdc pany ws
irid.$ed in s1licr rcfotu wlich tE EgiE. @utd lol afor.l h lhe wsl. of Bhlno,s
oq notro@itlDcDt ro socjrlilo &d d@ ro rh. cdnjcrilg @lstjtuacils vnhi, $c

P?t.!r l]ijs also alitured th. socirtj!! fadjon of lb.

lany .!d drimrlly $cy parLd
$en wys.i5 fte f!jt@ of th. .@odic policiB door.tjs.d tn. Das rlar hrd
suPPort d the party itr l97O lor ,Ran, Kapa nhbn.,t6 m. inteturionat inttadon
lilc, lh. risilg p.icls ofon j! th. .fftultb ofrhc Aratln!.I wd, lbc elird illeaive
loorly-Bm€d public !e1or indultric! ju-pl.ed.cf@r ,!d Eturat caldirj.s wc
thc EasoE for Ib. poor c@nonic perfodalc. of ti! Btruno ,eginc. EenoDic

dis.olt nJ7 wai aiso . conrihltilg teto! h lhc p@ple s $!pon fo! dc na$ noveblnr

.gainn Bhuno ed I&r lic rflirry olovd.rr Thc ,jtit ry dploircd rh. ecolonic
diefc.tio! ofthc !Es!.! to bL ov.r lh. .ul. ditt {y.s

Bbtdo Brudnld !i. Iigb..l c.DE&d ofrh. uloy i! od6 i,o curt it i!. AEy
Chicfs c@trl polr,E!o3iti@ I! 1922, !. r.o|!$d &G ritL ofdE !Dy, an fdc. &d
@v.l cbi.A foo lh! C-in4 ro da Chid of Suf !flt rEdrc.d th.ir tcrw toD fou
y.$sro rin y63.e Bh@o c.!r.d llo F6t of| Joid ctiefofsr!trcoE rircc (Jcsc)

i! M.rch 196 io cc6rdb. l!. phDi!& cloldilllioq tr&rpon procut!@o! injtitgry

st!i!&/ atd otb.r ut!6 of cot!:e@ hiaBl' fd ib! m.d forc.s rs ! wtol.. Ilough !
ftl C.adl qls ro b. lppoiorcd u. JCSC, n sa! vithour opccdtio! colrot.tr llis sis
&turly d6iglcd ro dilu. t rlto.ily ofth. AEy Chicf Ho*.ve. n @ub loi s.rvc
lb. grlosc b.ca@ ir b.lcd F..rictt cdrll ofrh. rlots .!d t ,b@ O@, Zir jnF3.d
Mdtid t wi! tt7,thcJCSCwnnoridorE d.yrc
Thc I'lccs! of FoEotioo, !oqBv.r, Eorild i! r}| hrn& of dlc rB!@riE
sdic.3 chicfi. Bnldio uns of rbc opiaion lld lh. @6Edid of d@ poelrr i! rh.
ofic. of Cbrimrn .ICSC @dd b. col]n&i-!l!<hldic. H. dolg wirh 1!. D.fae
Minidd(.ponfofon l.pl wirh hjD) Etrind dE.itht of vcroins s pMorid. Ovo rh.

sftlg pFEn of rb. s4ic6 .Ud!, Blutto uscd thi. .igh a fd tiD6 tbl@d &
id@d thre 6@bd @ine.t c@ioudy, hc ld.d lo lvoid thc doEiM@ of
&y 8r!u! i! rhc nilit ry. lut rl|. proeodor of Oa. Z! EoD a Dud junior posnioa ro

rhc cbjcf ofAdy &d ald G@ sb{ifa clcsc r8ri! co!@trrcrl tb. Pej$i3 ir &.
coen|nd politio . TL sccoDd idDrct *ae tbli th. forc.! took it s & ql!! irrcrf@c.

in rh.ir ir&@l bnt 6 s llc .fdr b d.Firc tLd ot th.L dlc sirrs. llEy srad.d

lalin8 Bbutt! as a ibEal !o th. ;r8.!is!tioDrt $$d@ ofrhc njliary,tr

Itu policy n!H!8 role fd dlfcM &d suiry 6 Nign d b rhc !r.iE.
Minisra ed his cabiM aad the D.f@ ClrnEin . of&c Clbina (DCC)_ A D€fa€
Coucil b .sr$lisbld u!d.i Llc h.rd!bi! of lbc Dcftoe Mjrina ro 6s@ thc
inplodr.lion ofrbc &.i3id ofitc DCc. ftc Chljrn& JCSC. rhe S.rvicca Chi.ts ad
their rcslecivc hcidquand wc also ilvoly.d i! rhc loljcy Eakjng ploces atoig wil'!
thc Milistt of Dd@a. A Whftc prpc *!s iesu.d ro del with rb. coMed srlucfiE of
th. .@cd fottB i! lvtly 1976 by rhc go@.n! of &lista io rcd.flc tb. nll6 of it
gs..r BLd dl rhcs. Ffods @uld @r drd rh. iEposidoo of rhc Dlrad lav b l9n.

Bhuito j!.lu&d i,'rc o.th for &. mcd foM' pe.soEcl ro slop rheE b
p..ti.ipaE i! polirics !! d @lninlliolrl protccrioa ,gailsl r,lc iDrosirio! ot Mati.j

t w.s Aiiclc 245 dcflcd rL .ot. of$c .rBcd fores 6 b.in8 $bordidcd ro rhe civil
&.t itB niplt !d th.l n wuu sv. i! .i.t to th. civii low *h6 BIGd,4 Thc
lbrcgalior otlhc ConditutioD B declaFd s e acl of trson,,t nc lartiuot of

?a}jstad {s authorb.d tr e*. . taw sg.ild hjgh t@on,'r 11t. f.d of eljtal

puisbDe for iEFsj!8 Meri.l Iaw brcr bc.lae lbc n3!o! tur qclllioD ofBhub !y


Bhutlo, lik all lh. loliricias ofrakisrd, 6Bid@d n ircvitibl. io .nablish his
6@ hold oE dc bur.!u..!cy to bMk !p irs lqN wirb tbe Ei|jl,ry. Ca. Yahya

Enovcd noE tld thE bud€d @d itE cjvjl sdel! on the chagd ofmiedduc!

c.duptioq incfr€iaDy ud po$ssjng ulawtul .plope'ly.ro Bluno conlirucd i.\is


p]@$ ard ud.r &6 ..rs of the }llsnjd l.rw, mE rb.s tiltceD hldlcd civil $F&r,
borb fton ilc l.da.l .Dd proviEi.l civil slrvjccs \rEIE fiF4 crrnlulsoily leriEd or
dcbo|d @ rhc re. ch!.g6 e rbo$ t*!!cd hy y!!y& -rt y v4 noi gjv@ lhc righr

to apF.l ro ey coun ofl,.p .tb.ir .a iol6!!t lwi.v $!s Aciftd.d $/hj.I Fs.u.d a fcw
victiE!. Bhunb iaroducld ! saics ofrctum! io cut'n tbe loljdcd powcE of rhc cjvit

wiq. H. aboltuhcd rh. CSP !! . *p.r!tc drty ro chdk l!.i, pow!ftt inUu@ on
the policy Drting !t!c.€s aad inEglrld dl rhc wi6 il a ui6.d wlDl. wirb a sinetc
gEdilg sy$.n n@ gldc tZ ; 2ztot

A sJsr.@ of blad @tryr@ s5 i&Ddu.cd. tr a!!d6rly ecot ro ptuaid.

olponuny b {tc Fidtuc ElriDg ofrc!.s ro gd hjghd posiiio$ jn rhc civil scrvi@g

througlt exmimlion.!d intetuiryror s ws @ouced by Bhuno in hjs sp@h.rM

CoFally, it E ole! s a Dod. ofpoliiic€l pdg@gr !o ih. ppp syr0't1hjs.rs.r.r 1!e

sut:c.$. Mlniil [rp sortu or of G@ Zi! f@d a R*is Bosd {idJ, th.
cstluislDd divisid i,o i!rcsriglr. t!s. it !Sd!riric!.!d
Dleilg tL timc whe!.Bnfto Ms in powd, $c civit sdi6 w@ cxrEnety
d.jete.l ard dcp.!!scd. Tlc civil safuts k gjr.n a.oDsrituriou.l plor.ctjoD of tb€

job v"tlich hld bcen le*o asy ,!d 6.y w!.c *cpr uda rlc lcSi3hrion ot d.
Palidd.Iot Tb. rriEiplc of laiant .!Ey i.duc.d rhc lrosp€! oflroDorio! for ihc

Egula ofr6 E wX .s disrrlcd ihc cdnG of bic@hy. Ir E rclwlcoin.d by rb.

.ivil swi6. Bhudo jfiodrd EfoE! o! rh. ple.ssultioE :hai 0E bur@uorcy ws

a comp! befficidrl !d clitist oB€Eisado|r frlild mdgitulised n.r0r I]dJ action
tunld w.€I@.d ttE d@dy t 8i!e lGitio! of ih. civilirn institrltion ovc! lllc njlitary.

If hc hld co@lidded dtc bENcEy !s a civili& brtecils for., n coutd t[vc !$d
u@ i! rbc f!.! of&y diEct rh.ar toD dlc rnjlir&y.

Shrhid hvcil Buli woc tbr rhc br..ting of old ,!n &s hn Sips i! rh.
dmisioD D!$Dg lmcca! whicls r! id@logi.d p!rt, P?P hld io lijt-'6 ltowvd !?p
ftncd io fill th.!e srps lovilg . p.w l!.lM wbj.A E uliEaclr 6U.d by rhc

Eilitaly a83i!. Onc of dc Eljor F-$oE wG ihc pclsolnl style of Bhutto wlo

colccltta&d dl thc lowB i! his !e4'r0 in tuD i!c@i!g }j5 de!.!d.Dcc on ilc stalc

apprE s 6thcr 0E tlc p.tty @U.t8I4. I& Ttlbot .o eldcd tlul i, thc l.sr davs of

bi! go\@@! BhDt!o'3 d.psndd@ on thc civil ssvi4s irci!8cd dlc to his eciF

mnonic !oli*. N.hotdielio! of e.b.3lio4 ilductid, b&lilg &d iEufu@ ecroE

thc led ard labour rcfom!, atrd the !@plc's wo*. Fog!!@e susEdrcd dt'
tlst or

thc civil $Nic.s.r'r Howvc., il could be atiriburcd io Bbutto's inability 1o slsai' rh'

$p!on of tis p€ny coll@gues &d ti. !e!fd of llc loF cdE€ ethia his political

p!ny. Il). @cat ion of ,ll Pot^w in hit be& 6tlt'd i! bj! lclieq' o! rne

blu!@.y withou Po[tical @ftd Si!c' th' PPP @dd not @ergc st srrong

$. Msj!'d &F &d aid tb' fau of Bhuno' bugucdcv

i.t@logictl olganisaioq 8aP

G.a. Zi4 due io his lolitical Eolivcs dd wilb thc suPPoa of the buquc@v'

! Citl Sdic€s R.foth CoD$issio! it F krev l97E' lo rne
rePon of U' @idnsson *6
cffc4livdcss of Bhuno's rtrcrsuEs lnd lesciod tbeF TrE
ttlic! M @d rcl€etl to th' publio'r Cc! Zia did nol
pEsot€d i! Sedttbd 1979,

ed ld'itud &ntrn'd ro bntB lns'

chegc th. sclvic. snrcte of n!' Blurto gdiod

Tfttl AEa Grcu! GAC) ed all ils

signifcel clbgs includbt 1!' Abolisi'd

llcmDds *ri! mage<l in $c Dishict M&!g.d.!r Grcup @Mc)f 13

hc ird.rs.d tbc

Pmvision for dor! amy peteoEel io joi! th. cjvit bl! $rq!.y ald bs{y hc stoppcd

di!6t rcdilnert i! lb. Off@ lvlllrg.Een crow (OMC). A! !*d r*ioEd llE
distindiv. posidd ofth. CS?i "'gc did et abedd t!. p'iftiplc ofldaal a|gt dlld
lE .xploitcd djs plilciplc to i!d@1th..Eoy Ftsou.l i! thc civil s.ivic$. TL retid
lnd ecrvilg offc.B fr@ Uc O@dds ro rbc NCO! *w ilducEd in lhc civil 5n4e
i!.dditon lo de mftd quoL ofthc dlled fGls Flaini4 to & rPlobhc sg.Dst I

civilia! lost trouS! lh. Midsty of Dcftoe'r6 Cd Z. !l.d tbi! pt.es io tuilirsrc

tE lolc of thc nilitaty Po$@l i! tb? civil s!.lot cvd i! th. Pon'wlhdta}nl Priod'

Bhunot sddiDistdlive rdms c@iddattv ch&g'd rh' old colmial pand

and d.lcd the no@loly ofdc CSP9 o! &. toP Positjod' ftc All lsEsiaD Unin'd

cEde Svs&E modiftd 1!c old !€tteor. But de.r9ltc b' f iltd to c!tuil iL poe6
ald jn 0F !.xi M.nial bw, r€rin llc 1oP bulscnts sE thc Parl!6 i! tlE M'rtial

llsD fd ws th' inPor!'!4 of tb' bue3ehcv

llw. Iie Dain su.b a PathasbiP

uodd the uivclsd a.nlScDeots i! dv loltv 'Iltc bu!'auctev i5 e ilcvilaue

!.ilid tb' Filitar, Mr thc civil sov'i@dt i!

@Dloicnr of. gov4!o6t rhd.doE;

itslitutio! ftc fl16 jBt ticil lo bdc lh@ in'flccriv'

Pal$ld @tld i8!oc rhis

ilcse E lipulado$ codd Dot .liEjnalc rhc PosilioD

of6e bucauqa'y'


Bhufio d.sLd d 'bal'!c'd bilal@lisrrt Ht 1ooL d

his foEig! rolicy

Cbi!! s e tlrmdive so$' of

i!i$sdv. to @Mti.tar. lhe @uuv! Eldi@ wirb
to thc wcs'r
! $ts v.Iv abod the
smg*L md s ! @utd_*it!t Hc
i 6uld b' donc rbrougn uc
rcsolulio! of llc KashEir iss1)' aDd vls @lvitccd thlt

nilitdy solution.!'e'nb olinio! m sb.r.d by U. Dililfy, wh'cb btlugbl tleh closc to

I! onld io Educ @mdic dc!€d.@.!d to g€t poliltc.l stt g$' B[utlo st'*d thc

policy ofgood rcl,rtio6 wi1!lbc Mudin @uti6 a3!6islv &e oil Dch Mjddlc &$m
Hc hdt€d t!. 64ti!g of $e b.{ls of lhc slsLs of OIC i! bnoc i! 1974-

H. dcvelop.d close r.l6tio$ wilh thc Muslib coEti" &d usld rhcir suFPon to fj@@

ib. coBt luctd Fogr'@. of P!rj$t! desPia |h! stspPilg tesiste@ toD l!'
!.sv odd! qi6 l!di!' hc E'4s'd ro sisD thc Sibla A@rd *bicb
Vestr'zr Dcslia

faailittd ihe E?ttirlion ot P*illbi IOWS bcld bt hdia i! l97l 6ough he


vlr.s didctsd fd Educilg thc sid8 of

(ttt'6ir s ! bil,lEd iesc dba th& a d
coDailc€d tbc US
ro lrfr $e tftr
ili.lDrliolsl orou Hc su..dsfi v 'udbritiB
nstlF l!' !n5 luPpli's' tholgb on a c.$ bdis
cmbargo on ?alist8rs sd d,!!gcd to

disdnd)d ol ?alriiln in l9?1' BbDno

D.aftc rhc UssR's DceEtivc rcle in thc
reoncilialdt tc ussR csttllish'd P'tjn&t
inifi€d ElstioN wiib il' As a ecalw'
tz' Nomdv &' addt loF* 4Fsal' a fo&ig! Ponct
flsr n@l niu in K@chi
wi$ $c Wcst dd othq totsr
ehich courd
whch swes th.ir inrettis likc FlatioE

clc si!c' B!fio nanae'd alt $al' $e nilitary

sdc 4 , souc! of w.pon ltd rraining

sith tis E'!tgda{ of ih' f@isD pol'cv ilcludi!8 l'tc

l'v!s g.nd6llv sadsfied
iss dd lbe r'ltioD! M$ l'dir
na!|€@d ofth. POV3'

M stDooth but soon n t'I
Ini!.llv thc civil gov€Dned_nililarv El.lioDsiiP
of$e civilia!
difdcllid. T!. Diddlc ddjls olfi@s eelc s€ndlxv in favow

goY!fucfi o(ccF 0o. ulr!.cesrtul colp i! M@h-April 1973 when sob. j@iot

ofrcqs of th. Air Foilc ald emy dpcssod thcir dis.d1elrodt yjrh rh. 8ov.@dr

policiB cspeirly the l]]@gd.!r of rlD POW' ise.rtr Bhuno a@ucld th.
cotrDulsory FliEtMt of Eily g@cEb't i"chdilg OeD riMid who brcl@! thc

tosfd oflow to hiD.r:t tlc.i$ forc.d lb. Chi.fofthe Adny dd Chj.f of rh. Air

$atr lo r€sie! on ih. cblrge thlt th.y ild Fir.d !o d.nd o. 3!P9on of tleir foEe i!
'th€ aid 1o civil' durilg th. lolicc soitqr" T!. suca.csot At Clief air Mantl Zlto

Clurdby dso aigocd folowi!8 his di$€r.bcar wib Bbuno oo thc E!flcr ofPc

@lu!. lclilffit of *vo lir force of66 ':'! n wat lot rt3isrld bv 'rre j@or cDl)@d
th@ fsDo6illt for
si@ lbcy ffi nol btplv *ib ib. biSb coDl@d @d @!ide!d

|hc silrudd in Dbrh TtE taiStution of thc ami@

o6i6 sbowd $ar thc
tlc civilie Sovctmcd $o!gh th'v *@
not in
conu$d4s wd nol €dy ro subnil lo

a!s6@ of lbt itPlon noD lht

juior offccrs
r losilion l,o arsen $en siu i! tbc

ln rh. wlc ot lhc seiiy &,t!t tod bdsr' M frdlhd tugddLd bv


of Sddlr D!e'6d i' AfEl$listd

ttd hh
rhe lostilc attitutlc of the n * go!@lnc
of laldnDstan iss!e"3' ih' civnid sov@nar
lublic alllen.ds for tb. t'vilEl
coAolidat ile ilcfe!@ ofP*iskt Bhulto l8ving otcc as$m'n tuI
eorlsvou.<t to
ovq ilc nilirary' FoEis'n $o dili$lv
concot of thc govcmltt ed fr doni!!@
LiLe Oc pF ious gov?lnors'
Ebujld it d a *clt'.quipp'd ilong olSeDstio!

to auo.d. the lior's of l!' ed@ Esose of th' coutrv !o u'

shoqld tbd ll' exp'ldit@s w'rc
dilitary. The budg.taty aXoc'doB '!'fcnce
appE d.d by21E pcrccrtdsirgIIEp'nodof

ft. civil'& Sovqnftor rbo ircft!$d rbr s.l.!i.s oI ih.i! @b iD l9?2 ed of

dE connissiond ofic.rs ir 1973. I! 1975, orba.Uotue! {@ irc'cled. In 1977,

!€bsio! ud oilu feiliti* l@ Bi$d i! f.vou ol th. Mt Mo!€ovd, thc

govfuol ,lso .xpaldcd tlc cxjltr.rg uil! of tl !l. thF. s€wia A !e$ air *hg w!
addld to ilc Nary !!d n w cquilEedt *Er Prcvidcd d!o. Tbe infrcdire t .ds ra! tn€l

by procur.indt ioD .b6.d. 'fttt w! rAv Bbffio did rcr puU oln tll. @ul!v toe

cENTo.rrs h ordo lo ltcd &c goal of s.lf Eli&c. i! defdcc produdron a sePdate

dcf@ Foduotion wiDg *€s catablishc.t i! iht Mmstv of Defcnce Mev ptudeliot

C.ililica w@ .strbl!!.d &d Uc old.. o!.s s@ cxFrd'd A f'w

of than s1d'd

PtldeiioD in tE Post Bhuro Fiod.'!

B nol lublish'd bv ilre Sovrtrsc a
Han@di!'Rehlne Comissim tepon
plblish ue
! good-will g€stuE to lb. nilitlli cooDtnd ahuto $olc ln't !e did rcl
n niShl h!v' d'sro"d rbe ia'g'
tleood-Dr'R.hbe CoDhi$ion rtlon b'6\*
all i$is1cd m nor
$c my 4 an insnition Il *a! nld bv ! rEbd ot Gasdls 'ad
ofte nliDg Getdds for rhc def'al in !t @ of
prblilhins it sj!& it wrs lighlv 6rdcd


for inl'b'l sccrlv

Itc civilie govd'oclr 5 dcPqd'lc' on th' nilitdv
powcr' Th"
ilcir co!fdc!@ s lh' ulde'r' srvioE dd ab! th'n ldc fot
in plblic Th' mv wa
wilh !!:u$1 caleid's d5o beb'd io ltsloE tbcir imas'
riots dd lar'! to dtc
ttc .i.l of ih. civil a|dlodlv in Jllv 1972 to cub bnguSe
cdldl in
d':! of (tacbi !6 Thev wet' slso
*ilh thc lalou disnlttn6 tT dli lnd Konnei
'n (1974) dd Khvbd
ued i! th. ?sjab 10 cub ibe oli--4lE dis ddoldratiols '!
adjon in Balochjsran 10
uptisi4 (19?O Tlc 6nv
?al(!iD}!we (Dir) agailst rh' tibal

d.5l wil! r!. i.ibsl ultld ald auroooEic illllrecri@s i! 197l_6 Bir€d rh. ,@y\
Potiticd rolc in l.!! @ury lnd uldenjned lhc dt dpis !o cnabtisi r.he supEmacy of
i,\c civili.! gon@bcDrr3t ftc civiUlD Colqu.d stodd 6aE |wtv.d ihc issB in a
politicd w.y bur Bhur,ro ptfe@d U. hilldy sojurion whic! povcd cour.r ploductive.

Fio!!y,lbc Drss DoveE@r ed 6. !@y! i!rdl@.6r i!.talilt wi& jr tcopic! rhe

hy lo tlkcova !o\iq s .a
lasi Bon, ft 3howd th.t rh. ,Di[lrry conrinued ro hev. d
ilicrsr in poliics bu siDce thc situlri@ bd !c,r be! frvohbl€, rh.y b.d kcF qui.r blt
ts soo s! lh. ctviliaa tova@alt los! cotuot oflbe situarioq
Ocy inrefloed dd imt


Kbrlid Bir Sqlcd dcflcd Bhlnkr a! ! .lopulin, tcldcrr3t s lE had &rimicd lhc
cobnon pmdc, Dobilis.d r\e !oo! snd a.sfdlEd rlc polirid of p*i5Ln fi.b ih€

clilc politics to ! loll)le om duriry ite !..jod of 1967-t9?Ort Howvq, h. snd

tlsuEilg !owe! cidly shoald th. t lds of.do@y. H. llpend .s & €tcclcd lodd
\rno rE d dl hi! clqi!@ ro qrrDUsI tis pqsonlt de Ole hc .s&blislcn his rutc, he

did cpclly thc olposit of wht lc [.d .hin.d H. slned rhc lro@ss of thc

deE@arjlltion of la}jsta! d tb. gtlsolr tev.l !m odd nol s\sl!j! il!fls gainile

pow.f. Hc could oot !r&ti@ $e idelos, tD h.d !rejcc1cd s thc foudd of rh. PPL

Thc los of thc id@lo8ic.l b.* bcciec ihc dj! ttls for btu dcdira

Bbuno b.lolgcd io a elcb r.d fcudd faEil, of SildL Hc was exr!.Ecly

i,tolcfur b*$ds di$id.ots ad a.r bj! o*'tr @Iasu.! bc.d. victiE of bi5

srrogs!@, J, A. Raljrrrro t!. S4Frllr Oc!61 of l!. lPP &d a feddal milistd wbo

lvrs djsiss.d by Bhutro, E bc.r.n rnd nuinililtcd o! his o!d6.r1r And $c l9?0

cldrioDs, th. P?P .xr.ricnc€d siou, rlrt djfa€lc.s r,/i&i! the p.ny.
iDt Mulhe
R&ara': ard Mllil Mcrlj XIlIdrs lubljcrlly quc!$ded Bndo,s actid to corven rh.
PPP inio ! f.ei3t ?any ed &ey \r@ si rj jlil wirhin !o de..r{ Hc ?dr.d ways with

Klurshid ltrssr! M.q, Shcit! rreh.cd &d Dr. Mubasshe Hrss& He ahDd@cd hjs

rEy loy.l !&ty Eenbetljue afta ! fs yaB ofrrr@ilg loE 'ar

Bhuno w!! ctdt d wj0r &! !eo!lc!,o*q but aie.dsunjns powq he ver.d
()erds siltc powa. Hc alonEd d. t udd lod! joi!
ro ibe r!p, ed ws lor borhded
tar heB lti.olring rh. oo@ii.d soct jj$! ofbjr purylrlD w,! lcn Iy Uc eE!.
of hjs Rd srE8rL'{ De to ihi! r.r!o4 rhc pp! .a$d io .xi$
&, ! Doliticd
orgaisalon .nd surviv.d as thc p€rs.!i6c3rio! of Bhlno od, I!. obviou ortcoac
@ r,hrr rh€ !P! f.ilcd io hobifi$ lhc @$, to Esisl M.nia] Law and evo tbe

del{ion ofBhuk, i! 1979.r,'

Stad.y Wlbon $ys rblr by virtE othi! cd@ri@ ar lh. pFstigious insriMoB
lik Be*cl.y !!d Oxtod, Bhutlo B ! d@61 bur lis beleiou s ! rolirjcj@ w*
thtt of a f.u<bl.ra! fti! w a vdy @lmotr dg{D.!r u.d to d.sibc lhc autoqldc
bchavioE ofBhur.ri. Tt du.l pelloldity cxll@ijon B abo expliciily u!.d io explai!

Bhlnio's polilicd bcbviou, go*€€, Flitio *6 i! @st of rh. tib@t dcb@@is jr

domidred by tc .Ul. of sil so!.s c.s. rb. todi$ !rih. Milisr.r Nchru.,ar Bur n *rdm
efl4red rlc lutomric b.baviou ihar Bhuno hd .rtibircd As , rund ol hct rhe

mjor !cao! Mind thk lotiticd posi& {as not hjs fcldd baa}grcud, insr.ad hjs

8D@i!g udd t bilillty rcgjDc rtic! bad r!i!.d E fic dcdocFtic stogd! lo
njD ro

aslabliib lis laelll !dc, .roptoyilg lic .lit s ilricjd oftle !],ls dd dclc..tcncy on
thc civil dEd nililary buowncy s a sole ofste$b.r50 Itad !€ srdicd his @d s .

young rtcrrlil of I poiitid p,rry ad dn rg.! lhmugh rh. cl.clolsl proc.ss, his
h.hwiou misht hlve b..o toislly diff.nlr d6!ji. bis fcu.t l ba.tSrouid.

I uiv.Bdly rt{aptd fa.t rbd politi.d lrniB @ e .sdtirl conpoDclr of

i5 6

ddlocrlay. 'ft.y liovid. thc D.cl&i&n !o s!cu.. .! ctrccdve Fliric5l Epl!*nrdioq

!robil'!. voldr cst|blisb govdocd!, lEfom thc freclioD ot oPpositior ro prorlct

p..!lc tot! ovcFsovanElor .!d to ,b!F plblic poli+rrr ft. tly fiwdo$ of

loliticsl !€niar iF i!. irt te*r' diol.tion |od ill.rcris' rggFg!rion.',: Bul i!. p}?

could ml pcrfod borh siE iri id.ologicd b.5. N.lifq@r Erha ir ru i, @{icr
Mtb itt popubr be*. It r.cfli!.d $rlponar tod Ue clr$$ bvitr8 coltu.rirg id.r6ts,
'Ih. ilraest &ricuLd@ tbd n .iri.d out dEioS iG frn EriD. Frcduc.d di*rlq


l}c PPP could lot sccu! r silgL s.d ii rh. Fovirci.l A.escinbly of Bdodisa!
6d oDly fou i! ild of Kbtt r P&!t@liE!! Tb. N iolrt Aqui P.riy &d Jei!:-
+Ula@<-bbn 6a& co.lilid gov@ro.6B j! borh lL. provinG. Iniri.lly, Bbfio
@cfld llc @dr& 8iv.n by &. Fopl. of lhc E p..ijv. pbvinc. And @ming inro

pow, hc Inoal !I t!. bs d tbc NAP iDloscd by G€d Yslr€ X!!!rr ,!d sig!.d !
tiFniErr' !gej,8 10 .pFilt thc Govdd of thcir cboi@ i! th.i! Fs!.ctiv!
!retjn6. ltrc lccod c@ udd cloud, wiihi!. Jclr &r rnd provilciri lrd fcddrl
gol!@c!i! @incd at cold *!r with .!.b oi!q.r$ Ana Oe !rh! cachc wll
dis.ovdtd i! th. hqj @b€isy, Blllno llblicaUy doubLd lb. jntolioE ofl,llc NAI

l€!&rs.r'7 rt. fcttad gov.@dl disdj$d tc Klybct P5}ltDldM gov.rdcri ed

the Baiohisrq cabimt'rl
'lvali Kh|r'l' dd rle Sddtto of Bd@bite re big v diti.tl of thc PPP

'ihcy wft rcr &ady 1o subnit lo lh. lrP,"r Ma$ agitalion v$ lmdptcd aSajnsi thc

gowmor a.tjon *iil. th. CorcEe@1 eughl thc & of fotlc a thc orly wy lo
hedlc 0!e silrutio!-r& Tle NAI wls badcd otr thc clfigcs of 4ga8u8 in eti's1atc

activilie follow.d by ii3 .lleSqd ilvolvcEdt i! th. PPP lcadd Shclpe's

'<qcqidrioLrr Tle NAI M di$ol'€4 !I is lad6 ilcludirg Wali Khe $tn

sdLd &d thc pany's sscis 9@ 6!.dst.d,re

Bhdto .l5o ,ggFvlr.d th. eti Jt I-NA.P tib.l f..lings &d sl8icd a cilil M in

the provinca. Hc ws tully $!!on d by ihe S!!I of L& who M appeb.lsivc aboul ilE

idea of a gplr'r Bal@hjsL!,r6 It E@!s w6 callcd in to contol th. silution i!

BaldbistaD *bjch @i!.d i! a.rio! riU rh. rjlftay @up of 1977. Thc P3,kjstb Ady
B asiSDed Llc duty of dev.lollHt l mrks in Balochist n includilg thc co.sla.$on

ofroads, dlF si€s, s.bools, rllc ed cl€ricity n ilri6.r& Il E Duch lars ais
th€ disi$al of Bhu$o who i.!c djlib.y opcratid w tcEilat.d b Balocbrslan.r'l

Thec a.5sIB iltha eido.d r,\. gu]f of i!. atqdy p.cEiDn8 difeM@ b.tvEn th.
6t:al gov@ni ed tlE llovile ed ilcr4€d $c rolc of thc nili|ry i! lhe tolily
jn lue cxFs'n8 Lh. @kt6s of th. cjviiid gov.lmol.

Bluno hld to fr.. stlllg r.sisrr@ toD thc oppositj@ gDups vhich e* not

ready lo acc€pl hiE s . nld silce lh.y took hiE !s on. of Lhc t.y playds who w.e
iovolv.d i! th. disdbm.rr of Pslisld'o I}c iotcf.rde i! $c lrovinciar afliE
iD vjohrion of$c l9?3 Cor$itution cnall€d Uc.i8!tisl snd orc lcftisl Polilical factions

ro joi! htuds .Sainst liE ! @@on plsdorE! th. Plkbllt Natiolal Allie@

jn 1977
Th. sotuc t d*isioD to @t.h.t dcltios b€foF Uc lcMulcd doc

provcd io b. a blc$iDg for l]|. oPPosition Pdies

Cdncs allcg.d &ar il w a L.hdquc

lo dcplivc $. otposirjo! of sufrcidt tio. fd tbcir @PajgD Imcdialdv ana rh.

Bbdto stnlcd bi! elecrio! @t!i8E tbtulghorn thc @EEy tttc t!@
\lE FsEidios @ tb. oPPositioD polit4l Pdti.! aDd ect@ I'14 E isPoed.r"

h cotrtrlsl to thc 19?0'3 .l4tioD! *t@ the P?l .M.d rhc aupport of thc

@@or Fople, tbc loE ed biildl. cbs.s, thi! ti,!. Ahfio r.li.d ot thc lo$tictl

hevy *jghts. A nubd off.utd ldtb @d othd id@dd t6ons w@ all@!Ld

pdity tickcts most ofwhoD weE d.f.!&d by lh. PtP's tlativclv uknoM cedidats i'
l9?O cl-lios.lt Bh[tu hiEsllheld plbli. E cdngs alt ovcr tbc countl. To st'.lsrlm
rh. suppon ot thc coEino! E&. he aEoulcld t!. g)!d ePiedc of l'!d elors

Tle llrgc publc anetdd@ i! thc PPP n4auUs adtlcd !o Blulot cotfdcne. csP@itll/

i! iltaior Sindh 5d ibe Puajab He w.s atso sdsficd stl de flvoMble EPont orilE

z Th. DG, ISI $bDit d a rePod 6 th. Priac Mid$d &!t his poPulEilv ws

al ils D.iI snd th. dE. E ti!. to o{.s! lbit Polulditv by @lbcti!8 €dy eldjoDs

Hc vs slso *nl a min.lct Florl wfth thc sD. &5s@@ Bhuilo dcowaged bv his

'pd'fom4c r@o4' doeccd olv cbaioro'r?r

Tlt. PNA @tlBtctl !b. clc.lio.s lDd.( oE svnbol ''ur ( ousb) dd a gt"n

0ag wi& nite srlts s ir! ciri9. Tle PNA lcrdasbjP @6ua1d or }iSuicbilg in

drcir @p.ign tbe coflpiioD, misaloa.bc of lhe etiotul vtdllt Ed @on@v'

th' tbue of law cd@jng
u.mpbyment tle sus!@!io! of fiDdan@l,l !i8!q

lg@ies fot pdsontlisdioD of Bnldo's nlc !t!d lb! !@vy clP'Dditues of ltlc
ldninj$"rioL Tlci! slrld on thc latioE lislrio! Polcy w,s lol cl'!r but thcv Fonjscd

IrldisarioD i! dEir Tle PN/' suc..stullv exPloiled dti'Bhutio s61iFc!a

&d swd udPoildly legc m*ds i! th. PNA Public n@tilgt ttd lalli's 'lesPiG all
tr.lien Dsed hy tb. tov@.Dt to blet 6c '.naduc€ '"r I! sonc di$icrs, dL PNA

hld sh a lslge sPpon thd lb. govtu@l could lot bldl ttcir Eilica' No dolbl th'

dpdatod ME f.idy gigaltc o! loth sid.s.


IiDlly l!. ctetioB w& hetd o! 7 lvt!.! l9?z Th€ PPI suld | 55 olt of200

s.!! ir th€ Naliontt tu*nbly, TD!8! P.odc wlt og@ting thc P??'5 viclory bd the

r.sdt $€n ed?.cntd. Ihc INA cluld s.cuE only 36 5d8 i! Uc Nadonal Assebblv.

Thc most asloni$ing Bdts v@ fi@ &. fujab *teE the opposiijon alliece @uld

*ir ody cieln *.ir our 6f 116 fq tbe N.tio!.t asbly wit! virlldlv !o sl noo

rrhoE ed R4lbildi.rtt n.re citics had wilEss.d fatly la.8c an ndrlcc i! the ?NA

public galh@!8s &d r.tlics, n PNA tedcB clain d llll a svsrdtic neprgrs had

ben 6icd out by lhe go!tu@t to dcf.rt tbd,it' A5gh& Kle hld givc. a Prc-lotl

srardlot ihat rhc rul'tg PP? wuld @gag. i! ! D@Pllatioa of 6c eledos.'n

Nirctd ndb6 wq! .Lctcd lmpp4.d lo th. Nali@d As.nblv 5d 66 to thc

!'ovircisl ss.nbU€. Ir 3rrhgthded lh. sulPicion alout de ue ot ufair mc@ in Lhc

cl-ijo6,1a Tlc PNA @didaes repon d lilt rhe/ wse forccd bv $e loc.l

adniris@riotr tol ro $boir rh.it rdi.!ti@ P.!.8 s @did B rr' Mdea Xrlg
Nieirrr adDined i! his book Oal BlDito klew thai t. d@tioD t.sulG on 3040 s'als

\ttio lnanipdated-rt6 In tuct ile PPP could .alily win a simple nijorily hul Bh1lno did


noi wt io lslc a ri!t. Morcovcr, Blutto !n&d lo 3.curc an rbsolute najority ill ordd

to shite ihc coDniudon as bc d.$rd

O! fic chteB ofriSSi!& th! INA Exccuiivc Coucil mouced t. bovcott thc

Provircid As@blia' .leti@g which Fovi.lcd vittudly t *dkovq lo th. ?PP

ct!did!r4. They r!.u€d lr.8!i mjdiii.s in dl thc Fovin6.'lt 1le olPositi@ dc.ided

to tlk Ae n6tid lo rh€ str.cls ald caled for ! Etiolvide slri}. which B $cc.ssfirlv

obs.d€d on I I MrEn l9?Zr[ Il .r$Ed lbctn td tley eojoFd Public stppon


Thc opp.sii@ had delltld b.tur! r[. cletios tbal U. basic issu. wa th.

Esionlio! ot dcrn@y."' I! sdditio! lo rb.! BiutloS w.n@ied liling stvL'

soci.lis dd .c@dic Diso&!s@6t wc.o llc bNic ises bul de rissj!8 in $.

.Lctios lrodmld . ee i,.!E of tut 'ftG oPlosilio! fiBr Fj..ied lbc .Lcdots tld
d@alded t sh ol.di@! btlt Bbutu did lot tay bq.d to thb d.msd ed dcclecd ii a

norMl hE od cry ol th. Psni$ dd anitudc of lh. los.rs of Sdcnl eletioN i! lle

nid Vdld,rt H. .c@ cxlc.t d th|t tt cv@ts sDld bc sbaPcd in a Mv thlr @uld

challds. hjs posBtul positiot To his lslonistda! witbj! d.t's thc s@c chsg'd ed

Bhutlo los rt. cDtjc gn! on th. silut!@ Thc PNA ta[i6 rcNitcd the pcoPh iln a]l

*!lG of lifc ilctl)dilg 5n d@ts, woncqr'r t.*r6rt Fofdsiouts' bui!6

coldluity and th. tl@re 1lr. studdt!' wings ofthe ll w@ Patticuldlv etiv' in

lrhoE ud K;&!i. DelibdaL hl| bFariDB sd c.,8utati@ *ith the policc !d the

sccurity fores bc.|t!c a rowino, Soo! &esc Pm&st! we ccnvdtcd i'lo a tulLll'dged

poliiic.n movemor. Now the oPposidoa's dded for t€sh


the dcodd fo. Bbuno'! cig!!tioD.'* Tle p$si.g rtays n[ther cb&gcd it io ltt
inposjtio! of Niz€n{-M!s!af!.ter

Bhdo d@br.d l!!t . forlig! led wd at mr?.i!s esrejdly lbat of $.

Andicr$ !!.1 aca5.d th. oplositioD L€dd of b.i!g foEitD as@l!.r* rus rscnion
tba,t Aedics wcr. ilvohld w dd.ly e.?t.d n Pl}jstla Bhoao adthes.d Lhc

pEs @nfffie aDd ilvi&d th. Ewly lppoinod US ob*sador to m.ei thc Pribc

Milista duirg th. pte$ codo@€.'t W!@ Ibc ttTllsloilliE of 'voicc of Ai6i@'
eived t'r.!c d@s wirb lte Aeb8sdor, ioM.]ist ask d hin 3!otn th. modvc of this

nc.lirg. Wlea h. Epli.d $ar dbalsltLr elri.d to ilvit thc &itu Mini$a for th. US

Nltiolal Dly Cc@@y to b. h.ld d thc dght of tha, &y (4 July 1977), Dobody bdicv.d

rlrt vlhilc Bhuno cl.r'cd tb,r tbry *€r. .gsiort lio dE lo hi5 iliridiv. lo $.n nrcld
prcg@. B
wbjch coltdded by thc US sid.. At thc sar. tioc hc walred lo show

D..tia thar llc US w with liE tht r.!s aly bc grrc tlc US eb4ledor aptoiltlndt

duiDg thc pE$ @nfacM.r5 Ho{wo ih. ojrcMst !4t .vid@t th.l it wd &
in.ligtu-Js bov@@t sulcd i! Elst intolv@t of lb. P@ple d@ to blacb of hid
cxD.4tatiols thct [!d Aod 90iff6l re M@!vd all ii. Polrical Pani.s
thc p!.Plc'!

in PNA wd the @D!.ddjve ponjca *hicb ffi! sDti-Andic$. thc o,ly Lnix ldtv

M NA! whi.! had . s@illie LEjlg. It M difficul lo tssMc ihat thc US tld &v
such @Iabontion wilh ltr.m asaid Bhdo.

IE eoi!@@r rcedcd io th. op9r6sirt n*Es !y iDPosilg s'cii@ !'!4' lhc

u5c of tce 8a9 ,atiti chltgE (e of sticL! by law ettor"nor tuuorilis on t!'
dd@oltor3).4!.vo tuing o! $c F@sioar.d ft' bP l'ldc6hiP a Ptn b'bird

birs *hic! otrced lh€ r.lisioE f!.tio!s to ske ot* Llc comer! ofih' 4oYmdl':ol

Wd lLe olposido! N.d bosqB ro dat *i$ scri@ l4rr, rbc 8ovct@.d ton !ari@
ed trte po[@ lnd rhe FSF cordld rhe Eosquls lo t .1 ard d.sr Lte deEorsralon. Thjr

cic€ted gE3r rcstlat lrd coeud.rcd t inpr.ssio! of rh. tovchnelr bcing a

Egioe wi{Drn hitt:o Bul rbc r€at Foblca stcrcd *i.r llc !i,ry wlr cdled iD ald

Mrnial tl* B inp6.d fBt i! rh@ @jd ciriar, rrrdE, (scbt &d Hyddb!(t ed
lalc. i! ot!ds.:6 ftj! a.rio! agliD dade &. @y rhe in{ba.gc of rh. situa1jo4 beidS

pFcti.aily ilvolvd iD rb. d*isior oati4 pm*s.rs

ftc jlleBity ofrb. linl,rio! rulcd Bhuro to he Doc rcaliltic ,nd IE opled fd
dialoge s@ PNA tada! E! de!.d ed bFushr ro Sihrlsu for BSori.lioE i!
th. nrsl sEl ofJ@a Bhdo shorcd lir $iliDtrs ro loi.l elcdioE in Novdbd
I977 ed otr ed ffrc nirisFics to th. lNA cadidaics duirS lhe inrdin pdiod, Bu rhe

PNA tso iEisred oD 50 Fr @t r.rftscarlrio, in r!.6bia.t ad d.Dlndcd cl*dos

b.foF 14 Augusr Bhuno @BrElly dept d d8o6l dt tt d@!!ds of rb. pNA dd
tt@ ebs a hoF fd 3iging d sgl!@rdl brr h.foE 6!r !. d.!.n.d lbro.d on a tou of
Saudi Arali4 Libys, UAE, Ku{ait ed Ile to it rr d.jt l*.tds for lhcn help i! lhe

Politcrl cdsi!, 'It. oplosjtioa root n a! dilatory ta ri.s &d b!cl(.d od AoE d.
8gtu s. t .dy to leetsdes. d@sds bn t. Am9
DtEisilg lcw d.tu!d!. Bluno

Chicf did not aA@.4 It @Gd douhs 4s to *i/ L srs @r l.nirt Bhuno @cpt de

&.sh dded! ofPNA. T1| u.tcrtio. notirc 6ighr b. lo Lr rh..ol')ict ili.,rify b l.'lc

*!€nt that Ms.tial taw couid be jurjdcd, l}is laid pioved ri8!t ard ihc dilit ry
inlos.d thc Mrnid Irw fd rhc 1lid ri@ givirs llc j\sriticarion $il politicias,
iltbility io a4lift ! Doliridl sotuioD %r tcadiDs pstili& lo r cjvil M.

I}!. PNA tcadcdli! l|,3! distlrsdi! ofBlutu aDd lratlle! b get rid ofhin .i .tt
@5!t Tl|y pL)ed lh relc ofspoile!. ASlq Kh& B lhc nost vocsl dong &cD ald
Bt5 in favou ofth. Eilitdl trLovd to orbd ne dd flL cl*rio6,4 Ir 6pp.6e lbal
ih. nil'tlry hrd a cld L&i!g loredr th. @alivc fdB cQ@iauy dlc to Uc

ptEs.nc. of L\c Amy Chjcf Oa. Za.s Bluno @opld!.d !o thc Amy ChiefdEr soF.

of dlc Gd@b hrd d.vclopd @l!.ts Bith thc opositior w!tc! a. ddi.d &d a.k.d

thal Uc hclligace BEclu's Mlcb oa rb. Eil'tey ofr6 sbodd be @ot!d. Bhuno

@Dplicd ed Lhc Eilit ry oficcE bc@. Acc of all swcillec..:ro lhc my's covcrt
eppon ei@ted tc oppoiitioE @ blrdeD r}t.jt srde dd lh.y $@ hwilung ro

@bproEi* wirL rlc golq@clt dcslia Bbmot &ccpr!@ of ,]l dd&ds.

Nedthcless, ih€ inFsjtion of Mdtili l$v lnd ldd ihc bililary'! lwilclting ovcr lo

a.oubbility ed Llq io IsleisarjoD wir.tjn fou noltbi cldly provcd 1b!: th. oDly

bd.6cidi.s re tb. rcliSiou! lsnies .5pc.i.Iy tb. 4 dich *! li. fi,e b join tbo

niliilry rcgine lt rc its f$t oplortbiry ro b. . !.tt!a iD dE 8ovtual.


Thc @y cooD&.!c.! wt jlviLd !o .n@d rh. c$ilct D..rit8s E@r tbr

discusing thc law ad ord.! situdion b Lh. coutry. Ircn A! l to Julv, rh. @y
Gclaals clos.ly obsdcd ilrc wholc proqs ! Pan olue govcmcnt dj$usioB l0
@Dlrol thc sihilrior In M.x .fi4 lh. COAS Colt.ttc, lb. Pdrc MiDistd sr,n.d
?" B)uilo wad
n erilg *ith tb. sid G.uc.ds .loig *fib tE CO,A.S to slow rh'

oppoftrls ihai thc med forccs w.re with hrn He 6E d a gubljc siltm.nt ftoD lhc

clief of Jcsc ro elleD{t ihc foH' strppoi to th! Pri6c Milistd

r I Or thc o&q bdd,

thc ?NA ticd lo p.du& tlc Cdeds lor to supld a Egi'nc s!trdine toE !

l€gitiney 6isis. Alb.jl ihc Ady Chiddoird fic i.qucst by the oplosilon l.add to

givc Ud d ilt wiw, tic govcmmi itscf Foudcd ilc o?PotuDry of d int@ction

who r.hc my co@odc wc sskd to git bric6lgs o! rh! wilt sirulion of ln.

@uEy, to tbc PNA lailers !dd.t.tctcnlior Tbolle!<ls of ).nas ed tclcgllm of the

p@plc and laden ofrhc o!9osi!io. ww snl lo lhc Amy CIid lo comc to thc lescue of

rhc poptc of ?atisur.1'3

Ijrally, Bhuno c€I.d i! thc Eilitary for hclp *lret thc FSr ed thc pole fril.d

ro E !.8. tLe stE i €ilatioo j! AFil. Ee orddld thc iD?6jlio! of Matal law b fiv.

citi6,'r'A @nstiiulton l @6db@l b irni tcd to iDPos! Msnid trw':1r Bhuno

co4sulrcd ilc Chicf on lh. q!$tio! of im?osin8 Manisl Law ed br?$ed Lhe
Chli@d of JCSC teo* t r'ra sud Co zia !v $phcding six
Gla sbdidri

sdior ocndals (lll. !o his loyalty a deneanor:lt7 od c he ca*id€ied him io be norc

inBftl. Zia rl$ .$!r.d bji tiE. ed 6g!b sbod rls c!3Lss $p!'n 10 hin His fcnow

C.lcials w@ voc€t lo &@F the opposiiion\ d.n&d fd thc it$ cl€ctions bul Zia B
6d ibt holding a retoEdM {uid !c dough-?'r T!. s4@tb co'slrudoDd
a!@&@l adlods.d lbe hd. M!i!d 10 bold a efd@dM ro t'lc a vole of

connd.ncc ton 1l:c natroD distly :r' Ii ws uP@eddtcd jn thc parliMcDltry svsl@

d rhc lol. of @!6dcM to th. Prin Mjtisr4 w lo bc i'l<'n ft@ 1-\e P'oplc sd not

Dcspit rhc co iau.d lcgotiati@ b.t*@ Bhuno and th€ opposirio4 lll'
prcblm peFncd As th. ruS n}dc of thc violace wE ilcFdits so w6 lnc

idpatjdc. ofdc arny. 'ftE€ AriSadied in rdboE lo bc reliev'd ofthei! Manial

kr dudcs oih€flis. tbcv of.r.d 1o cieru Thc nilitalv high @@ed foud it

ditrculr lo kc.p drlloying tDop! i! rb. Purjab espccidly b.!!w it M its D.jd
t!@itlot be 'n 066' rdBd lo sdc th! ordcs i! w a sitr of $. indbcidin.

the E ! bil trL oflhe lray which s equd to drrng 0E v..y filric of tle .d.d

foMs, Thc my cmDod ldcd th. gorcrMcd aboul the tooPy l€spoN 10 thc

lublic ltotesr !!d .tistdL for thc tov@.olt t tiosu Bol &c otPosition ald

gd.@dt @uld bt Etl6n D.t rh. €il€d w@i!&a

Tlc P\A lcSodrdos sueh EoE cbrifictti@ srd s!ruccs ed PFeEd two

E@.!.@edr on 3 July, Prot Gbdoor wro& i!.r thc!. s@ mt thc no dedands but

oDiy a! clfon b Ef!. dr. sccord, H. 6dl@ mtc wib rcf@c. to GhulM Ms1'L

Jaloi th6 f.dad nilisld. lhlt Eosr ofile clbiocl ndbcrs of Bhtto 9@ i! hsu of

@nciliaiio! qccpt Abdul Hd.q P..ad., i! th. nc.ti.8 hcld at ti. tiehl ol3 Julv ed

lhe &ny Clicfin hj! .li,scrclt stytc !,i51t€d thc Ptin Miljna of his fill slploa d $c

@d oflbc Dcdi!8,8 O! 4 .ldt .na leailg eith th. cllitd whic! E tn@dcd by

js said
rhe ally Chict dsq Bhuilo daci.!.d io M.?t tnc ddeds of$c oPpciljor It

tht Bhuno too! lhi. i@.did. .t cisi@ and a 3.Patr! Deij!8 with th' A@v C!i'i
BhL{to ,nnowd !hi! dehiod b a pless confe!.n@ at tldnisll blie*n 4_5 Iulv

Riai * .s ibt th.tt s m did@@ ihd 6i3 !"@t'!@ $!3 @Dveld ro ihe PNA

l.{de6hjp ed th. ABy Chjct'6 Howv€t' the pEss c'nf.me ndr $d thc

irfomafion B D!$.d on lo all thc lcaite6 ed othq tclots- Mot&vd

th' d n ofde

Ncoit acllpled by bou govctlmt !!d .plosilio! shos &d holh lbc govl@d e0

Ue op!o!i!io! wdc goils ir lhc dshl tu4tionizt tledorc ilB! ws no !'ed of lhc

'I!. aley bd lost tu Friacc ,nd th! Ocdcr.ls autbod$d the Attnv Chicllo

impose Msrtisl hw in casc ofthc fanut oflh. idt!. IIE staLd rurlos ofrbe M,nial
Llw M 10.nl th. viot@ ed tlhold fst ald Ae ddtio$ts Cd C$shi 6
sislcd tlc E* of ilnindilg o!..adon 'Fsi. PLr' thic! I pttT@d with lb'
@6$tid of thc tcoior @Dood6o Bh'do G* Zi" both.t-cd n- th"
Ft ption oI rbe Asdic.D Adbsedor !t I !.m.& Bhlr1o bld oonsdt d 10 llc t's!
d.hr!d! of thc opFsitjd i! a pEs conJ.m@ d nid-Dshl of s Julv but thc A@v

Chicfbaviq lh. irnlr.ssio! of a dedlock sigD!.Ucd fi. l0 @r!s !d tI I BiSadc to i'ke

A p€.atul tresfo@ttion Aon lh. civiliu to th. niliitry rul' M EEladl

dmueh lhc oP{ado! Fan Pby ob 5 July t97? lr ws ! @ilobE @uP ed lh' smjor

@@ders alodg *irh U€ Ady Chicf @dul.d th. stol. Pro4 of tI' Elavd !':
Cd At iolos.d Mdid Is on ilc gre@d! tu! tbc sid conflicr w to rL
strcts ald rb@ s!! t f@ of6c civil E i! ihc co@liv.4r Huti!81o! !"'sed ihat de

oiltaly iniwocs in thjs siruario! @ns'ddilg itscf 4 fi' onlv gouP/fo@ thal

!oss6 tbe ces.ity to rcnolc lle ordd !y hdri.ag ! lpid pollictl hobilislioa al

t*sr &opoftily.& Adtrsilg tle rtion Gd, A. ei4 a{ad !n dStcdot b€d
berw@ Uc oFPsirioD &d thc Covm.n! I wdd @iai'lv n'vct bave ilole
whlt I did"ar AI ibc politicsl l.!d6 bolh 8ovcrMd ed oPtosiliol w't. tald ido

Dloicciive custody ilcluding Bhlio. Msditl law was wclcon'd

*&ol' h'incdl' bv all

{r h.t@B of tb. si.ty Irl4, tbc M.ni|l trw Eeid coMine b

'sablisb'n '
instigde tLe chsgca of dggiDg of rh. N&ioul Assthblv lolb Thc ilqtitv .m[@
dlcg.d tbat Bhltlo bld Pr.Ptn<t a tiggi4 Pls B lslv s A9til 1976' uda $' ride of

iA Modcl EI@li@ Ph4'conMdy tloPa $ thc'Li*rn, Plln's Howvd lh.

lolhjcid 6!d thc p.oPlc of?llttan *!lcoE.d Djliury t k@vct b.eu$ i.tEv bcli.ve!

thcprobrsc ofth. Ary Cli.tlhatthcAlc od flit.L.li@ rc d !. @ldeled wilhir

tb. Ditr6, &ts, tb! t!* snicb r\tok E y6 to bc @n!lis!.4 ftc @ulry t!@i!ed

ud.r dir€.tnilitsry dc n D July 197 t! D@b€t 1985 n w4 an istv of tle

Pa}j!!!,i politics tblt th! struS€lc to 8et tid of! cidnn drcblouhiP €tullcd i' t DoE
opllsiE oilitt y diddo6hiP

thc 6!sl Mddal l6w bn $c &iio! Aagdco&4 politicallv oPp6ed ard

altniniillndy diss!tb6!d. Tlc liCv mttlis.d aui!@itade rul' @nomc
sd cl'ts disPtriticr ladilg to a s'$c of
dcv.lopocol b this Fiod Ld b lhc Fgj@d

deprivarion mong thc pmviac*.8' Riib,ld Siso! vdts rhar the uddoqalic

6virod@! sbin.d th. dolltl &oD lh. Povincial stolodv to t l@st @ded@tid

IiL. ihc oE dlbldhd by tbc p6Pl" io Esr ltljsLdlr Tr'c ms EovclEt it 1968

!dlid'!r'rv deDo@cy
agdNl rh. Altb FdE. had d@d.d a r's@6tion of thc

iliFd cl4tiot ,lhc i6doD of lhc PFs ed dr itisoluti@ of lb! onc uDtz' IE
Aid tE BiSpltion of Avub Kht,! Iris
virnllly l,'tc aj..!on ot the 1962 CdBlitutioL
lhc olc
succas$! Gd. Y!})v. Kla htd fouo{cd th! Public sddEens &d dissolvcd
rl|ioric' Lc sbolish'd lbe
eft !!d rstoEd thc ldlciPlc of diter clerios Bm in tbrs
the politic€l sysld
p!i!cip!. of plrity itbich ldtr ;!d sious Ep.tcu5sloB tot onlv fot

but also fot rh. uoty offie @u!to"r' fi' o!6td Ihc natics md could not conuol $cm

g. @odsr.d ile 6tn 8ptad dcclc i! Iarjgtn bt bb tthcltlcc to tresfa poM to

in tbe ddnodalc s$up

thc Aumi Lc.goe ,DIl bjs bid lo sssunc tbe plesirleiti'l lositioD

d@' s a najotity t'ad'r of Wesi PtEsl" led

colpl.rt with Bhutto'3 u@EProDsing

!o rhc Doliticd Fltritdion lcvct lo tc t@vcr.al ft! ctron lo Esolvc lhc liluatio!

tuoush atEy &1io! Elornirat ly f$liscd thc Foc.s! of disilag.d@ sta!&d

iMedisdy.nd lb3 d!.lio! of P*j.n!a 6d I t cddatcd uda thc c@tElstd ttd

.u&.dtti6 rulc of Ay!b. TlE frl of DbrL l.d !o 6 lldiet d tvP' oi djsdgls@tnl

Il a@4!rctl a fruiou! nldio! !so!g tL m$s* ltd ?duotic Polincis i! wcsl

Bhuno had !! oPPonuirv to !.bu'ld lhc Mdo'd coffddce in t wav $ar a

sirclg loliti.al stslch dght bc iDtitf.d b@!s. Dilillt ** d€dottljscd s

rcsdl of

dofcat $,!r eit wa. lor stonivc i! $esni@d PiocB E util&d lis populd strplon
n otkins rbc cltditrtioa stard!8 stucnEd Ff@' l!' 6ill, y 4d civil sqvica
vhich hld a smng iD!.., hn lol @!gn to drdDltc th! vttol'
powt s!!dw on

tlvoll'iot|lrt grou.t!. Th. pow sttrEtrft, brs'd o! lh' crvil &d Dlilarv

bu.lucF.i€i @uld bc red.ad eith t 3ttory id@loSicnl Poliical p8nv orssntsdr'on'

which Bbutlo fsil€d to i.siitui.. fta $nw of Bhutto lav i! !k iEbilitv lo foslcr
dd Espc'l for lhc olPosiion Hh
dcdodaiic ltlu.s of tol@cc, 6cloffiodt:ior

idbility !o esllish t!. ilniNritr and ro g€r drl of rbs p#dlilv cull' s ui'd lo b' in

rign a lost oPPortDitv 10 itsfr

diobtoship rs! ano$er caule whjch Dtde hie '
civilid domi@ce i! PEliis fodd.
.le iil.d to Eo$il' wftb ibc 8ot!rocnt ttd lo Bolvc tc
Thc olPosirio!

issr6 wrhj! lb. politicat svsr.r I!5L41t!', tdd'd to

lt!' $e Polincd nand !o tb!
sE!.rs- Tbey looL€d ro thc ,tuy fd $e rcaolLoo! of
lh'ir gricve*s aainst ltr'
polidcal !o@$ Tno nLftrt
goEMcd &d lcver ti€d to t€solvc thei! prcblcd by the
j! 0lc Politic'l ptoccss cxposd tnc
distlst &d offcial involvcncol of tht milit{v

qstlcss oflhr govcmne sld oppocitio! to tlem li Fovi{t€d thc arold forc$ with a

@ olpornEig io irldv@jlst !frd 3cr'!i1 v.fs of a fofed wilb&!'ttl'

Uld.r lb! FolooS.d oilitrv dL, th. Fliti€l ldica re t'otd ot block'd to
n@iiod i! oE 1^l!y ot lht odd. Tbc or.olibh nsdt vst $|l lb' ltsocitrioDtl

sdtiEeni! .ould not !c clrd.liz€d T!! uldndc t'sdt *s tbc d'clolnat of

factioD.l poftics. Bbmo hiE*lf ctoqscd thrcu8! t dlilrrv-blsd ht8'm@ic svn"!

ed M! loi lb! ptodd ofa dtno.rdic Foc6! non &e gBsooa lcvll Ht b?c@c

l.add oftlc tltid by d.filt iD lb. Po.t_vi{rdtel Fiod oflbc seond Mdtitl Is
dE to rb. .tisitn€gtlrio oflD! co@'tv Hc cxlibitcd dlc a.e athoriitrid !!od! i! lD'
g!i* of a civili& elc.hd ladd ts wF lbc c!4@llllistid of Eili!ry ruJ.r! 8d F t all

th. olpositio! witb lbc s€dc ids.ity t! u!.d to b. lle f416 Ed6 th' fodd Martia]



r6bs oftn. C.udl *e Vic! ldDir.l S. M Alltd (c.In.C Nrw), An Mdirl N@
l(ne (c-ii-q An f@) sd la Ga Andtl H@id (cbtd of ldy sEfi). thcy ft d.liaErd ! d.
O.put CMLAr HM ]{'kd Riri, kllhty, sd. .'l sai.r, \tll']'ni SdE+M.d Pubiidi@
2m3} t2-1,
'a c@il ol Adrbitu w 6rFd lni.! idtud.d At chidrnd N.wl curf re dt
hcnh4, B@ &d dt. Do'@ft] ol.!!* safikd |@e rh. ddbe of ih. Coo.il. Yilryi ddjd.d
rh! C.ucil by @oirdla Nd (La &d Als 6 rbo covffi ol d. Ea dd Wd tu*lja
E*didy rna..driq! 6a te d. @t6 od ed( 6. wt !!?oi@d lt od N.nt chi!6 & lho
'1Lt E d. Ctj.lof hd Sdic lranigae CS0 &d Chlitru Ndiomt Scuiry C@lcit

:llts Attri Rjzr\ Mili!.'y,Sttu .rd 9.1.a, tt,

,r4, rf.
*. .*-, e
- w of urr.n Pdi1d6 (BlMhgrm. Iidi0r thisiry P'Eit
.Fzzt Mtq4 Xjt4 2&tu C't b r' !&drrl,/, 0!Lbt!6d: Ndidtl Bmk Fourdrid,
lHtejd Ktu\
cMtLutarbt dn pottn pt EEta., of p,tut6 2i Ed ioi (Krn b,: o\Io,n
UDi6ir) PE, 20091 219.
- a 'TrE ll3 ss @ 6cd fdd. Nlioni b, i0dins t62 Sddt $d 3 *mo *s
re tu'io &d t33 g.Dol dd 7 w.n !d for l!6 p!*jtu, Th..tdEd esbt M b
@pkr. iB ffim dtjn! Nt *ihi! tro drrr yje r 3h@L dloriy. To ddB h. 3'i;q o.
s. pro! in.6, rh. LFO cl.&ly ,r!d rhtr rhl @diNdd woutd suE rh! rldldl otid m n.ir
n wdd 3'lee d. rritdd itugit irld.Fdqe od otiddt of r.ri&l 'yfis Fd rti. di;ibdio, ot
po4 rh. LfO rovi',.d dihd rdniMivr, halrajs Dd firmcirt r@oDy r@inr 3uficdr
por.n ror rD.
a D .M G'bda.l 3o@r n ror ds s! hed, b dlchrg. 14 Br.Bibitf iB. r;. ;oKhhd
qrqdrd or|ll t,l 6di@ od E8nr d t!. droDn dniE tud, 201.
-... qEi!
orHicq. Qurid-iae llsErtu Ror..lxlrjgu dtti,
u'ivqdt, hhits.i e d&, 33.
rrr Eidn65 4r{ljl3b.d rtii D.pm6r
'co6Mr pd rh. .ondidoi lh{ io tadc wud d i, Nud,ast h
ht.snry ed kdry of P|lJ@ No d. *ould pEh hdld bqw 6i!h. rito": 6,.*ni;,
{nEfrd *t Mldtrr bv R.3ot d@ b.60. i*ud @ )0 Dc.mba t969.
_ "Ej.ctioN ve *h.duld d ? o.iob? bd 0r .,!b wG .nlndcd .rrdly
d. .ycrohr h Ed Pbr.ijr4 uib3 td ot tjE ud DnFriy &dF.
''lJM rllrri Rizvi, t . rrrrda &ab ad Sdha t24.
,rd @, !oISIMEpd d@d y|!yr dr Do pold.d D&9 ;ortd sq rh. o4iont md tr woJtd b. drr
iu wirl Hqj! H4qq z.ede Bd,6 M64..nd kihs, (u_|m. vsgui4

|lc*iB w eiS*d.!. btt io 6. Ep6 abod pdry peror ild rcir tu$h
mo4 .'rTle i@. T6? re d hiid n lh. L*S.trne d'.n |lgffi ** Fy.n ils@ t&
by dEddd
'j. Bulri lt fray b! | d.libd.r. .ftn 6 jntuo@ rh. poinc! of$; couiiry locodtiig ro
m.n End ;'i@E lbid.. 12!126
.cn'g B|s,
"hlotu vor4" ,irm s!Dr, I j (MGb tyr j): rr-?t !.
' H! *! | rcde D'u!.hn 6e Ed D.hru. H. orbd fd p!rn6 d tlB
pBiddr of
bdd oaEa r!*tu
Pa*nb rn4
@ r hbl l.;l*
kno d6rd r[! .Lcrdr c @ i!d.p. d ord'd!k.
"Ltd 6 GwA dgiw Pei'tu rr747l, wt. I Krehi: Co6hm' of pdkr4 r9?2J,

'Stldd M'funo.4 ?atktu Ky.I@e (Uidu) ojn@r Je, Pubtish6, 1993) I rr.

rdd re m rb. t rsi, of? cm B.ltJq s Mujeb-a
d@hld th|! rh. !n
Rcbtu r rdd!$ ro 6. cho${;lcomd DlEL.6 2t F.bru4v | 971,
::Ho r.fi.d b lhd dt.6dblv sio! h Dh.tr sd rtftMd dibuior ro rivot' noh
_w' hft sd
wd Plr'tr *ho *sld ro to rmd dE !;im Bd ho did d 9€ ds tlo3ln vd rb'E
s mdidBd bv Mv. iNih fr. tdr,n ffi ld]o Hd Ud'' r,4 6 Eld t m Udu
Nl,.,l|'l)@, A,;{ s i(!d'd lis.a terkt M'tu Q)hrt 'id
Flbl&ns 20lt). 9?_3 bd it
* 'i'i;,iaia u" r* rut " xlI|ia Hls w B[@'5 ^tw
Fd isav. L..sE de
dq@dcd N; .Gd;d@ ta bod 6c F6 tt belliF ir Ddv
rh. EnE ^w'
d b &'rtt &vdtinS
"bt.nn Le Dttr 4 wbd Ptbt@ (b!d6: gE &
I5 td indctddae s4 C. W. cbotl&E!,
---'- 5i. *i, i" ut a"-. b. ! pu orth! 3otffd od jdill6d hE! t b, $vin3 $a i'
*.dd b. ! c!..1o"p* Mlieh-&Rlth.D *ho B h{di lorirdt spdrn ot 6 rrc' *
zi&' nasw,nica na,4G'Eb P*itu Pr.Pk! hv. i9'll 19-20.2l ?6 drlr
*;dhill t',b-,o-s;;"d"txtldro6|dthiEhvhs!' le?8l29 sd*
niriN t h[lil nlbri@ oltE h E ! P.*iet i tl[ ti6e
---' {;, tdd-"j ;;d.4" rr.!ru a{ro. ? Novmb* Ie6e qqosd i1 Ro'drd
w- U.l,-tw1^i* p"p*, S*o .&r coqoiatcl kdta Pott'@ Bt'sledah D'Mtdt t953'
69 n(!..bi o{od thiGit PE!!, 2002). 29Gr.
""-?;; :.;. d;;G'iiiryF"* orEdP'lBEr lt' @ u'Ldrh'aratiodrnd
*;-"4 ur." rL .@ a;- o"a iD M&L l91l lt! % EP@d b h' ilotdh:i' 6erd! tu
;;;,r.";;;; rGi4 i:'e"- oB (dd4 H.ir;G reTr}'3 rrs @d'd h.!
di-;oo d* us ofrai.L dd M{..{' t d id DI@od t6ib D'ro' e rDv *ro ' Mru
F"^iirJ"idrii* ' *J i' n- Iihsa' Er";..anuttu 165 6* us E bB, krMabod o us se
D.Nd( I7 AusE t9? I, q&t! ai6d'd r'l',b.fh. Po94t'6tt
- _-- ,'n"m rl p"o j,l r** i! t97r:' d. DDhFsrem of! Nnion.- ana Sb.y a2
(Fcrilsy 1972):97i03
' ttu di6 Badx ldd4 s@ EEIDd s! st@ tui Dt@ol dd iPPon !v 6'
*;#i"fifi d.-id;e.d d tb' s or'h' da* orxud H@ii
;; ; i,li-"r;;; K&\ P*itui L"d'tt p !dors"d'd!
Ji!* ur'rtt.F@.d Mo-^
|l< Pd.tu-@ublLh.n Ph D rbs4 or rIlbrr' u'iv6tt, rh' Pujrb LdoE
rot&ron B@dM6.o.udMitttatv 63
'n*oin i.ttxq.i.
il"i *v s rs D 'b' chhror
In'd Y$r Khd ald *d
6.mtsnff(cGs). 'L' "J t u
-' ^ ' i-s"'i b' bmld mv Mrjd 0d
p.it- ,t,"'t
thd @of *iE 3hourd
Eddim P'6! lc90) 6!tb e

st *a t'iir" tcatTl(P!*ltindi:
--lZl,r,o.var.ai*-a.aorYdvrolodBri&F ^nv s
ridDlv dtuld E qu@ s
* c.lx-ia * *jo v.rn h n'eftv r Pc];'^ hd o cndi'^h'tu*ldla':'4@rd
! trDL'ma bd
c"end qt sdEtad'h
f,d;;;;r.;;;;d;dds..;bn 'h'
{!c*.loy: lJnrv.Eity ofCtlilodi PFq I990), )15
lBdadia F B ud oln{obs d Juird ro w4or ! thEru'd 'roedEo{lot
i'l,;F; nu ie D..obs. a?I sB 6rtH,*
Th' M'6at'
rxddri: O,rod Uni'6"t Pt.a 1993) ra2
'-* ii;;;;;t;*l;rPuj'bHo6'd*.i{'{h}Md(E"vz2r
'P Nl Btu6k*. Ne D e@ctc R.ai' a : I .a'r,6MNtu dd PotuBOlN {6r'st
t-" 'ilffiml'"K- .*tr, c Ie2. re-2?0
g.ne.l dd6
d. p{DI. orP'r@.bctue rh'v n'e
; Fr ord. of
** *"'i;;
t"ri iia.iin ta- Mbc ord!8dhs @ar5 PB'd b Ers b rmv
& so I "6
Hlffsffi?#;"'L",eM$b,e?2 H.si knd.'da

oMlh8snt llsE t\Th.Mtr.E at PM: lk lrquiv tdo ttuta fet t97 t' 1977 (rtuhi:
Oxtod Univ*iB PNt 2CO0I 30.
rrn. odietr d\E Li cold.l b Bnlrdi' d*. d 6*h s rhd middl' mkit3 orfieu
"Mridc6. slulrd R4Itu ?tr&dta /r6t7l ch4ld 9 sa |l$ rl}n'd sl|m
rd4LBdtTs&blt , .lrrii O^*: J!'s hblidrr l99ol 201 203. &d Mut@ Parho
'-_ 'Fdii E.,MM
urb n.ldr) ,ljdffi: Dnl SbE, 200 0, 2&}2 ^da
fu-J *r.bl^ ct.r ruis or srdr c.d w Ib' hac orru5te d' cohEBlio oihs
*u* "* rui* .r""*u:-ltuq (cbtf rsi; of Lh@ Irid colnl Tufiil ,4ll
tuhM (cbidJune ofHch c.!n olsiadh dd Bnoditb)
--- FK;-;i;&di*lr&du ds Bh@ h; d6@td @PB orb' EPo( b'
*." * .i- * *;"a *n !t @q fo* dtd'd rrr tE YdLne zE
ifJi "i ".r"J *
i,IG. u,a.". o.v' b.6t! 6. rtui *"@on Klee5) M
^"L 'th
i - P-- "'a
P't;,t, l snae $j,'Ai odo Uni€Env P@ 2l3 2la
jl * l@Ed m Brlochirb ndi rt' bo'd'E of
- ""''ir' " *" r* **, "r'r"rr!l Fgeii P.klsn, da
a 016' coudtD Fo-d'!'r'$'
smdi ed i;;;i;;;Ed re brck d; supprr
MlD|JjJ'sli's,It Mb$.olrM n 'o

"6d h;- @;*iv Frit rb54 Fbllihld i! f'a? l0 JDuatJ Fcbru!'v l0e3'
g"'* r,&r,," ,na- al- Or.w Yo'L sr Mdm! P* 1t30)gtutu
"si.lia t"'.a m il"'tr., p-'.r G i\o bs'c {iiti
''nii.i-ti. @liddion du' b
dcr.i.d ru;s;d o.@k M id! os *1.@d F vd mg rd Gln 2h inDose MMill Lru
-_'__- Bhtu, ii lrt.
"$sh,L Nr"o oas.?swa (x'rElt ortdd u.'E'rv Prr 200tI 3r7
di I w'r
6d oad qu6 on'd 6i ho*
''i-li ii,6i-G.
i a"i;
"ra;B i4pG'! r hi!'v fom orgovms'Drr
.*rJGi tx2 cstuion
h th' hdd! of @ PEld'( D' P'ri'L *aru
e;'. " coldhd'ldltn. po#
; ;;;:a;;;;;p'oi'r-o
;:i,;#; "rbd.diotr -a*v * u o"t""'dtP'shms orti' -.
#iJ-s. t6*i p.u'* * ;-"u. .i. DopL hd dd 6 FBidd *io 'od
iiii i-"ni- -n'. p* "otrh F€'od
'b' orlo
2 (ausd 106') r':
^ *;zi-dr.i.iij"..
s** c"*;"".r
ii'i "r in s@'v
r.r-, JtN,,*a h"s"a. - nc.*tt^ h Pdtx!'tu 't'\nltu
NrrMl Dlfd€ C.u4!, l9t'4) 32_tl --
'\ui.ta i.intu t M"dn,9&,er osde: Hd &- cdt$n ^ 2c'0s) 22e
de l@ roo 6' olfi€ or |!t coy!@ sdoehnb $rtrg lr
Bqu -i!F.!
"ii.*rb dF;rH. dd;.d@ d* .* P'!'n'od se€:'Td H:*: d'.
h. *rd;; ^rl!{
.a ' ""4 'h' M,*I
*"g porni.iDi"r h' d kr'!n n m' rtm ii si@titu ii
l,:Jiii"i,i,iii ' ;i.ru*;,lsd dd iDhr* plbrilh'd in'MFlc'd' '0^prr reTr
5 oevt t972.
21 ta.'&a t972
'DM r4 MEb r9?3
t,ndrc dff or,@ d5tuio @carv
{iJi#iiJ'r,iJ;-- "p't'.g 'rr b wr* F
N6dE @dd ed ns[6
-6 N "i fii'ir. or@n
fil'-if,.i,], .-'am"' ror n; c@6dro
$Ndt nd Dev s n:.tfl#"i",tr#::"fl
aN;oroe body, dr
job o rh'
o.', r,*, t"-',
Ac!D' {u}d.. r'3
Puh|'rE!, l93l), 3?Jl, 41
a'nT']r'fr PctntN r Mod@ dBto' t 4 i! rr od'!d'.:'''
2'hcndn'i' b @
in arr $' modffiE
' iil-i ril *,rr.a o. *0,. no* 't- or \d rI' b:Fl
.^eiiii.i h rc'ind $.ir roEs ova th! rsd! oI 'dn'nsd'e'ad
r:i:Hl;"l;iT:;;il ir';;po$od raid so' 'o*!d ddiicd sd rd''d
io a(r'
rr* E.ti"g&d .*iNIion'r eatuh'
l#'ti? i"lii,jii-'iE;-uo';;ii;€ 'ih'

'tr.es 3 *fd .dd.d b rd.h 260 ofd. Cddtuie Ani.l. t06 E !l5o b.'!d.d b sreit
ri. |Ead Fs5 of Q.diui ad tlhdi lroq a ! dnat Codituid (Seoid
Andd4d) A4 i 9?a (e XtD( of l9?.) PLD lra C.ml Sbs, 425.
oTtE !, p'.s.d br ln. M *bd Ch.rjnrl Z.nE IIld r polrd.im &!h C jn. 6 Lndd
@El!d politial4j!r ofrlo c.v.m ofw.{ l!lirl!! Nlwb aFir Munmdtd Kho of klabllL
lDrd !i! hlil !.6c |d b .U rh! .4 rdla.d 6d b b. 4ird.d 4.irn
Tb. rrhoF Hign coEr
iio b dis DllB olDohlol lirioi..dd cod. ofoiii.d P'.c.inc (rradDa') 6@ I9r,
PLD 1976 Cahr S!!i., Jt Co& ofcrbiid P@dG (^nadE nr) 1976 (^d XIll of r97O
PLD 1176 C@l Snnt , 175, S..lid 49&A w ddd b ric Codo ofc'id'rl
^d Prc*'ift Founlr
am.idtud oft 1973 coE ibrioor Ad D(x of 1975. PLD 1975 cotrfrl S!turc 337.
'Dan 15 Nomb? 1975. T}. oDDocidd mb6 a6 fm.d dl!ldbo.4 of Nriionrl Asmbly by
d! sEny ..& Tb.y idbd.d Cndh hhd llldri Mubr MuIb M.lik sutm.
PEnior GL6or ,$n 4 ]{no.d n z Kei Dr Ghulb H6ii. zul6q! Air Bq{ sd M.ltrood
oco$ri ion (Fiin lD6'tn!d) A.! 116. Ad lJ(Iv d 197d, PLD It6 Cahl Sdd 533
y,\i. fh. ceasond a,n Polltk.! Eit ry of Petl@, 297. )ajc. (R,jJ!l)
Muhimd Mm& E 4poi!&d lrw lr0D!6 i! l9O. 8. lrtoitrEd Sadt lqbtl md M&lvi Musnt4
s rhc jrd36 of rie H(gi cdd.rd bodr hdh! tuh tirL otah dhd od .fud.d
^in.dd$k e dE judtd !d tb! !d!dt of tu b! of vd Prlitu Hth con Ti. ii.ehS
p.lficidior sd inrlud€ of tb. 3oMb.m &!$ed rho jutltojlry a x iditurion Tn* 6@m.d
idituion sutf4! ld! ofDturi8c ds b d.dtdng conuplld !d t DorisE in rhc @6, nvdv mdg
r[. 'iudd ud ush h.M!! d. bc. &d tn bocb.
r^ E* scynns,&
"A\Bbt]|Ll" 4vdtdl'lr0i@:s&3+M.dPubhdioq 1999r,llI(FsF|
"F.d.rl l!6ter 6r^)' st Fd.d s@rv fm B
^sa.,Lr dd odt *id' bidlr r.'Phinidki Y..tdt
ebl&h.d 6 ci. lh. iivil .ldlcidB h @j;ii!i
otulbly eiih r la4r b!d3c It! .eM by Fdddd q@ Mnlnd i! th. s.@, N$o4'woqat' 5
m 5 Jut 1977
* P*itu: 6Fc.aldrD. S6itli5D' eld.d.k n ( K Btal{j P.ttt@" Mdcn 1o

DM@trl ed Ijhq'lil QIN D.hi:.|Eolhbl!n6, 1996),93

oMs M.btlild ddE b.liM of a id.olo&/ osidc lelm.
'ft ! r Elisiod i$u.d by r ftdi th. Elitd l6d* ofMutlin'r'
"Tn PPP ;@td hil.d 6 i, !i;iE@ w4{ nd th. ldor lrs vd ror itDlt'bl! ro rh'
'iia*d*a.l6Tt'id. P.btu | tlod6 F rq,212
!EoF! *itl rh. Egihc b€u 6?v @
'5rE r.dt.l i@X.fult widi! it PPPrblt w q1'* iu^r:l"L^a{::l
id dk6.d *irt' ric p@ or rfi. nal4.idid of dliit |sod. ?ihr
\lo*s Ols dioa !.d SEk* rJut n we n," o.'"toaa -a ^ ct
3. l0 (odob{ :00{, l3l'

{- di.v.d d 2l Julr 2010.

"tir w."i c"re o-' ud M@d lxt, PoltEtq 1,. E^ae' 'l b It 4'n 0l
Bo'zut. i, Pv!.h @6]ilb|, v4 vidA*t lt,).
\nftJe?ar!@ tt .dai Hht4,2t1 m 20 vd
"R.i' Hu;n P@ada id.M!. w; N|d Bo*l)ti 6 HUM Tv klocacd n'h
?0r r. H. w Mdbd &!vn*i.i fd Bbiirhd Disic1' s.u.h Pmjab, Ie35
i" ;ort"a rrr in rcrz. L&. h" *.d i r abi&t d;b6r b N.w shdfe ebi*t *hd 'n*d!
^smbt, h' ru r
- _ jrnr", r.r,a"a.q,i"@."y Dsins 6! ah@Erhpublish.dr4 Phjl in6i!,
D.m 'iiJ.
of Hi@, Odid:i.Aa UdEnv, d!Erb!4 2009 2
"*-ni;#;:l;i.;; itz ro'"i'a u'-ioa "o u*i' ind ,,"i'i i'crsi's tro Dd
*L *ji'"a"o"i r.,w.ri*h; '@, Ebicr. !*Dbrid3 md muunsld mdor
i];;i*l;-J;,,;A *-* io,ii'i6 Dd ind@nr.n'mi"r' Bbdo
iillifiii," r"mr rr'i,-*itifiio.-! po*t ''a a'oi'a'a*rdtmctrsm" ti' one rd
or Indrs€'rr'-
fi* ;;;l ; ;;; N; ;;;o;;is i!'id'rl.tim 'r
telt'ttu"c' /e?2' |K*h: D'o^mr
i-,'d^ii.ui s"ri* ^ash r.tu ao-Danbu
ofF ft 0d PuSlidion* 1972), lr'

-rn Bd'n of M|.r8ldtd .r.r!d by Dr Mub.islr U'ss w E dihl? 16 rht

bo.a.e( of iri@disd ildei* r nit.d !o tdtom i! ftldio rfiict .r6Jcd tn. pDddid o!
@ led Dd d.IB!.d th! poljrtcal di&ra old! PP? bi m rh. odd, Se Shdjd hd Bul(i,
P.E @ rtd.t Bh44 |+1t5.
O^q Nnt\ ?ailntd: Pol cd tud EM,ntc Etsbry SiM 1947 Qhdan: K.ZAI prll
rnr.dioilt. I 9331 77-35.
'Gh6 ldqdja, .to. hBking dd ronor dliDg initusrid w. rrii@tisld in 1976.
"sa..4 sh.h4 ciril onl Muloy R.lcb$ tn Pctlru (Bdlde 'Prtuh* Pe$i t997)r t3G

'tb7.14 Ptl!tu 1tuoaq ELtoty,,l0.7t polnel Lfr firtti tt. rny d&tlEd d@
Ei.nr .irF. tl|, }6 n'Edy d4r6!d 6y thuno! l ght Fl!@ii!.d dyl. dd rh. dr, of to&d

rll w
d..lr.dod rlorm ofPPP i! ItO *ni.h n@ Foo4 Cloo,! and Sl*hd lbr Jl.
.Du.l ,!q[ e b .s'i.ul@ gd nln 192,77 mi..d 2.1 ps q. c Mpcd b
3.4 pq 6. .ntrfu 196069, in DDl6tuii3 dd l!di!.d r0.l !s d c @ftrd.d b r 3.? pd d!
or r950J9 *lril. lxport *ft @d.d a 7-a !q !6r ! 6nD..d b tJ i! r95G69. Cov.tud of
P*itu, t d*ttu: E@Mrc s@4t, rnilibr. d i@ri@jtsD!q3p!r!&s99.@dodic-!q!€y
lohn ,/|d!h!, 'Pi&jtu'! EMic P.rl@6@ itr rh. 19303: Idpli{rim for Poliricrl
Brlde," ld CdiS Be, zk| ,,rjra Polbt* ahd s@it, tr . Fhnnin. std. (l!l1@: vln3utrdl,

tn. .6obic djslisidid providBoDttuE to Eilt@y ro idflci. in rh. poliri.ll

donrji. Prul B@ld, n/@De@d7! tatns: rhtory, AowtM.d ond PoixB (1r.\| yatk Sr
Dn! cluiS. w !d b rft.r l[.
r6iM ofd. .:iiitr3 cli.E.
'G6. ]{li Qlli xle, crlJt' Joid ctit ot sdtf cdnh,e {rcscJ, r9r&r00 r, iretu.*
EI4td d Oo N.a l0 De'!b.2010, d 10r0fr.
'$.M h\id AD}! Patidd' a,4' rrlb lA.
Rsza st\t@. cfrtlntbby Rttald in Pd4t4 177.
xMit P.Da e tlr ttisl'c D.ihe orraidor C.@ oI PJ@n. Mrt 1976. Fd tuJ
Er a r!.ftne romrr. n4 7-t (rurr^lgq re?6). 162-1
"lh. I97r conridda rlrn 9i.rhra
Ibid., Atrrd. 6 (D ud (2).
*r dath s.lll!@ d liE imDr!@4r fd tDc d of hig! t.son ft,id , Ani.lc 6 (3)
s.. d' 15s.dhbd 1971.
'r4a 06. zi! r.ksd Bhdo iu @6divo .6bdn i' 1977, sM ht Glt thlt rlr. ld.r'!
populdit, *s b.ot rnd ho would b. El@ed ii th. eLdis, th. fN c6idadion u .hd h. *ould
hng tn. dln8 6.8trb fd.bDgdjng lt3 Cddtodon, Th@3h Bhdto EF!.dt norj .d r!|l hd
mdd hrr3. rt. diididrl ils ii flvour of 6a Zir bd l..pi4 his diicih of Mtnili lr* itt
public ndin3, h. d(lssd duing na dcld oldgi uda Ltd ks ot 1977 od k@tri8 lris
m.d t'1lMFlIdjn3 fi. oppood tr B obviM th! h. w dt loing @ $ae dE gffi,t
At ri Rj2ri, M'tuq, S!d. dtd So.i.rt 121.
or^nb sd Bhuno
"'X!id Jr*d Tt &$ntualdr.y ii Pr$!b: CoeDndrc Stud]u'iv6iry'
Ee (l9t3j7), unpubli{.d }r PlJ 6d!, D.Drtr'@ ol Hiiio.y, aui&i-Ae rsl|orbrd

'0T'6 l.Ml mn Efd b rio hddDtu of of,icd oro tbl sovm

eo\hm.nul !4ror. 3u dd Ih. l9?3 Ciu' Sd ca tufomr u P*iqd rt. h ^f6 b ! rP'ifi(
;'m fiosirr. Thl pqru m(lud.d hotlabi mo6mr sen jn. ddB of fi' br'rxr"
una *,ii*i ro""r.or rt'" .,a8. chtrt s KM.di'' Rtwnc, rabd K!6c[ir orfo'd

. D.s rbd rh. hjSh p.* codd b. fit d by diM hdudi@ ot o6eE d dy lcvll. BlfoE
tj'!r i\. ofil@ l@ enDd rhrutb d. conDdrjm .rm nbm rhr h.$dnrnS sS.;d .kqrd b
ngid ds @ugb d.Dead FMdi@ Tl*F w m prtkd of jndmd n uy orhe hnt.
lmd't!I, .n? niF lmd! ol rb. Mmd of rdninifriE Eft'll!' rfi! lovomd a .d tor
dr. r,'lidioB fd ri. !9!.ttud b P{ift: Fe'si Sde Dd b dF Card S@i,r p6!, lll
6. sn d@ *E nqln d b rSa i! r[. uih M -D.or!t saEnrr/loid s4Ery Er6iddd
1971, 19t4, l9J.' d .reiouioB @ i.t4 t973.5. Tt 6 s fd ilrlqdu.l odidd. *a 1.8

of i*turM, &biid SmEid (Edbthh'.ir Djvijj@t pr.$ Nob, 20
&ldid ptua by-p8!.d d. Fdmt Plbbt s@ie coMi:lid ud odjdld *d ro
b.*6!d rhElrh 6b!d etuey md . sen| Slldion lqrd .s!G.C of j.6t €biM ninh.u
didt cD.BiU. ro rh. Prn o Mi!!d ,r i!@.d ri. pet irr of Dotid..l innue h 6. *la e
plKn siri6 ny dd rbi, F.itu dabd o uv of r.og.r sd shlhd Jrwd Buft, pcrd,,
Ith.y poiid d retdof tls t*. DdiFn .,1 of obdidlB nit.d in *ib lrd !!d
bypaii3 th. $r.djo. bord pD.6r pftDdbr w|t!d EqriliE qltifidrjoE, b..ns ppp.f,iv&r
&d Dn-Pd(ituL Bd olr rbh. ofd@ w ff.ri..th@lrd b-oE rh. sis dE ppp 'n rffi|nnor,
vhilc 2 w.r. rdovrd d..hiiS c AdlP.tituL Gov.lm.d of p!li'tj\ trhn. 'o papu 6. th.
P.'fetu.Jtk Shdo Rlltha wt t\tyn,I39-t1Z
''L.we Zi4 nd R.bd r:P@ lr, -Ii. Plritu B@dq. Tk vi.4" /d
s!q, r. (tEa'ha r97O: lore i 103.
''gl'sLj xua, tvee.c! i, p.t!t@\ t4.
"shlhjd ,!vd Brri "Euildirq Ns p*itu; A SFposjm,_ ,{rr' SyDT 14 (D*.hbq
hn 8tub 4 Paltrte Eb Lll. ort risq
wztpa4 A,t.* York: o\tad unir.sit:l
r\tTdh.lpalkt / Mod.m Aitu 222.
"'cltttd Kdtdr,av@aLy h pd;'h4 tot.
'''GoEhmd of P*!qa Es6lLrnsr Divirio'\ sRo r 29aoy3 r, r DdFE r93 |
'''S.frie Eft@ ndu.ld th. d.rb|@ ofCSP. ir lno E!6Ed rGn's. DEy h.ld 0l F ed
ofrll por ol Joid Sar!6y L.vd &d a[oE i! qri tovlM In )y7]
b 41 p?.6t, .2 pd d i! 1976 $d 36 !q.d h 1932. Tn EFe.Ddim of odE Eol?3 b highd
poritioD@trvd6ly i@4d 54 CtrldK.Mdy, Bvtcwo., hP'|Na lc/.
"frn An 6itti\ nn Boatol d tdha Khe hlq Deaea., caA M tt, (Pr".tpind:
rcL Plblislil8 Hdq 1990) l02-10r,
"cca Zit s ral r@h.w Xlirlid tibil w rrsftr'.d 66 d. at t@ to rh. civil *ryiq.
H. 6 sin3 a rddidond s.dly i! d. Puj.b Go!@d i. 2010.
' 'zu,fiqr Ari Bhunq lBi|dE liil N.v D@r: P.tgd Hd Ear . (Ar' ) 1c76) t-se.
i1r l9or h |
$e.h n d. Pr rimd hr elrd! dx Cbid tldor @ or.
ro P'kkri.nd $. sovhmor nrd rdopr.rt d'is tsrilr ii .h. dionrl in&Er! ot rh. .ordry. Narioill
A$.mbry D.bGr, l? JuJy I963, 1666. S* de Dda l3 July 1961.
r'lt us rh. @. wio @vucld arlb b idut D dp.iliry rD xsint o) *rc'ng gldilld
dd 4ud hi! d)d I'ilir *dld .d 6.jc b' *r @ ldoldorrl bd!4. AtBDd Xih mc da
*tui h. w b s Ayuh {d otrcd hi! sie b hid 6 . di.d at chi.4 th. Lb rold lim th{
Bhtu au,.d htu 6d tb.r {dd !. @ Ircr sl. €. MubdM.d Astht y,fui, 1rt Fid Rtund
taAezo*tttu Yd 1965 (rodao: Rtnoor Houc I9t9) 12.
lbD.nnis K4 Th. Onx.d Sttu o.d Poltttb 1N7-2AA0: Da.rctd,bd ,alla (r.ffihi: ottard

TtlrnTrlbd; P.klttu: t Mods, Ettt@,233,

'"sibh Agr@co( 3c lq ib. Exr "sidh A3r@o! Jdv 2 l9?2." rrtnv.d n h
M,*ahrir'iddMjd.ob/,.JsiDll^g'malnb, 3r'05/10.
r',|'r @t tu B i!*d i! 1965 wdbod lldn odhrid I*
n E uria idDos.d i!l9n w-'

rrPtiN Mhitu Z a Bhdo lrid f@i!i@

lio ofr'*i.r. SEt Mi[ - 3or D.c.nba r9?3.
EtuEd.i'DD lw.m m .I/'uut redtMl o 310540.
-A! o6ci.l FB EL.e otri. r.fu orP*j&L Fbii:h.d h P,r@
r9?r '/a
'xTnay tulud.d ca
y.hlr r,ha lrrhid |.L4 O.M. P@dA 6hulm Ond, Ktud.d Khm.
otnoi EliEd w
2 Ca.E!, 6 !r. Od@b, dd It M.Jor Gd.Eh duint 19?1.?2.
HM A*ai Ri*i, Mh6!, S@ d'A SaEy, t43-t4,
'_At Mdd RrhiD k[&! i'@id F$li.[.d h hs tu[o.), 20 Mnl I$a.
_Ttd oltcr @ s!.d ftr b.4 ilblv.d b l9?t dtiucy |!rid rh .ivrl
8.M..t ft. An F@ od d r.tuei 6E oldd rig@ hiFiromm redha 60! 6vo
!o td y.rrn *{tlL rliE @ Dquin d tre dc c[4d 6d Ib. @ ru drcp'.A assis @, Pt*ttu
t/'a 2 F.b,!d, I974, ft. dridf dai&! ro Fdr! .U ol Ihd !F6r!r.ly, Aa oivilid govmnat
Eirdbd svii ot!6 rho ^n *F fflrr.d n@ lb. !brr6 *nib r!. d'L:t,d of dh* oil6 m
delr,.d !drd, Tt t Chi.t rd!!.d b F@s |tirt d. gov.ll:ed! &.isio didrh! n 6
hEf.@ ji iidnd !116 dr|n Pd Fd of6.i.l Fs Elae € t !d4 lt6, 16 April I971.
Itted Sinb A@d rdr lr2 led r-.; 0..6 bd*q ldh od P.}jb od *h.duJ.
of R4!ti&d of POW m d.U.d o! h! Idi.'l Dd tuLitu rofu, Driodlc !u!D.sim ol rho
dillogs sd d6l!y b FM ofPow' lol brild $! .ofd.d6 lcsl ofdD p..9L of P*i!h., Tl'.
rhi. bl,a. h 1974 tu66.dd.d r. iEsity in P!*itu s6 oIE Nmq Polittu: PoI &t at
HLtrqtl@ 1917.26.
D$6od osd*
6. iotu ofhir *h xh! ztlr& SLlL B. !n!.d b r..rt
rh. DuErd li@ wiid ood a d. itui@I lddd baw Atsiuirb ed P.*itu. H. .lso
Evivld rhc {htrtut i$D of zrrrulrro od tubd rlliia 6? Dolidtd SNps ir j(h)'tr t!$onH'H
ap&i.lly o i\i. ldo Sc &lr, iMdr, 2&2J Aull.l 1974, ll3, Ibid., lJ.2l Ocblq 1971,2'13,
lbid,. r2.r3NoMbe 1974.237.
thehi3!.islonldlsof t drrcof Infltionbdsill itE!
bislhe D.l6a dldrti@ # 3,7t 5 i! r97r-71 rnftl e b 3,120 6 ia w6n. Ih EMh
S!'x, af Pc&r.a MiLbL d th. olt i.l *b.iE of tilft Dit.lot!, E omic ,'n !d \lii:;
co@d otPdiE4 Milr!|. d @ji@Jbrf.&!!&E!!EieoDio-3uvav Ep\
'!ft}itu di!.d rb. n@lrttiD ofcElto dll 1979, dol|!! quled tlD sETo n I92
Pnzi. ktri@, 9.h .d so.t.t, r.3,
^*hahr@, itt1t t Qdt,(r. 644 (lhu) (Ltl@: cltsk Publielt4 l93l)'
^ll ^2@
'\iq Ari.c^ zolts- sst".? n Dd,d. te{nt ndmin Pdguii a@k l9l3}

'"rsltl|ot rett'd t Mold ,It@,ts,

''fi. @.d i\a Bhdo w{ !bl. b @6ilk! rh. qD &prd orth. wiou &eP! rd ftdront of u'
$cno' or rh. bsi! of id@lo$, &d.hrlrlurn! d. !@t K 3 s!r4d fht Pol tt6 h P olt@ 86
'A!"t tt st.4 7t Dro-;;'d P,hia dz,tjtta lh BM (Hoidnl! vkEill4
''Hc E . triid citl led. ddGt do$b t 4. of Bhe Hrh&*N'Flmi' rlE bni' 6d $t
fMdi!! brha ol PPP. H. € t @id.d si.lin Dd opgo!.n Bl@ 6'
bvGdt;vmoe. Od,or. Ir hlv l9?r, ?_3 "pt!d
'' H. md itr s .4 E;c!!d bv tufi RE ud Mubs$r Hsm hd w rd lbrdd 'o
.". 6*;; d;5 l'l:'w*. R'nl'za z/!14d tu Rhvto end P.tL'k': t /'77 tK$'hi:
Oxfod Uniddy PB, lC9TI 300.
'aM'tr;r n|; * ; sdir kda ol PP! i.vii tdaeibr nina od tlud
H. 6 M.d.d bv ahe s cMLr dl @!d t FR ti3@ ilwiffit
-'r'ior*kol xuia *. PPr dw;d r Liu ladE x' re*d Bbdo
itjffir,*- k tt r'tuh1t c.\tury. '4
Polttt.et,e,to'? 0(d'hi; oxrdd

'"oarlM Niht I6i* b, fi. R.u$q 6 5 Ausd !r trlelbrd. Hr I rh! otd

pdt *rr' bd $rhd ! rtll rtolditr Eey of ppp. g. 6 rh. 6d @ b RjE b$6 undg
Zir\ Dilib ni.
r5ilh.shr Ht s! tL rdrae,
dpffi, 255.
'''4.i2 Ali Cllid.i l't 34r.rd d,ldhs Xt 1t9.
'-'u?'y'udg,n 24 g'dto of?dtta t13,
^l{. € 6 si.ed by dl @ bd h. qu . tuhu d u. s6. bh. sro rd.g.o ro
caibltrh ! d.i<fuv i! Ildir,
_ ri@ hj!wfi'n.,e.r,6e
,by BhI@ rn n@E d rh. 6d oitiby FriD. hda Oa ajdb lO& w' ch *.rc ldorcd
i, Finia w *nn tn.6a.r.l wbici @di'u.d ! tiu.o shM oi hu
olsrc tlD dr offi@ io tt69.
''fp!d w.5q , lri.t pfiB @d ri@*t It ,rWoB qidr," DMtdt6 t2
@e6bs 2005t 613{50-
ETel 633{50
s! ii torybd Pddn!*b% *e 40 ed i! Bdochjs Ashbly 20 ddn d LFO of
rvD*pe w& Kho ptdgd toydrr p*ijra
b h't'6ry EsiT. vr ior E.d) b o..rv. ,itr
E Citu..d hiet nM d* a4 0f P,lrru4,' REhliet tvit|nE pc^kt.n rr^e chdt.nl.h.
(r,!d6. q&y hlldie4 rr7t, 7.
'"Tlir Md 4 r@3 rul rJ pddpl4'Dd|7vr.4t9n
'-wrliloudlld.drii.E nsotr@ddrddDlmio4fdMdrt r:*Dd!i.sE
oronlll|.ne b
dE !@ n w q@ v!.J ry"d rh. dhu.d Md,rt by Aa .n .ivitu
to!6hd! ampnd of p.E p,*&E' n@, | | Aql ttn.
" PEiddid Fo.tMnin of r i F.bn.4 j9'1, dihsrg lno So\.nr.ir or 4d. rthh M.i8!'
t:t^it D Hiy,7X. s,,shld t2Etho' kp^t tc421e.
--. "rJ. w rh. a olxl& Aadd cllfr. rJ4 Mrery hoh r Brh. Kh!D, H. ws had
hv !e1@r@e4e|sd&r&ds4&tetst!.!cr dj.qd m
il#.ffd ^*d
'.tr.twe. ht tlh].s orBlrod3&
''bwz P.lhtq,h rt. r@tdh CMl .t pdac t Hr@r,3t'.
",. :T. "T.y
.qs,,,(soEi -'q :lre!o),g{2,t9, a B'lo.ritu t !i! D. Hryr! D. s;sh Id
yb3uc, Lec,tho., D
'-rbJ i Mondnrd Xho k ! }!urs tald ot ppp Kbrbo pljJBnlihr.
.'Loti. D.llty4 kr stuE|l@ Latln'q h Pab'r4249.
'-Ii'. *FJd' Bdo.5 E tulehjtu wFd b..4 r cEE Ej4h'tu
wtu.h :n.tud!d s.
Irou B|l6}itu-j@i qid rL p.btut Bjodjtu. s.ns Hri@ h 4rrardr sro&w
(w6nii{to. DC.: Ci!.!E ejohd rd lrIldiolj p...., r93U 37.
i-Tb. .xDJldid r!.u dr !rd.! p|ritu D.b.b,
Et. ih B.)odjtu NemJ |lgbry ot
lr r.b@ 1974. vol t. io. 2r.
r6'rlq.na Z'itr& pr&!tu r T@ti.rh C!&ry, l9t-391
'-stfda Mztaaad. pctbt4 Kv I@. lprtktD DDtd) Ntdd \b\ort: Jss prbt:.n 4,
r'Th. PNA @ @mDri$d
_ _ or d. IcLnr4.rqqtr, (nL rh. Je
ur6r.i-r!lr' (nnj. ri. Jbdd-i-lJL!*iPiliD truptr rh. p.jstu Mutid LrgL. p,g@ (prd- (p),
9" fdIl +19""+ Pdy 0qDpr r. fthsb Drooftc
pdy (pDp), rh. rarrr{ ra\,rr (xr} D;
rb. Azd rqlrn MdiE c..ft'e .^e.\

. '"^edr!c b rh. otdld *i.dul.' i* uod ga6r.l*!d. d'a I'irory orpr!tu ld

ro b h.rd in rlc @id hrlf ol l9??. a4 d 7 tdq I977, Bb@ .es.n rhn rh. ddioe KJtd b!
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''Ti@ di.. wE iBlud.d darilr !.s !o P.did llbtic DhG ftir dd dlli6 lik
Chni4i6 h* P€h.w.!d Nrn B!3h L.h@ M! lood.d wi6 sE b nop oppdnio & odud
public d..Un$ ll. tul@ci oloPPGitid ledd {6 dn lldd b sp t!.n b u.b dt .dou..!
.IL iiiBio.pFsitidL.&F s.n.oflh.ow.
t'!3c.t .Draiid tdlis *iF d!@bd !y rh. FsF on Fh|ic acchq wE Fvd.lr
Gov!t!,M rbo dai.d 6a s ofP?V dd lrdo b rb oDDciie kF th4! tl.rie r@ .bmd@od by
@q dificl dnidfils o6.d, douita dt. violfit of dpporitiq ftd]Ig to b€ id.ntifr.! 4 Bhue's
na. FdE ALicnj!}ri. flt taqd 4,rmtha lh4 3L
r'M. C, w.iib@r! Mld 197? El.o@ h P!*itu\" 59+613
r:R!r.d d c*nl "Thc Eldidi l9??.
''ft^. I anil lgn,
,r,Tl*F w,.!o @d dd ppp @.d Fsel h p606 uilon btlld bord
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qubr! .inLkn
dr rheEnll6; k r.ddbdid @ h3&d'I*d!6ly fm rh! Prin. Mhi*lt odie PNA bov@n'd
d& Nvin.id .L.n;r PPP Gorod b bosu wns 6 toE rhlt r@ hrd ff. b N lh'n bilo!
o.J.u ppp oh.a ca dd* rt ';.! 6d. |h...! d! l@ ofthc PPP "ldidc oid
ruffi.d di; ed;@ba ttu Md qf)t vdr.! "cd"rt El6d |97r F 's'd 'trn
ttNN fet fka,21 F.hM! 6d I Mt& 1971
ilMmrz Bhtd., Mujrb. ,n.i, suttr lI ciodio, ah6d F Ei M.rid! Mn Vd6l Kbn
Brdi. M*lrd@o Tdib"!'l\ir,h od i\rd MubrMd XIm rrd (rX fron smdh) @ ik
ad Mr
aJri **roa, P?P -a'at" tor aiocLi!@ Mt Glcl kL Piis Mohl})
Td M!h;;d J@li *d d-lcd sstu E DF&d Gh* ^odulbh dl *@ PPP la!a) EI!4@
-' cni*1"*
co;d$i@ otPrritr, t'6 M!..ca 20 JoEv od 2l hEv I9t?
*;- -|G^ i*[aiu Li.q" arlotr' oluLn oPPoli!'oD DElir Khs Miu z'td
S.rta Miu azi&lt Dii, N|q (l1e Tt* 16 |]l .ittis it @Eddis enp'
'rtllE Nir:i ]( PPP !d6 r6v.d s. f.ddrl ni@ b Bt@ lo€nMr'
rr cr crl (udD) (l_.lG: ld! p$ .h4 r9n[ 4 r.2.
'.Ku* ri /4
* ru w ;,j pqii.i, 63 or of ao !69 r khr bn Plbtunll'" I It dt 0r
40 su h B.rodi'e 0d rll "r ih! llD
C.Mb'i6 of P'idsa l9t7).
'"Pokttb t1^a, 12tJta.l, ttn-
''PJblle stfudt o! B.sD Nstb wru r.b!4 D"a
?2 Jourv 1977

'\ k snnkai,inrPohtA t a-,t k D@et tu Libodt^ tol

*i€ d! t@s.hilt6 i! th.s 14. Mh.d m lll MlD Rdd or L:boE ro
'''HM r"i rJu*. rnri* E'*ha d r0 bv dF { t,no' re30
"* -r'"iii ]ii -ir'ii i rn il'o*. ",i. "' " "gr!
fi:rlo; ;- ",ji--.' u,o ^ugu
pM'c prt il *or'D
in 1977,
'!dto6 i. *,.t* t-* @6 dr ow 6. odnv ud joh'd
n' d '| D''d.l3ll- *^P
.lctis @rc$io bv d. loffid Ch M S sh4 hwjs b,
ii* nii*.i r-i,. vi. r*tu*" r.nm h; HC cM Br') Blds Kml lirflkh bv rh!
Jj,ii * i-ol* zoos " Or. bd' 'n' Edino') ^!rd ' FrtuuL!')4'
li!' t.da or
v""ii- zmr.oo, t" i^ a. -t* mbE orbbm sr d rid
''- _ i"iii r,li,- rtr*io l6dE thc und oidd' dl prof'$'Ml! btnt Mplo)'d
* liiii"iii "uuiii r'i"i*-"r" $na'd dt !d"* !i!'E
* tolci'r .* dd,* !d Friqior
or ndi@rrzDi
chok .*'n
Polcj 0r
rur od
iffi-iiii,i t.i n'v
-d.t- bv
ilii';.iii- &md]"s IsL'i' da"-'v '
edar|a,'e r^r't t'
i' no{onp'@$h!
13t4lJuDro?? 10

- -- dr' R.!oiq-Fatana,
. ir," **i- rr. !'hsha hc *sid Bign' Shtu nid fir
h' wc hgr 5'
-r' D..Pr. Euitb * sd th!
qudid d u irth' P'!pr' *d
.ovdc ol d$ PtrMi
;*+"i d;',y
idll ncdir'
rd int'tu
te11.nrE -^"',2J ^fl ten

relt osN $. Illhjc !y!t!D 6 giu

by ttE tioly kophd H@l Muh|md {PAUlq. A$ ir
ndt diftMdy dlffodr p@plc Pc onlo&r lr *! d! i@ritid of Shoi'r whicb pEvide ld
cfrdirc blc ftr cldta !d DiddL c&$ cdu.lrod pFf.stod! n ran.ivil dt!!s, ruh ofLw rld sj:l
od ,"".i4r Jud@ 3l!fu@d tual8! . rats&lds r.8is. Fd Lboo dr$ n w $. p'leim
$ibli.e. p.ie bt., i!!!is .!d 3o6d lift, Fd inbridin hd h8h@6 n dd 6e
o!!tuittd, 66d06 60r didlidie ud $ddi.d of Bh@. In id i!* r! ndio6 *E d.
$pp.n l4e df tPP i d. .ldtG oa 190 $icn @ !ii.i.a dE b r\. la of rh. t olqical
d|lz@ ofrhr Fr, od i! i4.5ih) b frn6l iu Fods
ta2atftle An B6n4,tzs utilpy
Qat Xt sM,t62.
'"[4. Hrna Abi, inhk* wih tu r.!dt4 or 29 O.hb6 20,0 n khn!b.d. Hr 6 dc
Eprsdiw ofth. Voi.. of^ndi4 jr Plhd& c dn dno. g. dd dd ahe sied lo dw thi!
hee€c b rhc tudh d ihn t. A-ai@! *.m v h Nm. lr sbow d*r $c us $ppon *s t
Ply.holoaiol 6ff *h{.h h.hbd P.Utul poliricid.
rrTic Blnii @ hontbiig rh. siMio! h Pddtu bd ri@ I d lvidlne tnn ,icy
suppoftd o jtt jltmdd Th. fNill ud cdEddli S..fuy dd ttu fio ri@bn in
P.titu 8rE o@ f6 @ Prsjdd Bido w firriig bct Brn'r dticirh !'d violmr
ddl)|l@i6 od sf.{ h.d bd d.cl&.d in l('d . TnF E . Rrl tut tia ti. .^my Bid
in&lv@ ii oda ro ot ovr ..@l ltrh.y did 4 th.n do ftdd b.6 M rlt. 6dud of 6t
ddiffi. C.bid Ofi!. n@r&: Ttc Nar'dd AnlNq landor C{!i/123/61/16n, ntdds ofrl.
Cabiid Otr@, 2 | AEil 1977, Se
eTh. 6d ;.dE ol nj!tu 6ii4 bv Fst o rh!
Dublic dh@fiLm n nd of Pmviicial
A$dbl} ofrh. Punjlb w r 6rd ,an stu&ii of y,tA Edwrd M.dt.l Collog!. L.horc, w[o Eeiv.d
dtod 3b6 aDd dicd oD rpoL Fj@ shmi ldpc.l6 Policc, ltudid hy dc rc.mhd on 14 cr.bht
bronnd $^.4PtnjMdxct rNl Gaba 122.
'Ktutid Bh $yE4,r/od D prut d ti Dnei6 tfchts. t53.t59
tt. Any Cli.f bd d. €iq C.mt! 6d b rE d ih. oSind tdi'$ Dd dE rp.tu
MlE*artd.Prj*MinirEbdirurh.rirui6. Flj'Ati chidli tt,.r,rr! {t,otte Kb4

16l' E I rutsj. rd Finidr Fil@ @ turlDindi

*Girfoe L Phb Md't Ls ta c.r. t32
Mhn Ann ^hnq Sdat Ut$ Chut'.o (Udur G![@: Plblj.d oDr, r93t), ,5.
$s,64ud' n Potua: P.r&.'
oOo. Ar .mc.!.d rI. olgrue or klMr/9J&r2
(D.lhj: v'k! PubiBh*!, r933), I I6i 3
^r6Meh& r

dult i' rh. my. Bnro obJ.@ sd $ d hd

hr did nor w r Mulhlr My- To Pria. Minill.r, G@, Zi! i$ed r ior. io rmy uiirs r@iig
"w. ii rh. dy @ nol Mulhhr.,.v. '!pes
e Foii3li@l eldl6 yho hlE sM d b gd irvolr in dy
lormd diviry *h .@.' Fe 6 .ir, 5 F.bd.rt 1177, Bhm!

lr.*ra Oa.dii*A, 3a9
rrr-ti.t 6v.t d tn. ofr@dis tctinx, i! r!! nidd. sd jditr a*ii3 ofi6
$rid It
pEnirina $o.rioi, Th.y.ko dElr.d rb. coas ro ell lh. lritr MjtriG. rhr d.d lor erdim3.
FE AliCni.hti,I . Butttl{,|^athq Xi^4 53,59.
' 'Fd kn ofdt Sd!h.n, !a D,u O\at@ Yab/, I t t! )9n.
rrraslhr Khs djldbftd 30,c,00 cothe b dr my olMing Bt6o l@ flll of E$r Pa\s..
cnhe !g.in$ peopl. of Pditu ,nd violdhs rh. .MdtturioB, H. lskd d.m $d ir *G nol drf duty ro
fE d umod cid6r rnd b obcy d illrgiriDrt E!iE.. BLft w6 @rcmld lbour r.l c!lh. Sc
YM Nia\ Ztlllqo lll tleno of PotEtd It lan D4r (N.w D.$i: ViLat PublishitS fioB, 1992),

"lt'le&{ci.ddr!Pri@ifrdd!oholdEfdiJmbbk .votcof @lid.E froErb.

ndion didlt CordiMio of l9?3 ($Md' r\hodn.i0 Ad 197 Ad Xx|ll of 1977. PlD 1977
V-M rtrtf, Ydtthsvfrh za,7ln.
:r'B@n Bbe ddicul.! Zn d r €tu cieb bd deldd tib a r qv uimpFsiv.
pcEo!, lor $iubl. for my.omlrd Md]!g hd fiEl n*dng wib rh. G.tr zh in pnsc. or his
d6d i, r9?7. Se Born BLdo, !h. Da/stuq { tt E8t: rh 1/bt|oetu r, (Irdo: Hmith
Huihol l9l3l 3?. ti. Atd* .@ry @ Fsidld oPtotuiry b G4 Zii b dr*lop pMtr
ruM ;u ti ihn. r'tii!d. lt'hh tb. cioie oard cbnrE i' q6io Bhtu *q ! plirbt
m;bralchFliiZnein@GaEtuF6@!sPqirbh.hldnoEib'lba' Inmv rdF brldnStdt0
d( e;lk! n r.,,l @ donms h mt 066 dD, se stuj| Nlna cd.?srqdr. $al]3
n%. d.ljbcrElr 6ld ftim M;n!t tn|;t tbdd b. .{bbd b th. tf.mdu' *Lilc
Mr' w d.mndiu cd.dion. Friz Art Chiihd.11'. StEa!2I ofanath! Xta4 t3'59
"sos di;n of 1973 (S@!i Amdsot )t7 Ad )OOn of 1977 PLD it? C'nErl
-'--_ tina* ^d
n y,ooa, r,troa h.d .nd cdr.rh: ,rn leodYdt'r Qsdon: MmmlLn l99a)'
-- 6'n zit d'd to
' Tllry vd siiadid ltb!{ Aii Kha $irt MubmnE rd Niu
r-r'* *d r';i.'lo ;a-ry r er@ M $m rhc, ord dd dai' ^in'!
@'ou d'd nd 'rrs
d'.;i; i; ;;G ;;;i p."p; Fddt"! {ri!i dt nsss .id .hah K M Arit wa*ks *rh aa'
O* *,*n*,* illtd v@i tta, g Jut ltTT se rl!' F[iz/ili'rht too'd
_' u k.A, ^'"
41n6ls 5r4,67,
r1$ iimidl ncdL * tulndins borh pdid b mod rhcir sv! o$tr|*
b. rod.r Mlnii k*. Se t ,tr@& 23 ADril 19?
-C]r!.6 *^A,plbl}tdtol Id t A6raA3.250.
"+;;; d.bilcd 4@u'! ortE b! thvt @rui@lio6 bqM Bhft PN-A' trd A'n'
cr,;r oa"
nii,iiaiici"-r*;.;*i." p,rr,mi ' s,o-"zi&;r'H!q re77 r3i' K'sr
iliJl-". iiti aJ'iii-iii. a';a^ '{ Jlt reit. ie^R
"p"nbd pLbrsicd h urd'

- Sentu
Dt.6L t917, t5.3L
alrBen{s*aiP8i-M ttD std..dsady t53
d?n orih' ac'ord i' gild ! m appord*
""c,,J* c;,ati u*'A !^ tc 6,4' an
d oc ?+30.
'- aC6. Zs i.adB b th. Ni'd d 5',!lv L7,
aru^nct'iihn h. g,tryal oftMha N^d 6t 65
!'sldr Niq c.6.r'5@4 152
"'ii; Ar; nld r& rrl,@, sd. .d sctot h Pdttq
hk;dd o bG di"idld M M o?'! s I\ero; cdnt 6Jo Dd th' rtdio!
"frmiloi tu s | 6'!'d
i .; '' "hi.b d! diribrv&dio a (oDnlc bodv rfi3
-* c.-i,ii" ij,i6ii;;r"-r.
ii:Jil,?iiiifr vuh t!. r 6uP n m''d
r! *tnch Dan or fririorv
'h' '
Eilhgsid oft6 ri
emd b !@ ! @ DBtlv t4.rcd.9d M cdpoEc 'dE3b$nd rs 06*
i""i il ii*_-. .i"irij. r-*.nr n B .mid od bv diddb " .11'' Psll?]]
"oi'.. L riisr !i"' d'
iilii,l di.i;*:"r-*;'; i'" "*v ;e-or F 6di6d '6l-'n
@-'e-'bi! aprn' dcrn6 Ndr'rhgs !)'
in' d or so Ds ; tunoour @upi rd inx r0
ilifi*ii"r -le'* -"p" ! din Yhrk (E1Bt'"w
;1, 1 ,:,iil. r-;ii:i .ar.# saBw' h Polin': Mttrq cdpt 'nd 6awd'4
'''''_, Pr*i- sd 1"." lr7?, z16
tspsjnr rho posrrtiv ot niri'v bt'orn rl.
arin r@'s!
",r:i. i*o n-;* * ale *h ln' lorihorD'!d@ m P*iru
-" c.*"i.ifr-s&'j" r"r-'d dk Bdisl crbrnd
bI g@-d d"r' h mbirr*
!'na @rr'd
ii.i'ii-**iii. .*a;"- * c.tid on"
.drd do
23 aprir re7? (sEd) c.b d ori'a
'h' R"ode: Tlt
'r. "rMmd
Nrrio.rl Anii€* lr.dm "r
"-''- nilij"ii is-"iijj".. -, ,!.a 6ae D ct*stassatub Qto H!vr' \ ' I u1!'Eiry
PEs, r9631216
s.." z,i!^d&€tbth.NdaotrrJurY rY'i
-Eii.iie1&i.'iczi *r..i i"n h;r/vry nmrb'ri*iwaT,!5/r0n0n
- Onn N6a Petrtu Pahn'c! oad E dMk dab4 !rct\tua
uiffilg*li 6 6 Roe ra sr6' tu: P^t'Pa '" cnd"'' o'onaa al Banstaduh

rBa d UuGnY of c|lifo@ Pe lt'o) ''d

+-rddbrqia{r.Flvbdbtrb rt.f .rr$t

balddt-lrlbacul'.!!D l9t5cdrIl-rllr6.ddzt.
trHEOrid.dr-bd!|lFtr|llr||lh. b lo*dlll
Eba.lrottsrirr ltlaEl-

llte pt!.65 of nlsitio! iod thc lorlitdy to thc civil rulc M dMd.d
inD.dt lcly !ic. rh. inF3ito! of Mslitl kw by G@ Zi.-ut-Hq wb@ a t.e!.uc
shagt! ofd.Eoc.ab' distitcd Zi!'s tcii@ Tl! p.odc'! sdliEcDt! sgailst lhc Manial

l'r rooL r pofoud BoDdne.na &c blsh o{ hit PrcEis of 86dal 'ldtio6'

Many pro-Zia ItouF wilhin thc couDny gEdudlv nAP€d back 6_otn hls $ppon dd

slegth@cd $c hrds of t!. lDd-Mlnid Irs c@p!i8!6t wbicb' sdtalllv. d!d' thc

l]d,ti@ to civilid rulo Posiblc i! lhe counv. nris chaPtd covds thc P$@s of

!.co@bbiUry, lslui$tio4 lh. relt of 6. US j! P,tisle's ilt4lal Politi's' de

@rponic itrtcrcsls of thc nililart dd olher ncslB 1'len bv Zi! gov€tmeni n aBo

d.ds with t!. Folii€l tEds oflb. tlty Pticb @ulil b' cd'goris'd i!1o two' dE Pro dd

dti-Manial Llw tt !d! ll tle stlr(li4 th. iEp&t ofthc Mov@cdt for Oc Re$oratio! of

D.Doc.acy (MRD) ftc d)6@is itlobld i! lbt tsnioltt Pro@$' tbc Prctjli@'l

coostintio,lordacco),th. R.viv!.Iof cotslilll|idordd(Rco)'th'
u.nd$ot, $. loD-ptry b.s€.t cl.clis of 1985' lhe liftils of Maftal hw' thc i5src

of rh. i$o hd. of tbc !t6id@! thc of th' cldt'd govcnmmr of Plise
th' dni" zit also fall withiD the pdicw of
Minsid Mu!4ead K!.n l@jo ed of

Gen ziE_ul'Haq disnisd thc go'erodt of ihc frn PoPuldlv electcd PIjE

5 Jdv 1977 He'

Mi!in!r, Altqrr Ali Bhtlo !!d iaPos'd l'{ditl bw i! Pd'jsi&

Ltw Adt'inistrato' &d also

a! lc Chief of tbc A]nrv S&fr bccanc tle Chitf Md{al

dsMcd lh. dtr@ of dE fEsidc of lrljsbn l9?8 !fier the rcai8rltion of PtBidai
Flzl Ibli Cbrudhri: Th. politc.l Fm.s hld ml b..! bm.d inidally. lJdilc rh.
previou two Mdial Irw!, tbis tjrlc Ue CoDrtilrtjoD of 1973 M only suspclded ed
not rbto8lt d. Zi! ntcd oE lL @uty fd clcv.n y.s, lhc lolgd pdiod of oi[tatv

rutc i! thc histoly ofP*tuld 4.i.. hi! tel.ovd, !. lrobied to hold fan ebctioB ed
rbc Esldrtid of thc dcosdic tstlo *iIbi! 90 ilay!.' Thc p.od. of Pakjsla loolcd

for$,r!d to ttr Etr &d fair elecdod proroi5ld by Ue onitdlv .eginc bul l}'is holc wd

.b$.d s G@ Zi! postloD.d lb. .l*tios agti! eil sg.i! !!d .ldgg?d his Matti.l I:w
otr rill 1985.1 It Ftsedt d nl)b@u qos.s ss! 6 @utabiliv &d Isldistion i!
?.Iist n s a juslificltio! lo F.lont bis rulc. ltc 5tcF l!l.! bv ar !p.d !! oc @w
of polticd activity &d l!. ra.tid of th. Political Ptni6 for tb, restontio! of


Zra *ittb..l d6 6Do cleti@ to .@Erlbiltv eiibi! fow no Ll

NMilg powi Hc. o! 5 July l9?7. Plcdscd nol l'o allow !!v idp'd'D'nl in thc Mv of

te ud Atsh cL.tios. Hc liD*rcaU.d or Bhurio &d s$t!d bjn ofcl'ctioos evi!8

dryt l0 h'ld t[l b'

*+ii s'lhdv
vou U
Id'@.54Ib!l|!otuiL ad
iiJiii'ili'i-i i,,* "r 'ia
t it u'

t' bcld in O'lobd &d for thjs pulloe

Ec ffiotdcc.t thr,t Oc gc6!r.l.Lctiots vodd
a iinit'd &tivitv
th€8ov.l@dt would allow thc pouticaj ptnica to laurh 'xcell
6I! tbc frsl Prcss cotrfclDc' on l4 hlv 1977' hc dcclarcd th31
oig$isile proc€ssio
lhe @cd foc bld ilrcri,.ocd .n r .l .fons fd e .giendr hav@ Bhuno

gorqMal rh. oplosilionbd bc.! odru$cd rld rh. ihttar of eorhd civil wt hrd
plsile4 E tultba @ouc.d:
I b ludiog e
hraiD 3ov.o@'t I bclias i! rboc&y. W. bE @D. ro tusfu
p.M. Gmi
cld@s *iu bo b.ld d o.r.b6 rt, lt?, I llE 9m . vo* b d.
Drid ed br God I qlll do oy bs. b tufl L wlo u I b &cni. wh.du rh. E$ls ol
6. O@l EL.dd6 3@rr d b.d? W. w l rbid. b, ft *rdtd gj6 by $c p@rte.'

Apl,@dy $e Mrni.l Law gor@n&.r @!!inu.d wiljl the aralg@etus for ln. eddat
cl@iions. Tt y callld a coDfcEDc. of lll th. inpoitart lolitical l.add at l,be c€n Bl
ll6d QlEtd: (CIIQ) L@tw H.ll ro dolvc ! cod. oI co!.tud fd th. loljdc.l panies

ald tbet e,s*cr! o! l3 S.p&ober 197?. Adolg otbdq Ecge Nlei Bblno ed

Abdul Ilafz P6a& al$ ltlcndd rhc @rfa6cr. Anc. a discussio! of fou hous, a
.odc of @du.t E *ttt.(r rb'l wB bra Ev.d.d to rh. F* by cq, Zia AMdilg
io Ue agdd poinri, tb. loliricrl I|lni* muld publis! rh.n @if.sro which ought lor
to bc E!!g'E!t to thc id6to5, of P!liri.4 bl6 6d rh. eii.lsiq ofrbe @&ry. Zia

llso told th. pEss thr! th! gwmlElr hld plr,jl.d lo fa.jlitaic rll th. lolitic€l pdris
tegatdbg lbc @v@8c of rh.n datm @pdg! o! atio!.1 Edio &d @levision.'

M@ly 6n@ days sfrq Llis FB! rEdjn& Zia dei.Ld to posFoDe ih€ cl@tio6

dtq a lone di$usio! in s oc.t!8 of iI. Dctuty CMLA5 &d the Corps Comed6.'0
G@ Iaiz Ali Clishti" wtoc i! tis book thlt ih! srEc sncrDoo! of 28 Scplenber D&/
politicias net rhe l,lartial Law autDriri.s a Ecomcldcd nol to hotd eledioa b€foE

rhe coDplcrjon ofihe &.ourabiliry pio@s.r': TL polnicid w!€ tyirg 1o convi@

G{. zi. lo go fd tE s@utlbility pro6 priEltily io w..t6 iE PPI ed jlI

lcad.6lip.Ir I!-ft.t they rw @.d ofthc PP?'s poputairy ltdo.g 0tc Dasses aDd *ere
apFaling b zi! for thc cliDidiion ofthis !&ty. Th.y tle bry ib'l lhc !P? rcDld witr

a mjority iD thc NatioDtl AsiEbly ertd li!! coDc€dirg 20 lo 24 scais. Kmwjlg bis

v'ndicl'vd6!, thcy ncvct wt d to gjlt Bhuno aD oPpomuitv to @n .gsj! dd lEfte

Dmii (u @nt edt6 6!r Zi! bisbt b. si!.@ i! &lv .lcltiolsF b!1 w!@

thc folrM PtiEc Mirisld Bhdto dldlo$td.d lla bis loPulejly B udiiini'1t''r dlt

thfl !e s.var.ly ctiticis.d tbc ibPolitio! of M.nid llt, th. rutile OcDclab bdd'
appEhensiv. abool th. litetihood of a viclorv for thc Pl? h tho n xt clectrols' Hc

nudE dlllts t!! "8i@ lht d_Prioc Milistq's dilicis of ib. ojlittryk &iion, Iis
trf eqtt for vildicti\tDfss t! d.di!8 wit! ll olpodenis, lbc trovisiols of 19?3

Co$Iitutio& thc G@d& oDst bavc lcrlisd t!!t thcv @!id ape't h6! lreheit
shoul.l Bhlno egain powd."ri ft.y fct n incvit.ble to @ov. hin flon dE Pohical

stsg. @iltlbjng tbd lcC chag* @ s.nbltd o! did@@ foud in ofrcial fl6 or

dinilrl abusc ofroE '6

Chj5hi ie of lh. oPinid &d Zi! wl.d to bold ele6@s' Hc d8!cd lbd if tt'

wr noi siMr in hotdi!8 elcdi@ s Fonisa4 hc muld b|c not gvo so nucn

cs!.cl to t!€ d.Pos.d Pri@ Mlistd Bhuno H' Povidtd !@y f&jlilics srch a
Military Se.rady.!tl Aidlic€ep (ADC)' !o Bhudo Ec G sjvd n Protool

whd he 6 r.td ro MUd o! 5 Julv 19?7 rt Cbrbli !a ricd to ptove 0!r it B th'

larc! developEdl! thit lorccd aa to cbln8c his Eiad 'fte noe itPonart of thos' w,s

lhc @ordeEdFot Aon Oe poltticiad .+cci.llv t'a te opposidon Pani" who we

w r.hil Lhey woold .cver bc ,!l€ to fdn t 8ot.@at afi* Lrlc IEv
sowht de id.! of accoBtlbility qbic! could Ed4b ihd lon th' llP ftc
&couulility b.foE rhc cl4tio6 M rhc ottv sv to gd nd of Bbuno lt s@s !h'1

Zia *tdlc anclding tllc clbinct ld.tting! dEi!8 th! ldiod of ncgotiaiioB beiw€d $'
goveDtul &d PNA bd dli!.d tb. *E!t!es!* of thc Poliij.i@s ro wo* oll a viablc

solulior Ec ldpLd to u!. lhis ra!! oPgortrdty 1o cslbfsh his Frsonti rul' But a
his @ile!8es wm advisjlg Zia dPdi.dly $nouc€d io hold.lecions dd lo llesfq

pow to th. public lEpt s.ntdive!. He djscloscd lis iit@do$ s&P by stcp L8rdirg lis

fise plars !8!irsl tlc dcaiF of bi! @tl.!guB. lts.ad of ruining th. lrobi* ofd
i@.dis!e ir@jtio4 h. .los! 1o !rc1o68 hb rule,

Or I Oclobd wI6 o.ly u days w@ bn ro tb! scsad .t*tioE! Zi! Moulctd

Itt losbolco.Dt of n'rc clcctioE withoul ary sold ,€8on'!s. Hc claim.d lbii a

p.NDiily cult h.d doDi4lld lolirie iEtcd of tbc Pbs!!@e &d Polici.e of rhc

poliiiql panics. ,411 thc panid lr@ fosilg o! i!. ch.nci* dssitution of 4c!
oth.!. Ee sljd tbar the p@tb toE all ovcr Llc cout y *cE dmsding !n accoutabilit)'

of LrE @dpt f.cd6 bcfoE thc.lcri6. H. fisdd claircd $ii d)c cl4tioG uldq

rhis e.t of & dvie@.!t mltd 8rv. wy lo @o$a disis, lI. ss!@d th. turid thlt

hc would cdtlidy @lducl clectioB @ounubililt Pr@cs! wodd bc

'r!cn thc

Za poslponcd the cl&1i6s brll th. &sk to loock do@ th. PPP d&u8n

!@Malility E tct lo bc do!c, 1!. Mdtial I3w gov.ludl .sLblish.d tMIv.

sr€ci.I 6Dns for tbis pEloe, @h of *tdcb s€s ledcd by s jtdgc of a Hid Co!r!
Tlr€s cout! w.!e sielcd c@s agaidt vuiou public offi4 holdd includilg rhc

Pr4id6r, thc &iDc Miniea, thc f.<l6d ed lrovituial ej.itLrs, tbc 6ioisLt! of siarc,

tllc parlidcnlary scdctade, th. D@bqs of thc frtiolil dd Prcvilcial a.Dui.s Onc

of ihse sp€cial tlibDAls p€lid.d by Justicc Slif-u-Rehtoa! m .ssi8ncd tt. 66


a.i!n tE .i(-?d@ Miair!. ar|fq& Ali Bbmo.' T!.sc c$.3 includ.d cbEgca of

rigd!8 in d. dcdoo! of 197, Eisurc of ttnd!, !bur. of F!nr!, cvariors of ouliodr

!!d sdai duty .rc'r b|n tlir cour re{ iD.fEcrivr !i!cc l!. c,ccmioa of Bhutlo !.dcd t
pBFs of $. ry'htid t w dloridc!. SiEibly c$€ rgliill .iSlty-ninc pofdci.D!

'r/... .!3i8!.d !o o&!r tibDd!, iEbdi.8 B.i|ln Nqn Bbdo, trc foEq aov@63,
@ forE6 3!ar.., ilo fo@ fcdr.l Dilii.ta .!d nj!. forEd Sirdh Dilislds' LU

th. o6a d.E .our6 qccF t!. oe Feidod onr by JDnic. S.if-u-R.hru wrc
cbrlg.d illo dirqudif.doo tibDd, stb o!. HiC CoEt jrd8. lDd ! &igdi.r r! a

D6ba of a.!.4 Ttir o\l,r dt t C@ Zn rllr lot lady 10 tll lbcjudsd d@ &d

+roiDld Bdg.di6 a r sdcl oo rh.o-

Al drc 6clabc.r of tb. Seo|tc, th. Nrtio4l A$cDbly rld dl th. fou Drovisilt

.ss.6bli* *r.! rtqoittd to rb !d to t .r I cororoi&sio,

.L.l@ rtlb Irc!. Soo! of

of ilquiiy .!d | fte wcr! dtlgntif.d ftr | !6iod d qp lo $6 ,83 bln lbc .l@d@

pr!.!sr $/$ d.bycd for & cveo !e lolsrs Fid llador! tbjt ditqudifclioa
b@ai@f.criBtTt lt rni.llr*utoriri.rdid@tllwhEy@rc!oFri*th.
p$lic adtl n@ tl. @mpt po.t rrs No F s8 !do!i.! b cnccl &c Flltictl
Ewlds -rtrinl'r.!r;.4 cd plio! .!d iljltnic AI lh.s. P.rdiq ft'lher co

'D.lada of politid Fni.. ttu Oc avui Ndiond Pet, ( NP).!d lh.

Juid ULD!-c-Lrlo (JLlr) tolo Klrt ! P*l|lu$sl ed Btlo.lilt& 3upton d 6!
pocars of !.c.,rri!bitty.l' TLy w@ r.r.rioti.s aliDsi thc PPP 8ortle6l sim!

rhlir SovcEdcot! bd b..o dilEilscd by Btuno. Kb! Aldul wdi rulAr Khn
Bullsh l,frric,' Mir C!rl, Btaljo'&d Sud! Att! U!.h ri& Ma8d" hld beobc

lhe lltgcb of t!. sraL sltsgdis whd the Bhutto Eovcm.d bad b@cd &cir politicat
panid.r': ft.y \rsE g@tcd am€sry by rhc l4artial law govermor afre! deposing

BhuIro. Now lb.y wclc siitilg togcrier j! r\e rlljsr& Nai@d Alti&E (pNA) sld
!@tcd ro cu!. itrlr Bhutid.slould bc ricd for dt Oc adioB Uar hc had alo to
p64L:re hh lolitical oplpn !sir3

Tbc M,|njr.l l.!w rcgiEc jssucd fout wUtc

lapc.s o! tc !crfo@c. of rhc
Bhuno govdl@L ftc 6191 @. wa hsu.d in J|lly l9?8. Siue ir @Nis!.d of 1449

Irsga; jts sbD.ry rs i$u.d oD j 18 lage i! lbc fora of tb. ,ed.t vhi& par€, Ile
'ntjrd \l,Iirc Pa!.( w5 js.d i! AusBl 1978.x A tou volMc wlJ& p.Pc. was ilsd
on Ib. !dlol:@@ of &c Bhuto cgiEc,rr T!. govd@or cooctudcd &at Bbuno t8d
nisscd I!. sratc irjriiutioB fo! .rdeut ad loljti.d b.!c6&..36 I wa at$ corcludcd
thll 3 llB riggjlg hld be@ doe jn ! !u6bd of @leihrmlcg Dosr pDb.Uy wirh rhc

Eprcv.l of Bhulld Tls wtft. I8FD l@ publisb.d by $c diurary sov.@dl

b.foE Bhuno.s b4 to l4el the srcuds ed ro sriDlrgl. public opinion eaire lin.
Tbc ac.r@rabiliry codilucd lgailsi Oc ?p! cv@ .fis rhc judicisl ouder ofBllndr7
Zia ldcr r@k rbir srrld t! r i s i@ibbt for &! Di[r.ry lo irrd@c lo clcck
th. !.osDccls of6. civit s!! liovol@.l by Ethudo. Ttc !?p wls pttuirg ro Drovid. a@
to ire @*s. G6. chj$ti dd c4 Khdjd Mahbood Arif bo& $ppon n lhjs slad i!
ihcir boots,} Tlc p<s!d@ of6. ?pt l.!d.6 @DliDcd bu sElrisilgtx Bhuno sls
nci{E tied or th. cb!r8. of srlnilt h lor lad @y w4poE b4n recover.d
a civn

foD 0E PPP activists.re Fin Iy Bhuno E rri.d for a

rotfticat dudd @d ei5
$n&@d to dsr,! rbDwh th. rtc.jsid of inc ljton High Courtao A Eostjrord

Sdprcnc Coun Lplcld rlr d4ision $ous} s splft v.r.ticr., lnd Bhub w.! finally nsrgcd

llc rlirl of Bhuro wa! rcr flir &d dE njli&rr-judiciary dtjrlc. dolarcd rbc

!65ic ro!e! ofjuni4. rE -ri!g CticfJunic. oft ho!! Hgh Colrr Molivi Muslraq
H'ein had a pelsonrt Srier@. lgrilst Bhurb, who aFpoin&d Mr lunic. Astan pje
ll'ei! $ $c cnidJsi@ of L!@ nigh cour, ndo ws cighr,.rs jeid b hiD.d
Ge!. Aanoiodyalpoi .dMoulvi Mustilq&ri!.Acti,lgChi.fJu{c.of Lllorc High
Coun by ac.?tj!s hi! Iolg !la!dt!8 d.siE bl.r,t$ s tbc Chi.fEl@rio! Comisiold
of lEljsrr!. lI. srs Bigrcd rb. ta!& ro p.,!o!.Iy d.!t wirh tb. Bhurlo ce. EG

@fitly @ titutcd . benci offivcjudSEs &d inslitulcd Oc corvjction ofBtuiro i! thc

N"*t r|{'".--.0 er-"a irro 6udd .e.( Bbldo bo)@icd l,!c l'iat ancr lis
.pplicatoD fo! harlrcllirg Us cr!. AoE itris coun to eorhd..r Ir ws! again$ the
E dirion of th. Iid jldjcirry 1! r b @u*d 5how..i rtisEusr rowrds rh. b.!cb ,rd th.
court irlincd oD rct|ilins the @. b.och.

Bhltto &p.dcd ro rh! Swr.dlc cdm *tict B dcdr by a b@cb of iile jlds.g
inchding Cbicf Justicc Alws-rutaq. In a .oDci$ $allncnt pr€s.Dtcd befoc t!.
sWEDc Courq Ahuto r@t lh. do ofa biae.d &.t bf!i, rrial agajlsr hiE by ri.
khoE Higl Coutr wbich wls orr riStdy iej.sr.d by &e Cu.fJuslic!. Bhuiok dcfocc

coucil Yslya Ba&trriy$ rool torg ii@ io codplct lis lrguDoi whch prcved
a fsll
for Ns clior. Trc judgd who ,ppumtly tookd favolEabtc yac rcliFd Aod
boct "' A lplit vddicl ws .@eced on 6 lebru!ry 1929. Irc .livjdc of fou ro thrcc
judge w$ ufo.nud.ty cl6 o! ihc Plovilcid l,B dt
rhar rhc foE jltrsca Eon rhc

PEjab including Ue ChicfJBricc uph€ld &c debioD dd lbc 0!.8 judga ioE oth.r

psvircB w& a dilsoting judg@.d iD f.vou of Sbutto'! acquiltd

A di.w
a!pli..li@ ws dtsilsqt t)@itruly by ll. sdc bench Tlte rtolc !ro'es! aisd
qucsliod $oui t!. jldcr.oda.c of frc judicirt ei6in &d ouBjd! lh. c@trv

a. d.cbr.d thlt'ou rwvivtl li6' i! lbe lddic 5t9d{ H. slebi !.s.uc in

Isl@isdion *ii!i! 6E nontt! ofinpsilS Msti.t rtw.o It .lto scded to b' Itbtul

in ffiiry lcgiliE !y for rh. I4Etial Lw gov.hndt b€caus. thc wholc natio! h'd

@ificld ! tol fd th. 'T.&it-i-NzD-!MBl!&''50 ft. Eovodt Pbvcd Atd for

Bhuno. Ca Zia used public a.oti@@L lo idpos dilld Eilt tv ntl. in &e fsr dac'

ed lalc! io prclong his nilitary rule

I! hi! ad&es 10 6! Drlio!, Zia d!'cbrd lhd bl@ic lE{! muld be etfo@d i!
th. @ulry. In his bid ro iDd.dalLd"6, b! q$ srypdtcd !y 9e r?ligros poutical

ldti.s imhdinS tE JMd-i-Islei .d J@id.UlMs+hbE which hcb<! 10 s!.cd up

ih. I3lqj$rion Prc@s but il d.Ly€d tc Pr.*s of i@silio! to dd@!&y On iltc

a@ut of th. r.hidi@ F!es, G@ zit Poslpotr€d thc clattoDs ed pLd8.d io

bring all ihc politie! social &d totonrc i dtutios Edd L|nic la{s to @abl! rhc

p@plc ol lakislr! to l.!d th.ir livs Mordi!8 to ib6 Sh4i'sb i,. Qu'e ed Swah
It EliBjoB Fliii..r ptnia kr* thal tbcy rculd D46 ba abl. to wi! 3 tujontv i! thc

cl6loEl prc6; thdf@ rh.y prcf@d 1o go wftb d! niut r, resjru for rb.

lslmis.do! pmce$ 6rst, I wa! & €flon !o consurlate tbc nililtry ni]c Elh* lhu a

Zi. int du.ed a pa.kst. of las @dc lhc dlc of thc Hldood di@e d.ding

wifi lllc offcnccs of theff, robbcry ed ds.oily, adulterv and ilc dtinldng of {ir)c 'ntc

Isbdic tladood las wat ,rijldjq&d i! ih. @ury i! ddili@ 10 thc disrins l'$5 of

dle larjstd ?end Codc.Jr U!d,:r th!5 ordiNc., a culPrit @dd bc sclt'ned to l$linE;

Ufc io!ri$m@! Dd tbc uP'!.ri@ of . h&d d r!U.' ed i! eE. c.s deib bv

stonjlg. if hc or shc hld coDinjtcd sv@ ct!d6 litc drinLiFS , t''fr"nibr! ot Quf
(w@g alt.Etd@). 'ftc lbiIljnS &d s.uilg of eile *F lrolibit'd fd tle MuliEs
Howv* ihis llr \I!s not lpplicrbl. to! tbc no&MusliDs
1!. Z.td &!t U3!d di.'@ w i3tu.d i! 19E0! lo Pr.clctlv i,lplddt thc

Istdic.@!oFic synd ud{ 0le auaic.s of tlc s1alc.t lhis law also faciliialcd ue

iM@ trx &d vqllb r4 d@Fj@ lo tbo6. lsyils z&r thrcugr llc govmotss

This ordiMrce lrovidcd us! Z.:t t wotld b. deduded di6.!v toE lhe ba acco@ls

of ihc Mslim a@ul hold6. Tlc Sbi'a st ciscd io @EPly bv d4l&itg this e-
I!l6nic,r6 Ma$ d@onst"tiols trd protcs8 EoD thjs co@uity sulted in dEi!

cx@pnoD toD thc forcibtc dcdEtj@ of ZdrL' Blatlcdy trws w@ includd affa

& d.ndlMt i! rb. P.kis|!! Pod Codc od tlc Crihi'll tr@.dw code 'r Inr4sr oD

lou (Rib.) *as d$ br@ed !!d thc plof!-los shailg tlrt inEoduc.d a e
alhrtiv..re T!. lsluic baEliA qst@ s tE Iy i*.. s a chug. of I@c otlv fl

1}l. Had@d ordi@@ i!645.d ih. Dtlbl@ of ih. Yjctia! in5t ad ol sjvitg

LrEm nii€l ld the es. of6pe, th. @n ailrrt lad to ploduce tow witiesss otldise

I.gally lhc spe wdd b. cdiddd s aduli.ly R.tigiot$ $lolars likc Dt. Rtsle'd

Alnari Jal.ndtuj opposd lhjs l.% .liE dy @!n!dcd Oa Zia on rhe Croud5 dat

sotu thitt@ h@.tEd ladics Ec i! j.ib on fi. cbds.! of ldllicry l.tlal had cobc Mtb
-ft. 'l!w of Evid6@ s
the cor1pllinls of ra!€. Hc ddl@d tcsc laws s ujsldic.sr
d.rdc.t by Zia i! O.kibq 198461 warea onrrovwy aad ati ogiDc sntinals in the

M$ dd the civil so.ictv. Urd.r tLc {to!g Fotsr laucbcd bl dE Wodd Action

P.!id!! wol@ Lrv'?!ls 'Asocitlioas lbt gov.t@@t tcvi'*!d

thc lAe
Fom63 ald
aD.t thc @6dac!t ws cootuod lo f@cDl rdafl'E ud i! Hsdood Las onlv

ftc dji.nc ot ihG lyPd of bw gav! bi!6lo rhc eurc @tlPtid ir thc

polic! sd la{ .ddcing ag4!ica, stlch @uld not b' r'vd!'d lnd $' dd of rb'
z. pqiod. Brihqy fd r.gi5tdiry u FIR6 j! ! Poli@ 5rltioD 6 ! reailc ed th' !lr's

*trc diEd€Dl for !€gi$cdA it udd lho rlgule !@d @de' Madtl Ltw ed ote

Hldoo.t @i!!@ A3 luishDcnts Edc. th. tttdood ls{s wt' c$tjgElory' ficir lc

w vcry bighi follovld bv th. Mdtirl I!q' |nd lhe loe€n dcs Ee sd for de laun&

p€dl code.6t bslcai of aldicalilg @Ption thi5 syd@ nmld i'ct4'! it

Thc ovd dpher on lsl.dstion s!v. sv to FtisioB fdticisn fta Eligioqs

srclp3 who q.r€ slPPodilg th. nilitart rc8iDc in $c

MN of IslaDsdion Bot

dpovq.d @oug! lo prodo€ ilci! Fnicde sc!@ls oftl'ought ald in ttuE Prcvok'd

rcligjos ejEosity srl scl,tiei@ wbich irculeicd Eligjos iltoltu@ The rBull

ws &c aria.ls o! msqs ed @idi4 ilrld dividcd th'

of th! oihd ects lt

sicty on @.lhd4.licro$ lsb tdirg thc wbol. fabric ot dc *i'ry' m' Mulla'
oilit!rys a!id.. !tretted lhe poiriicsl sy$!m in P'ldsllr which wd based on thc

wcsld @@p1 of suld sov@@ Bo1h !t iDs d'!ouc'd th' w'shiDsld 591'

of deboctuy ed alpmvcd s ltong dd cdr.lie.l auholiittiac svnon s s Isldic

sysl@, ln Eod6 rclbs, dc !.tsl f@ s tbc Ftsid@nal svstld' I dled &
int ltc.tuil divid. b.tween thc riglt qing r.ligioE.tdds bak'd by thc niliiarv Md

t!! libcnl o.l l.O lo &e c@6. Srot+s of civil s@iert *tD stPPon'd thc pdlid'Dbrv


Zia M nol htcruned in el.ctj@! bln at lhc saDc in. he td.d lo acquin th€

d@ct @opd on of tlc politi.ls ii th. lt!6 of gov@ing thrcuglt rheL inducti@ i!
rbc clbind i! July I98. 'ftj! E tb.6si sicp lrtc! ro 8i!e d. Mrti.l Law rceinc a

civili& l@L zi! cbo$ $. PM Fliticiar *tD q@ ioy.l lo th. soverDEal aloDg eith

sdving g.odli Aoe ibc dn . Ilc ?NA p$ dledy pro...diry ioebids a dnDl
d@th s L\c .T€hril-i-Illlqlal hld alsdy bn n on tl Novdbd l9??.t0 aglE K.he,

L\e ch3i@u of Tclril-i-rebql.l w udd L\c iUui@ that hc w3 dE only lcadd of

&lionrl +IEal to obdl.!9. Bhldo a.l tn.r ln. orh* PNA l.adss wcE jun doing

politics or his populefty. Hc rcsdtcd th€ noEinalior rude by d. PNA Council o! a

sl.gains Bnlrio $ar hld pEviously bcd.llon d ro hji p&ty blr latd n w giv.r to

Cbaudlsi Zdu !bli. H. rL.llFd thd bi! p,'iy eoutd dicw tbc po$ibniy to s1!y iD

the PNA and llc @llcdod of rh. !@urabiliy !loc.s'r Tbc Juiar+-Urm+
Patist n!€rirdwqs witln @ I M&.b t97E,2Nowrll th. @6po!e prrtiB wtcd to

lar€ th.ir sh@ i! thc @biEr ltc Multjo tarlc (?agso grcu!) s€! rh€ tBt ro talc

the l.ad but the non endusiastic ldrh.r qd ihe Js!r-i.Lld! whjch w.nr on lo ldviF
Aa $at tlos. polilical lanis should b. bmcd wbiclt had Ened to join lhe cabin t.ti

Tlrrc w6 ditrettls wirli! rb6 alie@ on uc l*et ofcoolerati@ wirh rhe

eililtry FgiBq ft. PNA joincd I6d5 *ilh rh. bjtirs/ du b two !!eis' iBdy, th.y
*rrcd lo talc crldir for rhc iEposirion of tdo ed srdt, rb.y idcndci ro ilocs
th€i. ?opulsr bs! for tbc n xr ;dios by utiliziog rh. slalc pow ed its lpps!tus. Thc

politicim €xp.cted politjcd irdcpddme bul il w-ar d@ied i, this eesensr! ud aI

thc powd rcsl.d with lh. djliiary ed civil bueumi!,z 11i. ?NA pEsidtul, Mlutlla

Mu.ni M.lmoodt, adain.d rhlr &c Ed

!o\&, ws i! trE ldds of r[! nilirary ed r.la1

rhc mirincrs slrc not consd&d by l.lc lcnjor civil ald nitila.y bucaufacy on
impoislr poticy &cisioBft

Zi. Epbccd rh. Chi.f Julric.s of lhc r.lcy&r llj8t Coure lppojlr.d s rb.
Cov@os ofrh. tul. Fovio..s !r 6c ti@ of iDrDsirio! of rb. Mdri.t Iap ro obtigc
biebcjMicis!, .!d ro ei! Ocn su?olt fd lis .xr,a.osrinniord
a.tion,? wilh ite
diljtlry 86ceis wto wsc ro !c'fo@ du1i.! 6 rnc ,lovDcjal Msliid Irw
Adoilis1r"aloB.u Hc alj at o Fdidins ov* a Miure, coEcit wtich in ludcd Od.
MunleEad lqh6l Kttaa C!.'nE.! JCSq
Lt. G@. K M trii Chicf of $a6., Ll. Ge!.
Sasr rG.a Vie Chid of Ajrhy Srlf
OCOAS), Vtc. adniral Tsig Km.l K!a4
cbjcf of Nav.t Srlq Ait M4b.l Mube&ld
Alk sbeiE, Cnjcf of Air SlafiD
Soo. .xFds t@ &c fadart iririsri.s
ed rir6id.d pot,D.cians reE atso ilchdcd io
iiEl,hnial t..wdbi!4n

Cer ZE wlo !.rd alftady SAjned addiriold pEsirrcotsl po$as ai€! rh.
BigEtion otF zsl ltahi Ch&dh4! w!! po\rrrru u gan cDn@cy ro Biuno bul
h. did nor laL rhe d.cision ofrh. cx@utioD ofBhuno oD n$ oM. Hc warred rh. oth.i
iosritutioB ro sba !|!is bud.a Oclcforc hc i,votv.d
rbc MLA &d rh. c.bir.r in r,\is
deiiioi.u Zi. !€e..tiy monird.d alt t. ajElgm.dr o, rhe bqiat of BhLno.B Hjs
wife Nu$d Abur&r atd dluglncr B.oEi Bhrrro *c aot a]lowrt 1o artcld thc iDa.l
ellEoly of thc dcc..s.d priEc Miliri$ ia hs viltrc. tsrk!r.& el Oe woty
appeb for clenocy fion sX ovd $e \lbrld wrc i@cd dol/! by Arlr He suc€s!tuUy
a.h&vcd thc ba.kilg ofthc
?o[ticd forcB whic! edpowe..d xim ro e\ccue !h. .x-
P.ine Minisrd wi6ou ey t r. ofpublic E.clion.

Muni Manhoodt5 .!hin d td 1[. Flt pow w.r i! lhe h,r.ls of rhe Ejliir|r Dd t!.t
rhc niEincE M. ror coEtuitld by 1bc sclior cilil lnd rniliurt bur:ucracy o!
imporbDr policy daisid."
Aa rcplddd rhe Chid Justices of&. rctcv.d Eigl Couts spFjlcd s th.

sova)M of lb! iou provi,c d lh. d6. of iilosirid of ih. Mlnial lre b obiisc

hiSbq judicilry ald b *i! Uei! slFpon for bis extr coa*iruiood actio!, wjt! the

nilillly godale who k 10 !.rfo!!r duiies $ ih. lrovilciat Manial Llw

AdoinistaloF.t! rft B .l3o pcridins ov6 a Mititdy Couoil $,tt.h includ.d cd.
Mrh.Fn,d lqh6l Kbaq cblidra Jcsc, Lr cd K M Atii, cbicf of srsfr, r_1 cnd
sd& K!!4 vi@ Cbief of AEy Srd (VCOAS), Vi@ A.lEidl T$iq KMal Khla

Chicf of Navcl StrJI, At Mdshat M$lmld Alw Shein, Chicf of An sirq..t,

Sorc cxldts tod tn. fcd.id ifiistics .rd riLcinihd loliricjs slr! lbo irciuded i!
L\. M!fli.I Lle cllilcre
G€n. ZiA who bad sircady gaincd ad,tirioDil pr.sidedjst powcn ,ner rrE

Esign|tid ofFazrl [b!i Chludtri,rr ms all lo*ctul to gra! ctcbmcy ro Bhltro b!:t

he did mt ut rh. dc.ision of6. q.cl{io! ofBhur! o! U5 oe g. hrcd rtc oibd

ib.iitulioB to sle !|is bEt ! ibd.fd. hc involv.d lhe MLAS ed rh. sbird i. rhis

d@ision.t'? Zi. pdotully EoniioErl alt de rrsgdors of rh. bui.l of Bhuno_!3 His

eifc Nu&al Bbut o snrl dalghic! Bco@i! Bhutro E! mr llow.d lo sn@d &c n&drl
cffioly of Uc d.cas..l Pri6c Mjlina i! hir vjjtrs. Lut&a! al Oc *uory
app€als lor cleoocy Son a! ovs Oc mrld \rcrc tM.d .toM by Zi6.r5 H€ suce$n ly

a.hicv.d thc backilg of rle poUric.t foMs wbjcL.Droe,€rld hjB ro dccurc O€ .x-

?rioc Mioisid eihod &y f.3r ofpultic F.dior


Muai M.ldoodtr adaincd $,l lh. E r lowd w in ric h&d! ofrb. njtillty ed ihs,

tbc EiDind w6! rct coEsalLd by th. soid cirjt and dhsy b@ucracy o!
ihponln! policy &!isi@.t
aa EpLcd th. Cbicf Jurics of lb. Ft4et gi8h CoErs lppojnred s rhc

Sovdors of tl* fou lrovi@ at rlc tide of iEFsiri@ of rhe Matid Ilv b oblgc
biddjudiciary ald b wi! rhcn $p!on fo! his .xt colnjrurional &tiot7 with tte

Djrilry 86drb *tio E ro p..fod d!ii$ s the p.ovisial M6rial ll*

Adi6iditat6.{ Hc @ dlo !r4idj!g ova r Milir.rI coEcil qnid jrclud.d C@
Mu!.r!Ed hbd Klia ClDi@aD JCSC, L!. C@ K M Anf, Chicf of $a6 Lt. Oo.
S!€ Klra Vi.c Chicf of A@y Sr!tr (VCOAS), Vie AdEinl Taiq Xdd Kn{!
Chj€f of Nlvcl StaC An Melal Mubftr.d A!w& sr..-jq. Cnj€f of Ai! Sraf|re
SoDc c,.r<rs E@ U€ .!s
f.dad nD$t''.- ald tikaDild.d potilicilr! were aho ilclud.d i!
i,L lvtrnid l,p c'biicre
ocn. Zj4 rtlo hld al@dy gained addirioBl presjdcniial pol|Es ,.ne,
BieEiioE of Flrd n.hi Cbrudhi,r' Ms.I ddocy
io FoEftt 8t!Dl io Bhuno bm
hc did lor t t rtr. d..isioo of ri. *clrtid of Bhufto o! brs o*!. H. E .d tb. orhcr
ins$tutio.6 to sb4 rbi5 bu&n tbdfoic hc invotwd rh. MLAS ed i\. cabinel in lhis
dccjsion.& Zia pds@ly doliroEd dl dc .fu8dols of rh. buiat of Bhuno_lr His
wifc NlMt Bhulro snd daugi)lc' B.!!ai! Blrnro wc noi,llowcd ro andd rb. fiu.lrl
@Eo!y of rbc dces€d prio. Mjdna i! his vjtagc lalln&g All rh. sdcnry
alpc-als for cldelcy So@ alt ovq lh. {ond !i@ rhed dou by Zj&ti H. suc*tulty
achi.v.d lb. ba.king ofde ?olticat forc6 whic! @poweled iin to otccurc &c ex-
Primc Milist i wiiioui aar f@ ofpublic Eac-tioD.

leD.dtudy.n 6 d
lhc cxccurio! of Bbuno, ihc cabiret aitn.d b.c3\* ir

asltdat bctwee! th. l!! .!d thc PNA tbit boL! sids {o!ld r*ig) bcfoE iI.
.l@tios.e Zi. @oE .d gaad .idrio$ d 1? Nov@b6 t979. Act!.lly, rhc PNA

had d.hi.vcd rilr rhcy d*iEtl tun A& Tlcy P@ satid.d Uat lnd BhLtot fall ar

lh. sruos, 1[c PIP bld bc.@c wrl, vilic[ leiPl@Xy stugth@cd den Fsirion in

lhc ffic!. ]lrcugh th€n .cliSutioq thcy daidcd to spFoach th. volcs posirg

th€bs.ht3 s g@!i!. latLns &d d to distre &coi.h!! EoE d. bilirat

Egin€. M.ul@ Mufri Malnood Firosr.d thal !b. PNA vould suppod thc hililary

cgi@ i! iepl@cdirg ti. Irlnic ordd jr rhc lrgq iltalst of lhc co-rty.tt ne o..
cabilel @Eisled of six FtiEd ed sdilg gen rats, on fodd beaumt Gtuld Isniq

Kba ed.isti @-!uty civili&e Ae@g i!. six sdvjeB, or. s!! lne Eltcd Chief
Juei@ ofPltjsraD i.c. Hdood-l[-Rch6r4 ole Fiit d fdeign oftc. p6om.l Asba

SIE!i ed fou onla cjvilirDs. A bdy ws rlo iftlud.d in thc €bin r 6 e !dvi$ir'
Gd Zi. had mdc d tresitio! Am Nordlirge!'s 'g@O!r' rypc, ebo N a rdnpoEry

ruls wdtcd to d@t tlc defci@i6 ofrh! pouric4 iysrcD, ro rbc .tutd a ry?c vho

wut d ro bdig po[ricd sd $ciG.i@@ic ch4s.'


Tl'. uajnjns proclss of ilc PlU,'uD &ny focusca r|liDly on th. q?ical tghting
doMils 6tbd t ! in pFldilg o6cr.s ro rule o'tr t|t|c coErry. Za y$ .! Amy
Chici dislrd froE ditrc@r lolirioli thdics sld pra.tic.s. H€ did Dot b€lievc i! dr.

Wend $ylc of d@o.my ed Flitial rroupirgs. IL offo @ordcd bjs dial@

agaiIn &i3 syslqn d@leing il &e rcpue!6r io Islm wit'rout lalir8 ido acco$r &.
opinion ot tuy ar?a'a i! fivou of dooo.y.e E fouoeed lhc dd'ddo@cy
Muni Mrnhoodt5 adtlincd d:!r rhc eal lowd M in lhe h.nde ofth. djtitary sd rhat

th€ Eidn6 wci! nor co!5ulrcd by th. s.nior ciril and nitfta.y buj@cncy on

intondpoucydabio .t6

Aa rcplac.d thc Cbief JustiB of thc lelcltnr rig}| CoEls.!!oid.d s tlc

govcfuB of ihc f@ Fovi:B d ih. riEe of ibrositi@ ofthc Mdrjst Ilw to obugc

hide! judiciary .!d !o wi! thcir slrlpdt fd hi5 .xrrs @srituiion l acrionTT wilb rhe

Eilit ry gddrlr elo Ee ro p6tom dni6 s rhc pdincirt Menial law

AdhilistrtoE?r IL s ds prsidile ov.! ! MilirEy Coucil whjch inctud.d cd
Mutunldad lqbd rO.4 Chaimd JCSC, Lr cd. K M Atif, Chjcfof SlaC Lr. Gd.
sdw Khra vic€ Chid of AEy Sratr (VCOAS), vie A.tEj!.I T&iq KrEAI KnlL
Chjef of N!v.l 516€ At Marshd Mu}lolEd Alwe S!di4 Cnj.f of Ai St ffts
Some cxlclts fDm Oe fdad iinistis dd lil€oiod.d poliricisB r@ atso includcd i!
rbc Manid r:w ebircr&
Od, Z4 who hld sk idy gai!.d 6ddition6l !residcltial powds ancr lhe

BisDdoa of Flzrt luahi Cbludhi,r, Ms aU Fwtul ro gat.l@cy ro Bhuno bur

hc did lot talc rbc &cisio! oi n5. o..cuti@ of Bbulio o! tis o'*!. He w6tcd tb. olba
instituiiom to she rhis buldcn rtacf@ h. irvolratt rh. MLAS md nlc @binel i! t\is
dcision.D aa Felally mniioEd !I rh. !fugcl@G of lh. buial of Biuno.lr His

wifc Nusial Bhuto ald dawild BdEir Blurlo @! Dot allowcd b an6d the nedal
ccrld@y of i!. dEasd PliBc Milistd i! his vitlsgc L&t(,ras al rtc *mry
llpat lor cleshcy &od a! ovd rh. wtd *rc rD.d doM by Aae H. $@sstutt
abi.v.d th. backjrS ofdc poliricd torc* which cnpoeqld tid lo.xccde thc .x-
P.idc Minist ! witlout &y fc{ ofpublc Mario!.

Irnb.djdcly rfta tbc €t€.ution of Bbdlo, d. obild t6ign.d b..&s. n I e

.gltdcn bctrr!.! lb. PPP ed lbc lNA $!t both sidcs so'ild Bi8I! bcfot! tlc

€lanions.r Z! reoucld g@.1 .latios o! 17 Nov@bd 199 Acturilv, rh. PNA

had a.licv.d |drt 6.y dcsircd nld Zi!. T!.y r!rc s.tidcd &d tftd Bhuno's f.ll .l
rhe Srlo\fn lc P?P bad bc@Fe trlal whjch r4iprocdly sF€ngtlcn€d $ci Posiiio, iD

th. Dn$a!. ftrough Iben aig!.tio!, lbcy d@idcd to agFoa.h thc vo€ls Posi,g

lhd$lvB s Elotri@ lc.das tld wtcd lo di:nle tbc@lits &oo lh. Eiuttt
FgiDc. Mc$r! Mlni MtlEood Ei|!rd.d tb.! 6. PNA tudd sulPon 0t Btilat
r' ft. ..w
FgiE€ in inddatire lb. Isl@ic o.dct i! th. lat8d itrct of $c @u!]
clbinct consistcd of six Flturt .!d wilg 84r!1!, @ f@* lugud.t GhulM Ishaq

Khd dd ci8}t non-pdty civilis. anong lhc lix .dvie6, onc w&e thc Etird chiQf

Justi@ oflalid& i... gdood-u-R.lE a o@ !.tjtd fdisD om@ Posou.l A8!a

Sbdi od foE otbs civiliei a lt ty ws dlo ilclud.rl i! lLc @bilcr s e ldvi$irl

Ga Zn hld lwlc . tiDsitid t@ NordInSd'3 '8rl|did' tt"€, wlo a . reoFtuv
lulcr wdtc.l to che.& th. .lefici@i.t oflh. politicd rynd, to tbc Elcr'b iyP. who

woi.d !o bri!8 politicd tld $cieelonoanc ch&8.s


11) ddljlg ltoccss ofd. P.tieu ttov foqlst @idv o! tlc t}?jctl 68bli!g

do@iE ntbd d.! id Pllpdilg oficcs to nlc ow ltlc @Etv zb w r! Ad]

chi.f, dinel fom diff@t polncal th.ori6 ald pt&tie g. did not bcljcv' in ilt'

W6!em stylc of dcnoc.lcy &d IEliiicd SrouPings H. oiet rccord'd ht disPlcsw

asainfl ttus systd delari!8 it s EPugDlrt to hld wi$out lali'8 rDro !c@ut th'

opinior of ruy lqda iD hvou of d4o.ncv.s g. f6llow! th' !'li_ddodcv


,lguEcDt thai ifa @jority &*6 a !vm!e d.ci!io!, it ivould bc tn.d doh whne ! rjslt
daision of lhc di@dry mdd bc 6c.i!ted.'' O! Uc othcr hr!4 whd hc iook ovd thc

;ovcmol, h. di.lr'i be tbc lDliticd prni.s, Hc did rct tul6l th. lloEisc lcgardilg d!€

clctio6 *ilhh oiacty d$s ! [. E srlpos.d lo & d. MDrliD Bd i.t6, wbo rhc

.l@ti@ *r! posrpoEd fo! th. seold iiE , ir E! !.c@Fd.d by be on ibe loliiicd
palti.s i! 1979. Hc plt g@L. !€stidio,! oD political a.rivi{cs s @npdrd !o the

ll.vioB milirsy ru16 b lltisa4 q,tic! c!u!€d r.scrm€nt aDoDg $. potirical factios

th. @Ety vien-vis &. bilibry EgiD.. Hc dlo {inb.! t@d. toD sbo*i!8 hjs
a@s3@ io',llrds rb. politicd cLrc ! clp€jaly tb. IErtics hclongirg lo l])c tct
Politic.l crcurs !&ticrldly LL Eligios sou!3 lit J@t-!Istdi, ile Mustin Lcase
(Psge grcu!) and orhq EtiejoB panhs supFni!8 lis diclaioriat d.sis,s wF alto*ed
lo pstom Iidjtcd lolii€l a.tiairi.s,t Bd 1l. $P!'rsid of th. plp @dio.d &d
lds thc Blutio fuily $!! ako sclr iDio cx c.ts

zi6 tuouDc€! geftrat.l4tioB ro bc h.td in No\@bd 1979 {d rie

8ov@t n.w olcs for thc cl.crioc irchding s.p@r. .l.crohr€s for rhe
Mlslia .nd mn-MDsIDi @ 6c d@rDd of ln. Eligios poliric.t !{d6q Tlc Eorivc
wa lor to seEc Fpr6614io! for &c DjlorjriB bui il ws . n6w !t.n 10
dhenndchisc th. @iloriry volcB jn ordd to chek ,. pplt voi. ba whjcl Drovcd

d..isivc i! soac Mys,er Hc also tuobccd llc inrc ior b adopt !rcrDniond

r.p@tatiod as ! Dodc of cLcrion. By jrdld@ilS rhe a$cDdEar to thc ?olirjctl

Pdti€s Act of 1962, th.y @d n i.".r-o!y for tb. politica.t p&des io .eSjsq wnh i'E
El@tior Comissio! of Psldstq,s I rcqlit€d lceuls .l.djons wilhin &e pany, a List of
ofli@ b.!!cB, a lisl ofordinrry msnblB dd thc ebnisbn of rtc Muat pary a@oub

olhcsie th. Elati,on Comisio! cnuld rcftse ib Egistsdon which i! ruh ndr ilr

disqualificadon,t Only four partic€ wgte Egislercd udd $is law on I I Novd!4 I9?9

rd Zia annouccd thar dj. oDly r.8rs!,?cd p.ni€s wodd bc allN.d !o lanicjpa& iE th.

politicnt activiP ancr Lrnilg rhc bla ft@foE, thc ?lP !!d od6libdal partica jojrd
Llc Movddl for dlc R$lontion of Dcnocdcy o,RD) dolg r{ith thoe whici slood

b.)/od thc dbn of tb. Fliricd !.tivity hd.r rbis h* D. gova@d nrilr ddl&ld
rbr ey lady workidg agdls lh. id.oto5/ of laki$an lDd !h€ sfuiy of ih€ Dltion

wuld bc digurlif.dt
Ttc l,trdrl tlw s@ddan e@ad tb. to.d sovo@oi ct6tio6 insr.ad
ofgoEd cletioa *bich B . de dcldnE fm dcn .omitddt. Its acti@ c6
alicetcd t\c alied poliricd IEni6 At ri. opridis rdished eho t. Dilirary

Sotc@an postFD.d lbc .l.ciioE agrir sld atEor .ll &c pNA plrica cxepi rtc
MEli@ ktg!. (ra8e) !!d Jert-i-!t@i b..@.6F68.d ioD 0l. ol]irar, !c8r€.

Zi! @nlbucd io wo* a@rdilg lo hjr !gad. ot &lsej$rior and $ug]ll lbc suploft of
thc onhodo, (,?aro alosg lrirb th4 of Jear-i-tsldj.t n hs be@ a lFcticc of rhe my
4!4 Llat they @tc ,! allidcc \iiiib thc likcniadcd lotiticrl 8rculs psnicutady Uc
riShisk, TlEy nM@uvred a sdii i! the loliticlt !ani6 ro dcai6 ihcir oM p.ny which
@uld loyally foUow ttlcii djctltond ag.nda. IrEr€slilgly, a shorg Amy Chi.f is forced

to lalc sh.lte! b.hird rl$c ms€s rh!1 bre b.6 cosid.lld .ittftqd. ed in-

djscipli!.d.' Thjs d*ic ro @e . splonils bsc palrd rh. sy fo. rh. poc6s of rhc

civiliej$tion of rh. my ruj.. C@ a, E llkils rb. tocal sov@.ol ilsliturioB d

r bod. to cxpand his polricd bas. oong 6c t]),s &d ! n@ bqrds rhc t-esirjo! ro
|lc npjlsrzrirc i!.$itlnj@. Br it E ody ! co@djc ctro.r

Thc lo@l bodics' .lcctios Ec hcld in Scpidld 1979 oD a Don-pdry bslis1@

Za's basic aitn {?s to clusb all ihe opposing politicd gmlps which ww joiDilg hr!d,

csJitrt his rulc, Tlc silte authdiv wa! utilied in .U po$ible wys lo spFBs l!. aDlj-

eov.mot political lctiviti*. Ary etrolt by th. ?oiitic.l panjs b f@ @.[tio B

cuh.d by thc eninl gov.r@an, t!. F.$ * de rct alowld lo lubltsb th. vi.s
of tbose poliliciaDs *io efr! sgrifft 6c Manid t.|w rcgiDc. I! Mdrd' t 97E, rlEost 200

joM,lirls s@ d.lrcd.ul evqd @!r{pds v@ cl6cd dl)erc! tlis lractie

@ntidcd i! lh. @Eiag )uri ,.d thole.k ofpouti..l op?oMt! w!.. sr b.hild b6
a'd i! th. bnu!.dls of ibe lrbor! Forrrd .41l dlc look of sulprsrsion lil€ houe

aGl, rcsEiciio6 @ tavcl ald bE @ polniol Dcdirgs re u!.d by Oc Mrnisl kw

govtud! Ev6 tb. iDro.tio6 b.t*@ rhc poljricis 9@ esrjctcd.ror ht md
disna.r ald o.sei$rioDrl wloesrar filrld ,rErs.d tbc cflicicey of the poti{cal

Fnje. ftis @dido, w flrrt r t@illllaed by thc 8ov.i@ot 10 irs advdt!8e.rs

Tlc polidcsl a.l[&ar vhic! @ce.d duilt this psiod w@ nol able 10 swiv. for
lo!&r0r Thc b€oeficiar] ofrhis sitrstio! s rh. oiuidy Egid!. fte di!.d cffcct ofthc

oreeisarional wcslacses of rhe lolilicd lanic, *!€ a hind@a i, itc tE6irion lo

Bolh Oc Dniiary aod Janlr-rblei tad dif.t€li goats bul could uddsrdd rhe

idponlec oft.ir pa!t!e$hj!. Ilc sruddt wins ofibc Janal,i-tstaFj, IstmiJdiar-i

Ialba ert€!.d thc cducatonal ilstiMons ro r€.flrir &. €dMarcd youth, IEy sho eficnd

lnc D.dia ed lh. govtuat by b.ing rhe paitno of lI. rulng 8oq.ls. nc Diliay

Sovemdt us€d th€m for lloir s?.cific i dlsrs ed ea. itqn a tr . n !d lo rc!

a$y lhc knic politi!.d 8!or4. i! tbc cd!.td@tl @!urc..r6 ln th.i! Pt!s.oc!, lhd
!r.!t! m ch&.!s of! t voh in th! ulivcsitils .8.itt 0|. go\'.rDd.!t

I!5tad of holdilt lbc cl@1i@ of 6. !.tlj!ttr6r, Zit fo\td.n'Mdli9'

Sh/ra"@ i! D...std | 9tl *iic! coorin d of2t7 E nb.rs.'a It xrs ,o dvisorv h.dv

.!d E@t lo l6d $ a lcSiCdiM tody. ftr. r6!i!.! U. qclulivc rlo@i! of tbc

Mdirl bw olboritis. Hc d6cbEd "i|.. e ili.tito tlmgldcd io PloDoL .ftcliv.

@ |cr bct\r/c.d lh. p@!b @d t!. govcDDcltiB In thi5 ,.v, hG @grg.d loDc

FliticilE llilg co o!|lily of i.t t! *ith ltd in tb. poliictl lcliviti.i Thc rcligiols

pouiicn p.ni.., vijch va! rb.66Poo.d! of l!4 PNA ed otha @rsdv.tiw p{!.!
q,!..rds 6 lbis q6!i!. te'e lbi! w b.d.6cid fd lhh Zir Ei.d b bDld.D
ttc car!sLd@ bt!. of thi! islitudd by Dodildiat $. ddb.c ton 3ll wlIG of

IiL inclrdins nEd!, ilduti.l 'rul!is, tt@, bryEq doclors @d .tt8inca3 sloEg
wirh mEo .!d Eiootid.3 nE qlt .b!! tld th. lisr, PGPald bv llc
cstuitsbEco! Zir scL.t d lD! S!.rLi u vdl !! fou vi6chlitDa ,cU thc n@bers

.!d tlc o6e holdos'r!t! llClit d io l.tc !n oltb of.lb8iue tedo th. lCO t 981

AlF€Eolly, it s@.d ro b. r st g lowdd! thc tolitio! to civile ru1. bur lcndlv lhi!

Ms l!. co@Udldo! of Zit'3 F3o!d iute b' D|ri!8. d@Dv ilstjnniot io rlbbd
$!!tp tn. .teisions r.16 by llc CMLA F@ lb. mDiDlrion lt tht alloilcnst of
lh. o6e holdds, .r show.d th. il .ontol of 6. cML ed ro Public oPinio! wrs

Trc Ptlsi&ntid dd.r c@f.tfd vtn !.w6 lPon tbit itnftudon itcludi!8 law
!)*i!S; 3u€gcailg o@dEcDls to tlc ainj!8 l!*!' .usc|lssion od U' rntu'l budgcl
sld rcvic*i!8 t!. fitt tcrr Pl& or.!v olhd ttsk 6ign'd bv thc Prlsidc,lrl Bu i!

ptulic., n @dd rcvd o*. or law Tltc only rcsponsibilily of dtc Ecfnbels
of.i-ldlir-i-.Sr?a ffi lo dcb!& 'public issues wii'in liEi$,'trt and ]aw batiDg lcmain d

j! lhc !.!ds of &! ro! c@nad6.rrr It .ppd! thlt zi! l,'r Flpdbg lh. !ati@ lor @

Islroic eod.l of t lolitic.l sysra thd brd bc.o *idclt dieuss.d b/ M!ul@
Mrldudj,rra i! wlich thr Daio! rculd be r.!d.-d by &,4ztr (Hqd of U. !hte), .l&tcd
by thc Mulim. ft@ $,'ould be a Mqlis-i-Slwa at at ad\isory body whoe ldvie

would mt be bidiog oa th6,ari.rt'Nop cq. Zi a bd fould &c mys ro coelid!& !i5

we@ttutc,!tdtt M4ltrl-&a@ *E r @aic aregc@€lt ro ,mr Dililary n!€

eiIL. civilie fae Tt @ury B io be.u! by thc tCO t981 cld lle r.al FaEitioD

The gov.@dr !@uoed ro csrabtish llc oonsut1.riv. @ucit of rhc ?Esident

i!De.olbq 1981. Ce& Zi., j!b!altdBrorlendio4dcctsrlrr$!rrt .oucii wa

sicp ioreds tb. !.srontid of d.tMncy. fhc @E it sugbt ldioM sh|.ilg j! llc
3Lic ran6, BDt !. de Eireld,rd ntc Eiliiry\ !oi!t of vid thd in p.tjsle thc

.lccions alMy! r€sulird i! ohao! &d ooDirio!.rr6 ft@forc, 6c iim€ w!3 nol right foi
lhc elcc{oB. It ws aot cle.r !s ro wh6 rculd b. thc ab!p. of ihis coucil bd sinc Zia

hrd stopld i!&!ri@ fo. &quiins ! gqrr 3h@ for nins.tf ald ilc my, doon alt

lhc loli1ic5i panid Ej.cr,rd ir bcfdc jb fomdor ftey warled tec ed fair etecrjos

&d vE c Dot rcadt to &c.p! ,ny allmltiv. ro rbai. ftc P?P lrjcd ro lse the US pE$ue
on Zia 10 iord clati@.[7


zi. hrd $rn d {irh good EIariG M& dejldici.ry AoD day oDa Hc ner chi.f
Ju$i@ Yrlub Ali Kba! o! 5 JrIy. As $ iodtiE, lc !$oinEd rhc Cticf JEdc of thc

High Coutu $ the tcling gova@B of !h. wc provilces lhowl t\c o$cca hld
roinin l po*!r b.cause all lh. por6s l@ corccohrcd i. th. bd.ts of th. cMl-As.rlt
O! 7 JulX thc Mdial hw athority t!d6i8!.d thci! odb! by @iltilg tc st lce "I

will !ps*ve, protccl dd d.f@d rh. CoEtiturion of tbc Isldic R.plblic oflalhtd."r"
In th. ordd. rc prcvision M brd€ ro ral. oarl i@.djrrcly ht n {!s ien lo lhe

govho$ of to !.ovi!c ro adDinisle it !r rb. lplropriaL tid., To rhc hiSlcn

salisf&iion of ih. onftdy r.giDc dl rh. jud8.s of t!. Sildb, Khyb€. ra*lnblbs ed
Bal@hisld }n8h Couls root tL oltL ltdlc 22 o!1 of32 JudgB of $. rdlor niC
Coun bot 0E oa&.r10 Thc hi8lcr judiciary oue!! Dor ro bavc a&cprcd |be vanou

alpointadts otrrld by llc ailitry Egin si@ ilry re dE d.tddc6 of th.

CoDstilutior Ilcir ey clddiry to r!i! lqks ard privileges lsslrcd de sjlilary Fginc
dr,r th.y }ft wqk s e iilrilurio!, ftey @nri!u.d rc*,ing uldd rhai m left of rlc
CoDititution of 1973 bd wh.n rhc SuF@c Coun a@tid ihc p.tirion by Bcgd Nuhr
Bhuno.r:r iD lle dfti* of jrs original judsdi.tior fd th. dfo@n.nr of rh.
fndae.ftd nghs @dd rh. Cdsriinid $c oili|'t Gddals b..ec !.rftnb€d. Ttc
@un Pr.tid.d ovc! by thc Chjd Jultie of P.}jsi6 Dcr oE 20 !.pr@br 1977 ed
od@d Oc adhisrio! ofrh. pcrition !!d 10 ftruft. aU rhc a.scd ilcludils Bbuno ro

tuedpindi llc Miliidy f4r.d rhd Chicfj6de Yatlb would tur favou dr. ditir.ly's

5r.!dpoint, To dcd wi& thc sirutioq Ga Zia is$cd thc CMt"{ ordd no, 6 rruougn

viicn th. 6nb sDd sixth @."d-r"l ro iic C@itituii@ v@ wirb&a@ lu Ar a Bul!
lhe Chicf Jusdc! who sas holding ilc officc rfrc. rtrching lis a8c of rcrir.Eelr slood

Ftircd wtb ilod|edia& etrcct'! dd Ju$ie Ar*ar-ll-Haa r.ol rh! oarn as rhe Cbi.f

sirce C}jcf tlslic. Alw{l-tlaC E tttc bo.6cidy of th. CMt"{ oda, Llc

judiciary valid.lcd lot ody th. iqosiiio. of [&rjr! t^iw i! I9Z udd dc (else!'s
docri!. of r.6si9 bul .l$ attowd lhc Diln&y criDc io d6d lle Colsrtwion
withoa 6xirg rh. paiod tor oducrirg ll. cleri6.B h rti5 wn h. foloeld rhc

pr&.{tcni sr by Julric! Mub!b&!d Mrllir i! T!. S.t c vs. Dosso!! ce ro vdlid.i. lhc
Mdrfti lrw of Ar$ Khe &d &ri.r.d fw rhc.t cisio of !b, Su!m. coBt in thc

h iu deisioa 1[. Sr+lec Co!t! qp@t d lblr lL. Fiod of .c@stitutiod

daiatio!' Fuld @r tc rrctoaecd @d Uc CML bdd lold fiE dd fai, clecdoE .r
tL. dti6t b Enu4 rbe @un d& er.ir.d th. ngh b Fvjry rhe Msrial Irw actio4
uldd thc &rici. 199 ofibc CoDnjtuiioD of l9Z3.rrt Ttorgb t!. Dfirrry ws ,ot etisfcd
wii! rus iDretfcm@ of nlc hiSlc jDdjcilry bl' llcy wrc rot@lin8 n b@!5. ucy
!cd.d thc l.gid@y grrd.! by irlc tom€t tt B utliDd.ly gtui\rd by C!ie, Juric.
Arpe-ul-Haq. J[ni@ Do6b !!rd, Mu!@d gdc.e, w.lc.duddir A!6!d od c.
safdc. Shlh atso concul.d wirh tbc Chid Jlrsri@. Jlls1ic4 Muh@ld Alo!4
Muh@ad AAtl Cb@!4 Nsilo Ha$aD Shr! &d
esir K!& @tc ac?ftre Dor.s
stile corcllnhg with ih. d.cisi@ ofthc ChicfJBtice of palisbn tlc SuD$bc
wlidEtcd lhc .igl of ,Jedilg the Constitution, atready .xccised by rlc bilitdy
Fgihc, by riiMd*ilg r,\c liflh !!d Sixth Abendlol5 fiod !h! Consriru{on whjch
cosolidaLd thc ditilary .ulc &d d{ra}d i,h. pb6s ofr&sitiotr for &orhd six y.aB.

aa Fstpo!.d ri€ cl.ciiols twicc &d siqr.{t comeuc eodedrs in dE

CoBtihtion, 1tj5 dicDarcd U! t.$t circj.. ft. eofficDt jErifcd rh€sc acijols by

cLidi.g L\!r dtc @LEr dajsioD bld provid.d @r.srri.t d pow6 of @lnftuiioEl

arndldEorri Howwa, lhc l.C exldr ed hiSld jldiciay @j!rni!€d lnar 6c pow6
*!!! BEict€d to tb. clllgB Eld.d lo ite .oDducrilg oft!. &d f.ir el€crios.'a It*
difci.lc!! r@ saptificd *!.n zit $.trcd Bint .. iM hd lgaiDn tt€ dissid.nts
i&ludi!8 jouulisrs,r, poutidl tadds &d laivisr, ltc us.d . mtviDg
dod lolicy by
usils ar.$ s . rool io @!rol r!. potiticlt .crjyiti.s,r0 b NovcEbo
1981, EoE 1bE

2000 p@ple 9@ !r!s;r.d h &c pLElja! od, o! rb. chsg6 of b.ing eri-si.l
cr.(lelts. llt rlScd rh.ur foD rlc Al_Zut6qe orleisario! (AZo) !to$€d ooE
daodoE ln rh. rb-'€ oft tE Pllss n x!5 difrcln io a$c.s th. d.ci !@ba but
lhc PPI cbio.d Ibar rhc!eod. rlred ia &jrtw c.ib by L!. Mrnid hw govmc.r
!ub.!.d d@ t$ iOOo s!

IE a.lioB sgai,si tL ard@iciaa &d tlcn .olrcdoE r,rough rie milt .y

@!is nul,\d his.d &. &lsioE Ttc brE pass€d resoluiioDs ad taurcbcd
oeForltatlod a8liDn lh. Sovandcm!, Ile pcsrc
noutca oa $cjudici!,, io e
its FkB bda ..ticL l99 of rh! Cosrituii@ b cner r. a@tiv€ ord4,
oD3tindord ch&gcs, !!d Mstid llw @ri@ bertDd rrc urholiry 8jv@ b, &c coDrt
Tl. riuriry add..d &c Anictc 212-A to ih, Co!5tiini@ in ordd ro cstablish nilirary
couns uder rhe Co$tiilrion.r! But &c Bdehjst,n Eigh Courl
onrinue.t to levide
rclicf to ile vicri$ of tb€ Eitilsy eut' It dccla&d th€ rhal of yany. Bs*titjyd, lhc
tltmcy scncral of Bhuno's legiEc, rs il.gd ed ulstdjc. I! d.cisioN of tE
njiilay @urt! wrc ch.llogcd ll. sanc hjgh @!n whc! glercd a slay agairu! fic
capiial puhhadlD. ed othd st.nces.rg Tlc High cours ar$ lsuadcd thc jail
autlolilies ad i!! hitirary aurrDritias lo rcfiai! AoD inltoorug tnc uda*ti d@ti

M!!!@ad aghlt Kld chllogcd b,nlits Uc Pouri"l !eti6 udd the

arricle 184(3) of thc ColtjMior i! ltrc sultchc Courrt6 Thc fcd of lhc
!die* of

BegM Nllsat Bhut0o .@, ar ddertcd !v Melrnood Ari Kaui rh' cou$cl fo! the

petitioM conPcll.d Cd Zi! ro PmNlgal. . con5ti$!i6t'l dddndi on 2? Mav

1980. ll r5hic1€.1 lb! ju.tdrclion of th. Higb Coutu !o rcviN th' Manial Law ods'
6ctio6 atl thc &aisi@ of l!. oilituv cout!. lt lbo vslidalcd r]l llc odets of lhe

CMLA. th. &6idst of !.liin$ &d ir. Fililsry auilDriti's ftis Marlial llw ord€!

@dcd the homvldoo! olth. dnftrv-judicidv dei.g'' ftc niIt"v d@idtd io 8a nd

oftb6. jud84 Ebo bad s.ra.d lhc Mdtid t^!q ed had provided lcsitituv 10 n but

k. larq E tjlg d@d! iD t nm ro tE! sryiG Od Z! B iEi'r'd !y rh'o ed

*&l.d ro dislos. of rh@. ftc lbn ioPott$t eot8 t'\@ wdt |hc Acritg Cbi€f

Jusri4 ofblot t[C CoEl Mouhi Mush!.q Hlisli! $d tE cbi'f Jue!@ of SupFEc
H€ E
CoEt Jusicc ,lrw-ul-g!4 who ilsiinn d 6c 'Ld! sdt6* ol Bbuno

vitu Iy locld ou of hi! .!ao!a b, th. @v F$d'l ed w st 4 d t'lilg

Judge lo 1b. sl+@. CoEt Addj!8 isrlr b iljurv, bis ltch nld M' J!5d€ sb'Ejd

sugj! Q!&i ws rPPoitcd s ihc a.ti.8 Cbj.ftDsia oft' llboc Hish coln This

M ilc dli dov. to ti. td.sitio, Foccls !o d'so@cy which cnablish'd a sfolg

6iue./ rulc, tusPddiDg all PrcsP.lis of th! ettodtion of d'h@!&v ktd' w!€n th'

gov@eDi skqd ihc Jud8.s io irk e oath uldd ?CO 1981, Judce Alwd-ul'Eaq ald

Moulvi Mushtaq Husj! *F ddicd thc riShl to El' t!' oai'h bv lb€ Manill Law

tlt llcv codd Dol 8ct $v dilg in lcnm 10 th'ir ulq!4lified support 10

Martirl Ilw golemcnl. Hovevcr lhc dandgo hev csulcd 1o $' dm@aric lroc*s

Thcjudiciary codd lot €xhibil Eity as d iEslitutio! Sonc ot&cj!d86 slowd

idtegiity by EiEirgtol'lcoalhndailc PCO}lllt @jo y M.Pad.'IhN wlto 9d

EfiEcd to bc giv.! & o!t! by tb. dilEy gov.mdl wd. nol suPponcd b' ttr.ir

@llea$.s. 't!ir .d.led to thc h@ilidrio! sl thc hltdr of tb. Matal Law atlorities.

Jlnie De! ?.Gl ed F.lt!r:!d-DD G ltdliD !.fts.d k i.rk tlc o!fi Iiw!g@l
stengl\ shoM by Jusii@ Plicl silcc hc ws th. sdior Eon judSe ofth. SuFcm. Coud.

If hc wuld hw. tska rh. odb, h. w oon litciy ro bc th. Chi.fJulte fd rlc lexr

cigb/nin. y6. H. wific.d tbat ltlsligios posiion by la&i!8 a st4d oD plilcidc rrr

O.r. Zi. cs!.blisllcd the !.rE&ol b.!ch* olal lh. fou Hid Courts in 1981

unds Ue PCO,'ie It vlr.!pE6tly d@ ro protdljlsti@ !! thc d@tn.p ofrh. !ePI.

bur i! redny n was e etron ro trcsk up th! caotal !o!itio! of th. kltorc Ba alorg wiln
thc othd $d Blr3 ia thc provteirl cQit!.b whicb wt'. losing a st!!g rcsislarcc ro thc

EixEry rcgi4 &d buildiDg lhc pt!s@ fd llc ctoElid of d.@oc&y. Thou8! r\c

judiciara @dinu.d b !. . lome of Eisrrne to Zia rcgn!. bur il failcd to E!6c tb€

d@9. n hld ldded to tie ali.dy sugigc.irg civila s?r!Ea.y it ?alista by

bDfding l.ejlil@y ed th. low to .fud the colllituti@ to ! nilitary diclaloi O@.

Zia prcloD8€d nis rul. for d unlimit d p.riod on t're b8is of th. lcgitihacy plovid.d by

thc Su!I.6c C.!n oft.,lGl,r Ir flct lhb dccisjon of tbc @!n cEtlilcd the Prcces of
trbsirio! id diEilisb€d l!. prspccr! b! d@@ay for d u!.lioired p.!iod.


Il had b@ a lracticc thal whadd niIirry dictarlB look ovd, thcy inducr€d

nilnary !.rsouel, both sclvilg ed rtired, in dE pstisious ofrcd. It.y distibuted


the rMrds oflowd dolg iLir Dilh6ry @Uc.tgu$ balw thd E r!.n Ed lovg

M!e. St6dilg Aoh Ayub Xb!, tbr! lbd.gy w6! lilopt d by ltl th. Dili!&y leadeb in

Pat&iao but aa-!l-H!q .lI FldacsoF io thi! !.8!rd.r4 Aylb Kh4

a?loitrtcd th. nilitaty 06o@ $ rh. 8ov.nd, Mb63ldors dd na& of lhe
corpo.ario6 .rc. lo obliSc thc loyal coucaSllca wbjch convinc.d oLrFs 1o bc norc loyal

nor 10 forgo ecl ilclotives. Hc abo attAbfish.d lh. Fuji Foundalio! in 1954 for tle

*el&re of retircd milildy p.rson i tun rI Ule i.!t!! forcd 11 becade fte ldsBt

iovdlFst body i! .bott sll rhc codsund illE i! !.Iisi4l SiFibrly lhe lrcltid
Vo*s Orgeisario! GWO) ws csr$lis!.d i! 1956 uldo Minisny of Co@ui@tion

which @ t.rd t'l8fdrd to tb. Mlistry of lbc M@e. It cDag.d a tb.la4est

oDll'uctioD dley wirb EAiDr idd.. of 6. Ejlitsry Pc&Dd $ thc dr4ow
Y.!r€ (l& @rinu.d thi! procs but C@ zj! dcinSly l.n !o stolc !ffhcd fd U.
lcDenzlion of llc dy F6olrls i! tbc l@tivc civil jobs md obU8i4 bi! wj@@
a. soi!'@clt Fovid..l ! bclv@ly dvireloor fo! boih wils 3d Erird

anitaty t@ dt th. rbd foe. H. consiildbly iDca.d r! bldgcrdv all@loD

fo! lbi5 lupose ts @aps.d io thoe !Io.!.d dEi!8 lhc Biuno 8ov.tDtul, Tbe

oilitlty oflies $!€ciauy thc top bn-a1 elrc F',!rd.d Otoush bcnijvc b.n.fi$ i! thc

fom ofjobs, bcfoE ed ane Elnd6! aberprion in thc Iauji lo@dario4"'] or thc

Aay W.lf@ Trust as wll ss i! t\. Pu.ly civiu& orSrnisatis rld 6rpoatjo.s.
Military ofr6s \l@ appoilt, i! lhc Sov.mlHi sld sdj'govenocDl i$litutios liL
VAPDA Sui-No,thm Gax lLA, .tc, Shuja Naw noied lhat among the lo! 40

bwa!c6!3, on foulh of thc toid e!t! w.r. @cupi.d by s.Eor hilira:t PdsoEel

TrEy w@ also ioducted itr thc mid.U! ud loN lcv.l posts of ihc civil seni@s

c+eiaily ir lovirci.t job. dililg lb. lBl sevco ya.s of rb. Mnrrd Li* I'r Tle fw
!ft ce.l Fgubr qwta rcsv.d for thc lrEy Ea h tn sdic! grelps of lhc C@tDl

Stpdjd Sai6 E tloubLd io l0 F ccd. ft.y prnjculaly joilcd tb. Distict

MMgddt CmqA rhc ForcigD S!ryi43 of &$rl!! lnd inc Po[@ Sdi@ of
?alista!.rs ftis @lly d€dld altrgoli3tic fc.lin8! 6dg lhc civilid ofr6 who

@bcd th€* p6itio6 rne gltrilg teuC iougn codpltitivc cxm. aa also ucd tb.

pb6s ofblenl dtr, i! lhc civil !wi$ th.r ll|d b..n stlt d by Bhutto to obligc thc

lPP opportcrrar. Hc sle induq.d .dy officds in sdior posts. TIis hllped rhe

Eilitary to cxFrd it! tul. b, occupyilg iryonut deision.blkilg IDdiro6 j! th.

civili& s6roi Pow dd lriail.ge3 r€t! rh, di! t!&s whjch dd liftd t\e

nililary's iaid61 i! lb. loliric!. Atrb K!& hld 9ritcd a corpoEtc .ullw blt Zj!
onsotirl2red it b rb! qr@r rhd &. miliitry n E litcd to dj$6gr8p tud n besE
tL.y rvd w,red io los. th6. @ponL i!tGr!. tr ss 6 .tron lo oblie! thc biddl.

ald j@ior nl o6c&s v) cuirillc lbci! ssllolt for t!. d@isi@ of tb. lop E!ftary

@l|l]@d6 1o stty b pov!! &t ! l@gd pdiod,

Tbe Diddb E l 066 wrc pDvid.d eith oppoituljli* lor r&ldhor h tle
Gulf @uti€s io cd du.h aoncy in r liDited pdiod. Z't oFned ncw oplornbirje fd
the f@cial uplii of rhe @y !qs@.I. Hc nrncd a slccio1 9!€ of bilitary
e&sd6i pith sddi Arsli. vhich f.cililalcd th. slltioDi!8 of a contire@l in Tab*
(Saldi Arabia), aplaredly fof t'ajling bli in facl for thc dcf.ncc of tne tu)d feily
agailsi ey thror 6oF lrlq o! IsDcl. 'n!s drrgelocnt coDtilu.d Aorn l9E2 to 1988 &d

aro&d 40,000 toops beDcfited i! two roratiols, i.c., l9E2-1E85 sd 1985_1966 krd
dbagtudt developcd dE io S.udi rc!!.utioB o! lhc Posdngs of Slt'a peMcl ald

thc l.lddar go!cr@eot!' fE slrrd loi to c@ply wi& thc S.udi .llhh.b *bich

Bultcd in winding up of tiis briSldc brcl hoE .r" Tld \l4 lvo djEct !.sirivc
ouc@B of this bovq it cotcd ltP b.ted tbose who bd enjoyed
t al$s ditr

soldsor ed thoe wbo couli nor go thcro, bo{r dolt th. ofEe!! ed thc rdks;
s@ldly il cdptuis.d 6. Fofc$ioD.lid of ib. @r &d cur€d . E@ DoE<y
oindcd c.ad iD tle !Ey.ra?

Ile allor$6t of.siculturl ls!4, qu & old l.g&y ofr'E Blnis} ruterlr whjcl

@di!u.d anq i!d!!@d.@.1h. Ebd ploo aldg eith lh. f,cilttic of lod lor lnc

coEsttuclion ofhoud i! ube colre ed 6rod.nt3 rx@ th. lddiiional bdcfits fot
rhc bjg! rublg 066, A ni.Ul. Et ofrq E @rjrl.d tor a plor h rb. urbs
cerrres at the coEdetion of 25 y.dB ot wi@ ai *r'ddy slbsidiscd dt6. Tne

D.fd@ EoEbg Anlditie @EA) \4@ drblisi.d b rx rh. c&roDfunr of p.!&rat

ilitially bd€r tbc @!tol ofthe Milisrr/ of D.f@ bln laer Eslsfelrcd b tbe my.
'ftc ofrds Rrc otr@d esid@nll ptob i! Ltrec 5ocicri6 ar s v.ry low Fn@ which

ihcy @uld s.[ !o thc civilis.l qdnft. Fi6-ke llle cffons of Zir heb.d r[e

hilir6!, 10 @$olid!t! iti dl-rin! ml. h gov@cDr TXc niut&y j!flu.lc€ bcc.mc
iDp€larivc di!€cdy ard indi€cdy. 'tlis .otc of ihc ddlirary contimcd in thc !osr-

wilndlawd p€riod rhi.h d.cclda$d 0E pl*sr ofuasidor io civiiia rulc.


T}. niulary ili.dcndor of uc USSR i! At$ojsls lrovidcd ih. Mania.l Law

8o@d1 of &lcista! wiih o olponEity 10 ger tegiriDacy al rh. iddrional l.v.t.

IXe ecuity tlrlrt to Palislatr @!r8cd duc to thc pl!sc!@ of6. Sovia Dilir&y in

Afgbarisieedtlc nilibry8olrrlllEnuscdirsajulrificslionforrh.co :lutiuof

ib ru1.. Ii tr.i bc.n I pn tic! thft rh. Wcst Fop.g.Lr d.r!o6a.r ed hlE@ ri8!B s a

policy insf|uliot !o lleeeEis. thc und.!i!.d rlgtin s !I ovc! dE rcdd_ Blr in frct th.y

e @ft.ncd with ody lh.ir os! Etiorlt iat.r.sl!. Accodils to Frud! Robiea

V.st hrs b.6 co&c!r.d *ith r.curity rdl.l thrn d.oo@y i! p*isim 'Itafor., llc

nilil|ry 8a..t:t@t! @ .ltr!y! eElcod.d.'io Thir @!.bonrj@ prov.d !o t ! jotting

blow to ih. dorb for tho rcdorllio! ofd.@o.t!.t .!d btoctcd thc Fo..ss of tr Birion

vh.n Zit dcpos.d tL Bhuno go@@l &d i6po*d M.nj.t Law, &. US

PBid@t Ji@y Cdra .!d tir arhiljsflrio! bld slo.gJy coldc@cd rhis a.rion.

Prldglln had to h@ .ld{e|rtocfuy s!!c1i@, lti! situlrio! rucd cv@ wN wbd

a. tmd .!om th. .l@@y r.qucsB by lbc bc.!h of tbc v6o &d MuLn
@uEjB io sp!r! Bhldro to6.5!it l pui3hD@r Urirh rhc aivd otllc 85,000 Sovicr

tlop3inAIghrlisn!i!Dcc.Nlbcr l97q{$5E!i.ticiDport!4!ofPstjst$ausDc .d

Tles. !!ops @ia;d r{fSbeii!!.l rlc iwintion of i!. K.bul 80!!fu61

of H.fzuu!! ADin wlo lssulicd ,o*c sn r dildisi!8 iis rivrl NM MullMld
Tdjli. Ho@vr Abn hiD.clt w.r l!. 6r!t vicliD of6. Sovict !gt6ior. Th. Puppt

Blbdl Kr&!t, a ras iul!!.d s rb. Dr* !'.sid6t ofAfslllisL& r'

For tbc Afgbns n vls ! Dlns of swivd &d dd.!din8 thc homclrnd. Ai tb.

s€Ec tjdc, sinc! tlc co@uisr *n couidad eti'Iihdic, it E de ! Elisios dug

or a hol} M for th. AfSI@ wlo \N4 fighd!8 iI! R'rsi!$ lo libdltc Llch @utry.

An iddig..M siltara ao\ee1 i@.did.ly took 5bp. witli! Af8!&isl!a t!

kc9iDg lriu tbc tadjtiols of $c I'lghll nrtio! wlo litc othd slioDr i4a &@Fcd

6e h.elllony of forisr! u 6.dd.4 t Ir8! lMbd of Al8bIl !s, ro

i$dq- A! thc

ru ton ASDisre ed scd shclLr totD tt[da ald Il!!. Th. oMbd @i!!d
dc milio! @t d by tb. @d of J&uay l9E0 tld hd Ech€d tbc sLssdilg n8!E of

thre. nillon by ely 1988, '' I{@ th.y ndle(l or8&bi!g tsjsrrte grou?s lo l.uch a

gleFiU. w .g!j$t &o Soviet @y."4

It ws ! Soldo oplcibity fd lh. niulsl gordD@t o l€gtinie ils.lf at th.

irtc@lio!.1 Lvcl ,Dd ldsbed a DLr to co jluc its ruL iD ihc !)!e of nalio l
*uiry. cc4 Zi! E clcw @ug! r.r b l.l it 80 witboltr g!i4 H. t@L this cfuid
d@isioo ro join rhc wcai.h @p agli.!1 tho Sovicl iD6io! deslilc O. tlrcli thar hc

@civcd Aom ihc Sovicts.rrs ft€ nal politjk vo*.d ald lic US Policy low&ds ?tlisle
.oopLilly ch4gcd ioE hostiiiy lo aiddshiP Inirielly, thc cai€! adbinislElion

otrdcd $400 oiUi@ s Eililry ald ccorobic dd lo ?alista! i! licu of suPPon lo

aa@c thc Sovilr U!i@ ioE Att&itt& bm Zit td..t d di! otrd dd i@cd it B

Falus,rr6 PaEst !'s eL s ! totrdi!. sllt in th! 6d Algha Jibld stait d i! l9El

wh€' Ro td R.5s& ws ss@ B tb. US Prsidlol i! Jdlrlt l98l- Zia rook this
@cial dccision ro join ihe W$14 @p aSsi$l thc Sovia iDv$io! d.!Pjl. thc rcPaicd

tbEa$ iod &. Sovic!3!5' ody wb@ R.!8& nir.d $c voldc of $sisr6cc to ?ahstat

lo $3.2 bilu@ ovc! tc pedod of six ycds lo egbol ls dcf.!c. ed 4onomjc

stoE.rJr Zi! tn r dplaincd tbrr tE hld Ellt3cd beosc of thc cEdibilirv of lhe US
dsurrlcc bcc!u3. in 1965 od l97l 6cy bad b.tayld rh.n Eost .lli.d allv' P.kisl&

Ilrs 4ri!l!@ Fogr@6c w4 Evisd i! 1986 ed tudd tugc ovd llt n'xl s'l
yeirs. During Muhlmld Khi! Junejot sist visi! to Vashin6o4 thc US agFcd io

Fovidc a M of US$4.02 bilid ov.r a Pcriod of six Y6, 1987'93 Ju'jo wd


ihpFs$d *ilh tbc $ay !c {s t eircd bv thc Asdicd ftb tsulltd in 3 Foe

@!6.16t Jwjo i! tlod.sdc aBi6 Th. nlsr P!.r!gc divided equdlv i! @nonc
ald Enftlty si$r!cc, bln lhjs tidc @ lbc sugtcstid of Zi', il E divi'Ld a 5? Pd

cqr for c@loejc nd &d ib. rt@iDilg 43 Pa cctt fd Dilitatv '60

I4tiauy, rhc rcft8*s ],rerc sfitrcd i! &ds in thc t€tugc' ctnPs but Iatd oD dtsc

bnrs w4. r.Plrc.d by l@lodrv n](t hut!. 'Ilre Etu8pc c@Ps wt locn'd in Khvbq

!.lhiulhlJl! a.d Btlochjnan n@ Afgld bordd 'ftis cledesli@ nuba of Ftus4

cbogcil thc *iol. fdric of tht eci.rv cEi!8 34ir! @Biq ldbitistnlvc dldc

8o!!@€ ofPltj$dddlhelFsreciay M&v oftb6'

ed politic.l probl.6 forlbc

Etug€es n vq \|.nt back ro Afeb&bsr dd 8ol beied inlo the lo'al tib$

fei[.s. Irey t]$ cei.d then livalri€s wiLh U.n

ftc poPpy culrivrdon Lb.d 4v Dorcv tho!8! thc
lbc 1o disc
D'eti6 stlc vja P!,ldti& a rlfc b thc W.st ft. Afgh4 M fd!'d l!' Elo'aiiot of
rbc hlroin f..toti4 ilro 6c aibal b.t of idess'd th'
ralisLt of tddicr5
'rnic! 'ubct
itr ?akirib to e spec.!t6:c<l ldel o! th. onc sjd. dd d6igBt'd Pa&idd a drc

rwbcr on sutPlid of hdoi! $€ qorld o! Llc olh6. dltEirs finv pq 6t of l.\e

narkd in Euop. ed didi@!6' A cbs of !c$cd i'tci.sr sPloned l.!is trtfrcld!8 for

t!. saLe of no!.y !!tt itijtuted a ildis..miblc fttwo* of dlgs insidc tle @uit
tlso. A@rdi!8 to Pali$.n's Natlotie CoEbol Bodd tb' nubd ot hdi!
@!edro 1.3 billioDi! 1985.@

As ihc figltiog b.t'il!€n rb! Afghd Mujalid.en dd lhe Sovi€l LtoPs a6cl4arcd

dd ars suPPlics tod all ovd the $pponin! slalcs dplificd thdr gavc binh b |nc

'K4ishrilov Cult@' i! Paridar fte ISI M cqullv invoh€d i! Dtlils tloncv


tl8ou8h Ihe am' sutpljs f6 0! atgL! Mujdidd b.gulc thc CIA conplclely r.lild
on tbc ISI to train th. Mlillide€D .!d to distdbli. @s eo!8 t'. 68bdlg erolpr

'Itu sryin8 Isl ofrc.ts l@ ais cdt odtDucd fo! l.lilg bnb.s for pturiding ms
to dc Alghe co!]l@dds ou of rbc wy' Blt tL rulPlt rld sal. of 3d @nliru.d st

bisha Dri6. Ai lblt tid rb. DG, ISI *s Lt G@ A.tltar Abdu RchDe Duils his

Lre thcr. wcle !o c!..}s ed blsrccs o! th. sulply of!m! ,nd noney. ne Ct{ srs
to dclivq @s al K@!i pon wiiloul ey hrdfeMc. in d6 dishiburid pio6s,rG AI

of th. Afehe w rchtcd mn6 ql(! kcpt lMy t(e thc iDquili* of rhc C@gB, Ir
wa lbd Lft io t-r Oo llandd Gul io lm . 3/srd ofchek dd bals@ i... lc.outs

dd audjts r.gardils a@ supdy.l( A!6.e. of !.@Etability psvcd rhc way for

@plioD in this dgeilstio!,


Ile Militlry btdug.@ is a !u.ly bitirary agecy wtilc r\c ISI h a $bi-
Fililaly agdoy. 'Ilt hcad of rh. jrsriMo! b a winS bilirrly g6.dl (a Lr. coaa] oi
! Major G€erl) wlo i! di@dy appojlr.d by rbc Prj@ Milisler our of te! M6
ProFsd by 1b. A@y Chicl Tlc ag.&y is &@ui!btc ro blh rhc cjvil ed milit&y
.u0Dnd.! asrdilg to thc er@ of rhc siaMerr6r T!.djriolrlt, U.lsj h.d b..!
Ega'd.d d a cohteFag@y !o dcal with c*l.rn r lh*a$. Thc At8!e jihad ssjencd a

r.w relc b r!. IsL ltris lcw rclc lnd @ll.botdior with I'E ctA ald rhe s.!di
htclljgae s.wie gavc rhc ISI & upE€dcDlcd srlugrb ed auronoay lhar n had

n.vd bld befdc. It slwcd r e.l raior bere*r rc er &d L\e rSL

B.foE lbc ISI, tlc rvtrriary ld.!ig.d@ (MI) !.d ! @jd Flc i! Fovjdjls
$ppon b dlirsy oFdi@. iljr t@ilcd iDa.i riU 1bc r980's, Ho*4.r, thc ISI nd

b.e! aaivc i! political .ctivitis t@ thc tcSiairs of Ytht! Kl@\ t!8jDc in kll
1970\.16 But llldcr th€ Zia Fejm ils rc). wEe .xp&dcd ulPre.cdcd.dly i! ddcstic

lolilics, SiDce ihc &ii!ry r€8jte tcok lhc t !k of IshsGttioa th€ ISI stncd bald!8

li.Ir eith polilicrl prni.!, ct@iily lb. Ill@tc p€nia jn laHd.t, lo uo ild rSrisl
rh. porule &d lib.nl p6nie lik PPP. 'I!@
li ! 6mld clr@lidai.d ilto ! {rDng
partldship duils Afshs jih!4 Fd tht! n!s.d, am lhc diliiat @ttd duitg tbc

Zia Fsiec ws lsrinn U! ISI! td rc1.. TL ISI E coDlroUirE .ll lb.

&tiviti.s id Alsleist n q,{!lc thc Eititar hld no lid( wilb lbat buiN&rtt 1}. fiiction

o@Mcd b.twcE 0F dilt&ty.nd tbc ISI on ih! issu. tha dE bilil!ry inl.lli8oc. dtd

nilirry opcraions wi! trc diff@r subj.tts {iicl voik€d s.Pdtclv rld et!

@!tol.d by s.pccc dG!.dEaA. Bul lh. ISI bld ctltr.d boih rh. a6 duing th.

Afde Jilrd E ss.ils thc Dilinry !orE!. Both G@ zia ed OcD Abdu
R l!@, how6, @6idd.d lh. ISI'S srcwi!8 rolc 3 a rcal ad@tagc to lhcir Islsnjlt

'ft! Isl @rtiN.d 10 luptorl lhe T.hb&'e .!d Isldis 8r.L?s i! Al8!a slan

evd .nd Ihc Sovicl wiibdawl zia {.s of lh! opido! th.d laki5&n @!ld se EoE

sfdgth wirh . FcP.Hna! solffior i. Aftbeisllrr€ Th. IsI @ti!u.d b Pl.v .

sig!i6@r tu|. i! t}l. Afgbao is$e, .l.e policy md t lni6 with l!di. bv niDibisinS

th€ tule of .let.d 8ov@.nts ir the klrsitotll Pqiod in fi. Fsl-Zia !4iod.

High lcvcl .xcheges bct{c€! ?a}jsllll lnd tle USA w€€ f.cquent &!in8 dis

lsio.L zi! s.d lo h41 th. US vidto$ .lon. 6on of$c iEes' whilc iolt ofin. dE s

rhc @y @EDudqs sc!! lot i olird i! lh.sc Ecltin8E. Tb. F@ig! offce rlied b
ilte.f€e hr Silcd due b ZL aod lsl'r rryd haDd in tlc Afghe policy l}e FcisD
Mintur.r Ag!! shdi E isisr.d rpo! b, O@ Z'. to bc{ t$5 ldtrolio unl }e B
t rlr.ed by t tltind Mljor Ga Slhibztd! Yaq$ Ali Kha4 *do ojov.d a e@d

lepuufoo i! weshingro4 Psis rid Morcow s s nlEscnlativc ofPalisl4 Za did thrt

to po.bay t!8 r\e deisjo$ wcr. rcl lrlcn by hill aloe bul wiu tbc @c.s!s of l!.
8o\,eEie!t h fie @wbjle, ih. Sovicts stdcd bl4ilg the US fo! forcing &&ind 10

ta& lan i! i!. AlstE Jihd. On l5d' Mrfrl, 1985, C'o.b&h.v spok, againlt Zja-d_nlq

dui!8 his o€tiag wilh vdiou! f@igD l.!dd vho hd @Dc io Moscow He dcdat d

Zi! io b. a c@i!s ed lr?odilicd r.rsor who E co Pirils !8ai!sr rtc USSR bv

naiDiDS AfBhu ed .! l!. sc tirc .s$i!g lhc USSR ot nis good nciehboulv

fe.lilgs'D The Sovict rnd AfSnr! i !!iS!oc. !S!dcic, (th! 'Kbd dd t!. KGB)

qtead€d lbe M ifio Oc Plkisltli tdtitory. Thly dso srpDorrtd Al'Z'itrq&

orgdisrior (.4zo)rtr *,tric! htd d.rgcd tglilst lh. Mdlid tt* gov@t after dE
dcni* ofzul5qe Ali Bbtto.rz
Afgl@islaD bd dmyib@ . toug! pEy GsD@i.lt, for lb. in{d6 fte dnnal
tftjn aod lh. hdirioDiuy 51ro!g hadcd trib€l Polllhtid !!d alMvs bcd t [ud]c i!
$e ecupatio! of Afcbeisrl!. Ih. Sovict UDjon's ov.Fdbjiios move ro invade

Afgldisar proved eo{u finilc exdcise with a hc 1lindcial dd nili&rv 6sr of

ilvdsion. Tlts ultiDal€I, onilibutcd !o thc djlintcgntio! of Lhc geat mPile laiiing ir
gcting sces and ctglt yc6, ilc Sovi.ls v@ dtlM to sct( PMc! ed in
AfShdislaD lo avoid a iudd thns rS ftc tj]'l sPotsorcd DcgoriaioDi lcd io th€

Gows AMrd d t4 April 1988 UDda thtu a8@@! 1l. Sovi't Unior ag@d 1o

eirldraw irs for..s tun Afdldsta.'t3 Plbit!! su.{€ssftlly rcrincd agai!5t thc Sovict

an.bprs 10 opnF AfSblin!! ald p€i!.iv.d it a rhtejl & it! s.cuity, 'Ilc @sr of thi3

vidory w wrr Ngh for Prtisl& lor ody i! ldEs of th. c@mic btad@ bd .bo in

taff of its so.i.t &d loliticd cons€qu$c6, ftc n ng-over otttlsc developdeils slil
@rni!u* Io hlel ilc polity i! it5 oost Epubivc fo@


I hs b@ .vidcot th.t if t!. xtnolaic ldfom.nc. of a govffisi is

stilflqory rh. !.opL 8.d.nly ltdi! cslE Militrry gotaudts try lo ibPrcv.
@@nic sh&gics to Fololg Uen nna L&. th. Fsviorls EiXley gcv€@clts in

Pakislra thc pcdo!]@@ of ltE Za rcgjm w$ ircitdiblc wlticb *a! hclPfi, for him io

$./ i! powr for a tdSd pdio<L"' Th. jlfov of @d-jc lid tFn t,!c Us, othd

WdtqD @utid &d Sludi Atrb'a millscs toD rh. Midd. &si ed Pitld
@@nic policio by thc rlgjeo colaccil lho .6mDic &livily in th. oouDty. A visibL
econonio boon r s! in this pqiod drc lo As's.cotujc Efoms evssd th.

piicy of Etioulislio! j!t!d&cd by Bhutio Zr ale acoe&d tulusfia:sariortr

Th. irirjd @no6ic !o@ dcrcrld oe !6plc io conc od j! th! stlers &d dened for

the withdEwd o{ lbc Dilitary tion Powd.

It .le bd@c a goldd ldiod 6 fd u thc biow of lh! r@itt'!c's Ad

ov.r!c!t Ptljstdi wkas * @cdc4 Th. qp€,si@ in dE @ll@s m&l.r
r!E!.d irt i@ rale to 15 pd @t Bu s . wbol!, lhe di$rilutivc .fLcr M exrcnd'd

!o all 3.9n@ts of tle loci.ty ald lie staftlAd! of livils ihProvcd duc to this forcig

dclllgc scrt by l,le t 5 millioo $ort&tt! ioE MidtU. Ean''r T!* tdnjttar* builr

up a $!!la!tid pdt ol6c ccorooy *irb s@d l22lilid F y@ fd oon ot llc

ldiod of$c I980s. ft qir otr.-t nlh oftE coutr's ilcon doutiDg lo 53 ptr @l of

L\e iotal fo'.i8! !rcleg. .tni!83. '' I! 19E4, \&@ t!6. milulc.s fcu bv 4 pd cdl
it h€o. ! two di@ioltl chr[cogc fd Pltistla @ io coF wib lhc ls of fottigr

Tlc ts @dd !io@3 of Aa's @eDic lolicy *'cc lslei5a!'on ed
Ddlarield It has !€.n ob!.rv!d lblt lb. GDP srd oiha cconoDic iDdicald sbow.d an

Wmd .Lv.lopo6r e.!a thc ailiary rc8iD. s @EAed lo thal udd a citliu

gov€r@at Tbe !c4so! i! thd {E bililty us* & iru bdd to cEt bw 8nd ordd

pfobld, .rhlic viol@ rld @rsl d Politictl ..tiviiic., *bjcb.uov thc P.oplc lo

@!@ra!. or Mr@ic acliviti4. Mo@v?r gdct lly thc b.nq ccononic polici.s ed

iinow of forcig! @!.y h th. fcm of lid ed FDI hclP.d to s!.!d uP €colorllc SroMi!

T16 a\Eigc Gro6s Natioul Mlct (GM) growtb rde duing lbc Z! Fiod nod 197

€di!.d ccd w!ic! re of6. hglcat i! 6! rbrld al tbt tiE. r'

to 1986 5.0 t4 onc

Altbougl hb ed M cosiddld !o be th. *@d Eon !rcsPmB €n EgddjnS 1!'

@mny dq Ayu! rutA bu bis @lmic Poljci6 q,jnd!'t bring a susui,$lc

d4eloFdcli. 1!. llen w thlt 1bc 6tiF b@n *Es bts.d on f@ict tid ed

@Nlidlrcd .cononic iriria$vs w]lich wer. rcqujEd or a lonS tdn bdis wcle lot

tato by ih. 8ov.@c!t S@!dl, bjs ddition to joio lb. M lsainst tb' Sovi'l

irrio! i! Afgbei$6 t ta Eo!di!. slsL dBlrov.d thc etotov bv inculetils cav

dolcy of rcolcs sugeli!8 in tbe couty, llc Ex!&dcd Pdclrati@ oft'\e AfCds

i! bEiess with ! loi of bb.l bor-v eltlc tb. c@Fdlio! lolgh for th' lo<!t

buii.sd'x Thc brrrDsiou of $c'BE MlncB M &olhd feffi of lbis @

&!ougho* thc co!!ry,
Z! sbiftd tl|o policy of u$@rlisalioD io FiEtisation wbch wr3 @Dtlu€d by

th. suc€sso! civilia! gorrr@@ts. Tr. Zia Egilc foo$d on buildirg ibc @Dfid@c

of fi. Fi%.c s&ror i! lb.8ol@!@t polici.3 ro 6@uage &.1 @Eplct@l Fiv.a

ilvlsinot, Ecdobic zon6 wele €$auish.d i! thc @uty rilh cnctd.d tlr holidays

fo. !tti! !u!pos.. As ! F$!t sr! clrrcpraE$ $pdded qujle qujckly to this

EotivatioD by tb. g@auMt, bur l&gc scd. at!p@.E t!d.in.d c&fiil. soaU

$.lc iDduJfi6 i!.|!d.d latha llodEa, rpon! i@s ald sEgicd Soods wt d Elly
vcll duilg nrE ar EgiD.. nE ildusiirl lrcto! qnic! *rs nsroB'bl. fof 30 pd cdt

induslrial ouFlt co inucd lo pegc6 ion 1979 wirb s idpessjvc Eros1n i!


The dport3 !w n@ 9958 to S4,455 b.l96 th. y4 of 198G1988 wln

iFpotts idcr.lscd tutn S5409 io $6191 in thc slbc ldiodra Thc ?diod @iDed

@tcd wilh ilE cuftlt !c.o6l denci. ID 1980, fiis.lcficil ss .acd bv I tlftc ved

loan toh I\rF mrih tl.? biUioD. Deh r.sclcduli!8 $as *Drt€d out wi0r ii. Aid'tG

Patistd coNrtim.ra E@!@ic sislec. 6oD &ir co@rtiu ree lo 2? Pd @r for

1984 @outilg o Sl.8 billio! at @ iltq.st dc of ls rbd I !.r.ert li @@in€d

$2.I bitli@ fu l9E5-86.'k T!@ B lot of @@lD in Palisid on iG tsils d.bt 's Tle
plivaE invdtMt ws @!eed A@ 33 io 46 p.r ced ofrlc ro&l itrvcstttdi duilg

198&1986. Tlc .sLtc &'b!cted Eoa sbt i! Filtrc ilv'stDcti Mo E(E


Abourh Zi! cr w.! cocida.d to D. lh! Ed. Fo3PdoB Fdod fd lhc

econony of Paki{,I bl! &c cosl of lhc Afghr! slllpod ed Wcs!.m allisca e6 to bc

tlid i, l!. .colmic llEa also, It oP@eil ,cw ibffi fo. Edy i!'8,1 &il htEftl
a4tiviti6 litc blr.r 6s!.li!& s!€tl'!& elg tr6cki!9. d sLr ctc Th' Us aid

addcd io th€ 4ili13ry clPsbilitics ofth. !t}j$!n mr. TItc Erlitsry

gov'roe adolled

slon tdo loli.ics *ijch !rcvid€d li,nclt suppon to thcir tgidc bl' friled to dtltlo!

rb. i!i!-stuci@ dt ldg l.t6 llojds fd | ssr.il|blc 4doDic dev'loPnot The

a Mjor
budg.l deficit i!ct€3!.d. Tle d.!6dcoc. o! forcjs! aid ilthd incF4"d ed

prn ofthc lid w5!€!i o! pqyi!8d. Ptlvios d'bt't T!' s 3@id wa leii on lne

Et too 21pd @r of the

ldiphdy witt ! d€IiDile oflubUc aPerdjlS @
pa cdt i! !s th' aP!'dl eonodic boon 4
GDP b 1976'1977 ro 1.5 1982-1983

b Prolon8 lhe niliLrv

pottrly.d by lhe r€8iDc Prov.d belptu! siong *ith olhq 6!tus'

dlc. It .letdcd lhc d.tdlc lnd lo* middL dlls AoD orsdisilg a socio-politicd

novcn@t .gaitst the Egtmd


Zia's srcps for ltcnglbding lit Pqedt nlc djladnr'd sob' of his psios

for lol8 icti'
cnnftdcd thc $5PioloD about lis ilr'ntjos to 3t!' tosd
in a
tbc lco
'ft. Movdst fd &c R6:toE!io! of Dcdodcv (MRD) E t Dllii_Plltv Political

allilrce 6tabIsb.d in l98l agailsl ass dicBtodd tcpDe

in Pd{se Ih' nu
u' 'I!js movmcnr
@dlondt of$. MRD M thc lPP along wjl! orhd political ldlies
b si'dh Zia !*d
lrdttd a lovEtul cMpligD agajlst Zi!'s iDle P'njculdlv 'vcry

po$iblc ndns to cllsh tbar doveddt Bul tijs aUie@ s slccsstul iD bdldilg tbe

!Es@ o! aa to hold ie !!d f!i. elerioDs. H. !!!oe!d @ 12 Auelsr i983 rtn

clcctioE fd lhc Daliord !!d proviDcirl ssldbli* rculd !c lcld in Ma.n 1985. h 1b.

Dd iioe, be llolscd so6c r!r.!dr@I! ro li! c@sritutio! h ods to dake rbc

llcsiddt nott lowrnt. Ii Ms $,i&.ld AoE his.trottr thlt be hiEelf wouid lDld
the omc. of thc P6id.Dr Tlij! @o6@6t lrovok d a eaclivatio! of the MRD

Eo\@ot dd . prctdr B lahcb.d !SEi!5t hj! a.tio! *bich sas tu essly ptn doD.
'[ris Eov@r Ac.d th. rdsr lur&hips !t rh. bed! of th. mili!.ry n!a. ?rlviosly,

Ite mvmenthrd s!fl.rcd asclb6.L by &e i&ide ofltiS!,jactjng ofrlE Ph plale on

7 lelury 1982 by rL Al-Zulfiqr OrSrdsdion (r{ZO). AldDusI rh. P?P dcnied &y
liDt with lhis orgaoisatid bft rh. roiliidy sov.lu.lr wss succcsstul in i diitine r!€
@paigl agaiDst tb. covdr hb b.r*ro rbc rqo. Ihc flighl wls l!l@ ro Dda34 md

an* negodari@ witb rlc [ij!.]crq rb. govcllD4r of P.kin& ss!.d to El.& 54 PPP

a.rivisls ton th. P.&jslali jlib.Is Tlc tjljlg of iDr6.an lstug6 @r.d sfors
eti-AZO emi!@t' M<eva lbcir dclEd b t t rh. lPP adivisrs ne Ln ! @garir.

i!t!a.t or the MRD bo!@@t a rh. PrP els irs rojd @m?ot'6t ed thc AZO %
ap!.ar.d b be d oBh@1 ofibc ?PP,

Il1e MRD @uld nol ssdl DoE sinca !h. hain st!.d padj.s ilcludjle tb.

i"luliD Loge ed trc Jdlt-ilsladj wtI nol jnclud.d in il, Bul th€ Fo!@€d E-

enoecd ir 1983 dd E selssftl i! excninS !r.!sw on Zia ro hold elecrions in 1985.

The dcm&d of rhe elections M @.ptcd bli r.rE clcclioG wre !€ld on a non-lany



Lilc A}!b Kls C@. Zii dlo loudt coEtitslioml ptotcnion ldo6 thc

cjvili!ftriio! of hi! nd.. He waatcd tt D.liticrl sovcr@.nt lo trlik undd a polilical

!',st r0 in *nich C.n. Aa should bc rll powrftl gulrllt i!8 ih it would collilue eiu
hb lolicics. Hc ftsi 8!v.lbb llsk to th. Couocil of lsldlic ld.ology (CrD, which

submiltcd ii! rlDon b hin i! AFil 1982. Tlough nor isu.d to tbc F* officidu th!

hcdi! n n gor n no rb.ir oh se.! .'d pubushc.l lh. qloL tar r'r
@a![y s it tg@.od€d . fcd@l lor of dc 8ov.m@t,
ro th. PrBid.or'5 qitl

p6trb.$d .1..1i@ o! lbc bai. of ldrt 6eotir. &d ! 3cPdde cl..loEt . Il B

!am.d lo t!. CII fd T!. CU lod E@ the @ y5 to PBdr
elbq Epon odoBils tlc &?irdi@ of G@ Zr by a 6iury ed
?Bidodlt fm of govtued b oda to ]rLEis lh. Futcd d6'sio! o*i!s, th.
CI sussdcd lh.l tb6. slould t ! @@il ofllbDic s.lol6 wilb lhc tu.ldlhont, !o

iltc'plt Id@ic i!j@ri@ i! r!. tigh ofrb. Q'!'rn ,!d SullrLp

Hc b.li@cd thst 6. fdsi.t dt' I sy.r@ B !o!..los. b $. Idoic ood.t oi
govc@.dl !!d lhc !/!sbi!5rd Eodcl E lor ablc Io !!@il pblic lsPr.satttjv6 6
b.$d d rb. IeLDic ditai. I! odE ro pEvat politi..l p.nie i@ ptnicipali!8 i! thc

cl@ilEl pro.6s .!d caEi!8 t!.Isleic cdatids of thc @did.lcs, hc took tw

ncpsr o!c, hc bcl.l thc le3l tova@qt cl4riotu rwo ti,b.t duiry his i.!@ i! l9?9

ed 1983: trc. hc rs&Uilhcd tbc Fdc.d Coueil i! t9El. Bul th.e stcls l'w not

dough ro Ear llc &@!!.t for lhc rlstdllion of d.@o$tcy in P.lisllt. IltEfoF, hc

de4idcd to civilir sc bis rulc {iuoul los'lg hjs poljlicd iDitiativc.rel

a! d5o dtullcd ilis ask !o a colrnisio! lEsidld ovor bv Maule. zefc!

A!6ed A$s!i!r lo cbslk out e ttpbFiaL poliljcd lFlh Havils coDfo'rdit/ ofidcle

*iO th. Dilildi rcgio., thc t@mcndadons of dis con4bsior }@ hirly clos lo
wnd Z! tnouglt of thc political system shoild litely bc. So lhe rclon *!tr Oc

lpprilrio! otzir iD lublic b'll !. could et i!6rroE& oll the !.coll@nddjd. in llc
RCO. It Folos.d th. FBiddlid fo@ of govemcd i! !lac! of the lelimdlary
3y!!.!\ pmponionrl E!e@t!tio4 a s!p@!. .l@toEr!, ibc sEidi@ on &. poME
of lb. pdlidc4 lrltlquisn.s fd clEdiddcs to prblic 066 &d limits o! voE.!
politid.l pdicip.tio!, FfttLss .lelions .!d $e fodlnion ofEo.. prot!6.18
A i,hnty n6b.r sleid oiiEire of rb. !.d6d CoMn *rs ite rldrd !o

a.c@plsh fiir ia5l, ft. rcpon w tbe toi.l Epudiatio! of lh! dpet!1ior of lh€

Madid Lsw rcgiEe. It suggcatcd th|l ib! l9?3 Consliturion stolld b€ Esloed in irs

origin l toE *c?r foi rbe chqe6 r.quicd to. @.d4 . bat&e b.rw.d $e powB
of0!. P8id.d ald lh. PdDc Mjrjnc', A nd.cat pslt@@&ry synd facitiraEd by lbe

pdg-bsd elalioB M5 .lso e<)@o.lcdr* fti! EFrt M !!t jD @ld slo68. by

i,!c hilirry eginc wii.loui ey a.toowl.dgeEar
Zi! mourcql tLt the rlEfd ofpoE woutd be .toD. beforc 23i March 1985

bul did mr mou@ ary cladoE et dua Hh civilj& @ajiri@ p.rh6, rhc rcligioN

SDups .ad $de c€Ulct D.@bas ovutty oftr.d hiE ro sby in lok rjl rhc

conplelion of&c Isbaisrdon !.o€9 Mon of6e l@d bodi* L'troughoui Lle cour6,

follo&d lllc choru ro lupFn Zia's fuiE rolc in lh. lotry sna th€ clarios. &idi
srcrc tla Zja B.ded lis pld Sndully dd in Augun r 984 h. indjcared hjs inr.Dtios

io stsy in po*s $ . ABi&lr This sls dE b &c swpon of U. rligjcFlirjcrt grclF

ald ile !@lutid lrssd by dny lo.rl bodils.re IIosE his cEnidg of &c RCO tud

ilrq els rcvcd.d ild }. hld &tolly @vd thoueht ofl*vilg pow6. 1X. iiDe &sr lt
look ro mourc. bis n['e da wB e ctro!1 to scc rh. rr$.b &d rcspoles of ihc
politicials llc bueau6:l!, tb.Iocrl bodt nF.sddins lrd U. public. R.clirirg r!
6co!r!sil8 rcao& h. ur .asu.d his de otnot rr&sfdiDg loE bul lo 'shdc il'Dl
onry ei6 llc public .lprls.oldivcr to bG .l4lcd ,s ! Eluft oflh. !.Ldd.d .l.ctio!s.

To lcgiliDi* lis st y iq lovrd u!de! a civilia! e&EpEent, tbe nost @vel rodc

*r! . Ffe@de Shuj. Nsw si&s *iih Ff@e lo hjs tsoild Aeif Naetzre tl[t
th. tuin olpolitior to this id€r cdo. too Ar's oM @nstilu@cy i..., th. io! nilitdy

At a ftrdio. o''fudqr' @i!s. wid off@ @v.r.n b lir rn. 'shln rh.
dary ofi6 eol h wila @ib@ jr Dluiq'5i@ rb! qlrs bld @m ro !s&
6c my wi6 .tituhiD &d he[ Irlei! jeie lr{y ol rhe oIfeR sL w
Mdirl uw .dEinjrmB, who L.d b *.1 *id rh. em.ry puirinea hdcd od
by oilidy cos, trldld Dulli. do3sn8 ud hding Zn rlb*.d fia.

But thi! snoss thll tbc Lvcl ofdidcilE ws vqy Dild. ltc Dfirdy chiefs u. ro de!6d
on rhc oililary @@&d6 for tbcir stagth" If a. hld lnoM tha Ic would bc i$lal.d
by t'rilg thjs deisio4 bc diehr dd h!v. goic fd tbr His obilct 6rrly !ppro!.d
his Ef.EtrdlE pld i! Nov.Dba t9E4 ed d dcdio! eU ws dnbtish.d i! rhc Manial

kw sladiar Lr G@ St.d R &qat'or B ct!.d foo thc Joid Cbicf of Stsffs H€d

Qudds to cllduct thjs EfeE dM.:@

Zi! sgai! cxploiEd thc stin.lts of tbe !@plc for lh. Isleisrtor p..ocs, by

dking r t2.1i.d qu.srio!, r,lc uwd ro *bi.! wa tariLrcd ilto a Mda& for A^ ao

stay i! powr a! s llesidd fo; thc lcx ftr llc qrcnioD @ rh. bailor psp6 E
tbal whdher l!. !p!l€ wLd lsko i! llc @utry M , @etully dlancd
or rot'or lt
qesdon wbich m to prcvoke th. rc]igiou, s.ntin rns of th€ pcople of Prlistn i!

favou of &c rnilitlly dict lor. Itc MnD boycotl€d thjs Ef.rcDdb ed .laiocd thal 3

vcly loo p.c-.otagc of d. pcopL bld Espordcd io rbc cail fo! Ef@ldun ebjtc Zia
disjss.d aI rhese claiE! by t!..lari!g thlt Ic s rI. P!€sjd€ of ?akisilr hrd bc.!

giv@ thc pub[c t@d!r. ro @d,e rhe lro.clr of Idhiotia Tb. ofrci.] cl.ih of O.

tuh.ur E 62,15 !a canr old of aticb 97,71 pcr .!at ddors.d i.!c qestioD Gtcd,
though th. grouid Fdiijca E!!e ditreEr h th€ drjd citid, st bdds $d poltilg
s1!!6 tuiDcd c.h for rhc wiolc d.y ed v.ry f.w p6d! lE€d up lo siE rbci!

opiDion It hrd b.c. &ponld tbrl thc adiaidlbatio:r both th. civit dd $! mjliidy
PqfoEd thc illciid of fliog rh. balot boF lo sbow rhcn byalrid to rbc dicrabru
'ftc Chicf Elcctio! CodlissjoDcr, relpo ibt. fd @!du.ti!g the Efclcndm rook
ev6.l y6 io rdDii thd nggiaS B do@ rlmui! | E lia slaldEnr.rd Cofuod,s
on this Ef'MdusL ihc,o,zb, t ohonist dqsib.dns"e d.lcjsc so absudy ngscd

itlt no$ @Muist @!rtri$ would hlvc b.d lsbdcd !o Eout ir,,o6


Afid th! rde@dur4 Ze E redy io bdrt ovs ib. lowd or lle @Ddjtion tllr
the.l.6cd gove@di $!uld d6!u. thc ,prc6s of Istdisado!, 6 stlncd by tlc

Diliraly gdc@cnr.D Hc @!d@icd !6-!nty b.$d .lerios o! 2J ed 28 !€brury

1985 for lh€ National dd Prcvirciat ssmbtics. As a rci:t sle! lo@dr u&snion nr

issEd thc Revivd of co.sriMi@ 1973 @6 (Rco) @ 2 Msicb 198J. Tnc tu drEor.l
cl'd8.r v@ inirodued i! il; co$tturion thrclih rlis oldd_d T!. !rcEulgarion of

th. RCO aliq th!.16!io deLd lhc impoir!@ ofth..lecr.d sssdbly betoF Zia.

Insi.ld of rBcltitrg @nstiMdal cbrngB b.foE rhc Nni@rl A$dbty, !. dj.d io

bring all ilc changes i! thc codir{io! tbhu3h rh€ Manid l5w od.r

Ilrc RCO dclctcd tm lnicla noii U. 1973 CoDstitdioD: rhc sb.d!l.2 M

$bsdnIc4 8cb.duL 7 %s added *tilc scledule 3 &d 5 lw ecndld. It ldrtcd 6 !€w

tnicld to thc 1973 Colslilnio! *!,lc 57 rnicles j! t!. disiD.l Colstirutio! of l9Z3
s@ eddd d srbnitulldo I!i! chr!8. otrft! r srE Sc tpc of . pdtislmrdy
systdn in {hicl lh. PEsidcDr @joy.d dis€aiodry loPw at bolh rh. f..tdst ed
provi@iai lcvcls. A.u thc pov6 of rh. aploilrndr ofjudgca i! lbc HjSi couns, LIE

Su!.eD. Co'd &d tbc F.dqrl Sba,ri.t Coul *@ giv@ 10 ihc PGidot dong wirh t!.
{F;rhot of plqilcirl gow@! ald rb. i}E wi6 clicf of Pakisr&\ @cd
foBrro T!! RCO Dd. it iEpNab td r!. pd@ Mi!is16 io mrL ilrt !.!dorly. x
gdve thc P&sidati . d@isivc FsilioD wir! ovdidiog pols cdeinS O. hiE.
Ministd lo the ralk of. miot Eilisid io llc P|esidclr. Tte pr€sidenr had !o wo* udd
thc advie ofu. qbinct ia soEe aB h! !c v€! lot boud 10 fouovr ir ed niqh 6k
for tle wi.i.! of th. t.dvi€!2r I

Tn PEliddr 16! @IDslFrl ro .li!@j$ rbc goitml &d lo disll. ib.

Natioril Alsmbly in teio sibatiN: o! thc .dvic. of Pride Minili.r &d on his oq
discttion in teD situaiio$. Tl| ftst sitlaljoD ea! sripulated 6 h.ir8 $. riine whd
l,h@ w$ rc P8riy to co@d @jority i! rbe Houe &d thc Cov.M6r hrd ben

dcfc.t d affer. rc @!.6dc@ dovc; ihc oriE o@ et@ &€siddl libs.lf fclr th,l rhe

fcddd govho.r! *! mt ffildrg i! !.cor&re *iih th. CoBtitution sd a Scslt

mandat w6 equtcd. ftis ws r,tc aniclc 5E(28) wnich b.@c the ca!s. for $.
disDisal of fou naion l srcEblier @ .nd eotha.':r? lbe RcO also indud€d lhc

,niclc 274 to U. 1973 CoDst'M:o! wnich glvc CoD$inniolrl lfurEdo io thc Manial

Ilq orda, a.tjotu .!d tL deisioE oft[. Eilia.y colde


'I'Ijc Pdlieor snn d.nrclblg &d !b. r4 civilie govclmai ra ilducrcd

bu Mdjd taw t!@i!.d ilta.t Bdo.! mirg Mlnilt ls, Z! *4tcd htif diion ol
two inlona lcgisbtior! which v@ ilait bL for thc rcoulity of oilil.ry hjgh
@I!)l@d, O!€ e!. !r6@r.d i! th. fod of Eiehth AD@dD@t plich B &tudly th€

Rco I E di$Bd o! ih. ,oo. of rh. Eou. dd wl.' ldopicd *ftb c.nai!
arnendodrrs. Undd &c RCO, ?rlsidclt {a! give! lhc poM io appoirt Plinc Minisid

hrt lh. pdlimol @nfard n u!o! tbe Ndion i Asbly. Aoordilg lo $c

odptuinjs., it *ae deidcd t\rr 1ho PrcsidcD! wo'rld avail of l,rris lowr till M,rcb 1990.

Siaild pom *tF giv.! to prcvimid ssldbli6 ro cl@i chi.f oidnd Aob M@h
1988. hdtuity I e@Ld 1o sjl odioae!' a.dd4 dd rgulsliG of Mrnid riw
ed dabioE of nilitdy @[|s.:'r Zia w givd i!. !ig!t to hoid tb. ofiic. of the

Pr6idat fd tL. !.xt tv. y.s &d cortilud 10 l,@ O. uif.d of LL Cli.fof r\e

'ftc ncxt lcgtulado! wB $c lseodDor jr llc tolidcal Panies Ad. The rulcs of
1979 Egdilc thc Estsnllid of roliltdl plnie wilh lbc Elccrio! Comissio' of
Plkista, w..e Fidorcod i! rbc foE ofte lec-d-col ro ihb totidcrl pdy &i which

dso Epos.d q disqudi6.4jo! pcodty for joilirs e wgisr.r.d pany by e .lecr.d

Epr6@i.tir.,2rJ Zj! B e3r.d oflbc lefrin polirical p!ni6 &d *di.d ro srb8&er
hjs @ntrol olq 1b. politictl !.tivili!! in t\e cauLT b.forc mirg rhe Manial Lw


Zia qet d to irsiitutiolrlis. ! p.tt@mt pEssce of rhc niljlary in r]re polirical

sysrh of Pslis& ard ic .cE fcll sbr ro .rpB hi. deiE i, lub1ic.':i6 Id lbai

purpose hc cstablilhcd the Nado!.rl Sc.l]liry CoDcil o{SC) udcr lhc RCO 1985. It

@Bist d of&c Pr.sido! t!. P.iFe Mi!is!!r, rhc Cl$rp' ofde ScDaq i]tc Ctiifte
Joint CbjcA of Sr.fr Co@ju.c, tbc ihr€e S.rviccs CIid rld $e fou provjncid Cticf
Milists. TL ..@il e!, !! attiilory body 10 givc reo@@itltioE on slqiry
dttds, rhc dc.l@tior of.6.rFo.t &d orhd lirar.rs ofratiorlt in!dr.n4 whic!
njgll b. Efdrcd ro rhd. T!. r'crid@l tdd tb. isu.! i! c@$ltlrid wirh $c

lbough Pr*istrn nsaiacd ulda . pDlolg.d diljl&y rutc &d ! Lrgc leba of
p@plc arl@E d th. I,tlrt'd hw d!o, hd rb.y !.d lcrrr *EI.d rhc Dilirrry lo slay i!
govcbE@r fo! cvd. Il4fot€, .!y efon io iostituriorljs. iic ,ol. of 6! @.d f(Es
E miion l Flirie alwys Ed wirb sr!!g ruisr.ac. by rhe peodc
a ofrakjsrlr. Zi! also
Rilis.d thi! fa.! v,tilc s!.J.ing irr .lphnl by &e Ned@d &e.mbly i! 1985. Hc
ldate! l! th. !@pl. had ! Eispcarti@ lbou rlc NSC. tt.y Llought tld I euld
be all lorqftl cld @ut.l ov6rtd. r'@bty &d r!. aov.fuar ,.tc sjd llal ir wodd bc

! w.y for rbc @.d loB ro ladcipar. !o lbc .&iE of rbc s6i..ru 1lc NSC @u1d &r
be .!prov.d !tr ! a long dcbs& i! rlc padiedr:r, It sbo*ld rb,t
cva e Nceblr,
8d.r6lly 6lsiddod low !.oftc .n.t ru!b6 $re!, did n l lrlow . pcrdedr rctc for thc
bjli'8t? i! the loM strucrlc of !b. @ury.

Zia w4 slill nor vdy coDidcD! alod $c public Bpo6c ano liflilg $e Matrjal
llw. T!€ fcde.l govrnndi frst prcFicd lo ni* ! new civjti.! foee to coltoi @y
diffcult sinl.ti@ in rb. 6u!rt bui r.sjsrr!@ tod alt tlc proruciat govcmaB
r.!ult.d i! sthgi.\di!8 t\c slrcady rjjri!8 lDvircid poXa dd otho law-cnforcehtrr
agelcics wirh addid@d fiDds pDvjded by UF fcddrt g@cm@r.zo

ftcr. s.cm! o.orpsiibility i! ditrcnd Manial Ilws 0lal all tlrc Chiof M.diar

Law addiDistalo$ nad idologic.Iy bd oPPolsnls oftbc d@oculic sct'oP in whic!

thcy mdd l!@i! ou of poE In lujE@ @p@ri@ lhcy otrcr€d for . sy$eE

*s thr in $tich tb.y $ush s@ Gtrc.tiv. powcr 3bdiDg aru8d@t with th. civilbD

govtucllg D.filiLly, Zi. w !o *c.!tiot H. eou.en Sddl clc.tions in Mdc!

l9E5 blr b€f@ tbd h. d4id.i to hold a Ef66du @ 24 D*dbd 1981 !o 6s@ lis

pEtu ir thc PEsidc Hous. id rhc civiliaE spvcnEelt wbl! lDlding on 1o hjs hal 4


Zia b.w. PFsidcdt of !.lisLr thrcu8} ih. Ef€fudu ald mouccd tbat

cllsal .l@tiod for lbc l,tiotd dd Pevilcid ,sldbli.s would bc h.ld in rebrulrv

l9E5 @ a !o!-psty b6.i!- lt tlso Dot'rfi.d th. objeiiB of lhc @Ei!g clctios bv

ering ihat "th. c.diral Fisiine ofth. Isbbic o,id is to @5@ th. eaiDb edfe
of llc !e!ple'!n ord.r wI@ t!. Eilcital objlciivc, are s4io'.conon'c .qualiiv !!d a

'innkEarir. shude,'2' ft" aouca rlar rtrc Oo"tim wodd
ecnd! dE will of
thc F@pL lo b.vc !! hllsic polilictl sFt@, ftougb Zi! put bi$.lf i! Llc ?6iddl's

ofr@ i! a civi[& lp!fudt hrt bis deision !o Ft u ]is position a o Amv Chicf
M .viddt th.t hG @!''ld@d l}c @y s bi5 @slitu6.t
'IlE proc.ls ofn'E !o!-!&ty bed .la!iot! ws l.g.li$d i8ou8] e Mcldhdl

ro thc coEtittion l9?3, Ac.odiry to lbi! @cndncD! each @didaic lad lo rationalse

hb loEiEtion *irh Ib! supFtl of 50 p@PI! ts a !i.@.lili@ to lbc chctio!$ SevcFl

,denitn@rs \r!r. ltso Dittc in lbe Poliical P.dics Ad of 1962 naich !ff'd'd t1l ihc

Dolitic.l Dlrtis. ftc MRD discaleul.i.d thc pubuc tlslo6e lo thc clccriotu Aid

boy@nils tb. FfaldE, lbcy @ltdd lhd lh! lublic aodd rcj4t thc @D-p0lty

cl@tiG. Urdd this pei.t?tio4 !!cy.n!oll!6d borrot of lh? cletio . ft€ niliary

soEMdt dihtcd tL MRD'S !@rlnc@c!t by uiDg dl opprassiv. bclsd. AlEost

sI oftbc MRD ladas sE lln uEdo IDW lnesl nd h&.lE& of rcrlcr w@ *nl10

jaib b.foE thc .lati@. Tlc obplig! td 1bc .l4rid bo'@n B deb&d & oF@cc

to b. ticd by thc Eilildy @ur Ih go@t lbo iDtosed ! sEong c.eRlip oD th.

ofrcial &d pnvac F$ 6.dia Th. Driwl. F.s fa@l rh. rhfta1 ofa b€n i! ce of
prblishils D.Lri.i t! s4Don ofllc MRD s stard ofboy@ftiDg rhc cletioB.z
h lbc abs.@ of th. MRD, rh. golEtllml &d thc MRD both 9@ dp€ctin8 a lo\r
on{ln i! 1hc cl€ctioDs. I! onkr to asur. rL sEdjbiliry of ilc gcldd clccdons

@!d&t€d udd n!€ M&drt bw, Zi. d*irt€d lo tuov. th. Elrictis which bar.! tbc

MRD ladlrs to 6r.sr &. €tecri@. Bur r!.1 bia Fj..rcd rhc otrd lna dctailc<l

dbcBioa i! tu a€rilg in Aborhlad b4!@ rhry djd nol w4l to Foeidc legiri@y
to lb. &!-Frty d4d@.4 C@tut to $c MRD a?darioDr ed s a suFirc to l]lc

8ov.fu.4 tac rot6' nh{ur % llrptijilgly hd mfftcd lhe loliti.rl

lwffiers of &c Dasss. ftry w&r.d rtsbati@ of dc,rlo@ey, !o Eans how aleite x
wa. Thcy w@ s€U,lwe Ih,r rh. wo$1fom of.t @@ey w6 b.nd the rhc lcn
dicrabsbjp. ll wa .F.tcd ro bc 52,9 !d eni rkondour L\c couq.r,l sioitdly,
sobc of tlc big lbo8 of politi* ieludilg erc fonM MNAS dd M?As alpdhrty
popul.! @uld lor suryivc in i.!a .t4tio .:rJ

IE non-party .Lcti6 si !@y Dew faes to rhc s@bly who wde !r.!e.d
1o @r[ udd n'E @ilitny goverlE@r. T!e/ wee moE coDcemcd wirh ileir lclsonll
b.@6ts th& wil! dr @iiolal ises. Beiig rhe b.!.fci{ics oflh. syslcm @ted bt dc

nilir..y ruter, dcy had good fe.tings lowldi Zia- b lle lbscnc. ofpoljtical lanica $e
iisu6 .!is!d i! lb. ctetio! dldtesio *k! mr !b, orlbc turcie! poticy, ltc econoEy
ed finibs of 6. r,{&tirl L* bu &.y nq! cor6!.d io lb. coEEucrjoE of bad5,
enools &d dis!os!ri.!, *dc, &d seibrion &.ilitjcs, SoEe taditold flEitica
jncl'idios L\. fodat,
Fligious ieadc.s c&. rho h.d r6cn sblls i, rh€ tovemDcni
Dolualod rt'Eir sue8a& caDdjrtarcs. ftc lro-Zia Flitical r,aij.s Ii*. ML @rcaro) dd
I Eotrcially suppon d rnci. cjldidara.u
I! rlis wy, t!€ petimai bld a dixcrl
cobposnio4 ftc Fsiriw sre! ro}lds tra6idoD to d?dodac y \rs tat, thc Wtir4-
,t ra (Co@lrltirc As@bly) wss rlrirrrtely rcrtalcd by th.
rdty el.ci.d NarioDl
Alslbly and ! Clp ofcighl y.&!,:r?

"*al!." "O-
,*";o, * n-.tpic&cd of O.r a4 wj aploinr.d 4 drc prie€
Midiircr ofpatisl,Ir o. 20 M.FI l9EJ. a! v!r!€d ro buitd Eljgjou! enpiE
a i! whict
hc would b. altc 10 r!. s .,AEir-ul.Mooi!.c!.a, J!!c.,o, ,n ulbbwa
lotiiciaE toD
Sildb vs the bcnq c!oi@ ro dou th! int!.t€sigB orzj.. llitrly rhG Eecs br
Prie Midsia E! propos.tt bu Z:. @itaralUy
bot u. dccision io dplojnt rhejo as
tc Prime Mini$d.a b bis fBr acth& Zi. @jv.ti Juncjo Saialy in lis officc on 20
Meb !!d ioloned lio &!r h. hid
thcidcd b noai&rc DE es rr rrioc Miaisrq.lo
Sluja NaMz q4ote tll .h gjE-faced
Jucjo did lor Ller rh. pEsjda! bn js€rd
ioiEcdjlrdt astcd: $t€o do you pla! ro r@ow r.{.rn:.t !*?" I ws a stet fo. Za
berus. n. lrad b.6! cxp.cring
. ir\aEtdii pcrsd j! r.aoe. Il ..aicd
dnevins &e
$tuarion by saying &!t $c Mlnid Law mutd @w sulpon
tbc prin. Midsld,,, blt t<.bl
dtJ ap*r of Juejo i! ai!d. zi!
rlc lmrts.d @e ed ,re p:ny.r6
forDdb sppmvcd rhe.ploirrE.ot of "js.Db;
J@jo s, Iti6. Mj,irr o, 2.t Marc[ t 985_!

And bcing noEiDri.d s! &ioc Miaisra, J|Dcjo .sllatd ird ddocrlcy ed Mlriid
ke @Dld rot $il logcrhe.. E proeis.d thr @tioD rhit Ic would tift Marjrt t w ed
..st@ civilie govc@6t d Uc adi6r!,
'ftc dosr chrldosilg trst w thc lrocas oftElrjtioE toD a Eiljra.l !o civitiaa
gov€@dr DcQjrc llc ralsfc! E nor .I i! aI dle
of !o*!r, rb! civili.! govlmelt
lo a nuebd of fdon. ltc f$i Bon ws rh.r tu Colnitltior E .or tuIy
ed th! @umr w€s m rhloud Mnnirt Law ordd !!d rhc ?CO, Za wercit to 4w
tle @ iNiry ofi\. pre.ss of tebEisrio! $,iicn h. hatt neted in I979,s tu jt aturs
n IFB, ILc lDy li/eE .! trdcroliry ro aI ihc aclioDs rbl they hlvc p6fo,n.d dEilg
th.n Aebtie !ut. ddd th. mhdts of &c Consr'iutid, Zi.loo ws Mldlg o! a

@Dslitutiobal dadbd b.toc esbdns rhc Co.nitliid I 97j. Anolld fa.ror q6 lbat
Zta by re@p.@6! B @t i! balir of $&iDt Fe. I!.EfoE he B!!&d lo
istitutoralisc rhe lrsid@tial @b:ol ov., lb. prin Miaii.c, whj.! !. j! trr fo@
of EidL! Asc'dbclt. II Ue !t!s6@ of r.lds aEelrtDcor n was !o! ?ossibi. for ary

clcderl ?rine Minilld io excrcisc politic.t indcpeDdeM.

Zia's bdaocsdc b.h.vioE or! bc obswc.t ar Llc dhc of Oc rtesiddrjll

a.ldcs to lhc Plrlialtcor ltc flaily t!fts.d io dclivd a spech .tidlred by the c.bjret. Hc
.lccled il 6 w.stag. ofnolcy ifrh. !!.siddt bad io p.s.nr rhc dDu&ls gllllftd by
soo@. ci* H. nuih€ lddcd rhla it circ@sr.@s id pa&in& *@ "ditraei tr E
oth.. W.nd @u!Eie" rld p.&isle hs aot ..boud ro folow" tbcn pdrDaidy

Altbo!8l Jucjo's posirio! wes qujl. wrt duc !o rh. consritutjolrt dcndodre
ndc by Zla to malc hjs ow! losirion sr@g but h. @ntilu.rl wi$ his pronise of iininS

Merirl Ilw &d tbc rlstondd of&c l97] Co$dnniolu Julcjo ser&d hb positioD

ed Enrcd lo olay 6lt n'E naEs of the clbin.i t@jdrert by Aa. He, a5 a rlimc
Milisrcr! d!o!p.d a f.w ruls &d &raprcd rh. Ddi!.arj@ of Sa.hibulta yaqub Ali
Kh&46 s lnc FdEig! Mlislc. ed M.Ibub-ulBlqlr 4 ll Miliea fo, pLDils erl
Developncrt &d lard 45 &.Ii@cc Mdnd. Hc did nor alloy mary oiiirary DcD in

l,!e cabiret aod L1. CeL Mujiht RcIDrft wrs disois!.d. Hc v4 diricat of $c
'riLeB lrcvi.tld bt Zj! b ric nilir{y
'ftc iniijal cde.ctlrio$bip glndulUy bc!fu probto.tic wh@ borh rbc prihe

Mirisref e.l rhc PEsidcn d.v.topcd .litr E!c6 ovd the alpointne!& of rh€ sccllrerjcs
&d ebasldos s eal s
i$G lilc !rcio.ol ald lh. w of6. Fal@ ajEEi
Jwjo ale bl@kcd ih. juuu,y of rb. lroposcd visit of Zia ro AEica becars. hc
belicved fia i! wss &. rieh of6c ?riDe Mili,l.I ro E le fo&jg) to!s.!e Tlis &rivis
of i.lc .ivili.! PriDe Midsrr s! i!rotc.!U. for tc pr6id6r wlicl cpr{t &ijJu.jo
sdrilei3 uotr8 ihc ro!, &iuldy btus. Zi. .@uegcd L1. Oa, Ej@ &ie:io who
wr. 6 6nict. to d.f€nd r!. @id Eitil!ry t.!d6ti!. It ws plblisted in rh.
@wcpapd, Zh. MBEd oD28 Jtrlo 1987, ,tjct 51!rc4 "A!y afiatpi! io ev dolbrs in
tt'c Diads of ow $ldias rcE rdjlg lhc qlality of&cn G@d.15 !o oy wy oftintins,
does noi servc the b€st irl@lts of rhe @ura_..r! |

Ancr bling ci!4c, Jrucjo rid to 1'L s.v.El srep otr ijs oM. He delsF! aI
thc ptvjl.g* djoyd by 6. !o? niltEy brss $ qt!v.s@s. H. 6Etl\d aljoalcd d.
ni]naly Bodals by wilhddwilg &c Mded.s sl!tr cB fM rh. 6€nio, cjvil ed
milii.ry ofrc.B by Ed&ilg th.o witl MrU Sur*i 6. Ju.jo,! natcEdt dsr hc

Muld pur '!Cclsals inio Suuliy oF@d.d rb. s&jor 6EEADd<s.rd Thc s6jo!

@b&ede.s publicaly rlgtslald it ir eolucc oE d€s. .eEEk i! &c prcss.zj tt

sDoes tbe .clfgilg cldrid bd*r.! r!. civiJ |od rlc nitiray rycroB.
Ju.jo Pllsr.d . 6re !oi!r
FoslEd. ia D.c@*, t 98j_ Tla Eain objdit+:e of
&!r pilgan4e vEr.:

. T& .s&btjshoal otr! Istrhic d.Eocrdic politictl

sFtd i! tbc collry.
. l}e podorio! of& .q!i.bL .coNDic orda.
. ft€ cfdicario! ofiltitera.y.
. Tlc .Edicstioo of@ruio! e.t otier
socid cvils.
. Ilte conloti.ilrio! of@tiolrt id€gdion.d

This plog.abec wa, ooF oft slogd it!! a sold n!D.r,o.r of a.do!. ftc pt @i!g
Conmtusion in@rloiacd jr jn
thc Six& Iivc y@ ?i& &.o!8I Brioldijcd ptyj.rl
I2rs.ls for rtc F.iod of 1966.t990. Cosi<tsiu. ,!ocdi@ wa! rcscrvld
fd lbe
d€vclopocot sc.ro!.zr Tlc govctedi ti.d to .lgrgc MNt3 rbtu!8i otr rii8 .r.i e
Dour of t5. 5 Eiuion ro h. sp@t i! btct osliulecjd E.rD s.crors, cd@ri@ lDd
ru"1 d.velop@lri r'r'd ,Ra$,i
d /92 !,rtot iroj..i, slst d ro .ddBs illicEcy but
lle€ Froj.6s eo! 6a irb .titrculric &
duc b corrlltion
tu&jo gorem4l mift.i!.d rh. EoFdrh
or rhc .conod, ed rh.
gre*rn Erc B 7 p€, c.!r
fd 198G8?, ft. idtltjo! n& aso rcM!)cd al 3.4
lEr c@!
Mrich *s i! r!. pFviou 16 y.q.r.7,D. od., indicatoB
dE toEsi
also r.rnailcd
posiiiE, lbo!3t 6! blgcrs
fo. j$!sr!6i coutd nol b! acrud.rt
bur iic lloduclion w$
Nglcrrlr!oe.clcd..rherst?chj riob jn
I9E? sltd.ddo$d&cle.tudioD dEto :.
dosu! oft E iadusfir whjch 6sr 3 biUior lle poticy ofthe d@8ltdion of tu iadBhy
also continu€d. lle newly iltrodu.ld tsladc blrling sysi.o codd lor dctivq !d

sltoacd a turthd dcclle o! ttc lrofirlos a@u$, whjct ws dready 69 pd c6r of th.

Ilc aucid ljtu fo. 1} SotrrDto.or j! tbc aolodjc ficld sE, rhc mud budS€r

of l9E7-88, *n@ J@jo ri.d to b!.d!o tb. l.x bc fy ieposiDg oore tqB ,o gd e
,dditiolal .no!!r ofRs. 1788 cior.3. TL bi!8ci prcFlld s d.f.n c rx ar rh€ hrc of IO

p.t@i of tle ir@n iaf,.I! addirio!, ! sF r.x mrta weatth r!,r \rB lioFsd ro be
levied on di tla Fycrs. A lunbqs ofaridiiio l sxs wa,e consmd 8@ds
!rcpolcd on

wbjle .5 !q @r l.x @ e@ iElor& it@! B dso eo@ddc4 n,rts ch&gcable

lo imF.r dury.,tr Tt busiDsj @dE@iry BponLd wnb mits !!d srrer pd.srs
agaiBt rh. budg.r. T!. gov.d@r ...g[.d l!.t d@ids .ffc. @8oij!to! bdv@ rhc
E!@dladvcs ofrhc au&chold.rs, to avoid losile th. suppon of tn. erj,ppp b$incss

G@a!I, !I tbc tu@ic poticig otrb. Zia govdnEor co,r,ru.d. r@cjo ,icri
ro .sEbtish tris
s@rdt idoriry li)n. vlorkjr8 bda aa, ! co@@ orish,hic!
conlillt d by 1!. civiliaD govchEdrs i! the
losi_Zis ldiod, H. injtialy dai!.d
suce$fit beNle zi! r@t bis cfforB s lrEtlss
bd laler wba !c Fstjsed Llir Jucjo
szr ryilg to b. luronooous bc otrded t srolg aisLr@
ro rs lrndpi.,kcd lriDc


I}. Eigllh.4E oddaer cbEs.d lbe driF s!.!. of rhe C@sritirjo! of 1973
bqe jr hld rh.d dr. ldtial@r.ry sysrcd jllo . prsi.lariat d4 lte prlsid.di.l
powd ro disslve lhc Narj@.I A*Ebty @!in d Ee . h&giDg Mrd !!on rh. n.cks of

tnc .ldr.d govfrm.nrs wlicl had drrdy bc@ us.d fou tiEa, by djff.cu FEidors
isludirs Gd Zi. ir t9E8, pBjd@t ChujaE Ishlq KtE in 1990 &.t 1993 ed
rEsid.Dt Fdooq Irgbdi in 1996. Ev@ lbous! a. b&!g.d to gdb rhes. conrmvasial
poqB but !c cori.b,ftcsisr J@jo.s ctrdl! lgaild ir, lhttirl Ile who @!ri!wrt ro

foc hjn ro BtoE thc Colnjnnio! of 1973 s soon aj losiblc. Filrly. Zjl Utcd ihe
Mtnial Ilw @ 30 De€@bd 1985 an.t s.arilg @lrituloul saf.8ulds fo! his tc!
y.ts ofM.nial Law lad & ssri&. othis re1. ,! ! tcgjlimlc ptBid.nr for urc rcn
6v. y.ais i! tLc losjtio! of1h lcad of civiliE govcD$led Or the vqy n xt day,

Jucjo dalarcd dll llc *outd prEvid€ ..very oplotr@jry fot thc potidcd p!nj* b
org&ie th.DsclvB rDd @ra.r rhc pcoplc i! p@&iD8 for tle Dcxr €letids.,n, ft
cl@ly n@r rnc Eslorarior of Oc potiticat .lMc
lani.s io prriy_odcd €Lcrjons ir
tutuE, whicb M! lgailst Zja,s lision ofpolirics,

Ir was & id.rt tie for Beujr Bhuto !o EturD boro s tnc Inirg o, tE Maniat
Lnw provide! a ba$ for thc fdlsitio! AoD Eilitlly ro civilid d€. Tharore, o, lO
August 1986, E€@n EnlDcd ro tI. olDtry s &. hcn ofz. a, Ehurio e.t B
El@md &d g@€d by almn noE rte ldf a milion p.oflc ai rb. Labd. ai.En
sno had garhd€d rh@ b wl.om. rh.! l.adcf, tr loot her atnosl l(] nom to Eac!
Minar-oPakisr$?' Aon 6c abon, a .ristdce
of e boE ody. Shc anended s*dral
lublic DXie agailsl Zi! Egioc ed i!.6ricd ! !* slirit j! De MRD Dov@c.r. S!.
sk d Za Io fs! clatios!! Alllols4 6. Marrid Lw ws
lesig a.d demrld.d
a.tetiy lii.d.!d rhe civilia! gova@ar B Mrkirg tir au
ihis E dorc udd fic
cloal of L\c Manial Law *,tich codd Devq bc
backcd by lh. deEooatic coEpo,@,s.

Tle public ee.rilgs &d dc dE&s by thc dsuthtd

of Bhuno jltrrj.d e ulslEkebtc

dru.i.6 i! rh. !i!d! of ih. !.qlc of P&iin- ,4ltough, $c e.3 .! qeucnt

spat bu Drn'lt sh. bdiLd tm b! publi. !),ED.thy b.co!. of ba frlh6!
tr3|l6i!!tio!- S,b tc|clf tl]|i u!in8 h.r ou,! cb!ri!D. dh.r l}!! ft.uilS o! i!ru.s.!r
fti! c[dr-8.d lh! di[||'y-crE .ivilie hrd 016. !rd. ed lb. $!.!obly wNcb hld

cbn€.d ilc cdlt'tuioo ..4cdi!g ro ih. will oft Dilir.rr dicrdo.. T!. raED of
B.ortn wr I Fsidrc !t! for Oc Focs of r6ritio! ro rbc r!!t dco66tic
8ov.r!m.at rr 3b vlt I muld le.d.., May oiolF l|'a! ya io b. doe ro trL lb.
@urtry o! rh. tr.t ofd.ooq!.y.


J@jo ldoDLd lh. poli.y ofrao!.iLtioD ed bot r! iid.p@d. col'3c noD

Zr Hc ldopt d lh! s.n on d. rmig! polcy is'l.s Friclhrly oE Afd|ltt tr Hc

@Dldtd ll. t .d!n of diftrrat potitiol psri.s i!.1!dbg a!d!rCr.t' Ilc ctlcd I
E Ddt$|. colta.oc! ot rU dr. polidcd Fdcs on Af8blistr! lo tEt $Dporl @ th.

ise bd Zi. Feivcd il s . c.oapircy .rd!.r bi! sn!4oill.lt tu!.jo re ilta.sl.d

i! pa! dirloSu€ silh li. Sdi.r Ulioo oF l!. Atg,r M en c a. *rot tt ro

brotd soEc prcPrtiltr! iltaio got@€ot i! Afdllisb! b.for. sisnjlg .!,

.se6@t tL d€l&.! tblt "!.li!t n e.o'r si8! ey !g!.D@l with Nqiccb-UlL!'s
t!8itnc.dr Juocjo qt! ME ofat'r clot Elniod.hip with Yqrb Kbe .!d douh,

bb illoti@ alou th. !.!e nlk o! Atglllilt& i! G.o.vr Thc r$ on &.


ooE ho.l htd i! ou 3trr...@ lhi! ie., tb!'dor. it ryPdi!..| llc P|l}nrl n L i!

,{.fdeisr!! !!d &! rb! ir hdcd Outb.ddjn Ecl!!4nr wbo E . bdlin a. w

Dor d.si.ous lo 6d lbji w|! bcforc loy sciLo@l of th. tovamal i! Afthoi3it!' H'

rls cadous !o co!li!u. witi &Iisi!n! cor|EitDcnt wjthi! rh. tinns d.fncd by his

F8ihc &d rEr.d ro lcQ llc oFn for

door a !€godaroD to ttud,se te wirbdEwat of
tl|. Soviet Me! torc€s,le

In Odob6 l9r, rhc US oit tycooE Anllrd tftnllcr visir.d lalisra! witb !
proFet ro rdlirrl tt! forE Afd! Kils ,s r bildin8 fo& h Af8!@.sd A!, Cd
H.did Gide ed for.icD MiaisLr ylqub E r rh. US @vo, to ct lk
old . ph! lo
t!Pl!c! Uc USSR s prpla N4.€bd!n so!r!@r6r in Atsleigte, wirh tEl
of Kj,g
z!U! Sh!h. Jecjo &u beray€d rtd h€ clEc to t ow ilut rhjs
d.D B the lFircLild
ofzir &d th. F@ie! Milisro S.!ibz!!t! y.qub Ali Kb6, d.viscd wilbour coLsutring
hiD. H. @oa.d Ylqub ao& d. otfi416, &d !.!t lic pddolio of rbe FoEjc! Minisrd
Mib hiblelq tholgh bofrcjaly ttc princ Midne fo$ldc lnc f@ic! ofrce io sdd

!!, fl. ro Ilc I\6id.dr& Nd b. enc Ac lo A.c $,iO za elo c@jd€Ed ni@lf
ilc sol. jn hsgc of tlc for.js potrcy ,!d $r, o!€ding,i& thc }cb of lhc ISI,

cs!.cidly o! lhc AfS).D iss Clr&idy rlc pGirid of! w.rr civilid ftin MiDilid
Mt EoF vdn r$1. a clEpdr! ro ! &€id6r ed COAS witb rhe $44Eir of !
lo"lrtul irstitution likc ISL T;€ !6ulE w!r. obviou but ru€jo ero! t@poeily wh.!
hc sig.d lL G6ew A@rd d t4 Aprit 1988:6 $d Najccb-Uilatia cde ro pow6.

Tl. Ocn va A@rd included a wilhdEwat of rh. Sovier r.ops fton Atgh@is&lj th.l
lNldsEn hrd to eop the as $ppUe b rt! Mujli.dh ed the Nsj..tsulL!

govdlert w slowed i,o @DtiN jr poF ri:t 1992.s Zir f.h &n J@jo hld
d.lib@Lly d6isDcd ro *clldc lio noD lh. for.iSn policy's dodin eleirtly $i6
!!. *ttid.nl ofth! Aftbd isu. \r6s abod ro bc a.tjcvcd od Pltist& B goirg to

gcl dc fruis of itr saqifie duilg i,$s disis Fiod'e


Ihc irouble .lso inlsif€! lteD ho.jo iri.d io &es€n his aut,Driry in aploilling
.!d ProEotirS saior niffi!|t enn'"ro! tib Lr cro SblniD Al@ clc. *ho b..snc
rhc CJCS br.! @ Zir w!l..l b !t@.a Mljor Oa pirdld KhlI ro rh. Fsjiio! of a
iteutc!.ut gdeEl. 'Ili! issu. caucd F.t tcosior b.$€e! aa ,nd Jun.jo whjch eodcd i!
a conpmDis€ rhrl aLlowd ihr pbnotion of borh thc cbdidalc!.
Ttr !oi!t o! whicb rhe
6ilii|Iy e3 cxy.@€!.d $E J@jo.s ilidf.rloe ia &. Fltsiodr brn6 ofrhc
my."' Thc nilnry s !! idinnio. FtIy f.h iDrdted b..:@ of lhc ciyili!,


Tlc Ojhri Cm! T4dl63 pro,!.t doit.! oau€ of @n&o .don b.twc.n ihc
eicclsl 8ovtu@t atd tbc ajliirry to! bE$ &d ulriturly bccrDc th. tujd 60r for
thc dioiss.l of lh6 Jwjo SovdMc,! Jus b.fon sisrilg rhc G@rr A@rds lhjs

dbj! ac.htld .h& !o lI. crplosi@ @ 10 Aprit t988 a1! bug. ady d@! r6ou !5
Ojhd C!ln! loqlcd lcar F iaba4 Xrsdpindi. Thc ISI o&accd rI. ms E@jv.d to6
l,!c CtA wldch re stor.d ir tbir lrlsil ,DDulitio! delor .Dd lb. utliD.& .testulrio!

E rb Afglu Mujaiid.er 'nc bun.f4 @sisrcd of llc b@cts of rt wdld wd II

Mthot|l n"c +prolri.lc ssfdy.relg@clls r.quir.d for rD ai.eunjtio, d.pot &@dins

lo thc Diliidry si&d!ds, As a nsnlt oft[is dl,losio4 ludredr ofur. civiliN di€d ed
noF tne this fgw \r@ iljcld an ih. f&rjoa d@icd e i!d.F d@r irqunr to

fx th. Eslodibiliiy fo. dds !c8lg6e p€niculsly E io wly & @

pl@d in t .iviI& da'1o T!. Juqjo gov@.rt B fi y r€@liivo to this dddd s

a p.oplcs' rcpllgtativc. It ooditurcd a lsdilEcD&ry $bo@incc ro l@k inlo rlc


Ojtri Cup di$sla wbjc! "i! bclidld to hlw .do@@dcd tbe dj.rnisal ofthe fo:rM

ISI Clid Co Altr!.r Abd! R.brn lrdo s! rlc !!.0 Cnlirlle of rhc Joirt Chic8 of
Staf Cobni&." a riShr b!!d of Zj!.nt0 Tlc r*io! b.tw.! Z. !!d J@jo es al ir!
pc.k or rb. Frons ofi!v6ri8.ri@ dod th. iei<t dt $djct w@ poirting !S.i!sr Cce.

A}}tr Abdul Relh![ fu Ejtiraty c€e @d6 a s.}1r! diricis bd l! c4 miocd

bsolvcd and i5 siiu ! E stdy. Bu !r th. saric riEq ilc @y &rot. sred lhn it 1ras a
plojcci of rbc IsI lnd rlat th. alny bld Do!!!g ro do wiu ir.rt ftc thcn DG of IsI
a.aQcd thc BpdEibiury ed otr€red lis rarigErio! bd Ju.jo lcld crtr A*!r.r, rh.
fotfu DG, ISI F DAII' b6ds be bld a.rudly @lsrructed !h. dlror D€tr .
lopulard dcA ,2 Wbt Zh Elty w&r.d *!5 lo lbtcd bis g@arls who l@ hctd

esposible for rhe irciddrrt No doubr Ch, ,A.kltd ,a lhc $@rd nosl po*rtul
r.M! ans Zia i! P*inaa ed rh. ISI wrs lac 6osr Fslrnr orSdisari@ ,fia tbc

,@y rh€lrfoE it ,eF3rs lbsr the iDEcdilr. r.jso! fo! rlc djsnLrat of i.tc J@cjo

covcmdt N{s rhc Ojhri CaDp iss, nol rhc Cclevs Ac6d.
Aa disni$.d J@go's gov.rMdr un.t , ib. ct urc 58(28) of rlE Eishdr
AD@deor ed disolv.d rb. N.dolnl Asbly iDDcdidcly. lr E done wta J@jo
bid r.tmed toD his ruc.Ntu rou of CIi!& Soutb KoB ed !iil!pi@ on 29 Mly
1988,:t' cm, Arifnainlais &.1 n vd donc drc to lh. meilulario! of th. ctosc aids of

2i.28 Ho*rd, c€tr Albtd sh..t ro b. lb. p<9! *to d'ghr bavc donc Ois b@sc
h€ w&! ilc Dtor staldold... raowirg tht rI Oe i!4tliry r?ois E! !g.i$r bn, hc

ojsht blve iold Zi! tiit th,. c$lie Prirc Mnist.r pr! byios to be more 6s6liv. &d
ht d lo gct iid of a4 Z4 b.j!g s@.tt of Iosilg hjr !oM, look i@qdi.tc stid &d
ttisiss.d thc J@jo 8ovhe@l Ih. nssirior pr@s B ddiled by irs .rchit cr

!fta r pdiod of lvo yeal!. h thc !r6cM of r ulif@td gcnoral t! l]la omc! oftbe

Pllsiddrir*!!di6.Illlofi.ilild..dcooc cytofloEisb.

aa klottiDg ibc Eood of th, E ss$, a,loued !.w 8oa.l clcctioE o! 17

Nov@bd 19SS, !g!i! i! violstid oflb. cl.u. 25 oftbc @$tttutid {tich stcd fot

.leti@ witbi! 90 .t rs oflh. .liqisl of lh. Ndion l A$c@bty.'6 BDr b.f@ lbtr

tiD. he M bMi i! d dir 6..i on u A$Bt I9E8 vhile hc ws o! bis eay back hoF

B.bwbu rlolg wiih a lmbd of sid @y ofr6 i&ludilg G4 Atbar' 'Iltc US

ADbss.itot io P!rd$.4 Mt Adold R pb.l els .Ie DoDg lhe viciiff of th€

rnrsldious C-130 aiFnft dt!h. Anlr Zi.'s dcaLh, a hid lev.l ncctj!8 w$ ctllcd i!
Ist@a!.d i! od.. to d..id. $o|n th. Fobl.d of 5tl@siot ltis is* ws t@lved

a.cordiia io tbc Co$litution trxl Gbula l$aq K}l,4 th. Chrilne of $c Sdal

s!.pp.d ilto lbc s!o.s ofllc lEsid. ':t

DEilg tb. Pcriod ofiralsilio!, th€ civ'l sDd EiliLrv Elltioa a@ tom'l in tbc

b.8i@i!g s'bich gol sou day bv dlv alrl ultt talv 6ulca i' t sioEs lcion Uldq
Ei8!o An nd66t, tie PEided w6 th. suptse audDnlv e!9oncd bv
au rhe

of th. COAS. Ile ciailie Pridc Militt r wa subo'difrr' to hin

zi' @Icd ro
dl ilc a&its of ihc gov@ot *jtb ihe hclp of t !on-
@id!i! & lbdolltc @td od

asscnive Lnc Ministcr. Jbejo bcilg a no''6titv i! ih' mtiohal Polncs w6 d"m'd to

bc tb. betl choic. i! tbjr !.Sdd br rhc tt v b. ttsltcd Pow' tb' strif' for td lo]rc

sd r s.pure idddtv too lbc PBiddt ndtcd' ftjs vas inrol'bblc for ltl' PEsid@r

ed prcvcd 10 b. rhc fiairy poiDt, *ircb lad to ! br$cn i! tbe Ehtions and ll|cn to the

dissoluioD of rb. A$eobiy:

A son ofdittibltid ofEltlds r!! doE b, t! oilitary &d thc .ivili& .u? of
lbc govdbcot llc dd.6ce edtoEigE polcy nalas v@ sricdy tbc dotDai ofdc

Dililaly; fDlnce and cstlblisbEdt E tm$.d joiEdy &d ,I othd &a v@

hrdl.d by th. civilie go!€lmot Zia $t! l.nsilivc alou def€lcc ed thc foreiSa

Flicy, $ b. pbloscd th. ll,e of Sdlibr.d! Ylqub Ali Khe to coDrilu. 3! ! FoEig!
lvfinisie. l|c *rs ftIy i! @nd ofloficyt'trj!8 ba lrn@ JE jo @\rd hjD Aon nlc

ofre ard tcpr rhc Fttfolio wirh bio*lf,a Zi! hld lon @fi!I. llis palub.d bid and

ulli4ltely @ to U. d*jli@ asii r th. Jwjo spval]l@!.

Ju.jo *ced.lougr adlfddc..na ! sw@sstulvisil to l!. U lcd Sral$. Za
colrllMt d rhd &b visir slD'dd rd rtr d hi! Ej!d. Jll*jo 1@kthc t$r dujls ncp ailr
llle vtiil U.l b! .!isnirs..l Mrjo! C.& Ash! N.l MULeEld noo ibc badlhip oftlc
Inrelligdcc BE !u (IB) widbut conlulrilg C.!. ziaa Th. IB E ! civilie
htelj8dc€ !g@cr U@foe jts h.ad ougbt to b! ! civilia bqt ude! a lr.sidclt i! aD

my uifm !b. !r,!Dirr@di ota !c!6al o! ihk pon a sEFis. wl6 luejo
@orcd G.L Agb! N.t Mu!tuad it w!5 Dol e$y fd Zii 1o abwb thi! i$dt.
'ftse l\as a rrust aLficit o! bod sidar. Jucjo tholet|l t!!t Za wls phying

Jaroi3r crrd gg6iDn hiD, Hc got a @Dftuatid wbe! Chld Mu<.a Jabi l.!Dch.d lis

politic.l pany riin nucl f.flou. G€n Z. rlso $ouelt llat Jwjo !!d a coren

udeslaldins {ith B@ir BhuB! es io abe Zi. lublicly ed enh no onc io dd.nd

liE thc govchedn. ftis sBljci@ wls str@g0lcdd bt lb. fad lbit Boeit showcd
sLajla j! diticisilg Jwjo a.nlllha $+.citd ttE rh! diricin o! lis w€bg of

thc hll ofth. COAS rloag wjo 6!r of dr ?Bi.Lol }!s atlo ddoMd by JEcjo. ftc
di!@ied of FoFig! Mililta Y.4u! Ali Kb.n E @i!d bloe to rb. .lredy nolblcd
El'tiosbjp. Za drn d.xptBsilg li! @si!cs, wiu J@io i!li! pdEt cielae Tlc
daling of Ue-afgh|a i33E v$ Uc lt igt|t of b. iEjt lt@ for Zia bcsw hq lbousb! tbll

1bc cieili& go1@s6t E E3bi.g . Prltli3i@

of aI hrs cffon! lo hlvc
golD@st i! Afgb&kta!. Tbc Ojbti Cab! lr.stdy lrov.d l!. la3t blow a Zi! {s @l

Edy to sif@ bi! 8co6al on fic at& of d.oo{.r.y. tllc olvioui clsutltv w thc
.lccted ftim. Milist . .nd th. 6i8rc dclj..rcy.

Ju.jo, on 1! oth.t !ro4 E @Ntous ofaa Hc coBt&lt @.sdLd Zi! in

u€ govcrnmcd a&jts. zia cr;inu.d 10 mitc dirc.riB lo dif@ dinjsties vnddlb'

FlcedlG rbe fl6 EoD ih. Psidclr Sloslsisl bld to Dovc thtold thc Princ
Minind Sccr€tarial ro thc DidlEi* dd bad ton dE wc ohMel. Tlc d'lav h rPlv

s not ioLlau. fd Zjr J@jo ti.d b .ddr* bis sric@s lDd r'q!'st'd Zi! ro 6d
thc dirc.tivcs dirc.dt to hih. Bllt aa mlahcrl bitts !.eEsc !' wls jD lle habii of

deli4 with the $ho.diDd6 dit ctlv. T1i5 bitt rnd s cxploit'd by Aa\ aid" to

ldcl tlc gtuuds alajlsr l@jo tld ..lvis!d hiE b oL P@Pbv' !cti@
Junejo codd care a Polilical darnagc lo hin':a


S.cilt thc Ead. ofrht 86cnl Pbl'c &d $! iltcllis@trit oftbc n!li@
a wll

i mdio&l Pows. lh' selior cootudd d'cid'd not to El'

E thc E5poN of tlc
.dt dd Lt lbe eldoEl pr'ccss cortiDtr' lo lhis Mv' orcv
ovd lhe sovemcd .tjt
milftdf nlo llBt had cndod with thc daath of zia
.lccided not io Evivc thc I I v€ars'

TLt dbFd tu .odt b Dvr o b $. r!.d b ,'o-r.r. .rt|l|

radir nlo 6.
Biliby n& b d.oo@y fl006h! n.Gti'l o lb }rroy ofe! dnlytd
h tu tue of e ESh.aifu b 6. g...li"i|- 1973. a w . Fiod of
trlldia! tlbich c.drllld b o.E, t hdS.or,r. ottb Lirdrl I"|w,



'Tld. vio bE d.o€..y 6d @ rsfdrat Mdiit Liv Eol@it Muh.r d HNn'

Chdr ir e hddr.bL @ *io Mj&d *i! M'li! h* od did M dlo* hir u ro joi! ,rrllr!
r,sr,@ (Peli.d) of Gd zj.
:Fd tb. d of r,E BirDdoo, Fd &,ra EaNk ,.vi.r,29 S4atu 1913,2179
?ld Pd Cdntw. oaCMLA @ la Jtdy I97, { NDC RlhlDntL D,E l, Jut l9t.
ljir tob dd!'u!i a I F6id.r riU td! &.rb o! t7 Au!!r 1933. In l9t5 h. Iin.-d Mrnd Ly.
'Q!dd i! Ssly w.lpdt z,r? stdo /Pd&r,e o.ld Ydk oxfdl Univdlry Pd, I e43),
6-D@ 12 Argt!' t977.
.Fid PE coftr@o ofcMl^ 6 l{ Jdy It? d NDc nihlDiDdj, ,a I5 Jut 1977.

tfd4, 15 s.r@bc im.

Itrleca;LSM,Il|35&dchdeltulehd6v@.dun .rlqlqbrlr\i.b,
Abddl.\ M.ji4r{bhdi Dd O'iltd apc.d th. Do.9@!d of6..Lrnma Frl, Ali O dti. do'l
4,tdte Xh* Itl@ Dtu q c'd r{t?i@7 (R.nH"di: rCL Pub,lnilg tloe, 1990), lao.
''F.12 Ali cblbd s h .Ia8l olopsdld Flt PIrt, $tch E I.EEi.d bt ilF hy ro
ihpoe lr'niil b{. ld* ho w lDDonGd a d. CtuiMD ofrh. ddid ell *l ci m dkd d
Auga 1977 ro &cili@ lro lohnid oldedo p,lblm bli Efcn! b GamlZjr,Ih. CM!^, by
vuiou! poliric.i p€ni4 &d lorlcB I! .h! po6film b. Da wirh NDbE orpoririclor *ho |,peoh.d
cleri@ 6ll b Equs fd potDmmr of.llcioe F& Ali Ctblti rl@i.w vjth R.!*ha on

'5hry iElld.d Men (hu. Gbulre Mu$n J&l X|lsNn:i Mn a&.1 Hmtd R@
OirrDi r!4 Nd rntd N@.
''F.it^liCni t\3&o.!e Nts Ki'A r.Glal.
'Th.lritilh 3pv.tllla E r.pi.d b, os serry of Cdftnrali! dd Zi. *o!ld hold
!ldi@ lvirhi! d!d, dtyr Nrddtd A.l v.r, xrw dal tddo,
'nmitLatl, U.n d &dq a1A Pa\aM 191/-2000. Db.r,.lfud ,lllld lo$qd
unjvGit Pls, 2001) 233-131.
'\Utd- 233-234.
"Majd cd. r$d abdul R bDe Mr &i8Fd llir dty. x. M. ailf, /dll', ,it zr,i
Pabttut PM Pahtd 1977- lN3 (irfri: Odord U.l@lt Pt :., 195) 3cll.

'1t. Fooisd th. djo!, "I |w ny.Mty Mtt twldrd!. r!nd. dy's
ur@sn, d.lay in irdi'g ovd po6 b p.opl.t dl4d EF@jG." ?rri'd nma 2 odtb.l
xDM t7 lsw t973.
'Dq 5 F&rg tt73.
"DM 4 F.hrw 1974,
oJ PtNtt.4lL'dEdttld, (K6aljii axhrd
"PMidK66. CatutMtMt and Pot kal Htt ot,

':.K. M. Mt YoA,t vxh z4 163,

"Fajz alichittri, ttuqd 4lnofie r,M 112.
\ordr wd Fdni4 l\bviM L.t b* b!.cd ly rb! Ptlidnt ot?|i.nd $ Knvbg
tF@ GuI T.j, "Disilrd oftlA, Go@.d i! Bdo.hi.L4'Patdd hbr' 5 (lulv
M r sid 4llri.lu i! P.li@ ed. wiu. tL E 6t s ofKbr lbdul Gh!ftr rlhd
g. ws r 'H.
Pa}l1tu divid *rinn dt lrnith Rul. h lddjr Hd ttdiEi dnMid ih dF dl, )tau

|nc md.Hlc.@ bd b.s. r '!96!d Doltricie i! Ht l@ v€di h. @nib@d to PlkGb ! Iblrd

.offi;n. Ld lil)ls lb th. tEdid ot d.ae..v $ $. l960! od l9l0! lh' tud orlowftl
d. j. ; -dq',lji od rydd Dotldci& too Bd.ditu Ht lt d5o
w. DMid Bd*li Polidcito ol BdGhisE4 P'litu ti' tot v!
'Mr Gi4 Bd}lh Bi&40
d. ol dE fo;;ii! ElEbd of !\.-Ndiooi atui Pr.v H! Fr".d ! th' Govnd ol Brlochlb
1972 b I9,'3. H. ;s @ ot th. r.' i&'dy 6 P.}jfl! fd @tltslor
I'8. jt ihl h..d olrlr Shrjt;i M;sl tibd H! i. r Doliti..l Ed f.u.i|j figG td Balo.hitu
lt. b midsla d. cbltid ofsc dir[t @d !4rdi! 6omsl tt Pd'itu tu ovd f@ dccrdB
ii u*,* a. m oria rvtioi"q or Bdochitu d;ii! zul6c Bhu@I rmi.dip nfl Mlv I
'_ ;r.#""a.r'rt rd*sce:cid197?,"rnilabLrrhn.1!444l@-s4!!!t
/thN^nicLlrE?idri-rG*2!.nc6 dtrittt I0t5/1009.
\nz Ni c1ttui ta"a {/ptt' Khd, l4
rl6!n,.@ ir@..t!B;wd
_r,t dge rry lr * c@iod o'J5l P'96
"i; 6- -i'd w! 7. |lsllb rdu"v l e79 l?e pl€4 vor'
Br'ib, 8,r FMIj, Dd
n. r*; s* t*u'd,
^. iEEv ltie r5s F!.| vol lx:Mi@orrBomdiof
s; Po6, "riJ*^"]
r@ 1979, 2r3 !.sa vol ry' ft. E @v hudt 1979
' "ini,,"lEitu Rek'. t't-,l!ll oowtld orPdds, l9?9)
p* in iotn-* 4t1@b t t r (t't PdEb
'_'-'itcnir BuF. "tusldui!
th. P*!m Polti.d svtbr'" h sntnid Jrtd Burh P'&tt"
lkdzt^. ittti@ aM fet tzte(cttr wd.vi.w Pr4 l99ll3l
'rrM, Ant Yd@dtt zia 3t 31.
.H@h H;e iM M@ a'd M/@, (knc: vosu.'4 200Jr 126

'o\)ctona sd;dfr.td RlBd

r ti and A.dd oridd ch4*lL l97c)
eo*inn t-nq * . t.!ud) d..i!io *id 'hs. jrdiB ai(mii8dcL]I
*@ d&t6!4
,*,* x.* rir.r,i caor'+ o'. tl.i'! H!$ a[.L t}. iF.rdsd bah s @B@ d t llda6 fd
Do.rb ih&r cbohd s.fts sbd od MuD.@d lttk n lh. aiciBd
o," *Us.. w|h€au'd! A}!rd bid I ti@ c'!tt hd |eI n N@bq bd a o!
,iir.b"i' xli" ,ii,.r a l',r" I9?! Dcilid or supme PLD suptu! c'a t'9 vol I

" "' I",i-r.i-.r* so* conr pl-D.sc, ry,9, tsl. 31, 5l.7io Fd dii@'01 c r'v
'- -i-a a!",'t. ita Ez,nqi,ft tt*n ttt''du't4t<-n!d*"" tcsa'
xr'-l c**t",.t d iduica Hrdv 4P.te4
.iii i;iJ-i-' zrr6qe Bbtu Dd 666 rLD le'r rlncr 521
^h D*b* r,7z {E Fj..Ed by d. 6d ahudo ii
,j."a rs \n sm.d
.rp.*a ii, a'ii"r.*.r' o".q rd qlAiod lh' rntftrd rhv di! fab'iotrd
*to'4; r** ird irsa @ ! or Edv b N I juds! b'
*" ** r* t!@br. EM EriBr rhc d' ol % d ar'd
h. Ndr l|.
*.i. 'a+* judsp rapolqd' 'rEdnltd -,,d'd \ho *! e bo! j'd3e
.; "r"l-_"iclit.*.-.4'*
iIfi.Li"i-,t. r*i'! v'rt'd{'uai! 'd
tu pro"'dhF rill h' roid b.ck Ed iie rcqd
; ;*b rdr ldi.ulv 'll Ir. Eq";*; b
*nl d; r;"!s! em i"d$s s rsrin' ii' mdinod ors'
;;;;;-& * '
6d b ondns v'd @r,Dle bcrl c
"zulf@ Ali Bl'w v stu -d otl'd! PLD l9?9 s 5J

'tPathtu Tin4 s lb.ttb.I 1911.

"fn Ali .Jithd, B.tatdr-";ai*ttdho Kk4 t'r
"rx-"i"i* i. * a..d' or bbD $ si€ bv norv ftoph4 Monmd
''"""''!* t.ro,.*Ll-* hla d@ d Pohttdltlssb'd couol or Bloic ld@bsv
Govmdr of P*is1r4 r44)

lZlI ad Ulbr oniorlc!, l9to. Na F-r1(l],,ldPtlo, nt o...tu {Paldna E t. ock4t

!2.!s ir rs t@e.d d Mdiq d h. d of 25 Fd
ao. w. anfin;J, ?obtd 1>efi N tN Mhnt b cttlta R . (E$)m& SE6-pi8

lTt?ii tud N tld 6. z!*, il rppliobl. ro rL. d!r' 6d M.v *hich It itr p@ioi orr
m fd . r bii !.!b d.dd.d atr dt[. ||'M pl...d b d! b-rpLc'd d 6" oftl'' bolv dd
;tudaa''.crdlst ofd. .nia SodiE oty rb F, of .qbld b b'!r
"rv An *
o@bltv Lu.d.n r ttdu I'@a Widr I fE thd rb! EiSld h' dttrd'd ro thr
I'SU !
dhc rid.r of Picib, !o;@ *ittdo* rai ooaulto tr rto Ur *a o plv z'*4 tm rh' b'nk

'A@di!i L dL Lv !t$bs dt .er ror& littrDd of Pithd (P3,u n tun, of th'

P'@ha o|@i; or Plq& 6i s6r't+ldu (ltLoj. dr,t) s dcbEd a ! of@e *i6
in#*monic to* o 'h. loo tr ro oe BltttEdv oluo PFlbc Or'ulo w t' Flnbblbl' to
d.rd' intud of rh. inaitMd
rrBrriD diFimid sdid r^eadld of trs) ordim. 193'4 LOdiinE Lxll of
I9!4r PlD lgsi adl bB193. Bdin'r T"t-lotdi@ 19& Pr.D 1935 canl s&d4,0?
* f; dst* E@ne ra.'&a M.d;., r6,/di sl..it sr4DkoFd m L]|'n B&bryud
srr.r\ 3l A$e 1t34.
Fndd qta'IilP
PdA lade t. Ma 1935,31,
.rD,. Fd.d Ahdd Jrlddrt ilhfl Durruh.d h dlny Apror Sddry nlglrd 26 .Iul,
r^.dd'!s o tni. Le n'
d'. idl
*i ot I n&, u* o-f.vii,a@ d6&d &!4h P-rda! oldo I0 0f l9tr' PLD 1935 C."ti S't*'
dTb. v,/@d! Aolid F@ foDd h lgil Tt bd oteDa trm dit de ftm'd
rh! ffc E Esod @ di. i@l@dd ot tn H.do.d hq ud to @3tb'D wa! Pdirid h
ciay sa-di. rb, F..r'Ed tn, aDJ ol ri. b9@d bv d' zi' L* loltl:fu *4
a**'i.- *it 6cn .ivfl ,@ n kd tlblic pr!6 io rb' Dd ltlG rsiid o'
-!!D@i A,tLn!!
"ia rld w $bsi!ll] Eodj6rd' ft v@dl
iilli?fri l* ;
iri.i"a Jo" b...;. tr c.6 usq'r 'crsh 6 Et'm) qb'r
'b b) nd dd *06'n
;;;;.r ;;; F-d-*dt d.v oqi@d rc dE 4nroDpdooq" '!d roaq P6h( rp!'E !n
bd lNd
n- t'
;;;;-.;;;d" ;;n; -n;,ri'o. ** " or 's.\d
''-_ di!$d 9,qr219e
rr.i* iv-J r,16 r,sidi@ ! s NGo ttd 6'rs d *@'n mDorffd h
,,*d;;;'ii;;fr;;6;d.;" *iu*i'ia ri'vpdid' rrar'd rd *@a Tl'v
th' viorn@
ii..-i''i" 3o**i;e.e/r-b "'a
'a '-d!tu '8|bd
-** s^ r wd* rolridic ftir lrt'hisid pbl* 6, ,* u Anit w.Bt tDd JohD L
c* iilir iiE-ll;-* b P.I!'d th. iq'dtd 4 kh^l' svncu svn'*
- - &iu PFs, 1936 97_l 10.
rkna*u- n.M*nth 6Egi!.Edb) dopdiiiod'!bopo'i4frioi bnb. b porre ir'r. ce @
"ii: ;; ;;;,;;"id d. *;.4 i!.y hdrd; dp.y hiljl rofr r.esd'06h'
.d-"d J;;;-;;-ind; I!*" 6.r.d;vls !t'&'
;.i;;G;tr "d. ;- Frt;*rns n"iu crnmo' -"*d v'l' ti' .-r'hd
d l0 Je 20aa r I"|b.'. d tllie't
tin m i! uod bv HErit X4qoi i! hL bool 'tldgr' ed i'ihary fd
odd FIeioB PGv la.L.r tld th. Mditl Il* !'ll!@s
b.k!oio\\@it "Ma
E Ar.al BM Md4r M wt@r'tt' D t
rDrn l2 No@b. l9r.
''Arsbr f.hD! ob4l in Da
nD@^2ttun1973 'tOd'bs
u"r,-'.c r4dr,r, rv.dlv) Llhorc' I I lJn' re?8
'itLJ"' * riL. r"o'r
r;;-r;;;;t' Ii@ai.e hj, arhw s;d'! oD 20 r@ 2001 i LrDN

rli. s o liuic sh.hr Fti.jol divin d@ De.-lodl Kld Disi.! Kbtt ..

P*n!.ktE . FaiM of Pd(idr! H. w
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rh! fiI u. b.:B
,, "HMid./oue4 i"rad. 1 studtdpolu.d Do.tar-N teo-,ry2(r:hm: sos.cMel
'PEid;r'i flhdr tr Dr{, !6 Ocbb€ jgr..
-Mrl!trd WEe4 Polfts ,'/ r, Srd. , r.,tn d tuLn$€d. NII{C( 200?J, 399.
''^et HB,t\ ]tu cdtfulo' E parge D.IL4D4ed A:r.ni H@,
lrt I213. ^s6ll,

ark! "irh!b,, cn 4uftd e!6r rd cotrs.Mi@arjsn ;,rh. \

:xiivid ^,t4tis
ofco!5rtid@ (bde Di4,
,"Ir h& 8@!..rM
of I 973 c@rjdioD *ha ln s.nbt per*! n c Eshu e.dtn.Dl
.-_MCr 270 ofcdriiddr
dp.l& i 973 G reDd.d i! i 93r.
r (7) of
of c@r.Mid pltitu
t9R E |mrj.d i! t935.
.,?otiri..l Prry
Ad 1962 r u. !d h 1931.
z! F-!"* Ek of ririby j! p.ht€r,yro dd 6@6ed rh. n€j,br
on @nnturyryd_g-!*.
-.. :
alh r 977 6wrd. s6zi..r ,@ t, 22,au ns*, u scd;nbo j 97?, x,*n
vo4t\2J,1!!t t979, D@ 1 W tm DM
. ros/rrriRidiMl@r,Sder'SEr.d,p.dt, tt6.
e o*tutei2. DMt
.... .-'' rtrt* b rb. Jold Sdi@ otrh. pdiM b sor4 CdiMrmtAb.ndrlr! sd
ijtio8 of!,!rdl r:* 6 30 D.c@h? t905.
-.Ahbty D.he d Eidrt ADaio4 t9t5.
_"Th.y'4krddn wuld b! @lld 6E Ua Ahud.!
. .
EjrerldE!k of!E*er ISF rldfoB ! rh. rroyil4

,",. .:l_lyL11l:l.*q-""95-djo rmm.@, of dG tu b. slnlEr.rd,@ 12re,''y

pur@ t 6. Mr'io, of hfofdid."d
'vD, Brc.d4ft'g crtfu; of pd.id kl|mbe. i6.
'"H'ersktn Ria\ nno4, st4 odsa.ttu tas.
_-MubModvre..a.polfiddrt g4b p.htu,)97-9r.
"\u sffi aitsi p.tkta d ,r, pon ostbb.4 !.d1. 40.54.
MuleErd zc,!.xa lt 92aar}" i6iea; rrh.jxr d 6n di.v.! n ,-
M|Rr ? -06or
. :*:ll*, "trr cadrr ErdioE jj p*jei res5,- radtc^ ravMt Esa.tat
Jc/@ "-
rdoe3r36) t.2t.
-^_,.--- -:
p3.e8. ry fl'y..'*d red Erj4, ftr rr. r,.ij,r of
-:'!ry Mj|, b* lnd ,r. .odiMjdr
D provd! rnd.tutry b rI. Mrrtd r.w dd; bd @d
h {E slhb t
d Murrd.dopcd r ! rid. ud rta h w 4.d by rr. bcdiry M!.h 'Mkd
of uFmlids xd .^bor;d3
::i lr,.'trtd * ..rJ{^ ,1IF'14a tu,. H. itu 1!qi jlJlurtr e@jMi@ .Dd 6!hFd r!.
ffi?H*"nflffi*- o{@ rdjdd *!u"B *ir'i',i u*i; ;t";-6',"
'3- t4_,!g totr,s'h za xe,l7
'_-rhi! E diliuny r[. FE ot ric Njimt rlbb|v
'. sbujr Nelg c.d.dsr@d,. 331
wllMd ."M'r'A 4 xP +'.b.
6d 8Drk5itr&
r.ear (untuI D,vsjd of FinI ,.d pl[Ldids,
co@.ir of pri@ rrtDd.4 n.d.. pm I, z M;10 M,tri8 or
",prBid.d zn! @ u Drq,
prmorodorc rq&

;l.8jtl"zt'.:' rT+ b.ur d7 ress in D&n(Kd.nr, s res!.

^pnr ^Fd
Ned ilglDry o 25 Mrd r9t5.
_-S!nrtzd! y!4ub
, AIi t(be € | Frd Mrjd C.l@i qo s ! ctrFr MM:rl !r*
i,-j"'.ld {+ fe* *"i,.d @ dd@ D my;M rs.dr Basri' rr. ,E d.oord ,.m

f-.j9 ! lv.;: 9--r ,r,- dild r@ dF ftr,. H. ; ,m ;os .dpr rd 6.tr. 2,.!r-
":1,0. Nrd!!b-!LH4 B e ..d:fu of iDLdj@d eL
'lrh. s.*ay, Mirilry of lddDdd
'*l* x.r!!, c!.lttdoh.t dz patrE t Et btr 4 p.tst4.tsl.
lusc orqrl-y. H! i.M E rr. tad ofNdi@rl D.fiE. Col|...
Nr*q Od./S?rrd, 33 t
'alttattrld\t.t@ Potrtd Md th2 sd. it.

!rri. G@ (iai,) Ejiu Azb, .lllnn Oldcism ofoftEL DAIoEd,' ,,. t6lr' (tllmabd)

"Prt@ Mi,hlet t* Patt! qtus,w. I sate Uh lot the cM" Mn @iM or

Filb &d-P!b!tcdn,' bb@b4 trd) 3.

\uh;nrd wem. Pordld ed,k &d. h P.tnna lu.

" E@nk sb., 4 P.rxt6 $n^.H E omi. deirdr win& MiDEE, of FiMq
: 6od5r llr.uislm UDi! Colrtr, Aad: p.*ttta ttst nltq N, a-19s7 (r,.ndd), I I,
Ln. MslrL 5 tw $a1.
:!,4rn@'n\Jte.a pdtta .'z t sru. npttlr'a{nt.
_ Tbi .E&d
E p6.d b, 6. Pljild o 93li d dpoEld 6. ptE:d.d b disot*
th. NrdoEl ar$blt Olnd cle! sh'ch ffi .!eS.d @dd d. Eilhrb l@ Etdd ro
|n. otre ol Prih. Mil'@, S.e !d Gov.M eid.5t q tulud.d^Eddrdr In rh. conriMion *hid
ida.d ll. lmta of d. Nd;dt it.@bt !.d iE 2@ b 207 *iit. dj.to 19 i@s.d rh.
iumbn of*s h dr so& 6.m 63 b 37 odq Mid. J9.
_lrnid YB!( Prld@ l sldy ofpotirbl D.Etorrc 9a?- t997, to9.
_Wim r rlhc Ind rtu trlm RBohlto wr.!.d b, dE rrdiu MEti6 r

l9.o n' lbld r[.y d@.nd!d ! homLld 6r ,h.R$lvi!.
_rtu '.rru
xd&, r I ADfit t93a.
:7r" r,!tb
!'vuh&".rd od.dh.dl z !l.@n{ r9',',
xnd ru.jo Be;; fti;Ilt:l {s ltess-ssl,"

BGa. Zi.' i@iq plunb.d pd,

b ngb p4 25 !M! tsss.
'"tldid \n$t,
--T a 6.e.1 ud
palrtkn. t sr+ dpox;.at D.,rtqifu tet7. t997,2t3.
rh. rld D6 ISt.
* $tha KN fl8d@nttr" &eht P/xt4datondon:o&.
",*;'ffiYrffr#,*,?.&bt potae: 6. zh r@lttutltrog$iEpubtLDa!'
_.-'Msb.[dF,.-; 1990),
brM ((echt), II Alril, t988.
-Mol@dNrj..6-ulhlrLl dr.i(rLr66i t94?_S@l!{2q t9t6)*ftrdE,h.
rdtu edd h.ridd of ri. sovid.brcrd D.@ri. hr?Lbu. of
of rn! oad! hh/*w 'rft-r;mh.,lietd{
inrdnlddor, 6h
d.yd-Ik ^@d+
., ^ -^"lsl r&. lhrd do s vi.* widr co Zia Ca@t H6(d cut. iT*nv b) rcr&.h,,
lrt odd (H. E |li! DG Ist d d! rid.)_
'L M, |Jil. |d*b'erttt, za Jn,
"'Olefil n I vrlt.!. b.setr lltsrbrd md k*dpindt (lajldr 6 b.d citisJ. th. prkjro
M be8rqrd .DdL b rbir I @ AJ u. u@ @ .ed nd d. LS d ,!r!d n rh3
'rcs. K V adq in6t.' ht&,sd b ptuss
Bed Fit. Gt6. fikj, on O.o N.*!, l0
nHhrd YEut P.*kdi ,r sr4, ofpohn.o!
- _
DNlopn.nj.2t.t sd Lt$ dF wk./ c,tdtu,
d&d l2iE.l9a3.
'ca |c tt( ,{r{ rr@d.
'.o@ Heid G[ Idrvt w
!l< t4 Pdtbs -ht z4 !90.
^,t a.kts d Plri5in tclcviiid Jo Mry t988, 3. I t pr
''x. M. Nlt W@lJna \|tth Zo, J39.
''nc dL tu d for.ldbs @ t 12 &, lnd d. dishrid of Naimt |lsb.y.

@D & Mo4r crrlrM ot r[! !a.i. 4 s ! pEljdd ofd.
*,_rnr r'rr
rvo,,r w
in ;;;il&-;;'"H,;';:Tfff#:iitrft
@ur, uht ,h. F, ptuldld r;hEj
ror@rMI @ndrosibLforDadLdrrt rpBid.Drb|hE,ow H.*N i! hlhr-of drd,
*4",j*T:Y:l.Y?-up9n .rhugb.&ddprim['tri,s,h.qrdmdi.d

ffi iffffiI1tf"!,liiJTix,lf#aL,"
rM y.! 1/,!?, c.d!t Lrd) f@ stndh bd. d@
_.r p ol'|6.|'oP1F,ry
k |sld
6. rd@t pepl.! pdy. rb @b.d
otz, a, Bhlio lr.Irq.
:y .h. t4b of rb. tuliE
ffiffi ;ffitffi';?itijtr#,$i*ttrffi""jj#fl f*"*'.
**O"*"*tp.ti.@ nt z,r@g,tuGr'w8n6put irbdt I99o)
ak M. AtX t'old,s-t h zra3qz



Cr!. Zti Ind Mdijd hw i! Dccr,!$d t985 lDd &. Ju.jo govmc.r M
lh. frn b ,!e rh. hinaD4 oft!. conninniolit cbag., {.hitaru.tl lo Acilbr. dF
poM 3hai4 erlgddts bctv,lcd tb. Eilirr, lurhodris snd {E civil sov.M.nr
On 29 May 1988, zja-ul-Haq dis$trld lhc Nlrio.rl Asdbry ed Movld $c lrinc
Minisld ald Piodis.d io hotd ger@l.LcdoF within rrc !.xr nucry
d.'s bd on t7
August 1988 hc di.d j! . dae @d! Ilis por,lr v&!M pFvidcd dl opporruiiy ro O.
secssr Amy Chicf Ca. MiE! Asldh Baig io pav. the \N!y fo! a EDrcscntative
8ovcM.nt ro ruk ovd !!tjst!! ana winDins ilE .lc.tids of 1988 Mthour rh. shctr.r

oir Dili&ly PBidar H. a[o*!dr th. r.riorarion ofrhe CorEiirur,o! of 1973 osr.uibly

.loEg pith tbc Eigh.t Ar!c!dr!dr, Ih. !ro..ss of rsftlor ro ddoclacy .olljrued on
a coEpetiv.l/ bcn ! !@ b{luec lbe ey !.d daid4t not b ,at ova diEc{y, Bur
sliU lhc dilitary did Doi auicat. froh a powa shdjDg ffig@o! sin a poEtul !ol.
by sinirg b.irild ilE rc@. ft. di!@i Eilrlr, govetrlleDt re corvcrled jDlo a
r&sitioEl dehe@y whict aplacnuy s.dcd denocatic j!
a 8ovtu.d bu reatiry
it was stll working !rde! &e !r!8ovcr of tbe Maniat kw l also suflr.d du. ro Ur.
tudDa! poljcies 6!d bch.vioMt ch.ngc! wldch occu.d duiDg !h.
.odtjtution l

p6I y.d. M cb4tcr !tudie thc iliti.t pts. ofralsiIo!

affc! th! dcad orGe. Zia,
It also studi4 &. lew panm of @.l.t@va, pow $dj!g ed8@.!rs in & cxba_

coDrtjtu$oIll sct-u! whid gclcraled a Dclf equarid of thc njtirary-cjvit Etalion3.

ex&nins .s to how rlc i!&rfaae of ile IlI i. llE eterorat lrocc$ ruutld jn rhc hEg

Frli|lhte ald codirid !o!e@.o& ,o.t bow tha q!.& lolirjcjl covc@D.ds in lhc
leds of inaqdicrccd potiric€l lettcu alt &agDmt.d lolilical lanics ircEd.d tlE
mlc of lbc dE .on6r"d6 i! nb louri.tt sye.@, ftis ale rzl{.s !p s now th.
loliticd govcdEars rtcdl wir! Oc .tit.o@ of tb. lcgiti@, oilir, poliric.l
ch!Ids4, .@@Dic deli!.! ed U. Dilirary,s ioLrt&a@ cs!.tialy j!
thc Dr@ce
otd. cidd coisttltiolrl !ea,r--t i! lnjs fln laiod oiresftjo!.

v..u Kublj! itr ic! ecl-quo&d a@ut .bod pakist ri potiti.s wr. dar rh.
Eiljt ry,buulolric aliee dlona.t rb. civiti.s ro rltc
ov.! r[c govtu@t oa thc
@aideado! rb4 n ws er a suiEbl. riEe ibr diFd i!1€n@rioE 1lEy q@ lool,ng
tuNltd lo rulsdr lbct diE r lDtiidl totc ar sMc sutabtc
tinc., Hopcvi n js *idot
AoE rt€ Ustoty ofp.fistaa it i rb. Eilibry n vd t llfcEEd lova i! irs cnriEry. tle
Irasirio! fiob @ilit_rry rutc b civil!, iuta na bsicaly b..o a loE sharilg
amgdd! lld &t lt@ rh& ilis i! *hic! irtc oitjtaty cornoh &c govcmdt
Flcjcs wnhou r4i!g ova dircql, -r!cy pEf.r ro slay bclind rbc sc€lc Es I@8 $ lh€i.
orgaaharion t od co:lorlrc i .l$ts l!mi! *cuE ed lllrlJ€ll@ar Ddd a civitia
8o!rr!e@t Ar rbat riE , rhe Eiiitary bld drady slruchftd the @$iftmior.t ch&gcs
$cn . w.y rhal rhe ?Esid@r, cvo itsoD. civitiu p€e! i! ofr@ @ bourd !o prorat
lDe o.g&isationl irtsrcsrs and hnitutionat ildcpcnddcc ofth€ Eititary.

To tuincr !rcs.pc !i.sc id.rlsrs, the mjut ry rooK . prepatatory mcai]!.

It@ugh $pFnilg a.jli.!@ ofthc coE€anlv.
llniB id r.t€ fo!r! ofishoj Jdnui
niltd (!I). lt wls @i!cd os.t!6 ro coruci tb. !?p\ iDflocq clpc.ilty
to bt@k ib
cleloral victory. The panies bctud€d in rhjs alliarcc Ir@
JaDal-ltstdi, pML (J), Ue
Jt'I (Dar$awsd G!ou!), th. Np!, rb. Mr*rziJuiar+All.la<ti|n, rhc Jdjar_ul-

Mash!*r', rlc Hi2b+J!ba4 |!d Fskt'r lD@ s Azad Creup.r Ir is & o!e! sEt rbd ir
@s @bblcd rogcl.la by rhc tSI h wnich rb€ Ml]sUD tagu!,r! thc orjd @Dpo!6r
alo!8 wil,l snaUd p.niB lilc &. Mr!4jn eauDi Movane (MeIf), &e Awadi
Na$onal fany (ANP) ad tle Jmiat tJlrrla+tsi.in oUD Nilzi crou?.1 Btll thc niliLry
@pred B@i. Bhuno whd slc a@ ! fDsitc viclory i! i!. electiu of 1988. Al thrl
riF., th. @ury ne.d.d ro cGse s! iE!g. of b.i!t ! dooalrc sur. lssg irbough thc
lnailj@ to dcbo@t B@!:jt, ! yorDg voDd toD ! cltcbrd.d fcudd fldily, also
FpEsarD8 &. urbe ptof6si@t snd irr.ltjgcosji by virtuc
of tE €<t@tio! ad
h@& B s ctoi€ fot Vslir8to! i!
"dy 8ed 1his rlsar4 MoE r,!r! ey orb.r
Fliri.itu in PlHsira sh. wr .{uirp.d wih rbe Rn.!r sryic of coN.srio4 idiorns


Aid rh. disjssd ofrh. civili& gor6m@t Cr!. aa,s rclc lesdnble! .del
$?.' Diliary ruI. *t|cre 6.,flirdy h€ad of rh. stri. @uld sltuglho hjs posirjo! by
olablishing a soit of balale bctllca j&
!b. EililAy dd c,v coElonelis of rhc
ierine.' He snoucd a.lr.tuId govaddr
ejthour ey lcrsor noDilalcd 4 lrjEc
Mirist r (whjch ws again a EquircEml undd 4S(5)(B)).7
Thjr dluc den.rd..l L,tc
4plDDredt of a c@&Icr aliEt T!. pBidcar hd 10 E( D @odrnc. wirb rh.
advi@ of thc @!i!ct which is ro 6. @nv!'rd b rh. pr.sid@r by lhc priDc
Si@ ulda r!. 1973 CoD$linlri@ rhcr. c|Eot bc a clbilcr wilLout thc priD. Mnisld
cv.I anc. tbe Eighrh Ajn@dd@! i. wss ,g.i! a viotarjo! ofthc Coreirllion whicn Aa
did. it shows rhe dinespccr co Zia lEd foi lhe $!r.Ec taw ol u. @unrry.

Thc govalecd ofMulrdrdd IGrn J Dcjo ws dildiscd or dE chlrges of

@d!rio! brn aldolr rtt the Eiainu! of his c.bin6 ww lbt d ii r.!c Ectlk€r cabira
€x.cpt thft. who *@ co$iddd s in clsc eciat s of JuEo by thc niljraty
amboritiB. Gc!. Zi. abo .MrEdg.d Md MuIdErd Nawz Shnif, dr. lhq Ctdcf
Minislq of tbc Pujab i,o ir--rd.( a poti agairst J@jo qi$j! thc tirg Mulim

CcD Zia $!dd tctiriE!.y i! tlc of trlaDjsrio! as ljuriifqtio, fd tbc

disisel of cLcrld gowr@6r Hc debr.d tis priodrie ilcludilg s!@dy ald
ilaposiv. j!ric., $rbilisiq lhe e@oDy ..d iDt[ovilg te ed od., j!
rh. counl.
ltre @so. Et rhr ,ff6 rhc r.lEibltid of rhc .lcd.n gov!m.6r aa b.@. EoF
lulnalble rha wd, H. bd In.d M.dirl Lap &d hld to M u€ go!€fuei bd.r ln.
1973 Colsijtutior By .lioissilg tis laad_picte/ AiEc Miaisrd
ald the A$dbly tc
hld d.nourlaicd &. faitue ofhj! o*'r orda
*!!d tbbugh &c Rcvjvrl ofcoD$iturion
Ords (RCO) H. B srill lhc CoAS blr flc
!{ltic @od w mt i! ,aroE of M&tja.r
Itw .gaia Ttc dly M, fd bis suvirrl ers r.!on b .tsl@, .gri!,
ro ft.rfoe h!
irsu.d & odiule ro .ntoe r!. $,@i,a, i! p.&isI&, i! Mrlual,oD of r!. lld.ss of
lsh@j$ri@ d@il.d by rh. Jl&.jo Cow@oq @ t 5 Ju. t9E8.,o nc oa;uce m a
p8!t of d ctrort lo 6ar. . cls of sppq!.E .nong lbe t/t@a vho coutd b€ .ppoirl.d
a M/rir" andjudg€s to cowi.r tlc .jvat comuairy oftarlss.


Tt! dissotulio! ordc at' lol cbalclccd il Za,s tife riEe fte d@o*d &im
Minisld sboeEd ! coepos.d b.bntou ed d€c@cy &ousL Ic Ej.ct d ar tc
allcgalis cstlblisb.d by Co. ZiN for hi, djsissd.'lJej. Ddcr challdScd rb.

disis.l of hi3 gcrEnD@t i! 6ur Af.! lnc deah of Za lhc r-rhr Hig! Cout i! r
tuU b.nch daisi@ rclrondilg 10 . p.tition by MdE@ld Slsidr d.ducd illl
Presidcd Z!'! &tion wB ucoDstinttio@1. ftc @un .lso d'ssiscd $e chsgcs whjch

Zia hld drabli5h.d fd th. disis.l of rh. Eiiodl lrd Flaieiai .5sbli6 by

del&iog th.D 's. sgE,rd lddisld lblt lLey w@ et slsrai6bl. in bw,' fbc

coun dccl.red ltrc ordd s uurdlabl., Ile loxt stcp sbould bc a rclicf in th. fom of
Lrr. storation of 6sblies, But thc qlt nolcd rbat thc dissolaior rn.ans llc d.ad of

tlc rss.dbli6 .!d dcld @uld loi b. bmlbt lo lif. rnd d.2lh. Furbd I Dotd rhat rbjs

Mbly E @L i! ii3 €pl!fuiltivc c,b@t r siDc. Eo$ of thc poliiicd pani* *@

oul of the !rce$ ir dr 1985 no-psny elccrids, MoMvq th. mnc.h€d panics had

eept d the diMldj@ d@isio! ed !@. of dF Esrorsr.blc o6e holdal likc ih.

Spatd of th. Nsliolrl Aobly clEtlcle.d rb. dis$luli@ ordd. Mo@v+ ir aLo

obsd.d Llat $c tioc sh.dulc for thc cl€criotu hid b6 dobccd ed lh. clccrio.
cahptr8:l w e 8oi!g oa lh@for. the a$mbli.s @uid lot b. r!eor!d.''

Tbe supE. Cowl ofP.&tur.r eitorsd thc d4isjd oflh. IlloE Hjd Cout i!
Itrc 6c tilled 'Fcd@lion of Palisl!! v Haji M!!,@ad Saif-ullsl Khs,'rr d@hins n

to b€ wjustificd. ''! Bur rh. Coln refiEcd !o plovid. Fli€f i! tbe fm ofr.slonlion ofrhe

a.@blia. Itc ie!&r of rhc d.cisi6 E Flirivc i! rh! 9@ thar Ihc ?Gsiddtial

ordd for di$issal of !5@bli6 @Ud b. udo th. judicisl Evi€u Eowvo rhe

dccilion @c an r t|lc d.st! of G6. ZiE Gen. Bai€ lard adnined $!r h. hsd $nt a

h.sa3c !o rhc eurr nor ro Esro( J@jo 8o\4mdt.r? I sbos rh. insirudoDl
we3lacrs ofilc judiciary, could ,ol t ke !! hd@cnddr dajsi@ to d.livdjqdce

to th€ Dalio! &d dlrc tbc nudlairy of d Altrly Cbicf to iD.0uclcc dc dabiols of i.le
hi8!€d @uns of rhc 6ErI.
In { scperjuds.&@! t Slpnd. Colll de plctd $. !is!r ofuc citi4B io
fod snd ruD a political
!any. Ir illrh.c.tccbEd rbd lb. sll@tiaD of rhc ll€cti@
syhbob ro rr\c .ridi.rrte iDscad ol6c potiticd ponrrt lrr! , ct !' viohrion ot$r
AricL lT ofdc 1973 CoDstindd The SuFt@c Courr .Bcn
in :rs dcdsi@ i! zj! Bluno
v lcdc.atioa of palistln"e dc.br.d thlt rh€ lrovisio!3 of *ctid 2l(l)O) of rlc
RopEs.lilrioa ofthc p6d.,3 Act w@
!8aiEsr rh! tuldlE@t't riShs
erul.d ibtolS!
Arti€L 17 (2) of rL CorstiiM@ b.@w
&cy nibd b e.!r ilE 4ie.@ of ib.
loliti€l pani6 ard &.n lsniciprriol ia rhe.toront groc*. AM. potiiGt padics
would b. etiSibt. io @m6i ctedos ofihc ,.rio,rl ud povilcial lsmbiics.e
I cidcd
t!. dislinciion ot r!. ESirr&ld.ld lltgist..d potitic,al
pdr*, rr itris way, thc coufi
Estdld thc pmvidor offic pady bs.d clclrio$
in t 988.


B@zir rnft..t to !i,isi& j! 1985 lta. rorg qr. &od Londo. dd

tuole.d rhat st. Mlld.onrest rhe cledios whicb wlc hctd on 16 NovcEb+ 1988
snq lte darl ofze A! a Esjr, U. plp tro! by a silDle Dqoriiy i! tbe Nsdor.l
Aedbly ard fo@d thc coslition govcduorl T!. plp vb! DoE t!, ci&r, !€,
€nl ofs.rts fDD rbc puaja!. thc plp eon 3r s.ais toE sndl ard Z in N&Tr (!oe
Klyba Pltu\r'Eldm} ft dcr8.d s . EtioD.t poliricd p€rry with ils pEse in al! dc
fou lbvjles tatisar *til.
in rbc IJl coutd d smle a.o a sirglc eal jn Sidb. Ii,.
?PPt s!.!uE as a atjonal polilicd p&ty eo.rged sigifc-raily s,!@ irs courqlafl ws

th. UI *bich co$id.d of ri& loliricst plniB l.d by th. cstlblishcd poliricians. tlE
Mali,n Iagr. els ld by Muhrd d KId Ju.jo, th. J.r r-it6trdi by eEj Hlein
AlDo4z U€ Narionrl Pcollc'r Prny by Ghutd Mlslrf. J.roi ed thc lnd.pcldoi
Pelide ay Grolr qls l.d by la}!E IE@rr whjtc rbc !p! w,I t.d by ildpdidc.d
B.lrzir Blu[o d@g with ha Dorla Nusst Bhualo $ th! @dd!6soD of th. !.ny,
d.padine @F d Ue c[diha ofh$ la& fslbd tbd hc. Icsd€rshi! eplbiuries.

I! lh. tevilcisl .t.cljo.!!, held dia rhra d!}s rhe s@. lltbds we fouoyrcd

depi 6!r thc l[ iDF!v..t its Fsirid i! lhc proyincid lsblics of tlc pujab sld
Sindh. TL PP? ele in a positior !o d!}e coalirio! 8ofttuEdls jn Klyte pltJttu rlk
ad B.lochiri4 h Sildt, lbcl po5itiotr m v.ry srolg lIr iD rh. ?uj.b r!.y tad to sit
u the opposjti@ to rhc III t4rt d by Mir! Naw Sbdita

Table ofclccrio! qu.lrs 1988r

N@b.'orq!di&t- ;G
P|ldtu P6pk p'iy-t?TFj

Pibtr Avibi tdtrd

( DP)

Soma: Eleoior coomissidiiffi ui.


ltc @in ta$! fo. tL PPP'! suces wll dar it @!i!.d thc di!@t t rsct of
Zi!\ eilitaly r.gidc. ft! poplc ofPlhit& .lso r.lnowlcdS.d th. sif6 tbit th.

Fny hld Eldc dEi!8 this sElggL to t stoc d@oc..ric ordd. AAd the Pt?'s sucGr

s!!Bl sl!i@@ts rcE rdc by tb. AJEy Cbid Ca Blig tn lbc @y m'!d nol

iDlaf.F j! lh. s&irs of1b. govcr@cd aod tbd rhc anhodty muld b. ttulf.rr! lo

&e civiliu golEDneoI by folowi.g rlc dw !ro.s of .L.riN. He dpesd lis

suppon fd @sliitiondis &d tb. <Lrooolic proc.s lt .-Ih-ic'r thal Oe nilidy
'had tro lB! &r !oqr€.' s4t thd sotc objeiiE E n!. Pl.s@aliu of Oc .slcujty
ft. ChliI:e S.!ln.. &.t th. atils p'si.t d of p.lilt n
&d i!i.gri9 of rL D!d@'r

Glubh Lb.q X!& cxptqsd .iiost rh. s. vielw ,!ou! $e dloodltic lrocess i! rb.

coui'],. Ihc PBid6t's dis@lios ro lppoilr lb. !ria. Mili$er uder $. Eighth

ADoddhr B sti[ i!l!.i dtl MlEh l g0,r? stlic! dd.d to ]i! ,ow, to ss.n hjs wiu.

In 1988 b.foE the ctcdios bld lrere4 rbe rop b.$s ofi!. njtjrdry Fdis.d l.!!r

ihc &d-P!P parli* *F @l Eir.d elich @utd Bdr jn rh. cl.€lont EiuDb of thc

PPP. T!€y wF aor b favou of ll\. PPp ed @i!r.ir.d a son of djsrnjt of !p! by

odiddilg na Lgey of Ahulro,a Tld€forc, ir ordd to sv. rI! Diutqr.s inrml, od

!0 tdu@ tbc PlPt idluencq rhcy s&lred b prdli Uc Ppp's slrcess wili thc lclp of
r.\e ISl. It lbned.! aDt.P?P caepdg! i! rte punja!.30 Tle ISt stdt€d workjl8 to unif,

lhc :'o factioB of rhc MNlie LagE sld oLttd coBcmlivc p!ni* aSairsi the tpt
$r.'t i.'rc tftl. of tsl@i JaDlqiltilld (!D.3r Tloucb tE ISI s a srltc irltitutio! ws not
lLrpposcd loday.nylolitjcal role in1he courybutio slosi-Madial Lap?alisl. rh€s

lg@id hrd 6tl colFDI oq t!. pohid.l Foc..s sponer.d by i,L Amy Cliaf

htNlf.r' Duc to ISI! r.la h tle eletonq no part could wi! a ctea! Eajdity. As a
rasult, a spin @.hrc w3 pDdrc.4 vNcb utriodcly Fovcd favo@bt. for lhe diuiary
ba.u$ 3 6aljdo! govarmor B sr.{,Is.d io bc ffiy. Tte Eiti,ry wirh&lw A06
the lolitic€l scc!. epat€ddy. brt n Etld.ln.,t its idu.lcc rhugh @rotilg rh.
govemcnt !ouc'.s AoE ihc ba.tgmud.

ft. ISI .@ti!u.d ro ldDr lolty by 5@ctbre of lbc pouijci&s, enjo. lublic

otr@ hold.6 ad the opposirion. 'ft. rSI !t$ slonloltd tbc lo-.onfdelcc Eov. .gaid
the .lc.tcd govcmoi j!$ afr6 o!. y€'r of thc r8iorlrjon of d.n@!acy, nrcy
&.iliLted llc h& tiod of h6r1!adi,g rld abdudjo! of ite peli@drarjals dd plr1

all rhc ctrons ro ddcd lhc govtudr h lh. voring PIDB ir rh. paljddt.
1!. LSI s.plot d r!. pejrb Fovircid gov@c otrhc Ut .g.i!n rn @Ed
SovdDor j! @UlboEri@ *irh thc tqi.!€ol chulrd tj!!! Kth etilch Elde thc lask
of e@ tu@iog lb. dry-to-dly rffdiE iaposjble to, B@i, Bb![o, No
.loubr d. fsi
5.P \4a u*.! by lll. PPP ena Far@q l4hrj lb. opFsitid Iddet in itc pejsb
Povincjal Ass.mbly frlted oDt who !h. Chicf Minjlrc! Nawaz Shqif was pres.lring
suplld@t&y budSd for t 986-8? i! th. A$e@blrl Tlc tcd.6l gov.mdr .!!ojd€d
Gce (R€d.) Ti}la Kha s &c co\eor of l!. pujab, wbch tu6cr jg,n.d th.
sit'llior Wld. d.adlo.t oc.urld in rL.6..ting ofrltc N.rior.t EoDooic Coscjl
o\EC) o!23 May 1989, it PuDjab provincist govcmcot Fqu6red ro ca.U a n.erjns of
Ibc Co@il of Co@@ Ilni@rs (CCD wucb B nu.d doM by thc !.ddal
8ortrtrm€d.a Lr Talbor $y3 rbrr borh panies govolcort aca oincr lrd did norttilg lo
lo\ret A. rension. HoEvcr ltE EsFB. ofrhc p.ovilcial Sovda.:n ffi hoE viol.,f,
whic! v€! obvioudy duc io ba.kjl8 by thc AEy Chi.f ard the ISI L4c. Bdeir

gov€ffncit \r,r! dilnis!.d on accorfl of d|c celtsprovinc. rivtlty e5 onc of rhc

chdge. Thc ov6 ol rtc ISI i! lhe politicll sysLtd ctt d hrdl6 i! tnc
Fd t &sitid to d.oo@.y rld n!i"r..; O. tdo of tb! Eilirdy be}ljld tbc sclDc j!
tb. politics.


t i5 e Bi.blisbcd !t!.lie thrcughod ib. eo.ld tbll vhe@d the s.ny rrnifd
pow !o ! civiti& sovc@@r, n,L-iir" e iadcdi6di@$ for ic pEvioB acl5. Ir

ato stl to lfcsw. ils orgeisatidd ftc se ha$€ned in 1988 wn6 L'r
nili&i, ltufmed Fw 1o B6en wjrl cdoiD rewad@s, A@en vB swoD in s
ilt Priac Mjnisla of thc co6litid go@@l but bcfor! hd !Js6Fio! of poE,
sct6l detin$ l@ !.ld tcn,6 &. Atuy Cbrd rld A.o.|ar i! *ltc! sne hd ro

filrli$ a da.l wiih rh. Ady Chi.trt AdoiEl lffikld A.t@d Silohcy, itE l,h@

chdl]4 ofJoinl Chiefs Staf Cominc. (CJCSC), la€! confired rh. ded. He tunla
cldified lhar G@, BaiS h.|d prooied th. *idop ofA.-ul-Hlq rlrt hc Muld lol allov

thc rEsfd of FoM to B@ir or J@jo ana lne el.crio$jt 6dfod hc (G.r B.is)
.xPAed his opposilion io !&ding ovd !o*cr to B!@n ar a o4ting i! L'E r:6idc
Houe.a Lat* in a neti!8 of JCSC on 24 Novhbd, Baig irfodcd thc Comincc that

BeDrzir had ar agr€alcnr wib hjrn on fivc poiln3 prolos€d by hin. Comary ro rle
galr.l Fepltoa Paidal Lb!4 s tror ! pllly to rbis ag@d 4 npor!.d by

Adnirdl Sibh.y. 1!. poilts ol asF@@l ilclud.<l th. ra6do of ad,ninishative


siructNofth. civil senic€!,th.ptot clio!of aa'!fdilyto]r|b4sc,tltcAfchln

policy, &. trucLd pFst!m!, thc .Lfft. budg.! .t -'
UDdd Ue fdl ag!c€E@t, B6&ir d$@ted to s1,tpon thc hilitdryt @rcms

rccrding thrcc @i. issc imlldiog $!!on fo. . fie yd t@ fo! thc a.tilg Pr.sid.nt

Ishag Kr6 (. Zia bydirrf &o rtotion oflt Gio Yrqub Ali Kld (Ziat toleip
Milisld) ed a FoEjlc trot 9o Dat a uniLt !!l !€dwtio! in 1!. dcf@4 bldgctlr ll h!5

b.d r t"<lilio! sine 194E, iha Do Pria. Mni{d could d& to d4iat froD r}. d.focc
poticy 3ugg.!t.d by lL. ltiut ry hiSb coeE !d.a Horffi, &c .gr€.slcnr corfm.d lb.
po\6 of tL. aEy Cbief !s a llneD*c. lod th orndl co rollcr of lhc rotiricd

syst d in Paldslru. ft. Dilii.iry tul. b.niDd rh. $6. qutifies rh€ .bodetlld t?. of
Nordlingd. It is th. siiulrion slm rL bi]nat stay! b.hind rhc sn€ to gai! liDjlcd

A@rdilg ro Adi@ Ab.!, t€ridd Etcdj@ ofylqub KlaD rrt@ s ara&

bctwa l!. ey ,!d rlE lPP rt r B@n stould nor 6. pag.tul, ftErhhoE, ti.
nucler &d the Alglo jilad is$ca co.viled Bdrzi! io lcrrh yaqub AI KhaI a! in.

foEig! mi!istc..4 Thc lpp lelddlip firthd claio! dll Oc @y ,ctusd ro bn.t
Bclrzir or dr !el@ ilsc &d sh. krEw wl|r ws @v.ycd o !6 by tbc Amdice
Ahbssdo., Rob.n O..kicy," Tbougtt bolb sidcs dmj.d by hnd of deal hn n M
cviddt fea $c lar€r dcacloprn o.! b whjch rbc pdmc Midstd &!id..t lo scn nd
poks .s a P!ie. Miiscr ai l..n or rh. ditirrt's Fofqssi@rl dd @!o . i c6r5
&d d.fcne issB.lr Kapils b.bild rh. sc4, rhe anly qlt !bl. ro d@is. thc

Tnc .lerio! of CbuLo l5n!q Kbd 6 thc P!6i&ut of }!lisl'n its.lf co.f@s
th. dcal g. m . DoDic oftb. UI 3 . F6iddid.&didar.. A! e acling PBidcd
hc ajoyd rh. @i.fid@@ of rhc oiljlrly crBlalddq csp.cialty thc s.Dio! bos!
Cd.sl h lhc @y sn r c.l| Zi., G.r. A!!l! B.i8 *ho acry .g@io!sly' alloqtrt

d.lllodcy to rcrk .Iiq tb. d..lb of Ga Zia A! a Ew.td chuld lsbrs K!.r
,pPoidcd Co Allan Bdg 6 th6 A@y Cb.f i@cdidcly affc..sslrEirg $c otre of
i.h. @ting lFsidor lle ln ws urdd hii pocLt sirco h lrs @i!cd roecthd @d n y

sLTFncd by rh! csrablislE@t s . counllt for!€ lo rh. palind pepl.'! !a!ry, viit hjs

ba.kirS Ndve Sldif .Deued to Drlc goltt!@ai whjcb sMcd apparuUy

inposiblc for th. UI wih 52 sts i! rhc golrc of 207. Blr n B 6c riE. for lhc !?p
io thinl i! tad of supFniog PE3id.!r IshlS fo! lis W.oEilg ptlsidcntiaj .lecli@s,

Ohui@ Isbrq Kie \@i.d ro ce th. 4|!ac. of bi! wc$ in rh. !!.sidcftisl
el€.tions boD rlc PPt i! EiFocity of otrcr io blrc the gov.Ee@r
lor th. PlP, iwo choi@! wE otc4 odc B ro !t j. olpsjtion b.cae ii coutd

rol swirc wirh ntE losril. cg.blisbo@r &d Do!@opcndve prBjddr ft@ wft
md! chec6 of f.Iiis vidid of circuDsalca for pt! kc@ing irexp@ide oI ns

l€adc6 lo dcal wirh rle chdtdging rlsk ofgov.@dt j! a posr-niljtaty efle. Tnc olhd

M to 6s!@ oflic! ald Esld thc toDg reDdilg sditces ofir nMbd! ed work6
$bo wer. getilg iblrlielt ro .!td r! Iow ,v.fli€3.a, Tb@folc lbc plp ladalhip
l:!d !o tuL . @hltmie 6r th.y would .l@i Chd@ tsllq Kh!! $ a pEsi{i@l ot
P,ti3ld for rhc lqr 6vc y.s dd hc muld slpoid Bal,zi. Bhuno ss $. plihc
Milistci of Pakisrar UDdd thtu comlroDir. lh. ppp ignorcd rn. oli6 iElDnei
pBid@rid c&didare NaMlzzt Nar{Ilb K}ero wno ws rslcctcd 6r . dcnodt

od t!ui!.d P?Pk putld i! MRD @d opicd io vot! for ! vcDmled b@ucrai etb
ws bclj.lrd io b. tbc torc! b..r€. of Zii!'s onoaaic lcg!.y-'r BoIh thc ANP &d thc

JUI @.nly supponld Nrs!b2&i. Nddbl da"itc h:is PDljali odgiD ovcr Gltda
Ishaq K.h4 a P.kltu iud d.clar.d 6bule Ishlq Khe s s lororid tkcat to rh.

swivd of dc@o@r!: lt F.a.d t . wirh ib llrd cxp.rid@.


B@zir's govcndcnr crE irio lovrer ancr thc lolg Eilitery Ecinc ofz& Thc

Eighb AE@dd.!t b.d @row@d rL &F d.d wliL rb. Prin. Mirisia *!! r.duccd

io rh. ilrB ofs sio.6i!isr.r odf conrlly to thc Bririst Dod.t of pdli.D@riry
<lanoc@y. wher. |h. head of rhc slllc wLorUlrt h.ad.e Witb dr rh.s @blcm.
B€@n $.!tcd hd govtu@r wirh.pp@!y ddiat r.r.tio6 with th€ Dilitey, fteE

ts e idohd poE sb!tj!8 erlgddts which divi.t d ibe po*.E sDong rhe
&6id6q thc P.iE. Minisl( &d fi. Cbi.fof rrL AEy Sofs.Injs adrlllnoi eis
nD.d a I iloik4 son rLing bivilg ao orntrdoEl lDsirioa bom oul ot6. polntc.l
.xldidcid only.'6

B@i. si&red erking i! the cMid ciduslas* *hit! sb. also lack d

a{pqi6c. of Oe i.a.n.l politiB be3e stc hrd sledr Euclt of hd @ly ,4 i! th.
$€ld cduedo'id inntudoB. A.lthousb slt B you& d.rdDilcd dd toyd to lM
ain i.e. thc restoralio! ofddodrcy, bd U€ ofra of$. pdn. Mbisrd provcd io b€ a

!!ony job wiib giSlDlc clal@s.s to her. Hd tui! obj.ctiv.s r.r. io ,€nm p*is1!, to

cieili& rulc, @Epder.la p.ny fo! rh. suffoilgs of Zi! lenod .ad s@! for.
spard& idc iry fd lE go!.@@t, Hq calild @sisrcd of toug &d ilcxpaiac.d

b@b.s. Sbc di.bt rcshudlc lbo hi8! E itt o6ca! ls?'cialv i! nndcq foreign
s.faiF aDd tbc ddd. d.Prin@t!. Dc.Pit tt!.4cd d'ladds ofhcr @alnion pdt'cl

ilt. AN!. shc @dd tut Fdle :b. c.\@d of Khvbd P*btulklw who s I rctitd

B!s!di.r &d e Ppoilt€ of Zi.iI'I||4. ft. civili& Plidc Miliel'r wa not ablt io

indEl thc lecsoas ofhE cloicc beds. tb. Pr.sidctt dd ihe Arv Chi'f wer' dE nain

budt6 i! hiDsirs seb cbdgls.Jr

Sb. hrd lo &4 |@y @!st iDtt wiihi! thc Psry dd hld io accoEDodli' Icr

freily @bd i! flc pr.stisious otEcca, Ho oothd B.ErrE Nwat Bhuno a MNA
ed c@h.itpas.! of th. PPP, @Wi.d lbe positioa of a wior llillstd. Hq hulbed

A5if4ri z!d{i vts visiuy asldlivc i! lhc deigi@-bakjDS F@s ed wB .lleg.nlv

fould irvol!.d in @n!dd !t bigb lacb by t ring d advdt!8e of his wifas position

tlc w$ c.@ody lnolrll !s 'Mr. TeD !ctr.!t'sr His b6d Flutsoon vinullv ificd

th. Pri&c Milisia's claiE lhsl s!. E ! silclt! B$li. sNel ald qas lMing in.
gov.l@61 i! rbc b6t idABts of 1bc lrtiodre Or. of t!. @jor l!@s fd rllc
.lisisld of !.r SovarD6! by PBid@t I$4 M thc chsg.t of cotuption ed
sD.tly rh..@t Delori@e Hq 6rb@i!-bv, H*in ,Ati Zadei wls dro pdr of Uc

8otfudr elich fit Os @lid.t d thc ridc of faeily drlsry on Bodir

B€lrzir coirld @t us. lbc civilie alp&lut tlc blguqrcy lo @@lidlle dt

cieili& sovc@ed she coltiDued &. lardd @ty6r irrodu@d by her falha wbch

displ4sd tbc blruud.t lbd @uld bavc D.ro uil&ld as llc o@tdjlg forcc lo t.
amt, tbEi.l Yous.f @!t@& thlr &c s.l6tivc 49oin@ot5 &d ploForiois ,limtcd

lhe blraucra.y ion tlc loliticd Fgioc. Tlc s€lid brtcsncrais, nubqirg abolt 60,

w€ tud. 'Offi€l! on SFoi6l Duty' (OSD).@ Ir E a rccord nlmbd fo! ey.ivil or

nili&ry 8overo€lt *hicl geDct' it ! uw of dis@16!rno! @olg th. civilid

ofr@. Th. 8ovqM@t .bo *ublished ! Pl..@dis B'l!@ fd fillir8 up th.
ir rtc lublic rpb..!s. 'ftts Blgu .ppoi.icd o@ lbe re@ty six tlo@d
pae6 lo wioa jobc bnlir .E folowld dlc Fsdd F..* of sl4lioD by lbc

leddl Public Sdie CoeebsioD6 Em &. Fgd,r sclccrion dolc by lh. elccljoD

boads ofdiftEr[ corpotzli@ ud gDv.rld@r orgdis.lioE eEc 6@tled to .'r&t!in

thc lisi of r,he Pla.@sr Bteu"
a@ir .le sta$rd ?@pLs Vorlc Alstlmc (?S/P) fo. llc enodc Wrin
&d public qElfde Uldd tbis Fogtlm.r thc PPP sr&6 w@ eE?ow.r.d io
adDinisi4 the plojels iDd.d by tbe f.dad 8ovtu6t al 1b. lhvincial ed district

l.v.ls ftis @ tak@ a a .li!e! trer tur only to ih. olposilid p6-ti6 bll .lso to t!.
PrP co.lition prrha tbc AN! t! Uc I<brtd ?!lhD}}wr TIc ?W? w6 9u.ly a Frry
pl,ta *tich @ d Fpuldis. i,!e Pt? or y ai ihc gr'sots levcl &d disdit .ll or.!a
panics for Dot hlviry rbc abilify Io f!!ilir!i.lh.i! rortos i! ilc .tcv.lopaclr pr@.s.",
Dcsrii. th4c a$oi!r!d& by rhc ?la..i!dt Burtlq lhc ?p?'s Frfo:]@c. godll]y
EDaircd disd aDd th. sovdd!.lr fliled to prcvide ddoyddr olpon$jtiB dd
.revclopEoi proSl?m* wbicl qqc prmised by $c p&fy dlrbg tlc elsnon

c@paigL Dle to thc }igh govr! rdc of potulario!, p!.s!@ nour.d on scctds like

!*1i! ald duatio!.ad thc focnl public @d!.d dclrircd ofrhce facilities.6 Dtug

abBc v!3 eio&d prcbldatc jssE !i rh.i tine fd wlicb the govmenr hld ro face

cn oal pr$N .s!.cidly froD th. US.6t

In fac! no siou l€gislation B don bv th. Nltioi'l Ass'ouv dcqgt a fry

ucodDenis io soro€ cxisrils la'rs. Ba@t blancd lhc IML doDilti'd Sdt€ for

cEilins rcad blocks i! lcgtlbtiv. !@ss. HowEv.r L.lrdc Zirjng @ tldcd lbit h

*s du to ihc t!$ainst poliiicrl idtdbiliry &.1 hatt saPp..l thc 6er8/ offie Hous '4

Tt opposilioD lada .sPeialy th! r.ligious Ponia, we qun' vocd 4ai!51

B.@n by dalai!8 ier loticic mt to bc i! .odoEnv *it[ the iljuclios of Ll'E

D$pn. dl th* difrdltics, la spv.@61 still er!r8.d to sniv! ed lb. @jo.
rsson M lh. @ariNcd 3uppon ofrh. Ady Chi.f Bu s sn a bct ditr6@4 d
thc c.ndud of lmotid ald t?Ef6 of ihc Bilit ry om6 3t wI a th.

Mgtut of O. Dili&y'! iDtldrl and wi@ atr iB eilh thc toP Dilirrv ladasbi!

dcvelop.d, hd tlluca sr.ncd. O.o. B.i& ir EdI ro ! qudtio! tti<.d by thc PriDc

Mirftr oD rh. poM ro Flsfd rhc Corp. CoEdrdd ctc, bri. n dd rhd shc w
noi $ploed to do !h.t, H. d.cldld r,!ar &.s. dd5f6 R@ to bc E d. on tbc

M('@@datio! of thc Amy Chi.f H.6rrhd.ltri6.d thlr if Pri4 Mt sld B

inMr€d, sh. ha.l 3inply ro wit!# rh. pl@cdines of trtc S.lcdio! Bo!rd.@ Be.rzt

F@rd o! lne lFlpl$ ?ositio! coDvcT.d by lh. Ady Cli.fed rhis fticdo' Eout d

i! r.tlc.6 turE . Thc civili&.gov.mcd (?lced th! DG of tlc ISI, 6o. Heid Gul

wiih Lt, Gcn, Shmsd R.!I@ K.tlE ! rctiFd Cd@l 1o n uttli* rhc lsl\ ilcJ@irg

involv.nd i! potirics. Co B.i8 bf-h.art.dly rllowd lbrs cb@8. b rrk place but

shov€d a $veE displ.:sw os lh. lppoinltDd ofca, K.llu wl:o 6 . cow_edc

ofcd Baig bcing iom &c 6d ?MA lms cous. havjng !o goodvill fo. li. lalar.'
T!. ofice oti!. DC, ISI i! 6ll.d wirh dE @sor of lle COAS wno vilrudlv

0116 a csdidat. or a lisl ofcudidates fo! it. In hef ctron lo nidnis€ thc COAST role

in sppointilg lh. Dillcto! G.!6tl ISI B.oeir DAdc . blEdd @ rhc advie of Id
niliary alvi.d Lt O4 !!tie Alit wi1b ut rllitirg inc cllnle of6. tmy.z Zirilg

@ntcnded *! @ging th. ISI wilh qonsiddabl. auli.roFy FoE ih.

tbrl Gen Gul

Ary Chi.f plilc B@i! s suslcdilg hiD io bc prNa'ri{z T}|e sabet of

J.lai$adD dar sn olForrairy ro culrt tb. tsl\ ld.rony ia .dductilg ope.dioar

ed gct dd of Gd Od !! wI. Both B@zi! ed Ga B.i8 brd @o!sh sood lo

rmow Gd Gul.z Howv€. it tu not thc tadirio! of ilc dny io sulpon a civilid

8ov.@ol to ttk &y r!!p .gri!!t ey sdvjng 6i[Lry ofr€ ntla rb. @y shos !
sn!!g Bist sc ro .!y sucb .fdE. Ilcrdole Zidlg's .lsuFio! is lot ri8lt
This dejsion d!.r'd prcbl@! jr l!. civil-diur.ry rladoN CeD. X|lll! r
prof6sio$l @ilil.ry da4 E i! rilbi. .!d f!..d Birrbe i! turkilg *iilt ilE
Eilnary $l.bli5tb6l whic! ws virbdly !!ntysi!8 hiD.?t ftis situatlon aliharcd l!.
oilitary troE thc ISL 'thc Mr uDdr c.D, Asd Dur.d .Dcrgcd s a @utcri!8 foM ro
ilc ISI vnjd asse.d o@ iEport !@ s. souc of ido@1id for U€ COAS

b.clus h€ f.lt rhlt th. ISI *s N DorE. tdi.blc iDstr@i of irfo@.ri@ for !i6.
Ga. Blig csbblisn d 202 Srin y t .ti@ ,o }.lp rL hy jdoDcd aboul aI rh.
hap!6j!$ in thc pFvincd $'trich .Ai! ldrd ! IA cbrll@Bc ro rh. civitid
gov.meat. It cl.dy slokd Go. BaiS\ distiosl of ihe tsr dd rhc 18.76llls shows

$a tbc Ady Chj.f witcd ro L.p an cy. or ibe rolidcal d.v.lopDdr &d iBi.lc

tnfomriio. lbou 6. rc*ilg of rhc poliritrl i!$jnnjoDs !!d Oc lotir,cjs tnough hc

*!. rci Equir€tl lo do $ ud6 h,! coDrtilulioDl tule. IE ..pa.iry of rbc AEy chi.flo

Bist lhc iDinadvc of ibe cjvilia! govcrdrcnr dd hjs abitity ro r'&sfom ar orssisriot

ilto a 6oe poetu o4 a coD!.Ed ro eo{E M grat lkdlc in hb $bordietio! lo

Ttc disrgr..d.dl frlha lscnvd.d rh@ rh. cjvili.! Sovdnro.Dl i$,rtd tblt
Adsiral nilbr Alnd Sirchet Cbriler!, loiDl Chiet of Std Co@it ! (JCSC)

slouid bc r.rftd o! rh. &&ur 6a L Ld coEpLi.d bts tc.E i! offca Acco.djls ro

inc c!'fu.dt's staodpoid h. hld b.co .Foidcd as e AdDir.l (.qlivdot ro a fou

sle edc€l) i! I9E5 ald w$ s4!o6.d io rdiE i! 1989 rnlr cooplctid oflis rh!c-
yc{ im. AdeiEl Sibh.y w!! idm.d rh.r rh.rc m! ! prlel oflol€rtial @didsre ro

Fpl@ hir They e4 Air Mdrllt Hrl.ddbL Addjnl Ysiod-rl-lia Matik ed

!1. Ga A}D.d Ksd.t Bu t!. sior dilirlry co@&d6 didnl as!.. with $c

sorcmcnt'3 st rd h.ca!s., &@rding ro rh.!o, Simhey bid b@ cl.vstcd 10 thc posr of

chaimra JCSC i! Nov@b.r 1988 &d !i!cc thir offi@ 6td ! i€q of tlue ,t&s,
r.\cEforc hc xar slppo.cd ro *drc 606 rhtu ofi@ i! No!@bs 1991. ft! Dublic

sta&ne6r ofNusrlt Bbuno &s &e s@ior Dililtd nril.' iFii.t€d rhe Eilirary lc&tc!s!i!.
Uldq th. Eiglth le@d,n€! rh. poe.r io .ppoilr rh. CbliE 4 JCSC 61cd *irh &.
At-5jd@t &d tlio 1b. PriN Mi.ird rried b !!. thi5 FE, ir *ts tak6 s a.ti,icr
Etdvdlio! itr rL. oilitsry driE Tlc &Bitt !r !r list sDpon€d rl. nilii!,tt s&D.t

$dic! @ba.E!s.d t B@ir 8o!e.udr V.aa l(u&t ja speulale tii lb. cal
noliv. b.hild rLi. *rs io Pllno& Oa B.ig r! Chd@la JCSC &d lo apoirt !
cbidof hd ou.lDi@.D Th@ lr@ @os d6r sh. sar.d b prcEotc Lr, cda,l
Anecd Kdrl K[aA thc Dclury Cii€fofr!. AEy s COAS.& Eowdd, ir E h4d ro
bc maledali$d sjncc rlc apFjiaing Fw of th! sdiccs clicfs ws th€ pBiddr's

!@Sativc ed PEiddt GlubD IsbrS K!& k!€e ioo *cU of his .xctuiv. !ow.E.

BdE cloDgLlcv .aol@d.d if lh! tcv niSb tlw !tc'Pt'd ll' Po€tti@ of lb'

d Silob.y'3 ilouE n $/odd hv. bcclDc tt Ft'td@l lo Ff!! 06 B'j'

Sovdln dt
d!o. Gd B!i8 rri Fldotld .! r fou str tq.r'l i! l9E7 ehnc h' b'ctDt COAS in
l9SS. Accddilg io B@dt'! 3t&&oi!l @ St'h'v c'!t C(d' BriS sbould rai!! 'iD

M.rc! l99O ilecrd of Argusl l9l.'I li Eltht b. Eo&E F$o! tor tot r'ccF!!8 ibc

civilie govcdE ot'! i!td?ta.d@

Ca Bdg qF.ssiDg bi! d*u{ of lhc B'd!zi! 8o\s!ndt sld thd @ tlE

o.csi@ b. t.?t li! dicr (bjt!cl0 i! codoli *!6 h' did ml l&' ovci ditlcdv tnci

thc &,tr olzir *nc! Prio. Milida Bco.zh hiE lo EPrisw o' oticds vlo !d
bcc! di$iss.d n@ lL. .Ev .nd lbc d!'.rb ofAhirb fo! t'j4 involv'd i! indi$iPli!';

&d *t6 tb. ni@ Milida aPoilt ! t Ftit"n C'c@l s the DG' lS[! nis s!o*!
e cl'cicd 8ov4!!@t !o@ i!@
thlt i! tlc Edtitior Fiod if O. aEv Ctic{'[oq!

i! o6c.. h! con![d@ il s . fivoE d ri!d!.!s o! bis !4L

Morlort!. lh r? r€(! , &l' fi.lot! b'bnd ilc diFct ill.rfa'qe 6!6 ih'

Diltry. Bot n E d.@i!8 o! ihtlc !.oPL i! hr daliDg *irh lbc ajliLryi t,l C@
lDdE Ali, Mljor O@ Iniie A.bn.d ad Lr G@ N.g{nd
Babt I! hd vi4 dtv
s terP'4 Tnc @y
dl w.. tlspcct d by i!. Diliorv codDtld.t' Ho\|]!E ir w ml
rholgb th'n
tl.w ioldar.d Ftitld o6cgs in nic.e.hv $d in dccisio!_D'Hng Poeiioq

E p.d s Fti.d ojliLr, ofi€ ttdliG lb!t! Motlow $e* tltird G'Ddb did nol

bililt hi8} c@lo4d Tbc'doa $ih@

b!v.lbc nght P.r..Ptio! ofr!.lDit}jlg oftlt

r!c, ldvis.d B@rzn brQlrE AdniFt Sitd'v wlr L Oa

Kllld Altrd3 CJCSC'

il lcd lo tbc ?riEc Mi!ist6'! clrLsh with llt eililr, co@'od'{s dil lhc PGid'nt botb'

Ana th! u!$cc6!tu1 cPisod. ofsito!'v 'trrn B@!tn

s do t! a chdl@rd @ thc

ind!?!dd6.. i! iE i!r..Dd .eilt ed L6 iolgc s t litb cllbc nado4l

l}le olbd codicodjlg isss b.t}!a tj. civiliE govd!f,dt aid LrE Dilitdl

poliov ed Uc
ieludcd dlali@s tirh l!di. pontculrdv @ &. K,$Di! isluc, 6c fdli8n

nD.ldr ii$. s&i.h Ft tbc d!!s ofDie! co!.@ o lht biliLtJ' SL c cosid'!'d

utrtlstw&y by tb. rnifttty comaldc(! duc lo ld ctrdtl ro @tdtlilt relatiols with

Ildia Dui'g ladi& !ii@ Milista Rljiv O.ndbi's visil td ?!}jsta! in

Dc.obd l9E8

Be@il &it Rljiv @clDited 6 sg@t on th' EdcPlovDot of ih' fores d Si!'ho

.@dj!8lo t!. SiEl! A€t@@ lo. joilt stlrd@r both \o w* towd! !

.oeFthtisi\t sctrl.6.!t bo!.d @ lh' tldcPlo)4n@t of t!! fot4 ro rtdlce thc ch4'cs

ovd $'
of cohtict.'t' But il w !.vd iid@d'd d@ ro lhr 'lifr@nc6
idpl@.dt ti*q Si@ t!. Dilintv bld a dild'sd @ th' XtthEit iss dd trt4
fot bdi'' tb' int'lugs'c
!!oe.d ,ny civilie Sois@i{t ro cr'!L ! soft coEd
Pnn€ MiDstclk dcalilg *1th hd visiin8
osl'rpan Dv
eg@ics wr. nodtorinS th'

$ppilg lh. dDcBiod ftc iotoE iot Ptolid'd b' th@ tbod rht 'h$Esi@
B.!|t! dd Rljiv plov'd @ugb ro dlotid'i' de *nior @trumndsls
about Be4ir ts & urcliabL !6sm
6 fd !! thc $cuitv of ?atrsle w4
lo lbdi! !'gardi!8
@n@cd L!tc! oD, $c M MBed of Prcsding sob' infmttion
ss t40r why 5lE a
rhc siL! Dililnts s,!o had coD6lio'5 wirh tbc Isr Thlr thc

k E @!Ec !b.!t ts, sP@t'g of ib' luctd P!ogi@'
gcsrutcs lo{a!& lndia d
TIE olPosiiio! Ptni* *'F dle criticis'ng hd losilivc

od vG li!h!8 it with hd fttldt pl' it 'lisirt'gnti@

htr &ti-Pa}jtt&l sraDe

ctd'f Mjnind of tlt' Puj'b Mie

Pa}jie I! e! II nlv ,r Mocbi Cttc Lho(. tbc
Na'*nz and Stcikl R$le4e dil.dty a.cllsc{t lic P?t gov.tln@l &d cat€Soncalv th.

?rirde Minisl B€uL fd o!!pi!i!g io .st bu,'h Idlis! hcgooEv ova ld.isilD- UEv

d.dg.d to hold tb. PP? ,.@Dr!!l. &d '.leD lh. Bbutiot t@i6 i! tb. Aftbi$

SA'n Nlwu Sbsif &dli! c$i!a'rE adlody dilic.l lowtds B€r@n 8ov.@ot
!*!il. Mult@Drd Kbd le.jo, tc fordr PriEe Minittd (*ho B lh. ?tBidcdr of thc

Prr.j.tr! MBlid Ia€!. d ib.t ti@) s Esh lB! voc"t aeailst B€@i duc io hjs

oM ditrercDc€s refib Nawz SbEil

h fao! lner sssmi!8 poM shc t*.d for s bi.6!8 @ th€ flr.l@ is$c bul

dcspitc ssul@4 it rc @t 6.l4i.li5.d, O.ttinS iDPdidt sh. cdled a mc.iilg wilh

lhc h!!d of !h. Kdua At@ic ?rcjel, Dr. Ahdul Q.dca Kbe dd the h*d of Paki5t !
AtoDi. EerS/ Co@issi@ tuilg ro Llow sbour th. mctits, Gd Baig hEi.dlv

tclcpboncd tb. lriD. Midio, A! t scdbl. EoE, E o,zir ildrcd ihc Pr6idor ed 6.
ArDy Cbi.fb digN rhc utcrs ofth. cod!@d Ed @drol sysid ofrhc uEld
e!l!.!ds Shc claiocd b@lf to b.lhc piold of ih..ucl€ coMd ald $c 6rst

.ucts dodrinc ftr lb. .@tyl bc.!xs. hcf oovc csullisbqd . joid @@aDd s)srd

ovd lh. lucle tus. BefoF lha! thc ?ralid.lt dolc w tle in{batg. ofde Nct{
Fo8llmc edtb. Ary clief M qcludcd ion i,!t co roui!8 b@hdise Tlis had

be.! worksblc duiDg the Manial tlw Pdiod siec t!. oflic., of 1hc Pr.siden! rtim'
Mhisld drd O. COAS $@ vcai.d it the sd. pcr!o!, C6. Zia. Blt laiq anct

Enotllior of civilid rulc PFsid€lt Oirld llhrq Kh& b..@. thc $1. op'r8lor of tbc

tructd @Drrol6D.t 4@ th. A@v ChicfB qclud.d i6 tbc d'EoUiEs nehdjs

'nrb iliridjw of B@n pmvi&d lh. Ady Cbi.f with l!8 m oPPortrD rv Io @ld U'

@totling D.cbslis of rb! D!.I.3. FoE@D6 .l@8 with ih. civilie Pdoc


'n!. Shdl !revi@ .Lrcl@ gri.EB !g.i!n d. P@ja! dd lh. @ft

dordrmtod by thc I'uljab i! tb. yet$ hlow.d by lbe la'tiion of Indi! r'bjctl dthud
to .urn.or oE ih. yaE Th. SiDdhis f.lt lheD$lB to bc tbc Don $!!l!3!.d p.od€

by r!. nilitdy rgi@ dE lo Zi!'s Fs.eni@ of Bhdto |od h& st4pond raitidlv

Liaq.t Ali Khln sE! colsida€d lo bc lhc rcPrucoi2lit€ ofih..l/al4f blrt ancrjudicial

dud{ ofz A- Blutto it E cbiEd ttt tm Pi@ Ministas toD Sindh {@

a$i!,I.d. 'I!. ,'ionor of r!od- Sindbi ?rid. Mlista Mu!@'d Kb4 Juqo ar

tle b$dr of Cd Zia a l|Dj6bi Presided ad ll. Atdy Chicfftnhd ldded to Llis s.N
of dcprivltio! aldi lcurity. vld Bodir @. to!0$6,3hc td.d lo brine Sinrlh i!1o
lh. ui!'t!u s 3b. Eprllar€d llc tud &!s of tb! Foeba Bm lhe llsk bcsc
iEro$ibt. bc@r of thc Mdajir Qaui Mo!@d (MQM) T!. MQM $E! & allv to

thr llP brd lhc conllict drn d bci*@ th. l*o Ptni6 o! 1l islw ofloM shailg ed

s..6 to rhc Fovtlci.l .esorE 6. Ihis eldc thc le 6d d&. siru,njo, ad wF

6p@ially in Kda.hi ed Hyd€E!a!.{ ftc ldy aBAj! slo$ld its cotc@ ova the

wordi!8 of tlc law and ordd situ.tion s! thcy fclt lbd tbc govelndmt !$ biartd ed
it wl.d ro B &e vJ cr!s[ i! politic.t oF!@ds. PFsid.dt GhDbd ishlC also

cxpr!3scd brs 6nc@ ovd titc Sildh .itultioD

Th. PP! go!.iu.nt c.tled in tb. sllv i! the ,M. ot dti'dacot (rcbbcrv)

oF6tiotr but rb.6y f.l1lbd th. Splq@dt *eEd to @Ddlci th' o!6ario! i! llc

ards wllere dl€ MQM s$ crotled. T!4foc tr.v d.]@dd t te hod io opcrn? i!

L,E *hoL prcvira lalhd tbe 1bc {@ g@BiUy populltcd by tbc MQM poP'lltior Ir

ewhr paEi$ion ro 6lruiiL EiXirry odls .nd to ryly r4nicL 245 of rh. Co.slitdio!

whicb Fohibii.d the sup.rio! judici&t b 6fore nEd&@rd nShs in dl Llosc ea

which caee und.r rbc lEy oonrot.er Tlr civilj.n 8ovoMor de.lir.d t!. .Ey's
d@e4 irstad lhcy ofdld lh. my io !o* @dd dticl. 14? whicl alowd thc

civilia goae@.d ro Eguls& rbc @!dEl of ltoops llldd civilie @ntol, Ih. my
lool . fE st nd d! th. ils &d thc Cory. CoEEeda Gco. Asif N!e!z JrDju
snlpond by hi! dilision c@l@d.6 opaly ditici!.d tle iDlbility of rie povilcial
gov.Mr to cop. {itb lh. sinatia Thy al$ $sFct d thar sodc of rh. PPP

p@i!ci.l Eidrias wF srploni.g d. diDiDrle.t i c$

1l. ctah of vdios

c@led r.d ptubldh betqra thc c'vilis! sovc@dt ed dle my. As a rcsult th. lriy

$r.t d .xploili!8 the gov@@r's iEag. io filn! of rh€ rolss€s.q 'nis sio$ lhe

Fsatul positid of ml @ty tb. A6r Chidbrn al$ rb. oda Dilirst 6nme.L6 to

@nAod lh. civile bid ofic!&

Co.noltatio! b.r$ra tE PPI atd Ma)'ojn codrou$ry got iDl@stficd in
Hyd€Flatl, h a ilcid$t !b!i oew.d d 2? M.y 1990, rlc !oli@ h6d opered tir. o!

lhc MQM proeslio! i! ?a@ Qilar syd@bad.s Inrhar rnStc incnb @ed 30 p.opl.

vft lill.d i! thc d.ti@ &d lara 150 Eor. di.d iI X@hi ir rioloi incide s lh:l

@pt d as a reaaioner ftc pol'cc uder d. P?r Bov.m6i of Sildtt atrlcked Pacca

Qil4 $l*tjns a liE wh@ C@ Alig E o. . foaiS! rou, th. Corps Co!ll@d6 L!

C@ Asif Nlw B o! a vilir of L!. bdda &!$ ed !b. Goc6l Ofrq Co!@dils
ofthe Divisio! in H/dqabad Major Gcn. Jar.n AslrdQrzis *6s on a visit to Chi6. lt
appd rh!! l!. go@r r@l !,\is.cri@ wiLboul coisdtbg tbc Ary ci)@dd."7

TL Polie qg&i$d a *&.h oF.li@ io 6!d qleoB Aoo rhe MQM darpi& th. f!.1

thar i.rrc my hld inforcd that rlr1! w@ m tirttc. E!o!s i! pac.r Qila$ C.& Baig

@ned i! $c my and obs.lvinsihc i @.i9 of thc aituatior IlEy ftsr a@s.d th.
nc.tiDss ofboth fa.tio8 ed @.ged ibdaorry ofrt€ disd&.d Sirdhjs.t G@. BaiS

@triad.d tur *ta ihe MQM r.spold.d vjot. tr tt lotie O€d !w!y Am lot ody
P!.a qrb bur dso tDD dc ciry tdjlg it E !'ot crc.tro O! llc orhd t&d Acrizrz
Ans t@k rlc sr.dl rhai n B piib. Milina B.D,zi!,s d.cilion ro c.lt back ihe Dola
lo avoid a cl4s! b.tsh thc two st rc insritulios.r0r IE MeM sryponers w.tcom.d 1h.

3'l!y &d aslcd i!6 ro jelosc V&tirl hw. Hori,€vd it atlpcar! Lbt G!!- Baig d.ficd

Dc sov.'@or ordas !!d $!!d rhc MeM A.in itc polie a.iio! rtitc lhc civjli&
PriD. Minisle, in ords to droid a ctarh !.tsen rb. civiljd ed biulary
ord@d rhe wjthdcwl of rhc polia. lfoa. B.i8,s posirioD is a.cepr.d ihar .MeM
Espouo @a!ell.d lolicc to wjrhdr.w,t ir b.!!! 6rt ibc MeM ws iD !o$*ioD of
*l'!o$ ed Go Blig rB slpponi.g rh@ beaus. rbcy belorgcd io tris om

ne BrierEdt giM io r[. &Ey w! di6cu]t s bori,, $. p?p .Dd $c MeM

wrc disausttul of r[m. ltc fonifcsrioff drab]ishsl by thc MeM ladd AllafHussain
&d l6c SaLs d.cl.d otr &e dnjo! rour.s rre in f.cl a cbiiLng. |o rhc writ of the
govc@t btd d6?iL &. dd dd.E AoD rhc gov.@dl GE, Ajf N.w Efs.<t to
d@o[sh lh.$ 9.16. II. sbow.d bjs qFdr@io! tbat ifr. err.s *w diM&r]cd noE
Azizld, 'lhc P!! work* *Dutd epre., rhc w!ot6 u.. ed rtd rhe .Amy *o!td

nccd !o clear dE mess.' Sluja Nrslz witcs rbit dLlouglt the my rded ro avoid by
i, aly @!Eovc6y o! tc b6is of loet sd n&r"rit bul nil tlc MeM

leadc$lip luspccr€d fiat th. Corys Codair&r Gen. Asif Nawrz hrd a lrlditioMl

'Puj&i anhd!' of lulcrcilio$!.s lordds rh. rctugc$.' Bofi rllc sides caltund

piisond dEilg i!. cls!$. Iir. a@y MDed irtdlriFd 1o r3olv€ tF contid .!d
&.ilit ted .! dchdS! of 1[.s p!is.!qs fd both ib. !atica.'@ ShUa Naw& tulthd

clai$, Ud Cr!. Baig, ilc COAS, hrd lot 8.1 rh. l@dqsbp of i,le MQM od Os. Asit
Nawe fl'r ilno.t@rt tbe two 5ids duirg U. fdsd'e vtit ro (uali.r!3 As a m.rd
of tacr, C.L B.jg WntE , l'ldhalr bim$lf brd ovcn syEpadics wi& ilc Mal'rlt
co6bi9 ald hi! p.cso@ s thc A@y Cbicf hld.loalcd MQM'S poliric.rt s&tw.
ft@fore $c sidcdeot ol Sluj. Nrw a!p.!rs io h€ !n cfon b dcfeld G@. Bajs ss a

,drrd !o$n alove dblic !oliti$,

Bolb 6c ey dd dc PIP goraM@r @ir.d disrisdr roBsdj @n ot,!d

wnich uttiiilely Bult d ia a do$,!su& in ilc.dlrio$. TIE @y ldcDled tiDt tlrc,
lor l!. rol. @rdl4 of rhc .trai6 s o@ Jsv.d Asbsf Qai !oi.d rlDr iic .@,
a nd 6...iEiuts bul tb.y sr! Gt.red toE ir!.jails d r^!. otders ofa airisr.!.
SoEc p.opl. wd! sGtcd teo ro rhEc ribB bln rdos.d agai! ed dgri!. Tlc CoDs
Codd.|!d.r hsd . md of &6&.c wirh itc iIi.rior Dhied Acdz LLq ova ib.
@ntcDl of r ljsl tDvid.d by his Eiristty sd ctus.d io tDll@mt ir, Hh poilt of vi.w
ua3 rbat tbe lPP goc@@r B tryirg ro w rh. Ditir.ry fd cl@jrg up lh.ir potiticjr

rivrlsrq Bu ,..ordir8 & Aai@ A-hs! co B!i8 srolFd C@ AsitNaw lo tltc

&y r.lio! 38li!sl thc tarorists stiriold j! rhc K@.{i Univasiiy ton 15 wihou
c@stftujod Folerio! tDdd Ctss 245. g. eys lbar Ga,lsi{proEied to @lvc

this iss i! lis oM uy. Lra, b. ftl6tLd bjs p.oDis by tclpils lis foG on pdrci

anund Krra.hi and facilftarld 6c n D€lfs a..'6 io srypon ib. poli@ lctid j, rh.

hostcls.rG T!. alcgadoB n D boih sidcs r!$aed tb. civilie govc.!r!.ni-@y

Eldri@$ *ticl eslt d i! tu-r€diog cbe8B i! lh. frn@lolid6


ft. pr.lol8ed Dili!.ry rut. ofa! bjndald ibe F..€! ofpolili.il ecidisatio!
dd noprEd tlE tiirilg of ihc lolitici@ ro dal with th. @li66l-Fovin.irl iss.s in

Ai.il of &@mo<k!io! .Dd !ol.e4 Ii is a dilc'M with thc ?rlisiaai poliihis thai

th.y ca@t d*lop @.scr.u. o! tb. ilsB of Etiolai idercsrs, Ar . nsuli, dc Di[laly

.nqg€d q ift $1. orgeis.d poE to lhe polili.s, ltis rclc ofthc njUtary
'dd!!. '!
contined dtEilg tbc tasiiioDl pdiod ltb leiod @ai!.d @k! wi$ Llc fljnsy

Elalj6 t tw.o rbe &d6.1gov@@l&d ih. P@ja! gdc@eDr'@

Th. P?P gov@ctn had to @rionr ! sEong govm.nr of i.h. UI which wa a

Eal chrlclgc io ihe aubority of tb. f.d.Ei sovcrD@r Tlc hqjab Sovemdl sldied
loft"ying N!w@ Shaiq lh. dt@ Chi.f Mini$a, s a ryobol dd defdd.r of ih.
Pwjabi cultw &d intdsrs, 'm. !cg.1iv! !3p.ci of this js$. B rhat the top nilir.dy

@@dd.fs 3!d the l,aidd do!8 wilh s.@e b!l@mi! wdc snploltu8 Nawz
Sbditplo E brcWh u! udE tlc @h.ur of t!. Matibl kw of Od. zia Thdcfdc,

h. b€neft€d iom th. niliiary's bacLilg sd sr6-ted a cdpai8! againn tnc f.ddal
go!tuot TL @r's su!9ofi to de povircial Covtuol !dd.d to thc prcbl.B of

r,'E alsdy Eoublcd .lcmo@cy ia ?alista!,'d Ir fillhd awmol.d the sddddts of

prcvinciaiim in alEady toublcd f.d!!alio! of Pakiska

Tllc f.d.El govdnEcli $.i.d pllsisj4lhc Pujab golcldcnt by ulilisilg

its al@ srd F@ to als€n its artionty. Ai a FsuL 0E Pujab go!ffi.D|cec

out in o!c"!lcor0i0t ud FnDcd lo obey th€ ord4s of the fcd.rsl 8olet@e 0n seleal
is$cs. Il !.fiaed ro a.cefl U. alpoitrbrd& ofihe fcda.l govtu.nt i! tL. plovir@
lL dr of U. Chid Scslt&t ed lh. Iap@iot C!d6.1 0G) ?olie cic. l}c IJI le!d6
op@iy diticis.d lbc P?P SoEbdal'! Atd& policr ed d.f6@ loucy. ftcy
co!fi$rcd it @ thc a.ll@arion of *!rcs to ric P8j!b out of i!. fcdcEl reluy. 'Itc

rEjlb chjcfMirisrq csrlblis!.d rb. Be! ofhDj.b.'o ftou8! rh. PPP ia rl. Pu.jlh
Asebly vi8omlsly olpo8.d thc biu for LL dob[sbDoI of th. Ba* of PDjab
dalside ir a ucodftltioulr'0 &d . Euljly rgainst thc f.dmtio4 thc bill ws p6s.d

with a najorit/.rrr gc rle .doss€d his i!l.dio6 !o stan ! Tv chs.l iD dr. l\llj.b
lddlcl b th. ird. oh.d TV c!@L e. lTy b*5e Oc oficirl Pl}istaD T.l.unon

E ml givilg pL., ro th. Pujab's poini of vjw.rD Tlr. lujab govtudt sle
Fnr$d to pdy d ofrcial poro@l to Prine Minisld Boeir Bhuno whcncver she visircd

ft. by{l.dio6 hcld oD 2E Jeuliy 1989 tullla iDrcrsified lhc @Dtontatiotr

&d vimally lwo p6!.ll€l ldeilislrdoB v@ *orling iD thc Pbjab, -ftd€ wdc
lout d sl3 oa d. Natiool rAs@bly ed six of rh. FoviEi.l rs@bli6 io b.
@ d&d thrcua! by+letio8 T!. @did!re! of1b. PPP ed it riliB mn svo our of
foutcen Mrional Asembly s.ats. Thc rcsula ftre favouabh for thc ?PP i, orhcr

,Dvirc6 but i! thc Pujab rh. IPP hld io f&. iougn snution. Thc set ofNA-94 wnich

B corsidqtd to b. ! $fc ?PP co!$itu@cy m afi by Mir! Udd Hayal ofihe ljl
with a l.!d of 5,000 vor.s. It w3 v&d.d by Bcl&ir hd$lf&d pr.viously woa by z. A.

Bhuto. Bolh Fcdelal Oovdnnred and lh. hoviDcial Covffiot of $. ?ujab wd

d.! cpetiE i.stiMj@ i! sulpon of rbcir c&did||s- A! dbitio8 eldrjtdtioD
plr! wat a&o@c€d by lI. fcdcEl govc@@t .vo iD the &s w!@ i1 wq

Epn ocablc. ftc UI ptoEi$d co$tD.ljo! ofrcads fd !b. provjlc! N ! coEtd plo
to f.dcr.l gov.imcnr.rlt A Dore allning si$aio! cmsgcd oD th. clccrioru day whd
the pmvilcial !oli@ &d th. f.d...lty cdlrollcd tug6 r,.r. @ io @c wirb ec! ol!4
i! a sbowdoe'! ofpsrDlrgc 6DE bolb sidls.r'r

It. rBle be.,e iutha id.Eifi.d .r rhc jlstituriold lev.l wlo i!. f.ddauy

@ntollcd RailMys eiEed ro pevi.h lervice to tlc Itlifag Foudrie du. r! non"

availability of !}{g6. It M! taL6.s @ lfdr ro F6@uic rhe Chi€f Milind of rtc

Pujab ar the pdloDd lc\rl for dc !6lici.s of thc puj$ GovmcDr, s1ios. faoily E
0'e ohd of t}| loudry srd Fnis.l io.tclivd spj@ t@ Kdacli lon lo lrloE
wa a fiecial lo$ to their b!!i!*s. It dis!!i! jing.red o! fd ev6 nomhs ald whd
thc 16 I'I mdb6 ri.d ro lEsdt .D adjoh horio! i! lh. Narional Ass@bly ro

Gsoirc dc issE rtr sprrF Mriit M@j K!.lid rubd n ou.r

1l). l{tol. cpisodc ws
iata a vjcrjDj.lrio! by rhe IJI Iaddsbip.

Na%z Sh&ifs ctron to b6 thc tubd of Ue pudab colt.l !o1 give rEjsb
dylhing exc.pt dle B&L ofPujab. No colcra. .tron E nadc io Fonor. r.\c ?ujali
cdrw, IiL6tE rld ldgras. s a E di@ of ilsrucrid ttc fmarioD of Sinili
Qldi MoveEdt i! Ociobs 1989 dlugcd li. pEjrbi.ae F*.Dr€d by m noD
wil,li!. ftey d.mdded for a n.w pmvilc. cosj$cd of Strajki sp.a.ki,g balr of t\e

lJI .lso p.F@d.d the PIp.s pdidial .fis ircludjns lh. Bsleline
Nariolll lerr @Nr), l!. AN! &d rhc MeM b diss@iaL lbd$tv.s aoD &c lpp in
Llct &s!ediv. !'Iovi!@s !o rr€alo UIe cotnl 8ovffent. Bclazir desljlc hd dcsj,e

could nor $.p toslrd fd @..iuation with th. pujab eovcl]ll@r. She Ej.cred rh.

dmdd by hd pdty rcrL6 for di!.odiDuin8 th. @rcili8tory &lks wil'r th. UI o! lhe

&cout of ldiou vicrlnjlsriod of the PPP raDb by tlc Puljab Sovfficrtr'r Mon of
thc PPP l.ltlqs espeblly in tbc Pqjrb 9w !o! Eady to conrtuni* wirh ih. IJI,

@siddinS N.$az Sbdjf 6 $. di!.ipL of Cco. A. Non.lhds, no !s!@t of

@!no arioD, @b!.tirid od 'E-^' I Lft j! rhis ertepovile nwby.n'
Both rids wft roslo$ibL fd thb ucoanituiio.al b.lavioq bul rhe prcvinciil

gov.mmt of th. ln wE 6oF €8!$siv. lgailsl thc c.nrsl gov.@.nr lhe

boeicidis of llc coln ltario! t@ the civji &d Eilir'Iy bwudacics who \|E
noE dpowald i! tt& .bso! of rh€ poliricd coDtrDl oq rbd sin@ the civil
govclmetu *E .lgrgd ir a.t othd s t.8 pullilg !.liviti*


Ber.ir goetub@t sujcBsftUt @ch.t d ji! frr t sr i! ibc fo; of psjlg O.

budgcl bur n bld io Ae a sioB cbrlt@8ej!$ ,n rh'l i! rh. fottowins holth! b, $.
Ul in collaloratio! with r.!. MQM &d tic ANI; borh lad srrned !3 e aly ro rhe lpp
bui Lad latd drcp?cd oul @c aiq thc otcr, ft. @co!td.!ce Eove agaid h.r
8overm€lt wa prcsdt d oo I NovcdDd 1989 bcfor. eDdjng hc! iin ycar in officc.rro

'fte no@r.fidft@ morio! B gow ,,q

lrlsarcd to rb6 wirh 86 sign whnc o,ty {4
qE Equircd bder the C.olri|lrtiorD' Tt UI D*d.d o.ty Il9 wra in d€ Hosc of
237 lo lpprovc this boti@ lgliDn 6c ppp golc@@r. A!!s@dy B@n ltmilcd
fE ed iold !a aid.s nt l $. ess F.!!I.d b sil @ rhc olpostti@ b.Dctcs itslc lost in

|!. Housi SL ws cxpcrilg bd.tefd i! t. ysk ofld rrobl.d eirh prcsiddr

kh.aq Kld. Tl. lPl qls suspiciou $oul rh. PFsideir\ Ms wifi $c IJI

Luchiag thc no-cofdd.c Botio! Oa ri oltcr b,sd, tb. CIi.f of Ady Srlf wrs
qun. vo.d iD his srrypon ofrhc d.noaltic F@s., Hc ct.jrly sscncd bjs @urrllry ir
this @n . lld a6 rr@.il do{dt Naw Sl,rifs Ellc.r to lold a oarirg bcfoE tb.
wIiDg o! tb lc.o!6da,DotiorD I!! Ady Chi€fsgrblic srat@@! ofdisalpevd
alout tlc deiqiotriDs c.on!-!rovi@ tEbtios E r drna of @cd fd B@ir,
Sila lb. UI *rr irscfa FDd!.l ofrhc ISr .rd Nlw Shrile.3 l!\. b€q ofth. lcs&y
of Zi4 l,'lcrcfoF lc $t5 n|t sppon d by lbe s.oic @nq!ad!i!s. h rlc cow of
politjel c@ionldd b€tEn {rc c!oa. .!d ttc puj.!, both th. pGiddr
&d rbc

Amy Chi.ifrrly sulFft.d Nawz Sb&iir!

Bou ih. olposilioD sd rb! govq@dr .oDd!c&d tbc ligh6r lcvcl of horsc-
lradiD8 to d.f.r e@h otbeir! h itls l4 culbs of comllrolr a huSe M of no&y
nosUy t\n of tE srd!, lrns eivcD 10 seir.h sjdc, ro drip avay rhe p&lidot ,l
p@pondq&c€ of the cobtcritos.,, rtc .Mid
tSr ooarcrca Ofr*ioa Njebl Ja.hl, ro
e@ dte toyaltias of the MNA of rh. t elslry b&chcs.'r6 fte MeM wj$drw
suPlon AoE thc ?lP o! r\. !6usio! of rhc II .!d tbc ISI!,' ed pp? ws si@lcd

dcsp'E aoublcd Etario$ whe AlidElein sd Naw& Sldif !!!€d.d i, . joirr pr.ss
cod@@ U. acxt day ofd. t€gistdin8 nc6n6doe horon agaid Bd&n
I! ws
bcli.vcd thar Pieiddl chutm hh.q K!tu vlj insr$ncnrd iD concludiry ! 17 !oi!t
aeeDd bdwcoD thc MeM ed lI1.
u Aner a w.k tong €sc pdiod ofno-colrdcle
hotion i! rh. Natio!.] Assblt th. MeM rcliv.d nodjnS bul lnbaDssdt b@asc
lle B.nazl gorelMen swiv.d slcc€$tulty by 12 voies.':e.rh. Be zir eov€mcni
m {s accus.d of sp.dilg 20 nillioD ru?.* fioh s*.r *!vjc€ iDds lo buy the

lorzltics of rhc a@b.r pdl'!D@rrr0 t bc6. cvid.nt rhd th.1SI hld au suEon for

th. Ul &d not for U. rPP, thacfd. rhc 8ovmEeDr dccidcd ro Fplacc DG, ISI Lr. ccn.

HaEid Gul with s pason of BcD.zi!\ chojce. tn tact undcr 1hc Colnifution, tlc ISI lud

lo wo* l-l!de! lhc PriEc Miaisi.r. r.g0tdlcss of rbe llny o! Egioiat !tr iatio!,rr blt thc
prlong.d Ejri.lry .lc fcarled rhc mlc of lgoncic! in Datilg a.d ftlling of
go!.|@6rs, *6j.b m a s.riou. chdt.lec to ih. rwival of thc civil govctuenh
tbDughoul lbc I990t
'Ihe nilitrry-gov.@dl tNste.oltiducd o! t\c sde p.rrd! ed a ncw ce of
Lt c€!. ArsD J& Ma!$4 CoIPs CobDalda, t horc,,r, cE*8.d. He wa5 a falouit
of rhe PPI qrd B@ir Bhuno w&r€<l ro s€ Lin !s rh. ldr Asy Chjct Be@i.
aove@cnr rc.odlddcd for d cxflBion i! lis sdi@ &d e alpojlrtddr $ tlc
Dcputy Ary Chiei a posr ehich ws va@t !ftq ihc rrEEcli ot Lt. cs Ai&cd
KldEl.rr: But this rccon lcodrrio! *as,.lo s a chdrdge by itc COAS. ce!, Baig
aploiDrd Ll, G@ tsltd J&ju ro r*e ovd 0F Llndc Corps. Ald Jm MsI$d wls
r.lircd .!d dirlcd out in a rlditiood eay s a lefNjorrl elidq, B.lrzb soueh
Vahilsrolt h.b tbeusr Eualdb Johs, Dcpury Chiei ofM,lsion @CM) d dE US
Emb6sy but the Aln*jc'I! lvoidcd erlirg ay lDbtic srltrDcnr,3a Howvcr ir sbovs
lhc loliticjm' rcliec. o! Lbc US supon for rhcn wivar ,! hig! of6€.
In !!c CoDs.^--""ddd 6et!g on 2t Jlly l99O, rhc top oilirary @eed
colcludcd lld Llc gove@cDi bld r@h..t i$ liDil &d ws lot roldble tuy DoE.
Thcy .l@i.led thrn rbe my rcut.t sulpon ,!y uti,govtucli d@non by l]lc
lnsidorrrr rhc aEy chj.t' colvcy.d rhjs deisioD ro thc pBid-t cluld tjh6q
Kn,o. EaviDg so ahcad sjsDrl Aon U,c Amy, pBi.tcnt djsDiscd
thc Lltc gove@dr
or tnc clrSes of odPtio!, DelorjsD, viobrios of rtc @$ulurio!, poor iaw ed order

siuiior i! lb. @ut!y cs!@i!ny ir Sb&, ed .@oEjc ed adninistinilc

Di$n ug@dt o! 6 Augtlst 1990.'i6
Od Asad DEei cor-id lb!t' rhc rt!.isio! of rb, fi'j.er B rh3r of rlc
Pr.sid@t sld rcr ofrbc COAS. n wrs lc (Ca. Durtui) wbo |s DG, Ml idod.d ArlaD
BaiS abotn lb. dejsid !!d sLd bid b E Pr6id@r cndu bb.q Khe ro @fi@ ir
whd G@ Blig eec b..l .nc! E€.{i!g wftb rh. pEsi&or !c mvcycd
rhe 10 liE
(&r Du@i) &si te pu dg!|l &d rhe pcitan hrd ,.leo rhc daisior.DT Bm dc
neting ofrh. CdAt Co@lrrt c. .xtr! o!di!d, derir8s
olc@, Bsig,i& presid.!,
ed lder G.D Baig\ lubtic sirranaE @!6ftcd his a..!vc aat d@tivc
ble h thc
di$ris.l of B.@zi! Bhti.. Tloush pBiddr ctNtri! r5n4 Knd
him.lf hlted
Be*zn Bhuno bln hc did nol &tc rhE dccisioh u.lc$ th.F wa! a so-arrad s,glat Aom

the my. It@foE it b@D6 cLr drlr tho ?csid.!t h d.p.Ddoi on $c Eitilary
@bbdd6 ald !. could lot t!|<c &y &cisiotr wiGour c@utlg rh€ Aby Chicf o!
lhe polili.d bsue!. Ir *.s violatd of
a tbe colsliturio! lllr did not $it. thc tislEsr
cx4uriv. otr* ofnt @uay,
And tt! d;.nnor- d. ey too! 6td of ,I iEDo,t !r buildjlgs h &ld!b!d
b a @uFlikc ltl@cr. Ceo Bdg co@.otcd on thc disish of Baazil &d Jb.jo
inlt 'the two llim€ Minind lud b€.@c
IrieDc. of tlen creovc clos. cfui6 wlo
buil ! e!.li of i8Dmc. ellld rh€o &d divoE d rh.o 6oh gDud ratiriB.ia whri
vw tb@ erculd ralitis ieroEd by J@jo a.d Bc@i4 L fld boil! &iD.
*!c djuisscd st!@ ihcy r.ied !o asscd rhcir c.ljtr.turjold auih@,iy
udd d.
Co!$itution of t973. 'ncy @uld lol u!dcs&!d rhrl 6.tq Llc Egndr Ab@dn! $c
.my nld instirnt d lo @n!-ol ajl irtc poelrs rhrough th. ofi€ ofrbc lrsiddr lnd $cv

bld L colt rt nit! r suloldiDrr. rlle !s ! s6ior lniainlr io th. lrcside4 not s Oc

cli.f deulirc ed [.5d of&. tov@ncor

Thc 6ili4!y cMnrd vas t|,!I sre of rhc a.rivitiB of tbc rsl rDd us. of

illcsal non y ro a8itu t!.n d6ird ct..rt@ Euft. G6. Baig €lv. a cbdfeti@
$od llcs. iDds r}!l !. hld irfo@cd lis suessor, C.o. Alif Na*!z @d thc prild€

Milisl. Mir! Nae'' Sh{if abou lhe ffD{ts but thlr I and a ycd dd a batf hld
psed si!@ lh. de.rA of cd Alif Nlwlz're Bd th. qesrio rcdaiDs a to wly the

Dilitdl hld e4r.d dodrioB fd rhc !trivd, solB *hile il had th. slarc Esowca
avaihblo alo!8 wirh ils ow! wr@ fou.trdors $,orling tbr the w.ifd€ of rcrired
bililary pa.@.I e.l ih.il &&ili€sr.o h $. pouriorl sysr.n of palisrd, it* h no
way to hold thc Diliilry gc.orEbblc for tlucial natEis cveD mb.zzleEeits. lt.y
lrE th.ir oc]! i'rdd audft stsr.d sld O'l i! olr of bo!.t! for rle civitiN. E!e! rh.
Na{or6l Asslbly .'ml crjt n irto qu€srior_'.r W}y could $c ,Any Chjcf who
assldcd ofr.. .nd co Bsts bord eld. rcqdsibj. for slah djsde€d!? o. irlc

&!E Eidt b. rlrr cw! r!. COAS bd m c[..] d6 lhe opolti@ ofrlc 151.,4 No
bw ot6c l4d outd jlstit t!. u.. ofDo.r to s@ !h. Ftiri6t torarics of ttc
polirici&s bt a srll€ i!.tiuiotr


Tb. PEsidot'll oldas nihdarcd e.rtd sid ot .o6riiutio,,l c!s. A

Fti$o! wa trlcd e!i!.'t lbc dislutios of rb. NrioDd A!@bly b.foe d. LaIDE
Eigh Coun t cd rs AlDcd T{iq R bia v Fcltdtid of!.tjsta4 Ille @!n upbcld thc

deision of thc Pralid.ol o! fi. grohd! rhlr tc fedmt govc@cdr ot Bc@i, giuno

codd lor !€dor it! duti€s @dd Uc Colslirujdrs I v!5 .lro ctause.d i! the SiDdh

Hisb Coo4 wlicb uplcld lhc ordq ofdbsotuioD @ tb. sinil& gmunds s tb. t_.boF
Hign Court djd i! a tut bocb d@isi6,r{ It. @Et d@iled rhe }ttot. Usr ol tlc
disni$d odq s&l foud th. Bedzi! govtu@t Esponsibtc tor nor hoBilg thc

bcdilgs oftv.o iEportrbr rriolrl ilsrituti@ l@cty lbe Natioid FiDr!@ CoeEisior
(NFc) od 6c Co@il ofNdiorrl I!ia.sr! (CCI), jgturiog rhc t.8al dtued! ofrhc
lrovjlcs. rbe Sc!.te ald &. ?Elidc!| uDUc to conrot the ta{ ad ordcr bEa}doM

.tp@idly h t 'P!.c! Qih' Iil jDcido.., c!.l@hd@r in

rrevjlcjal sphs dnoud
P.opL's work Prog@c ed Lrs6 n@bq of ad-h@ aplojlerd! br/pa$ins ihc

anned Tdiq RdiE clrl|lsd t. .tccisi@ of L!. IlloE Hjsh Coln b.foE rhc
supnDc Cour of patilr@ Tbo C.u! !ffo l!. d.bilcd c@in{jo. of $c grouds
prcvidd by 1hc P!*id€atiat ordd 4d ihc aiddc.s Fovidcd by bo&
lartis i! ,u!!6n
of tbct r€sledrc suad! c@cbdld j! r bsjdjfy &cisi@ lhn rlc ftlsidcndd Ordd M
jlstlded, T!. ftsl dks@titrg vid rll rhd ofrustie Abdul Sbkoo! Sdam who Fot.
l.gey of Gd, Zia h.s !o logic lo mlliluc 4 jr,!r5 s8&!$ rhc pa.li&lmrary
that this

foe of govcturdt, H. sght for th. Gti.f,:a i.'E to@ of Esronrio!

of Lh. NarjoEl
Asstnbly ard $c gov.x&rol. Tlc oUa disrjng giva
Dotc was by Junic. Sajiad Ati
Shd @ti!8 th4 rhc disissal orde! "suflErl ir!@ y ,ron natafdcs,,, boa$. ite
ruuv€ wa loi ordy io disirs llc derld
8o!.@t b!! de io d.sboy rh. im!8e of
r\. PPP beforc tte vot d.kr
TIE dissolurioD ordd df thc prwilrial A$cobty of Khyba rathrurlhE M
ele challogcd by the Cti.tMidla!.r Atab _AlE.d Shcrlao i! ric lrovilciat High Coun

lblt d@l.Ed i! . najodry d..ision &at thc diujssl odlr w.s wi&olr tbc lardl
4tlority ald justificllio4 theforc tb! t ovilcial Asbl/ srtrG r.eo,-r.!6 IXc
SuPec Coun uplEld &e ,rih;.*r oda in ! @jo.iry d@isiotrrat Borb llsc ddisio,!
@c a @jor cbill@sc to rlc PtBi.te.r TL ledcdr 8orql@ot filed a r4icq !.tirio!
b.foF . singlc D@be bcach of ilc Sur@c Coui wirbiD lh ailulc of r,bc SuPIb.
Coun dc.isio!ru !r.ou!.€d. Ilc Ftri@ w !@c!r.d lrd th. pEviou, juds@r
qa 3Ep.!d.d. t la 6. p.riri@ B fihd bdoE ! tuU b..ch of lh. SuPto. coEr i!
Kecbi El oideEd sllPclsion orda id!crr.. L thb wsy dtejudi.irry could Do! s1)srai!

r histdic judgcmd! aeailn thc Fd@ h Fw,

'Ibe drcisior ofthc covenor
Sjndl to dishs ttc hEvincial A$.nbly ofShdt
vas also chall.nsed in L'le SinO High Coun tbat ulh.ld the decision
ofth. Govenor on
&d a@u!t thr! tlc Smeds lrovidcd by Oc laltd i.e., Oc law ard o:dd b!.aldo*!,
.omFioD dld ailus of th.i civit r€pie vft lrov€d. T!@fde rhe pbvircjal
A$hbly of sird! could nol b. ebFd


'thc wdslet gov.m.!r lis rploirLd Acs! €l.ciioEs, ,ft. hdd
ro corducr of
r-!€ codbin d olFsitioD j! Ltc Natior.t Ass@bty, GtDlad Munafa Jaroi wd alloirrcd
as &c cara.kd &i@ Milisd. tn tn. pFvic!, !U thc c@t tes wr€ enh{ rh. tead6
of th€ Ul or its alli.!. Th6e govcfu@ts stor€d ! ]lisuy panisn b.h.viou in r,be

condud of the cl*tioi! ed all t!. gove.e6i rn*hj!.ry M us.d i! suppon of |]lc n.
'Ibe ISI dso sot activc in rbc qu61 of kapils rhc ?pp oureid.
{rc po*r! pr@is* &d

distlibuted s lage sh of oo.€, amng th. sti.plp politcisB, loliricsl pa!tj6,


joueali$s ,rd rlc clccrjo! clU of the pEiddr HoE.rr0lbc blcssirgs ot rhc Afiy
Chcf{q. lbo $ith thc tllrrr 'tt lsnj.t mlc ofltlsidcol chDllm Isluc Kbln v$
ryid. Aoo lir ddss ro ih. nrni@jln b.foF lhc.r*ridE.
Th. caElald govcdb.ur ton cFdibjfity wl.n ji decidcd 10 sl.n ilvcsljgarios
olty as.i,st th.lPP le{d6 bI.@Bi,g dlar tb.r, jlcludilc Bdlzi, ed h.r lsbdd

had be! jlvolv.d i! oEuFioD J.loi .s!dt d &!t l,t law

rld B liadc b s&n it*
iN6tigltjo$ B {r ll{dud of lb. 6!r rpp Egi@G .d lor of 6c @r.td
govdB@i rFsh crsd wEr! r.gisrred €airjn BcMzL which rcmined podirs duing
th€ eleton @paiS!. Sb. eid.! dui,S . @yhd $el.rt j! th. fljgh Coun
ttuc..linas o! 2 O.rold_ Sbc qrfi.d b addB rh. @ur witboui E!.lisilg !h.
jujdicdo! of ilc sleid nibbd. Id.r, sl|
&qE d lbc carltalc sove@dr fo!
plotriDc a! *t.Ept o! bd tif.,!r
H€! tDsb.r4 Atif Ali z.rddi \\ts ened on Il
oclobd on th. chEg4 of ibc tidlalpils of Murrla Hlein Bu}ldj.r5a
This rc.@tab ity pEs befoE ct*ri@ k @Ddd!.d by $c f@ign
FwE spei.It Ibc USA poh.n Olltcr, lbc US r{Dbssado, io p.kjsan
otpo*d lhc id.a ta bir !d&rs to rhc Ad. S@iciy j! Ns yonq h. d*lar.d lhar iftn.E
wE to b. dy accoErabitity for hotdine plbtic o6jFs, ir shodd $.n 6oh 1985 wlEn
th€ IJI tld its ali.s vqc j! powcr. Hc also smcd !€riDsr ay aclion aSdusr dr. lptrir
The Aecri@ iltdfa.le i! Ac plbsaoi Flitjcs basile EoE ovcrr i! rhc l99os d
conllcd to &y olho rinc b.fo.c,

El.dion @paigD wss loi focs.d oD jss.s sinc. elt rh. lourical pani6 waE
fteE$ed i! lowir oDly, No outjl.ldiDg bdifcslo B givd lo addss $e issEs of
c6!iciq,, caffidoa d@etuy dd ilsi$ilit, n. u
of Flirird sys!@. lcade *cr

dlyilt ilc PudF! c€td in ieiFocity oflPt,! SiDdh catd. Tle lII l.!da iuined Blgh
zia-d-Haq b sddrls the UI EEtidgs.Is Sycda A!id! gurs!i!, rbc Fcdcrrl Mi.lcr fo.
Ilfomlri@ ed Brcldcanil8 d.clanl i! hd si6 ofpublic rddes ihat Zur69d A.li
Bhuno had d.!div.d ile Pujlb of irs duc sba! b rL hdls ald tbar Bedzir,s
lolicicl @!d. $c Pujsbi *i{as' lifc hcl ia Sildb: cv@ rh.! th.y q!.cl€rt vor. troE

dc Puja!?rst Ir .t€ly .xF6s.d tb. ..t4at /s aliSDra@t wjt! !b. Ul ed atso rb.

impoEibl. .itiDdc ofilc poliiici!$ io p!@otc provi.ci.tiso j! rhc !olin6.

t@plc'i Pery dcci.t d b coDt $ d. 1990 cl.cto! i! ,Iirn ! yitt o*c! Ddri.s.
ftcauiece Dls dtited as tbc ra}jjtla Ddoc.ltic ,Alidce (pDA)
wb.h ws
@pos.d of lbc rPl, ttc Tclri]-i_Isl.qbl &. pML crow, ed esi4 lbc Talljt-i-
NafaziFiqB JaAi. G\lF),r$ iboush ih. ppr r.nailed &e @jor c@ponoi of rh.
ani.e. Tlc aUtar.. t d io f!€ . s.rba.t duil8 is .t cd@ @p!is! *n@ tu US
imposed tqh oon@ic sarcdoB udd Oo lrdsld daddr.rj, lr wr tatcn e rlc
PPP'S cfron ,o ard !(6su& ot rhc !o!s ia jrs favoE trcu8n s syd!.Ai*E j! r!. US
ConSEss. 8w in &.l it prcvcd.o!!r'r ploduc{ir. fd ppt sbc. .Ppositio!
$.@$n ty
claiDcd !b,i rh. PPI had doe rhis otrty in irs
oM ba.ft aSajlsl th. erio,al irt€Fsr
Womc! wE! vitustty orFl.d b$lsc lh.
noE rhc !oU! 20 Bctud $!$fi. in
Nltioid Ass@bv ud 5 p€, inr j! rbc prcvincial ds€dbtics hld q?ircd &d ii B
v.ry .liffculr for ib. *!Ea lo win $c vorc of coMiiv! b.le.on@r.d ssicty. A. a
6ult lhc BIun ladie! cbcrgcd !s rhc ody !.!Bdl3trvs or jt !q c.d @ncn
polli.tidr i! tb. N.do!.I A!@bty t r90,s.r&ri@,e
trLECTIONS Otr 1990

Tle UI's sbar.gic dcsisB 6r rh. cl€crio.! coDbjned wirb dE Eiti.ry,s suppon

ahed for tbe@ ! cl@ Eddiy i! rbc Natiord Ae$ly i! tb. .leclio$ of 1990.16r

Ul eoD 106 els iD thc ho$ ot237 ,ad orclod.d a, [t sjryt. lat.sr Fjry h ln.
el..toral pM€s.'o Tlc tlp !!d iis !Iic! *tric! @lasEd ure €lectid u!d* e auiece
oti0d tL. PDArd .outd s@ ody 44 sts sld njsd . nE ed cly about arcg.!
ngSjlg io the cl€tio .'s

Tablc of€l6tion Bdt I990.

!44'}omer rrE- Nqpb.B of ..trdtd.t6 d.cl.d

P6opr.s D.Effi.i

/{*!Ei Nlddl td
rGauri w@ P.rD;iitFj
P&h&*hh mn;6i
I!d.pdrd.!r cDdjd

Sor@s F&15 &d rj8us provi<tc by Et*do! Co@issjo! of ?dldsiar_,6,

Nlw Sheit d€r8cd s &. todd of th. tujo.iry n rh. Narionat
?sny A$dbty by
wuleg sdrs i! dt rhe prcvilcls. Hc E Frrlrrd s lbc srbbot ofd. ?ujabi idotiry
by th. Puljab eovanrrrmr i! i.tc trsr tcrD ofrb. BcEii govduot. This l&ric pDv.d
qunc u.ftl as rbc Mi! linar otNaw.z Sbqjfs suces e&s jts stDng lolric.t bse i!
dt Pbjab, Otbd fi.r6 rbat colriburcd to his su(!s wac B€@iis d.fmivc aninrdc

duilg th€ .lectio! csDplis! lad Nasz Sh&ifs sbiliry ,o alc advanuge of ilc
siilatio! ed prs.diEg binsdf a bctd choi@ for ttc hiinc Mrnisrcr,s offi@.r6 'nE

?ML 09 d!.ld!d il I glc|t su.c$ by d!hi!8 a h.!vy b,!dai. filtn !b. loplc of

'moush tb. euppon oftu ISI w5 vit l t! l!. vicldt ofrtE In $c milit.ry wr,
6l$ v@d b lb. sutpon ofNlqE Sbdir, l}c Chlitru Joinl Cbid o{ Siatr ColnDina

AdeiEl Stoh.y mtd 6rt .Mr. Nrez Sbnifw$ tbc &n prirlc !,iid$cr.' nc n[6d
daled !r\. situlli@ ofrhc @iolry at Olr ii@ % j.t .l i! which L!ft ero . @nptct.
'hrdony be$rE n rh. Prsid@i rnd rhc lridc Milisrcr aDd the mcd force.,,6t nougb
lljr a!.lysis of Adhinl Sitoh.y piovcd \rrolg ator tso &d, batf /€!rs howvd rtis
shos t!, ti. 6ilit ry B rrhd btwr j! irr cxua{d$irujdrt mtc i! ihe govmelr-


N.w Shaif sud.d rtc o6c. of tbe &iEc Milnd in rhe frsl w.ct of
NoveEbd 1990. Tryi!8 ro l@E Aoo rh. !pt,s nilralcs, Nawaz *!! vcry ca!c6, wlitc
.Lrii!8 *jth tt govcrDdrt atrsirs p.nicd&t, rbc Ftario$ *iO th. niuiriy. Sjre h.
@ L.ied Edq it zi! Egi@, N. 6joy.d ! goo.t nppon wnh lh. tSI &d the @y
higl co.drald. He rercd ro avojd a! tl. ro$ibl. injlsnb in thc civilnitirarv Eldiois
wlich @jshi eod rb. @rdi.tity Aor rhc o&a sida I!! Tatboi sys rlar h€ hrd LlEc
adhr.€cs ova n!. pnioE gor@D@q lE wls .quipFd wjtb ilc @tniqu.s o,
laEm.gc poliiicq !c !{t 3rorg raw! be i! th. pujln ud Ic hrd e! iic srorr
pdliuor&y Djodry.rd lloelEr, srorhc,.tvar!3c b. bad s thc $ppon ot6c
Isldjst p.nicn hlon-illhr! ed thc Juiar-i-tllm.i-IsllE (!d2d,o!-R!bnan).

Ilc gov6-..r root( *vcrlt d.s6 in r,bc luuic ald orion t jrn@$5 ed
.rD.d popdeity fd il! psry. Bur ![ rhs D.sEls 9@ dtmdi!.d bcc@ Naw&
sb&ifderelop.d differclas witb rbc E jor play.rs, rlc
?lesiddi aad thc Arny Chief
boIb- His politicd sttia!.. wirh lb. UI %s atso ftultcd wftlj! b..!ur. of Sh..ri.sl b
lld li9-Kumir M as wfl ; ihc @rlirior govnlfut i! A.fshajsran. ltc ild to neel
rhe s. flt s bjs F.d&B$s djdro


One of rbc @j! cldges fo. rle dioisssl of r!. AeDEn govdoot B rh€
sEggerhg e.olotuy,'ro ft.rttui., rbc Nlqaz 8ovtu rlr @drj.rc]y rool( sn€
@e$uEs jElrove lhe eomEb
10 @lditioDs flr US lid lrd atEady bd susp.ld.d i!
I989rtr ed els tldu.€d ro .6gw of$224 hitj@ fd th. fs.at yd ol1990-1991
*bjch w&t alod hrlf6. lElE ofth!, fo.lle Fa l9E9-1990, AI llE aid lo@itu.ris
werc finaly lcmi@&d or I O.!obc. l99t d@pt $5OO Einio, vbich wl. alrcndy i! the
pip"lir.."': ftc CuU$r 6st!!r add.d
ro lh. difficulrj4 of&c $rssditrg M,ooy.I
ftc @b hlhdis of Nawaz govemcnr sts ro imprcve economy,rr
Hc iook
$D. .a!*able s1els fo! th. iEltoveE@l of cDp (Gros DoE*ric prcducr)
adopicd ldvaiil.rtoMs a E4or ccorohic Flicy. IE CDp sLowld s gm}Ih D1c of j.6
pd @nl, infiatio! @aincd b.low pq
lO c@r ald ilveseror DcEsed by 15 Er cst
\tbile dporl ros by 22
!q c€di'r TXc volu4 ofjlvcsrD.lt i! slocl tu*ds ro$ ,o
Rr. 92.3 hlio! toD F.r. 4E.6 bilio! i! Octob.r 1991. .&. EtqrtioD in Ecutariotu

govdjlg forcis! qtc!.!gc b.ilitltcd iltlo* of 1550 Eillio whcb bclP.d io eac lbc

bal&c. ofpeyE€sl 1!. rdud gowii ldc t o July 1990 10 Jurc 1993 Entincd 5.6 ?r

cmt, ?.7 !s €!l ed 2.3 !s cdt rcsrFctiv.ly sbowiis e svda8. of 5 2 pd .s 76

Naw& gov@dt'! lcrfo.DlDce proved bcnd th4 rly othd Polilictl govcmdr iD

?rltur.D i! tbe 6.ld ot@DDr 1!.y M! |bL lo 6€t aI th. Fqui@@ti of &e IMI
lrd ik Wodd Ba!& ed th@ iDttitutiols tda!.d $1 168 bilUot ulda dir€dt

Despii! ths b.dtby iodicatod the ilittio! de roajn d hjg! !t 12.29 Pe! celt

.!d u@plolDat r.t !t 11.45 F @l i! l99G9l fte *r.brl ed i!la!!l tLh

condoucd 10 !c r thtEt tc! tL. wih $.j@j!g 6guE ol $18 bilion ed P.s.
400 billion respcctjrcly. 1!. bald@ olp.ym.nt dctcn Edaincd $2.1 biUion whjch wa

4.5 pd @r of GDt vbjlc rlc hltgeIEy dcicii r@iDe.t 5.2 !d c!!t ol cD?.rt8 I! hi5
bMS.r sp.eb, Srt j &iz, tbc FiD@ Mirida @ouced tblt 4? F cdl orrwd.s

sEllrll.rd by the f.d.nl 8d.@@t muld b. tpar @ def@ *nil. 53 Pr @nt @uld

go for d.bl wicing l4ving all lh. or\a .rpeditues of otc gov.tuht in.lldjng
hc.rlt!, .dDcatio4 publia cxportit@ .!d d.v.lolDat Prc8IeD.s ro b. dorc bv

dt@d eui6.ta spcDditg .o! dd.@ st dc @n of .ll oihd stoB

showcd th. civilid gov.roolt ctrortr to d..|$ rhc anitalv co@!nd.B

T!. !aLj514 govcrool look 1*o tr.suls lo m@! thcsc cconomic hddshils

i..., thc cforts to atF.ot Dir@l FoFig! Illtstlc €DI) lnd lhc dcngdatioD ed

lliEtis.lio! of thc @oy io &cddL l!. 4@odic gre*rL'' nc putlo* *ts to

eslablish rhe @rcDy on the ie o.ik t !t'sLn ir a @plcl. U'rm 1o thc

fttionalisation golicy of thc l9?0s. As a Esult dle Orcs! idcsEoed in the eonomv

b tu. 162, lbout 70 !s cor in 1990 to Rt 277 billio 2O3 F El of GDP in 199-93

a.codpsicd *iih @!$g@! i!cn!s. in Sros d@cnic savirg bv l2l P.t cat in 1992'

93 nod 10.5 pa €t id 198&89.r!r

Ibs. efoG io libdalle thc ccolony could not acltieac $. cxPcclcd r.sllls

bdB. ofma.leccoloEic Fobl€B. D!s!'1! tle br8!d sroqth Er. &d rbc irvcstD.

Eic, rh. N.w 8pv@Dd( @old lot @tu|rbc 6*tl d!6cii wlich iD rE bdi th.

id.rioD Erc .ad iI64ids iEb.la@ i! p.ya@i5 sihicl ad@lv atr@tld lh.

@.ody. Th. US sld t[. orhd iDttrD!,tiolll iistin'io!3 s@ .Ldedils fd ccotudjc

lib.Elisadon bu {hd thc .tcoocriiic golcrnn.ll 4d.lvoued to bring thd. ch&86

rhct muld not hclp it b@uc of l}c ccomnic s&clioo th.v inpo$d on la}ists by

ilvokjls Prcsslq dddb6r'&

ftm w6 a tlsivc 6ilicj.s tll th. gov.@dt 8 *llilg a I3g. Dub.r of

uits or thiw .wy Fi€, 1I. diticis m dE ro dtluc h6L ed tb. lDsae of

!.lsPtucy io t[. F@s. 'Ih. oPr.sitioD .nd th. .ss6i5ls iEist d @ th. @tu]

&d sloer scllbg ou proeI?@c o! . oor. obj6tivc critdjd for d@isjon-h.kb8 ft.
non-avlilability of ilr!.stndt .!!itgl D l!. @utry luton.ticallv slo*.d doM th'

setling oul pro@$ wlich gdve rhe goE@41d olporbritv to &aw a Dorc slructuEd

proccdws for rhe iEplddlaiiotr of pnvltisltio, ,!oss.'a Aro0)d objectio! w&s ihar

loliti.:l crnleiios w. ltfctrEd ovet rh. 4do@ic int€tests i! th. pdEdsation

p!@ass. lt B.sr@iallyloi .dou16@ Addje(!PrcDiDdrbuils Itoup iod

GujFti Mootr origin) @uld not leesnnly hid for MusliD CoEddcial Balkrk

deslitc thc fs.i th.y ouibi<l thc chiloli_Punjabi Mosha-sqhjrc SrouP'r!5


Thc Naw govc@dt tool lobc M.!*iblc stAs for llc E.ss wl&t ed
polEty rldr.don l9irc! cecd good slsldilgs fo bis pntt. Hc sllotrdocd ilal bld d
tle r.t of 15 !c ech, woda bc .llotied io lddlc$ loes o! llc bsis of oMdshjp.

Fd &!r pwlos€ e@ 3.75 Lk! Edls of lrld i! &. eroDdj!$ of S!}l{ tld Gbulu
M$@6d bamgc $$ EAt d.1r6 Tlc laldlcss rdst! id nlc sb.h fclt
rcli4€d *ith ttj! eovcro.d a.tiotl llc.bo 6r.d Rs 1500 $ lhe nidou sgcs fd
e Eskiltcd lalou. OD. of tb. FoniMl bul @ltbvcrsjrl sllF of thc N!w!z

sov€mdr B thc 'Ycllow Clb Schde,' s s.lf.dllottcnt s.h@c for de vo!1h

Inif'sUy tb. go@@t w il!.|l coDfBld Bt hoq nu.b nuil M dler.d fd thc

scldc but lald l!. Filrle Mlisld !6dt.d lb. sinsdoD,rn Hc also moued t!!t
l@ wuld @t bc El6.d in osh bul it rudd b. ditdly 8jv@ to llc s.ll6 of Y.llow

Cdbs. By thc 1993 los pss Eret d for 95,000 c$s, bws ard t!ck! iu
'l!. dI6 dwys colcdncd eitb ii..c@jc gro*th besuse 6cv !4d'tl
noF ltlocdio in th. budgct fo! d.tdc.. S.@dy, lh.v @Dsrd@d lhcD$lv* a
bctte. .r!!gd of thc @!@y. T
hus they wat ,!trlbdsilc alout tbc rd@g@.!t of

thc e.o!o&t by rbc civilid gotclnndt. Brt app&@tly t!. @v did not hP' ev
prcbl@ Mth 1Le @louic E4lSeindt of ih. N.w govctrnml be4e th! defm@

budeei coDtilu.d lo ts..


Likc B€r@n, Na{@ Sbdifhtd ordjal lcbrios wih rhc alElv iI th. besidilg

bu d.9il. bb drioB dtitudc sodc di&@cca .cg.d it rhcir iDld&tiols ftc lirsl

probled bdwd tllc civilian 8ov.t@c!t and ihc Anv Ciicf occmd on lhe issut of

l^lc P3ldsL$ go@r's oficisl ned duiag rh. culf 9!! whc. Ira9 invadei Kumit

i! l99o.9l . ftc US,Ld @dition foB dccid.d ro l.@ct OFnio! Dcs.rt Storn ro gct

Ku*air our ol Laqi ctunthcs, p!!ista! *"3 rslc! to scld foes ro ldriciFarc i! th.
openljoE Ib. PriDc Milbra h cGdid@ wjth ca_ B.ig Fr 5,000 rftols !o S&di
An!i&'s TIE Palisla! gov@man agtlcd io sld rh.n colrilgai ro def@d rhe ioly
ples i! Slutli ,Asbi! bur Fftlcd !o pdiciplre in ey anac( mss jt! bordcB. Lald
r.spondi!8 ,o rlE luuic opirio! .sri t rhc US ald r.lisioos satib.nr! i! favou of
saddrb Hleio, rh. govdllar epport io Oc Uslcd *as qu.srio!.tt by Uc Any
Chicl Ocn. Baig cxpc$ed his vi* llbtic.Iy ard d.cld.d rhc Andicd acrior as.
$rare$/ to let.ct Is!.1 AoE ,Dy otb.r cobtry itrli could bc a rbr.rr to Iss.t.rh I!6e
strleeots ofca B.ig E@ e op4l def!@ to rlc ditud Flicy. tr ats Fovol€d
!h. .lcv.loldat of &ri-govdq@i latio€ds h rhc @ery.rer
A3 . lcacdon ro rhc
Aey Chi.fs fieE oppositioa to te IJS-lcit sb.r.ic pls ro lib@t. (uedit, l])c
sadir rcqu.s.d Psbs.i! @ wid&w thcn eldi6.,t
Ditua@s kcpt o! iacrasilg &d aglia i! July 1991, Ga. Bajg is$.d soDc
public starcDor! dd a.t&ss.d Fds coltcdc.s rgedjla rlc bcMhg L,!.ar of w.r
ejl! tldja. But rhe civilian goie|eer rfi$€d 10 &cc/ thc gFvily of the situatio! s
Portraycd by Cd, Baie, Ihis iltbd,rai,.d th. daio6 to tbc cnenr L1 bodl dE

sennai lublic ard govcm]mr circtca cx!.c!€{t d ora{ftw of Nlsez ShAifs

8ov*@ol by Ge4 Bai&rs Bu aI rueou prcvcd i$te ed uc ADy Chi.fEdr.d in
AuglJt l99l on dr. .tuc d!rc. I{owvo i, @uld nor go io the qtcrr ofEnovilg rtc
eleclcd govdmdt bccaus. !c lc,cw $ar rtc !.odc wuld mr loleEtc anoiln Mlrtial
taw jEt affc! tbte yc$ of resloratio! of tE civiljaD ordd. None6clds i! s cjvitia!

Egimc r.le Aey Chi.f hrs @ right ro @r&oDr t!. ofrci8l sled p$ticly. But t!.
asdtivc b.h4iou oflta Atny Cbief in rhis t$niitiold pdiod \t$ ilu! to lh? cffccls of
tb. prclong€d Eilialy !ui. i! PalSllL Ga Baig choe to dlo\r the cordud of ScDeral

electio$ i! PlkidD .n!r !h. dqd of CE Zi! inshrd of jdpoling Mdilt Law;

th6dor. bc qlEtd Ild rhc civilih tad6 sdd borcu hjD !s &ei €lde( wul. rhc

@lsriturioolf positio! b difiraL E . s th. bdd of . staG dg!!ieli@, E boud to

fonot{ th. cjvili.o 8oya@@t, 6t io dicrrrc,

For lh. qgoioh&r oftbc Ady Chi4 in &ia. Ministd B i! favoE of

Ge. Sbmi6 Alad Kb4 tb sdior Dost in r.tc lisr of ihl€c bn Peidar CjDI@ Ist C

*id $4 h. hd.lccidcd ro lrpoirr C6. Aif N!*r Jeju.r* ft. prioc Ministd

thouSlt rhat ii M hi! disdctioD to appoilt tb. Arfiy Chjcf but tlF pEsidcnr declaed it

his Ftrog.ljvc crolsiv.ly lnd toot ilc d.ctuio! d tk om ftc p&sjd@t w&r€d a

srrug Atut Chi.f *iO thc tu-pouti.d rddlocis, Th4f@, hc appoiDr€d G@,

Sleid ALD Ki& $ Chaidra JCSC. Ju$ lns il|}i!s @lh Cd. AjfNs*E dcclecd
r noD-iltdariolin lolicy i! iL ro&ic! jr hil oita ofrb. day i$u.d b lhc otr6
rld .red (soldi6), enich st r.d:

a d! rr.d@:d. F@ L! lw rto 6.14 r *.dd lil. n r b. ct*lv ,ria$od

6!r rh! m) nd b.E.oifii'g b do p.ttri6. h. .t..en ,eEinEri\ $ do
"'i! M Lq
6.n jo6, *hrc w co@r!. 6 r.qlniu !'!e F.,!s;d .Ftkie
R.@ob6. $ldeior [ ! fiJ rd ,Df.riro rir r *; oouaiqg ca doe mr b@"

'Ibs shoutcd thc ldilitsry's dcpafift lod i,\e aprroach ofpolitical advcntuis adopt€d

by Cco Aslae B.ig ald de16.e{t a prcfclsiolrj loL for Ue }a}|jsr! Amy. Bul it di.ln'r
t &c too loag for rb! difrc.cDc.! io b. d.vetop.d beiwB rbc Ady Cbjcf ed th6 tioe
Midsta b.clurc !e iltlrfti€d in lhc Fesf6 of Lr co Heid ft]-'* H@id cd M

o dti'rrdi@ Gdral th.rdort AsifN.w wr'd b .i.Llirc lio b€f@ lovils for

th. ofrcial lou to the US, .s ! good gBtw ro thc AEdics sd lo ssve PaLti.t ion
llc thrct of!.i!g decla$d g l! o.isi sr4.. AcfoF lavilg, Gcn AsifNa@ orddd ro

posl rLnid Cfll at l!. D.f@ Pr!d!do! CooPlq al Tdil. ed al.d G6 J&68ir
KEmq Cor?s Co@r!dc!. LatoE 10 go aid rclieve hin al a vcly shon Doticc. G.n

g,njd Gut Ffiued to ob.y lb. t Ga FEIHI Xle idotucd

ordd. 6 $c CGS

G@ AsifNrw aloln th. r.6ssl tlmug! s r.l.pl@ ex, ll.1fi8 o.detd io sd

G.n. Oul oD tF djsrostl of Ltc Minjstry of Dcf@a &d iD thc ca. of Eisal h. sbould

be r.riicd witb idediatc.tr c! whicb ultiEdcly bi!Fded.r!7

Ilowb cd Aif Naw btd siv@. cLs sisD.i ro follow s Po[cv of @-

irt€rf@.c. in the loliti.s bul alpa@lly h. r@i@d op.! for ne rcs wilh the

politicids. Gd Dsei clais.d that !€ uscd i! djoy [stcnint lo lic Politi6 of lh. dav

ed thc e'cve* of ih. politicie b lld no @bili6 to i'r.rfd i! tbc politic,l

rslcarq But NaB@ Shdif vqy uFa wih ibs ncs, A rubd of Fohitcnt
polilicis jrcludilg sonc of th€ cabiet e@bcE ofthe Mulim Lca8rie ed thc rutnu
alri.Iclrt shtd 6cir sticvanccs *ith ih. A@y Chi.f ed eught ljs ePpon !o bnnS a

politicd cb&8. ed io 8d rid of t[e shdif brcibd shuj. Naw mie d81l!. Adv
Chi€f ni$cd to suplod !r@ ed ei4 'lf you e waitins for a siSnal fion nc ro do

eEelhing thcn yo! will b. widrg fd . lolg time You lolitic's !'e! to !4dl' tbB'
rbirgs yoEs.tt" S@! ol lhesc Pouticid c?trli,Uv v6l b!cl( lo th. &ine Mhi$d ed
eloned lo hin difieMtly sboul *n!l Cd Asif Naw lad said Howvq Sh!j! aiso

givd . codadictory sbLia.nt !t so&er !i!4 i! his lool Olt Gct Astf Navu odv
@tcd '& in Hou* cbaDge' i! ilc gov€iDnc4 not lbe Manid Lw It shoB 0$1

Gcd. ArifNaw E lgdtst N.w Shlrif. Bc \r&Ld to @orc bjD 0roug! I cn68c

withi! lb. Assbly. 'I!. Pri@ l,fliscr's lgsiless bdE! of biD was j\slitred 6 i!

r ddocralc set-L? ib. Ditioty chicfLs no Fc(ogalirc for swlt lo.uws

Se! wdrs @ i!u.d to otr6d G@ AsifNrs{z w}o *!s nol at hon€ with llr
ltylc of Nlrzz Sbsit O! lh. oild b@4 l!. Ptita. l'4ded ticd to @te good
FLlio.slip witL tbc COrS .!d idit d hiE to th. f.Dnv F!ld''b" Me Mlbdnad
Shaii Pdoc Miliset Nswlz SbEifs fa$4, n&tlv advis€d Gcn tuif to tltc Shalif

brcth.s s hb rbwgc' brcthas. Gd Asjf J.lt 'nood'o6sb" as h' did not lik' ech

idoDrliry. $6d th. COAS t4iild lhi, t!!od tb'r ih' Pri'nc Milisr'r dto(lcd a

lucEti* lic@ fd & i!.to!hi.l un lo oF of th' !d[6 of tb' Co'ps Col]r]@dd'

dplsiior4 Nawu Shdifin F6e of

LrlDtt, h. iEtudisicly call.d his offic* for '
irs..uty, iried io !$ablbb FsoDrl r.tttio,l *ith lhc Atnv Clu'f !o culriEtc laftd s

$ppon for his oM sdl Au Uc COAS's b.!.vioE $o*d th' stifi'n4t'd stL ofih'

Na{@ Shdif! hi.tldtsr Ddtilg wilh tbc COAS codd not b'lp
i! Fslorilg

.d6.t @ b€twd rh. two ofr6 l'.id, $' Pti6c Midsi6's 6ltdpl
lo !r6c a

E 16 llc coAs s ar lo btib' ItD bv

BMw c.r s a soodvil garne also t

nortifybg Hs ofre b public'r rb oiSht h!v' e

alFebdio! 1o b' qucniored bv Ibc

publc opnio! dd his oM @1148!cs if h' hld &c'pkd sth

e exp''nsivc sjft optulv

ftou$ bolh sbttd s co@o! LEgu!g', luj'bi but @ulit noi L at lhc s@c gnd ro

t,l Allv Cbjcf witb e arDv b&rgFud B

Edcrn !d €a.b 0lb6. h scD.d tbc
coarciou$ ofhis Posilioa ed dtd tut @Bi'ld llc civilie Pdne Mini3ld ofhis

Tlc Eilitlly }!d beo@ ! $@8 elf.@ttiaed o'teisdo4 lot @piive 1o ey

outsid. irtc.fa€lcc bul lhc 9rio. Mili$et ldnaleoly !4t t t!€ssgc lo lhc COAS to
@sidd son€ of bb PoC. fot Fonotid. llis B lot !!9t!.i!Ld bv lb. ,4mv Chi'f

rbou8n he slowcd bj5 iolatid lo Pro@l.lb.ltolbas of llLlil Na6h ed 'hrll'i

Nisc Ali Kltm (bolb q@ tb. Icdaal Ministds in Naw,z govemelt) on trc
pdf.sioral src@&.'2(

Gea Asif Nawe *!! .ho r.Poncd sbout th. convG.lion of Nsw,z shdif with

&e lni.Uigae Bu.!u (IB) Chicf B.i8!djd Istie A.hEAd @d olld coDfdan6 'Il'c

Fpolt esposcd tbc tquks of itc IB Chi?f b Eslols b lh. Pridc Mjdstd's erida'ca

lg.iDst AlifNaw ltul !e Nutd E!k! a'!.!4tno!g nmv Chjef . Oll Hss ou of

hiD."or Tbis rpon of@ded asifNM to rh. .n@t rld h. pm itis i'fodtid b'f@
his fo@tio! @t!]rudeB in ! m.airy &d ask.d thd whcftd lh€y wuld allow thc

civili& gpytuet to do this qith i!.n Chid':6 Il l@tcd t5 jI al tlll s|'r! lh' Ady

Chi.f w i! p.$onrl co!flicl *ib the Pti@ MinGtd.

Thc DO, ISI G@ Asld Dllrui r.lortcd l!!i w!c! h€ E askcd bv Nawlz

Sbdiq he did @t coftty etlbing lbold whd hld htrP@ctl i! lbal Dad!8 oftle CdPt

Cotrn@d6 wiih ! vi.w nol !o widd Lrre gulf berrco ttE Amv Crl!'f sd rhc lDn'

Mj!isc!. B thc kioc Ministd lost tnli in rlc Dc, ISI 6d i@ediarclv d6id'd ro

Epl&c hid ,A!othe! !tubl@ atlse wh6 Nave Sldif d'cidcd ro appoiff
Lt C6'

Jav€d Nsn d DO, IS[4 Il M i! lbc loM of 1be &iic Minisb ro aPpoid de DG'

LSI but t\e lie of thG Fs to bc provlle.l bv dc Atnv c!j'f for 1bis arpoiffnan Bu!

Nswlz Shdif tc€l( a uilal.El d4ilion Dd idoFtd l]rc '4mv Chicf la'ld
in a

Fcctn&td Thc Ad, Cnicfs E did w nuc! lhe sdo s shovld bv Ca Asld

Baig i! the s@6 sitrDlioL It sho*! ild alPdllUy ihc *!3 no diffeFlc€ in ihc

b.hwiout of a politidly .c1ivc Ahy Chid (C.d. Baie) sd sclf_sttl.d .toliticd Atdv

chid(ccn ArifNaw).
Tbc stliled laldi@5ujp of fra COAS nilb lh. Pdt€ MiDiltd idd'1ed a beltd

Ft.tio hp of thc lorEd vilb Pnsid@t Cnd@ bldq Asif N!@ w tlso

4FlbBivG alod ni5 suviltl tod faFd Od !c lai8ht b' @orad AoE bs otr€ bv

Navu Sharlt g. souglt toDc a!$Eecc iottr hesidEnt GbulaD I$aq whic'! hc got

tirou8! s clrddo! fricnd Shahid Jarcd Bu*r'd 'nrc Itesidcd lnd !h' Aftv Cli'f

dcrtlop.d a 'good 6Ppon' lna &rs d..iins tro'this npton l'd to lb' cdfid@4 of llc

P8iddr to disis rb. 8ow .@@l of NMz Sbqif 9@"t Tlc slddd dca$ of G4

AsifNawe co d tot dctd ?.csidot Ghld Ishaq 1o ta}! tbis dlcirio! b@!se $e ocw

Amy Chicf 8AE bn th. lue @!fidoc.


'ft. forei8D Policv w s @ial i!$c of 1h' Na@ epvffi' $ h' bld to deal

with tr US ectio$ on ltE lDcle iss' rh' US thst to dele P'ldnd d d tsotsi

<rr. (n dy b. @r.it tbtt tltist D B on the w*cl lis1)' de cdtomns

s.{b!.k o! thc AIg}a tolr *hil! susuini!8 tsioo
ud lndi! on tb' man4 of

in Kahaitzr'1Howc\a |he Eniury did Dcr rh' sovffenfs

in6l!_6tio! 'Ddors'
ftrign .@a Durilg 1990 lbe US $sP'!dtd oilr'tv dd
ldfotEe@ in ih! Polcv

encadnaft3lu* befoa 0E fotulliot of

..oMic aid to Palisltr uddet rhc Pnssb

t d'lav ir cn'!di!8 c"tio€tior bv llc

th. gov@i@t j! P*ist!4 1}js ws du' lo
US Prcli&nl !o ihc US Cong.is aboul th' nilu€ of
?tlisltnt luclcd prog!@c Tb'

nilitary els highly prcccrrv. oftbc lucl.d Prog@oc lbc s'nc tiE tlEy eqc
'l 'le
@!cer!.d abou rh. FLtior. Pith th. UliLil Slal6 t! a so!rc' of milillry hdd v@
dd spoE !.ns, Itrbo t[. US go@@t Pb.!d P*isl!! o! th' 'valcn In' ed
@ed it of sPo odng td.tis tnd $sPod.d.X s.rts of defa'! Eltli@t thc @'
.xD@&d lhal &e civilie gov€rDndt lholld u5. diPl@tic ch'lntls to ns'lE thc

sidltior:rl TL coAS liDsllf vililtd lhc Us dd rctai!.d tbc goodwiu al mniiEv l0

nflit&y Lvcl but 6. isfu of F-16 jtmin d ?todioS


ft. lap &d ord4 sioltid i! SiDdh rtov.d !o b. lb. Fd €e of br@h

bdq@ rhe nilit&y ed lh. civili.n gov.EDc.r Tlc Dlitdy tgced io uddtakc lic

opdatio! i! lhc Fodnc€ but ditrcM@s dddoFd b.t\rtd lhc r*! Pttics aeaia lllc

biXtdy bEch.d oF..6o! lgaild .b.ojts, &li-wial deE nts od .dujc lclMins i!
d. n$l ol Sindb wbjd 4E stol8bot.ls of th. PlP. S. tl| gov.tsol 6 quiG
hippy wi& tbat o?.Etion i! Silrlh s th.y 8et lh. cbecc to cosb th.ir !dveMi*. S@n

thc nilitaly !.died tb. loliticsl 6pcct of thc olsntio! &d th€y decjdcd @ th.ir oM lo
qpald tt,t opd!!i@ to tb. ube llg of the lioviDe wl!!e tc diliiay @e jn
co. icr wih lhe MQlvt, a! sxy of dc N.w Shdifs 8o\dmot':1r C.iiicisi"g dt

nilir.ly adror i! Sildlr ArrfHusain blaDcd ilt nilitlty fd the eetocide ofthc MQM

Th. MQM lrk d th. gov@..1 lo siop th. oilitdy op@notr in Llet es bul

llc sov€m@t @uld!'l do slylhing about it *nicb cruscd a bpcl ber*@ inc UI ad
MQM', rllations. Nawaz Sbdif long ana his disissal fon Po'rE cl.incd i! bjs

discr$sio! with ihc F!se, tlal at dEtcs il'' nililtly authditiB igtoFd lh' tslretioa of
Sitdh'" Tlat s sltv clo*
thc civilie golcflDd duils r!. niUt6v oF lto! in sonc

s@id$ ofNawz Shlrift lted ofr.rnovjng C@ Asit


Na*@ Sh.dfs toublG ouliiPlicd 'rAa hc dw'loFd itirdi! *fib rhc

?esid.!t Hb .fon to dt&lish e id.ltilv ts e cL4t€d kitr Midsl'r st$ssli'g for an

t tdlitEdtdv fo@ of
a!-rosqfn posili@ !s th. had of tlc 8o!6@dt in
s dmilg fd rh' Pr'ndot H' fclt lhrer'n'd bv th' Eowi!8 PoPulerv
irittti3 llc po$gr shltlg slstrd M
of t1c newlv cl..tcd &inc Mjd!t!r. Bd dcsPit'

r!! i$e of Ut appoilllat of $' let Anv Cbj'f

wo*ilg c$atircly. It oPtu.d @

Gc! AsifNaslz d E i&urt 1993 Tlhn ADir @@als tlor bot!

tff.r Uc deah of

tld ih. &ioc Milrsrd s!r"l lo slPoid rh' AEv Chi'f of $cn oM
thc Pnsidcol

sulPon for th'iryolitical nlndilg ft' eson *s &at th' Atdv

choi.. fo! e.uing
i! of P*!ts n@ 1953 @wads
Chi.f cnjoyed Prcfoud i!$6ct lht Polili's
who ubdd al l4d b€ n'uEEl
if lol
?ri$. Ministcr wanLd to 4loint m Arnv Cbi'f

sl)lpon vc ofhis eil for lh4 lis

M Co Ashd Janj!4 thc CotF co@edd
Ue unduc iltsfddc' bv th' Plesidcnt *hlch
tilorc.n! Hc v.!r€d to @lc@tratc oo
On tbc o1lo
i! thc sbse of s1'P!on A@ & Adv CI$ct
sdd ba cqnidv Edu.G.l

of 0le Adv Chief not oilv fot

h4d d. rrcsid.tt wt'd 1o s€cu! th€ sulpolt

pow 6it'i th' Eithd aoorbd !a also for rxc next

€xd!isi!8 his d.,Fiontl
el..tio du. bv thc cnd ofihtt vcs' 10 sllrc hs

Si@ lhc Po*!t !o ryPoilt lh. Adv Chid B {iih lh' IrlsidcDl ulda lt!
EigM As@rhot tbc.forc hc lploidct! Lr G!D- Abdrn wtle'd K!rq!0 siilout

colsultine lh. ldnc Mjtlsla, s!4.Bcdi!g lix tidtddt Gocltls in dro ordd of
r.triodty.'' Thc tDn.t *!s lot nc!.ly &e qloiltEclt of a Pt}ltu 3 l'\' Amy

by ! Pa}nDs P!!3iddt, it w.$ t PoF se. lo g!i! !N 1016 i! th' 'Troila' s'hich

E s!46stuUt !4ri.vcd by !b. &esid.ot tlu.16 llc 'xta ordjffrv Poqd oaifcst'd
lhele wd E stong
in i]rc ofr@ of the Fc!id.!t s th. Lg&y of Gt! Aa Orce agai4

rlli@ bctwo th. Adv Chi.f dd 0E ?rcsdcd! tb' trc liuds ofthc 'Troika' a8linn

rbc Gl@ted Pri6c Mnidd, th. ibid pilb of tb. @q

Nawz Sbdif wls lol btlpv d 6b 4'Poi!btc!t R'sislailg hk di!'g@€

on tE aploiDtEtdl of thc Amv Cbiet Nawlz Shdif 'xPBed Ib vitw5 svine' 'r
grvc rquisit' Po\6 lo txe
hav. .Lcided ro !^t pdu@€ntlry svstdL w *ill b'vc to

!ctid@. I *dr thc !&! lou6 s Bril!i!! Ptiec Mid$r

hiloc Mrlj3td dd rh.

Jobr M.jd tblsl.d such ! d'dEd qs ovet@bitiou in a losr'with'h'*El lsiod

wb@ r.te aldrorhdian tuih {dc jdirutiofflk'd i!to!8h thc costitulo!']

6gi!@iry. In thc prcs@ oflLc Ei8!t! Ancld$dt' 0F Flc pulicnot{v svsr'E

@dd et b. esdlsh.d. I!@foe h. d"i't'd ro 8'r nd ofih' Eishh Ae'ndE@l vbicb

elfte of stE$b fd ttrc Pt6irid in violaljoD of rhc pdliDdlltv rtditios

ess th.

But Naw@ Shdif w too l.L in lbjs ctron b4!e dE to dcs'hcd componcd ofnis

teo-titd Mjditl! sid wls iot i' gosition to tdlg 6v

rulins alli4ce h€ hld lost '
@nshtulioDl aoldilD@i,

Pcsideti Chdu ls!,q Kld lublicdv rt@@c€d thc ofNaw Shdif

all tLe loq€ts r4on thc ?Fsid@t ed
to ETcat the Ei€bl! AFddEdt *tic! @ddn'l

Edu..d the hi6t Ministcr io ihc lositio! of ldior dinittd i! lh! cabitct of &e

Pr€sidcd Naalz Shldf appoilt!.d ! $b'€oElniltec of th! Pdli@dl lo tvi4 ue

EiehLh ADddnsr Wiiiin t1'o vct$ of iis lc, lbc Janat-i'I5lami (JI) lcd bv Qai

Hlei! A!6!d tlc Natiolll P.oplc's Plnv (N??) of Ohulffi M!$'fa Jatoi sd thc

MQM of Altaf Hsah s!!6n1'td fton thc ruli4 alltlcc' rtc I]1 fo! orc ealor o! L'E

otbd al .titrcr@l liD.s TltouS! n could Dol lbttltc. lbc swi{l of thc gov€@dn but 1l

rcduc.d ils tw-third rujonty rcqulld 1o EP.d lh' Eigbti Arnddtet' Sotu Ul
E!$ng Coneiao G:oup lt wo
Ssa6 also lddcd to lic snvitv ofth. situlti@ bv

a en of foflBnt 8rcW !8!i!n rb. Polici4 of tG l.!d'tshjP'

The politicrf .iE di@id tcd lo ! Pobt tion h rht ruXry Mslid Lasuc dd

dilided il into thc N.w GrorP &d lb.

l$!q Ctdp Il ws sus!'dcd tbai this spln

spoNr.d by 6. PBjdeot io cln thon lhc Pti@ Milbt'r acctldilg to thc st!
Preidat v&r.4 To ital *ith tD. dMtioa Uc Prioa Mi!i5!4 baslilv !@iEt'd
bi@lt a rh. ?cidlDl of Palil:rd MusliB tEge lnct ih' dctb of M!b!@td Kha
Jwjo d 2l Msl 1993.4'Ilis etioa ftflla.li@t'd thc inportlrl pow b]o6
rhis olrovcy
,itbirt rtny &d es ! 6utt four c$ilcl o.!bd Fsig'ld

Hc tclu.Iv *ut d lo @do th. E ght! AE6'tEdl but for thli be @d€d
Benqnt suploll. Ar a goodwill 8cstu!.' hc rcl.!s'd Arif Ali z&dsi &d allov'd him !o
ofaed r'\c
nov. to lrn lo! to gFd bis wilc *'io dcliv.icd e daughi'! rh@ Hc also

olpositio! leadd B@@ir Bhuto 10 Cblir ilo Ho!t''s lorcisD R'lstiols cominee
{bicl she sgrccd As s rcguld fcarur. of ilc trslitio! diod i! !61dtld al*a's

happe$ tlrl L\c olposition xevd supPotu thc govcrDnctt ll always calh $e niljl, v\
back. Bcn@it dle did thc sme She vts lookire for a
sulpon lo gain Fdestalofrosd

chrncc ro 8ct r€vmec ftom Naw Shrdf lto had prd'ously suPpon.d th. milillrl ed
th. P8iddt for hd disdjlsal. Shc availcd in oploiinit by sEing lEsidot GhukE
lshlq ofbci rlllon in rb. lrBid@fial cleti@ oDl, ifLc F@iscd did'td@ .l@lios

dcspit thc advicc of sc of hi! p6ty lc€dar lilc Ifti&a! Glrli ed Yahya Bsbdyu,
wbo wet.d ba to sidc {iitr N.w Sh&if io cutril thc powds of lhc ftcsidat L'nou8!

rcpaliry thc BCtb AocadaccaT ltcs. d.tdoPiats irdc!3d th. tdsioD lcv.l

bcnra th. ts hisb ofEc ed borh N.s!r Shqjf &d dc Psid. slancd !voidj!8

clch olhd iD th! luuio SFrhclrgs. Naw Shdife 1lolblcs b.@! hu]1i_fold when in

1993 C.o aifs qirlo* .bi6.d thlt hs husb&d dnbl dic ofn :n .ttet ralh.r hc hld

b6 poie!.d by hi! dvcrsdi6 ald i!@foE it %s a Politjctl eu{ta'r I s

sE!..tcd t!!r this i$e nld h..! aSigavalcd by tlc P6jdenl\ suPlon.a

On ass$ing thc ilt osir/ of tb. nB3L b.l],@ Naws, Sh4if ed P€sid'ni

Isluq, rh. P?P ticd to otc attvsnsgt ofthc dMrion bv otrdilg ihc Prdiddt ir! sulPon

i! @v.l of tbc P.o. Mjdlt . A..ddi4lo Ro.dld Xlaalo ?Fsidot l$ac did tot

@r to disoiss lhe govdDmlni ouc! aga!' b.c.rusc he did Do1 0ei to rcp4i rhe 6in*!
of €dils ! batt n@. !. hc b.d !v tbc dssoMio! of lb' As@blv i! 1990 ftdcfd' hc

4k ! hin (Ro.d!d KIt!) ro sir!.I ihc PPP tlout lis $PPon fd ! loslndse Eorc

lgaiEi Nt*@ SbEitli Howva, kecP'ns in vicw de najoritv of lne UI i' i''t'

no-codd@c' noiion again5t th' lrine l4njst'r

Partisbdt it sca4d difrcdl l,o P63 a

vlrcbilg cloely th. D&@Ei!g !t $c roP l'tl' Nl*u shef d@id'd io

@mc ido i.\. old ed dpos. thc pala@ inlriSrlcs i! plblic ExPcctins hrs dis@$al' h'
!!d dclivdld a hdsit sle€ch agarls1 lle Pasid'at
addiss.d ihc ,atid @ t7 APdl 1993

witb thc$ wd$ "I *tl Dt cigL I *iU lor ditelE lhc Ndiolrl Alsbly; ad I *ill

rlc tI jltinid.atio!
rct takc dictalion "13'z Hc told Dalioa lbou !t!ss!Es, Ua.lsnailin&

,!4 @dpirr.i6 oflh. PEid@r io foltc [iD !o Big! too oficau Ano tL s!...h of
ihc PriEc MjDi!!€! a! ws cxPccLd Isbtq Kh.! diutus.d hjs goYemcnl i! aplil 193

of 6Es. {irb th. sqgon of6. COAS lDd th. o@o6tio! patt ie IPP' @ tlc r@c

cblrg$ of coEuFioa lclotisa Frl',ninistliiorr iErorisirg oplondts' violalion of

rbe CoDstiMon €tc *iich b.l4Ucd m tbc Sovalnat of B@4n Bhutto i! 1990 H'

i!th6 chdscd Naw Sh{if*iti lh! ilsbilig L ilv.sh8rtc the du!!s of lhe d'alh of

tbc fo]dg COAS, G@ Asif Nlwea Tb! sin ditv of the cblges l'vcllcd
Ju.jo, B!@it Bhdto tld th.t Na*d 8ovcl@dt dcpicted siDilar
!@ivcly on on

intdsioB tll thc civilid gov.@dl lad to mr* udd lb' dictltcs of Ptsidot who

wll $lported by iL Aldy Chi.f ctlwi$ rhcv Mdd hav' ro fae th' sec faic'

GlubD l!h.q Xh!! dorDcGd A.$ cl.'tioDs @ 14 Julv 1993 dd till do Mt

Brtkh Sba M@i w .PPoi .d $ clr.talq P'iEc Milin{ls Sh!j' Ns@ sitcs

thlr G@ Abdul %h..d Krrs 8ol ala.sed bv tlc 'dc'clal'tiot

of*d' !v lbc Fi@c

Milisrd Nlw Sbdif.gailsl l!. Prdid€!1bu !' lad t'5rs stijsfa'tioD tst ud* ttc

E capa$' of b&dlilg rh' sinsdo! lh6e wbuld

Ei$th AocDd4.4 6. &sidcd 'nd
b. e oad of ! Mdtid b;!6 Ro'!d!d Kld wtc i! his booL lbat Cm' Abdul

tr1dun ud $'
w'i@d lGfcr dr@ded ibc $4!ort ofthe hilibry to anv o'osjnnjontl
sllt'oor bv &c
k€srd@r tould Etc to tt$]v. $c Ptubld'? Howd lbis D?' of

Psidcd for th' disiss6l or

AEy Chicf &tuluv sllnds $ ! sist l ofbjr $Ppon b thc

golc@cnt R.spotdilg lo tbc siSD'l e 'ildiFcdy' 'l@red
an cl.ct€.t

djsEsd ! dir.dlv .lded P'UE Mhi$a sho st'rll 'nJovcd

! najditt h dE

Psli@col. ft. @lstittiood clos 58 p_B) B etlrlv dei8ld bv th. niliiiry 10

s4 ;d of u-w'd.d .l@Ld golclmmts tithold italosls Mdtial La*

Itoucb thc

of Esiti@ conliiu.4 but it! t@ s cbcct.d Tlt D€l4t'd f@4

sm 10
b. mo!. postrfi]l tho lh. clcst d fon s.


Jun s tnd rh. 6lid disils.l of rh! IPP govc@dt I fosd disgr@tled ?Pr

ladcr s lppoiDt d ar ! dlt td PrinE Mjlistlr, lhr! iiE ' dbsltdcd Mudi6
MiDistlt ftc ntutdlitv of t!'
taguer B 8 d tlc Podolio ofihc cltdlrd ftiDa

c€retakd gov€Encnr B queeioncd tor'

&v onc sit@ a l"gc !6bd of dE PPP

&livisls vw irclud€d s llrli$crs includi!8 &c dclutv oPPosii'oD l*dd in $c rusjab

AlE d t 8!si ?rcsiddt Ghd@ Isbaq (!e iditcd Bc@t Bhutio

As@blv Farcoq

dd'kd gov.l@61 Sh' atpoidtd !d nsb@d

to b.tp hih i! lb. E ri!8 of tht

Ari Z.rdei tSlin$ wbor t!' eD' Ii6d@t bld fl'd w'El c!s's of @dprio! @d

cls E sdl i! tl! 4!t5 A! u!@'dd&rlv ldg'

tdri$! &d iha. P"dilg
dd nd' sd @ing r
€bilet @4ptisilg of sixty-tE ! bohdt &r alPoint'd
uI vas
the Naw eo\@nenl in its lido'ic
whca th. SuP@c Cou! 'lecisi6
bct*d thc plevioslv staunch f6 Pt€siddt
a st?!8c panlebhi! thli hrd oclr'd
clatges ed thd
Cbulam Isha Klt6 di$sisscd ilr BcnEir Sovctlntnt $'in the sallle

thc ddrion3 of lggo Jun to

l@cwred !o kap hd ouEidc t!' PdlEnot i!
hd ftU ton 8t@
e'l hd panv joi!€d a Pas'n sto adFinistdcd
lolitictl bdcfts sbe

mto*e€lt 1h' establishneni to inslall

'fti5 $s 0F s!:L!4 of tb' politici@ {hich

Spvc@dis of lhci! oM choi@



Political t@o.Milgs q@ rl dr rop b k !p Na*iz otr of de lolric.l Foc.ss

i! thc c@iog .l..tiG end lL. SrDr.oc CoEr nn.d lbc hbles iD a bisroric dcisior
ftc d@s.d Prirc Mioi5r6 6l.d a ce in ih. Sw!@c CoEl !€aar tb. disisal ddd

of PBi&nt Ghld! Isbq (bd IrE SUF!6c CoDn bot . st E &do iD de ce &d
r.srd.d lb. NatioEal As$bly d 26 Mat 1993.4 lor thc trst tinc thc bistoty of
P*istl4 thc ligh€st CoEt ot P!&ierro h.rd.d by Chid J'rstie Nsin Hrsd Sbrl',

d.pdt d &on t'rc '.loci.i!. of D#iry' and d.cldcd fi. diseluijon ddqed by a $tting

Prcsid@r 3 'illegal' ed 'uncoDstiruriomt' ald r.j$tltod Nawaz Sheifa ilc lccitibaL

Princ Ministd ofrdki$lD on 26 Mly 1993.!0

FrcE lbe b€{iuipg, si@ \ria th. @ *!s 6l.d ib. Clid Jusne sMed to be

i! fwou of th. di$is*d go!.I']lmt H. t!@lcd dBiDg lh. !i@..dj!es ot6. a.

thll h. wuld @t lil! lo b. @@bd!d s lroiha 'JBti@ MEn- ar Ii {s e

a.lptiorlny c.u"ge8 deili@ i!!.! by fi. NBiD Colli. In ilc h,istolt of?*isl&
6c bieldjudicirry slood up to i!. pason in poE ody on @ o@4ioa dd it M @
of &oe. Otbai* th.y dw'3 lrlidlt d thc !cti@ of tb. tced in low or if cvd

rhe vqdicrs cde agaiDsl tbd, n *$ only !.nd llt.t f.ll ftom poffi o! ddth. l{owdd
Uc tuia of t.!is hisloric dccisi@ \,@ cutrlis.d by s stroDg-hddcd Preiddt &o!gb

cl.ctcd in out loot bui &slotic ir aaturc and lrls nol r.dy to gjlc u!

Major Gd. silddd sldi @ntddcd thlt th. top nili|ary @mdeu wc
suspicioN of t!€ c@slitqtioDal aDd loljticd .dsis bul th.v shoqEd a euFrl lelaviou

ro*srts the pow sEDgglc bctp@ rh. PriD. Minisrcr &d k sid6r'" It @,tld h. !
relty beaE rhc Ary Cbicf drd mt ny lo iDtl@@ lb. @Dn d€cisi@"r ar Ga

Baig did id 19E8. llo!€q, lbc Eilit ry *ts arlncDsivc aloln lhjs tosio!
b.tc,E n tE ?iiec Minisra &d ft. pBidlot ov6 rh. iss ofloM shli!3 be!u.
kapi!8 lh. t@sioD wiih Indi. aEd AfSb$turs! i! lb.t vicq ir lEd.eicd a Dcglrive

impad o! lalissn,s s€qEiry.4

Dcspjt i.!c judgD.Et of rb. $rpm. Cotd lb. otsis eutd nor bc esotv.d
b€..N Pltsidlll Gtubo ]lb4 @idai!.d dr roug srlre dd N!*!z Sbeif *!, aie
@t nldy ro codlmDis lha!f,or rh. rldord 8ov€@D@i ofNde sh&if @uld lot
swirc cb f6r tN io"rr'r Tbis coDdd bvdvdar i! prcvirci.l potiriB dd [!.
PrcsftbDr! b6.ri!g of rh. sali-selq@@r rdjors ol rhc pmj.b !rcvilci.l 8ov.rodt
dtiF€!.ly clolcil fic odraj! of {is bridddocraric .pi!od.. Nawe StEif look, vorc

of confdoc. frord rhe Natiolrt Ascnbly ed seoucd 120 vot$ i! te absmcc of thc

opposilion {tdch boy@n d rhc .E6g.o.y scalio! of ilc pdliafur)4J ,Ihough

@Dtitoii@l k $r! ok bn rh. lti.ricd sirlrio! @ia.d ra$. O! rbc si$dio! of
ih. ?uj.b Flidcs i! *nid.l rbe toB iDcbdt!8 t preiddr, ib. prid. Mjrjsro &d

the PPP w6! ilvohr4 S.cirl D€rings of Corps Co@!ed.B @. h.ld in wlicb rh.y

Avowd t*b .l.ctioD!.26 fte idbiliry of rb lolliqd otrcc holdqs, thc !r.!idat ed
r'F Prihi Mili5td !!d .xploitltio! of Oc politicd ravcsry by rlc olposiiid tod.i
povid.d th. rAey Chi.fMih ibe Fl. ofrlc ulrj@G ebiiaro !o 6ot!c ihc d.adloct,


T!. Amy Chi.f ddjd.d thd ilc Prcsidr !!d !h. PriDe Mirjta $outd Eign
siEltaeouly- Elrlid rcligioB l€d.!s Aob thc Isldic Deri ltilEd I.d by Mulea
Sdj-ul.Haq Dct itF P€siddt &d $tAB&d to @o@€ &esh clccti@ with a

conditio! tlat h€ sbould l€.vc thc lrcsidloc/ b.fo$ thrr Bdt d. silit ry,s soludo, w6
Inorc a..?rablc for rle PEsjdar wto a€t!!d io r!si€! if Shdjf did so.ar Thc pDA
(P*is&! Dcnos"ric Arliae) led.r rbc le*t rship of Bc@ir al$ suppon d th.
biX!.rl's d€isid @ rh3 FlEis oflotdinS bid-l..6 clc.tiors,?.3

S.vE l D.dilgs re.h.ld bcrt|r'.o rb. &iD. Ii/rui!r{,l!. paiddl &d ih.
Go AbdI $t bEd fukE B aaoEFli.d by Lr C@ Ob!t.,n
AJrly Chicf.

M .nh',r, &6 ColPe co66. 4 Raritpildi CX ColF3) ed DG osr) Jsvcd Asbnf

Q3ri in rLs. D.djation ctrons B.@ir d6o Fa th. Idy Chi.I Abdul vahed KdGr
vho $s'.E d lDtdi!8 6*I el@riou.l, O! 18 JutX tsnlq XrE4 Nawe S!.!if &d Abduj
Wahad Kd(d dct ro 6&lisc 1bc w.r fd fio irr$fcr of powd. Duilg iDitial sragc! of
!.sod.:i6, Nawu Sbrif kept on inlisijnS rtd Is!.rq Xte sboutd be Edovcd fro6 hjs

otEe as h. B Esporsiblc &r th. dniot crilis iD r!, @eq. Evea.fla agMing lo
Bi8a Na*tz Sheif sid ed Ish.q Kbe stodd BiF 6ist e tur L. would !Is6r bjr
r6i8r.riotr io th! !fl Pl€sidor O! ric olb.r n!!4 Isn!4 Kle dodd€rt fo. rbc slm
thinS.nd eid thrl 6t had of rt s&r. h. mul.t tuol@ rh. dislurid ot lh.
Natio!.IAssbly. Tbc Ady .$Ecd N.w Shdif rbsi Isbq Xtd Mdd Eis! !flq
his rcsignatioD.:ro But hc insist€d o! hk dco!!d. 'ftjs oftcldcd rhc milit rv dd Co.
Kak ! lold N!w& St{jf i! a thrarcling tonc rhar hc should slop draggirg hs fccr,

Nrqlz Shaif €vcd irl dbcit retucbaily.,rr Na\mz Sb!.ifpreselred hjs Fsjsulio! to lhc

lEsid.nl d 18 Jllly *t!lc thc Esidlra1 di3solvcd th. NdioDrl AMbly on l9 July &d
.eou..d ns cldli@ to b. h.ltt os 6 Oc1ob6, ?r!sid@l IslrC $bDitcd his oM
BiSutio8 ,!d tb. Cbai@ S.ur. .wlscco S!t!d bdrDc rhc a.rilg PEsiddl &d

Moo.r Qurashi, a Vorld BaDI @ronis w'! appoiltcd as lhe Pritu Mhj$a.'?s' 'fth

was tllc cnd ofa di!g!@f, ch-apt r i! lh. d@ocratc lislory of!.ldsE whic! alieB&d

mjo.iry oft!. peolb Aom ec polirics ofPrliilE

In a pon"milir.ry sttc, lot ody d my @@bdd djoys . distincuislcd

posilioE b! also bi! dildno s! givco ! Fllrigiors $rur It w.' visjblc i! the po!t.Zi!

politcs i! ?akina. ltc Pr$idcdfs rl-lolqtul postiion udd thc Eithh AE@ds.or

dpov@d bi6 a tb. elc ilocisi*E la i! ib. loltdcal systd Si@ thjs positio!, it

Eicd.I thc dtibutc of a di.atro. s thc hagdq of Metbl Laq llis fact B lor

udsslood b/ lhc loIric.l L.rLG boi! Aolo thc PP? ard tbc Musli,! t agoc who M.
d€sF.r. to asst lLir pol6 B EE uda 6. 193 CoErinni@ n B e iddtiiy
clistu nd tle civil'& 8ovc@er hrd to fa.c in inc pon-Mdtial Law loiod. Both

Nas!? sld B@ir lN@ aue of rlis f..1i! Ihdr lul i! pri.ti@ ihcy @dd not

Moeilc witb lb. giould lc.lilies ad fcu inro colircvdsi.s with Pruidclt Glulas

Ishlq Kib Appedl/ th. biXad/ cli.C Fd.d to b. lculnJ ed $pportivc for Ot
.Ldo@lic pr@s bln thlt F.! till th.ltm. th. poliri.j&! !.tcd Eda rhc &m!wk
chalt d out ly rhc Eighrl AE od6@r ed rh. qF.-sstituiio!.1 .a&8ddr of th.

'troik!.'n PBid@t E tb. gwdie ofth. DjlirEy's iata.sls. 'tltadolt *t@ !c 8ot

.pprehcsivc alout rhc m*ia8 of the civilie rcgio., u. Dutdy cxtddcd all it

I! w also cld Aon thc study ofihis pciod tha th. politiciu djd rot l€@ lo

liyc *ith .t ! orh.r i! s colcilidory E @cr. 'IL @taproviDe rivdly l!@t!.! .

bitt N &aliry 6d poliliB @!.ld rct tale @r on th. bdjs of tb. ddodadc Fi!.iPlcs.

TIEG E a grcfould rclc ofth. ISI &d olha .8clci6 iD th. prcvaili!8 Poliiis. Mat jns

dd u!-imtiDg of llirnocs, lo.sc trdil8; ilalilib, ofibe politicjs lo tu.h a coMsus

on U. laliord isss !!d acco@odation for c&h oth..'s stands otrrEd th€ Ejlitad lo

asuc a blr of 3! ulti@r. abitEror. A! a Bdr atd tlo sulcrid jldicidy reinsrllcd

llJ,rs shdf i! ofi@, thc loliti@l E6 @dlucd &d thc Any Cbid alols witb his
hior €@&d6 @t only brctald tb. EsigEtio.s of bot r!. pdics, lbc Pr.sidcor
ald Uc ?in Mjrj5r.r bln also th. d*isior lbout lh. e.ei*er go!t@et. ?oliticd

di6lcr.rc!! tsk6 !s rqs!61 dif€rloq whic! Fovidcd thc u.tcnocdtjc fo@ to

.xploil o.c !gd$r t!. oth.r. Ttc Pnsidat brd ro nsig! s r r.sutr of thc potitjcrl crisis

hc.!..ted for civili&

8ore@r ObulaD Ishlq Kbd, a r.tird bnEur.L @utd

noi uddsrlud |ha1$ !a cl@red &$i.tc bi! strllgth by in 1trc slppon oflh..icded

govc@1 ed h. should !.rc oU&oral.d ejtb t@ for thc s!ryjv.i of the dcEodarjc

ordq sd rol for ltrc coDlilulrio! ofth. lcg!.y ofth. I,lrltirl las.
1! nidd judicidr ptaycd lot e t!d.llo!! FL j! the !t!.€ss of lhc Esldlli@
of thc !€gl ddoc8tic ddd. ney varidaLd trE .tiedssd of B6azi! Bhuno ed

staglbald tbc otre of &. ptai{Lnr But rh. s@!d tid. it &tuj.d lor oDt, to &e?r
thc dioj$al bur.ts 8aw Elicf ror!..16i!d eoE,!:|@r lnich rhc se iilriftior
hrd Eftscd to Sivc to rh. Jwjo gov.@di I!€ @un ddjsi@ ws tu uDlrcccd.lr.d
slcP lo@ds tL civilie su?rc!@y for 6 dclosd gove@al aSajDn a !c!so! sitting in

Frs. h ea & ''plosdj!* for &c Eitilrry ei.s blr thcy slow.t l.$r r!s. Ddr
(D sd.lt .o!n dejsioB at lh.n aurloity @idcd always uclEltoeld
i. aX


'r{ c.n nr w d
r@o..d b hEf{. $6 d. poliridl r6iB bd [. o bridnn's sri
ov* d. oivn 3ov.lm6r by .uo*14 d dirarbsios d. polirid d@'
'v.a K!&{/l, Caqpaer Ptnt6: Poha! ?@, codtd 6'!t o1s $d Drhl,
rr'd@ s.g. Plhlldide, 2003) 227.
\lM w@\ z.tna a'd & Jla r pcr&d Od6bd: Nnidl tdj@ ot
Htrbicrl sd CUIEI R.sm! 2OO4 .23-?r.
1Cd, thri.l Lrana by 6. @!ta o 30 odobc 200! c l.l!!r!!! c.! cut sdrtd

'ljw4 ziriog .P.lirl! h 1939: ii. polltB dtsdci&n , ,rrd sln'} 30 (I.hu" 1990):

's L.Finq,ItE Md dnn H*n B..t

. BoL! 11, Rol. altatilaty n pahtq.zr Ednjoq \Mddt$.r.
P.nluir l97tl I4+5t, Zt-{6.
'l97l CddMj@ ofpddlF, enidc a3(t (o)
Ccrilrid otpd.ina Ir'gt at{tL
'ltDittv:\4 cMirztord ud Pat6.A itd@ ar' pa*r@ t,Jld Enii6. QlJldir o{dd
uDisir, Pc{ mot),135,
'Enfo'..l@ of sl&i.rbodiile rt3! (GdiM I of 1933). pLD t933Gmt$@29
ro3 or *rut o.iEj f@ MWdd
::M"r.^'d, shdr v F.d.rm of ptt6n! pr-D r$s rrtdq ?25.
':Fd En ofjldsdd * rtu fc&@ rr,s, , crcbbd otubn t93B
lrubed $if,oll|h Kto E. mtqof ri. djr&bd,EdI |sdbr.
'-rl'ri 'h!
- .'Tcd.dioootruift vxqjjM$,Dhdsrjf-utLhxlo.rLD Ir39s.c. t66.s( Jrord.or
''am B.is dln tud du hc h d ide n.sg. b
--_- .- sd ld dr slE
ehbD aud b b. ...dr&d De4 to F.hq test:. Ntu4 s\ s rcu.q iriri ii
ed r. oe.; b 6. j!*;*ey b @qy i, ro dEio6. ca
du fl& ddr.* wiu r!. M^hc a &bdbd o r 7/0lr0r I
;fh. R.F.adid or,h. !60,!r 116, sdh 2 t(txbr.
''E.ndlr Bhm. y p.d.Etm pro ofp*iflll
^4 I933 S.C. , t;
-tulr, I octo6a 1933.
rqqB:!'wellll@qr{-I q lbsh !'s6r psr *i6 e3 @ rorowd by fte ut wfih 54 r*. nr rhid
br or'h irdq-d.d Eertc, firh r[. !qa!d of 27 oob6. rtu MeM G rodb
w o.r j_ s'.E_frl, roo Xn.bi lnd Hyd.?brd.
.{t4.@(uft rb3+-M.d Plukji4 20031. ,201. H'* R yi. M,r,r, s"" ;t G,:,;t i
!| rm p*bolii,m
*Ed !;:{j
Khrba od i.* | ftlg fetus.nd suDrd n
., 'H. b.,oia.d 6 d. of6. rtdiridd tuiry ofpobicnB i@ KDb,*d Di*id ot$. plqrb.
H! !.M. a ! sp.d(* .Irh. ,4/dr!/.srD' reojnid
b; c4 zi&
Maw@4 v44 palu6 stu i,prb!t441t412
1r. kio-44 at_Ettuconis,uolp,I{naFoy.hdoiEqLdnm
^ratu .Eqaid.
@^e uq rr .ry,Sd. ad ScM, th potttu,2as.
. ,e poG o! 9pohrilgpri@ Mhis % q,rt rh! pdidd oltMer t990 dd4 rh. Eigd)
b.MEor m lh. Codrn:n.D of t973.
-Th. lsr i: I sdj-oitirdy d!r@i@ Dm.j by lh. *i,lt biti6r), ptu,.|

5,119151.T.qd'""q B .q9xr.ppusbi. r. iE d{urrr !@i rio @ radbs ppp

Do or er r@!q& Bifro Dd 1Mlfu lMq rbo
eg&j..d ,{tzuldq*, . ood og."i*ii
.g@ a 3orgfual ca }rdjd Cu[, I!6w,.

Ga Ale Bris ejd 61b! rild io drd lllr ditu ed *bq w .ldd i' I9lr, nivibd ld ro l e
lod6viihnr yoodi'eddhiodb.,e!goodyirlBdit rd&y$.i$Ed.publctu@r
lnn Oa.r|l3
1" ldf.,mprid
@ 6+nn! rrrtur o. dd d tutui!3 Fw, MuiEy s rrptndiv. .bod lh.
PPP ladasbiD a iowlwd in. co. Al@ Bris ilFilw wii rh! Esuhdd 17
r.6d G) rLrn cu! I!@L* bt.la Ee.r|j? @ 30 Ocrood 2003 n bbnrb.d
"ft. Fni6 ildrdd lb rlir alli@ we iI, rM. lh. JUI @tr*}-wi gtoFp), d! NPP. ri.
Mrleij@id+AUdtdi& d. J@ir-d-rrd.il1. d. |liz!+rind, od F|ldt Id&! .^zd Gtoup.
M!}&D.d lv.e.d, 2dnb arArr, Ad. b Pott'a 47t.21,
"C{ Ba& Lt d!! AEu Cirq trhib! rL{ d! Ut w3 @d *ir! hi! rpp.vd G ! 6uF
f@bPPP. Ga. &i& t 6$w *id ri.
''DM Orm r(ett 2,t '*t,.1933.
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"l.,tilh&, d.!od ud.@iry fd 6. @G od Gs mDikn dEin3 tu oih&y rur.. C
o. Do@U P c- S.!rn r, t'@dd l?N Adb@i,, r,t. tM C.tc,tdt6 cbtu U@atn
tu@dr'a (BdtiM: lohn Holida Uoi6lw pEr 1936I a()
"ft. im Codiqio! ot Oh@ itrdddry chE,i@ rh* e 6qd Diti6t'
dpr tr [u 6qr}, Ttu dre La b€!G!.g rh4 i. rll t Drlvjd @,hroN !ko. D y( ob.d
r3hos, d. Ptu of rb. D@odic prry wd lsid di ch&s! ,n ss cu. b€,c l tudr s
r @6er bdYa cirt rdq @d ouD D.tdr dd
ee ed }u SjE G @ f!.do,!, w giv. ,u ptohe"
Do! r Tou.b lnd.D.ir, cLlq iri ou @Erur Hr! @L? u:*t:.. Gim MBA,
rlvdtm hftr/**, lhrunF4otuiri6,'] Je!fr 20t0
, li3qynTrd G"lljd.9r,[. E b?sdrd i!c&d.o Err o€ potrcy lld rudd
poucy b.tu, $.-@!td aitr lhrd lrst,|!!@ b !'p Male {s;d
r@E rtu P|!ge od^rsh,
rDdit pok}.
siln r. 7f4i /vM R d6 (L.i* ,!B pubtjsnar! 2oooj. ir.
tr E wy tug. d ib. @idio ri. my didpre
,,, , b rrt ,& r sdo*. x .hoq d o.l, ! ilry .Mdar'!d rj* 6d. of ddd bd b.a
bn 6!it fdil n.hbd hd r
Prorowtill!91jl* hjliby t9lr6 ed 6urd d!3. r!. ..tr ofpohinr hqory oiprritu
, ^@mr rill@ A}rld Sirch.', zrr, x@tdra. 2j?
. Guu B.iEd dr v@ of rd66.M d D D€!$a, r9!! ,on rh. Ndiort asnb,, dd rtE
s 4y r'l'4 xlu E .t€.d c rh! ftBdd f4 . 6 of 6€ ya: rvd@ | I Li.6q
B't3 ad P*idbrb'loF !r!hs soffid
.u"", ff# ";##*td nikle-Anhad

4.k!ri ru:vi rildFr $d. .d s.d.r. 62-6r.
bsy b.[itrd bu E es b
_. :,8
sa//,- a potua: ktuc, coyp;6d cM;
Drdd d sd.d
mn . dtn hc.,^ ry9glrs-,
tn1\ 24.26 LEryr.*#ckfr,,
+a q..",y
". ..- --l-^f3 oradcd
*i"& od EBi' nile iD f6 ppp 3oMdr in m inkfr.w
rh! l[. dlorcd leti b @in@ d. u. potii,- , ,trc
dd *rlrid8Jy@d d dd SdD& yrqoob ar KnD in rhr offre orf;Eis",i"i*, c.ur inror
u@re* b, rr. le'tl? m 20 Odobq Z()O9 l,hda ;"; A]l,i,
*q ,*Nr?ji" ". "*
i' shjr N!*r2, c/d.r' $.4d, (yr6.hi: oxfdd uni6il}
_l:Ya EMg r qu!fu r*d by r,r{zr dE&@dd d oE su. or d.fde oldss
.u(.,j. rffjjn, '5r'.1y. . nd b itreib EodF Msd r,.*.jN.**&( to D.*hbq tesg
_.r2!){h rdfljd wirl r[. |e$4.
. "'H. w r se".d Dolkirc H. l@d i, .r9sioq mp i, drDd elt u. Bov.m.ft ed
&!Kry plnt.ipd.d b Mit|
"Co. Hdid CuL Irwid b, d. B.di,.
'tb rotk]( Part'ur . M.nsd Hsqt (r,rdd. Hw & CdpD', 2OOr, jO3
r@aoruou ,Hglu M.!dhd) A.t t93J. ad xt II ot 1935. pLD 1936 C4ht S6L+ L
r. .. r w,. Npadi4 oM4 fihoDdldt. p.n3b Bdtl t 9?0)' t69_ | 71

lsiuio.T D i! w!lc[ d. !e!o.!r w! uo6ctdly cdt.d lbik4 e !tu odimjo.rl

rmUdld i! rh. pllG o{tuirid io d.M.y b Dd Zn-uLHrq Fio4

.:arfirtrd. "Asrl@s1q b6?D.6c4. n rv@(r,.t@I2 De.nbe |tsg

1jna Zirir& PM t rlEt N6h Ctua, S2t.
o' n' ** |@ei!s il'ld$.1 or Baui soYtu.d )n tsao Itu NoAe 1
, -Flg:]11.. {-otl-T dT" t@'bd of p.md d by kEl *irhod psur,t oJsh h.
@ orErrhd DdF@dd
--"X @ th. ofdq bvljs Do |!!oi@.d/D6r
YE4 P'r"4 ,{ Stu}t otPolii'd Oo.Iq*B rgrzr? tu}ei gas.cv..l
:lry:Tb$ bJ d!* o-smiadd l4 rbo dnarrd &d n,rtu ppp dir,
I! y^!p^
re rh r6{.n4 L.r*tf € oas &@ rho F ctacud |na 6 ;d @i.w h{
wR rck ds blo! b@ of did ,!roi@d tm Ai@ Mjrin Hoe b 6 L$ *.
6v=-t:!E 11cM.^reet P..ttu: Pol|ttl Pw,a' cd,lid .hd c.i,B,2tl
_-ulvr LjrEy ned d hrl!4 t9i9.
ud Poutu 1e'1'20t! Dbucha.da a (K'tb, oxo,d
"LA@e zlilg p.Ar@ t tl,r Ivdtah C.d4,2t.
!ai, ruz,.y s.. oFd *ary i p*w,206.
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d,".dfi;T ff -"s" -*" ^e Bri!, iov rFDdns r diEd rirc. !d!2t rppoi' hin s
*, ;"*-j_f,r,ffi,*,ffi *Hp.#trff :trLili##fimif ,. *


(oxrdd udhiry t,B 2oorui 7

^., ^ffi m,ffiy#trtr# f,ffi

"Adnir.l jn*ns A!!.d Sibt y, L!4 rv@ idrs. ls5
H ffJ,i,ffi x;iT
KFr( cad.D'P@cry Pd e.4,to
p.4 coq, bcrtut
"., -._5-,'d.clo!s4?.
& swd Bo.r4 200q55.
polJ,ton h, . h u. ,.M q h,hatt \soLh

,,,. ffilJ*.",l&#H,H;Tf fli.:#!,&ffRi###:i,*,,,.^

M*r4 o!*ds@dr, t2G2 |.

tcd. Ald D@i i.rrid
by rh. 6!dcld.
h Joh4r p'b!'d , koA.,n Eis!tu 1t3.1o7

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iH.Ie !@. h G@r Dd 6. Di'Ed Gaed lsl rrsdr h. ir I S@ an $dhi
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'$t n*.W,cNl-Mnhd, t tznNlMtltunobBMn @Nrd.\siFmeisa,oxta :
wwlo*, r9e4 ze.
at Gd h".d A.tnl Qu! tw* br dE (H! w rha snus ! GOC D
'gg.js},&,t cM-toutqR lairy,|p.Eaa a29-
''c4 AiL' &t i. & il6jd enn tb. 'gdr Eid ti! rt my w dr.d b Mr rfi.
ii!d@ *ba Fli.! nfld b d. s.
u,die Aih, inbj* !y EaEha.
roshujr Nrq crd$d
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'qna Eetl4 ]{ly l990,tt.
'@RD!a n ri. lrDilidy f@ ..Md.d by tb. aE oft6, Tn.y w4 E6t b kI
6 ! boik sity trE Tlc, w dehy..t i! ri. dd6 of Sidh vLo pou@ 6ilct ro n'inn lrv od
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''Adiu l{&.o, "A lr.{.f &d A Gas.J'' Itu NM O*t ), ,s[yih.199t. m,
nr fis d'.h wib d rh. dsln of Ga Nlw dn hir dim of dis$3iit nu poUiiql
c@.ru l.i d. !6iE iD polilidlly 6'!ad hxdt nc eblilh.d th. Erdibons of civilim
' r't!! djlad b.tu6 o. M Ei! lohtcd dl.fu6, Nar& &d alnEir, did Dd ld Lh.4
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@bl@oft[.@ T t siod of 6nte!@i!.d Elt d *iih @otdionrl polni6
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t \huir Nr@ c}dr.ds@a, 454.
" s;i ae 6@F{ D$rirhd d E:@r, M@iE, D4mbq a@
"'Trd h I93: s@ DI&A; cb|!€!l'" 34 c.bdrv 1994I
Ittt9. ^d;.'P!hd;
'ult s . -dy +6i6c uS l.eid.i.o lntcb d6!d.d . eii6di6 tm rb. US Palddl
dd P||&b il d dInB .Mlc bo!r. dully b @tioe d. dd 6 P.xitu Gcd8. BulL ois
Etu!.d @ .md $d di6.ai@ Dou
hl.tbd- pauttd: , Madm abt@,3t7,
nrvmKukrjl co rnlody Prldsrc 237,
I gs.in, Ii@i.w in teld l/t6y I991, 34.
rhlw Sirl! dsq,o wid pE$, tzn& 22 ar8!e 1995 *h.n h! va lin:ng iD

'' :'sb!j! Nr*a ce,/$*a, a59.

llTrbt lEia "P'li.re i! 199i," l9l-lgx
tH. mi0.d ri. A@ chiddd lrr 6 I9t6,
!'Trht ahir. %Li.& i, 193." 192.
dMd*hi Lodhi od z.[id Husrir "l! Nrwe shril 1-n LrP?" tdrl/4 Mdb 1993' ?7-

,:rTl,.co@r w @Bsrd of n.h y pML Cr\') bd rh. PML OJ qa $o rac:ng

roubl6 6@ idsiid. de b todlM of Jwjo sm; &d r fdwd bl4* E lhc s.Dd. h d lsp'drd
rhd thir hlit w 9o@d bv th. PEsddt Th. It.@ 4 dr N!{u Sh[ir w! s' g hN
-Ja- L . hB *iu.ti *ln h. PPP ed h. d{ d o&' t[. flPPd b tb! PB'doi ro his !}
@i!3.kcj6 forrb.sd!e

aRlir Aln.d xn&\ "Pr@ b t 992 *in sva., 33, (t&tst tg93), ngis.
''Ro.n i x]]!4 Pol\tu 4 D'.M aru 5a (K6.Ir o\tod Ur6tr) pGl t99?), j I7.

^Itu NM,n Madt a3.

r\hlja N!*u, c@.d$@dr, apDdd' r.
P.liitu e ilod.t ELb 3t7.120.
E I ldm blM !.d .dh!; @ rh. PrE&n d dd M., wna ur Pnn. Mntc
Nlw Sltlrif wa.ddc!fu ro ndid d Ndidil w Dd &dio, h. m ! didd wiih cci, wrned
K.[a. Ir$o*! rh. de ooM otrh. Prdld.d H@ !.d d. An, ch'.i
' rad'n(ne Politu A Da Ctu s., tlt-t'j
!:P'ide Mlnl9&t Addr* 6 6. Nri@ o Tv. I7 ADtit 1991,
ur/i,/vd4 lg AFit 199t.
__PBiddid sp.c} b d.x.ioa PT'v, t 3 lFil, 1991.
-ttu x.* l! 199?
:5uJr N!*!a ^ril
ci*.l,tbd,, a7o.
RtAdY\he Pahtu: t Drm GN tu tD
y,4 cMt.'I bn Poliltd H'@t a! Peia.2t.
"'111 NM.27MN1941
)'Murmrd Nrw sh.Ilt fododioD of |!lj@ pLD t 991, sc r7l
_ Jqe (R)
Nald gre S&4
" q@i* *irh ba E!*hd d 20 D.@bo, 2002 r lthc.
'"}.'rjdaa Sl@dqshd! *iri rh. t? DeEbE 2006, d Lilm
fi. 6 Sdlury b G.!. Abdd Wded '@i!e
X.td, 6! @1S 'Mbrd
ddd lid *lcn iilidt bb*dd r drl
bdw.lD Prib. Mjliq bd $. P:qi.Gd &d 3pr rlt ruigddj@,
4H.s E) NaiE H's sh!h. ilbiry *irl d. lqdd_
Altri Ri?vi r.kdja sd. e"d lsttt k P.t!se( 2ta22o.
a:H@ Ndta^,23 Mtt I
Ri^\ Mttta sta..rd set@ b P.tua zt1.
- N&.n ^*ti$t4 p.r.t@ t D6 ce sa,, t32-t13.
{H.$e turli Ripi &/r4 ,td' t4 p.altq zt t
',ri{|jor cd. sred.r shu! id.djrv^dsettr
by rh. B4Ei4.
AJJtlP'jei, Mt asd..'n so.t@. zt1-2t3.
Ca slEri, h@ia br 6. @!La.
EIt xtu4 20 luly 199i. n b sMuy b.lBtd dd 66rd tnFrg[ d. ii@!* of Ga
shMi (sdrao ro cd. ur|JE d xrtd) d:d bo6 BigDnic sd rbfled rinux,r.oult, 6
rb. ldy fti.fbtu od ofa4 s ady b M rlc ori€.


IrB proc* of r.eilio! ro d.ooo*y dtdld its saood !h.!. wnd lle go@l
.l@tid$ l@ bcl.l oa 6 Octoba 1993 fd rbe &ird liDe j!$ wilhi! fou ye8. The
p@pl. did!'r ltow ey clrhsirs s t , *E Aull!&d wjrl th€ jon.s of @nldd
ald poK srlgglc b.rw.cD lh. pdo. Mjnisicr sld 0D pEsjd@r M@o elBti U.
c&et&d P.in€ Midi.r, @.ouagcd a! op.o discuesio o! lle
Pltviols govcmnenrs
,dro'fua, Naw Slsif rlc8cd lbar lI. iddiD 8ov.@@t *E dcfdilg [i! pdty
3d tsvouinS rh. rp?.r Tne id.rid gov.ffih1 pubushctl a lin of all rho* Dolliici6ls
ilvolv€d i! @ruptio! qes aloDg wilh rhci, sr915' *tic! emhow cxpos.d rhe
pollicia$ bcfoF tbc ?coplc, Most ofrl.D pcf@d b @.r! at none on !h. elccdo!
d!y.' Ultil<e &c t99o .l4tioo& chdg.s of iigSiag u@
lor his.d i! 199j, Erhd
.letioa \a!a det&ld s rh. AiGs affd r!oa. h.ld i! I9SS.r Boei,
Bhuflo,s seold
lcne dlrc si.$tcd *i1h dificultiB bur llj! iiEc sh. bad hu ftst i.rt qledoce
i! ni!4 thouS! O. wrkiry of n6 sos@@r t.ro !,ord rhlr 6.r. E .o siglifica
ch$g. ir hq poliris. Sinil{ty ln. $c6d t€m of N.w Shrif n,ncd with rhc
@!5d.8 of ! rwo tlird @jority i! rhe NarioDt Al@biy. Bur t,!c f@ o, disDisll
sgai! Icn no optior for hil! cxc9r to asinilac ,lt rbc Fwds i! ,rjs heds, cwr ar rlc
@st of othcr ilnitutios. Tne lororious cllN lS (2S) ot r!. EiShn Af,eldoar B
iDsiituid ro provid. $c Eilirary *irb uy for a govm.or
a cb&8e drou8n ! ctviti..
Pr.sid.nr iBtcad of iDpo3ilg Manial Ilw, But O. EFal ofit esllred jn Manial Law

O!. of thc snong r!3s.6 &t dc!I!8 rith thce 5.@d tc@ of Bc@n Bluro

ad Nr*rz Sbrifi! o!. cb,|t r is tlc .@6gi!g t!od, i! rbc polirt i! rhc s*r!d !!ae
Jf raisition. In tlis le.iod rb. civil so.j.ry baee &tiBtcd' &d rhc Dililary
co!'@tLB bald io$.4r r @Dgsntvely l6s alti{c role elich M fono$ld by a

rcolnt st !e llcrAE Cbi€fk€pt. !.!tni stale &d Id th! political fom rcrk on
lhcn oe Tlc @y's sildt $!Fd for flc Psid.rd r.siln d i! B@n'3 dishissal,

whiL ils witkb.wal of slppon j.fr !o oprion for l!. lBjddl qclpt to si8n. Ccn.

Ja!rr8i. Kr$D!r's ilitial policy of bcilg El'lr.i ell sbon liEit *tlich ftn iresfoEcd
ilto e.dj!Ij@ Dd tho to o!.D .riticio of Uc civiu& 8o1.@ot, Hc prf@d !o st p

doM 8lb6 rbe b subEir io civilira sap@a.y. nc Mjli&ty loleBtcd this for th. liEc

b.i!g b't th. n n A@y Cticf @uld et sir for to!g, 6d wilhin a shon leriori ovc!

ti{ry tre Eginc rtsFsfttc tor llris .!leilj!tio&'

fttu cb4'td cov6 rhe I.!t te civilio rgids ofth. l90s dd strdie t!.
.I'"ti"g elc of rL Ftiri..t iostiMiod i.c, rL. .t4ronl b.blvjou ofrhc voias &d 1!.
.hri.j!g .quadon oftb cjeit-@itjl&t Ft.do6. Thc t9j 199 eib.ss.d
Fiod AoD 1o

! ,4 9*. of Il. ilititljrioaal @Dfici slcb $ rh. lotiticat plniq, ri]c judicilry, r!.
eudvc and tu hilir$y whict utrjbdcty bloct.d Ue pl!.ss of esitioD ro cjvitid
nile !d l.d to doth.r diliLly ta&.ovq.


Aner thc clectioB of 193, Ltc ?p? ed rbc pML Oi)r @crg.d s Lle @jo!

parrics by s..ujD8 86 rld 77 !e3$ out of2tT loirl scats Espodvely iD ile Narionil

Asdbly, Tle voreB' tM{ur roailcd 40.92 pq @i.. Thc retigios psjrid could

oDiy . s.cE! negligibl. @d.{c, lcss 6!! l0 els in !@bs ftc tte! *te thal ile

p.oplc of ?ari{r! lertr support d a thcoca.y tlcy love lsld bd Dc@ wtcd 10

lL;c r 8ovtud! of cbis md thc €ligiou l€d43. TL PPP sglin with the !cl! of tbc

PML (4, thc ildcPddals ed th. &inqiri6 s abl. lo d& ! coditid sov.@6t in

th. .atr.. lt dlo for.o.d 8ov!@@a i! tb Puiab and Sit.lh *tile Naw Sbdifs

ldty sl i! lh. o!!6irio! b lhe Nlti@rl &sdbly s w! s i! 6e Pujtb ttd Sindb

asscEbtics.r The rML 00 .nd lbc AN? f@cd . cosldd goYeDne.t in ltc Klvbc.
lathuHN!, bur .id six tulh! it B Fllied by lnc PIP govam@r.

lh. tlblc of.l.!tion E8ulG 1993:

N@D.r otondidde .l*t d

BNM (Hy*)

khnn Jlnb,i M.hs oJM)

M@nid! D6i (IfI'M

Nrdod.l D!!:odic allld! (ND )

Po$tu Xr whM lj Avbr Pliy eKr/AP)

P*htu*hE Q@i tutr (RQq
Parjtu M$IE IaaE oucjo)
rrkjtu M6liE llsE (N.w)

So@: Eledon Slldni* of Pr&is1!r


'the DG IS! Ir GcD Jarcd A$af Qei i$istcd U!1 his orgdisrtion did lot pl.y

ey rc|. lo tbc .lcdio of 193 ald !Io$,!d ro&lly td ud fair .lccdons. Hc also
sL!-rd tbar !o ss.sol \rls otrctld by rh.ISI abod rh. cLcrid BulE,t Bd ir bs
ben a p@tie that thc ISI br! !€ithcr &a.pr.d irr rclc ir ihc clcctonl !r@*Jo nor did

it r@pt irs cl@ oDt&r! wi& tbc polirici&! cE lhorgh ihis Flcli@ of iddf@cc
@'lldud. ftils! \rcE dpo..d yaF atd.u wlich @ tbc @!ttrr, t sti& thai ihc ISI

hrd pby.d a daisirc bl. i! !!!l]@riig lor t[. dsidbl. res!]ts of tle clc.rios.


h !4 ged larn 6rt y.&s, lrinc Milind B@n srd.d witl i!.
.xpsic@ of hd SFt t @ to ded sitl tlc oihd Edbe! of thc t!o&a ed fie fo&ip
tfraia. Tlc w3lm bordas ed rLti6 *ith llc US w@ i@ldiat chdloge $!t
sh€ bld ro &4. s!. q!r.d to 616r eood !ldi@ wjtb rn us. ft. erna of rhc

deuvdy of lhc F-t6 aie!tu &"s sriU p@diry f@ rbjc! ratine w c@tiluosly
payiq tlE iE aiEols acordiDg ro rch.dul. d thc advic! ofth. US $alc D.larbc.tu
Blr &e .Ebago ud.f llc lressicr AD@dl@! q!! thc baic poblm. ItouSb thc
ee adEidslr.lio! of Pclidat Bi[ C!i!to!t3 E f.loEaue lln th€ iss of nuct*
prctifqltion M rle 'shEblils block' ?a]&tar pqu!&! thc US adoinistaiion io
tusid.r Ue saldi@ idpo$d o! ?s}jsle ud in Etlr! off@d niulaty suppon by

P!tisr.! i! .l| rh. LJN inirildc lbrouCou rlc wld T!. lrkist ni t@ps sr to H.i{,
Sob,li. and Bosia s@ .xMples of s!.! @o!eaio!. Th$. pen.6 of @oldation

cotrtiau.d !l thr dililrry to Eilinty L\rl, 3oDaidcs .h byP$sil8 tbc civile

tovcl]:!@ts of botL tlc @Elri6r' Tlc Eititlry @nti!@d its rcl. d 'iDdiroci liol.d'
nicr accoldilg io bc Fi!*'s ckss'fic*io..Ir

B6!zi. l.ot tbc AEy Chicf 0!d DC, ISI idd onfdac oD 3I lhe i$uca

b.(ie P.rj$.! !!d ihc US. Tb. DO IllL 6. COAS .Dd lha Prii. Mtlistd lged lld
:,- d dric foEigE lolicy ofth. us rowdd! Prbs.n 3hodd lor bc bltcd It ws bltd ro

fle th. US to!8! 5t !.. o! lb. Nld isE &n th. COAS, Ca Abdul w.!4d
(rt.t. ed tbc Pria. Mililia d.cid.d l}d rhc dDlca! bru. wtr Fmlv !n i dld
Edaof P*isb! &d tbd tt y thould rf.6.ir ou d..i3ioE @ O. ndidEl i$u!s,$

stobc Tltbonrt e!! nol. iEpB3Gd bt tlc l!di& d.oo.EEv &d $ts ditc.l of

r*i51u! ttgile civili@ tov@t \rnicb ilwlrcd . 3tdt DI! of tbc Eililav it
.tc.i!i@-@Ii!s.ttin b'ltt to d..l wilbriD a, nE dctaEi!.d ro @!vi@ P*i!r.n

ro c4 it3 !@Lt.r F!8t@ ty .tl D.|Ee. Hc of.tcd tdi.f i! U. lEslq AaddEEt

in rlcipMity fo! P!ki{.d', crPlirg oflh. luclc.r Progrriuc bul Go W,!c!d w !01

@dy to conF.misat Hc !6!e ! nElc.r d.fdlcc !gti!51 lodn od

*!!t d !o

@d!ll.d to aer llc @t'! P,snl el. i! ih. !u.t- prest!@. I! hi! visir to 1!'
US, !. .gtcd bit point of vicy b lh. US 8.6!tdv of $& qv.d oE rh'ir @ov&e'

Lr Ccd Zi,t-ld-Din Xhujr vno .@EP.!ied th. COAS i! tL Dccrits wjlh ltlbon

FodD.d prcet sitl dhc P!iD. Miliiq ir hd Dding e b ltE US |o @r@

thc fE srlrd of lh. PtrDc Mii'id.r on th. luclc{ issu. H' bloclcd thc US
to cdtr P.ti5o!! luclclt ilstaulions.! Th. nutud @!rirn61 'bout O' neLa

,rogt!@c b.tq@ thc civiliu gov@t ed t!' ddv @Dl@d

E hclPtul
dlwlopilg Sood \lo*iag tddion! bew!.o i[cd B[t ltrc fact t!|l $' rrnv did nol

dlow B@r:n lo d.tl wi6 th. Us Eibtaltlt i! codtcxt of !u'ld PtusEeDq shos

Policv ar.ls ova tbt

thlt tbc rEy .]wF rtntcd doniodio! i! dd.6c. trd foEig!
Dililrly, a, usud, osLojdbty sbded luppod to lb. @ply .l.d.d
; il: menl wEIe Lt€ pride Mioisier, udit !q fis! rcr4 adoplcd s lolicy of no!_
inl..faa@ i! lnc d&ay's il.d,rJ atrliB lit Fdoriols, rrrDiras dc. MofuE, sh.
cxhibit d a tull coheihor ro tbc niurary i! ordq ro Eainrai! a smooo retatiordlD
b.nrlea botb ihc s&Ictotda!,,

B@i!, .nd s@ins Fk, loDiur.d Sedr Fleg A.bDad Kld kghsi,
rbl thc! Eosl hlsrc t ppp.et$4 i! orde, io slvc ba gov.mEc Aoio itD
dis@liodry F$rs of rlc pBid@t @rartd by rb. Eighr! ADodD.Dr, ce!, Javed
A$nfQlei lays Lbat i,E ADy Chj.fws i! favou ofa coslition cov€me or !r lclsl
a PrBidott no6 drc orhd
!d? &d $g86r.d ttd W,s Slijsd s]toutd @!dNe B lh.
rresi.lear Lik€ rh. ppp, Nasrz ShEif
als. lcj.cLd tbe ldc. of a coatirion gov.@ot
bul .€r.d ro alDoilt r Musti6 L:g!q a, pEsjdcnr B.osn iliijatly agr!.d bu! blctcd
oL! of th. a@ng.D6ts larer. Sh. eu€hr
n! DC, tSI,s or@o! on rh.s.t&lion wi1hi,
!.r plny belw@ Sada. &Foq kgbai
sld Atu! Sh4@_,t a@ldjng ro elzi.s
4*s-q&! !e &rculd r4ehai, itto s .t.ccd s pr.sid.ar wil! ! coEfonabtc
mjodty d.fcarilg 0E adiDg pr.siddt Wsjn Sajiad (Chrinna! Scndc) wlo was
$ppon d br N.re Sbdia F.@q lrgb-i Foln*d b e sspFriv. E EFati!8 lbc
Eig[th AmeDd$cnl, tb6dor., shc $rrt tl !€r
Sova.Mdt u,:ln ! cles. advarlage of a
@jorily i! rldon ibG plovj4irt govq.E@tj ad t
rhc dd!.I govc@an s wel, ald
nost imponafi ofall, had a presid.ir &oD h€! oM panl.

B@i. Bhutio E nor vdy c.Dforlabtc *iil lhc bglt judiciary es!.ci6lly &c

Chi€f Jusli€ Nssiur Hals Shah wlo !€stoFd th€ NalioDt Asembly ed lb.

govcruncnt ofNavlz Slalif in 1993. To hd good lwlq lis lcne B cnding io Aplil

199a. B@ir appoilt d Saijt/t Ali Shahz r! t! Cbief Juslie of Su!!@c Court by

l6io i,B othd lhllc $aior jldg.s of th. SuF.6. co!n, violatilg lb. 42 y.d old

tadiiion of the .ludicidy in ?!lidr!-! Bur B.orzn did n @ thc !6m{ coil1ddation of

p€rebirl ;nlqEst only. !.!t p3 sb. e!! iD!Pi'!d by hi! iro dilseDlirS deisis i! th.
c!$ of disiss.l of J@jo (1989) ad dr Niw sov.in d (1993) dd wiring a
djlslilg lotc i! hrbu of B.o.rir A!l'b, ..rtilc @lcludiDg llc Pc6tio! sgailst !h.

disi$.I olnq gov.tu Dt by th. thd lEaidclt Gntid Isbq Kle in 1990 Sh. sas

.lso iatiFd by hi3 n@!dc $d lbc Supl!@ CoEt did not FoYidc Elicf io th. r9'o

sindhi lrid! Minists bst tM.d fic laues st@ the tlnd of a lbjabi ?!iFe Ministd

c!fu in point. Ilis oiglt bavc ba d@ ro lis Sildbi digi! a It rcd..d wll, iiiridly,

bul laler o!.ncd a ncw clupter of confrontltioo bciw@ tbc cx4uiive ed judicjarv in

Sb. .I3o rcpls.ctl ine L.!tL of inc ISI &d lhe IB i! ord410 gei a st'trs iold

ovd th. po*qftl ilrlujga@ rg@ci6 oflbc 5tda 1!. Eojh srdcd irs tulctid qdr'

sb@lbly ad th. Pt ei.L!t, Prioe Mhisld ed AFv Chi.fls'd 10 d4t !!d di$uss th'

inld1et h$es Eg.tdilg doDdtic el foci8n policics of rh' cob!'v Bda! s

qlitc c@fonlble uith ha tclalioot qitb G@ Abdul \valcd ad otr@d hi4 a @e )td
cxt 6ioD bul bc Fiscd.':7 Sle .PPrcciar€d tlt d.sP't
ctrons to Polilicise hb rol'

ed tlc Prcvoeton !g!i!$ ih. ctd.d goldDsdt bv dltrdat &'liot! hc @aincd

isolared, Gd, wlhad rclilc.l ir $ee.'N It @tf@!d thar e 'ildieidual chd4td' had

b€enadoni!! fa.ror in thc Flidcrl bisotv of P*jste dd tlt @t @ob&dd *ilh

a sound oh&acter lct ilc ilstinnis work !doo&rv' \['hal€vd th' crcm$4@s

pFvailc4 brt it i! s u<Loilblc €.ljry thst Cc!. w'h4d ws a@!g t!6e peopl. *to
Mc ituly llofsj@rl &d holou.d llc @datc of th. Foplc ald avoidcd ddggjnS lh.
i,ij!lriy ido ihc !oliti6. Thoug! n ra,$ i! .dfo@it qitb tlc d.6!cd @lsiirtnioral rclc
of thc Ady chidhd ih. Priru MiniJ|.. bld io lalisc liE s e uus@l F..rie i! thc

Eltsitio! pc.iod Noeihcl6s, olcc th. poliricd 6isis @6gc4 hc pqfoE.d rbc rclc of
ibc ulrib.r. dbiador ro nsolvc rbc did.dEB b.rE! tbc PBidot &d lbc PdDc

MjDbtd. Hii lcutal betlviou wi ilc liajor t!!M 1[!1 coElcll.d s aurboritarirc

P$iddi io tesigE It de $tablisld thr colclusior thd i! l,le rraisition it wa! i\c
Amy Chief wlo d.cidcd rbc ulrio!1c fdc ofthc lolitical high officF.

Gd Jahaagn rlaraDat b*rEc r,lc sucsso! of G€!. Wahe.d in 1995. AIL\oosI

Bllrzir qetd lo rcEi@le @thd C66d, bd O@. !}esi! (!dai B alpoin&d

*itb l!. Dutual @cdEti@ of rlE PrBid@r D.l rb. Pri@ Mj!ist4. ft. !rcDiMl
ca]ldidsrs for tbe alpoidmq of Oc COAS v.ErE dr CGS l-r 6rn. Jalffgir KrrrDal
Javd Ash{ Qai (follG DG, ISI &d s.rvilg CorI6 coEleda in Gujtuad4 Lr'

Cca Ns6 ALlir! (fomd corF cdM&dd 5 corls K{ac.}i) ad Lr. G6

Mul@ad Tdiq (@tbpr cory€ Co@r!dd). Sluja N.wez slys wlb lefedce 10 s
inrdid with Belrzt uar she bld dcsiEd b appoint Ll. od, Q@i s tle lexl A6y
Chief but Pr.si.lcol Lcrlej wls lot in hj! favou. H. B also aeabsl Ll' Gen Ns@

A.kltlr be@E the MQM disljL.d hjn du. !o th. nilitsy oPdalron $a1 had lale Pla@

i! K,fubi agaild lh@ B€lazn 9aEd io Eo for Lt. Ca, Tdiq blt h€ *us d 6fth

a@b.r i' sjority. fto b.G .gr..d oD L! G@ JlleSi! K@t':e ca K,llfur

also adDititd thit hc *?s ou€d bv rhc trcsidld for t Ecctrg hefdc his alpoElD'd

drt it'!c sc .t y Malih. Lo.lhi htrt . Dering *ith bin to 6'acv dta4 B@n hd

prcpos.d hjs lae 6 a COAS, 1l. w iold by i!. P$i.Lot l!!t hb apFjdrid! w .
joidt d€cisio! of nlc Prcsident !!d Uc Prhc Mi!i!i.r sEd abo lgreed by &e Amy Chilt
C3n. Wahc€d.r0 Noleth.ics n bld b€.n tlc s.de of inquity ofthc Prioc Minina thlt

slc brd wet d to *i! tLc $pton of&! AEy Chicf ro .l*rlo! ! sfdg tctition jn t[.
Eoilo d.+itc .lpoiolilg a P6id.d nle t- oM !dry.

Thc PPP govc@@r iook m rist i! t d@itrt llc dcf€dcc budgel d€Aitc sfong
pGw frcd the I €@tiolrl Morctt'y FDd (II,ft) ed rhe vdld B@k Ih.
gov.m@t rle did nol cbi!8c the lwbq.rd slrucne of th. alpointrMts of thc

sePitrg ed r.lirEd bili|ry !.!soEcl to the civil s.rvies. 'Ihcy also ilcEsed th€

saldica of tb. milirdy ad civilid offi6, ftc i!c6c @ givd to tlr My

ien dj4ely afla thr budgd bft to rlc oivilid .oployc€s it *as given in two

iledE@tla t slo*ed &c cirili.d g6\,.dE dr's coildoB b.n viou jD d€Iils qilb

th. juid .@b.rd of thc Eilitdy .le.


nE @ellld Priic Mjnislci Mom Qucrhi dP!$iscd d @dN ro imPoe

fis6l disciplin. s that lhe econonic mDdilion of llo @uty Ely bc imPrcv.d. 'nt
Eah d$y ofth€ @lal€6 vs io bold i4 and fair cl.ctio6 blt using bis ex!.nis. a!

e .@moist Mo@ Qwshi i@k thc llst to cltrical. thc @@@v fion tLc 6isis

situaltoa ad to .void bsDlnFcy.r Sooc of tc n@ures, likc 1b. .lerdution of lbc

Pslis@i mpe ed tc witbdn$d of ebsidiqs leqv.d s4 ditjcjo bd d'

govE@.!t @nli!u.d b ra&. rougL dejsi@ ehic! lh. fofrd dtuddic gov.m@rt

had b€.! avoidiDg for a long tirc. ftc inposi$o! oft. agricuhrt td ed grvinE irc
Sta& B6rk of Pali*rn its auoloDy w.E .no!t rhosc prdis.s wljch t.d lot bd
brtcrirtjscd i! 45 yetl!.!

ir 6ly 191, Be!@ir gov.mclt auouc.d jts ideDtio! to c.6tiDe thc

Flici.s of bo& .lccgutario! lid lib@li..ri@ rbd hd h.@ stait d by Mje Nr*.2
Shaif &d thc $glt fiesl polici* c.Ei.d out by Mo@ e@sii. ft. sovtuenr dso
a@Dccd iE inllllid io d.vot! ! grala !oni@ of rh. EtioEl @urg b hcdrh,

cduc$jo! eld espeidly io Mroc! dcvelopE@t. Iniiilly, Uc c@ony iElFvcd !r rhc

Dr.ro l.vcl by r€duilg rb3 budSa dcfcir udq ttc IUf pr.3swc blt ai t!. Dj@ lcvcl,

rhe siturion @ quit &pBing. About rwo fnb ofthc tcr:lilcg s..tor wls nol Erling,
IrE of6cirly Fojerdt cDP Et fcl toE 6.9 pc! @l to 4.6 pe dt dwirs Lle pqjod
of 1995-96.$ Tb@ wu de aEpid inclee i! Oc ioU'lio! Erc, ofrciatiy ctained !t 14

pd cert but lbe &tull figwc w$ at 20

Fr cdf. duc ro wticb tE .@!oEic poticiB


Ealy i! nd &nurc, Bcrrzir det&€d llat stc Mdd md pd<indt isolatio

paniculely regadilg its El.ti@ wil,\ the US. A! , Fsltt of !d efcclive effons,
Patis&\ tee w mov€d no6 tb. US Sr.rc D.p.rrnafs Brch li$ wnich hd hctd

!aldsi.! r.3!o6jbl€ for spo@!i!t toEo.is. h tF5, slc vjsicd r!. US dd rhc US
Cons6 plsscd lbc BrcM Aa@dicDt *hic! m.d d:c 5@ti@ iropoed by d!.
Pressler Am€ldbcnr ol 1985. Under rhe new lap, th€ US rctesd rhoe miljtsry

@!@ &d .9ui!6c!rs wticb bad b@ srolp.d i! l990.rt Ii 6 *ally a,ml,bl.

a.hiev€d.Dt of tbe govcmdr on th. foreig! policy iod, At t'E we nh., $e !!ie.

Milisld d.cid4l ro @nii!@ wirh laljsta!'s Ducle4 ptosrffie .!d did!'t allow

latiold ilt @sE ro bc @ficld .t ey coll Thc US bd stolp.d iis si$de io

l'x'l.rlal b.@e of ir! ilfltation i! Ildie b.ld KalEir. Th€ US cortilu.d to @uc
P*istr! of pro@tiog dilt@cy i" rssbDir .v@ |n6 llc forDer wilhd!* is ibEt io
dcclaF P.tisle r iBrcrin $!r., But th. Klsbnn ils tt@ilcd of trd inporte@ in
I*ist&'! rclalioE with both &. US and trdi!. ftc n it.!y m stisn.d wjti rhe

p.rfot:@e of th! Bc@ir sovcmhr !i!@ slc ws givilg doritt r,c aU thc isss of
u:.n i @!& 8!r N.*4 slri4 the oplo3irion l.lrtd at tbal ri,:c .oltinucd to b.
ditj..l, boIl! of ib. My @DD,|!.tcB sd rbc B.@ir 8ovcrlncd, for dryinS .
b.Ui8lfat reic in lir ,i-n-r. Aeordjlg to biE, B@i!!s LlMr b sal tst@tld

duiig Nar@'s gov@.or tid b.!! ba.t d by tbc dy- Hc tunld a@lscd tlE my
lor its ilvolv@.lr in drug r?6cliag io g@dalc fbds tor Ocir liddc! Eorircs.ir
also 6car€d hurdtca in rtlc My ofGsotaions beilEcn rbe US ald paj.islan o! rlc issuc

of waloB p.oc@e!t by @o@i!g ina! !p.Iist&

lossd ,uc1@ vca!os,,,
E lid Bc@n h.d dolc lh. s.e !.foF N.w Sh&if , viril ft*
10 Jlpe i! 1993.3,

ljnd5 of si$.dals by Nakz Shrit lrhj$.d Itu itug. D rb. ey€ of d. sid
coEnardd !!d esuld iI . good inEgc ofe. B@n gov.md.
TIe B@zi! govdmdr snd rtc my douplay..t d:. ucovding ota pltu d

@W !o d@lrle P.ki5tan.! onhodox Istmic sta1e by 40 oilit5!, otrc*s in S.ptcnbd

199J.{ Ir !€oded tb. j!6.ssing DMbs of lrlleists in tx€ raDlG ofrhc nili&ly
6 djc

Prcto.t'on M ilcBilg i! L'r. siery csFcialty j! thc uban d.s which wsc
beonilg th. brccdjrg grcuds &r rhc my t!@iro6r lrjs E rbe riDe wh@ UE US

ColgB pat @sidailg 1[. Brch Aad{incDtar ovd the pEdd ADdd,n@l.t &rt
@dd ope! rhe nilirary sd* ro ?sbstrn !i!r 6v. y6 &d *ould luow cl6iog tbc

defe!.! €qulmot P*isia! had rhady lrid for ard Vould trstoE rh. @mnic aid"

I! the E@tidc, ihc .lcv.lopB.oti i! Afg!!Dj8l!n ed ilc suese! of &e

Tdib.! v@ o@Eagil8 iDdic{ors fo! !r}islr!'3 $!r.gic lbEd *to w@ Miting
for a s1p!o!ti@ Afgheist& dd olclins rcld! 10 Cc r.l A3ia. B$ the indasilg
ird€p.Edd@ oftheTali!&s.nilgoltof colrol Edmilsfo!tenpatu,th€ISI
dd th€ dy. Tlc US, des?ite !I rb. od.b wiLl thc T.tibd de io {icii coGeflalive
bedling of rce@ ed Islrloisliio! ,ge!d!, w!! co!&dt Mt! Uc oppomuity ro Mclr

thc c@ry resrllq of CdtEl Asia lb$!C Afghrnide.a ,I.n P?P govtudt M
et auc !o dnw ! !t?i.g), .!ou it ds to i cE l ld& &d tb. rcBding rclations ritb
tbc my olr! th€.4lgh& lolicy.


Dclitc prsvidirg t@cid did io lbc @!U ilvesio6 &d lEy d4clolnor
pbj6ts, tlc iniadd Btc rc* io 14 pd 6r ed q!!t d . I@rd !d@ hike of itd of

dany N. ft. d@Fiatid of tbc cEnocy in Ocioblr 1995 ly 7 !d ed ed de

pqiodic adjultlurs in thc 'R!p@'s dchdgc valu.' ceed lne r@ltalion of

FhE iqghal of tLe domdy. ftc gov.mdt daincd that lbe pricc hit€ @ due to

the mF agrtudts- Bul ilc hcary L'tility bilb ed uellplo)tDol cre3led lcsrrot
eolgst th. @es. rhe hilit ry M sPlrehcndv. .bout Lrtes. dcvclopDeds-" ln th.

p6d {r gov@@t lad b.@ disised 6 ii. chdg. of 4oDodic Disbagddt bv

'.Lc P.$idclt-Ady Chi€f @s.os.

Thc coop.6iiv. S6daf rlio add.d to tho .lredy disti!8 lmbld for l\c
B.@n gordddt ft. @[rp!. of th. coop.'xir b&]s c6.d.! Di*nblc srona of

lr rd s!trsin8s. ft€ B.lrzir gove@ot lrovidcd sc FUd lo rh€ snall irvcaoB

blt tbe !rcbl@ B et siD a I @i!cd \{cailobe fd th. govcrnienl due to lLe

@ltinuou pt$@ of ilc russ6 io resolvc it" T!. slories of cmption Eally

lehishd rh. id.g! of ih! B@ir gove@.!t $,bc! rcl.s.d lh! Epolls of the

@dlpIion c4s.s of tL Nlwr gov.ddeor coEirg ih. Bisdelds of tic Sov.m@t's

dcpsrt@ots. Now, sidil& srdie of i!. coEultio! of hs clo6c lssialcr ilcludils hd

hr5baa4 w@ !@onc.L Nds $old th. Suray t.l@ i! Elsl&d o*ned !y Asifzlrddi

ev.n dbarassld tlc srleh slppond! of ih. PPI govc@6t4 Pa&is1an B Elort d
b b. ln. sso.d Dost @rupr comt y i! a Fgon by tie Ttusldncy I @tioml,
Balia publ&lcd iD ll. Fe Eldd Ecol@ic R.view.a, I chckcd rh. foEigr
ilEsldot wlicb E altady eipcd out de ro tbc civil w iD Kd.!i.ro

B.Mn !w! sm@d.d by rouu.s, ad 1! @D!@alirc rcliciou groups

cndl@g.d hc. gov.@dt ald debrldd Uc idpl@@tdion of Shei'ah in 19949J.
'ftc sib.{on b..@e *oe i! th. M.l.l&d &d Khybd agoci6, wh@ rhcy *atted d
dm.d sltlggle chrll@gi!8 inc rlril of rhe govcmcnr.sr Orh6 t}?c of viol.lce atso

stnt d !I ovd rh. c@ty i! rL. @. of dc .bl8phhy laq!' inpos.d duing ih€ zia

d.. a@djng Io *tich "&rt!i!g inplyils disEs!@r to Prcp!.r eBUH) or aajr$

Slei'ah ws a @gljsabl. otr@@ puisbbL *ih jEprisoMdi or finc or Mri borh."!?

That *e E lly a gEat lhr.dr b &c Dinditi6. It b6dc di$culi for rhc gov.ro@t io

llon'ct rhc Eiloili€s, .sp.rirtly ilc AlE€dir, Am plllic Ma$. TludoF, d a


solltid to rhi5 !robl.d, th. gdae.6t dajd.d to brt. eD. cn&g.s io rhjs ldw.
'Illese *w olpos.rl by &. opposirioD ed lcfigio$ gmup3.


Tlc B€lrzi! sov.@.!i flild ro d.d *it! rh. I.w &d ordd sjtuatio! i! rlE

@u!ty. *!€cialy i! Sin.lh. A ncw Mvc of t'F oryoing .rbnic viotcnca d!r.d in

K!fuhi &d Hrd@bad. ftc dili!.ry srritcd .Op.raii6D

Clclr U&' i! I 992 to d€d wirh

tL€ dlaits !n nDl Si!.lL lt M crtd{tcd ro rbo urbe 6rd wnich lald cdv.ri.d to a

8@iU. E bct'rce! tF Mrlhid. QlllEi Mov@@t O,1Q[{) &d Llc law eDfo.c€Eat

insrhtic, -Ihc.lirrct
@aAontldon of l!. MQM &ddsls wirh ilE my &d rhe $dl,
qwlld ce of i,oliEils M.jd Krlib .nd bis @!6sc w!5 &16 s the min @o. for
uinge ircDn Dd !€.iBt lb. MQM.rr

tle iFhdsc of th. olalion Lt G@ Nrlc€ Abtlt, nL Col]]fuda of v

Cor?6 disvdrd!pl!! of rhcMQM fdts?lrdc stat'JiE A!u' d'Urdudcs!.' He

sltess€d rbrt th. @jority oflb. Sildbjs .rd rh mn.Sindhis !4 b*{bidDs ed loy3l

ro tbc @utry, or y t fcw $@ cridilrh &d otFit!. T!. @y .le F.stcd a lisr of
ile @i! culplits who$ @sl @uld r.sioE hw !!d o.dcr in Si!dh." ft€ MQM
Elaliarcd violdtly by t&gding rtE 80\€fu6r iFtsllatio *it! sophjslj€led wapo6

in ludilg rcckd lauocbas, 'Ib! govc@dt hrd ro crll on moF foes to cole wilh t!.
sinE!@. IE EsloEc of tE gov.tuoi w3 tulcPe sitcc dF MQM w$ a co.[tion

psrtE To dcal wilh thc MQM i.tle ,ny slonsorld !! i crnal sdjt ia tle MQM in two

f&tios, lhe MQM (Ailaf ctolp) ed tlc MQM (Hlqqiqt.rJ Bolh Sroups s&n€d

ilnehing wi& ea.h othd. 'I!is nove redrc.d violdcc for tb. tiEe b.ing lnr la&r

aeeEEr€d rie law ed oldd situation.


'Drc lnDy a.tio! id nEl Sindh c4!d I good lrE fd tb. derdsario! t ,bjc!
hld b..! lon j! th. colN of !.rio! ia y,!.uhi |!d Hyd6ibad.r6 ltc my wjthdr.w i!
tftvcnbc! 1994 wnich frnhd c@di6!.d the linlatio! with ucontollau. viol.lcc
$ulting i! B dcath lol of t!@s.b. I! th..!c.l)!t u betwd thc MQM sd th. l!w-
af@i!8 lllhoridB, a etc ofp@de v@ kiX.d b/ thc law-dfdilg !g!!ci$ bui

w@ projetcd b! r!. pr6 rs ..x!!-jdjdd lillilsr' j! tn 70 poli@

!oti@ cEiody.rt
d.olt!L.l nort !!4 120 MQM re Liltcd onty i! orc
!divi!i! o! d.i! syEldbis
dolth ir., J&ur l9%,2j MQM r.livi3r! E! bu.d i! d.E @@ut6. td rold

I,ll3 activist! v@ hlcd j! 1994 rrttiL 2,095 v@ slot de3d by 0te law @forcirg
€6cics in 1995.53 Tlc my wated rhc govgnrocd to c@t ot lhe situanon through

loliticd m.e! by t*i!g ii d ! iest cse of thc civil& gov.@or


Il. ftdliold $ylc of i!. d&ut @!!6tdid bcner lh. gov@r add LL
olposito! coDtilu.d lbc oproritioD dqclrr.d B@ir a r lh'!.t ro tb. DatioDd suiry,
Initirlly, thc 8ova@nt tohFicd dl fiis citicisi! bu foilly it d@id€d to uc 5hr.'5

!pp@iu! 1o d..t wirh tlc oprDsiii@'e ,I1 'lrng Mdcb' of PML (N) t n Kdachi lo
P.sb!';vs, tlc goari strike oD 20 Scptobs lnd lhc€l-jd sttile on ll Oclob.t

aggnv.1.d tbc situ tio! bll thcy soo! lon EoEcDrud- I}c clasb a sbii.d !o li.
Nadool Assdblt iD rL. Dc* sLp.@ ar lbc tiDc of lh. joilt si@ of th. Pe['fur
&d thc addras ofth. P6ideD! ile ecbes. ottlsb ftrds l.d ro pbJsic.l 4sulL sd

figl irg eone rrE MNAs.o'


Nawz Sbdif! blDlbd Shslbsz Sbd4 ed .M Es Alld Mie Mu}lDDad

Shdilb@c victies of rhis }lllrscor by rlc arln lgcocica. 'I!c fcdc.al gover@ed

.r rrr'd Mie Mu!@nad Sh4if o! ch.rgc! of n!ud. A lot of bgll .es w@ Ecisla.d

asaiDn Mia N.*€z Sb{ifwbo rEblps, {t"!r.ss.d bcc.Ec olthcs. crscs, alnost gsre

up &, alt€Dp! lo laNcl r E s5 c@paigl agli4r r!.8ov.roor.6r Th,! inrol@ of

the Fliticiu towads 6h otho aSain pbvidcd !! opportuily lo rh. my 10 !ol1 ova

Li&c hjs fathd Zdfqu A.U Bhulto, B.@ii lluilcd i ol.fut lowds ihc oLba

panie'rrcailcial goacrlrnot in lbc Khyb6 Pllln!}lE But this tine thc rPP ti.d to

llte ! co$rftudoDrr lourc. Tlcy usld tb. coriirudool posqs oflbc PFsidor b iDF6.

dacldcy ald thc GovaM\ rul. i! l!! pFviD4. llc Prclrdldon of @aclocy
deled tlrt thc FoviEial Cbid Milista. Srlit Shrh's coditi@ sov@@t (of lhe

ANP !d ?ML OI)) @s.d to hold 6.i! o6s. t !er, @at@ct M Unld b 8rr d@

io de PPP to wiu ovd MPA rbrou€b bo!3! trldjlS od ford t!. sovm@r of Afiab

A!6.d lce shspao.6 Salit Sblh c!.!@8.d tL dd6. in tb. @!n *ltjcir i! a 7 to 2

E.jon9 decisior! Whdd tbar d. Pcjddi @dd sosPcld |!c Prcvilcid gor.@at bur

@ul.l not dimis ir. Tlacfor. d ilE laPs. of thc ncrShcv Prcclditjon' lbe Chi'f

Mjdsls Sabi. Sb.I and his govcmradi nmd Eviv.d &d thc Covdor would tr a datc

to Fqu.st the Cbief Milbrd b i!}c ! voi. of @ntdhcc Aom rh. Pbvincial


IE rujlb lad .dlinod ! solM ot iEiiaiio! dujDs &c f'!st terd of Be@n

Bhuno. $ereture rhc lPP wer.d 1o sc.W iis owrr 8ov.mboi it thc iargesl Provjlce of

Paljsil4 Tle P}? ild s @driion so\4t@6t YjO tb' ?ML (r' l<row'!s lbe
iDp6n re of ficir l8 sc!b, thc PML (l) wa, not edy to collplomise lers ttl|! tlc
Chid Mi!isl.r-sli!- As ! r6:tih of d !g!.scnt, Mia! Mrlzoo. lvattoo bc.€sc Oe

ili i|i Ministe! of Pujab. But the Pll raarb63 wele sic! ofltis eogdt st]€ and lais.l
Srlch Eayat, ih. Sdior MDi$q of kovj4irt gorqlDor e,ho r!3 .ppoiltcd !s lb.
'nindcr' &d chicf ldvisor of lhc chicf Mbistd. sislrl.d bs neblcssde$ !o Uc PriBc

Minisra b b.ilg Wanoo ro teb.. rll.i.! . lMbd of dr@prs ultiDatcly rhc P?l

disils.d Mie M,!zd Wdtoo .rd irlt !.d . w.Id p6oa SddE trifNs}ri, 6 lhe

chjcf M'istcr lujab. w.troo clrlcdgld hjr disbisel in @Et wl'icL dlirucd its

ll@.dirgs fo! al,nosr a ye &d rend.d biD 3 th. chi.f MiDj$d of tt! Pujlb or 2

Norcnbc. 1996, &olailg rh. goltr'|oc ofArifNabi a, ilegal. But the PPP Playcd

ufair polirical aniud. witb Vr&oo ed Asif Z&ddi P6oDsly dorcd to tdtoa to
iauch ! @@oidc!c€ dovc ;8Eirn lid65 Vlttoo.esiSlcd !l' by rhc! &c PEsidol

bld d@i.tcd to clo* rbc cbap!* of Ba@n Bbdo Ltowi4 thd the ,Anv eultt $lPod

Bedrzii aPPoilt d tu,!.tltyjudg!3 10 th€ Ltbore His! Coln i! 1994, is'o g0''
scrity of th. hiSld judic'sry $rich daild nlnha Ptublms for hd govcm'nt otn
oa ln6c judgcs, thjneen w@ 6e PrP's &tivisrs 6!d bd s &nded EPtalion i! thcir

pFf.ssion.6 M@ de c4 N ft d .haU4gilg the legtl b$is of i!'e aPlointEot!'

B@n dart d pl.si5ios Sqiiad Ali Sblh mr to .@@oddc &v alP d fiL!
&e lcgalily ofibosc allointncob.d Tlo sitlali@ bc@c idr'r *hd ihc polcc Eided

'.li ho!s. ol thc Chicf Jus!@'s drusDt r ed Ei.d to ilvolw bis $Fin'law i! a

give! bv th' hine

comttion ca!.. But lhe Chicfftslic€ rei$erl o sccclt l}le d'cudor

MDisG!. 'I!c judgEdt a@re.d by rh. slrloc cour @ 20 M@l t 996 r.duccd lb.

po$,!rs of thc ?ride Minisid to taisf.r ald lPloid judg.g6 louowi!8 tlis judg!@l
t: r Chicr Ju5d@s didD't cotrfd th! t@@.nddi@s of thc 4roiDEEDr of i!' llish

B@ir\ luthoflari.n srylc of gov4loan led het lo diffqlnc* tin

Ju3tie ofP.Litto ow lh is@ ofibc 4!oi!to@r of6'
h6 hadric!.d Chicf

As loled €dli€!, Belazir gPoiDted Sajjad Ali Shlh a tho Cbi€f JBic' of Paki9e bv

supd$dilg 6G judg* ol ihc SuF.mc Codt Hc lad slield hieser wirL tL

gove@t o! th. Ellter of .ppoitrbcdr of thc !d Judgc€ to &c Ldlore' Sitrdh sd

PcsblE bigh outls uit lb. Sr+ac corm ro th! ligb4t l4d of b3lol@a' od

i$ucd lotic* wn
for th. @ddnpl of @!n 10 Uos. who ot slok' lgaitn lhc !*lv
alF dod judgc. Bur sh@ hc f.ft lhd thc sovddn@t I b,?€si!e lbe bdic ctttia

aploitutat tL judgs givd i! rhc CoDstin6o! 6f laldlldn to th' lidit ed il

fd thc of

tlc judicirv at at i litrioa h' st'rt'd tcsisli!&i A 6v' !@!d

wuld d.sEoy

r. I @jditv vsrti4 orddld 0E spvdlbdt ro obflt atl

SuPldc coul hdcb, in s4

claEs Eg{dilg lh' qulific6tioF fd 6' apPoitE@l of th' j!dg6'

inc coEiitutioul

of Chi.f Jlnicls of th' Hr8! Couls Ir 6le

d@l&'d rhc
!@fcr dd 49oinh€ll '!''r
Jctc' in dv $ch ePPoiltnelE v!5 a oneitunold
coNuludd with the Chi.f
Fqui@dt?' n. hidodc d@isio! @@dv btoM s llc Jud8'd@l'
lullified lhe
stitut.d thc dildi$al of twdttv judg6 of lh' bigh court'g
!Io* lhc govetnEeBr o t@rfd
@oslitutioDrt an| Ddsd NdniDisldcd bv Glo- Aa to

&y judSc Lo tbc f.daal shs'a! Coun {i!or hi5 @Gdr "

Th. judicial &tivild condnu.d ard the .o!d .lccisioE dbarc.d lb.
goverlnclt throughout $e y$r. h Msc! 1996, l!€ Sqr.roe Cout gtancd lcquitr l 10

.l]]rijih R sber4 !a op!6itio! tddcr colvict d by ih.loE coln for ilegal P6sion
of a Kdtshlikov for which hc hrd Ebained behtd bss for 19 months.u ln J@ t,hc

@qi d.sd.d fd tb. r6lonti@ of i!'' ldd Bodi6 iD tbe Pujt!' Tb' !tuvilcid
.Assbly i*di(l!l.d ttt Sup@. Cottt dc.isid *h@ tb'v FFd'd thc lnctl

Gov@.nt Ordiuc. 1979.t{ I! Nov@bd, t. Lt!@ H:sh Cowt

$c Wan@

soy@i61 i! &. Pujab.ti Mia M&zoor Alncd ryln@ BisD'd &d ih' nsjtb
T6l1tis !"llv
AsseDbty w dislolv.d a. rFsult ofllc codlld drAodriolal Politica

@!!.d tcosiont t{.€olhc P'in Milisla md th.judicia-r, added bv thc sourils ofoc

r€larioB b.twd ih. ?Esi.Lnl &d 1b. Prio. Midst6.

'ftc P?P 8ovc'@(ol Fsloldcd agE$sivclv ed s$rttd ditichins tbi!

juds@6t b Public &tt i! l!. PslilEdt Pdidor L8bi ticd to @rvi@ ha io

inpleodr the Judges' Judgeddt but stE rsPondcd t'rog&tlv whjcb led b e o!'n
cdturlti@ !aw!.d tL! tM !ig!.s qanni€ ofrB Pr6id"t t'8!&i '
2l S'pttElct 1996' linilg the cvlnls followd bv dj'
rcf@c in tbe Srpr@e Coun o!

ed eulllt cout's oPido! to Golvc the @ilrcvdv

20 M!.! d@isio! of tLc cottr

of ihe PGidett rcglidins th' appoiltd€nt of Lbc iudss and lhc

ovd th. Poffi
r'fer'n@ o' $' grcods
mpldmtltio! ofthc Com.9.lccsios'Bdtzit otPoetllhe
lhlt il could mt b. El€d withour cosulltdoo! wnh rbc Pridc
Milisd hter' snc
of Pahstan' Si!@ lhc Pts'd'nt had apPoilred t
id€flsed {mu8! lbc Atlom.y Gedd
pdnl! lawyd rith !r.iE to avoi'l lh' F ddd gov@i@tt iderfe@e' llc Anod'v

Ga@l of Pakislt! claio.d iD lhe @!n fet he ws t'!c Chr'f Law Officd ofue fcddal
govcmml ald olty hc or trjs nmiE @utd .lEferd tbc caec. 'nis PFUId ms

€solved and th. di,sissl of thc ?PP govcrlrd@! ed ile rcw AnoE v Cddal
inl cEv his objeciion ald supported thc rtsid.nt ltc BonEir govemm.nfs faihn lo

tccodno<bL lb! iDnftni@ l.d b co!tustio. wilh tb. judiciary dd lh' PEsidat

both *tlich b.@. tllc iEi.diat su!. of disissal of ihc govcmslt



ft. ditre.o@3 bel}€d thc t!.sirlat ed tbc ftinc Mid!€t frdld intensifi'd

wh@ Ingbsi Elaldly rais.d codr4tio! ilslEs ncsililg ttE tlLgcd irvolvcBcnt of

o@b.rs ilctudilg ?rin MtElistd's hubald Adf Ali Zddtti ed lslcd

ihc ruiing PrP

ft' s8 otredcd *bdl inftcad

8.rEir to addt€s! in@ on a Eiditv be*.t P6idcttl

ofpliDg h.!d lo bj! !dvic., Bcten i8tsU€d Ztd'd inlo hd

c{bina d tl' Inv'sibdt

l..8!s wsiD sdjjad'

Milisld. A! . Eadio! to this, ssdd Fseq Alwed PrcPosd

of lh' NatioBl
i!. Cbd@ s@t ed Svcd Yousf R!z! Otlei' lhc s'Ald
Als@bty io 54 w a @@i$i@ to i*'. tuti@ of thc coduFid issu's

to ra*e
kehdi pcsulisiDg Bc!!d He wmE lo thc Prcvinciat go\
fept oD 'ho*
hw ed odn $lations in th'ir prcvinG' 6 $c
lodce of tlE @flpdd and tbe

Mir Mwt@ Bhuno'

llpFs(llatic f.d@Iio!' !n ih' in@rim" B@4it's bmrh4
of lb.

fioD lolg cxilc du' !o ihe ditr@ces

who b4l d..ttc<t his oM Pdty .nd bi5 r't!s
@6un1* Badt @u$d tlc
h.r, E LilLrl al6g witb his serly tultds i! Poli4

?r.sidert and rbe MI bv d4ldirg ttt Mu14!'3

bldd {4 a Ptn of &' cospir&v
tLt ws a {allch'lkjns in L&de tdsirg $c
agdirst B.@ias g..-*i
Pr€6id! for lhc Ntdcr I! i silted€nt issled oE 27 Scplcmbc!, Ue ?Esiddr qlrescd

bis @.ccE ltoln lhe tl.tdi@ by tbc Pti6. Mde.t ed hlt @!ind b@bas Hc

,ucd thd to Efrli! fioF E &tu iBiNtios alod thc ilt 8ntv of tlc D't'@tl
ilstinnioDs.lt 1ll. P6'd6r sd.t lhat all thc lolia ofrcd! i! Clifto! had b"n aPPoided

by B@ir i!. DIG Shoaib Su!t<[.o'I!@ s t g6tEl lcMptior lia'lha

h6b.nd had bcld ilvobtil i! th! eud... Tlt *idow of Mit Sb'! Nlw hld ale

poid€d to*€rd! tLc jlvolved€ot ofAdfAli Z.dari ed Svcd Abdullah Sh'\ thd Chid

Minisilr of Sindh in lb. bUilg A judicid @nnissid $45 alPoi 'd 10

iwestigatc tL
6Eda, PFsid.d ds by Junic! Nsn Asbd arid' Th' FDon I subEitEd
lo tL'

f.d6sl tov€l@@t h t@c 1997 *ldct tl@ld.d that ih' Dlrdd M & dira judicial &r

ttc onlc$ of sonc lLighd arhotitv ' Bln it itid not 6x l"\c
by $c poli@ 'oD

on e@ trstildi@ d ildivi.lu.t.u Litc .U rotiiidl Eddos' 0E .@ w 6led Dd @

id18 v@ lnoE ro th. P€oPL ofP.lid.D

A littlc latd B@i! @d LtShei tic'd to r'solv' rhen ditrMc's brr

uforludtll, lhcy fsilcd ,!d stlnld $i.ng thc inttllgocc aeclci6 sgiiGt ca'l oih'i In
Cost iLt
fotud Ia Chicf' Mteod shEif ibftd'd dt Sup@'
his staldnot, th!
e B'@n
i! th' lhontl'qPilg of lh' otrEials &d cili&tu
iare agcrci4 *dc involve.l

ido@tion aloui t'ghdi' nis so!' chitfJusrcc

look hclp ion Lhc IB ro @U€ol

ofi6 6 Or $' othd !d4 lt8lsi u*d dc IsI

Ali Shdt ed ollq civil a!.1 bjlir&v

Bdtnd Gq. rtldSi! r'd!d!t e,3 fial L rried io @!vi!q' tb! Prine

Milist i to hel snrl tesolve ilc tnittas wfth tlc PFsidc but shc tetu!'d ' IFud ii
geslwc AoD thc Amy Chicf' blt in fEct he w4 ro1 olid'd 10
wd abbrc.iated as a good
int f@ in rh. politic.l ;trliR Hc wa! ilvolvilg hiE!.lf to be a prnler of rhc povd

lncidat qlLircd lbx h. a ,.!!!r .d wet .d ro jusrit this F3jrion 4
b. lud csigncd AoD tb. IPP i@diltely lia li! elecrion $ thc ?siddi of l*isr&L
H..l$ sDou!.rd tb. !G!d fd joid cfdc io t!!el 5E (28) by rb. two tuir potlic.l
p.nics. Hc n[Ihd eiil tln th. DO, ISI ed rhc COAS t !r hin infor.d aboll thc
sittation in 6c coEtryi hc oh.w.d !o divqg.lc! i! lh.i. srr@cnt! dv€yed io tbe

PEsident ald ilc PrirE MiDies.$ 'ftc tt€sidclt w lcpcalcdly dked 1o .xcEise his

loM: to djsiJs tb! Aov@t bu hc Fplicd lhn !c qodd e lk ?ore to pror..1

thc coutry bu ar that morEd he hld not daidcd ,n)tin8 aboui it,a

'I}c AEd, Chicf, G@ J.!egi: Xr@!t ws *dcbing dE silution. Sbuja

Nawe Mitcs rld both th. Peeid.nr ed lb. CO,AS hrd @lfodity of id.6 bd rhcy did

mt dis.ss th.dl with c!.h oild G.!r K.fu4 iD bis ctrons io Fsolv. tbc difi.rcDe,

tiicd 10 gEt thc Pri@ Mili3ta b ecd th? &.si.tat blt sbc dccliu.d thc $eg.slior$

!,td, sbe st hc. oirittas Rlo Siled.t lqlsltr CbaDdlti Nouiz Shst@r K.h.!t ed
Sycd Xhlrshid Shrh'3 to s& Irsblri .bod lis sri.@ N.w& Sbdif.le cdlcd o
rhc !Rd.n! wiLh sre& abd, HUsi4* Cblu.tbi Nis Ali Kbdqr sd odeB Pointing

out rbc .leieriontirg sitEli@ ofthc @rcny @d aslcd for n6h clatio$ t glei e]5

l. st€tsed o! Lrtc @d of! bilanise alPrcacb lowads th. eoloFy sd lbr bntging
lhilgs loseLh.r. For tbat pEpos., bolb N.w lDd Ba@t 3bould sir bgdhd Howvd

nM difrculttouderstlndthdtlt,4mvChi.f @lEvi!8 flequdim'ctirgswithdre

Pnsidcnt e.t ws pladilg th. qs. oflhc PFidcd with th. Ptinc Minjttd, th'r how

odd Oey lol ditcus $eir oM i.Las with clcb othd?

Appedy, cd K'fun @iDcd Eutr l id 6is .4 blt lbc ro! brss Dililary

@ddrld.rs wr. doDil.&ny dt d romrd! U. Cbicf tuiice dd tb. ?r4idd b@auc

'dey we fcd u! with the contodation ber*d r!. ?IBiddl ed tb. Plibc Minist .,

TlEy ww sle @n.ded .bod the conprro! s6 &d aoDoEic njsddagd.d-

ftcrcforc, lhc my veed r.gbdi.borlllc woadjlg ccol@ic @nditjons ed aked

for r quicl m.dy ia ADglett IlE be lod ordd s'tuaio! w a coftm for th. @/,
cs?.cidly i! thc P@j!b. Tlc Chidl'flida ?@jsb, Sndd ArifNalai wa @oDcd ro

thc,Amy lladqerG iD Rlwdpi i fodi5slid d rb.ld dd ddd siiutior in th.

prcvina wjd ihc COAS$ whic! is rtF et. qaddc tbrr thc my call.d ey !i8it.st
politiol officjat !o the ofr@. I! Octobc4 llc llilit!ry co@deu dccidcd dai thc

gov€@t ws no l@gd in a position 10 t!.Ilc thc situatio!. fte d1l ol ic iraditional

.l@o@tic &d @d.t@rlric foB loelrd! thc &6idor tude de irsl to dr@i$ rrrc

Sover@cltvcrytlsyfo!PrBi&dt gbri.'

Tlc 6!.1 blow ehich rrly quBtiolcd tb. wival ol B€@n eovcmcll w
rhe judg.n nr of rh. Lah@. Eigh coud $,!ich Esroirl rhe vadoo gov.mdtr@

B@ir's govcmcnl w6 disiscd seord l'rc &d th€ dy took @llrol of lll tlc
gom.nt l buildilgs ircludir8 LtE Prio. Minisld How. A1l airpons wd! closd sd
aobil. phor4 \'@ jlmed for tt vdy 6.s1 ti6. i! th. btsioly ofPatjne.Ii a jue

titc a cou! by thc AE &! Z&drli was grcstrd id thc Govtuor so!s.. t lFrc aod

hadcd ov.r ro !& civiliaD arthodti.s 1.16. Tbc Govclu Puja!, Ll G.! (R) Raja

S@op Knsru ws k.pt udd hou!. msl sd ws latd fdced ro Gic', T!. Esrrlar

h@ps @nducicd l,lc opeElion agaj$t lh. cililid govcrm@l ed h$dcd ovd lnc

rd All
cb.rge io llc lsJsDiliory force! afler thc sl@sstul corylctio! of tbci! Eislion

th. Cotps H€adquld.rs tqui!.d opacd rlorlod lh. ni8!t jn dl l,tE fN calii.ts of
inc provi@s. 'mcy plis.d oE the i!$ructio trccilrd fion th. PBidcnt HoN &d th€

.. !. headq@ters to thc lo! blrEsucr@y ed BoEitorld &eir coollie*.' 'n!s show

lbc lw.l oftbc sulFn ton the rnili.ry for ih. d.ci5d oflh. PEs'dclt j! favou ofuc

disissal of the clccl.d gor@lMr. ftjs .lso bi8bligh! lbe tD@lllinnioDi aclioB by

tb. my al$ dpca thlt nL f@er b.i!g Dolrld duins the Ejlittry .ctio$ againsl

Uc €lected gov€@drt. In this pdiod oftolitior ioh lle ldrlitary lo thc civiu@ rule,
l,lc bili!ry suplorud .I suc! deisj@ ta}@ by th. Prsi.!@t


nre bdir chlrg.s fo. &. di@i$al w6 tb. .xt8-jadicial tilunss, comption, rhe

mFibpl@aiatio of nlc od6 of tb. SoF6. Cor4 eflorts lo cunlil thc

iDd.p.ndc@ of thc jdiciary lhoue! lccluialility la*s &d thc 8ovcm@l's

ilvolr@ot i! tbc mEdd of Murz Bbuio.tot B@ir cballdgcd hd disissal ,!d
filcd e atp.al b.foF l,h. Sulrdc CoEl in s csc drl.rl !s Mohtdna Bdeir Bllno
ard oth6 v tb. PBidfir of Pal.ista! ed othc$, but tE @ut i! a 6: I judgcFal upbcld

thc pcsitlendrl deilioD by midtaini.g tbll 0F PBi.l€ had $bnitcd douS!

cvidde i! s,apon oftbc disissal odd.r6 Tltc Chjdhstie, Satad Ali Sh4 wole i!
th. d@isio!, 'Ti@ k @ueh naldial lo cslsblisb comltioa !€lotis dd tisde."Iot

Tle Sulme Coun allowed the electioD oE scbcdul.. Tbe Novmbd 5 ordcr reEorcd

Bc@i. $ the PrE. MidsG! for tle s€.oad ti!!..ror Saijad ,Ali $un's coun had irs oM
gudge aairsr ibc B!@n sov.mat, vhic! w@ E0.d€<l it llc d4isrot ro


M.ljk Mmj Kbli4 r P?P v.tea!, sss r!poi!&d as r cs.r.ld Prib. Midslcr
dd dll the chief Dinin..s .!d two Cdd!6 rj,!r! .bo .epbccd. D!. Irlyaiuld
obj@led h@ rbit rhc lqb Prine Mjri5r6 of ib. .rFrlkd govtuhr fouowd by thc

disjssl ofPPP w@ &tully AlD G. d.fatiag !6ri6 of ih€n psni.s which acr.d

6nr&t ro thc inlalsts of ii.ir !Etty.'r0 rb. reson sas ccrrlidy lo .!se 6eir po-

.sl!blb!a6r bebavioE i! L!. lqt 966.1 .Lotiotu .gaiDsr lhcn oM pofiticd p.ny.
Howh!b. tu co6c w$ .doptcd and i\c disnilsat of Naw Shalif when Mazlti

w.Foidrcd a &. c&t ld PriE Minisla.

llssr! Abi Rizvi wI! tl,t rhc ptesid.ht bd @Ds od tte COAS O!!.
Ksdat oa tbe @nd of th. .ptojld@r of I,Idi* M@j Kbaljd,'r' Bur 1!. prsidcDr
co.sidcied il a d .U.ga!d .Dd sid tb.l hc lrd s.tered rh. oost tdqn ed nor_

@!to!6ial FEo! for thj! off@ witbod &y 6sdl!1i@ of thc AEy Chictr!: T!.
?esidlat apoinred ldrd p.Mr! l&. St tid Javcd BEtj, ore of his old ticnd& s
@noEi$ Aon th. \vorld B&k s r! ldvis ro r!. ptiD. Milisrd on tt)a@. E are
apDoinr!.d Nljd S.rIi, r ryrncd jo@ltbr toD Ltro& as lh. ninjsEt of
ac@ullabil'ty, Blr th! crEdjbility ofuc @r*cE sutf.r.d du. io !!c .!pointb.!r of Di,
Zub.ir Knaa tle ?&siddr'; hrcth6-i!-law 6 Cottrlr.ae Minisld tud Mur4
Bhu{orrr as thc ChicfMlinc. ofsildh. ptBid@r kShri saF 6ar lF r@} iqrr tm
Dq ISI Lr Gc[ NsiD R !a But lbc rmy stDwed splEhe!$or abo!:! {E appoinirnent
of Mumtlz BlNno and Klat.ja Tdiq R !ih.r'4 So.oc ioElltisis who had ctosc tdEs

wilb the mililsy also obj@r€d ro thc ale.rioa of rb. .djsa!'5 Holqd jt look st!a!.
rh.l the Ptllidlli nigh h.vc c@3ulql rb. Dc, lsl br,r mr i[. coas wnich 6s
idlossiblc b.carse Se DC, ISI acts rs thc .yc ud car oftbc .Arrny Ctrief.

lhc my otrdd s nrl slppon to rh. ca$taka govcJ@al by jnduciirg

miliLly FeEcl i! difr6. .ivili& wisrr6 A lw sd-up s leposd @tjdd

lhc Co@il fd Dcf@ $d Nltolrl Seuiry (CDNS) ..3 ! foM to irduct My
@medcrs h ilc pl@s! of de€bio!-d.Iing duing the inlcrin p*iod.rlt Lrgluri
drlblishcd rh. cDNs !! JrrLEty 197 qiilout o. @sult rior of rh. @.r.I.r Pridc

!tuied j!5t to plce th. Eilitdy- 'IXj! i.iicr.d hug! @iricis upor !idr"'h.r.foE,
l,te r4fty Chjd Gei- Kdrn4 diselc.d hiE$lf fod thc CDNS whjc! wa l.!.r o!
di$lvcd .i!. r!. elede{t gov.@@t l@l( ovd,'re tlo9*d, 6. .slluistsdt of thc
CDNS wi$out @adting lrin MjDsto i! th. p6od of llc i din goe.@dt stro*d

th€ lev€l ofadir@!@ by LrD ?rcsiddl er.leldcd 10 lle ,4my Chid

ft. Fift gffial cletions id tw.lrc yer$ *@ Lld i! F.bfuly 1997. T1t hy
ssistcd th. civilid .dmililndio! i! thc @ndwring ofth€s clcotios ir a !.@tuI Ey.

IE volds' trE!-out *!s the low6t i! thc hjsroly of?akisla! b.de ofd. odd situation
p&ticul&ly th. @. fr.B ofir!. politi.il !rni6 ud then @mption ston* lhough th.

ofrcial eurcas clained it ar hig! 6 40.27 pd ccnt.':oI1F orly d.veloFreDt wa! Ue

dergocc of I!D!o! K!o!\ Tchrit-i-Ilsi ! Fw politicd pdg, thal wa l4!Dh.d ir

1995 bl' it @uldr't da wb t silgl. sell d@ to 6c dc@ ets of 6. Edidon l lolitical
palties &d imatulc siaaE ofi,tE palry lcadd a a politicid, Arothd .xpedjdcy is dral

the vot€u' tistr @e Dor Evisc.l due to wucb 1h. yout\ th. o{r8ianic votc b.d< of
lEa Kb! B dclliKd noE c{sliDg ih€ir voL.

h th. 1997 .lcctions, tt Pfp &d rcligiou ladiB lost badty. The host
sulung apNll of rh.se el€crio! resd6 w!3 i.tar lpp ton in 6x &e piovinc* .xc.pt
Sir6, tlc !@. prcvi!.c of tb. Eiuno tuily ,tt@ it @utd s€ur! ooly 18 scars,,, trs
p.rforE !€ si|s dis.l i! thc pejsb, Kbyb.r psj&ulkts &d Bato.tilrar
Itu pML
0{) wo! s@t! i! !I rhc proviles ,rd ws luc4esstul in foEilg gove.rruocnts i, $e
cair€ ald rhe Pujab for thc sccold lim wirh thc L.lp ofihc ANp ed ue MQM.j!

Iablc of cleri@nsu& r9?r

Nec ofpoxtcrl @ Nubcr of oodar*ciiiii

rml4ur@+L'.n (rur


oh.: EleUo! SbtisriB of pa&iG

Mid N.ssz Sndifloot lhc ofie of Ac ftiric Milbla tut rhc s€@d ti@ .!d eEd
l?7 vot6 in the boB of 2l ? n @ba$ Tbc MQM !!d rlc ANP jdled U. co]llme.l

6 coalitio! !dti6 slolg with th! iad.p@datr. Tlc ?ML (N) sqlpr ihe elecdd iD

Puja! wiib 2l I e61s in a !ou. of 240 and loEned ! sfilg govcr@cor !€adcd by Mid
shahbaz Sldit It a.lso fmcd coltitid 8ovffi.nis in .I th! orbd Fovi!6 of
Palista!. I! SiDdI, &e PMl, 0l) fm.d govcm@l wirl tt€ MQM ed thc

iod@ddals wiih 34 @t9 Klybq Pa}trtulhM ,l$ hld ! coditid 8ovffiat of rhc

ANP ed PML C{) alolg wilb tndep@dcdr!. birirlly o rcgiolal !.nics, lhe BNP ed
JWP fo@.d ! @alirio! Bal@bisb! wirh rhc h.lp of satl greuPs bur thcy @uld Dol
swirc for loDg @d llc PML (\) Dad. a .ortitio! govcdEan b Auglsr 1998.u

TI! Ilvfl- 00 s.v. this imple*sjd rbfl ditra@t pottical ldnis wdd vo.t
logcthd fo. rbc Drtio@l jd.(srs for fic frn dEq a'&r &@ lhcir diffct@G. Bm ir

Foltd to h. wisbtul thirli.g b..re Flcti.dly it s hlrdly losiblc h the latis!.ri

l@daslip 1o $l !8lioEt jDt@rtt .bov. r6.n F$!rl oc. ID 6cr B@il .!d Naw
Slr.if @p€d.d qirh .ad orhq ro Ernovc 58(28)r{ but rb! sovq@ot @rilucd
with rhe !rcc€.diDgs of thc A@@rlbiljty Co@issior, whLicl !!d be€! stafied by

rEsidelt Ireldi aeaiDn the fod.r !.imc Minisir Bddjr sd !q nusbdd. An

A@Ellbiliry c€u 8 qeGd i! !l&. of ilc A@ouubiliry comissio! wiihi! tbc

Prine Mirista'3 S4r€bri.t *tticb tunld llcxcd its d$olc! b.forc thc oppolots of the

Nawu govelMed irluddg lhe polirici@, b6ics.n, johalt$ ed orh.rs.r)

Naxu Sldif stan.d with s @!did rclsiiorshiD *ilh bolh lhe !!€siddt &d tte

Eilitary- Si!@ bod h.d saolg aptrch$ioa !bo!r ln. slaL oftb. ..o.ooy i! Itt*rr4
!l. !€e sov€l@.!t took tuy stGp! for iis d.vclop@r includilg "Malclt 199?

eonoFic pa*agc, tL losn rdiffi.dt scb@, thc 2010 pbSnme for good

gorq!!!@ ad sio-eonoDic trado|ldraio4 th. ruc 198 NatioDl Asdda fd a

:.!1b!ok i! qlFdiu! o! &lbinisfnio!, !.co!et of ovdduc b€lk lourr rld job

oppolnhiti$ for bcrnplot€d youth.t' Relid in tdB ud lor int@si lod re ale
otr@d to c@Egc c.Dldic ..livitica i! tlc co6Ey. 'I!c gov@dr l&@d a lo&

of S 1.6 bilio! wiih r low iltaat rd. nd &. IMF lcd 10 3 t@bd of str@t'Eal
clrug.! itr rhc c.oloEy ,s a colditi@ ofibj! lo6.t3'

Despi| slt ihce n€'sws, govc@clt could ml Fodu@ fomidrll. r.sdts

dE to thc t&t oflolilicil wiU lo iEpLEdt ibc dI' d potcics- ft could lor cl.de

iD(i iotrd $4po( to d..l wirb t!. Io!8 F!Eili!8 dlntc of q d8io4 @EuPti@
ald qlravagsnce o! thc pan oftllc admjrtu!.iior tld lo!'dev.loPnmt s'ctor' Sincc lh'

builcssnd tnd agriqnEjsls sta &c Pow b€$ of tlc €ev@ndi' NaR'? Sl6if
f...d 3to!g !.sislas. i! tb. iDrotilid of ilc Gad.t Stl* Td (cST) o! the bai@s

c@uity &d i,!. @v.!y of a€rrutu.lax,rrr llslcad of Dttjlg doublc th€ nubd

ofthe ilx laycrs,'t fic CBR mjsed th. ts4eb fd tax @U'clio:! s't for i!' fDejal
yd of 1997-9E .!d ih.6@itt v@ 198'9q bv l0 F cd de to co@prrd i! rb!
ilstitutio!.'r3 I!. Euli E i!. Bsp !.twa r.suces ed expddihfts {bicn in nn

forc.d culblcks o! th. lbss of Prcei@s i! lb Diti@al Evcnu6 collcctcd bv th'

bd9@ f'd"tl govcnu@l ad

f.d6at 8ovNcot llis !8Ain gdse{.d tdsion lhe

tlc lrovilA Tlc goa@eDr f.ilcd lbc l@vdv of th! ovdduc banl lod b'cN
bosi of Uc defauld w@ iDildniallolifcies Th' Shsif fdjlv
B al'3o incM'd ir

lhc lis ofdcfaullq!. lnilillv, M! dehullB q6 qrd'! bul wirhout Sain' bft'N' tlc

gov@@r fdrcd Politicd h6.UasLB


Ooilg luclcd w! a !$d dccisior nl@ by Ue aorc@at wu.tr @cd

Popddily fd th. gor€!@@. A s!! a @biDc ilc.isioD of rh. govcmd ed 6e
rrlrlt2ry, Bul ir wd h'rd to fa@ tL tulilivc s!!dioD! by thc ilrmriond Eonirory

insliidjoa!. Thc Wodd Badq ihc IMF dd th. Asie DcvclopDcat B&l $spcndcd atl

ao!@i. B&t!e v/bi.t brE d P&i$& A@ wicils its &h lbbilida @o@ti!g
lo $32 billio! iI ily s!!t gy ro
Scpbdb.! l998.rrr Thc govclllni Luchcd a lhr€e

dar with dc chllcdgc: 1) ! sa'iogs lolicy i! lublic cxpeDdior.; 2) $eh for 6y

Ios tu6 Ai@dly Muslid @uEi.s. Sardi 4r&4 th. Udtld Alab Ehintcs, Kumit

ald Qarar e.F.d thc rcqest 10 Imvidc oil d dcfqEd p.)rc *!il. K]lqat dd th.

UA.E .9..d d son b6. T[c bbbic D.vclol@@l BaEl atedlcd 3 f@qi.l p&L!8r
of SI.5 billion: 3) h the wd(. of th. USA'5 srnotll.d@i that they would not oplos.

ey offlr of fi@cial lssi$ncc to Plti5ie,u.ffotts ro !6tor t lls qii! i!. !tf.8t

It s!@t of&c dcclMtioD of?.Ii!t.! s a d.er !3Iio! @t .d till rb. ddoftbc

D6piL l! inc.niis !@Ec.d by rhc gor!@or to dt!'t dir6r toEign

irv.sto@t the expetcd esults dild loi t shi.vld duc to law &d ddd Piobl@
rho 6uty. Tle Aoczi4 of the FoEigtr OE ncv A@ouis (!Ces)rr3 sovcd uothd

r'hw ro tb. @rfd6c! of t!. l@l and oversBs ratislldrs atd cm lbc focigrcrs

rr' fte spvd@dt otr*d s Dbbd of @c'$ios and

baintai.jns FCA5 in Palisre

rb. nding of adEE !d lbt a@El loldd siaDlt 6rici$! lhi! sction ba'@ of

llc bMch of comitlcnr o! tb. port of ilc Sovet tr@t '4

b odd to svoid djsi$st agliA Nawaz Sharif $!gbt hdP of all thc Polilical

prdica to Fp.d ih. s.nPi4 of 6c aniclc 53(23) tlwugh tlt lllin@tb AEadled ro
&e 1973 Codituiior UlrLr rhi! |nadi@! rb. ?ciddr couid,o ldsa disis i!.
Nali@l A$lnbly and rhc Pribc Milidcr. Ir abo vilhdr.w llc pow of ?rlsidcnt lo

sd'6 ard sm. o|}d iolonel covcm.il offciats.

,.i,oirx the chiefs of the t!r.e
Now, tb. PrBi.t ar @dd @r ig!@ rt le@Edddiotr! Elrt b] Oe rriEc Milisrd

fo! thcs tey ploilrDear!.Iar

Gddlg nd co!fi.lancc by tbc ftjn!@ Asodod! Nrwz Shdif ineodw.d

&olhd @lsdnniord tn.'vli.at ro id!o$ sroDg disidie ovc. rhe laiy n ob6s.
Tbjr Foutcdth AEadh.n! pFvjded tE hcad of the pdry wifi a d@jsiv. posirion dd
coEpLi..oDrrol ovd hj! party l!@ba! a! itc ri@ of wti!8 j! lbe lsli@dt. I}j5
lcgisllrior cuiaiLd th. ddiey t!@b6's FiviLc. io sp.rl r!.n Eilds s jr
@pok d tlc p&ry l.!dd lo di@is .!y ofhft p6V edb*s ton th. pdli.Ecot if
!c d sbe bad violr&d pdry dilcipli.a No ortd irsiirudoa ircludils jldicilry M
aLloqd ro i dLF wirh rbc &rnd.I{ N.w Shrif vdy!rc!.Uy.t clrF! lhb b b. rh.
pc@cat eluliod 10 hors. r?dilg sld looring.r.r N@c1h.t.!a lht ecndbcfi
coderrcd a diddoi.l rcI. WoD thc Frrt bad whic! .!.blcd NlwE Shtritto @nEol


Litc lh. Fnio'ldy det.i Fi@ sinisras, N''@ Sbqif E rtso Aie!i6.d of
tie nilitary. H. ws vdy clr.fit in his dearing *iU rh. D nary sd avoid.d all so,rs of
co!6olhlioi! tbrr .ould lossibly provokc &c artny. Na rz Sbadf corsutted $c Amy
Clief b.forc tating up rL. Ilin@d AD.'da@l i! thc rd[!lmr. gis covm.Dr .te
contiluld pllcine the arny !€rsodel or difercnt lositoDs in lbc ciail sdies ed otbt

iblonllt posrs. td rbit cou@lio4 hc @dd.d th. Fdploynd orda of ihc aEry

otr6, etlicb P@ issued by rhc .5r!r*.i govairncor As a g@dwill ge$w, bjs

l.vF.bdr appoilt d reiir.d Lr Gd Mo@ud! dlirtd a rh. oov@ of siDdL Lt.

G.d MulaDDld Adf Balslsh ltnilcd thc pon of thc covcnor of Klyta
lalbtblhm 3 hc Dr rppoirLd by $. c.l!t8.r goi,.r@cor ftc som.Dr dso

4€!t d tlc e/s pr.losd ro ,Uow tbc ADy Ciid i! bold rLe pon of thc ClEilfu
JCSC aner d. Elillldt of Ai. Chi.f lvllrshd !&!oq Fd2 (!e aoE rhjs !osi. TIE

Prihc Mbi5ld too& 6e deisio! ro @nduo! lhc luclcar tcsrs iD 1998 h @nsultation wiib

!\c sior @l]]j@d6.r{ All tlcsc favous fd rhc @y showcd rhir rtis tio€ Naw
Shqif @ally did!\ l@i to l@ lhc lryt.o!6dae e.t blc$ilgs, Alboush b. hld

ai!di!.d aU llc an\olity thsugh ih. rhindrh dd touncorh emdedts, sti! hc had

f.rr of ilt doijon AoE thc myra'*hich s!o* rba uy cosill.djdEl @E @uld.or
e@ loliric.l g@@nan A@ rh. oiUlary !.don ilad@ tb. bcsr oprio! M ro pl.e
tL AEy Chicf io tu thc sovc@@bl !ff.iB $..!sdultr.
gaese Asl@ri Fj@i srrr, r!. 6ilirn, els i! favoE of &r Pllsid@tial loE ro

disDi$ thc govtu@t b.{'e rhai *!5 rhc ai6t sy fo! lld lo *misc incir will

withoui aMire pokr d isposilg M&rirJ lrw, Bur still, rhc my pdvid€d Nawe

Shaif witb a .h@6 to slow hjs abjlitis. I! my showcd contorlt61 wirh only a ts!
pd dt i4@c i.L d€felc€ budg4. ftcy did!'r i!!i$ for rle rvival of the CDNS,
;hic! w$ cstlblisled by President LcdEi io pl6. tlc @y. Md€ov€r, the tuy also

ltlovld lb. ciil govd@eDt io laEdlc rbc is$ ofth. rcsi8! ion ofrbe Naval Chjefa

r d!@gc @ntrol hei$rc for th. otit ry ir l!! w*. of Dcdia rcpoft! oD his

ilvotv@dr i! @n+iior i! d.fcDc. pw.he dcab.r{ 1}. my agEld to it jlst lo

lhow l!.t lelt-dity i! loDt otrhc civilj&, Howm, rhis prod@ocracy gelluF ws
the timcly anindc ofltre Arny C!idce!. K&lnrl lldi€t ]e cluld not sLtrajn !!y Eorc

: rr'ii thai ed cislrtr@ ro ilc civilie gov@@t\ d.cisi@ ed diticis 10 rh.n

'Ilc EiXt&y ain.d iL and b ilv.di8Ft corn&tio! chqc! ag.iln lh. An

Chiei lt @uld no tonger bc tloof noo Llc pm!.8atd! agajlsl tte at!y. fte Amy Chief

lool Dolie ofth. gowin8 qilici!6, TL Pri@ Milind Ei.d lo a!s@ the dv ihd ln.

eot!l!!@t *.3 rot inrcNd ir th.i ?ro!rg&d!-r4t AI lhcsc a.lidrs *ttt Etcn 10

alpee ih. my,lti! E ilttincd a bcltc r.laliotsliP bd*d lh. gov.tu.li ed thc
@y, Con6tt!!i!a o tbe two ofrccs in Lhc l,eds of the Amv Chief nlind
mpoftiEd lhc atrady lo$€iftl AEy Cbici


'I!e c.lA.otatior $th th. SIFEE Cout had Fov'd to b' ! dl setback for lb'

Na\r@ Shdif Sovc@cnl. Hc rlied io ovslidc tb.

judjciarv fo! rlE alpointbcnr ofncw

juds6. Chief Juni@ Saijld,aU thlh $sec5t€d tbrt di t[o* vacad Posiriotu i! r!'

Sulthc Colrt sbodd bc illcd qilb lbc 1b& chcf Justi@s of lbc Fovi'od Eieb

ccllits &d !*o sior judscs of tb. L!l@ HrSl cour But ihe Naw eoacm'nt
h *jl,\ tlc
di$s@d wilh thc prohotio! of two of lhc Foposcd judg$ ordc! to deal

Cbi.f Jusdc€, Naq@ sbift'ied lo Ed@ llc rosd ofth' fo@! $'ou& 6 'xtcuiv'
bv rh' colrc &d bs ssodd@ all over
o'dd.rr'T his w&s Porcsl.d aslins '(Mry
sd rhc gov.lmm! * fqc€d to dc6e irs oidd bui thc land @nrt!u'd lo
eren Drcssue, wbjch clused senous ditreleDct's b'scen d€ sovffe ed th'

judjciarT. Fi$Xy or rhe Edi.lid of rb. pBid@i ed rh. Amy Chici th. pliEc
Milino 6gE d io eloiDt lL. t@DD@d.d j!ds6.r! ftis Dcdiaio! M i! facl !
r..rion ehich lbc my had be uilg for dccad6,IE rcle ofe dbir".tor at 0E rop

level aposs {tn etud st ru! the ADy Clid cljoyed"

Td. opposirion rooL adsrr.gc !t:d fld scvarl cls !g!i!sl ih. @rstiffijodl
ald Ltd sL!€ LL@ by i!. Nr*rz 8o@cd'rr T!. Sulrcde C.!n declsid tb.
Iounccath Ahcldocot (.oD.in d of lntidefaiior laws) 6 ucostiruti@al on th.
grcu& rbar it E dBig!.d ro cEtail O. bd?ad@ oflb. lublc EPIsat tiv6 at
tb. linc ofaoling iD t[. P&lilBcD. l€d!$ pd9 lin6."'z T!. b.ltlc @tiD'*d *nd tt
PriD. MiDistd opdly riticisd lh. @ul's d.cisioD in th. ?dlidat &d the suPmc

Coun bo& sio6 !oric!.!r3A coDtdll petition B nbd .8d!si tbe &ime MinjstdE

ed ih. $D@. coEt tuo!.d Nlw Sbsil dont with ddd oL\6 ro lpFd
b€for. thc court lo dd.!d ib@.'r' Tlc hiDc Milisla swh lclicf &oF tle coun bv

Gqocslilg r d. DoDlb! iim fd . wiltcD leply but thd @t! rlnsld @d ord@d IlE 10

apF.r on t7 Nor@ba h.forc th. @ut, just foE d$s tn r ihe bdils '4

Naw S!!if instad of codplvjls sib tb. od6, 51Et.d F6!adi!8 Pcid@r

L.ebei !o .epl&! lb. Chi.ftunic!. Ir ilis Equ.sl, b. M suPlolt'd bv e old ii6d of

tbe r€sid.& Shdrid Hei4 th. Govmr of thc Pejsb 1lt' Pt*id"i abslurclv

s !c bld dotc i! ihc B@zi! gov@.nt ht Sbbid H@id h'li'ved ihlt j!


Bddn's ti6c, th. jud86 h.d bd Eit d bul 6jr tiE thc judg's *'E dividd'

tf.Elo!. th.y coutd b. dcdt wit! edilv. lrghM \Ndctl Lbe Sovm' agaiDn r&

but Nawlz Shdif di.t rct .bedo! Iis ctrdt!r57 The govc|mdt tlso

d6i.lcd lo imp@! lrlsiddr Irghei !!d Oc Chi.f hsric. beclus. rhe prcsidclr nad

abBd ht powd ald hld tcll rbc biltr pcnrtiag for 30 <taysrst

llre ,4ny Cbiefj!&w€4d io gd thc situati@ r.lolved. H. liE*li dolg witb

thc DC ISL G.n Ndjn Ler, vo*.d a! Dcdilror ed $nlg€tl r Inccrile of ilc Cbief

JEije, tbc t'r.sjd€lr &d rbe !.iDc Milircr iD rh. !Bd@ of O. cd

Ady CNci
Krnalt*!o rs&!d lbc Chicf h$d@ forrlc wittxbsd of ih. @ .opi of cowr 6c

wbi.h of.!d.d tte lrd6. He &ft$d b djl*r ib. ce. pr*idal Legbdi t icd ro

.oddi!. llc ,iru!$@ by rcfcEilg 1o th. diticd @!djti@ wtich dcmdded sr.rbitiry j!
thc @utly btn rtl wDr i! Eic On bj5 Equs! rbe Ciid Jusrie agEed to dclay th.

lrlc€dilgs of rh! @Dlcidpt crs. fd two wck!, O! rnc orhd !ed. when Nawu slrif
requ.std fd olrcy, tb. Chi.fJ8icc Gpli€d ihd rc a,!t mr ltd 10 pturid! E6cy hn

jusria.'r'Tlis PcroDlr wlr B ! radiriolrl pbdod.,on i. which d .tndividEt

ch!.&td' pla)3 t llcy rola 1!!rop Swtu ofr@ toldca v@ saivilg tb. FE@d

sp.riority ed @re ws kcd to sv. lc iostituiois.

'ftc PriDc Miaisid @d lbis linc to @utq?flick tb. oticf hs:t ce ald f lcd a

wit !8.i!s thc diSi!.1 lproiDh@t of lb. chicf .tuni@ in thc SlF.oc Coutt
Balochjsid b.nch wlich sulsded thc Chicf Julticc lnd adviscd tiie Pr6id.ni ro

alFiot . eFlka chjcf lrstie.t@ Ilis d6bio! B s!.?@dcd by a ldgd h@ch

pBid.d by thc chi€f Jurtic! cldlcngilg rh. jubdidio! of th. Quena Bdch on

r.cblic.l gou.tl."r llE ration wib.ssd !! uPtEld.dt d itsslc ad gbuP'lg

betwd tlc judsca ol Uc hi8! judi.ilry dd thc batrlcsroud M thc ncdiaro T1&

ABidcot srs!.clcd 6at thc Chi.f ,u3ic! rould retd! tbc Eighb AE@ddcnt lo
dlows the Pr6idot b dis,nis rbe N.w 8ov.@or wldch hc did
At did'igbt Go JalrDgir Kdlna! Dq ISI, Nawe slEi4 waiiD Saijad &c

ChlimEn ScD.!4 Khdid rn*!ia.!d tllabi Bul(bi! Soomrd vjsiicd thc Presidcnr
qo'e.E L.ghdi along witb bir civil 066, Sb@iba Ali @iEd th@ wh@ dE
Piidc Midllq !!d lis bq Diaista F.rcl|l.d $c crs. agailst th. Cbid Jwic. ed lhe

.,udg.ocDt of &c B.lochjero B@b of tbc Swdd. Coul lsajln !8.r5' Hc i.sistcd

lhd t ghi slould di$isl o .B of rt clicf Junie i' lbc Ugbl of thi.
3igD lhc

judgded lrd !ig! tb. s@E rr of lh. qloj ddt ofJuei@ Ajod Midro lribsi

En8cd ro sig! silcc hc btd irfointid tbd lb. 'euitcs of tnon v' F. u*d io obt iD

tri5 judSodtrs Tne @rwtioD i! th. judi.iary s&t cx!o!.d ,d c@cd a bad De. for

Ilc Pr6iddl &d ii. Cli.fhnicc nct tlE liDcs t rlav o! 27 Noe@ba ltd
.tiss.d 6c i$. th. A6i.Lor slSgcsrcd to ih. Saild Ali Shth rblr tile h' bld 16l

tle suppon r. shoold eig!"r Vlsie Saijad' !i6$lf 4 a la*18'

of f& j!dS.s,

E oed@d.d lhat this irqrel I!! ju5ti6qd Pr6id"! L'8hqi, lol @lvitrc'd
lo ukc

L Eul.t Bis! tb. DAt dtv ad Wsin Saijad wodd 5i8!

this dellsro4 susSclted lhd

6 a! @ti!s !tBjd.!i. G4 X!t!E'!, NsiE Rdr dd ]lltli B$dsh

this otttd

sno!8ly conttd.d lbrs jdca G6 (dsat afugcd anotbd m"iins in ine P!'sidcnl

$to.Mesrlv ssrcd lhc ?rsidat Dol Io rcsi8n ed lei him

ofrc. wiot th. ChicfJusti@

suPgoflas invadcd the Supldc coul

fidlt his b.l c.rz That d!y, &e PML (N)
buildingrs *'lich ws an ult iDcidenl in th' hi5lory ofralisia Uifolr@aielv
thc $Dor nilnlds ffic diEctly inslv'd in th? !lta't'

TI€ judgcs oflhc High Judiciarv vlrc also di\'id!d il souls for th' tusi d'nc in

ile efrods of dr. Nawaz qoa€@a! t1 SoDe w'E in fdou of it chi'f

hislorv wiih

Jusrie's sriDd lrd it otd \N@ .C!i.ll bi@'x Tr. jol! di5u wibcsscd th.r rh.

luplortc6 of th. ?rine Minislci di.tcd lhc Sup@c CoEr Mrb rhe hdp of rh6

r. .,in ndt authoriri*.r'6 It Cti.f JNricc lsLd rh. ptlsid.lt f@ r}c dy's L.b fd
tbc wEity of rlc cou.rtt th. AEy chicf foruidod tto lctt4 1o rhc Milistry of
Dcf.@ for e lDpropdar &ri@ lt slM rh! AEy Cticf! in lilitiotr ro b. D.urd j!
Uc squ.bblc ,Eo!g rhe civilir! ilitii{ioEe. Bcilg AE ADE r! Dilitlry sfcss, rhc

goveM@i, th. PFsi<lcn1&d lhc chief Jus64 opeily c,lno olt io knock doM eeh

llE Ady Chicf I idom.d alour . prorest in &oat of rhc SulMc Coln ed
l!. e of th. Pqa! HoLe. fo! lblr !q!os gc Fn!.!d n ttuvi.tc sriry @w wbd
Oc Chi.fftsdcc r'q&sred b@ Thc A@y Cticftool thc tie rbal dl sucb F{lcsrs
snodd b. st l,lftuth t!6 Mbjsry of Dcf.r@.rz h tbis sn G@ Kffilr deletr.d

!i@lf toE th. cisis &d ld &! @!as b. E$lv.d by tb@ Ile Pr6iddl 6d6!d
Lhc ddndd fo. l,rr. t@!s ed lcnt the Lltcr 10 i!. ltin. Minis&., Hc @nd.mcd rlc

attack o! the Suprtec Cout s wU, Th. gov..d6t el.4d this lcttq ed !h. Piinc

Milist r's Es!o@ lo rh. pB cx!6cd IL. sious.LE€r.n4s betw*n tI. two ligh
oflic.s r€gardire i.tE issE of LL judicidr,rte Tl. i$bility of thc FDnciali 10 Esolv.

t. !!$6 ihhDgh .orsriudo$t Ec&! hilded rhc !Il).s of tsirio! to d@o@cy.


Accordilg ro ft, ir'dr, si!c. tbc PBidcd w&tcd io pr.s.!vc Uc connitutiolrl

position of i\e insitutio6 of $. slai., lh@foG b. lelt on tsiltilg all th. .ffons by

Plioc Milistcr Nawe Slaifb .slluish his ftll @ljol ovd tbcjldicialv. Cons.q@nv
th. ilit'taly @di.t r.l!do! !ct@ lbc cl*rcd 8ov@@r tld tbc ltBidctr rook .
dowlllid€ to rh. lor\t3t cbb. nc PliEe Mi!is:r6 lbltloed thc PFsidot of his

jrnt)eachn t tbrclg! tbc P&li@ar By thd ti4c de Cnieftusticc !.rt!td 58 (21) lo

mpow rh. Prui.Lor io dissolve tlc !ovcfr!.d. D.aitc ilc lbr.d of iE!€achEeni

&d rh. FBw ro dbsolrc tt Nldo.rl Ars@bv Ptlsidan l4!{i dccid.d to 6i8n a

yd b.foF lhc ad of bi! c@ Coltlry to lh. FsEi@ of &. Afty Cbi.f @d thc

DC, ISI, he EsiSled on 2 Dedbd I9?.rr0 'Ille aldy lt@jrd ncltal duing this

Fdod ed @bLd thc PliBc MDjit€.lo cdry d witb his goaffit

Ls!&i lol .llow.d lo speir o! ib. R dio dd TV bcfot! his aigltio!. H.
@uld dis$Irc thc NatioEl Asbly belllsc th. SU!I@c Coln Ld Estoled 5E(28)

Thc rsig@tion cdc on thc s@ day s,tn ilF Assdbly M Eoitg to b. i! s*sion to

Kelpirg i! viry tbe s.d bftiory of lb. fiagilc d@odacy i! the !osl'
eithdn*d ldiod i! P.kb!.4 ir l@kcd lneSc lb.a i61€d of d:@issitg 8ov@.t&

hc cloe to Fsie!"
r'r Soo. f.!ti@ cLiald thtr ir w rLe @y wljch h.d flwEcd thc

inp...bE@t otthc P..!iddi i6tad of di3slvilg lhc Nsli@al Ascnblv. Slujs Nawe

w& rbl the Ady Ctrj.f wcd lo co!vi!4 th. ll€sddt to E$rin fi!6 FsiCDi!8

ioh ofre b€.uc bc ldcw tblt Navlt ShEif eoild d$ltov thc corEEv bul al l!.
s!fu rihe he wrlrcd !o td th. €leLd 8ovc@41 qorkr& Both ws. onFad:clory

sosb. ! loot! as iflBiddl t slAi hld t ligncd tno{ils thAl th. Arv chicf rcdd

lor strld wilh lin }towd, it B cld Aorn thi3 drs.u$ioD lbil th. nni.rv ed ils

srrypdt lguiltd O. .t cisiE Acld i! lbc ,n-i_'r @d s@iv.l of rhc cl@nd


WrsiE) Sajjad ba@€ tle a.iilg P$idoi of ?r!.isr&. gc ws a lML (N)

Ioy.lisa thddoF h. sigd.d tt in-nsl dda! of tbc Cl'icf Juri.. vcry onveiarlt
AXi nis resieutio! th. Doaiution of lh. !d lEiddt B . difficdt qEnid Th.
cabi!.1 @Fwnd Pritu Milisld N.*|, Sbsif io !@iur6 a PML @djdde Thc

E di. ed lolitical 3ouE!3 Ec.lDpaigriDS i! fivou of thc FiDlla Mjnist r, sdqi

Aziz's Th. oda two &wuiL ?ML 0O c.@di&Ls M! GhoB Ali Sh& aod Gohd

Ayub K!rn.r! Bd 6. PdEc lfDistd v&Ld a ld proilc Pds! i! th. o6e of lb'

!si.t o. *to oulil lda quetti@ ey dEisio! of tbc f@o. llc 8rre ! li$ of 6flca
c&di.t d6 to lbc Ady Cbi.f for es@tra At lbc 1,5t do6@l L ilttodu"d Justie

G) rrfiquo a.hocd T@ in th. ..bi!d s his @dida€ wlos i,@ had nor be
ddliotrcd.eld. H. Pd a falilv fridd ofNlw Sbdif ed llc fomd l%d advisor

of Slsrif tndustier.rs gi3 .lcotio! ss lrcsi.lol bcfilt d NalJl@ Sh'nf as sn clctLd

diotaior @Dilollilg dl th. ot8@ ,!d irrtitulios of thc go\€me De !o ile

w F ohd@ of! vot' of!o&!6do@ agtilst hi8 H'

lourr.dtb AE ldDcol, thdE
! tjng Mbrti@ Mai!'d
E djoyilg a! powels ald Ms coDli'lqitg niEs'lf te HJs

i$slilt sd s@d elght io bccoF. thc ADd'ul-MoDitcdrrT F&ing no

o@ @!6ddc' bv defcanng dl of his @dias

AoB ey co@, N.v!z ShEiI 8!Dcd

d. Hc M .ojovilg u.bl6s€d !o*!B sld s@d a Doc po$Edil posino!

oDe by

llrD Job! Major, s bc brd d.sircd.dlicr' Virtu'llv cod'oUiDg !]l rlc nar' iGbtunolt

hc b.cs. sll Fwrtul lik a ltiE Miftt'r nlds'd bjs fd or

dldsror' ftq'forc the

cl'ctcd sot!@6r ts
disirstl. Bur $t$ the co$linnional wy b disiss $'
i!' Eilitalt {ts ih' old mv 10 l'}c oYa di@try' rc d'd
bloctcd ihc ulti4d! Esolrc for

Gc!. Mushdtrafin 199.


lrljsla!'s luclar t€sts i! 1998 i! rlspo$e ro t dja colblen Naw Stdif o

b..1hc; nor. !ow. His govelmdt pro.laincd a slarc of ddSdcy on ihe day tl.sc
nuclcar tests lm coducted.ie A.ltbough, Il&r oa Nas!" Snsif took lhe iliiativ. iD

FchNqy 1999 i! dda 1o {-"lrs.Lrio6 wirb Ildia ed invitd r!. hdia &iB.
Milisld. At l B.lui Vaj?ty4,10 kloE rld s Eutual agrc@oi looM s $e iihote

Deldatiolis ws siSncd to lomalis rclstions b.tw6 rhe rwo couEicg Borh th.
l.das agEd to r.slN thc pe&. F@s! .!d io tatc.ofdd.c bujldinS ncasllr€s iD

Uc eunirl iDta6r oftbc p@pta ofth. Subco.ii!@rle

IE !€.1 pmblms suda@d nghl .nd lhc D!cl@ dplosions sincc rhc US od all

iB dlics impo$d pujtiv. scI@ M blocL.d.

on Pakilla!. All en of doDoni. aid

Th. 6urry's €.ol@t shic! r !6vily dcpad@1 @ llc aid &d los Ad th€

ws!.n @u!trjcst delilcd lo d .i.@i!g sreg..rtr Naw Sbif @ul<h1 .leit wirl
ina. scnoB €lxeDio pebl@ b..auc of thc .dvisoB. T!. .6n@ic
c.adirioB firthd dciaiont d d@ to Nawaz Slaifs exlesilc lublic.policie li.ke

Fovidilg 50,000 tr v bod6 t rhe rc.dy p..!L. Alothd bloe rs lb. lMr's deai@
ro eittold $280 oitlio! ilstdndr of irr $1.56 bjlfion l@ lo ?r}jir! as a p,n ofirs

eti-nucld sdcd@!. T!. Isladc D*lopoc Bert agF.d ro bail P*ino out noE

ils @rcdb disG by slstirg a $1.5 bitlion loa"':N.we S[dif, i$t.ad of ta&i!8
eD. etd oelsEs to d.el wft ilc €orcDic disis, @nt'oucd wil.l Lhc lolticd
ldvdr!6 i.e 'sbdi'd BiU' lo iDpo$ bl8ic bs in ?aljrl!!. H. prcposed ihc

nfrccolh Airendstml whjch qrs Ej€cl.d by 0lc rnajdiry be.ausc il *ould hdve nadc

Nawaz shnrifeld norc powatul.t$


Tlc NaMz go@eul iltlodu.€d lcw a..oEr.biliry b*s, which inn !d of

u!roei!8, vrrte!.d tb. a..our$iljty lrocts, iriliaLd by tE @r.tald 8oil@or, Ir
hld be! ! roltilc siM rhe rBtonrio! of dcEoc@y 1irr .vcry gov.@@t rc&.sh..l

lbc @'rnulility groclss star.d by U! piaious govann 6t *ilh a! liE to F!.cure

ihcn pofitical opF!@r!,rs lh@ s$ haftUy &y nilind d ncnbq Aom th.

Sovr@@t's p.rty lrio bld nor b€.o trid for cnrnptior clfgB.
11. powr t 6I'!0!r lh. Clief A@Ealiuty CdEisstod w also

te*cd fio! li PBi.lcd io llc Prioe Mililrd e&r rlE Thlico A!@dn6t ro

1973 Cor.tifutioa"r Tbc }!iDe Mirisrc.'s Secr.&lidr ws auhonsed to invsrigat the

c.@!rio! d@ by th. p@ioN gorr@al! ald ovil sc.v&rs TLc pdiod spadlog

fion 1965 ro 1990 \ms €x.lDdcd EoE thc inverbg.lon prcccsrs besle. ll,.
goErbo€lt wst d 10 bd Nle€z Sblif out for .ll his ded! duing bjs i@ s O. Cbr.f

Minislq of U. Pbj.b (1935-1988) &d bis fist &F 4 rrinc Mmdd ( 1990_1993).'et

Obviouly th. !l!!osc of the A@Et bility BE@ w ro victioie B.@n la

DolLer lu hBbdd ed hd pdty, 'ft@f@, $c f@a Pri@ Mtjlid b.d ro aPPa

b.foF tbc .ouis to d€f.!d hdsr .gsidr lb. chsscs of c.nulri@Dr Bdlzn Fjetcd

lhc dedibillly ofrlc ,lcoudabil,ty @urE dd dddded lhn th. atal of$. 6s .srinn
re This comis,id wd
he! slould bc bruehr forwd througl tle ordilllv couts al'go

noodcd wil! thc @Eupljon c€g am dEosl ,ll th. dePartocots of i!. 8ovcmaid s
. puitivc E.lsur€ a$irst thc loliticd oPpoM$.
T!! A!!-Tdris Ad (ATA) w p.5$d v&ich dPowEtd $' lav @forc'!!

agercies, udd anicle 245 of t!. coDsritl'ioo. to s.ltcb hows snd to d'i th' es!4s

without Mnlr .i,ud..i Shuj.t H!5sj!:o' !rdi!.d tbr thc ,Ey tud !o ture bcyold
bilir6ry @!ns& follow€d by. public srdcde of0le
Arny Chi.frhar ite Dilitary
.€3 ,'ot ilvolvcd b &c politics
,!d jt voutd et l'te.r dy polticrr !dt/.s Sp.cial
@un! we establislcd ladd llc ATA ro dcat wih $.! @* bur rhcsc cscs could lot
be *tdd wifii! rb. riec nadc giv.o by lhis &r, &.FfoE th.y *@ e@ly qiliciscd
by r.lc civjl $ci!ry. Thc S|]I,r@c CorIi s&|t d b6i!8
lcudoB agli4t Uje AT.A9,rd
dcchcd lbd tb. CoBrituid did lor p.iuir &y paEl.l jrdicilr
sysra.:( Tic Suprcne
Cotrn also det.rcd t2 con1rcv6id !@vi.io6 ofATA t99Z s hvatid,,oJ lr d..l.Ed
s6tiols l0 od 35 h@urjturiolat, *hicb allos!.t $. p!oa$ of the ATA aid alowcd
the L* df@iag age@i.s ro €Dla &y dde fo! s *rFh op.Etioa rcspc.tivcly,4
Eslid, the Laloe High Cou,r gavc d n o nolths riec ro Sovc@.n o bri!8 lle ATA
ia @trfoefty wjrl rLe 1973 Co6dludo'.d
llE aovctu@t csabullcd 42E ralirterr (*ryicc) Co@jriee dt ovs rhc
@uay codprEil8 tlc &tivins of th. lML
0t) o solvc rhe !.obr€ns of rb. peoltc.
A.ithougl it sas s good
!rcjar provi.tirg reli.fro Il. @ED@ p.oplc, ,tr r ptuEd io b.
a sour. oflal-oEge tor r'D pML (lg
toyalists. ftc naloial agdda for llc socio-
a.rcerc i,
'+lin, Edudio! @D.d.vctopEat €x!odn@s, job opeonuiia &d
Mov.ry of d! los froo rh. detautl.B ws .tso tuoued 6y rhc Eovtu.nr bul il
could not produ.c rhe rEuiEd Brlrs. TtE !rcble B in thc ind@oadon sr.sc
t!4 i'' p.nitu bias loscd hudLs, ftc o&* tudtc 6 u€ gb*ilg law md ordo

?rcblem dlc to rising lrbnjc ed s@raie @niicts. fte llird probtcn @ rhc shonasc

of @uB si!€ tlc @u!Ey @ hclvity dlr€ndan oD lhe foEiSn e.oDomic did ts
sup€ns'on esleialty afrer ihc alo.oic erdosior led
to d acule c6.oEic risis. Bur

alorc 3X, Na$e Slnifs bigbty p€loDlisd stylc of @scEor tci b lhe
alic@rio! of tlc ioDg LrtD.!i6 lld v.riou @dl .tbDcpolitic€I goups il lbc @au

Pyioe,4lh. d&isio! Elkilg rs ri@. by hj! ctc. .s@.t6 nld Lab@. S@c
of tLdt did no! [avc aly ofrcial fdLr
losilior! inctudilg hir Mi.nl Shdi4 rh. osnc. of
! Lalore bss.d grclp of Dds!ry.rs Maj.cd Nimi, AitNizei, ed a fq ol}.ls. gis
bmllcr Miln S!.!b6z Stdj4 the ChiefMinist€r of&e ?uj!b wss hr! rieli had. Itcy
hsd dayd a dooiDlrl rotc i! Ac poliriej dEisioFerlilg pr@s, whilc ihe Cabjlct

neEb6 !!il th. colItio! pnb6 fw o6cr prcvirccs *n igrcrc<lrd

ftc ANP bad b6 suplortilg the pML 09 ova rh€ lasr eighr y.ac bul rlr
alliqcc @llaps.d i! the Kbybd pa$tu*!w! .te ro thc Fi.ti.tio! fioo ile ANp which
B iBi$irg on r!. cb&gc of rrhc !.Ec oftbcir provi4 Aoh NVI! to .pa*!ru*!ra,
ftey...u!.d oc &ia. Milisrd ed lis !.rry of b&&in8 oui of l!ci, comftlor T!.y
dlo fclt !Id{.d ir th. tt cisioD-D!&iDg ,tocs !r &c rop ld.l b, tE tadashi! of
Plvtr 09.'?'0 Tlc N.ll62 SorEnDd at$ eloudd ro divc rn. Kdablsb Dan !mj@r
t{hcr! rdded prcbtcE ro rhc drEdy nlbulat
lolirjcat dlrodmr. &c lrwiou ?pp
goffi.d ha.l dropFd lhc tus@ tri@ lb. lrovi!.ial !!!@bties of Batocbisrs& Sindh
ad Knrte. P*htull<lm p4j$d a reloturioll asai,n &$ !tujccr. Thc eovryenr
sadivaied jt wirhout initi.riDg oy &iw d.!r!
ro a @tjon l @Bo!s ovd ir,r,rb$.aq
!h. fedhl tovaMeDr laucj!.d !d.ggr6iv. c"-l"rg" io @opdt@ wiih ite llrjab
gove@enr wbi{.h Dct wirh rv@ crjti.i@ 6Dd th. Etid.t pouticd !ani6, .drG
6rio!di$ grclls and rlc r&isr& people,s pdry,dr Thesc
isB oucd d stE!
Pordis'rio! ehich pldd rt f.drdt goy.@661e.t rhc pEj.b @ orc sd. ofdc &n@
and lhc tbrec !mvi!.!, oD rte orld s'dc. Ttc .thlo-mtiotrs]in grculs in Balochjsre.

Sildh ed Ktybd ps}!tun$s ir6qn;.d rhc pllierioo of r!ei! pbviftial rigtrs uder
i!€ Colstiiurion ilcludiEg aurolon, Solnc deD'ldrd tw
a coDsdnxjoDlo be f ncd by
' .e* elstri.d aeEblt bavi!8 €{!d tcpBataljoD &@ sI $c prcvirc.s.ni ln
O.loba 1998, EoE d lcss 2E agiord srculs ald poliriet Fnias hrd joilcd rtc
'P.ld!tm OFPt*.d Ndiols Mol@cor, (pONt4). ftt eo!@@i ddaldcd a t@se
fcrt€.rio! of ldono&ous oa sovaeiga ruriou,:'a tbis slos g8jty of
rhe lhc
situ.tion a to how rhe Fovjrciat a!.t clruo-EiioDt
loteisrjon d&ale!.d L\c poijry.
Irrb also stoed th. tacl of Eis...g.nat by rh. Nawaz gov@,!oi iu Elario! ro
i!. .frli8 of ihc Gdhtior rld il! j4biliry ro.Ft ! EiioD.t t rEory allolg rhc
veio!. fedalri.g @jrs.

IE E4o! olposirio! !any, rhc !?p oi@d iDio a acw alii@c @inly with the
Palista! Awaoi Teldt doEg witb i4
ollo lohjc€l !ani.s. Ir G leed as tE
Patista! Al|,!Di Injlad (!*islr!
!.oplcs AIi|!a) ladcd by Di. Trin-ul-eadi. 1l
foes P6i.ta!t ofpski$&, Fsrcoq t Ctsi cst Uist d ! @w potilicd pa.iy ,a!E i rI.
'Millat P&ty' ed pr66rcd tiDelf !s ,r atr.r.atia. lcado ro Bd . ad Naw.nr
wtil.1l Nawe8ovc.@€ colriEucd to folow 1hc csca ofcoEuprioa
adnsr Bddzi!
ed hd lub.nd, T!. MeM ,rhjc} ws lnc o&d coaliton !.n er i! tne fcdela!
Corcm.lr and rhc Si!d! goye&E@! si8!c.t r! agleDclt ldr rlc witbdsqd of Lb.
6cs agAiln thedj dc .r'ni".don of0D
stru8loltb of!r, iEit rjlg &aioD, Oc MOM
(Haqiqi}:r6 ano.ari@ of Ede
$o!! in jot6 lld in cducarro@l inltiffioB; rlc
rePtli.tion ofB.bds co,ft.d io B.ngt!d.s!
sirc. thc f.li ofDL4!; ad 6. et€e of
Lhc MQM sciivist9 tonjajh. ftc !€rr, lcadaslip dcv.topcd scnous snatlccs against
oc Na{?z gov$lrlml due to lc loD-iEpldmratio! ot rhis agE Bert dd atso for

exchdilg L!@ t@ daisio!-lEldlg on lhc uopotdt @ttcB of Sinilh. Ultiinately th.y

Bigncd 6om Sirdl ard tltc fedad shlds an6 lryirg to cxcn pcssurc ibro!8h
riquot striks ard.leeoqsati@ i! the djor citia i! Au8lst l998,lrt Horcvd, ibc

MQM m dso ilvolv.d in irc a.Is of viol@ce ald rbe ftllknor/D Clrdhrcpisr
Hal4D Mub@ld S&.d''t s .lso .tlcScdly ourdcld by Ihc MQM rmri$s.':le

Ilc gov.ru@t ioot ! siou eti€ of O. situdio! lrd d€.id€d lo parc! up

with llc MQM btd iL csetatilg violcoc. i! Kdchi c!u6.d a tucach fo! j. slcold
tiEa K6achi virudty ftU b $. conjc ,rd stsie violclcc. Ditraot erblic d.l
EligjoN sDups wr. ndting wiib a.! oibd dd *id law .nfdrinS ,!.rci*. Two
rival grcuF .tlh. MQM pra.ticrlly leld 6|6b .r!3! ofKacbj .s h6lag., chrlldgins

tbc vit of tbc govq@cr( Thc f.d@l gosl@cd iiilos.d govdo.,s n c or 30

Octobq 1998 !uni!8 all the Eeo6ibiu.y of !hi! viotoe on lhc hancoc of tic

MQMro ed $si.d . llsiv. seuir, op€tri@ i! tbc rqr sEp.

T}e MQM 3ous[t r.]icf foE ?dat Mllbe"f

&c COAS, C.L agairn d.
8ovcm@f s lougl si!@ loqlrds Uct -2, ftcy coDlid.Ed N!*bz Shaif 6 s pan of
lhc prcblem ed Etus.d io 1.U. io hjD fo, F[.t Tbe MeM hddlind c@dcmen rhc
gov.@e fo! b.ing ..spoEibL for then hrdshjpB. Ilcy ke ale at@cri ar drc
fo@aiioD of an alidc. b.rwc@ rbo disilNi@d MeM ocEb6 wirh rh. Jay Sirdha
wb.lcs a th. bnd hld plnjcjpd.d i! tc hbgE srikc @!s of d. MeM i!
r,!ra!hi.'r T1. MQM's depuy pdti@or.ly pany lcldd i! thc Narionsl Ass@bly,
Kuw Khrlid Youis w!m.d rtd in 6. c& of th. fail@ of & inrdal entde in
&c MQM the sova@oi ofrlc pML 0t) woutd brc io fae a ev€! noE djsa$rou

ed ndjc.l nilirant Mvcz It @nfrDs &at tE MQM did lavc dnft.lr {ings aDd rhrt

Oey w@ iNolv..l in rhe $.rhri!8 violencc.

TLc Naw govd&dr fa..d I sious .hjbng. to i!! sllbnity 6on itc
@ladd viol@ csr@idly i! rb. Pbj.b ed $. dblic lilurgs ilvolvirg U. c.ury.s

Vargi co@uity and th.local !o!ui!tio! in rhc Sjlrth prcvi!@.8 flowvd, N.w'z

SI{if Giaincd to6 trb!8 ey s.rio! €rjrd rte ,.cr!da! vjol@ il hb !!$c.snt
qu*r b seuc thc splDn of Istrnic poliricat laiti.s for rh. Fii@tb Amodn !r. I!.
ninoritias €A..iauy thc Cbrista!! &d thc eadiDi! re@ilcd th€ lsgei otlhc onhodox

rcligioB Cnups, Ar lh. tu. ridct 1b. Shi'. ed &ci, livrl o4disati6 adilucd &
talgei €ach othcE' wdk6,z, On lositrc rcslodc of 0F s@idy w that rtc @motr
I6plc of both thc @!s r@ilcd iutj6.r@t to th* }jlilgs i! &eir ElatioE wiu cA.h

fte tedlnl govc@er uid.Ejr€.l llc supEEa.y of rhe ?&li!Ear &d

@!ti$.d io nrt. thbugb rh. driiD,lB dspir. i! sirhg lositid in rbe peliddr
I'is sloREd rhcn iDdifaa@ ro,lrds rhc icgjslstivc ptocs 6d &. ,nvolvcbdr orthe
rdieat ir th. .bcisioD,lDkjn8 !roc.$. A !ial. of .@,8@cy ws i6lDsed o! 28
May 1998 s !n anaEll! ofrlc aroDic dllosion w!i.,h rfila @rb*,!d rhe Na@
govtu€nt lhc SL?tft Coun tsbEd the cjvit nghs of the citias in July 199817
bul Nac4z Sl.adJ did Dot le3n io lulc tb,olgb
c.Bm[! alo coollmon.
Naw Sb&if v&rcd ro brt U thc e,' for the h€lp of d. civitie adEirisratio,
lo cub the codlrion i, va.ioN 8ov.@@t deFJrbdts likc tle Educario! Dcpanbdt,
Sui Gs rd lhc Eighway Aurhoig c&. Hc egscncd b lh. Ady Chjcf !o
depule the a@y to lioliro. rbc crsloDds, nerer lo dere.r &c ctccr.iciry ttei; monno.

thc scb@l sr*iDg ir rhc ret arus, rh.ir efrcicoay, sllf.ld !.tud posirior crc. e.l
!.t!Ui!g o! hiehways to €t:5@ 3.cuiv td rhc rlvcnde. \i,h@ he prlos.d llis ro rhc

.!,q On€f, he did nor aEe. b sp€F bis forccs fd ey su6h NigMdt but tris
sudrsw Gm Muhaftf !g..cd":rr Slrif oia !o1 rotrarc !!y sln
of djsagrc6en4
Lt!.r.foG te *!l loi bappy wit! lh. COAS. Irco h$ eEr.s in &c GI{O, hc clhc ro
ke* thr ii. COAS djd Dr @joy tb. lu!'Po,t ofalllh. Cdrs Coe!!d.E bur ii B
Dol Laov"n how mary *!G ir favour or othwie a Hc though ir @vaidt lo teg€t
rbc COAS di.ccdy s ic b&t doe i! c4 of Cbief tusli@ S.ii.d Ati Shd dd laid@r
ft. Ady Cticf c@. Xeult sr&r.d plbliclrj) o,ticisilg l!. loljcj* of d.
civiliar gov.@nr theugh hjs ilacmclr!
calilg for ctrerive edls ro colc pjth
Ib. disis siiblio!. Ec sto*ld .oDc..n
ov6 rhc politi.d iBrlbiliry, &c escdiirg
@ *or.ne violecc, eri-opposinoD haus ed $c di.sri.fa.rio! orth. sdls
provitrcs. Ee ea, also pcnurbed
.hc lo 0E .t iRibg eo@tuc $iurjon $tic!
atrcctirg rlc Dilir.ryt corporarc
ilrc&sts.1ro Tlc 4b/ Chj.f dilciscd
rh. govtuet
qd gav. s4€r.1 trltsh 5tar.@.!G,
I! bi5 !.tdEs .r th. N&cl g.fco .e., ie $rgesrcd
t[€ foddiior ofNariotut St@jry Cobcil
ojSC) to rbvrd. stabjtjry to tlc lojiricd
systcd ftis coucil s sugg.slcd
,o be supporad b/ € tbd( &* couisiirg
ard dedjbl. advisrs to jEtituljo@lie
,!d csl! thc drary coM.ldds, p.@!!ar
rcIe in Lrtc d@isio!-&ali!g ploas lt tEhd sr,csscd uEr tn@ snout<i bc a,lcurrr.t.
@d!.tEDi ed sduE bu@k@y sld ,/rninien:*o! !r rbe ,i{cEt dd lllvircjd
Icrcls" b.cau& $c caunry
"@utd nor atrord &..ies1ab,tising .rfcds of pol&i5ariotr
v6d.rt4r 3!d il@wity+xFdidr jss B
Flici€.*t Thj, d@dy ud.l discqsio,
i! dE .rElry bd n 8pl iry.tE by thc AEy Ciicf s tt t@6t ft. oPrositi@ panid

!.Aond.d losiiivcly &d iook it d ! @!toli!g Ecch8is ovcr lh. cl@t d govanlndt

l,r ',lE absence of&y othd cotsiiMolrl @Esldi Sj!@ lh.F M !o ldl'ddtnv
necbrdlE lcff to Llp ! ch!.1 on &e gove@a! lbddorE ndy Pouticials wel@D.d

tbc id€a oflhc Nsc.&

Na}€z Sh&if bdiacd storyly that lolilica B thc .lomi! of the politicians and

iba lb. my should !!vc &thirg to do eirh thc govci@@lal lfaits.'rr Hc cal"d O.!.
(tu4 ,!d a*.d for a cl{ifcltio! of his stdddt tut he r.fE.d, Hc icjlt d tb!,! aU

hc brd dar.d i! bj5 e@! bld b6 rotl to lhc Pri@ Milirr.r l@y ii,lcs ed th!1 rbft
hld b..! rclbing D.w i! i! Iris upEldalcd barL h.i\'H thc prihe Minisrcr ald lhe

Chid of Afiy St fl sult d i! srDthc vicidr i! f!rcu of Oc Pridc Mj,isrd wtE

irslld of M&lFwirg lis srrl@6r G@ Klrerr su8!r a! €jrly raimo! ur.!
mnib b.foE tt. dE drrea Alrholgh rbc Amy Cii.fird io tc.rc thc ofrcc bul thc
lo&mfirty pojnr ir rhr lis slr@dr ald lis Eflat rj tdbct! ro ihc priDc Mj.ind

i@ dt!4lstturionrl r.is, It d$ @n!@ ih.r Ady Chict thouelr tins.tt lo bc

slrgoid to tb. civilie hd<t oilic !ora.M@1, udhioilg rb. iEiitutidd s!!id&,
ofdc civilid Sov.lMeDr.

Apldatly Nlwe Sbdif s€cDed more @lfdot in tjs s€@!d t@ s compar.d

to his ftsr iaJn, \r'l@ hc rr@iDcd sutDbsivc ro Gen Asif NatMz Je.ju, de thrn

coAS. lbis was duc ,o lis strong Eljority in rhe p.dj@e4 Lis @nnot ovd rhc ofl:c6
of lhc }Esidbt ad SL?f@. CoEr lad Ib. grip on bjr oM parry Ddb6, On rh. oib.r

b.!4 O€D. Kr$Eal colsjd€iEd li@ra, ! !.urd !@! $ough bc ofdcd hjs wiccs
aI ecdiato. i! $c tusslc bchM ite P!€sid@t, th€ &iec Milisid ard ttc Cticf

Junie. H! @r&aded rh!, !o did lol sidc vi& a),onc vhjc! l.d ro rt. ousra of tbc

PBidcnt ald lhc Cbi.fJusricc Au !b.L ofrc. Hc did not @rnont lbc priD. Mi!i$.r
nr e olE mliat e.l pEfcn <t lo BigLar Howvd, his lublic ast@@ls ag!i.5r thc
civilia 8ovcmdi rcrE cvidcDl @ hj! c@noltilg !GrE. Ir sans rhat the knowhdgc

of his w.ak sulporl viUi! thc artrly conlelcd hin lo EssD.

NBw Shaif dploirrcd Peraiz Mljbauaf as th. COAS i! Oclobd 1998 by

3uP6.dDg @. Ia&lte rrd otLd PEjabi Gd€nl!. Ilatu Ast&i Rjdi kot rhal

N.w Sheif visul&.d ia a Mda\ir O.let co@edi!3 a pEjlblp.ktnb

dodirEr.d @y *ould bc io s r€l Isirio! 10 co!trod th. civitio govmota6
flowver, Ndr€z ShEif sls Distak@ bcs@ i! rhc hjc@bical sysrd of Ue d@y, rhc
COAS is thc Sodf!6a ol i.h. !@y &d hftlodcal fs.rs wjl!€ss.d t'Et !h. chicf h"d
alDys b.a oh.tld by lb. $bo.di!!i6 d@ ifle lad adopr.d d urcoEiiruriout way
ro swill &d l! aid.D@ jr rhn aI 0E @ups slrgcd by th. COAS wde su@stul ir
Patjrtao It COAS eFlar.d r!. @poF& int rst! of tlc Bilrary ,Iil. lhe
su*slor cbi.f w$ 10 !6e tbd rcSEdl€s ol Lis crhc d piov'Ei,r aEiisrjon, in
t€nsjtio!.l pqiod this bl. is .ugEdrld. fteEforc, Nawe Shslifs p.ecpno! o
w.at.n rhc iDsliturid of$c niurr.y by rploidiDs ! wcat COAS ploved
Fmjcio$ Ior

N.wz Sbrif .!d MusbnBf w... @ rhc s. srid iiiriatry dd lhc my felt
@ofonauc sirh lbc !o*!!! givd bda r\c ,ntctc 245 ofuc @DgirutioD lo d.al wft
th€ rcut€ lsw &d odd litsrio! ir Kaahi T!. @ilitary M .mlov.red lo invariga&
ald sct up nilitary cours, The dccision ofth.s. i0itilary couns was fnal ed could not

be cbaildg.d i! &y orla 6ut-u T!€ Suprlhc CoEi Fbvid.d Eti.fto rh. p€opt. by

D.paitnara Tlc sdilg ofrcd v@ givo lcy positio.! i! dif@nt govcrEErnl

dcpltbrdr irctudi!8 rhe civjtia! intcligencc a&rcies, rhe polic., Ibc buEaucn y, rhc

Kathi EleEic Suppty Coopay, @tr tb. Ctolisr.! Dd.logbert Auttroriry ctc. Ttcy
wert also assign.d 6€ dury lo @nJrlcl rcdlts e
Narlz Sb{if sld MEbEnf Fin.! o! r€B urit Mlrch 1999 wnc!
MEblrEi bslcd !! oda itd rh. ,Ey ,,, r[. stlFesory autb.rjry of rtc WApDA
would @lducr !l f,r@ @goriatios *irl th. iD.t !@dcdpowc.llodu€s.raj A! cdlid
el.4 rtrl Na*!z Stdif liEscr t d dnerd rlc lrny ro llks co rot of VAIDA
D.cabc d)c @ultry B sufcdr8 6oE a !6isri!8 po*!r sndagc. tbe COAS also
issucd ! lisl of rh. dcfntr.r! of wApDA
iocludinS sodc ofde psrly nfr$6 ofNavlz
Sbr.if*tich eDbad.s.d ttc pri@ Miristd.

.4!or!cr difcrce! .oaliod bcrjrr!@

6G pri&c MEEra &d &. Atuy Cbj.f wt@
C6. Musbir.f a?r.ss.d lis ttcsjE ro hotd ric
losirion of orc chaimd of t\c loj
Chief of Sra.tr Co@ina i! .dditid ro lis ofie of llc COAS. ID fa.r, ir Ds tbc rrn of
t!. Naval Cni4 Adllial Fajib Bo]lnei ro lDld rhai posiuoD who EiSDed aflc
6 d.ys of
Oca Must&afs @nftE io ss th€ CJCSC* Naerz sr{if irit'rrlly lvoid.d jr bll
Itq on ic i8<t o appoj G.a Muheafas &e Chlil@ ofih. Joinr Clicfs ofStatr
ClDDitl.. ir rdditio! lis
to Gs!@<ibilirics s rtc COAS.2.7 cco. Mushe.f was also
aploid.d s rbc SraGgjc ConEqid of plkisrr,s lElq rbe, Blie Clou!!.tcl
aie!€ &at Naidu Sbdf lllo*!(i rhis
h..!E !c rooi< Go. Mu!@f al rh. stu
subeissive COAS $ Z. A Biutio tDd @siddei Zia ed both !,rclcd kolg ir rl:ci,
!$.s5Dc!'s,24 HonBcr it w$ Dot ttlc
c!s. be€u. ar the iirnc of alpojnnn.lr s
CJCSC, CeD. Muslrm_f s deffanl loshuc &d lssltirc rclc B .xpo$d to r\c !ri@c

Midste!. I! fac! Nas?z Shrifdjd ofs io atp.rs! MusbaEar&d ro rcdu@ rh. clec.s
of D exletcd @!p agaitlli lbo civilia! go!c(@or ne @.andjoD
of br!, ofrc€s
i4 rne pder @nfccd I@ pow6 io i!. .t ldy srlo.g oflre of lhc COAS. tr at$
viol.t.d lhe ldDcidc of 6und E+oEibi[, !y thc 1,,@ foMs ,n {jc ,om
shan<r of
tbc Joid Chi.A ofsrsf CoDsine. Is cbli@Dshi! B ssudcd by rhe ibe fore iD

bu Mulrdfs d@dd ro l.le ovd itc trc ofr.ca dcFiv€d &. Navil Chjef of
his ridt


ftc wd i! K&eifae ws a di5*tr sdvoorc *.bct bd I.n a bng lm impact o!

Prlistaoi poliris. Ir cdrld di! b.rsE@ r! Eilirrry dd ttc civit govdEot. Irrcr i!
bed. ore of thc mjor tuou fo! r'& di@i$d of .L.r.d gov.mdl of Nawiz Shdjf
&d dmililg tbc dc@oolaric lroc.ss fo. aroth€l 9 y6. Si!@ ii ,as mr e src6
lb.tlfoE thc asposibilily es h{d io bc{ cstdjaly vd6 n lrd @us.d
@b.@sderr for Pd<isrdr at tb. iDrcrnadolsl lcvct_r5o ftc jnl.1ratiorat comsiry
orh.d io l@lw lhc dillL.rc bcr@! tbe two Ductd ,oDr!. But rhey sid.d wirh lldia
holding lakjsts rlspoEibt. fo! rh.Acatating Irsio. ft.y pcssuised jt lo eil,ttnw
uilaleElly widoul rdting ey adv&tag. ofil9 pc$r@ in lhe Ksgil secro!.

Iliiirly, it B plr&.d s ! @lqr a.rio! ,o srppon !! ildiga@ ilsu4dcy b/

0rc Kalhmni tucdon ficlrdslr l}js, howv.r, cxpdded ro u-ruEgebt. lcvcl s had

lot bq *!€ct ! by rh. my. \AcD 6! silurjo! b*dc we n stihuht.d Eat

@nt!v6y b.recn &. Prid Milisrer ed lbe Amy Ctict cc!. l@aiz MujbdEt
ft. Ady Chicf claim€d rhsl Ns!v@ Sn!.if hld be6! FoPclly bnefed by thc Ady
b.forc lhe ary actioad wlilc 1b. PriE nioina delied thal t E @r coEu-llcd by
tL Amy . n--d b.foE sdd!8 rhc uilirlry a.iioE rr 'Ilis M .le @dcd rhe

p@tss ofp@. st&!.d eilh lb. visit of Airt Bihlri v.jF cc, l!. Ildid ?rine Milisla
u i;€irlay 1999 whft h€ gsv. hjs lirroric srsrddr rhtr ,\rc tu rcr cbda. ou

Sart j Aziz Esrbd b lis b@t, thd ar tbat ritrr., th. KlsbDni fi€edoD fi8ntels
qith ttc belp ofNorut@ L'eht hfalr7 OLI) capt@d DrDy h.jgl s in Indid side of
Lile of Coml (l-ocr in rh. K{sit.DB $ctor, 0le Am} Chicf .te.ided ro i.-t@
PriEe Mlistci N.*@ ShEifi!. bdcdng lEld on 12-13 M&h 199. lrime Miujster
Naw Sbdif.tr nd.d Uis bricfDg dorg wirh 6c toEiSn Mini$er Sarrlj Aziz 6d rhe

Mili.Lr foi K8hEi. A.6!irs Lr o@. (R) Abdut Maj4d MrIl_ lte bd€filg ilcluded the

idmrtio! alou tle incBb8 Mljdid@'s a.tieiy in 1l r@sil-Dcs sstor dd th.

Any's ?l& to ldidc th.o StiDg.r Mi!sit6.' I}c ritl'e Mnjrl€ S[taj Azjz
c@fiE€d rh,l tb@ B @ Edrio! of lh. i!rc1t!fur of rt& prtisie Ady d
p8lmilildy treF 6 &y plr! io cros 0E LOC sld tabc.h ey..li@ in Inttio h.td

Kahnit6 Lt c.L (R) M.jccd M.tik objer.d tblt rh. &.jon of prclidiDs Stilsd

Misile b the M!j.lid6 wdd d.bsDl prlisr.n's $aad rhat rhc K!5!et isurgdcy

sa,ar indig€Dou nov€oc &d rhd patjsh! B *i6diog ody ndal dd djplonaiic
spport fte lorcigD Mi!is!.r poi!r!.d out thrt sch e incusld eriviiy rculd dmil tLe
p*e procr lbalhld s1&cd a a rt3ult of &c Ldo!. Dectdtioa 20 days sgo. fte
Amy Cli.fEsloldcd ths,r th. Indi.s vould or ycon !o rms if odiDm D6sw
M lut otr rhe6- Mofuvd, Pd<ille e$ loi EslodibL for 0D activiii6 of th€

Mujalidea S.i!j &iz di*Bs.d rh. batrit rh. Dcn day with rhc prine Minisi.r ttar

16. nilil,ry'! ptaE .xF€.d i! rb. bli.6rg w@ .g.ion uc dejlios rala in rbc
Def.@ CoEoii4 of th. Ccbinet (DCC). Tt p!io. Minj5la |gFed ,flr diE r.d to
Bis ttis E!ne. i! the lcxr rn .ri[g ofth. DCC. Ar rhlr iiEc, boib NaMz Shdif &.t ti5

FftcigD Minislq @!ld hlrdty Ealie th€ i 6fty ofrh. siisiion going ro be laised j!

Gc'. V. P. Malib rbc lb6 c-i!€ ofrhc lldid Aey, Eorded j! his boo! rhat

tnc opdaljon w Dor exposed riu Mly 1999, e!€! th. Ildirlj dis@Bcd dle atmbS
lcvcl of inflnalon .!.t iltlrtd! q@ pddnoj
coEtudcd ibar 70 F c@r etdias ed
l0 pa 6l wd KBlDiti Mujdi.t .r.!? Ca Mus!!r.f hiE*raddrcd rtis facr in

[is b@k L!!t flsr tti'Er ecoulrd

rhe roo& d@ o! 2 r,,rry vt@ U. r is ait!.tcd a
?atistaDilosr ii rbc slyok s@toilt to fact 6c Fltc,t anqco ur K&gjl moEl.iB &d
back.d the Mujahidee! io ilitjsre a war agajrn
l!dj& Th. palistlni d.ccprion ptar
@',.d a @qt @ lrd 1L.y jer i@ fd i,n Ldis
o r!. I!dj&_!.ld @a,
c@fnled rbDuCI r!.ID eds gld di&ies of rh. lslfurer sojdra
rhlI ir B &i d
uFililg of rh. Mujrhidcc! hthe, thc rcgurd pakiluoi tt@p6 wlrc iuvotv.d in lhis
aiact. Tloueh talista dmied rJE Fe!d@ ot ilc r*ista! dnftary b rhis @rJ, bu1

the bcdia wa! @valog 6. djtilary dcoEl.r b.rwc.n nE tm nucled

courri.s, holding Pabne Esonsibtc for fD sifiElio!,re rald evoG
sho*d ilEl Lr
aa (R) Maj.rd M!I&'s ic*san pls ligh .!.t cd LtusbEdfs E ov.r opdntisric
abolt drc siruzrioah Shuj. N.Mz qDl6 Lr c6. Za,ud-Dio K.h,mjaro 1bar rbe

P'id MiDisid w.r giv@ a bic6r8 o! t7 tvla/ 1999 abo Kalsjr in gocEt ed
Kasil b paniculs whft Lr c€!. (R) Mljecd Malikls ast d rnc qlcsrioB about
plaa H. .o@&d itr6t Zieddi!\ s1ltcdcrn ws ihloralr
bccause tars he w6

appoDlcd ar d|e Anry Cbicf by Nav?z Sbditrq ltowvd hc B r.tkjrs abour rbe

b.i.6!g oa l? Mry wbcl;!ctd who rhe jdq!|rio!!l laedi! qDos.rt rb. sjrultioa.
WUlc Gs. ziluddia Inc. dccl'ld rhlr tc pri@ Midrlc *ar ,oi idomcd h€foE

r.6lion. Hc fillla ss.rr.d lbrl tc d.IvcFd ind hri.filg rdfrd by r.rF Mu$.d{
c-a&! bul ilorc lr!3 lollilg abot! &. Xltsit bru..6 T!i! 3td.6.dl of ca Zluddjn
rotrlly cmdcd lhc 5raft! ofshl)j! Nrerz s e i!d.!.od.d unnor.

Lt-C.n Aziz (CCS) i!8 hi.f!8 &!?Ed $d rbc opa*io! b.d sorrld in
M@h. It Dc&! r!!r rhc civilirl govall!@t lrd lor b.@ .@dr.d bcfoF ptrutlt &d
rtaditrg i!. op€dioq dha it *,!r ody i @.d vh.d lhc rbiEt3 e!r. cxpo$d tbmu&

r!. ilr..Ddiolrl EGdi! lnd IDdh tlAold.d viot@dy. BrtSdjc. Sblrd eadile,oilrcd
o( llis f&r illr rb. pt@ err tcPt s.aa .v.6 tlE lb. Eilirlr, co@rldcre exepi tb.
tour ircludjlg Lt-ctd Aziz X!r4 Clicf of c@d S&tr (COS), Lr.-G.!. Mrhbud

AlEo4 Co:]!Dad.r l0 Co!p., Mic G!d. To{l.d 24 DjE ro, ccra.t Mjl.ir(y
oFlli@ @GMO) !!d Mrjor c6 J&!d stnr. Co&@!d.rn, rmdjq co.!s
Nonb..n Als CCNA).,16I rL ndtc! con.qt d td lbc Atuy jlr *61.d ro brj,s

hdir lo llc r$1. of n godrim! &d nor b nrn r E Thc s.dc ro wbi.t ir hd
dllldd bld G@ lol b.eo visurlis.d by ca Mushrdf [iD!.1t4 Near[.I.s, n
dIos.d thc !rcf*i@rl clpsbilfti.s of rhc cadlr eo*iog or rbjs opd.rion.

Il P.ldsr& Ady b&l $@ ioidd ruc..sse in shoodls doM sonc aiMtu

&d helic.lt !!. ncy ale .lpird 3@. pca ia l!di& hcld &€ bur Uey coujd noi
diltri! thc p... duc lo tbc blo..t!d sulply tilcs of f@d rld smuilior 'ft. hdis
ro|! rl DoE forc.t &d outluobqld tbc h!!das, ehich Bdrd j, a iow lo$ of tifc
a!.r posB ro rlE Paljlr!! sidc, llc b6nb sls dilod.d ro rhc srgc rtjct! a.r!d w
could dupt on th. ilrdllidd bo!d6. It b-@ EoF for.s.tL sila th. hdje
Naq brd bloctadd tbE XlEchi !o.t llc govc@@i got rl@cd bui tbcD llc situldon
hrd bcconc beyond mlirol,a ed thd. !o option lcn tbr Pskisran to wjln(tlw j$
i.r, , fton rh. Li.. ofcdlrol (LOC) Eilar.Fuy_

Gelorllr il ru riid.d lhd Ntw Shdif rook 1bj! rlccisio! Ddd th.

ADcri@ pr.s@:4 hr b! AEdico gowr!D6r'3 ror.rccs'1?r t ll ,aolbc nory. ft.y

!s$!ntd thd &cy bld idr6fa.d o! lb. ES!4n of Prlilt&!'?u Acnrrly, ir'D ADdicis
Mc w.rdy frowi!8 Dc hdio sbld &d wdc Dot Edy to lct Pakbrar lse dy
Iderage i! thc lirutio! to @lv. ibc KljtDt probl.E:u b.duc India R6 not rady
!o .cc.pt ey tudiarior fron a third !dry.:tr N.wz Sbarif rutEd lo Wshingro, ald
?Bid6t Clialon Eceivd bi! desriG i$ b.ing rhc US Dariodt rtay. Aff.t a d.railcd

dision Na@ Skif sigred o @d @ 4 ,uly t 99 ia wa!i!6o!.r?J


Tndilioraly, l! !@pte bld evc! b6 infolDcd of lbc Gcts nboul rhc larioDl
s@uiry i! !alj5r.a tb@forc rbcy g@dly,@ivcd rr8r bad b..! lrojerd by ih.
nedia ThcEfor.! rhey Ejsrsceiv.d rlc sirsrio! by the edly $@.ss of the my of
havjlg slor doM i*o hdia! pl&cs @ pltjste's sidc ofthe LOC ed gol m iaprcssion

dat Nlw Shqif djd rclg in sigring ihe agr.@er wilh Ciidon wh.ilc 1bei. fo@s

w@ h.ading tourd vidory i! KlE ,176

Thc oppositio! Fljricd periB loot rlc oprDrnDjry ro sorr our Naw& Sndifdd
3aolgly ditici*d tbc gov@t fo, givirg away elar rhc hilir.ry bad &hi.v.d
t!rcWh tlis wd. Th.t dolg wirb disglbt.d elcndt of Oovem.lr Alti&cet

cordDtcd a ldg€ anti-eovcnDol ialty ed @us€d Naw for tis .s.tf-colcrd e.t iI-
corceiv.d policics! whicl is.iatcd ed !@il'sr.d Paldsun or lne K$8il iss!r."t 'IrE

rEugious pollical plii.s lite $. l!@i+IsbDi (JI) @sid.r.d ir agriln Uc iorGrs of

tnc Kasnhid &e.don fidtes."' rley laruchca a vt@u srect prct€sr a€limt Naw&

*ilh tb. slog4 TsroE Na*!?, savc th. couftlf ed Od "rhc Kdgt Efar B !

PJzvi wotc tblr &. a(lry ws @t lryy eith lbc rLcisio! lo wilh(tlw si@

N.{a jud 1a!6 it wiihod c@oltilg tb. f@.'1& Howd b.foE ldviry for

Itta$i.gioa the PriEc Mlisr! e!! s@ ofl by Mulhmf oD the lirpon ed il E

sboM oD TV 1o .xhibi ll. frieldly !..t@ ofthc butld bd.r!1rftlilg of thc Amy wil.'l

tle cMliaa ?iBc Milisld,lr Th. bia st ld.ds ofth. coAs colfrE d th!,r Na$!,

brd discB.d lbc nattas iih llc ADy Cbjcf b.fce goiag ro w'sbilttotr& C6.
MNbdd said h. bld brietd lh. PDn Mj.tuld on ihc Eililary sjiultjo! I@vjng U.

d..isio! ro ihc lrtl6, H. nfihd si4 5,n ibq ro *i$.t!q d ror is a Fliricil d@isioD
&d I d lt'aid yo! will b.vc b t tc ilat decision,'ra Sbuj! Nav@ intcr?Ets tom rhis

st tdndt tblr thc COAS atloeld rh! Pri@ Mjrisi€r to s.!k Vas!i!gro!\ Llp in
a@eing a iolia sowvd Musbeaf could luvc
c*efirc lnd withda$€l Aon thc

taka a srongd posirio! if i! ce l. n d b6 agairst witbdFvEl of LL e' fron

KEgn, brt hc did nor. i wa lot tsdy ro &t'c thc Er!@sibjliry ald h. plt tle atirc

burdd on tle Pri!. Mid$€r tod wlich Ns*!z Sbdif @uld Dol dsp. ar he w4 tbc

had of lb. aov.@.!ta Ilis aFliency prov.d 6dy for trja tn th.lom of !i5

@oval fion tbc ofr@. Hld Naw qpo$d fic ill-pLn d dd a niscalculatcd opedion

by ihc COAS .. that ti@ &d 6r.d bjo Ad offic€, !c @'td hlvc svcd hioelt
I}. t@sio! cscdtLd t tP@ lbc PriDc lfilstd ald fi. COAS .@ ans &c
lrie MiDisrdS !dtl$! 10 lh. latioE i! which b. drcd .bour tbc witbdd*d of $c

Mujalndd &.1 did !o! meotio! ey rolc of ihc P.ki5ld Afrv or it! coMd':36 Th.

K{gil ?isodc esult d i! tbc P.ning of wys bcrlf€cn thc Pdrac Mhistcr ald the AJmv

&d thcn rkd@ @rtt Eco!.i€d agair \r'!a Nsil:z Sldif s.dt bis boila !, a folow

up of tbe 4 Julv 4dd lo v$hiigi,o4 b. ws Edli a fd of u' dilitatv @uP ed

w&icd s!@c! tolo ltr US fo! Llc .oElinuity ol hjs govoM.d. The US Si!t'

Dcpdhat issu.d tbc aililEclr lopi.g l!!t 1l ttlist@ AEv m'id EaGd thc

Conslilnion of PstistD dld we'€d .g!id Ey .tron to d@il thc deno6t{c

gorc@.nt in lrti$rrlrt Arhosgb it digbt De added io lhc oonfid@. of Nt*u
Shsif, bul il @uld Dt dcl.y th. .ry @W for rc!. tie f.w Doru5.


TIE Nawe go@@1's !o!ui&i9 M alFdy delid'8 d@ lo lis

gd.lm@fs haw dclatdd@ m thc My to iop.ov€ lb. .dEiDjltdtirc sd
.oonobic @nditios,zl I irthd dld.d b rc D.n tr6tio! ofdc Di]i|!ry inlo l,!c civilie

!.faiB $b6,.q@{y losi!8 @n1rc] of rb. aov.tni@t !o llc Aoy Cbicf wlo 6 lot

only col'rlmdilg Ihc frdt but a hosl of cittib orgrnisaliots .i&a diFcdv d

ildirec y. The civil soci.9 M dtcady fcd uP eitb his .trorts to eMulal alt pos€rs

in his halds ald i!l.i!g .ontol of all ihc Soverrb@t i$titutiors onc bv one.'?3' Hjs

cforis to !.$ ll. Fin di! ADadDdr Bill to seEe @IiDji.d powd 1o edorc'
Sh,ti'ab rrt al$ Elopul.t i! Pslistd. 'IlE W€st s ate $spicioN of this law ft]s

Kagjl @iso<b nfih.r addcd lo the fuel dd thc Gbtio6 bctwe@ {& Princ lvtrnisld &d

the coAs d.1sioBt.d. Ar lldia !!d iEncdiatelv esiablbhcd 3 l(sgil Rcvi€w

Cotui&., th. P*i!a! gov@@r $odd blE foEuLt d $c! r con|,nin ! io fnd
od th. *!.&les!.s of tbe Aallioo &d 10 locale tb. tclp@sibiliry of a! il-plrlnd
,'ilikry opd6non. Had i! t t€! tlk a.tio! in tiEe ,!d !U tbe pcod. reslonsiu. fd this

dcbacle pEishc4 th@ N'!d biv6 be.o clrnty in th. public's oild Ed lb. Amy Cbicf
could @r hav. dd.d to in!B. r,fldid bn. Setlj lziz $ts th, ifNawd rculd bive
dihr.!.,r Musbltdfo( qc.cdilg Ii3 lcgd at!@ity for r! i!-plr@ed !.tid i! KEgil,

th@ @l !.rc b€ &y n .tioD be.&sc dl rb. Corls Coltll@.les &d d)c
Clicfs of Air Foe ed Navy hld sot bcc! rrtcn ilro oolidencc, But n {ould havc

atifie<l lhc lldilr poritior @ rh. r,rr8n ia$e rnd wodd have pui ! bad I@. for th.
P.ldsl! Amy s @ i.!dinio..B Hoqt€ thb ws fd s .xrd.gal aaior l'lo by a

g6dk ed nor l! ,aiolc niljt.ty @D6dd lh@forc n should brre bM dedt *il!
ttalmlcy, i.lilg tlc $doL !!,ri@ ido .d6d@e $ rblr no irlriNrion codd i.!. ey
aaUo! uilsraaly grnilg at stsk rb. b@u olrhc @ety. Bur Naw Steif wds lor
bold mu8h !o oppoe ll)c COAS publcty &d ais rato.s prcvcd dctriEalal b thc

lloess of tditio! jD tE @!rry,

Tlc @y E de 6itici6d by t@y frqti@ of otielracd ?skisrrlis tor
laudj's e ill-pte!.d &d ill-fd.d oF,lioLE EE c@ Mlsbddf biEj.lf B
exp..Iir8 a djsisrri aad s a Feautio!,ry E..sw h. visir.rt rlt the fomriioE &d
Corps h€ldquattd in Augur Hc daleed lbar iftbc A@y Chi.f*outd be !€movcd it
vould bc . @Lp agrirr thc a][ly &.t ttc riny should bc rcady for a
,courd coup.'

In F als r6ion id Ist@rb.d du. io ll. suspicious adiviti4 of MD$.!!fs

suPPoftis, lb@ \r$E mou|s rhal rhc arEy 1r3s co!ftdirg se.a qcrci$s ro cary

oul ! pcsjblc @up sld ilcy 9@ ltso 4jisrilg &c De* of 1lc obiDet l:hb4. .ir.
US oficirls atso Ld @ntu .lou Naw's !.guisjrio! of 4cl* PoE, aol si8litg

ofth. CTBT d.spit t'rc !c6o!rl !6u!5id ofr.lc US Prcsid.d aDd on 0r Shati'ah

tsill,r': Naw Sheiftri.d to 'ri";-i..lbc r€do! by irvi$lg i.'E Mlshdaf fuily for

diD.r ed l,l@ s@dilg tbo fd UEDrd, dd tid lo restor. thc @rdjrliiy i! thc

rlladons with ih. COAS. Hc rtuor.d tr. C.d Tdig Pdsia Co:?s CoMedd
Quctt!,s ju$ ro ap!e$. rhc COAS bsusc Mu!&nf ws @oy.d win hiD duc to his

diticisd ofi& Klail deb!.le TlG !ri6c Mi'drb qL!dd Musbrr.fs i@ s tlc
CICSC bu illred of b.ing obused MusbrE f islcd a sid@ai tllar ir eas lot ar
oul@me of a d..l with tie 8ov.m61!r!d ir ,lso djd ror asw lh€ stabjliry of th.

gov.@@r'2s M! sirldor dcpic& ihc funll! couse of a.rj@ of thc COAS

I! this s.€dgri6, Naw.z Sheif coDiin d anousr D*rakc by anmpiing io

Eplaa Oo Pd.iz Mu$&I!f wiib t. O@ ZjsDd-Dir s! th. COAS while Mu$daf

B o! & offcjal visir to Sri,lllka 1l Egub. Ai8!r oftbc plA B bloclcd EoD
ledinSai tleK.F.hi aj4onjui ro f.cjlitlt 0E rruririoD oftlc Amy Clnef ftc closc

s@iaes of OcL MNlrra4 Lr-Gca Aziz (lh s!.r Mrjor co Mahdud AlEcd

i@edhely looL !.ti@ ed root ovcr rh. gov6-.n oD 12 Ocrobd. The @y took

@ntol of $c Pridc Miiisr..'s IIoe ed pur tiD uda noEc dsr do!8 wirh his
ncwly ppoht€d Aey C[id G.r. Za-!d-Di[,r,

NaBe ShlifE ed.t-cati6ari.g th€ pos6 ofrh. njtit ry hjgl .otued whd
h€ rhoughr lhar thc ey rclld abidc b/ ltF Icgal ordds issue.t by t€ plimc Minjslq,
TlIc Amy vls lot b4py wilh tbc cig.lrior of li. fo@d Ady Cnjei Gd, Ke@i
but abc moval of C.!. Musbraf trls talcr s ib. djjnjssal aDd & bquljlied
idlcrfqcncc i! 1bc niX!.!y atrsns. Il was ct.d thd ,f 6c sov.lmmi had saie.l
i!v6tig!ri@! idto th. Ksgil &hr.l€, Mlsbef ed bb clos 8@i8lcs wo'rld lave

ten in eioB t@bl4 lbdfor., it.r'F$ tbat th. L,tto Pblrcd ro blo.k aav such

4ad by rh. civili.! 8o9fu@r H. rppoid?d lb @fdsnt! o! lhc lct posls vitd 10

ieF* Mrti.l t #$ rtF Bi$ed d. cb!8. oflhc COAS by th. PtiFc Mnilter'

L€*re.c. Zi!i!8 cod€nd, tbd M!,9hEdf bd to ddtbro* $. .ivilie 8ov@.

in rcaly ro Na$az'r E vc agai$t ibe..Ey l.rid!hi!. Tle scoior @EEedes look a

strd for hiE dla rbey w@ loy.l 10 th.ir COAS !!d did nol @cF 3 jDio! d. lile
Z!-ud-Din lho ws tul in ativ. co@!!de Nd.th.ls, llc pa.! of the cou! slovs

tbAt rh. e.rio! s Dor bI@ i! lrstq Morlovd, th. lproilEat of th. COAS l!@i!cd
3,t &. dit rdi@ of tb. civili& had of lhc sbtc q 8p!@al ,!d ! jEid n61 lik. Aa-

ULH!q hld b.tn &..pi!d by &. @y in 1976. But tbr! iioc d. sjd @@&d6
iN'olitd i! t @up s@ tlA* rido wF thc E!hit.t5 of r,rlgil-'$ Tlc .ilirny
@tu"rd6 P@ ged.ily rIrtrlhodqibom 6! for..d @drl of Gc!, K@.1 &d
r@ @r ddy lo dlow NaMz S!&if to rcFd tjstory ag!i!, 'D. otlo @')r@.Ls
*tlo Dish h!rc b€! r.luda! l,@ @oFlcd ro fouow b@alse !, retirilg C.'. Ta.iq

Pdaizs lh? w@ sdt ile ncasage io b. loyrl to llc Ady Chi.t

N.w'! ddevos to d@iD,r. dl rh. ilsrituti@ olc by onc vs couldaded

by thc sior cooDed6 be6e L! lost lublic $!!p@t rle. Ir led ro dDorrl.r swiff ald

Uood* Diutar btffi. Ilir $r5 $dc@cd by !.h. t@dt public ed .s!@ialy by

t\. Ejlilet Eligiols guips lto rool lhc @y is 6.ir sulpoit'm M!s!&af cdrdded
lbar I6 not . @u! but a @@14cor+ bdrus. lh. @up }!d .tr.6dy b@ pl@cd by

thc cx-fti@ Milistq .grinsl llc Aqy wbitc Oc laner djd!1 iniriatc rlyhilg
hiwllrol lI wrs a garnc ofthc words ort|c wile ir *"s aDotlg LucotrlitutioEl acrion
thrl tedarcd th. &t! ollbc D!,ti(ll i! tlo !8ds oft!. jlstbnio! whicl w to Pdecl

drc cililirls nom lh. focis! std.t hn h.r€ t ld.t htd beonc lL lon gcs of llc

It follt! civilib FgiE i!i!.lod-ZjaFiod uliDably fel victio lo dilitlty

nn. i! P&irb, rcvEli!3 lh. !d@ of lnftry jd..stio! tr@ Uild l[. 5@ to I
di.el laldvd. ftc Im.$s of !! lnioD io I tru. &moctlcy wa caplcd once lgain

t f@ it! @eplcd@ Again a F.c.$ of the PCO, r lcgtiEilaiio! thouSh cola !

FfdEdurorrolorgFealn ..!dlb@b!li!8.Lingl!!rty,oSiw.cjvilir!fa.c
to ! Eilir|'t nlc lddiDg !o cooltitrtiold @gioeilg i! tlc fm of thc $61@lb
emdnmt sLrt 4 $iich $is D@ or lcls lhc gaFe i! rlc et of .tl rhc bu Mdrial


rsd:n Fmi.h. clrd'xd qj'he:

s!!. P!6t$d,2odry ro?.
'I,t l..!r t dlj. "Tr! Polnio ofpMd. t !4- ?r!.r4r, 30 argu 1993.
'Moh.rdrd Wa4o, tt 19, dsr''rpclracjon: V!li@dr,I99aI I{?J5L
Th. .pd !ry.tub-rF 6F n.sod@ M. .d or bidlcy r.djng b irbq.ii;m od
ofclvil sidy *irb potrrle $!Dd r*ly laa!
@i d colprd. d@@r.y Prd &r,ir4Ner6edi.t4htlr.dy,6@e.nd 't 'o
Poftla (N* YdL SL lrdi!! Prd. 2ooot 2Ol.
?I{- Ol ea,.d 6'r de i! 6. .ldi6 ot l99l, Ib. oanq ML gd:p E ,@.jo srup,
...' R.pN & 6dad EtM /r9J wL I {Uer!.d: Ejd@ Co@isjon of pjo@, t994).
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'Lr 6a lrrEd A!h.ter4 llhtu

"ca hrui r fMq m Mr Dd tsl rsdd rL|r ISI d, br4 hlotwd e p|. porl
.'ros@6E bd r!.y doD r r@ rt. b4lejtd 6 rji.bdd.
. cE H'!jd cul r...eEd hr Ek id &rdi@ ofDr i! da 6p&ry orD6 t$ lnB N3
tur ctu. Drui !"d c.n, Brt 3'E sr@4 j! r6eM dn u.nBiED.d d.. rD !
r@d6d r$E Bri3r..4r.d rtd tu liDd ofnssut B dmr io lh. .t6oB of r90, vho d
{h M o.usr4 pL}d rb. rj.l sd djs.pFr.d TrF *iffi d rt. t*tr couJd id lIor .bod d.r
h4 se h! strhd itr /r. tdr4 9 F.!rd@ 1993.
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-shuj. Ms'i o@.d,s!s& (K,tuti. o{fed tr:jvmry pr*. 2oosJ, 4?.
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,ar Gd llEd Arl6ledi L@i.v by de rc*hE deuah . Dtrt.

' 3. a,ri. @ D.p!r, s.o!E' orsd H. E riod!!
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wrvlrrp.!lfutu. Ls dvdad b dihr. H.
D.0oeG,. D,plho., ain,r. Bonb. 4 M.^a4 tw,,h\etu
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"a.dau atrql l!dvl.* by r[. rhb.r or ?O Odoba 2oo9 uoE.
'A Fmjld PPP tads 6m l\b,hq P!*IMlnm
"tr. Go. Jasd A.rr.rQui r,r6e!*.
_fi. 6 oad. ELaio ofpredd iD l99l
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rcE !m-4. Ju@ NBin lt $! sL.I E3*.d rb. Nlidd .lldhty in ,9tr.
_.. -n ! r rdj...It.M
d. rcrtd d, jf th. FidiDL ot htdny ! Jsn Ej h appomlS tr.
Sg lyi: c"E d'o *trid ;!Ee;iF h elordl r, h,ppdcd ; rndn ;h.n
l1@ ME@"r.q 16 (irrlu +roi@d r FmJudgd @ &udh pohd D e drry, di; hd dd lus6
ECH. ar,h dn., JNi6 sld s&d ,e w rh. eijor M iudsr ofrh. supEh. cd n 6c ;r;f
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6rild.r b P*ioi dilirrr o6.iir Ir brd I talou; .fFa oly 3jlE ir klpr i'G rb. $irir of ft.<d
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nln 6. US pdftd d! hlitu do d p*6 ducld b@b @ cfud ojliby '!$ddrd @dc ad fd
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opr.s'rid ald rhr 3ot@ar b.!.64. T!. c.opdiv! bDtc oltdld ! ou.b bisn6 d. of im4r dd
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l;r;; b i! Ii;lrdi vrr'n@im drtu*j@
@l}bid vih t!' 6roio'd i'
r.o@-ry iii'* . t"i"a*!. -b sitql thr tL.jndsd cod
ud Hish c@ lhord ^nj'r'
irz ,"a r'er. .ra"! r_tli.PPoa-d or rb. or 4F@
mmi!st"! ;ftcd;tu4..d -d ,opodi4ldhdiv dFo EiI
@0@6 od@d 6d b b' u'Di'n n lh' abrd@ ol
bn'rr! oIth! d'dron &' '{srba 2|
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lilia nwn -no co"mr v rurlcFt " tdtd hurv le96 16?7
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d* tl.i ;Iii F.;od-.d * -d'iv @iDd'.d '!'d hi'ree6
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ffifffi ii ii"rt*g.ltu
a*, of Pfit!4 PlD 1996 S C. 324'
Mdi" "ou-ooo
1996 49f
"J'"r 0-.h@). t Mt h 1996
"/vd; O-.I@), 23 Je ree6 Ned Hen shd ludicjrv h P* !bn:w'si'w
A Qr6'
'l;Otior),i Nodbs Ie96 sa lbo
r* ua*i#,iiiij"ii ir* .,4 cb'rd Kon'dv (d'
P'ls'd ' reeT {8oJrd!r'

' ''-" ''";

Pejlb, *ho c.llod rI' Nmcnl
5 sd.Eba Gow rut. w idFsi hbr'
1995 rL6
a loc of to' u'
*.ur, #r': sli;t '"ii.,ra d. cbrrMd{.we b 'otrldoe Pbjr!
rcoblvb!h6dtddMup Tr!!dat!!@atrn|{ rrNo@ra ree6
;:';;? ;;;6;;i I s.i-ra.i. s.rbns
No 2 of 1996. n S.pldbq rs
"PEridofs R.I@ .

"ziiiiT*,i,ii:n'. n.iia* r*'-tvd/'a frob' rec6 {e

Fie;-;d;dd Fdloq 't- ks!4 /er^, 15 Jut, ee5 I

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rDdd id U. @ of dr tcddn m@d ed
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Nlwu and i6y cb,.f r.husn
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'.1n NM,3 D@bs tgct.
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M$nrdfoD a.ijr4) &d ca Khe (b &sbiodr d 2d !d ,7. M!y, slyhs A ;m3 .vddc.
d ,h. ,DvorvtE .! of Plrl,tu .4
^rni! rssn t!@. I! rh.& ..J! Mutbnrt@ rl$ .Md *id rh.
of K4il itui@ d rb. F@ Fs |@d by Mw virh bi, bdd @rd4d Ad Bihli
vejpqers'peirily i! d! vil{. olhdid c@a locl sbuj! Ni*rz, Oe?ds\rrdr, j j6.
_-'$ta 6. die itiD&h€
sEd c r[. lOC !.8 d. p*is Ai-y
tuy. ir 6 d Dd'DL b k4p E!.y o' om, d@foF rt rmy 6rbd tc I td.6m&do!,!.r?.r.dje Ms
wa edd b, c4 l4lr'd(coas} tr ca .aa Kr|A chFf of oftd sitr(ccr, ri.
:bc! c!9.-!. r0 caD., tr ca a{r-Dir (DG rsD Mrja co. roq@ 24
91 -r113d
u|l@ u.:@llj::t'
Midy op.rd@ (DcMo), M.jd Co. Jrvd Hr*s codDtu( rlME c;
xdo€r ,14 ccNA) &d ca rfrb& Ari &,!. sEe, Dcft,e nu d! iro, tu civ j;
:.-q T IslE
!r]T !a &6qdd by !ir.. dinilk aldut wcd ^,Dy. Mltiq lllr MiDe 6r
@,abtil{.jlz.e.4lirL r[. MiDiG t R.tigb6 A6tr, Smj Ai4 dF MiniG fd
rqq._.trc sn.|Ed ArD4 rL. FciS! s6*y, r'ie FliEi th. lddrrdr s!@ h ti.

N!*4 --H. Dwtr99& &il
. st'dl, olfuqr A,-y O6d tos Sdr6$6ry LoA3. H! w lrhid.d s DG ISI by
rhe ! r co{s d t2 oo.br'i'99, d; d!, of@ur_
-M.j..d M.tit E ri. l\fd{ fti Xrht Afei6 b Nd& g.v;@ H. B , EliEj Lr,
^ , !'SiU.
Nr*i4 c'@.dsdA, I tr
-C6. Zi.uddin KhMJ|, IrBiw w,6 G*. t! pog'|M! Jddrl.^@ 3 r Odoba ) j ro
:lb.rwnr! *t 6 dr*t hwrtrd itr r!. or'|e
a9: -t tunf x.tt citi|'" RisI rohd 6pnt roo2} ,4.
.,_. -)9 "r

.El! b#6
*fffr,ffi ffi is,E:l
q 6.$l{id *i!r Ai,Epd.ituj ,n#f#
.o@ F atr p*je".*m,Hf
..w xq rv @Mtu4'
_ a@ p,l.d.t
"rDrk ! Didercy Ed tu t99 t64ir S$Ejd BLn How."
o,.^ ;#ff H-
* d P'6rdd cri@ b !r .d i,viui@ surd which.
" "Lrr.n
_. "'no us CanM Ca--+ A.ddy Zid vir..d prbs oD ?. J@ jo99 b *e $.
rre4r r?@drp, !.{n dtt ed ollbrrr. of !l. gEE EDrui@ otD doldcd sr b.thD
ec@ po6, How€ B@ RLd.t cLdcd r& 6. ctbb&re rll@ d. eo

y T h*
dy xdtr adl, n .tT'(N.*
n"tlbEd by zui_ Th crff), *nh Ga rdy ziM (R.rd)
yo*: G.p. pec! sms 200.{} jr? od &ue nj.d4
' "aed
Mved sMy d ridn d d. u.jE*' ot p.ul,tY@ ,0c,2 M.kj ,or bbre* 4.'jpou
H:-T 06. d(e.d b or .*4 ddr &tu pE dod
m@ M tu. t.1M@
!1,-'r/:ll 'r.rh."*bD w! Eq!6H by D. p|xltur
Miiitu Ma' sh&it rl. ud dd
hr@ hai@ .bd&dd ujt.hl *trldnrt h.tc inrihs t& . vln Dd ldiry *idi!$oriu, pEjdd

. 1r?s |vrdr*+ :v'jFF.

._Drmr.nde.pe.@E T'B Doh crie! r!yiEro!,- /d., Erp6., ltq tses.
.t\!!!,Fta1,/dtily4 9990?05,1!.0500j br!,
'',Dt4 5 Int t999.
_,':!&T:T1*-'odybs.!ihkrtu! cidE rhrp*ituiro.F.E..d diE,
,"..-,. r M.y urgd plxts
3ovM b pult b!.r rh.n fo@ rr! e,y Nlw hn ra wr!i",rb;
y 1- yp* 4.q ?* Lilda d..r rh. n{pd6 of @r &y djm po"ny.d-d,n
atB4nk r kn dr 6 dr. h6ja. rh. 6r@js DuEd @ N,w fd lmvfir , dinld;r b|e
= l!!l@t
qIM ot .ss.quqK l1. aEy 6 de @dc njcjs rd d ilt !t dj oD.;!io, 'n.
ollm p.aL f.h rh n nr, hd w 16. w &d potid.iB h|d Id ll1. !!rt. m n.3di.rid [btc.
s4 lrfrn llc5i4 rTt. cd ofrr,sil." D,q ra au.!i, t 999.
. r!i'Fdid(ri. ppp vie4hlllm)r@!.d d{d!.
' -. md porici4 rtir6
rood cc{4Lrt iELd ad Md tu h@n tiad; ttu cnir @
ot3@hl|!mdB aor lllldbld .s4 Drq 5 Au6 999,
_'Ih. r mird diE t

, r rb. A&t& jild ad tE b X{hE &. ud 6.y @ido.d d,1

E d dry erdid !0 6. F.bld ofxsi@.!r 6. 6c&! Eorlld lh.dd b. Dpdn b,
P*t!b!..se Huri! Hlqqei ?,r*tb. AtuMlna, hd M@4291-295,
"R@,,,|0,000 Rlpqsd d Plbtu Or4i^N,\y,;p.nwb, p@t, z S$.dIE t999
-@ tuiRini^ltuer, Stdad Sdt r,232
. LAB.a H4qtn, &! a" ad Maa. tn p.Lbe 232. tr flo! b. @ .ftn o, \Nu ro
rvoE !b u€eoB by @, rlo 6. 6tDr Eo! .h.id6 o lir oM wirlod ocuhu3 Ditey,
Ii th. I"t ofFtag|gi,
NrM4 ce..r'.n@/4
;*ij. 52o

sb-!*! gdr wE ibr rnd! Dtlv d pfttuj prin. Mi.is E oppotuio b

-c.- nla
l..ro -?-1191
G_E D@jDiljry
rhlr AEy s@d orq{i@ *irhou pobrcd sn@ b, i d;@ jr;ns
y-b_.1*d-T_E Mid'6 di bi! jlsidc E d Eda ii' @hL sbut{ a.dr, -A!
i! blbr/|ffvb
cn.d oE ulddd/dd3q/lqk d rbl*w.fs.o
pohior si$iijry in p*,u, 2,s.p.nb._.
199e, *.
,"". LY:!._11.191
hltgr/lw.*r*r 1111 usc4dlvd
grbc:4!'1 t@ td adzztc Du (6M,b ad
@ sis,an pat,r.ioc h dE
..qp'. r.c@wu r6@3ir B.oJq 20061 2r?.
- bw zi!4, pdt4n at th. c,N crru, 4 Hdo,y OttM6rd. ves{d!,
>aJ 2oor),
\ed hia t6,.." tts Dad da tu'tB 2s7.
-MfbiA bei iII. rrryit Croiri Ih. Nhrtw, xarl}a I ny Dgg.
. ., u @ 'ssa. h. Diod b .&lol h Ejluju or 66. J$D3n K!tu4 wrrh w
**gll-"ig-*:ly1"ps s4i taz t;Et, D.e@ qd i..hr.2se.
. m w !tu of rnJa \.dti phlq , f.d.at diic ed ! u a hao
of t9?r t dcp.t, H.
:B @'ur ,t@ @ r!. cb4. du h. d!Et' @ qd 6. ,rim Mritu h rd b. * dtd{i;
ua Ml,!d e !d btry CrF .,.6F,ir6 i@ 6nd@ r.rnc ir@chD3 rrgit
EndrfrEa@.s.b'h.dofrh.s6@!rhdlh.yshouldtbDo&$!dldki.rc-oai;;-- .-"
opasod. His

, n@
5'@ @rod.d d! L. E dda E n d, ticr Dd rmr bod, .r3. m,sl, hlw lipn
@.u rh. PriD. Mritu lrole. sr\,!t wmnd, ct cddu x@ 226.2)1
;---T:11y |* g* e :u+sd 6n @up rn.y $.8 r!. d
of yr..Ejr ,relhs.
,AW t'rb&f.ttre t d. o@ ctu oJ Hsdr.26..
l.n@ prr4 @y bb i! rt* qdd!.! ody r!. l0 co.pr sd r I r-bdsd. @ nod ed .A;!d,
.!r!d tu Mbt ofd r!. drydlu] .iriji!, bs0e;4 hdud4s p;F fihn_ H""'c
1 v er@ .g !,fu, rdDa DC, ISL iD@vtft Mt rbr ;;;
. rdrp! a'l@d* of Ql)d w Hircd b.for.'smf.
q6n!dYBh?lJ$odd.rn's.rdF"a--i-to d@ by MBtrmf b@d. b. ao.l,
:rt&'ks4qa\ BM Mdtu.da&!tu M
, " Mulsfr Sp!..t d T|}. OE { Chjof te6v. o! jzonobat999{]0Opnha
P.ktt& tu a rylicd o(lDdc of&e Bilitry nI. &d tbc rsjiion lo d.mo.E y
in .lifa.!r !!.s ofjts politicrl birrory, Ttlc ruiliod fiE:! iitc Dilirary lo civilie rde
i! P!rj5&! v!!y c.Epte)( p!!o@eeo lr doB lot Fce i,bd a
is a
?@ dcnocE y has
bc.! rBtorcd afts liii!8 ofl&niat r!w; iij&ltt ib.
Eililu, bls s.ced ib infl@ri.l
FsiIio! in deisio!-D*irs whch.€ah dosmr ld
tt @dod$. lrorasodrB pdfom
prcF]lr 1!ador., ia t @uiry lilc prtise
rta! Eilit .y a!c, elErtd diEcl or
irditl(t, bs! b.oo&. a !..E!!d f€atug n is dffcufi
ro sq6hr. rbc dilitary &oD
politica do i! t!. posl_fitdlilvd
ldiod, ft. @b of dE Edc,lqlric loB in
Patin!! go io rL. ololid !eio4 Th€ prcbl.s was iilrler
dap@ed by &.
dcidiorali!8 situlrion oflolitils durtrg
rhe Dost-iDd.peldcrE
!.!iod. ftc f1lr ponid
dcds virb the 5!di!g! of rlis
snltJ, !!d Ib. ldrd *in! rlc $gSestio$.

AX rl| lbE M.rilt bs i! psidsl@ qlich

6I jo rt lcvis of6is srdy 9@
oft lLor€d Ddta ClE Ayl$ KL! iEl.se!
M!.dd rrw arq . p.ior pttuins orfw
y..a. Ilis bool o9o*s lblr h. p!pa!.d
th3 ph! fo!. polirjcd chllsc i! ?alist n
1954 when hc qu b t"uit fuE LoD.to! r! rhc Udie.t Sr!&s, B.foF Etdng
ovd lhe
@nrrol of dc govc@dr, dl tb. dd.rjls of rhc
sovc@tur wd€ cdtuity chalked oul in
a militaty e!!!d.r y.!ya
Kb4 lis sucaslu, Ms E h€6Da ofrhc
Co+ ofi\c officlls
elo r!r. assisacd duri€ i! th. !,t!nial
Ilq legioc n@ lac va, b.sidjls oflbc
diXiay tuic. I!. loliticd prni6, agnatio!
lglirsr A}!! r,tu prordc.t tis C-b-C ,irh
thc opponEiry io ousr Ayub Khra
and to ilkc oE h 1969. Sircc lhc adEilislradoD of
A'!b Kb!! lool noF rhe a y.e bcfo.c ir, colapej yalya Kha! gor riDc !o {alysc

pms aod cons of thc ')c

&k ovd ard &c lublic nuy aglirn llc adDujsharioE Hc

to cstablsh his pc!so!.Iiul! i.!t€!rl of le'litdilg . qulsi-civili& 8ov.M@l to rclk.

Hc bid a co$idcdblc unh'ssdilg alnt thc lE[ricd sydd. ftat is ehy, his LFO
,Jl4L{ thc politicsl deE ndroffi. En$d i.c., t!3r.noEtion ofdiEct ddoclacy ald

EpB@talid d i!. brsir ofl!. lopddid

lrposidg dE Mrniar llw for Oc llird lilnc in l9Z, tho C-i!-C Gd Zia

portlaycd hi@lf s! . elucralt ruld .nd atibi&d lirser .3 & &6itdlor rho would

I€ve low affa @nduaiag fab ard Ac. .bctio . liiiall, ho shoped lhe sisB of
blpbaandac.s rfit @c!I.d E !t ofbi! ordsl brr !i! ldd !.rion! w.st.d th{ h. had

d@€d ro slly in po'\,E for ! long p6iod wirh.drai! sgelda Ad $. vely b.sieils
Ba h. larcd ro a.€s llc !€opt!,J lrlloE € $ xDU a oEt of 6c ey &.t rh.ir
d.plecc l*l for lds Egia; A. L!.p rh.t ll. Ejtitrry had $trq.d a hmjliaijDg
defcar i! tLe !* pdt aad D6i of lbc blde *!s an ibul€<t to thc nili&ry
tu l,!c djlilt gdtio! oftbc colarr h l97t. ]}crcfoE, h€ eladuliy ur!.ashed hjs pl.!

lo n!. ovdtb.@ulrry fd.Ioigdlqiod.It stldt @Etuds rhlt b.iDg. devctolilg

@etrtr prcbld! e lhays &@ bur ir js rbc .p@@l @birio!, of rb. Amy Chjcf

wnicl b@E6 e .i@.di.t dEc' of MEdgt llq

Unle3s thc dD! i! ofr@ is not inrcEsld in lltevcr, rh@ cerot b. . possjb'tiry

of M.ni.l Law Tlis c@ b. applicd ro all th6 nilitary.hicfs, Alab Khe $!pon.d
lsblde! Mira !o inpos. Manjat trw i! 1958 bccsuc hjr pe$onat ilracsr vas
ilvolvcd B. lld lEild fou ys .xidEio! bur s€@d d@ ?dec Minjn ! Fwz
Kha Noo! hrd cr&ldcd hjs raE wrI Ete,ality for rm ye3B odx Hc hld ben sw
lbar drc lwly.lc.&d go\e.@an wdd loi giE hjE n!th., cxlffioL IGEfore, !.
iDposed Manial L.w 10 o.l the ptospcctr of el.ctios. Soon h. esllblished his pmDl
rulc s.adir8 bkldd MiB ilto cxila Hie ec!M, yaly4 &cidcd io .s!.blish his

pcrsorrl tdc .d inlo$d Mriial lrw lAco bc tlrlis.d 6rt )c p dlc souc! oflol|rr
1!r A)Ib.I! I9?7, *,h@ Z! sti*<t rbd Bb[no aovc@.$ ws Elyjlg @ b! s+!o4
hc dccid.d to eslabusi hjs Fsoral rulc lnd iElosat Manial Law for ih. ldrd tiEe iD

1!! Dili&ry nte id Pltist,l is a.MUy ,! fDy rutc s ib. @y ed irs

@b,nlndss cojoy dI lowdtul &d d@irio!-lD lils posiri@. i! !rciocol, rh.
ChaiED4 JCSC h smior to l!. C-i!.c bl' in fa.r' li. re3t pow li.s wirh lttc C-i!-C

ed lb. CbliE a JCSC is ! ryElonc otr@. I! rh. be.iid pdio4 rb. Any Chicf
rwi@ c.Fw.d 6. losr of tlc cbairr4 Jcsc aner u. Eti@dr of l,!. 4i! cbi€f, Air
Ir&shd r@og Isoz K]6 tod tbjs lost lbouetr ii wt rhc rn of Nsly,. tt. @y js

iBritfti@ e @p6&d ro the otta two f(4s &d @joys e

ucblldgcd posid@ iD rh. ajjilryt irF.t^h-nts.g IrcB. Wh@ the rwo ofr..s
w@ @&eDtltcd i! !&ds oie i!{u
thc Ardy Cbic4 it dpow@d bjD. E block.rt
oe pl@ss ofrrlsirio! lDd iepos.d Martial t .w ia 199r.
Tle Cdfad@ of rb. Cdps C@E !d6 *s .rorta jlstitulio! .lev.toFd &d

Puui.ied by Ga Zi.. TtE frsr COAS h pon.Zia paiod Gd Mira AstaD Bais
irtb* @sotidared its rote lo gc suporr of th. a@y coll1j@dds fd hs poucics. Ttrc

debioB of 1lis codaEcc sbow rhe 6ns@!u of ih. Eitiray co@&d6 d.i acr a ,
Psyclologol !Bs. oD nlc civilid 8ovtuelrs @E?cljng rh.b io folow ib. wil of
rh. Dilit!ry Fstlicring tb.n oM inde!.ndac. i! iic gol.m6t l afrans €sD.cjaly in

tre pon-wir.ldrlw.l !€riod. lhc @rfct!!€ is ,idety discd id &c nc{tia rn lb!
tesitio! pdiod !@y tiDes, ir &thdisd itc ADy Chjd b ukc &lio,.g.insr th.

deidols of th! civilid 8ova@ot o! dslrl€d th. Ptlsid.lt fo! lb. @or€l of lhc

cl.qcd PriDc MiDisr.r. 'ftis proccss ws slet d by tb. flir Atdy Cbic{, in d€ post-Zi!
r"iod.' insriaion tu.jrd a &!jo! buruc in thc lcs ot iuitioD to

dcEocrcy i! !b. lo3t-wirhdEw.l priod rld nood s a leging s$rd on !h? lecks of
cle.ted gov€rDrr@rs, fti! coDfd.occ prcvidd a forull fo! rhc Diljlaly cdads to

diso$ rhc suity afaia but i! rdtirion pdiod il b!.dc a foruo to disuss th.
@@trt\ loutidt ecoDooic ed ilraDrri@rl situation sld r &ue of sr,oSth f0.l!.

Arotba frdor at@g wiin &. @!iri@ of6c AEy Clicfjs rhe elpon ofihe
lop @e.!d6 ll4 B *,tty Jabrlgn l<.trE t n pp.d doM quic{y hll Mubsaf
d'd lot b the c$c of Go. J.negn K'@4 tbc sulpon %s nor M'tablc brn Ga.

Musheaf institured rhis slrplod by pl..i!g th. o6cas of bjs @ntiderc on key

tEsitios th.at lrd @!]fu. srrkcs eith c.! Musb![dad warlert th.ir brd.sls cv6
in the $s6c! of ca. Muhmt
Ihc idpositio! of lr$ti!.I rrw is lcjrhd a slow of th. vdolc m, co@sld ,o!
t accdr io ilrotvc aI of th.&. ODly @p"dd lo Cotps &.r I r I B.iSade wbjch d.
l@t d j! RlBslpiDdi st@g wirh ! f.w orh6 @ *izc rhc civilia. gov.tuot Jr lad
bcd obs.d r.,ur nililary @Mand6 djd Ft orpose rh. d@ision of dE Ary Clief
iarog ovfi 8ovannerr diEcrty .M ift\cy did nor a8te *irb $c deisioD q ifrhey had

rct bq @Bulred b.f@ t'trirg th. deision, ftcy !ak. ii s a lan of rr&L disciplin. ro
follow l!. daisioD of U. rhy Chicf laftF d,I io folow r,!€i, oa1! s & @y offics
lbat thcy wodd b. loysl ro &c CoDsliturjo! of ?rlisrr!. ftc otld @o! is L\c

@6ida!li@ of il€ir @potlt ida!!l| *iich could b. bcn r sccEed h a diEct

oiliary ruL as c!EF..d ro 6!t b.biad rL sca..
Ir a develolilg lit ?atjsilA th. tussle aEong djtr@r instituti@ fd
ihe al@iios of rh. sin Boe€ ba! b..o r.o,fito! r@d duc io llc $eiiy of

rc$w8& It is onln said tblt rhe Dili&ry &j!s po*tt be.aurc orhd ilnjtuiiols @ vEk
but the greud Edirjc &! difrd.dr 1!@ i! no .odtuis of palislaDi civil
i$litutiod ri{r thc dilitsy. IloEldid.ly ai.. lb. c@rio! of lald$aa fi. stuity
lbtai &d lldia sfl€d d 1h. osilosiblc !.ai.! for divdijlg rt€ E.jor EsEc6 to
dcfde ed 3eui!y. lbc Esltt w6 rbc uldd-mEish.d cd&.rio!. hcatb. s@i.i &d
nul@ l@l@ scnollt *t'j.! @!&qu6tly blockcd tbc gbwth ot all the cjvitiu
iDntirtio6. Eva !d, rh. s.!c situri@ i! Flvaitirg i! rhc allo*rios. Ail thc budger

culs oD t!. .levelol@6t eior c jlsfrfd o! lLc leol! of rlc dcfo@ &d s€uiay of
Palj5ta! tbne {Lf@ luocaiions h!v. onljnuld ro guJtr cprryoni@€lr. Tlc
niltt ry @iD.d o! rL dosld! of lrogB .!d dswtoDo@r std &.t rhe oihq
skte iDstiMo8 t@!i!.d soE4i6@ ir Fipta/.
fte I'/iliilyba btu e orgdnstio!!.Fd o! sclf-jddests,Ir oftainpos
di@t Eilitery lule Io For4r its orgadiatiord jltdsir. 'Ih 4ni!:r €@&d6 sek
modenisatioo ald do no! lothd about thc @st th.r th. mrion h4 b pay. Def6E is vjlal

and ceot t ke a backsat in rh! larioul policy lsp?.ialy jn lakista! facils the secuiry

rlra8 o! boLt the qr@ ad wcsLb boild. But thc ovc!.mplNis o! ddocc dd
scuity led to the @Mqu.nt ovcr{evelopndi ofihc ,rncd fqc* wbjch facilitalcd
$@ !o et&Uisb th.ir rlc i! th. Flicy EiliD& I! tb ptEeDcc of ! seak poltical

gottlM@t Gov@or Gto€td.GhulrE MublDDld's iDductio! ofa 'c!bi!er ofal@t' in

1954 sLbpcd tlc coltol of .oc civir a!.r Eitil
fo''isdporicy earilg rorc!cr.
u'c .tefcnce loticy. Ttc
stud, conctud$ tblr in
t* u 6c larsjlg ,c&r &c
d.rac. poricy ,orr ,or.ig!
!ot* oorr" *,

ol ps&isc.n
rhe lorc

r.D!ia.d fools d o!
",* ";#jJ_ _:i::;T;
6os. @ultic v'nicn p!r' jb
virar for dcfeoe
lrEclasc, ,!nir.!, trailins; *.o-
srx*. ft c othq s@s.ad r!8io!s
*";;;;:: :"nffi::
&d co@.@ fd p.rirh! wc
A lhbct of ldirld Eilirary otrceh bvc
-b o. p!ti$a!
errihry ald ile
lolirjc! of t!!i* *,rl" _ **
the dir@r mjri&v
Tlcy ravc ! "t ruje
leuliar bd **a. * _.1*".
* *t lror !o dcfcld rh.ir
pcar o.rr!i!djo, .*tirc

* * rro,,
eaid dilidy
r'. r_" *. r",
-'.*; ;;:LTH;;::
coE r&(|qs h t"irg p"n or Ui *"4 6'v wlu'.d lo b€Me
asshjbrcd ia ir sn r rri*@@r "
- "*" ,. o-'
a!8br Kbr! i! p,.sc !d "
re a difrelol
* -**t**t'*.t**on,
crhief of At sutr
"r". H. \r'" $.
dudog tic paiod of
l9j? ro j 965. r
ed r.eailed a psn or&e rr- ;;;;;':Xffi :"::
owl potidcar p!r, ald b€.ome a sbu&b criric orr,jtia
rr. 6Bi,o ca, theniriraiy
rvb.! crtr Zi! jlvir.d lior
",". r" ;;;1,: _::Jff::
&! all his bools o, potrtics Eflcct
affc.rion fo .!cDo@cy
ald b!t!d for rlili&ly ,D1c. Tlc so'll otrtc valious
&itir&y ofiicrrs sE atso in thc saac

ard Fofcsi@lt ia,rd.srs of r!. Diltlsy b. rhr!!l.!.d 1ba!? It {!s rctulily rh. llln for
Fk *tricL eri{r.d thc ey C[icf to rrle da l!. goE@@r .tiF.r]y.
The Eiti6!), sutrald . di58a.€ !i.r rlc ftlt ofDtda &.t Ue sc!&ado. ofE2n
hkis.ar iD l9?l cK
bL! 6c suclcssor civil& nt.r Z d BLldo codd ,eE .trdtt io
iglot! lbc d.f.a€ of
fttilro !!d thc @.d fd.!s vlo
'@ nsldsibtc for t r Ir
a.! !. \ss ccids€d a5 i .n w!' s fs s trt li@ *ith l!d,r *.e
@!c@cd.,. H.
wa8al'o hlena it rftni&cr ofr!.Ihtis&ni dct.jb.Db lroj.d,Alh.jr, be exDrcs.rcs

dis8tetuI ree!*s .bon thc sior coDD!&6 of r!. Ddiey, bu !r rle @e drDc !.
did .wrytling lo .ctllilitrtc oilit!, i! rh. jlraar
a d.fcd.d of it uriodl T!@ Bs
no iiEar !o &. orgrlissri@l.!d lrof.sioDd id..!g! ofthc Eitiri,y
bur 1b. slior
@6l@.L$ of rh€ rEy wcrc et sdiB6.d with lh.ir et. i! Flicy-brt<i!8 ald
!€dtuecc of rbe civili.D gorerD@r NoEthele$ ln. so*!@e hld b@E.
pref4!* tbcr€f@ 1lcy iEroe l&rti.l bw fo!
&. ibnd rbE.
ft. niliBry i cftario! in ?aristlD is pls..rt uo.r ivro paadips. I! ih. case
of th. frs! $b Manial taws, it is portraycd tbli lbe miti!ry l@t ovcr wb.! &c
fluctu tidg de@or..y aId iagile govmh@ls
Eadc fi. m,risy r.a.lGc $ar the civitj&s
etE Doi good brnag.rs of lhc court , Having djsEusred towdds &c politjcal lanies
ed Ep6dlarivc SovemeEr, lh. laior co!)fud6 !j8 i8licd
thn a silorg
autlodldia! s,slcd ms th. orty r.d.dy
b dl t. p!obt@! of gov.ha!c., Ih.
4idde i3 tbai Ayub Kb4 aa<t oajor cheg6 in rh. Fljlical syst€m ofuc @uuy
Mtbour elrtu$ilg thc r$k !o dy .cpFscnr.tivc jrlsdrunoDr's.nbty. Ilc s6c5lt.d
publiciBritlllio!! eEr. dt'Ld llltcr tbi! @trninnior yabyt Kn.D did ihe
slee &d
cvo r.dscd it€ erio!! ofbis parar Diltury E8no. acah r!$ugh
.n LFO. tr ,Ioes

thd lhc noE@t qate! gov.@ b4!n! Fidity ofrlc top con l! das, eQdislly of
l,!. ,tEy Cii4 itEy iry'os.d Mlrtiat Lsw. fte &!ty,s to! cornnedd co$id6.d
4.D6.lv.s ro b. b€tEr cquilp.d *i6 lb. lbjlity io gova! thc c@ry rb@ ttcn civilie
@uGipari5 &d rhi! coDjdcld@ tcd rL@ io dirlcdy assuc rhc rclc of g0!@0'!.

Ilc tbird Mdti.l bw js pla.€d h a!or!.! prErliSE TIE njlitsy clai,ncd Ual

thc djicipli!. oflbe droy *ne tke&n d *iic! coutd j, n!! dcsroy 6e coh@c. of
lh. iBlitutioL Tlc rtisrt of rbE brigadicrs ro fir or puuic d@o!sr"li6 rr3 .ircd
a t! qrEplc rlolg wjth ldf bcar!€d obcdiaa by ih. rad(s. Howvd, thi, sjtunioD
@ cratcd by rhe A@y Cbj.fhir$Lf, IfZ 4" Bbuno h.d rcrti*d r!!r rtE nililry ws
tui oo his sid., i. euld @t hlvc dlgg.d th. E sds to rh. sr!8c ofe.lco4ilg Mlrrid
kw. n *s the Amy Chilfvno dsurld ii6 of ilc ftU $ppon trod &. Ditiiary &d
is.d pullic st l@di. @ th. Fgucsr of Ibc &iD. M,isr€r. H@ lb. quc56@ diss s
ro plt tb. Pri@ Mdlia bld lc.dcd ihc $d@cnt of rhc Amy Chicf fd ii suplon
ftis eq bdle lhe Lfld B a Frcrru dor i! Oc lok g!o. $ D sft @aur o,
prolory€d nilit ry nil€ ud.. rhc nrc Mlrtial L.w! ed ia thjs EAlsition pdiod of
Pobsl&'! bi$ory *nic! is @6i.tcr€d o b. r!. d y ird€p6.t6r ddocnric Fliry, tb.

A@y Clid*ls st'dt . pile ofpoE

aiEt Go Zs alosld LrE siruli@ lo b. aggravalcd dd then toot dc
oplon Diry to *rablish lis !.I!oD2t nt., !!d llra ,!top1€d a EoEl fa@ s b.ing th.
Fot cior of thc idcolos, of ac couay_ ft! .Istdisador, ,s
sto8.n of ado/dd fiE
moft,hl an r tttc d,1e wla ih. Madi.l Itw we, iEloed. ftis study @lcludes dEr rhc

im paEdigls e @hslly tb. sgn , fte 6ilir.iy *brc thc soEl nst .s rhc porcctor

ofthe @u!t's ialdesls i! thc fsr two Msr,at t w. ed r pet.cror of&c id@lo$/ i!

ce of tlc tbird Marirr Irw, bln !.tu lly l!. doriE B th. s.D. ir. rgo!q@e,,
posilg ilsclfr! I $pqior orgsnildioa c{pa 6 ofpovidilg gov@d... ftjs stf_

,.trddce of the Eiljkry lralds s . csinjlg foM ir lb. prc4s of r@jtio! sircc lhe

Dilitdy S@d.& bare !t@!i!d kictfil ofthc civilid E8itnes ed !!vc coDtiN.d ro
6ilici* lh.ir a.d .mci@.y. l!a.f@, lhc civilir! so@@ts l!uj! Ed4
5t6s &d fcd of dihised h rhc u.esilio! pcriod dd .@ot daicr thcir ildcpddelr
visioa ticy posrs a clElcd !.gi@cr.

s.coldlt corydrr. j dlsrs e vdy iEFn d fot lhc dliiary. Ir is !i8!tty eid
drai ihe eilir,.ry srayr away tob idesrs @
l}le loMr ifias coryodle Fmlcct.d bd.r
tlc civili{ Sovm@t I}. coeora4 ilralsB re .dpn!!jv.ty ew lhd@doD
NdedcLss, it ri.i.d w!.D lbc ditirary oFrcd 10 r!. W.n diEcrly duilg Ayub da,
But this ws! liEitell tr stdLd raliDe rcor! j! tb. lrsi l,,Lnj6t Law &d conrilo.d b
dgn@t ia stud dd ltird Mlnial !!B ftc Fol@gc.t Dililly rul. @lqd
ir Ac biddlc r.ikirt ofi6 ed lh. frls &d . td of couDla @ups.r, Zia

inthtio&lly prcnot d a co.ponL cultue i! thc ef to obutc 6. offc6 &d .&a @

u!@ditiold $!!on fo! his EgiEc t€.!i!s ri. rlsrld ofdc Dfttdtc n & 066
lgailst tb. eililly co@ddd .nd the &jt of Dbdc ftc widercc i.tar lh. collordtc
cut@ had not bce! vcry shotr8 duriq the first Manial kw is rh.r rhe A,lbis lwo sos
t@k .eles! flE rhc dy rld ilrrcd lhct oM busi@.r3 I slDes rbil thc my M,
@t . souc ol'lucEriv. b.lcfir. for Eitir.ry officd ald .tcvcloM a strug orpoErc

cultE later on. Atlb .!d Yslyu ildecd nililry of6qs j! th. civil setuA allofi.d

rgicultral laDd! aDd lrovidld oih.. b@cirs ro &c sjor .onmaEdds ed in soDc

ces i0 tbc 6nks ale. Bul it wss actualy $c

F6iod of aa whjch coelidaicd lhc

culte ot @rrolal! intaest! bolt at Uc individud ald ilstilutioDd lcvets. IX! nililay
*Me b@e. a sol@ of le.rirc b@cft ed th. Vlrrirl kw govd.ro@r swirld
{h rle ilienrt @morioG of th. jEi6 om6 wno w4 F.t!rb.d du. 16 rrt

latr€d of the people .g!i!sr th. proloEg.{t bili&ty ruL.r.

Tbe sullon of dE slrio!
coEDrldds .co.i!.d witb Zi! du. io rbc boc6b dictr
tbcy hd @joy.tt du. ro thc
dilel Ditiley rulc t!.i{oF, rf.y sEolgty cjll.d *itbdEwd
,oD &. lcriE Dililfv
tulc, tts blocl.jq orc Fdait@ !@*s.
T1r. @Dosr. cdruE ,s c{rad.d nor ody ro wirg biUlrty ofr6 bd d$
totlc Ftir.d otEca! tbDuS! ttr q*@i..@@ seltlE
org.lisdiois ordt rh. ilE
f@s. Itac *llfrrc o,8&iirriols *tabti6M thc@s.lrB
in Uc busj!.s, brnldle a!.t
itrdct ial lerors e.t c&ploy.d t@lowd
AoD borh &. hilitsy ad civiti!! sdlon
Tt* $bsidida of6c Eilir.ry &. .lotho $@. ofBniriry
F,.rrjo! in rh. !ysi@
lvnjc! pur load blocts io the
!.oc.ss oft&sjriol ftis cqpo!4c curnuc vd .xrcnd.d !o
tbc pliv4e selor l&,ra oD Sile tle Ei,rir&, FE i!.d,!!oE fo!.lc@ cosdtiv.
ycari Ar priva! scior .lso
fctr it !€..ssary b .oploy ,.r!at Di[rary
ofrc6 jn rhc lop
drDgdiat posid@! so tb.r Ocy outd
€xr.d.r ooF boc,jrs nom fic qilir!.y
govc@ot In thi! litultjo4 w!@
sI lh. *cio.g e. u th. b4ds of s.dilg &.1
reitcd o$c.rs, lh. !roB3 of rrrosirion b ddo.@y @urd aor bc d 6y orc,
Hufuelo!,s ,,eb@r th$ rb. Eilillr, gden{y
slads N a! ag.n of
nod.aisnior b rhc lfird Vdtd @urtrjcs
is not alllic'rble b tc 6c of rh€ thnd
Manjal hw i! tr&istra E4 ir s.t d s @osdlriv. foE.
a O@. Zja .Ecreed s,
sis! of Eltgiou Biv.l .!d .$rEtc<r rhc dtrc of .Aeir-ul-Momird, (
c Hcad oftb.
Faibftlt. ge charUed $e cbmie! of m,
rhe fion a bodemsed dgarisalon b a

r€Igiou for.c. 'mc slog@ ed syFbolis aU sliff.tl tos thc nod.Fte cm s&ula ro

t listou oDc. Zi4d-tLq disis.d J@€jo sdEinisf.ti@ on 6e cb.rScs ofns disd

psfol:@@ Egddi!8Ilhbjlltid Pt!.s @d dcsFoyiDg th. Afe!@ jihld Hj! !li@
witl tlle .elgioB pdics facilit icd thc crntiN.d J]ad in Afgloins eYen aftd t'is

darh, He F.p.r.d thc E it ry 066 ro folry !i3 ig@d! ir ib. !o9-vithd'a$d

pqiod. Es ddn€d politiciaD! tlso sl49oncd lis 'bl@ielio!' !G!s, slch a Naw,z

Sbqit slpoinr.d a sb@cb lchgiou dindd @y ofd 4 ISI Chief dsi!8 b-is

pFni.Ehip.rJ I! f!.! rh. EililEy vtorls fo! a chu8. but mt for bodmisadon" ro

jqnify its lc. But pi6 rbcy @etidrte then rdc, lhcv b.{@c a @,sd.riv' foM

b.licvirg i! l,le sbluc quo ltd do mt llow tt: s!€!s!or civilju gov.mdt! !o clAge

the policies slaficd duilg i,\cir di6i rulc This $dr& 6 o gcar hudl. in rn' Fo'6s of

tb3 r.I Ilc civili!, govo@all v/bicl d.vialed EoD lbc

Edsiti@ to d.nodt f,.

Dilir,ry's ag6.la e! disis.d dEilg th. Fiod of ruitio!

Alorb.r inpottsrt fe3tu! lh6l lEif.sls ilsllf is ihal a]thowb thc rcle of ihc ISI

in doncsiic politie stdt d at U. rinc ofYahy.IOti bur z A. Bbuno tst u..d this

otgedlrti@ Ari'd hjs oPlositi@ Fnid. A Folo!8.d ttd ctrectilc Flc i! lbc Algle
M tuthd .$i!p.il lh. sili!ry !!t Uis!!4 ag@cjes .sP.ciallv dc ISI sjt! acdvis

ed confdc@ wbich E letd 6.d i! dodcarlc Politi6 Frcn allimce nakj4 lo

cldlion dei!6iDg; @didting th. political Edoffi !o inidferh@ in gov.1D6r

f@dio! bers. thc farturilc 8!D.s of thc ISI. In te tu51 P!,sc of $c ltllsinon

lsiod, tle \'!.l Poliiical sov€@dtt with fi4ile Mjondd wde noi able 10 Esist thc

DniE yt pEsM o! dci! pouct opriols 118* Politic,l siMtioDs *ft @scio$lv

citd!.l by lhc$ agcocid thtough E"tilg rw aIjM od rieging cl@tios' wlich


rldu.od thc lotiticials .!d rDlnicil pdri€ s

rbe b€jlg &c ,uppets i! Ibc laDds of ilc
ditiLiy. 'Ihc lEy coEln Dd did lot alow ary potirca !6fiy to cdso!d!& jB posjrion
in rh. iDitial pha. of radlion. ,nr.y frciliLic{t its
@urd panres ro s&n a @rcsl
aole tbc potirjcd paltie ald r.hcn ptard wirt t!.t ditrq@e3 ro dslabilisc $c
cl.dd gov@66r!. b th. saoDd p!$. of tlBirioa lb. loliri.d foes. lhe civit
s@i€ry ed rhc e.!s rastar.d 6. potjlic,t F!od! Dro ! eunt Dajoriry Gcrlzn
8ov@an 1993) ed tard inb & abejur. b.jqir, Clawe Govtu@! i! 199r_
A8@ci6 lilc rbc lst acrcd as thc cyc !!d €r ofde A@y Cti., tud hctped rh. Eiftaly
ro coltiiE its pok6I reic is thc posr-widdrasat ps6
Fjod. njs *tlotc hild.rd
rne tr,Ddrio! io dcEo.@qy.

lvfilir&t ha rrtis ld.tie th,l rh. ofr4 !& pos6 o! o.. srdon fd .
p€dod so ih.l Ocy stould lor d.v.to! afiIrdic wnn ll. leds, pcopt ald
orej.ai$rio8 ftis pliEiplc js obs.nrd
.s E rcu,re ,rith vay @ lxccpnols. Lik€wi$_
Ihc rxrensioa
ofth. r4dy Cld.fslodd b. blockd colstjtutioDsty.
ftc !arje!c. ldcl of
thc ahy oficss js tow
aDd xt@ lhe r{Dy Cticf
observls ln. erkjnS of djc civilid
sovc@cn tor a to!8!r pcriod !i5 p6ri@e js ron .!d hc uD& n ilcrlabte ro l,le ovd
lo r! sl rh. ils of civitia! s.tu!, Mo@vd
r\. loliricat sovtu.ni $ lor ! hjdlEhv.
lt. proqs ofopa.r.barc. d*Esjoa
ad ditrqae oropidon is !n cssdri.t
refu|c or
deEo6&y. But rlc hiDd sa
ofs! ArEy Cbief r** n ar a aob lik behrvioDr ofe
uor$Di$d, uldisciplincd lnd
iI-rlilett lol. Mjtilllt coDharocrs @side!
drliy bould ro rcfiG it.
syet.E as lo)d sotdids.
A,!b KIa yll uc firsi exrellq wt.n
nc was civd ottcns,o!
!eo!d t'@c lE lad !]!Ed, b€ rle
Ccryreda_i!-Chi.f for
€i8h ,ea$, agaiDj the coDEoD
Dorns ofu. so.i€r.

The scoiority srsleo ij cslruish.d in ric civitim 0!d nilitsry irnirutior! pirb a

8!c5r cN ald scrutiny. Almosr !I rhc.ivjlie SovsDcrrs i! rhc tr.sitjon pcrod by-
!6s.d this pdrcidc bor.\ ia ce of Ile rop ,ploi!tu€nB D Dc Eilirary ed rtc cjvjl
'ni. dM,s prov.d cobic, Fo.iu.rirc fo, rhd, Z-4" Ahrto ch$. Od. Za to s.vc tis
sove@d &on bilii8y iltdv@lion bol bc hld &!d eicti,, ofb! naDdpjclGd Ady
Clict Wh@ Nlw SleircboF Murh!trafoln ofrh. Ey ro s!.w bjs 8ovctu.n! h.
ird tc' sufrd hu4ililUon Ii t d bc€! obs..vcd rhlr t{lcn r!. sedor llosr Cc!.rat ws
!9Fi!tcd !s 6.Amy Ctj.q ljt Cto. Ad@ Bai& lbolgh !. E6aircd Mrhftl ro ih€
civilian gorrhors lhbldout hjs tc!@, bui be aot ra4d anq coElletjon of his &m
.vc! in 6c iddd phe of rh€ na.siriol llc ou of leE !@o!@ crcrr. B@rtodr i!
tn. scnjor co!!!a!!t 6 atso. Ii caN6 a plof*siord deagc to rh. aEy since sleon ajt
thr sulas.d.d Cada& se.& .!|Iir.@€!r
.! ! prolcn
i! dE cas. Mth judi.id lppointbdt!.
Z A. Btuno by,lssed rte prj.ciph
ofsioriry b U. appojn66ls i! &. Usbajdicj.r/
wni.! prcduc€d di.sroB Gdt5
fd [io in at loDg M..ivlt@ Bc!.zn did 6,i in cssc orslPdlhcnr ofJutc! Sarad
Ali Sbl s
ChicfJugie of la&da!, !gai! ihc hld,o
f!& th. !.pacBioB for Dot
fononine rlc enidirr. Tlis qloild.or
lrovld mralhcd rci olty for !e. govdurmt
but slso lor rhe En gov.bEdl 0.t wau Sbdi|), Civiji.! Soveedt! doMllayed rhis
primipL b tlen deti!8 wirb bEsucr.cy &d obrjg.d sone
ofl}c ofices oul orl}c
ky rDd s4 aidc rh. orh6 pEldug politjcrl !.frliatioE ova uo prcrisjoD,tism
.ffdcrcX Tlij cutte ofp6rlnlg. d.srolrd
tbc noEl lDd !.of.srio!!tis,L ccdibitiry
of1b. civili.r ofiGrs &d rcpt ccd jr
wirh faftcriDg, backdoo, cdracls dd comlrio!.
Su.b !.tioc a.Lo qE&aed rh. civiti.!
iDnitutioE, buFl@cy ard .,udiciary, s a

balalcin8 forc ro rh. Dili&ty. Thc djscolr.ohcd !!d Ausir.tior j! thc cjvil s@i@s
ald judici.ry o.d€ tl€E witirg coltaboalor lo the Ejlirary h ca!. ot crUale of U€

Tlc Eilir.lly govcr@.dts ctsiD rhd tbcy *rc ,!1. ro d.li!,cr good sovsun@
.!d bctE! balsg@an otsirl &d Flitic.t !rcbl.sB ,s cmlaFd ro tt€i. cjvitie
q!6rrs. Bur fic srudy
oftni! plrjod i! cvidlrr tbat all rh. DisDlnagcm€Ils
in Ue
eolomn &jl!& oftap ed o!dd, rbc j!
cthnic &d s@&,o Ess srd s@iai prcbl@
€Dained &erc uEdcr t Dilillry
sovo@.oB sl$, rlolg! ieEpo,lrjly.wd j, te
b.gEiDg. SoEc ot tbe c&!ic &d
sraiir! i$.d e@ srdt d d wci! agglvalcd
dqiDg rhc bilirrry ESidB *tich j.R Fofo@d I@g rrD @plcls o! tc s@i.t &bric of
b. $c,.ty, llis ircludcd 5uc! isslcs wnjch e ni! p.sldilt &d rhEloiDg
lFc.ss rbc
of natioral ilrcgatiorl TID loE-Etr.s.listivc
EgiE. of Ayub Kh& agglavard lhc
Bcngali @tioDltis &d rcsulted
in selar.rio! ofElst ra&jJlo
fte e@D@ic booE of
lbat lerio4 &ougt vay ihp4sliE i!fiSu.s' au8&6Gd lbc .hss dis!.!it, id
@unt1, Gcn. Ydt! lrsycd eiitr rhe blsic arru.ru! of &. potitjc.d sys&E
disrldd tlc flgitc llljry of th. @urry
levilg . EoE wr@bl. ald tlgnot.d
polity, Ile rhird Elni.t hw lrls E@ harfi,l
in a sd$ rnai n dcsEoycd tlE idcotogi@t
bah&e of dE socicty ad p@orcd $e .x6.Djq, secra,&rM ed
lcgionalis. His
sleidl ideQrciaiio! of &t.e coNoli.tlr.d
tbe *d$i@ divjde and govided 1hcD a
do!. (iis&hous .olc i! tb. lolitjcs, wlich w.F pEvio[sly delag€d
!r rb. s@icr2l t@.t.
Eis suplortforMQM s! @uatd forc! ro Sildli n dotuti$ 68M!rcvcd wr.rsh.tl fd
&e cout-y and a @nJbrr elncc
of brcal do*! of l.w dd ord.., viote.e, to$ of life
and !rcpcrty ir Si.d! and €E cially in Klnclti. Ir wbs nor 14uDd

FIErcussioa ft. ldlilafy's ctrons b pby i dd divid. of MeM ag.inst.eh orhd ro

chc.k fic povEt3 ofrie orgsli$rion
could not serve 0|c pulose .!d hurhd comptic.l.d
'hc 'iiErio!, Tles !!obi@s @uld b€ Estv.<t thsugb stannrg dcbat. a, @riout
ard iDitiarils dislogu. b.nrEen rbe veiouj
a !&t! lolds Mich j! oDly po$ibt. j! a


It ir a g@anl F..ptio! i! palist ! 1bn ilc Wcnd lowqs lpldotty
prollgar. dale@y in &c wtd bur &cy atMys elpoft rr. Dilillry govd4ale iD
Prkisla!, Ir ir . f@i t& rb. US elpo.rcd ndn€docEac
regin*, w!@ r!.y w.E itr.ri
inio 1h€ir policy d$ig6 dudng LrE Cotd Wd pdiod d€slte
rbc fa.t rt r rlcy dai.! Ue
tghl of sclfd.t rjfttion a!.1@roDjnld hu,!e rjgbr, violalioas,,,lt
*s .si.. ro
aXabod. wit! r\. dli&ry.ath* tte wir! tbe civiii& Sov.tuc.tj. Il€ Easo! es
thal tb. adi€3 w@ $€l-be!av.4 orgnir.d lnd !v.stdD:r.d
wtil. tle potitici&s,!r!
dificut to bedlc. MoFvd, th.8ny govalEcnrs brd io ulc dccisioru @ rncn om
Th€ systco of ti@dy d!oe4 . f.e ro &l. d€cisjo! oD b.baf o, lh. *,botc
orSideri@ &d cr@ the DrioD (i!
c& ofdiEd nitia? nu.) u.rcfdc rhe otrels of
Eililaly Eodqli$rio4 tediv. belefls d rh. 6llbo6ros &d .6!hic aid
p&lrg.s for &.i
6@rry ec.c @dily a.celld b, r!e4 on.n
wi&od Fveltile $e
lcm of psrtnershjp io th. !eopte.'. ftis w ttre
*e cvo wlcrc lhc niiitary w's
dtnclly lot in lowq bu had a .onnot
ovc. lolicy hsuDg.,e But llc civilie
govcrDrndt!. in ttair coEputsion ro folow the aslil?lc of rh€ lcodq Drov.d
@nletivcly lough to b€ d.alt wii!_10

?aei!i&'s sat gic ldrid ed its pot@d.t io beoE. . ftoDrliE s&tc B a

sour.. ofarhqioD for 6c ritst rn idcrsets i! p!ki!!!" tt Sr.st !s cor..fu abod rhe
&o'rily !rcbl@s in palistan AeordiDg ro l6cis R.biso4 .t Wcsr js EoF
iorercst d in naliti9 t!3! tbe d€ooo!.y i! !.brl&.r' soD4ioas, lllis ialllssjo! js
8lv@ th.l .lc.icd &vtual3 ,& rolpt d .na ! sr6 sislrj AE6 Wt!bi!gr@. Biuno
stidtblcd ih. ilvoh.rdrcol ofAo.lia tu hi! do*rfslt.a washil8lo!\
o! lclrt!.tiy jr @!!idd.d d ! .go lfesd
siglrl, b dissolvc a po]iti.d govc.m.lr ItE
US Dolicy sqporrs rh@ golr@cors r^6ic! @i!! rh. US @rjoDrJ j!ld.s& Eg&tc$
ifrhee e civitti! ot Dilit ry EgiD.s. I! t96q70, rh. Us
Deded palide ro ficilitlie
ia op.ling up roylrdr China I su a co-jnoidclc€ lbd uc io.ueuation of$e mli.sry
r.gin i! lrkisr!! @ @ulled *tll itc US -g,g.-d D [s M.gaiEn Co@ujtu
i. 1958 .!d 1979. tlrd io I 99, il 8ol .o8ag.d i! l[. *!r sgarsr r6rcn&!. I is ctdly
vkibl. nlh &. US polici$
rI oE tb. ertd ti.t tb€ US iDr.esrs ral€ p!*.dha oq
t4Ieling An dca! vstue tt j! d&
a f!4r rl,r rlc Eilitlly 8ov.hDors tld alwys
.4plcd tb. Wcslc ! poticy oln ols i@cdr-!r.ty
si!.! tley edcd lcgjri@y &rl
@ple@ ar i!&rn tiolll i4t. Folorvilg
rhis p!tlq!, tnc cjvjtia, goyc@dtj allo
nq&d offe.ing Washidrton th€i! co@snlioa
as sr rhc @n olnarjonat jltacsrs siddy
for lhe sllc of tb€ir s@inl i! rhe cdrjdos of ?ol!B. & a c6c,! poi!( B.@ir
Btutto t{as @'rida!d io b.6c WasLiDSrd f0vouic. Tle Us got EoE
ollonqiry ro
idcr&.c itcD potiiicias .s jr fd E..iiaiioD d tclp, h uc posr-wilhdEbrl !€dod of
1985-99, P.Li!&!i lEliricidrs ilvolvcd the US dbs$loor
s lbe gu&tor of
deEo@ct Tbe US lDbaredor lsd ro @roE@icalc wiih lhe vsioos acloE of

!.ld$hi potiric.t srstcn duilg rbd peioda 1lj6 i@6cd rhc US j!&rfciece in lbc
politics of takiria! @,pDscdorly.

rakisutr is sril ar aid drivcD dcvelopine doDoEy *,hich

is fillld dep.lddr oE
inialati@d Eond.ry ilnihlj@. fd lo.Ds Tlasc iDsiitnioE eql !!dd $. US
innuac!. It@ioE r!. sol[ Elr.iors wi& rh. W€sr arsotrdbloct rhc irflow of toars
th.s $@c!, T}t. !i.t i, lol pitod hdjrios.
N@eu.ks5 all th. goycm.lrs i!
PaldsL$ }!d ro sbi.l€ by lb. colditjols ofaid wbi.t r4rs ccrrajnly lte pB..!!tioD
of the
US ndiolrl iDrdlsr, I!.i.t olrli, tlc US i!i.!e$! s!i! DoF a.tE dEirg rhc bitii!ry
sovd4dt' &.r thcy sw ofraEd norc foEign ajd. Dcsliic r\e ctailn
dl.r &e Diljt&y
govc@.!& l@ rbc Sood nrn.gc! of the .@oD, !o etid stcls q@
lal@ to @E
itr€ sLBtaiiluc sl@ic .t vclolocot by rb6c ailirat,
tovale@b. US ai.t e4
u*d b snd &e @@Eic b.oe tu rtct4
!co!,ic io ,irn &, lroLsr novdot .gailn
!h. nili&ry rcgirlc. ftc nalld econcmic
lolicie $@ exposed wh.n thc dicGlos

ft. vdt diEcl cortac! riitr rhc Eiltlry and s coED&d

also s|!ld $ a
lLrdlc i! t!. prcss otr€!.itio!, T!.F coallcrs co i!@ ao,! llc paiods ofsrain
in bilataal retatios, ftc palj!&n 4fry c@rhu.d ro pdrbb jts
!.!..,ke.rirg ddjcs
a! ovc. Uc world. ftj! boorts ite @Dfid.le ofrhc Arly Cbj€f &d o$B njD of
inlcn lion t slppon i! tis actor! ar ih. .toocsdc td€I. .Ih€ Dirrat, comaldc's do nor
iilc to brcal u! wirb thc Vclr s 1l y @6idd it ro bc a $re of FodcEisarion ed
dcvclopoenr, ft. Wcsr al$ offcl!.t p.froDrt bencfis ro tbe Eitjiary co@ardcrs by
giviae tlen child@ !.b!aiv. $botasli!6 fd ligb.t .dueroa tu@riv. jobs j! dutri-
i4oEl @Dd.ii@ sld 6c uN, tEarn.lt ald ned$ facitftjes $rcad, nch @ lor

ey ro for8o for.n o6ccr ofa dcvelolirg r,rioD llncfor., d.y k .p a.hcck on lh.
civilid SoveFE.Di's foFig! Flicy i! llc rrnsirio!
leiod io !.orer t6 W€nm
.nioul i dsts, '[to ojtit ry i@tLishi? ftly slto*ld aD dt ,Ahdice
si&cc ]ikc rhe
olc lal' ! b, c@. Aslre BaiS in th. Inq_KlMi! E Od. of ile chdg.s l.!€U.! on rh.
civili& gov.dD.ds w!.o th., *tt! dtst.e.d ia tbc l99gs B a Eis,".g.Edr of

la L\c r.rsjrio! !cdo4 $. civitia gov@neoE suEd.d a legjtimcy disis.

Tl€y *@t€d 10 erai5c U.i. om rrill bd eic! @da duls to foltow rhe r.tu diclaEd
bt th. niliray sl lh. ti@ ofrliDquislilg
lorva, T!. civilib 8ovtu@b ih thjs F,iod
could oDly Aed up rh. pbcd6 ofresiri@ if th.y tulflcd te condirios, O& ,s the
itutitLriolrt bd@e ed th. orhq ss tb. coels aeong nc potjtjc€l foB. An
irniMoDd bdacG b@s lhd aJ lhe ionitdio$ sboutd lrqf wfti! rh. costitutiolal
do@h ed &!l r!@ 3boul.t b. no co!fr@&rio! eolg u@ rre olld indies the
forgiDg of ! loliric€t @$.!!s o! djo.sl iseu.s ,!d ro@e@ d Fs!.d ro$6.ts ih.
olhe$' Fj.B of vi*. aur h pa&siaq rtc
civilia foB ade.t ro idakc a! ajtiecc wjdt
atr otha !!d rh. i.5tihnioBr.e.h.d n €edlcd de to &,ron!,ijonat pohics.
Fsll]t *es rlEt not onty iltc r!$iriord pro6s
ws poloDged bn it atso cnd€d j! M.rtiat
Laws oDe .td &olbd_ In rhc ilitial ,be resilioA Einc Mbjltd Jhejo r@t
of re
slcps o ni3 ou ro 6ur.r rhe .xFcrcd Findcc AoE cd. a.; b, caling th€ Att
Pani6 Coni.Mc. ro eah
lolric.t suplon for tis 3ra@ o! Afgle policy ed io blitd
cos6$ b favou ofsiglilg itc Ooc% A@rd i! Dec.Ebo.
ftd lE disoi$ed Zia,s
@Pojl,c forcig! didis&l yaqlb Ajj Kt& dd r@t ova rh. ofra of ln.
Minislcr limselfro alsuec DoE aunllority.
Later, n t)16rgc! to sigl] tI€ cctleva Accord

€ailit Ihe Ihside 's witl. Ir s!o*s 1b!r rh. civilid govor@.nts @utd ovdcoE. th.

Icgjti@y disis ard sccrE coorlgb ro!,!r ro cx.!.jjc indQ.ldcnce cv€l hdcr a
,nlitq !ad, 3 lolg rs it .odd cftL ! ,otiii.al c@s.!$. !r.gD6&d f@.,
e a grat !udl. i! rh. r&lirio lo dc@ooa.y !!d clrpovq tie eilirary lo btocl rhc
My 10 r.{l tlado6.cy,

I! &. Fst-*iiMEed Fiod j! r9E8, rb. A@y cbjcf c..! Adaa Blig ws
v.ry aas.niv., an @q!ati6d !.h4iol{ oD bjs !!n e.t6 ilc @nstidioE Hc lublic.Iy
qiticiscd l!. cililie EoE@@t's tDti.i6 &d Efi*.d ro @DF@ise Tlc ..!aciry of
rr'. Amy Chief lo r€.jn rhc init'E:jvc
of lic civilia! gov@eor B a Dajor hudtc in
uc tl6itio! to dcoency, fte politic€t 8ov@@t5 q@ irE sfu y eaEd of
bilitet ilt rv6rio!, Tlcn allFhcsio! agairn dEy doninlrion h.d nevd b.cn
Da*l*s sincc thc ,4@, C[ic&.v@ t!os!
wift a,?ur!tio! tor EodcDdo! ]i}c Od
Jaltegir Knlluq o!6jy .oDdcdDert
&c qwLiog of rb. rolricd sovtuats lDd
ctiticised ileir D.@gd€!r of S.
EomEy lnd rh€ ta, &d order situario!, T!. ldivc
bl. of tbc Milirdy cljcf @d hj! diBt sr.ro.at lobuc u Oc l]fua of a Ftjriciu
FDaed . $ue ofiEecwity for $. civi[e EgiDe! i! th€ ldod ofrasiiior


lad v.bb dc6lcs "!n cs&bttulcd dcoo@c],, as opcraioDally
b.ios *r!y
coutry rhcl hls cojoyed llbrcla cdp.tirire dcDo..adc rule sircc 1945 o. which
B ordc. sMesstul asitj@ si@ od.r I! a.t b. B ,alkilg abod r!. co@tii*
wil,t lign !€r carira h@ds, Itr.* 6rai.s de co@oDty Eir,.d io s .adv&ced

lnduslrial .runier.' .G6BFphic5Uy,

dis nor! or tcss caEbs wjth wcad EeD..

Norrh Adqicq Jale &d AurdiE,nr Most of l!. Ads! d@dei6 do not qurlif, on
tb. b€ii! of &i! ctir.rioa bd cv., do da nmilg of u clcdoEt dc@o.Ecy sld rute by
civili.a is arpEid.d i! ! !ub6 of ?{si& @@tri.s, .t spft. th. EFar.d andpi! of
Eilirdy tlk ov.! by r[.ir om Fecrftl Ejtirslics, pfislrn
is Me of th. clNical
cxaDtcr wlee ajtiilrr lulc cotid!.d i! 6b ald 5t{ts, fd
aI6Gt lllf of tbc paiod of
cxj!.oe; blt |ic lcoDtcs' dcsir! od thc strlt8lc tor d.hl).fuy
'tr @ir€d d polit c.t
r.ality. Thc Eilirsry r!daj!.d t
Felrnt d@dr .@ id rh. posl_withda$d laiod &d
th. civilie govdM. s vhjcb look o6c.
i, inj! paiod trrDaincd i! t.llc shrdow ofth.
Flici€s of then pred{atu &ilibry Sove@@u. BcfoG ilc bmfq poM, of ihc
hiutlry cnhpridd bld &ru8ed Uen conrilu.d
rcI. i! tlc poljty b.liDd &e s@..
ftis Rldt bs @tutltt d rbatluF d.Eocday
laq qklcd i! patdsla, b@!Ls! AoD lh.
Ery b.giEing of its potir.clt bj$ory, rh. alliorjrlrid
dds n!v. beeD dodjndt ed
odo@lic gor@nqrs Il* coi!.d bg.th6
th&ug! pal&. ilri8ne rhli w@ hatche.l
by i!. !oD{.!rscn!a1jvc nc!!t! of rlc star..
lt is oDl, the !.Dod orz, a Bhtnq adbcil .
iibiL! !qio4 ruc! tu b. rjt6 * @ .x.?ti@ rhougb oc au&dirdje tEr<Ls re
visiblc i! rbc civjtis! lcadcEli!. b &.r @ cfon eB D!d. !o @neud.r. potinet
ineituiioB ro g@ratc loliriel @$osB .!d ro csr.bl,sh lEatiby rzditioB ,r ihal

I! i,rr trtujrioD lcriod wb6 llc Dilirery

@EttDcrcd ctatios to rErBfd loiqs it
*s lcE d c.Dptcrc witldr*"1 bc4uc rb. hcad of rh. srr& B . .Mililary M&.,
Mo@ltt the coEdnftio! B slrklBt j! a !}!y rhrn rh. r!!r controt Enaiicd i! rbe
hands oflhc rilirary, Iincr cat.gorics it a! a rul€ behind rhe scoc
wns rbc mjlilary w4
ruug 3s u 0.9&is!!io4 Ltc rdtir.rl hed of tb. $atc ei!i!.d Dilirrly s a $ucc of bjs

ral pom." t}c Dilitdy @Dneda! blct biDl io Frs.8,c &.ir laslrl &d
org.Dierio!.1 i!rd61s, I! c4 of Ayub KI!! rle eiljilty @tu!!d6 lcpi or
$ppottilg ti[ ib! titu hir erib. E dikldit d d@ ro O. tus Eovdat agairsr

nia d C6. Yaly4li3 AEy Chi.f f.h rhlr lc lrs rhc Et !oE@ of pow, hc
ddid€d to withdnw lis sulpon norn thc dis.ldi&d .cgiEc &d iook ovd di!€cdy. Ttris

tt?c of gove@at r4uis a cou&ni civili& etron b bc irsfeEcd lo a Fai

dm()cfuy by thc polilicrl lEdics, civil locicty !!d ib. Esscs. Id thar plnlo$ politic.l
@NEs j, !.qrircd o! Etio$l is!!.s. BLn in &ftiri|4 rh. politicrl pni€s could lor

cxhibit tht ald eri!.d fragmdrcd tbul ctapo$ldlg llc diclaroF. Ibe o.seqlqn
csult w r!. l@ed retio.t ofa@ido! ed Uc iEposi$on of dotb6 Manial r,*.
Itr 1960 Ayub K!.D c@du.bd ! Ef.rcduD &d gol hiE!.lf .etccled, s ihe !*
lcided ofPatisra And &d, b. iE o!.d ib. ,* coanii{i@ sld !.so&d civili&

8ovtua! Ming rh. relc of ! r!.ty lad6 rld b.c,fu 6. tod of r\. rlalo ftis
.ct B .r?ercd by zit id 1985. aut ca a. t.Dcd ao6 1! qFi@e of ayub (Ia
&d avoi<ld ro appoid &y of bis judiot s rhc AEy Cbi.!: Hc l.pl t'E ofre of dc
a@y Chicf tiMs rLath ald ody {[Di!r.d VCOAS ro d..l *irh rh. .i!y ro &y
dDilislnlid of tlE AEy. B.foE brlrlilg oG ih. loffis lc reiructucd rbc

CoBtihttion of 1973 lo eBW his position $ &c ll.5d of thc s|al. aloDg wiLl hjs positio!

llis didatal d.a& od.d ad of dircsr bili{t rulc in 1988, Ile @cd
forq daidcd to ld lhc d@o@tic govd@.nt {ork Dda cen ir Mditioc.It wa a

nd patleD of nor-t kcovc! dilillrt rulc whc! rDllibry r.tailcd th€ coDbol ovd lle
nucld, dcfee ed f@isD.Flicy i,l$us! the cl..t d Pr6id.lt- It ale t@iled

wtct'tu1 !o lhe wdt ing of i,te civitie gov€menl ,nd

rte suppon of ilc roiti$ry
6@aadcrs s.rrcd a llc dc.isjve fad.r i! th. 5!wi1d of rbe cjvitia! govcm.lrg
Tfis amgn ai Dighr b. c.!.d .! cl..ro$l d@M!.y bLn lot a ru. dcoo.@y. T!@
e@ Io!.s llat tbc !€o!le's nj. eodd b. rdoFd grdlluy Mt! rb. srtogdlcor:Dg of
civil *j.V. llE potiicia$ woutd dcEtop @D!.Eu! @ rhc ladoul iss!6 aDd lej& 1o
@lv. rbcir col0icrs wirti! the politicd dobai!, I!.y would slragrha lhc pol,tical
il'dnnjdr ed bloct the sly ofEitibry iri.tecotion i! lolitics. ft. sue*sivc Aily
Chie8, though c@lcrltcrt wilh ih. civilie 8ovmE6is hr ris€.1 b coEproDj&
llei exca{olrj FsitioD i! th. d.!isio! b.rilg !l!cs s $. gu&rtid of
orgeistiolrt ard cepoEG i csrs of d, Dililsy. Thc iDnintriolll ambg.D@a to
L..p anbcd fo.* uldd .ivi[$ co!i.o] coDld turdty bc .Ecis! jD rI. posr-withdawal
!.riod due ro rh. ss.nive lositi@ ofrb. A@y
Chj.fard t^hc submissivc cjvi[an hed of
rb. gotq46|!, T!. afty cotrri!&d b b. ilc !o@. of !.al lok fo, rrD cjviue
Egincs 6od bchh.l rh! sc@d
T!. Brqggl. fo! aoE lo's E tic civ i& ilgiidjoN
filthd wE4.a€d t]lc Flricd q,sr.ro ald
Fovi.tctt Alny chi.f aa opFlrurity 10 lalc

SIcphe[ P, Cohcn quol*. ccocEl ofOc pa}jsra! ary as $yirg thll c.oda]s
ger ..nhnsio! &d !'!boto! o! rb. b&js
of6cir lbiliti.s. Orly rbc nosr coEFrar
P.oplc racl &e br'ghd Entj *tilc Ihc ciyiliar, do bor Fq@ qrDcslio! e ro 4hir.
Pluic o6c6.':7 h rhis coepardirc !!r!sjs, Ic w poilriae ro rhc politicios and.or
njs civili& coulspais (rtc civit sw!rrs), t ,ry s.ricc of pakjsla!, rhc cdtdiotr for

pmdotion ir qlrlifi.rrio4 traiailg rDd dFjcdce Brr fd rhc cl.cted public oficls,
ev€n ir 0!c advarccd @!!rd€q ttrc !.t ofquslifcalior! i! djtracnt. Mililary ofr@s @
d.o pblic wa!r! lkc otr as i! &y sovMl s.rvi@ h lakisl,a 1tcrfoB rh.
crEp&iro! of S.ddzls wilh loXdcials b lot a! s?lrct(id! .xshc.
ft. dis.idie oflh mirir.ly ibdid & @qltnioD.d ob.did@ to a epqjd
auliori9 uldd rle Cornitljlior off*jllar nc EiXlly .x@isB rbjr rrldition ,juia
its oryeistio! but siou! bpes occw in U.i! @duct yjtl thcir cjvile $pdjoE ard

.@ io lhc sl+r.E. law of thc @&rry csp€i.ly ,red ifc s@id @tljl@.i.rs .tcci.tc b
do so. Tlc niXtlly is an orgejlatio! urdd rlc Mini$ry ot Dcfoe_ Bul $c iltc]nal

Ern B ofd. eiut ry e ats i,sd!(.d n@ irtaftu . Fo6 thjs Dinisry, Undd r\.
1973 Couduion, rbc Dcfc!@ Codeitllc of rhc Cabilcl @cc) js a d@ision nat<iis
body i! r'hich d1c !@ fo!@s' c!i.& e @t rb. n@bag U!.t- rhlr ild i, a defoc.
@wil *ta. th. &Ded forces aE !cp.es.nr.d. Bur dcs. bodj$ @uld }ddly nEdio! jn

the posr-with.lnw.l ldiod. If auoqd io wdk .trmrirrty tLis mechdis @utd .sr.Uisb

a 6@ @!tol of rh. Dd@ MirjsFJ @ tic pu.bre .!it pellMdts, aplEiatu@c

Tte s@ld ln.dsjsn ii rh. Audit ald A@uls Comincc of tbe !&lidar Ir
shodd bc givd efGctiv. @!aol ovd ib. a@uts &d audir ofthe nllds alocaled b rh.
Djlitdy. If th. nilitlry tas dy rescrvarioG in ciFosiog rhci! s!€ldirs i, rhc pelid.
on tlc a.clrity grcuds, .t lcan lh. Audito.Cdad of ?rListd olgbl to biv. a.cs to
thse.lclljls. No public i!5tinnion c!, b.left to work wirholt chcct ad bslec., How

ci! th! miliLry b€ an excettod Bln urlEtily. thc r"dirio! of ao!-a@Etabiliry of dc

any coDtiaud ald pmv€d prrnicious for Uc tulllm ofthc hatio!.


Tb. Amy Cbidba! lo day & ljvolrl blc dong wjth rhc pEsided &d tb. ?dee

Mid!i.! ofPalislrD by co rftnilgs rialgte of!.Mt!o"! s rh..T.oikr,This vls

: r dtEs.srtutiord dru8ll@r fo. rr^u-buildlg b€tEn the Ej,lir3ry ild tc
civilirD goveEEor o! lhe !|!rr!$ ofn ii@rl iblorr3Dc!, bot doroesric e.t. eDrl.
'ftb *s &ithd sp.!i6.d io bla.t ald wh1. i! thc c@lbltio! u ws itjustifi.d udo
rt ooonic rc.$. Th. Itr!.ti@ of shg tb. Ady Cbicf j! ttc cHQ or clljrg o! him
by th. loliticis Aod bo4t tt! rqru, ,!d olposjtion b.Dc.bd stould be Estict d. ftc
polilicid ! mldo!
shodd s6& of ttcn lrobt@ witbi! rh. paUeelt ed lolilical
pdti... ftc Ady Cli.fs @rivitics $odd bc cdf,ed lo prof4siodl D@tings ed
should lot v.atu. ilto !s&&t !!d louticat Ec.rilgs i! &e r&sirion t p.!io<t
ir o ..
ro fr.ilibE rhc .&ljq tr&5itio! !o .
@6plc& .t Do<fu,.

Thc coDsliMon @y prcvidc 5 Eechrlist thit ,! iEvilabtc ciEldt !c.s rb.

nilillry @ rltcova fot &r. @Drbs io bot.t &ir ald A@ d@r6, rr woutd sisr lbc
mililaty to co@ t! rhe .Buc' jn u. situ3:io! wLD tlc !@Drc waD! ro
8a nd of &y
i@npt ed opF.$ivc'
civiue Egjec. Bu n rhd c!5! thc CIi.f Metid Il*
adidnist"lo! shoutd loi bavc !!y !os!. of sl'lojlhlcors eld U€ @n ritutional
mddoht, His onty tlsk should b. @lducrilg .lerjos bd.r a p*c.firi cDvjF@dl.
This sfudy colctuds rhd da!i& .11 itc cfons ofrhc poljlicjd, thc civit socierr
ald tbc p@dc ofpabrto ir j! lel b bt@& r!. 6itirc7,s rcI. i! Oe potiljcs ofpa.kii.e
It llad !emr!&d inlo thc lolitics, @Dmy !!d $c soci.ty to s!c!
rhe e clrdi tai it
ca! lot bc roll.d b8ck. Wih cv.!, M.nial trw, fiis
,a.tnrio! w4 @Mlid*en &d !t
uB tlage Iac civil govednedrs c!!!ot 1r!* wjdlour lhc .Aiodly c@loaton, dd
Soodwil of the Aiiy Cbj€t&d iic tuior enh,id4. G.E Za r.icd to arabUs! $c

Nrliolrl Sewiry Co@il (NSC) b.for. [Airs rt Mnrid Irw j! 1985 bm tbe Naf@rt
AsDbly, pniL it &.c!rcd stposr .U lbc Fopos.d cl.us.s a3 t @.di!ion to tifiils thc

M:fial Irw rci$€d b Etit rhc NSC. Itlsidcf Irghdi enablisbcd it o! the

eo@.ldatior of th. th.n AEy Chi.f cc!. Jalesir K!@!t bur ta&r $. clecred

gove@@t rcniicd io co!1bu. trirh it. lboud ir i! ag.iffr thc dcmoda{c rodr rhal

lhc h.ads of th. $boldiEt 3!r. iDni i@!, c.&, rb. wi@s, slDuld be giva eE
pl@ in the deisio!'oating idfidjoDs, hit ar rhi! $agc th@ is Do altmdve oiher

tbd to &€pt tLc grcud Eliti6. Thc cstlbltulEclt of dE NSC is ilstlabte in

lalistar Ody rt@ @ llc EUtury'! scf-lsrurod rc1. &r Uc gu.rdt& of r.'E id@toej/

of Palist& be add.rs$d D.ir.!satio! tllt ih.y @ ihc only irrtitulioD calanb of

prcvidiDg good govdr@ rculd b. sltjlfcd abo. Silrilg ia lbc decisioD-E li.g body

&d beoEilg a !d oflLc !.lioul strt ry, r[.y ftold tur b. .bL io blde th. civilid
govmrnal for ni6b1g|f@t
Ia tb tasitid Fio4 tlc civili.! to@B loE
ni.d ro DoE
cb d ih. cost of othc ilstill'i@s, oBiDg ! di$ptio! j! thc whlg of the lolili.d
systd dE b thcn s of ilEEiV i! th. ailillly doDillt d politic.l sydd AI th.
clcci.d govcfudts duiig llis pdiod follo*.d lhjs p!n@ Ite jldicialy's rcI.
I@ircd vay cfuis.l i! poliii.d crjsd. SondiE6, it supPofi.d th. ddodalic Poc6s
but onq il b€.ee a vicliE of rh€ cd!€dicrcj.s, It auihoriscd th. milita.y reSins lo go

lb. co$drutioDrl cbrng$ strch wdc in ir]m utiliscd by thc niiitlry comtudds lo

lrololg the'r rule. So@e of$e! decisio!! \rcrc in flvou ofdcinod.n Iike i! 19E8 lbev

r.sldcd the pany-bls.tl el.cljons dd cvd lat r, th./ r.'tor.d tbc Nlw@ gov.i@ot

wlo it t$ disDisled by Prcsid@l GhulaD Ishrq KIIE Ot l!. whole, thc lole of1!c

judicirly t!fuiftd djsd j! $t 6io tio! ofddo.rlry. ftcy cout.t bave !,f@cd d
cftdivc rcL i! tlc Eo.cls ofh$ilio! in ftc crF.ig ofa st lc lillrr bur 6eir failuc ro

e dmil€d 1I!€ ple* of r'&!ition. Th. judicid activi!6 in irc s6dd raas of borh

lh. PPP &d thc t)I fErbs cbeLd rlc Fr,co$ of rr&lilio! ro d.@6@y. 'ftc juliciary
wr rh. bst bopc ofrbc Flilici&r or orb6 iosihniors hn il Fovcd ro b. llgalory.r
Udds th. jud:ciarr dc ar lqfoE its rolc !! rhc s!.nti& of tbc .o!rin!tio4
d(b@@y ca@ol bc abblilb.d


It is evid@t lbrr aI ilE bilir!.y luld south psid.olial syseE 10 ex@is. d al!

povtttul eltro.idile sysl@ Ala! Kbr! iftldu.od a !6id.dtial @rnitutio! i! 1962;

YslF sas s€.lilg $oc am!g!o@t vilh th. Awlrii L.!ge @d lhe PPP to Ftai!

[i@if lbsu€l a FE sbdiry .ousea6t @ th. Flsidotid losiii@ i! rb. cieilid

8o'qMd *nicl ihcy re spposcd ro foln !i.r rL 1970 .l@ti6. ID 1985, Ga.

Zr $sqr.d a Dodi6€d l6to! of lhc 1913 olnilldj@ i! *hic! thc PEsid€nt wa tb.

deifBtatid of all th6 adltority ald tb. PiE. Midlrd $!s r.ded to lb. ]ositior of a

$!ior miDind, &d ihis obs.sio! with pow p$ nol co!.68d b rle nilitary Erd
oilt Cov€dor Gcelal GlDlao MuhlMld disis!.d fD ftsl CoDstitldl A!@bly al

!h. timc pld th€y bad p6sed a law i! ordd io cultlil lbc Po*tls of iL Covdor

CEqd. gc vdtld io djoy @.Est!id.d pov!'s. I*ada Ma we&d to !rcclajE I

@Eritutio! io which ile P6i.ldn sboDld bG th! dix oflll lhc dthont' &d siM lhc

1956 colsdtui@ bad 6&Uisbcd ! lelid.rt ty sysLd, hc abrogatcd il.


Bhtto iDpldtrcltld . lrlljEoB co!5!i!utio! helilg a pdXdelrdry sy!1d of

gol€mdt But tlc offc! of thr ltjmc Milistd uda Ois corslirurjoD m t'D bdd of
'rbsoLlte pow4 lmdchcd wio the Fdilroodlry tldiiioDt. MoEov.r, hc mad. tE
tu51 s€v@ ancndse i i! fow ys siEdy to aug@l his !ow6. h fact Ie \r?s

din ling th€ ertiF sctup !oM& a preriddrial ryst@r DEilg thc r.6iiion paio4
wh@ llE P.iDc Mi!is!6s Pw di.!oi!$d dc by @ by exri-ordineily copowsld

litsid€di, Naw Shdif ti.d b sufis .! lh. po*rts withi! th. off€ ol0E Prioe
Mi!irt€', clrldsias !I l! iDninnio.s ftis oc@potuar ale lcd ro thc
iElositio! of&odd l\,tati.l li*
ft. laiod of 1985-9 wirlcss€d . tong ![us of E&sition b ddo.fux t ss
abo thc loogcn p6iod of .blcfue' wlict @ilitlt displar.!
rhc iD sLyilg b.bjn.l llc
s6c ald @t asloiog lowa dr..ty. Ilc potiricd ldnies ald rh. t€d.rs Irclc!
political exDdic@ to ne a lolitic.l sysl@ !tor6va, lbc beg{r€r otftc nilil.ry rulc
ed &c fe io fle amdd l,t!ni.t Iaw ndha srlh.d llcir cffici@cy. Ilc ctrdre io
gain notc ed E@ po$6 .gai! d.s!.oyed thc ilsti1[ioDl b.larc. wlich ultiEat ty

ch.ck.d th. !M*d of iresition ro dmo@cy, In a lort-wiitrd$*ll pqiod, irnitutonal

bala!@ is very iDponld for fiEtbqirg ilc pro..ss ofa!,enon.

o.s lhat Plkirran bls Dc6 c{!eri@d ! ne fo@ of pdlidatdy

thie dtirc

d@oc@y nd lli ir .v.r q@ised tb. Fd

Faiddtid sysrm,
,n. l 9?3 C@srjrutio, is
a F.xMor.ry @nsri$rior hd<irg lb. rlj sdtjbutB of rhc sys:rm_ ft. 1962

coDsrnutioE bld bc€! ! IErsidodd co6t'nuioD but wirboft rhc .sAsarior of powc!.,
Bu by e jld@lh siudy of rhe louri€r lisldy of ?akisraD it bcco6 visibl. Ual &c
arnloril{tuo tt€ods ir politie .r! rtry Du.h t!6e lDd thcy e obw.d i! borh rh.

milit'ly &d civilis FsilA If tb.y e 10 bc addlse4 the 1|'l|ol. stlctuE of tbt

soci.ty brs io b. chlru.d fioD !! lulolirlrG to tb. p.niciP.loty ed c@ililtotv

Il js rt.oron rdcd lbd. b.lEccil lnsid.ot'd lvsla! should b. adoPtcd. ri lhis

srsrc@ thcrc $ould bc a poEftl di.l st .nti\t $io Dlv ! bc dit@dv cl.cl.d with

polul{ vti.. h lttdilio4 oths olgrr! of th. go@cot li!. lhc le8islde lld iL
judi.i.ry sloutd ebrt ot tL Fi@idc of'3cP.ndoD ofPowlis,' e thd tL .uthoitdr&

trdd! i! th. polilic.t orft@ Dly b. lolltgcd i! . @sirulotd sv PU'h volld not

othswii. b. .blc 10 dadic{c.

In oil6 ro s..r. d istitutiollt b.Ln ., 6. politi..l lqdca t'v' to !'6!c tnor

irt rrd stuct@. Ilcy hAt ro iMtPotltc &Dod&v wiihi! rhar o4&tuatj6' A

stlsg 8ovar@! Dor. FF!.eollliE i! clj!.id' *ith tu rooE i! thc siav dd i!

rb. E,ss *odd b. i! ! .tds!. ,oritior to El. e iad.P@d'!t dccjlio!' I! lbjt kv'
&c bu.lucrev wutl not b.; clttl@sc to l!. Poliodl gov@cor bu! suld !@d!

6r6!Gd ro its Flc $ e iEPtco.dils @EDo6@t of th. Sovdtt@r A cPtlsanldw

cutn!! @ oliy lsc lhc wy fd t toldrr tld ldiciPltotv cults ltd ch4l( tbc

adldirdlc t@d! in thD politictl lDd so.i.l cl)lte of P&tsl&

To @lcllrdc, tbir stulv de t.!d! lo t!' uddondilg lld il is lEdaidv for tlt

idtituiio$ 10 pbr& uda tb. @$inti@ Tle @y shodd dlo bc co!trlcd to i6 rol'tl
of ti'
bs tb. consritutiot- Tbv c,! rss'n lhtir tol' i c ' th' 'lcfd'c
bc@ d.6ncd by
auooiied to bs'h
couny bt{ lhc ddy's rcI. i! @t 8or@cc. No iBdnnioD @ b'

rb. s4rdc lrv WI@!.r tbdc i5 nililtdl n!'' rhoe 'J.!E6 who 'lo
of lbc stac
oor hrv. &y smp. fot @Ej!S to thc Ptrli"t@t
tltough ! loPuld vot'' 8rn\' @Ed
t!. dictdor lo she th. tuib of tDc pdrraship. Ilb @atas @qk i! poljticd @ity.

Thir pLooE dm hr! bc.o obraved i! rJl thc tn lrrtid Ir*. Il {tcftinCy

:r.ngthds thc uDd@ocr.iic for..r ed hindas th. prs4s of tresitio! to ddo@y

trtid Fovca daiDldlt ft. tlE rocic lolirio.l lalh ofi!. @u!ry.

ftc rcSiorrl rolidcat prnia! eork D.iidy @ orldc, li!8rul ald s.ch!i6! brris.

T!.i! r.giord lgadr! !E lscd by l!. .gqdca i! er {trt ofd.n !c..1 SoDc of&.sc
paiics hav. b€c!.Ic8sl io wolt rfiailst thc Etiordiso ed $Ectim4 lhc id@lo8y of
?rbsbr Bqils Esi.i.d io r spc.inc Fgi@ *irh ld !c.ts thly |'. |Erblc to foE thc

gome.r tl@ftF thlt bld b..o blar6lili.s rho DAjor p.ni$- lbey cash then
dc.isiE politio! i! tbc Solq'@t nllilg t]d Driltlir &cn rld-nrtionlist a.dviti6.

r.rq c@fi!.d ,o @ lrovie sbodd b. !e.d wlich suld @.1 Ib. ulh.dihy lol'tie
oflhc F.sse greuF ed br'Li.ili"g rcgi@rl riiar



Kr'\ F,i,ndMMe6: / Patfit dBtottol',!@ye\oo6ltJni*isr"a,

:Hir dL CMLA E @tr.d ! ,C{et M} re ldi@, @€Jy r6}in&
__,.. p!!.Y{
soquy ww r! ilc l--..ny:! .d n@ dry 6r b@.tEd b, rr. pqlihr'soEioa 6.rro"t r.y
thould b. |ddbtiry dr rh. Dohicic s;q
pohs b.hr chci@ o lb' 6. dn4 de, ti.dd b. s$abd 6@ d,;tlnic@ *t 6bd b E6;
b !.m.. tn.i rni
jr6s..tu lli. !d.d d. dry@ rd
"a EvEl cro d @rog/ *i[ rh. bni! t+l, ll., dnd d *b d. p.,pol,
or BL@ do lorii.d rd M. rthje ed6
"* '-; @ *qh r ,ir. ,h.
E@d B M 6 n h&d dr.t |g6dr of lltbdim rlds ri: or e. !1{,^ p|fu *@
-',qy rl g* *,p. b dra 6 rlilF yirh r[. M,,id r," _g-. ro g;,,.i' tole
rw@ ry"T.
30. d.6. r\rdid t v qi@ @nqt Ldu@.
'Adoitrt F!-it aoh&i. hFiry by riE E;hd ; d.r[oD., 12 arsd 200s, &rsnrbrd
. wm u4. !q *a |e by dF pBidd d 6a.jdj@ prib. MDsa hrd o Md ha
06pF Ep.!@ mh8i wbd lhourd b. do? Tn! Aay ChJ.t pu $ij qu.cjd o.tm ft he
:ryt u 66 n.di,s bsd rb.! opitrid cd. B,t& ln@i.w s jrh *. tuarhd d rTdrnotl
n tuvdbildt. ^j!m
'riq l!i! i.la w disd.dtrr Ga Zn Lid.tt
_m@ Sb!6qr zr |g.d d{ r@.Jo od Boet BbEo *@ rh. .-r- of [d tlfud
6., $outd M b. tie d. ofie otd. prEr Midr. G4 atb B{g, da Arn, cb.t
p'.oif.irLdh.wlddod.9e s.. Adsird njrn .,rG4d simt y, tdl t* rat iL*,w,
,qt hhlnb..\ 2000I 23?.
't{&! ,tlrd R-i. ,{dr-l sd. o,/s,./.l} (Ld@: sot+Md hridoir 20ol} r,3.
'-DaitY!t_ 112 rkt d sttupobtu
a'd ro.r.2ooo. Dbd.t@.d tuis (x,efi.o\tdd
Udw$t Pr6!, 20OIl224i4_
''N@ by a. seldy, Mdr, of D.id.., to ,arry t9z, DEFarr 9t4r1o, obid ofne
Re6: Tt. N('@.1 lrcliE rn&d
Pa a: Mltxd, calp udiav'im'e(E d'wo'dcrirE:
r*r*h *)ffi;Y*"
''ao]i'q ata\, !t' othpw bda th. cMlr'er o/rl. Ptu (Kmcht ovod Lh6'ry pE$,
'Shuj. N.w M@ {irb Et@a b hb b@itE &jgdia ,4ltfNa*a td' b.€m. C-jn.C ,Ar
. fomdion @Mder' :uti.& v.tiou3 oftd ovlr"i ro hiD l6d. zjd rh. tbd rb{ tuy
offi4E ft.Iin *{n! uifom hpubltr, ii!..rh. baahd @. io ssia& s. dy rh
djtudnp !!d h.6h Islulc jLnic.. SLuj! Nrv!, Odr./$r/, (r@chi oxford Un6iry pF$,
Nlt w rb. fils b.?d ISI di.l
':Ewy .ndgo is d ! @darisdE
"roh! sF,lirbn sb@ w_ Hoda n ,4ei6t4d3D Policr4 sire wond wrn
(Y$ht'4m Dc: co!3Eid.l Qr6iy r.c, ,99t
_A! Oe rrlb KhA d. c,io,C
djd h i9i4 &ftle p.a od o!d. .Ii@ wirh rh. wd
'-SE- Ft*, tt* Ya m tc Hdt aact 112 RclI 4 Mnuq 6 PotaB. rt'd ti@\
(Mnids: Pdsub 8@lq l9?t) t5r.?.
'A Pri@ l,foi@ Mh Na@ S,Drit EfiE d b E .9r D. on6 ol @ rd h d'y nd
j! lfu ofld 8onq.!.ld id 1993,l|. w . *sl !a!d btr rb. !..pb's doErd 6d l}.n dh6i@
rw biD-.la tud 6 Bir li. ptBsg too dl oE rh. wld,
' Fru.n RobiG.r, dlsid vith Dr, A*!e fi@in Sodh! d Rqal Holbwy Coil€r
Univ6iry ofloDdoi, 9 S@re!ib6 2003,

H,uffi &'#stffi ffi ffi Htr*,s:ffi r'**


q4fi tffitmK-i,ffi
_ Alvi it@i:r rirt t& tenlE rk 6 ln. rqeLdv! of d. rou*rt
aobry R.bb r,4bl a.d D Dr. erQ D 8de &d crj. ar
._ -Prur
w.b\ ?ottd6l P!d. rd DdG..y: fi.,adieDa cn4" D6oedrct6
2OO5I633-650 tu !a I

'St-ltu, rrt k; 6 tu E6 td t5t-1

re o?@ d aJr lb
4p.a8 (vddsb Dc &.obr rrdrdd fti.',240.I 126.
16 b !t'*R! . *tutbt toe bd i. dF bdl.6.td rt.y Eh.d ti.n

PRrMr|lrv soukcDs ciNPt BLIsf,ED)

A Norc by AEbidel on lhc sEaEgjc iDlticaric of lhe irciEio! of pskisEE in d.
B.irish Codn@eillh (wiu arBched Mp, d(cd lt Mly !946, Auchidal p.p,s
A Notc by th. S.qc&ry, Mjlilry of Dcf@c., I0 Jaudy Bn, DFFErsngy4np,
Crlial Offe Rao&: TL Nlrioul Ar..hi@ Irldo!
A Rcpori by Lr Ce Arthr F. SEirh (chjcfofbc Getelal s1rff iD l!dj!). .Dcfda
inplicatiois of a letirio! oflndia ialo Palis|a! ed Hildustd." I April I946,
b"usfi/l029, toL.

AbeUS dnniDg for Vic.toy tlgeding DscLrrio! with MA JiDE! o' 2l July 1947,
MBI/D3oE, Ilddey Aciiaca, UliBity of So!6@floa UK.

R@ds ofthc Cabjnel Offrcq 2l Apd 1977 (Sar.t) Calinct Of6@ Rc@rds.
CAlr28/6 116,2- Tlc Nation l AJchi@, Ialdoa.
Reoid! of &. Cdi&t Otrcc, 2E AFil l9?7 (SeEl) CabD.l Offie R.@rdc
CAEi/l2E 6yU2. Itu Natiolrl lr.bivcs, lrnd!1D.

Cbde! W. trwis lAosid C!{e.'d Afrlirs, Ks:&lil to th! Sd.Lry of Std., 2

Septdnbd 1947, NND.760050, RG 59, Box 6018, 845F.5tl9-24?, NA.

colo&l J. McDord4 S@€hry t! Clvfucnt of Bombay, Milit!ry D@ansoq 29

Jw r 8?5, j! Pali@@laly P.eat l8T,iol.6\ 33.
C@ad Zi!-ul-llrq's Dor. No. 4852820/PS-it, 5 F.bMy 1977, Bltu.toS Fatllv

Gov.Mcot of P.ldslr!. BstBblishDeol Divisjo!. SRO 1294(I)€ I, 3 Dedb+ I981

Llpel of R.nh Migtdd @ domsric EdPtott.Dl in ?alisi.t: A &!Lisi!,rv

ArrlFt. Ildiat Co'filuid ro wr'F.fro'1d,72.loB' vDn81B2
Mdotudr 6@ A. M. (b& tr!si,I.C S., D.lutv CoMi$iond' Ludhiea. to rhc
Fjsbt Horour.bl€ Irrd ?athict tPctlickl Lsqr.!4. S6€1!rv of Slatc for lndi!" Fil'-
I 120, Q!Eid-i-A@ ralen, Natioaal Atcbivcs of Paliea.
yTg""dy lii".- Mi. lriq A.u, M A o Btjs ed o6ci,ls d rlc us
r@ r,.!.@6f, "lTl"-.*S*
ro (rdobd 1947, ctatB w Lai! tAb.ri@ cbdgc d aeiB,
(,lidl lo t!. s.dt&? of srdq E4t!.5 vl G?tM7



Anab A.h!€d Kir! Sbdplo v ttc Oolcfno, of lbc Khyba la}}ru .h*?, pLO I 990
Pesb!ru 192.

lLlJ'!a! rru1tlhugh 8!@'!-Muj'hdd6 Hrbbibut-w&&ul.](-hdrj 6d o.hd v

r@cfuoa or r!raia!, Pt"D 096. sc 321,

AlDcd Taiq RdiD Fdddo! ofp.lbu!, pLD r99O bhoc

v 505. Tbe dera,bd
lcrocl cde taler ed Eodcd s pLD l 99t lrtbE 78

Al@ Jiiaoi v SIAI. ad otbds, SC $n,pLD, t3g:270.

B.@ir Bhuuo v Feoq AI@d lrrhri, pl.l I 99E SC. 2?.
F.da"tion ofP.ti$aD v Anlb A.bn d SbapEo, ?LD 199, S.C. 723.

Fcd6dd of P.tisl& e Elji Mutr66&r Saitultsh K!r4 pLD 1988 IdoE 72, ad
PLD 1989 Sq 166.

Klrlid Mdik v FedmtioE ofPalist@, pLD I 99I K{schi L

Kbavaj! Taiq Rilia v thc Fcdelarjo oft.ldsa[ pLD l9t S.C. 546.

Mahmod Kh.a! Achrlzi v Fed@tid of }.ki5rd, pLD 199? SC. 426.

Moh!@a B@ir Bhtto ed otbers vdss P.cliddr of lltilie ed olhds, 199?-SC_


Mo'dvi Tdizrddi! Khd v Fcd.Fli@ of!atj!b!, PLD 1955 Fcd.El Codt 240.

Ms Be@nPID, 1996, SC 388.


Ms B.oazir v lcdalrid ofP!tj$4 pLD 1988. SC 416.

Mutrr@ad Naelz Sheifa Ldasriotr of?*jstaA ?LD t 993, Sc 473.

NMt Bhdto v Cli.f of A@y $rf leddrio!of r*ist 4 pt-D )91/,SC

aDd 657-103.
sL Li.qud liae y Fcdadio! ofP.tisn4 lLD | 99 S_C. j04.

Th. St L v Zul6qe A.li Blrlro &d olhas, PLD 1976 Laborc 523.

Ilc Sa! a Dcs C!sc, PLD, 195& SC 533.

usif Plt l v Tle Cr!e! cle tlb, 1955, FC, 565.

Zui6q{A.liBb'dovStlt .!dothcls,PLD 1979S.C.53.


Colsinrnt Atenblt (ts)D.hM 1950, vol. l, 79E.

N.ttorul Aembl, D.bat. @ |2 Ase!.ltlcd BiU

Ndto@l -bsenbl, D.bate o\ 13 A.nodt@r BiI

National ,r.t*mblr D.bale 614 ArcldDdt Bill

Nattontl lstennu D.bd. @Ei8!t! Ao@dodt, 1985.

Ndiaral k9nblt D.bd. dNo4oDfd!@ Motio! I No@bet | 90.

National Ass.rbl, D.bat ,Nav@ Sh&if took thc voic of coilid@@ Aon trte assnbly
aner O. @utt de.ision ir 1993.

i;alional lst.mblr D.ba8,l7 July 1951, 1666.

Nstiobl A$@bty D€bd.s, 17 Jtly 1963, 1666

Ndional /tt.hblr of Pattstan D.bda, t{ F.t6t!tv 1974. vtl l

!o 2l'

i$i:i,Til;ffi!i,.&T a"'r odi@@,e84 (ordiMce

frta!.., tesa. (ordi@ rxu of re84) pLD reE, c. nr
Cod.ofciEin l_Prlc6durls (LE.odD.or) Alr 1976 (Acl )otr of 1976, pID 1916
uetll stltdc 175_
Cod. ofcribi.d Proc.duls (Ar!ea6r.a, di!.@ 1975, pLD 1975 C.ntr.l Stlrurc,

(E sh! A&odEao Ac! reE5. Acr xvrtr of reEJ. pLD l eE5 c.!!d
(Fdt A!6dD.'r) Aq Aa rxN ot
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