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Pambansang Sinupan ng Pilipanas


common to all Government Agencies
Series 2009
1 Acknowledgment Receipts
Brochures/Leaflets/Phamplets (About or by To be filed
1 year with appropriate
provided records
1 copy is retained forseries
2 the agency) reference
3 Calendars/Schedules of Activities or Events 1 year
4 CA/clearances 1 year
5 Certifications 1 year
6 Charts Permanent
6.1 Functional
6.2 Organizational
7 Correspondences
7.1 Non-routine To be filed with appropriate records series
7.2 Routine 2 years after acted upon
9 Directories of Employees/Officials 2 years after superseded
8 Delivery Receipts 2 years
Permanent if implemented, otherwise
10 Feasibility Studies dispose after 5 years from date of record
11 Gate Passes 6 months
12 Inquiries 2 years after acted upon
13 Issuances policies/functional/programs of the
13.1 agency
reflecting routinary information or Permanent
13.2 instruction 2 years after superseded
14 Lists 1 year after updated
14.1 Associations
14.2 Committees
14.3 Cooperatives
14.4 Donors
14.5 Mailing
14.6 Transmittal To be filed with appropriate records series
14.7 Others
15 LogbooksIncoming/Outgoing
15.1 Correspondences 2 years after date of last entry
15.2 Visitors
15.2.1 Ordinary 2 years after date of last entry
15.2.2 VIP Permanent
15.3 Others 2 years after date of last entry
16 Manuals Permanent
17 Meetings/Proceedings Files
17.1 Agenda 1 year
17.2 Minutes Board/Executive
17.2.1 Committee Permanent
17.2.2 Staf 1 year
17.3 Notices 1 year
18 Official Gazettes Permanent
19 Permits 1 year after renewd/Expired
20 Plans
Action/Work 3 years afterifimplemented
Permanent implemented, otherwise
Others dispose after 5 years from date of record
21 Press Releases (About or by the agency) Permanent
22 Programs
22.1 Work 3 years
Permanent if implemented, otherwise
22.2 Others dispose after
Permanent if 5implemented,
years from date of record
23 Proposals dispose after 5 years from date of record
24 Publications (Record Set) Permanent
25 Reorganization Records Permanent
26 Reports
26.1 Annual/Special Permanent
2 years after incorporated in the Annual
26.2 Others Report
27 Requests 2 years after acted upon
28 Slips 1 year
28.1 Locator
28.2 Permission
28.3 Routing
29 Speeches (Record Set) Permanent
30 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Permanent
31 Telegrams 1 year after acted upon
32 Trip Tickets 1 year
33 Allotment Advices
Files of
33.1 allotment
Budget (AA) 3 years
33.2 Matrixes
Releases 3 years
33.3 Orders 3 years
33.3.1 General (GARO)
33.3.2 Special (SARO)
33.4 Obligation
Plan of WorkRequest/Slips
and Requests (ALOBS)
for 3 years
33.5 Allotment
Registries of Allotment & 3 years
33.6 Obligations (RAO)Capital Outlay 10 years
33.6.1 (RAOCO)
Financial Expenses
33.6.2 (RAOFE)
Other Operating
33.6.3 Expenses (RAOMO)
Personal Services
33.6.4 (RAOPS) of Allotment
Requests for Obligation
33.7 (ROA)
Statements of Allotment, 3 years
33.8 Obligations
Statement of& Appropriations,
Balances (SAOB) 3 years
33.9 Allotment & Advice (SAAA) 3 years
34 Annual
Budget Budgets
Estimates Including Analysis Sheets 3 years
35 and Estimates of Income 3 years
36 Budget Expenditures 5 years
36.1 Programs
Budget Sources(Those
Issuances of Financing
used as authority for
37 agency transactions) 10 years
38 Budget Sheet Analysis 3 years
39 Budgetary Ceilings
Cash Allocation Ceilings/Notices of Cash 3 years
40 Allocation 3 years
41 Certifications of Funds Availability 1 year
42 General Appropriation
Organizational Acts Indicator
Perfomance 3 years
43 Framework (OPIF) Permanent
44 Physical Reports of Operations 3 years
45 Special/Supplemental Budgets 3 years
46 Work and Financial Plans 3 years
47 Abstracts
47.1 Daily Collections 5 years
47.2 Deposits and Trust Funds 5 years
47.3 General Collections 5 years
47.4 Sub-Vouchers 2 years
48 Advices
48.1 Checks Issued & Cancelled 4 years
48.2 Remittance 10 years
49 Annual Statements of Accounts Payable Permanent
50 Auditor's Contract Cards 3 years
51 Authorities for Allowances 2 years after terminated
52 Authorizations 1 year after expired
52.1 Overtime
52.2 Purchase of Equipment/Property
52.3 Transfer of Fund
52.4 Travel
52.5 Others
53 Bank Slips 10 years
53.1 Deposits
53.2 Remittances
54 Bills 10 years after settled
55 Bonding Files
55.1 Action 3 years
55.2 Applications/Requests 3 years
55.3 Fidelity/Surety Bond 5 years after expired/terminated
55.4 Indemnity for Issue of Due Warrant 3 years
56 Books of Final Entry Permanent
56.1 General Ledgers
56.2 Subsidiary Ledgers
57 Books of Original Entry Permanent
57.1 Cash Disbursement Journals
57.2 Cash Journals
57.3 Cash Receipts Journal
57.4 Check Disbursement Journal
57.5 General Journal
57.6 Journals of Analysis of Obligation
57.7 Journals of Bill Rendered
57.8 Journals of Check Issued
57.9 Journals
Journals of
of Collection and by
Disbursement Deposit
57.1 Disbursing Officer
58 Cash Flow Charts Permanent
59 Certificates 10 years provided post-audited, finally
59.1 Settlement and Balances settled and not involved in any case
59.2 Shortages 10 years after settled
60 Claims 10 years after settled
60.1 Insurance
60.2 Health Benefits
60.3 Hospital 10 years provided post-audited, finally
61 Checks and Check Stubs settled and not involved in any case
62 Daily Cash Flow 3 years
63 Daily Statement of Collections 5 years
64 Expense Ledgers Permanent
65 Financial Statements
Balance Permanent
65.1 Sheets
65.2 Statements
Cash Flows
65.3 (Annual)
Statements of
65.4 Operation
66 Indices of Payments
66.1 Creditors 5 years
66.2 Employees 15 years after retired/separated
Sundry Payments by
66.3 Checks/Warrants Permanent
12 years provided post-audited, finally
67 Journal Entry Vouchers settled and not involved in any case
68 Lists of Remittances Permanent
68.1 Loans
68.2 Premiums
69 Logbooks of General Funds
Monthly Settlements of Monthly Subsidiary 3 years after date if last entry
70 Ledger Balance 2 years
71 Notices 3 years after settled
71.1 Disallowances
71.2 Suspensions
72 Official Cash Books Permanent
73 Official Cash Books for Bank Cash Book Permanent
10 years provided post-audited, finally
74 Official Receipts settled and not involved in any case
75 Orders of Payment 10
10 years
years provided post-audited, finally
76 Payrolls settled and not involved in any case
77 Payroll Payment Slips/Pay Slips
78 Quarterly Statements of Charges to Account 10 years
79 Registry Books of Checks Released Permanent
80 Registers Permanent
80.1 Checks/Warrants
80.2 Checks/Warrants Control 10 years provided a copy is filed with 201
81 Reliefs from Accountability Files
81.1 Decisions
81.2 Requests
82 Reports Accountabilities for Accountable
82.1 Forms 3 years after cash had been examined
82.2 Cash Disbursements 10 yearsprovided post-audited, finally
3 years
82.3 Cash Examinations settled
10 yearsand not involved
provided in any case
post-audited, finally
82.4 Collecting & Disbursing Officers
Checks Issued & settled and not involved in any case
82.4.1 Cancelled
Collections &
82.4.2 Deposits
82.4.3 Disbursements
82.5 Daily Cash Reports 3 years
82.6 Liquidations 10 years
82.7 Monthly Income
Overdrafts and Misuse of Trust 10 years
82.8 Funds 5
yearsafter expired/terminated
provided post-audited, finally
82.9 Pretty Cash Replenishments settled and not involved in any case
83 Schedules of Accounts Receivables 3 years
84 Statements
84.1 Accounts
84.1.1 Current 3 years
84.1.2 Payable 10 years
84.1.3 Receivable Permanent
84.2 Common Funds 10 years
84.3 Financial Conditions 10 years
84.4 Profits and Losses Permanent
84.5 Reconciliations
Summaries of Unliquidated Obligations and 10 years
85 Accounts Payable 10 years
86 Sundry Payments 10 years
87 Treasury Checking Accounts of Agency (TCAA) 10 years
88 Treasury Drafts 10
10 years
years provided post-audited, finally
89 Treasury Warrants settled and not involved in any case
90 Trial Balances and Supporting
Cumulative Schedules
Results of Operations-
90.1 Unappropriated Permenent
10 years after annual Financila Report has
90.2 Final Annual trial Balances been published
90.2.1 Accounting's Copy Permanent
10 years after annual Financila Report has
90.2.2 Auditor's Copy been
2 yearspublished
after consolidated in the Annual
90.2.3 Regional Office Copy Financila Report
90.3 Monthly/Quarterly Trial Balances
90.4 Preliminary Trial Balances 10 years after annual Financila Report has
90.4.1 Accounting's Copy been published
90.4.2 Auditor's copy Permanent
10 years after Annual Financial Report has
90.4.3 Regional Office
Vouchers, including Bills, invoices & Other Copy been published
91 Supporting Documents
91.1 Disbursement
91.2 Journals 10 years provided post-audited, financially
91.3 Petty Cash Replenishments settled and not involved in any case for
COA & Accounting
91.4 Reimbursement Expense Receipts Office/Department/Division/Section/Unit.
91.5 Travelling Expenses All Other copies dispose after 1 year.
92 Withholding Tax Certificates 4 years after superseded
Reports for Replacement MANAGEMENT RECORDS
93 Program for Non-Eligibles 5 years
94 Applications
94.1 Employment
Leave of Absence and Supporting 1 year
94.2 Documents 1 year after recorded in the leave cards
94.3 Relief of Accountability 5 years after separated/retired
94.4 Retirement/Resignation 1 year
95 Attendance Monitoring
Authorities/Requests toSheets
Create or Fill Vacant 12 year
years after vacant positions had been
96 Positions filled up
97 Certifications 1 year
97.1 Employment
97.2 Residency
97.3 Service
97.4 Others
98 Comparative Data Matrix of Employees 2
1 years
year after data had been posted in leave
99 Daily Time Records cards and post-audited
100 Employee Interview Records 1 year
101 Handwriting Specimens/Signature PERMANENT
102 Job Order Employment Contracts 5 years after terminated
103 Leave Credit Cards 15 years after separated/retired
104 Lists of Eligibles/Non-Eligibles 1 year after updated
105 Logbooks
105.1 Arrival & Departure of Employees 2
1 years after dateleave
year provided of last
undertimes are
105.2 Attendance posted in the leave card
Medical Support of Absence on 2
3 years
years after
after date of last
absences entry
had been recorded
106 Account of illness/Maternity in leave cards
107 Membership Files 15 years after separated/retired
107.1 GSIS
107.2 Pag-ibig
107.3 PhilHealth
108 Merit Promotion Plans 1 year after superseded
109 Performance Files
109.1 Appraisal 1 year
109.2 Evaluation 1 year
109.3 Rating Cards 5 years
109.4 Target
Permissions Worksheets
to Engage in Business/Private 1 year
110 Practice/Teach 2 years after expired
111 Personal Data Sheets (Circular Vitae/Resume) 1 year after superseded
112 Personnel Folders (201 Files) 15 years after separated/retired
112.1 Appointments
112.2 Acceptance of Resignation
112.3 Approval of Retirement
112.4 Awards
112.5 Benefits/Gratuity
112.6 Certificates
112.6.1 Eligibility
112.6.2 Rural Service
112.6.3 Attended
112.7 Change of Marital Status/Name
112.8 Clearance (Latest)
112.9 designation
112.1 Oaths of Office
112.11 Personal Data Sheets (Latest)
112.12 Position Descriptions
112.13 Reinstatements
112.14 Service Records
Statements (updated)
of Duties and
112.15 Responsibilities PERMANENT while other copies dispose
113 Plantilla of Personnel after 3 years
114 Position Allocation List 3 years
115 Position Classifications and Pay Plans 5 years after superseded
116 Recommendations/Referrals 1 year after acted upon
117 Reports
117.1 Examinations 2 years
117.2 Personnel Actions PERMANENT
118 Requests 1 year after acted upon/cleared
118.1 Accumulated Leace Credits
118.2 Approval on Promotions
118.3 Bonding Officials/Employees
118.4 Changes of Status
118.5 Reinstatements
118.6 Transfers
119 Salary standardization Records 5 years after superseded
120 Staffing Patterns PERMANENT
121 Service Cards PERMANENT
122 Statements of Assets and Liabilities 10 years
LEGAL RECORDS 7 years after finally settled except Decisions
123 Administrative Cases which Permanent
124 Affidavits 1 year after purpose had been served
125 Articles of Incorporation/By-Laws Permanent
126 Complaints/Protests 5
5 years
years after
after settled
renewd/terminated and/or
127 Contracts finally settled
128 Decisions Permanent
129 Deeds Permanent
130 Legal Opinions Permanent
131 Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding Permanent
132 Petitions 5 years after settled
133 Resolutions Permanent
134 Special Powers of Attorney 1 year after purpose had been served
135 Subpoenas 3 years or to be filed with appropriate case
135.1 Ad Testificandum
135.2 Duces Tecum
(MRE),Semi-Expendable and Non-Expendable
136 Properties 1 year after equipment had been returned
137 Annual Procurements 3 years
137.1 Plans
137.2 Programs terminated/settled, others dispose after 1
138 Bids and awards committee (BAC) Files year
138.1 Abstract
138.2 invitations
138.3 Minutes
138.4 Pre/Post Qualifications
138.5 Publications
138.6 Resolutions
139 Bills of Lading 2 years after delivery had been accepted
140 Bin Cards/Stock Cards on Supplies 3
yearsafer date of last
if attached entry
to vouchers, otherwise,
141 Canvass of Prices dispose after 2 years
142 Equipment
Inventory and Ledger Cards Reports of
Inspection 2 years after equipment had been disposed
143 Unserviceable Properties 1 year after property had been diposed
144 Inventories of Equipment/Supplies 1 year after updated
145 Inventory Tag Cards 1 year after updated
146 Invoices/Receipts 3 years after issuance of clearance had
been terminated/after property had been
146.1 Accountable Forms returned
146.2 Properties/Transfer of
Invoices of Delivery on Supply Open-EndProperties
147 Order Contracts 5 years
148 Job Orders 1 year
149 Lists of Supplies
Monthly ReportsUnder Supplyand
of supplies Open-End
Materials 5 years
150 Issued 1 year
151 Property Cards Permanent
152 Purchase Orders 4 years
153 Purchase
Queries on Requests
Prices of Articles, Additional Funds 1 year
154 to Meet Quotations 1 year
155 Reports of Waste
Requisition Materials
and Issue Slips/Requisition Issue 2 1 years
year or file with appropriate records
156 Vouchers series
157 Shipping
Suppliersand packing Lists
Identification on itemswith
certificates Purchased 1 year
158 Procurement 2 years after renewed
159 Supplies Adjustment Sheets 1 year after pos-audited
160 Supplies Availability Inquiries 1 year
161 Supplies Ledger Cards 5 years
162 Supplies Purchase Journals 5 years
163 Calendars 1 year after superseded
164 Course Designs/Outlines/Syllabi 1 year after superseded
165 Masterlists Permanent
165.1 Participants
165.2 Seminars Conducted/Coordinated
166 Resource Speaker Profiles 1 year after superseded
167 Schedules of Training/Seminar 1 year after superseded
168 Survey Evaluation Questionnaires 1 year after data had been evaluated
169 Training Handouts 1 year after superseded
170 Training Programs/plans 3 years after Superseded
171 Training Reports 2 years
172 Workshop Results 1 year
een returned

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