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Define the terms- Birth rate, Death Rate, density of the population

What is population explosion?

Define the term sex ratio.

What is Marginalization?

Explain the term sanitation.

What does BOT stand for?

What is Agmark?

What is food adulteration?

What is Black marketing?

Explain some of the measures to be adapted to check population growth.

What are population pyramid? What do they tell us?

Humans are the most important resources on the planet. Do you agree with the statement? Justify.

Who are schedule tribes and schedule castes?

Who are manual scavengers? What are the problems faced by them?

‘Swach Bharat Abhiyan’ addresses the issue of Manual Scavenging. Comment.

Reflect on the idea ‘Sarva Siksha Abhiyan’.

Why do you think there are very few cases of private water supply in the world?

How does government meets the expenses for providing public facilities?

Suppose you buy a packet of biscuit and a bottle of honey. Which mark would you see and why?

Explain ‘Right to Choose’.

Government saves the citizens from exploitation in the market. In the light of the statement mention
few factors which cause exploitation of the workers.

What is the Minimum Wage Act? Highlight the importance of the minimum wage.
What are the factors affecting Distribution of the population?

What are the provisions in the constitution for safeguarding the interest of the SC/ST?

Tribals continued to be agonized in Independent India. Comment.

Who are Minorities? How does the Article 29 and 30 of the constitution safeguard the interest of the

Public facilities make the life of a man contented. Do you agree with the statement?

Mention certain rights of the consumers and right few sentences of each.

Do you think the distribution of public facilities in our country is adequate and fair? Give an example
of your own to explain.

Workers are exploited in the unorganized sector. Do you agree with this view? Support your answer.

How do we control environment degradation? Mention some steps.

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