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CASE STUDY: Gone Nuts for Coconuts

Overall the case tell as how India is a land marked with many rich traditions and its diverse
culture, and there exists tremendous opportunities and trends which may be successfully
leveraged for marketplace success and so being an Indian beverage company which about
introduce packaged coconut juice in Indian market company.

So the segmentation is basically done on the basis of Geographic as well as demographic

segmentation which is basically the people living near coastal areas of our countries and who
basically are athletes, yoga practitioners and even pregnant women and families. Now talking
about the targeting of which is done basically on the for the athletes and people who do some
sort of physical exercise like athletes, yoga practitioners and also other young hipsters who are
attracted towards sports.

So by seeing the target group the competitors of the company left are VITA COCO and ZICO
which are also targeting sports people also having the point of parity of both of them that they
both are providing health and nutrition supplement to its consumers with low sugar content,
whereas the point of differentiation for both of them is as the VITA COCO has got Madonna,
Demi Moore as the their big investors who are really big singers know globally which could
also help the company in further their promotion activies and basically the VITA COCO is
providing the product which is just help the customer in hydration and detoxification whereas
ZICO is providing health benefit of being an alternative to fruit juice and high potassium and
low calorie. Overall the market characteristics are the natural, better health benefits and
packaging which is important for this market.

Now the positioning of the brand will be done on the basis of quality and packaging of the
product as the sports people are very sensitive towards the quality and packaging of the product.
This brand will represent to people the natural and better quality coconut juice with low calories
which can make their exercise more effective. So the brand will fulfil the requirement of all
athletes due to which they will buy this product. The customers will use this product basically
this product post exercise which will help their body to recover fast after exercise. The product
will be using different gym to promotes and distribute the product also the online platform too
like which is very highly reputed sited for health and fitness site.

Brand elements
Name – Kinetic Coco (This name is taken as word “Kinetic” represent energy whereas the
word “Coco” represent natural coconut juice so this brand shows the how this product will help
the customer to get energy post exercise and work out.

Logo -

Tagline – Energising Coconut Juice for Athletes. (This tag will help to make connect between
the customers with the brand)

Celebrity – For this brand celebrity will be effective as making Akshay Kumar, John Abraham
as they are passionate towards health and fitness which will help in promoting the brand.

Salience – The uniqueness of the brand its high quality product and best packaging which will
help the person to remain fit and better packaging will increases its shell time.

Performance – This product will be available in different flavours, along with its best tetra pack
and attractive packaging with picture of the celebrity endorsing the brand.

Imaginary – This product will delivers the message of being young at heart yet universal.

Judgment – This product quality is better as provide more shell life along with its variant in
flavour and rich in nutrition and low in sugar which all are needed for an athletes.

Feeling – This product provide the feeling excitement and fun to its customers.
Resonance – For this brand will start with different way to engage with people like a marathon
in which Akshay Kumar will be host and promotes the customer.

From the above content the brand will be able to use these brand element to building the brand
awareness amongst the customers which help in maintain the awareness among the people and
also to attract new customers too. The name, logo everything is made with keeping in mind the
mind-set of the customers who are majorly young hipsters, Yoga practisers or athletes too.

The integrated marketing communication will be used for this product through the following
way of the promotion mix as using sales promotion activities for product like giving discount
etc, direct marketing by sending emails and SMS, public relation by as introducing the
marathon for the general public which will help in customer engagement, advertising the
product on electronic media like on television and radio also the print media on magazine and
newspaper. By using all these promotion mix way the customers will be aware about the
product as well as to attract new customer either its be athletes or young hipster too.

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