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His Divine Grace ‘Yogiji’
Pujyashree Akhileshji Our best friend, our one true love...................... 4
SPIRITUAL HEAD/ PRESIDENT Fasting increases muscular strength.................. 6
Pujya Maa Malti Ji
Call: 9412206475 Manas Yog Sadhana Series ................................ 8
M.R. PANDEY Prayer............................................................... 9
Call: 9425091615 Reform for the future....................................... 11
SPIRITUAL CENTRE (INDIA) Bigger the waistline, smaller the lifeline......... 12
Badari Narayan Sevagram,
Chhoti Panchli, Bagpat Marg, Sadhak’s Experience ....................................... 13
Meerut - 250 002 (India)
Tel: +91-121-2439032, 2439037 Questions - Answers ....................................... 15
Fax: +91-121-2439025
E-mail: Keep your colonn clean .................................. 18

Rishabh, Shyama IASS News ....................................................... 25
Shyama, Rishi

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TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019


Rarely      people leave them, they trusting your God whose
heart in this world that are again in despair. The love never changes and
does not long for love. love of God who always looks after
Every one expects love is always the same under you. He is always with
from others. Many all circumstances. you and never forsakes
people get depressed you. You should not fear,
One of the reasons
ouras they fail to get ashamed, disgraced or
that makes people
the amount of love that afraid.
bitter when they feel
they expect from others.
that they have been    

People often say, “No
humiliated. No one problems, trails, failures
one in this world loves
likes to be insulted and and disturbances may
no one is prepared to surround you and rise
God says, “I love you be humiliated. We see against you but do not be
with an that certain situations troubled on seeing them.
everlasting love.” God’s occur in the lives of God stands before those
love can give you peace people that make them waves, stretches forth his
and can drive away all walk through the path of hands and says, “My love
your troubles. humiliation. for you will exceed these
waves and reach you.”
Many youth lament Friends! are you in a
saying, “God has situation where you have Remember, there is no
deserted me. What is to bear insult and one so benevolent, kind
in the store for me?” humiliation? Are you and loving as God
They place their faith on disgusted and and no one can stand in
people and seek their lamenting? If it is so comparison with Him in
support. But when those it means you are not beauty and glory. He is
January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

your constant
Drop The Past
always ready with
Are you living or is the dead past living?
outstretched arms to
hug you in His bosom.
Drop the past. Drop comparisons.
These stop you from living. They condition
Keep your mind you. Look at the problems - the facts, and
engaged in His observe without why or how.
thoughts, accept
See that “I am not free”.
whatever He may
Learn to live with what you are -
be pleased to ordain
for you, carry out observing it. What do you see? A buildup
willingly all His of past and future.
behests and place Jealously - conflict- anger - fear
your complete contradiction - fragmentation - depending!
reliance upon him. Live with it all, watch it, without
condemning or denying it, without running
The path of Tap,
from it.... and most important, without
Seva and Sumiran
as propounded by accepting it.
our beloved Guru   
Pujyashree Akhilesh ji out why, and you are free. You have to see
is unique. God will be if you want to be free! Because to be free
your excellent friend within, there cannot be mental or emotional
and will give you dependence on anything or anyone. Note
everlasting peace and
: What is important to you? Your inner
freedom, or the heaviness of all your trials
and tribulations which you have accepted,
and live in through your own choice?

TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019

Elizabeth Towne day with meat, etc., he During the eight weeks
attempted a 1,000,000 of training his exercise
“Starve and be a
pounds lift, which consisted principally
Samson!” That is the
consisted in getting of walking and deep

under a 1,000 pound breathing, combined
article in the “New York
weight and raising it on with light gymnastics.
World” wherein are
his back 1,000 times in He kept out of doors as
described the wonderful
half an hour. That time much as possible, being
feats of Gilman Low who
he raised it 500 times in        
lifted 1,000,000 pounds


had to quit. sunshine.
When he found a car
track obstructed by a Next time he trained for His 1,000,000 pound
disabled auto, Gilman     
  lifting was performed
Low lifted the 1,500 weeks on one meal a day, before medical
pounds touring car out consisting of three eggs, examiners and many
of the way as easily as half a loaf of whole wheat witnesses. When he had
we might move a baby bread and raw fruits, lifted the 1,000 pound
wagon. nuts or cereals with one weight 800 times his
glass of milk and enough pulse registered only
Gilman Low has broken
cold and distilled water.     

all sorts of athletic
Twice during the period of thirteen beats,
records, but not on
he ate meat, but found it showing a wonderful
accepted principles of
detrimental and ceased condition of heart and
training. Once after
using it. The last three circulation. During the
using conventional
weeks he ate but four 

methods, three meals a
meals a week.
January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

Low’s arms were folded on air, living on air and 

across his chest. After lifting the earth? During the physical
that his hands rested on culture show he
How much more
a heavy bench and he fasted seven days
could Gilman Low do
lifted with arms, legs and and then with the
by eliminating a few
back, increasing speed back lift raised 2,000
more meals! He has
as he neared the close of pounds 22 times in 19
already performed
his feat.  

wonders after seven
It cost Gilman Low
quarters pounds in the “The goal of mankind is
half-hour of lifting. And
he prepared for it by
knowledge ... Now this
living eight weeks on knowledge is inherent in man.
forty-seven meals, an
No knowledge comes from
average of one meal in
       outside: it is all inside. What we
day. And at only two of say a man ‘knows’, should, in
these meals he ate meat,
strict psychological language,
interfered with his work. be what he ‘discovers’ or
When one thinks of ‘unveils’; what man ‘learns’ is
Gilman Low eating air really what he discovers by
and lifting 1,000 pounds
a 1000 times in half an

hour his imagination    

skips and Samson
becomes unimportant.
Why not Atlas standing

TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019


A nice Collection of Video Sermons
Pujyashree Akhilesh Ji Maharaj
(in Hindi and English)
Audio-Video Pen drives are available.
The Sermons are based on Tap-Seva-Sumiran of
“Manas Yog Sadhana”.
Some of the topics (20 minutes each) are -
Calorie theory - a fallacy, Rational fasting, Income
and expenditure of vital power, Food’s purpose,
timings, quality and quantity,
Science of giving, Tithing - its principles and usefulness,
Science of meditation - by concentration &
relaxation processes.
Character of Shabri, Manu-Shatrupa, Pratapbhanu, Vibhishan,
etc. for understanding the principles for realising God.
you may order online ( to have a set of
32Gb Pen drive (in hindi 100 sermons) and
16Gb Pen drive (in english 23 episodes) at concession price.
Complete set of Hindi sermons INR 1500 only
Complete set of English sermons INR 1000 only
Combo (All hindi and English episodes) INR 2000 only
Visit :
January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

Prayer has been sincerity in heart, one invisible God as if you
described as an receives whatever see Him in person.
important tool to come one asks in prayer. One Every saint have habit
nearer to God. Prayer must learn the power of of praying early in the
changes things. This prayer then go further morning. Let us stop
is more spiritual world and deeper in developing giving vain excuses.
than many folks realize. one’s prayer power. Let us enjoy the
They often feel shy to delight of meeting our
A woman prayed for
pray. Our methods of compassionate Lord
marriage to a particular
prayer are changing, during our prayer time.
man. She got him as
expanding and It was the custom of
husband in six weeks
improving. Mankind is rishis, munis and saints
only. She then prayed six
    "  to seek the Lord early
years to get rid of him!
is not a hostile being in the morning. Let us
What that woman did
with a split personality develop the habit of
not realize was that when
of good and evil, but an praying in the morning.
one prays for particular
ocean of love pervading
object, one should ask A little boy was playing
the ordered universe.
for the divine selection all alone near a well.
It is easy to pray and to
which is always the best. Suddenly he saw a man
commune with this kind
coming that way. The
of God. Prayer does make things
little boy could recognize
happen. It makes no
The person who prays him as a thief and he
daily is certain to started weeping in fear.


succeed, because he is
the persistent prayer The man asked, “ What
attaching himself to
shall solve it quickly. happened?”
the highest force in the
universe. With belief and The boy replied, “ Sir,
your mind to the
TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019

the silver vessel with that he had kept near the us. Let us dedicate our
which I was playing well. How cleverly the lives every morning at
has fallen into the well”. little boy had escaped His feet who made the
Overjoyed, the thief told from the thief, robbing whole universe. Let Him
the boy, “ Don’t worry!” the thief himself of his come and abide with us
And after removing his dress! and bless whatever we
clothes, he jumped into try to do.
Similarly we are being
the well in search of the
robbed by our unending The best prayer is the
silver vessel. He went
desires; we jump into a stillness of mind. Let us
deep down into the very
 $       pray often! It can be the
When we return we secret of peace, power
nothing. Realizing that

 % and plenty. When we
the boy had tricked him,
prayers for God’s love want to pray to God, let
he came out of the well.
shall guard us in all the us follow the path of Tap,
To his disappointment
spheres of life. Seva and Sumiran .
little boy nor his dress God wants to preserve

January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN


A beggar used to sit at pieces of bread or part of food to others
the entrance of a temple cooked rice. when he himself got
door. He appeared The beggar always used few pieces for eating
to be in a miserable to share his bounty with  
condition. He had others. Sometimes he The beggar smiled
covered his body with used to share with his and said “Sir, I am a
a ragged cloth. His hair fellow beggars. If they beggar because perhaps
was interlocked and he were not available then in my last birth I did
was lean and thin like a  
     $ not share my assets
stick. of the bounty to the with anyone. Now I
Few people passing street dog. want to prepare myself
through the temple used in a better way for my
The habit of beggar
to give him coins and next birth. Hence, I
of sharing his food
devotees visiting the have vowed not to eat
attracted the attention
temple used to give without sharing with
of a small child. One
him prasad consisting others whatever I may
day he asked the beggar
of pieces of coconut, have.”

banana and sometimes
Tap Seva Sumiran Discourses in India - February 2019

1 FRI Hyderabad camp 15 FRI Kakroli (Rajasthan)

2 SAT Pune 16 SAT Kakroli (Rajasthan)
3 SUN Pune (Fasting Camp) Delhi, Gurgaon 17 SUN Kakroli (Rajasthan)
4 MON Pune 18 MON Kakroli (Rajasthan)
5 TUE Akhluj 19 TUE Meerut
6 WED Vashi 20 WED Meerut
7 THU Meerut 21 THU Meerut
8 FRI Meerut 22 FRI Rudrapur
9 SAT Lucknow 23 SAT Rudrapur Vadodara
10 SUN Lucknow 24 SUN Rudrapur Bharuch Patna
11 MON Meerut 25 MON Rudrapur Surat Balia
12 TUE Kakroli (Rajasthan) 26 TUE Rudrapur Varanasi
13 WED Kakroli (Rajasthan) 27 WED Rudrapur
14 THU Kakroli (Rajasthan) 28 THU Rudrapur

TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019


by Janet Merchant

It has often been said research is proving that pressures can produce
that the bigger the overweight is actually an anemic condition,
waistline, smaller will be a disease. When a through impaired blood
the lifeline. According person has overweight circulation, so that
to insurance statistics to contend with, degeneration may set in.
those people who have he is dealing with a Water collects in
lived longest were those malfunction of the vital the tissues, leading to
who on average were organs in his body. This increase in body weight.
16 lbs underweight. In      * 

/    $ 
checking with all these and digestive organs.

old people, none of them It can be the cause of
   $  :+< 
had a body heavier than many troubles and also
power. Those who have
they had when they were be a symptom of many
good muscular tone
20 years of age. glandular disturbances.
invariably have greater
It is an uncomfortable
Being Overweight power to make decisions.
condition of the
Is Serious
   Whatever may be the
&      disturbances through cause, resolve now and
is considered as the pressure symptoms than begin to correct it.
Number One killer, anything else - pressure Courtesy ‘World Keys
surpassing deaths against the heart, to Health & Long Life’
attributed to cancer, kidneys, and various By Bernard Jensen
heart conditions, organs. By interfering
diabetes and alcoholism. with the proper blood
'  and nerve supply,

January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

My name is Shubham injection, I got paralysis
Khairnar and I am where one side of my
23-years-old. I am a    
mechanical engineer a battery of tests like
by training and live in sonography etc. it was
Aurangabad. When I found that my kidneys

 / were in trouble,probably
developed a problem from the impact of
related to the passage of too many medicines
urine. I was eventually only got worse. I as my creatinine level
operated upon and all    
 $  was found to be 3.0.

       while attending classes Panicked,the doctors

16-17 years. at school. The doctor increased the dosage
then administered high of my medicines even
Then one day I developed further. The creatinine
dose injections to me
a disease that involved level rose to 8.0 from
since the pills were
vomiting every day, 3.0, instead of coming
severe acne on the face, window tried various
was immediate relief
breathlessness while healing techniques but
but the problem would
walking and perpetual nothing worked. I got
soon come back with
fatigue that lead to lot of admitted to hospitals
even more force. We had
drowsiness all the time. various times but got no
already exhausted tests
like endoscopy but no respite from my grief.
The doctor gave me
one could exactly pin The doctors asked me
medicines for stopping
point the disease I had.        

the vomiting and for
which worried me
energizing my body.
One day, as a reaction further. I had become
However, my condition
to a very high-dose

TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019

mentally disturbed by to 105 (from 200). Meerut Ashram. My

then. creatinine then was 2.6
Soon I participated and urea level was 66
Fortunately for me, in a seven-day health (normal). It was a great
a friend showed me camp at Pune where Dr. experience to fast on
the kidney-recovery Gopal Shastri asked me juices on all the days.
experience of Vyankatesh to stop thinking about Today, I am proud to
Gotram in one of the my disease altogether. share with you that I
monthly newsletters. He explained to me the do not take any kind of
So I promptly called relevance of eating a full medication; my vomiting
him to understand the meal only once a day. issues stopped long back
method of Tap Seva The big take away from and there is no tiredness
Sumiran (TSS) (contact: that camp was also an or fatigue in my body.
7875437688). He understanding of Seva
explained the sadhna to @

 J  All I want to say in
me and introduced me Sumiran (meditation). So the end is that any
to S N Patil Sir (contact: I distributed clothes (as determined person can
9422511188), who in, distributed something purify their thoughts
further elaborated on it. from the material goods and diet and become
I had) and started tithing fully healthy. Allopathic
After performing regularly from whatever medicines are very
tuladaan, I ate only raw money I had. I tried to dangerous and should be
(uncooked) meals for meditate regularly as avoided at all costs.
21 days and did enema well. Overall, I did three
twice daily. After twenty of these health camps (Contact: 9960241432)
days, tests revealed that and got some amazing
my creatinine levels had results at all levels.
come down to 6 (from 8)
without medicine while In October 2018, I went
urea levels had reduced for Navratri fasting to

January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN


Q. - What is the the word Tap has been God ?

role of food in brought. In Jainism and A. - One may trust God
our spiritual Buddhism fasting has or not but he has to
development ? been given the utmost locate very clearly that
importance. In tap whatever he strives hard
A. - According to Hindus
quantity of food intake, to achieve during whole
scriptures, there is a
is reduce and the sadhak of his is not outside
does not depend on it for but is in him and that
between food and
energy. He realises the is the spirit, the soul,
spiritual development.
inner reservoir of vitality,   

Those who attained
the spirit. The spirit virtues as health, energy,
spiritual development,

  happiness, knowledge
the penance which
of health, energy, and love. Everybody is
included Tap (Fasting)
happiness, knowledge
became the important
and love. The health and medicines, nutritious
aspect of sadhana. In
energy part of spirit may food, money, scriptures
Christian and Jewish
be experienced through and relations. One must
scriptures, fasting
food reduction and know it very clearly that
has been placed as an
change in quality from they can be manifested
important aspect of
earthy food to watery, or attained through
sadhana. In Muslim

scriptures also fasting
has been named as Q. - Why at all is it in body, mind and

Roza. In Sikh scriptures, important to trust intellect.

TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019

Thus, there are two ways their identity in it. Some make a contact with the
- one for the intellect others have experienced Divinity.
predominant persons  "  
   The penances are
who could realize and than the spirit, some performed in the form of
locate that external world experienced spirit as a fasting. Divinity is a true
is not capable to provide part of God, while others healer. The creator is
the unchanging and visualized God taking more important than the
permanent aspect. In this form. creation.
path, there is no question Thus, both the process of ii) The nature rests on
of faith. Although, this God realization known the law of give and take.
path has its serious as Gyan Marg and Bhakti But nature cure does not
drawbacks and is very Marg are available to  $


 %    realize It.  
which is dominance
Q.- What is the the emphasis is given on
of ego can not realize


That which is beyond it.
‘Nature Cure’ and God.
It has to stop through
‘Divine Cure’? iii) The nature cure does
practising meditation
A. - There are three not know that food is
Z not the source of energy.
for them.
i) Nature cure treats the That is why a naturopath,
However, another
disease with the help of although shall not eat
beautiful path is the path
four basic elements of butter or ghee, but shall
of faith in unseen God
nature. These are earth, eat lot of breads. The
and which is inside in the
water, sun and air. divine cure knows that
form of spirit. Various
The divine cure treats God is the source of
scriptures are having
through use of divinity. energy which is inside as

This is done through soul and that food is only
view. Some saints have
practicing meditation building material thus he
experienced oneness


  opts no breakfast plan,
with God they merged
fruits and salads in lunch
January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

and full meal at night. In order to get rid of meditation would

The results in Divine of it the practice necessarily
Cure are much of meditation is the became merely an
permanent than in foremost sadhna. But exercise.
nature cure. Dr. Shelton the transformation of
Under the aegis of
the great naturopath devotee’s thoughts and
transformation devotee
writes, “I have seen attitude is necessary
should understand that
miracles in nature cure before practice
God alone is the doer
but they did not stay of meditation is
who is omnipresent and
cured.” undertaken.
is present in the form
    Under transformation of soul in the living
(egoism)? What are of thoughts devotee creature. He is ever
      should understand existing, ever conscious
   that the cause of his and is the source of bliss.
sadness is his own
The attitude of In this way by
egoism and attachment.
human being towards transforming thoughts -
There is no external
doership of action attitude, the devotee can
cause. His existence
is called me (egoism). get rid of egoism with the
before the entire world
Human being is help of meditating daily


entrapped into bondage alongwith the sadhna of
not doer; he is only
due to concept of ‘me’ Tap and Seva. Along with
doing his duty; he is
and ‘mine’ and has to sadhna by introspection
only a corpse without
take birth several times. of self devotee can
the blessings of God;

+    continuously progress
such transformation
and it causes anger in with success on the path
of thoughts enables
human being, creates a of development.
the devotee’s innerself
sad feeling of fear and
conducive for meditation.
indignity. Because of this
Without transformation
human being draws away
of thoughts the sadhna
from God.
TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019


Health and stimulation of the large highly poisonous and are

  intestine. These a source of what is said
have roots in      to be auto intoxication.”
  evacuation of the bowel
This is the secret of auto
and stop putrefaction
The excretory system intoxication, which is the
and fermentation. On
involves excretion of all main cause of
the other hand, a high
residue left in the bowels numerous diseases in the
protein diet consisting
after digestion as well as human body system.

all the waste products lacks in much needed There is increasing
left in the blood after      $ $        
metabolism. The organs evacuation of the bowels. 
involved in this job are This results in retention  

the colon, kidneys, lungs, of highly rotten matter many disorders of the gut,
liver and skin. Let us in the large intestine and including constipation
discuss about the colon. production of toxins. and cancer of the
Fruits, vegetables and        

The following quotation
leaves have a laxative

by Harold A. Harper
  $     and leaves.
corroborates the above
nutrition value. They principle: Doctors have started to
contain a large amount  

of cellulose and other “Many amino acids

indigestible and undergo decarboxylation
in the prevention of
unabsorbed products as a result of the
diseases and are treating
that form a reasonable intestinal bacteria to
it with great respect. The
bulk of ‘roughage’ produce toxic amines
famous Devis Burkitt and
 \   ]  (Ptomaines), which are
Hugh Trowell advocate

January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

Correspondingly, they


diseases such as gout,
gallstones, diabetes and
cardiovascular diseases.

The picture shows

healthy colon with six
distorted and twisted,
Healthy and unhealthy colon sick colons. The later
ones are diseased
      %  that high fat and colons of so called
remarked in their books      
 healthy people.
that the long transit time contribute to cancer of
Thus the cleansing of
resulting from low the pancreas, breast,
colon becomes very
 ovary, prostate and
important which can
produced by bacteria in uterus.
be done through use of
the bowels, to remain in
The faeces of omnivores enema by inserting plain
contact with the gut wall
contain more bile acids water (150 ml.- 200 ml.)
far too long.
which get converted into It would be better if it
It gives rise to carcinomic bile salts. is taken in the evening
degenerative diseases Fruitarians (those who between 5 to 6 p.m. This
like cancer of the large eat fruit only), are will enable a clear bowl
bowel and rectum and relatively less fatty. On movement in the evening
a whole host of other an average, they have as well as in the next
problems. Various about 30 to 40 percent morning.
studies have suggested less body fat than

TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019

Fasting is a well Good Friday, whereas Even after knowing
known word since in Hindu religion, it is these facts, fasting due
time immemorial. Its almost totally voluntary; to medical reasons
usefulness was well but they do say that is not common and
known to physicians fasting will please the fasting due to religious
of the past and even gods or God Almighty reasons is seldom kept
to doctors of one and will bring happiness in true spirit and it is
generation older than in this life and in future more often taken as
ours. births.
$  _ 

Religions have also This type of conviction
spirit of true fasting,
advocated fasting as is present in all those

a regular means for who believe in doctrine
of fasting is generally
spiritual upliftment of some religion and
misunderstood. That is
and salvation. Few about 80% population
why this kind of fasting-
religions like Islam of the world, does have
are quite rigid about faith in some or the
is not providing the
fasting (Roza) without other religion, without
desired therapeutic
which one cannot be any doubt.

considered a good
Medically also, a
Muslim while among The other important
majority is convinced
the Roman Catholics, problem in keeping a
that eating less is good
it is obligatory for all fast is that if a person
and occasionally fasting
the healthy individuals takes food 3-4 times
can also be useful
above the age of 18 daily for two decades,
specially for those who
years to observe fast i.e. from childhood
are overweight.
for 40 days preceding to adulthood, without

January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

any gap, then the body not take breakfast then normally. Food is only a
becomes so much one will feel weakness body building material
accustomed to food and      and after taking meals
to do work on that the person consumes
become so strong, that day. This psychological energy, that is why he/
one gets almost addicted feeling and concept
to food and deprivation which one has nurtured the stomach.
of even one meal, from childhood about
$ *
produces psychological getting the same thing
fasting for a week or
and physical discomfort. at that time, makes one
two should not produce
feel uncomfortable and
Here I would like to any physical weakness,
makes one think that
discuss in some detail because our body is
he/she is becoming
the problems that occur having enough stores of
weak. This is the most
when a person does glycogen and fat, which
common cause of
not take food for a day can provide required
or two. The symptoms energy for six to eight
which arise after fasting I have seen both type of weeks. Though the
are more emotional and people, i.e. those who loss of water and salt
psychological, due to say that they cannot can lead to feeling of
false beliefs and due to keep a fast, because weakness, but it will
many physical changes they feel weakness, certainly take few days,
which occur in the giddiness, headache and provided the kidney
body, if a person does may even get syncopy; function is good and
not take food at the while there are other one is not having any
time which was his/her who enjoy fasting during neuropathy or other
routine time for that which they feel more disease.
meal. energetic, can work
Though fasting is
more, run faster and
We have been told from very useful, there are
remain more alert than
childhood that if we do problems in keeping a
when they were eating
TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019

fast for longer periods.  {  @

  better, after fasting for
truth) but due to your few days.
Many persons cannot
routine, you do not feel
keep a fast because of   It is
like taking anything
misconceptions and uncommon but if
from 1 a.m. to 8 a.m.
symptoms like hunger, present it is helpful
Contrary to this, even
weakness and vomiting. in keeping prolonged
after taking supper at
fast, as it also causes
The role of food has 11 a.m. you will like to
anorexia. In about
been mentioned earlier. take food at 1.00 p.m.
20% of those who are
Here I would like to just after 2 hours. This
keeping fast for the
discuss the genesis of is merely because of


symptoms due to fasting our habit and belief,
some problem. In such
and their management  
situation one can add
in brief.    $ 

fruits or give plain
can be adjusted by little
Hunger - It is a pure water enema, to avoid
    +   constipation.
has nothing to do with
Giddiness- This is
emptying of stomach or 
a common symptom,
level of blood sugar. If of weakness in only
which occurs generally
you take food at 8 p.m., psychogenic. Fasting
two days after fasting.
stomach is empty by for even one week
It is more often due to
midnight (12 O’clock) does not change blood
postural hypo-tension,
but you will not like chemistry, nor does it
which occurs due to salt
to take food even at 5 reduce muscle strength.
and water depletion. It
a.m. Only at 8-9 a.m. Contrary to common
is more common if fast
one would like to take belief, we have observed
is kept during summer
breakfast. The condition that the muscle power
and one has Zero
of stomach and blood increases by fasting. A
intake of salt. If this
sugar level remains the person can run faster
symptom is there, one
same from midnight and do all physical work
January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN

should slowly change produce ketone bodies the new entrants in

the posture, meaning producing ketoacidosis. the fasting camp get
from recumbent encouragement from
This symptom is

   those, who have kept
generally helpful after
hang both legs by the fast few times during
few days of fasting,
side of bed for few previous years and are
because once there is
minutes, only then now comfortable with
ketoacidosis leading
stand, so that normal the fasting, tolerating
to anorexia, further
symptoms easily.
fasting is easy, because
to play, which is often
now the craze and  

blunted because of
desire for the food is it should not be of
salt depletion. If the
over and if one has more than three days
symptoms persist one
adjusted to weakness, duration and one
should take salt with
the person can should slowly come
water, two to three
continue fast for two to to normal diet after
times a day.
three weeks easily. fasting.

- This is by
  The correct method
and large a helpful
people do experience is: taking normal food-
symptom occurring
after fasting, can be fruits and vegetables-
due to ketoacidosis
minimized by proper fruit juice and
which is bound to
planning. If the fast vegetable soup-water-
come on 3rd day of
has to be kept for more fruit juice- vegetable
total fast, because fat
than one day, then and fruit -normal diet.
has to be utilised, as
it is better to keep
a normal physiological In this system, all the
fast in a group of a
phenomena, to phases should be of
dozen or more people,
provide energy for almost equal duration
specially with those
body demand and and if one feels any
who are keeping fast
breakdown of fat has to    
for few years, so that
then quickly take fruit
TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019

juice or vegetable soup. Fasting is very good

but if not observed

be under guidance of
properly can be Keep Your
harmful also. One
some expert, specially
should always be Mind Empty
if it is not a group
clear in objective
fasting. If it is a group
and take full
event, then those who   
precautions, when
were keeping fast in goes to a Zen master to
undertaking this
the past can guide to  
useful procedure.
new ones. Buddhism. The Zen

$IRROFDQDOVRNHHSDIDVWEXW master pours tea in a

After some time, it
LWLQWKHSURSHUZD\ starts spilling and
the professor shouts,
NO "# $   
   !" %
EXPECTATIONS !! Zen master replies,
"& $  
! '  * 
DISAPPOINTMENTS you Zen till you empty

We waste life in eating more food and your mind to learn

then in digesting this extra food and 

  " %'*+/!
getting rid of it, thus it kills ourselves /   01
or dig our graves with our teeth.  21    
  3 !
Dr. E. M. Health,

January - February 2019 TAP SEVA SUMIRAN


Ninth December was with the Reverend Guru presently in charge of

celebrated as ‘Sadhak ji. The programme ended taking these principles
Diwas’ in the memory with guidance and future forward and it is under
of his divine grace Shri directions given by her able leadership
Akhileshji Maharaj Malti Maa, the present that the organization is
and Pujya Savita Maa spiritual head of IASS. growing. It is our duty
at Badari Narayan A bhandara was to support her and the
Sevagram, Meerut. arranged during the principles both Yogiji
Devoted sadhaks arrived afternoon and night and Akhileshji stood for.
from all over the country in ashram and nearby    7# 
to express their love and villages. '86 We are very
faith in the principles fortunate to have had the
Some excerpts from
preached by Guruji. They company and leadership
speeches made:
promised to become of Akhileshji.
torch bearers of what #  4 5
56 To be born For such a spirited,
Akhileshji taught and
in the human form is young and zealous
stood for in his short but
not easy so every person person, his death was
very pro-active lifetime.
should try to change his certainly untimely. He
The day began with the will be fondly missed by
or her life for the better.
usual meditation session all of us.
The starting point is
followed by the chanting
always now. Akhileshji For us, what is of
of auspicious mantras


fundamental importance
during yagna ceremony.
service and love, who now is that we realize the
This was followed by a
took forward teachings value of ‘satsang’ so that
prayer meeting at Hriday
of Yogiji Maharaj, we can stay connected
Kunj where sadhaks
spreading the message with the principles he
expressed their heartfelt
of health and happiness. espoused.
grief and shared their
Pujya Malti Maa is
memorable experiences

TAP SEVA SUMIRAN January - February 2019


December 23 to 25, 2018

In pursuance of Param Tap Seva Sumiran were child got a chance to

Pujya Akhileshji’s dream dealt with in a simple yet hold the mic and express
of inculcating principles detailed way on each of himself or herself in
of Tap-Seva-Sumiran the following three days. creative ways. Even
early on in life, this year’s Students and parents accompanying adults got
second Student Camp shared their experiences their fair chance at fun
was successfully held of practicing Tap-Seva- and play.
between 23rd-25th Sumiran and motivated The programme took
December 2016. It was new children to follow a surprise turn when
a colourful event, an the path of moral values Santa Clause jingled
enjoyable and exciting along with cultivating and came to distribute
combination of a variety an understanding of gifts to ecstatic children
of activities designed this holistic approach who clapped along.
for children as well as to abundant health and The programme ended
accompanying adults. happiness. with blessings by Malti
The Spiritual Head Pujya Through active Maa, who presented all
Maa Malti presided over participation in the camp, participants with
the event while senior children got a wonderful  


sadhak Shyama didi opportunity to hone prizes.
conducted the event to a their skills and develop Everybody celebrated
grand success.       new year with fun, dance
The schedule included forward on stage. Be it and a lucky draw was
daily morning-evening answering quiz won by a student among
meditation sittings, yoga questions or playing 150 participants.
practice, prayer and indoor games or
Lecture programmes
audio-video discourses performing dance, skits
were conducted by
of Pujya Akhileshji. and lending voice to
Shyama Didi.
These three concepts of bhajan-vandana, every


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