New Sap SLCM

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What's New in SAP Enhancement

Package 8 for ERP 6.0
Generated on: 2019-09-28

SAP ERP | 6.18.08



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What's New in SAP Enhancement Package 8

for ERP 6.0
This section contains all release notes. You can use the navigation structure on the left to nd a speci c release note.

SAP Student Lifecycle Management

As part of SLcM Customer Connect, the following new functions have been provided:

Mass Module Booking Report

You can now use a mass report PIQST_MODBOOK_MP to do the module booking for a set of students for a selected set of
modules. Users can use this report to execute the module booking process in the serial mode, parallel processing and
background mode. The report provides an option for selecting multiple modules and students.

You can also create a variant for students and modules that can be used for future runs.

This report is available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Academic Performance Report

You can now obtain a performance summary and appraisal summary for the students by running the academic
performance report PIQ_STPERF_REP.

Report available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Advisor Report

You can now obtain a list of advisors assigned to students by running the advisor report PIQ_STADVISOR_REP. Report
available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Status Report

You can now obtain a list of status and holds details for students by running the status report PIQ_STSTATUS_REP.
Report available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Academic calendar

You can now create multiple entries in the academic calendar maintenance dialog PIQCAM. You can copy the date format
from existing year entries and create similar entries for the current year. You can copy the year format in three ways:

Enter the existing academic year as the source year and select the target academic year. This creates new line items
for all the existing year entries and time limits for the source academic year.

Select entries from the existing calendar entries and select the target academic year. This creates new line items for
all the selected sessions and time limits.

Select multiple target years and create multiple time limits by selecting the required time limits.

This feature is available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

You have an option to Exclude Non-Working Days, which sets the date to a date after or before the non-working day if it
falls on a weekend or a holiday.

Attempt Number

You can now maintain or display the attempt number in the following views:… 2/5
Subjects Taken tab for external transcripts in the student master data (PIQSTM) to maintain the number of
attempts the student has made to complete the external academic work.

Equivalency Determination Maintenance view (PIQED) to maintain the number of attempts the student has made
to complete the external academic work.

Academic Work Maintenance view (PIQSTAW10) to maintain the number of attempts the student has made to
complete the academic work.

Module Booking Details view (PIQST00) to maintain the number of attempts the student has made to complete
the academic work.

This feature is available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Delete Assessment Process

You can now delete any assessment which was previously created. Navigate to the transaction
PIQEVALREGM Assessment Tab Perform Activity

This feature is available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Deleting an assessment removes the entry from the database.

Grade Text

You can now save the grade text in the logon language. All transactions or applications in SLcM where the GradeText is
maintained or displayed will be displayed in the logon language.

Following is the customizing setting:

Go to the transaction SIMGH Student Lifecycle Management Master Data in Student Lifecycle Management Academic
Scales Maintain gradetext for the logon language

To maintain the grade values for the respective scale values:

SIMGH Student Lifecycle Management Master Data in Student Lifecycle Management Set Up Academic
Scales Maintain gradetext for the logon language

This feature is available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Publication Date

You can now view the date of publication for the appraisal. This can be maintained for every appraisal in the transaction
PIQSMFU to indicate the date on which the appraisal is to be published. This is also available in the transaction PIQSTAW10
while creating academic work.

This feature is available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP03.

Fee Calculation

When a student applies for admission, the object ST (student) and the object S0 (course offering) are created in the
Admission Decision Framework. You can now execute the fee calculation run during this object creation stage.

Feature available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP07.

Mass Advisor Maintenance Report

The new mass advisor maintenance report- RHIQ_ST_ADVISOR_MAINTAIN provides an option to create, delete and
delimit the advisor assignment to a set of students. It can also be triggered using transaction code PIQ_STADVISOR_M

Feature available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP07.

Registration Report

The registration report - RHIQ_ST_REGISTRATION_REP displays admission records for a set of students. It can also be
triggered using transaction code PIQ_STREG_REP.… 3/5
Feature available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP07.

Admission Report

The admission report RHIQ_ST_ADMISSION_REP displays admission records for a set of students.

It can also be triggered using transaction code PIQ_STADM_REP.

Feature available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP07.

Clinical and Cohort Semester functionality

This functionality is for the Human Medicine and Dentistry programs. Registration for these programs is divided into the
pre-clinical and clinical study type for students. You must maintain the number of semesters for which the students

You see the number of semesters in four elds:

Clinical Semester: This is the total number of semesters since the start of the clinical stage of the program. This
number includes the clinical semester count maintained in the initial registration data for the student master data.
The clinical semester is not counted for a leave of absence.

Cohorts Semester: This is the total number of semesters since the semeste during which admission to the pre-
clinical program took place. The cohort semester is also counted for a leave of absence.

Clinical Cohorts Semester: This is the total number of semesters since the semester, for which the admission to the
clinical study section took place. The clinical cohort semester is also counted in the case of leave of absence.

Clinical Sub semester: This is the total number of semesters in which a student is enrolled in the eld of human
medicine. The subject semester is not counted for a leave of absence.

This feature is only available for Germany. Feature available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP07.

Mass Change Specializations Report

This report RHIQ_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGE or transaction PIQSPECS_CHANGE provide an option to change the

specialization or module groups booked for students.

Feature available as of SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP07.

Technical Details

Technical Name of Product Feature Customer Connect Developments

Product Feature Is New

Country Dependency All Countries

Software Component Version IS-PS-CA

Application Component IS-HER-CM

Required Business Functions ISHERCM_IAP_7_CC

The following new functions have been provided for Student Lifecycle Management as part of:

SAP ERP 6.0 EHP8 SP01 onwards

Generic Form Designer

Withdrawal of a published form

You can now withdraw a published form in the form designer by choosing Withdraw. Once you do so, the form is no longer
available for applicants and has the status Withdrawn.… 4/5
Exclusion and Inclusion of Dependent Answers

You can either include or exclude the dependent question based on the answer to the parent question.

For example, if the passport number is shown, you can choose to select include while showing the passport Number if the
student is from Germany and the university is also from Germany. Whereas, you can choose to exclude the visa number if
the student is in Germany.

You can now have multiple answers to a parent question. You can also have a dependent question based on this answer.

For example, some countries such as India, US, UK and Germany have the concept of middle name. If country is the parent
question and the answer is any of these countries, you can have a dependent question such as Enter a middle name.

Multiple Parent Question in the Backend

You can now have multiple parent questions for a child question in the backend.

For example, to load the ProcedureIDs based on Nationality and Second Nationality.

You can do so using the MULTIDEPENDENTFIELD and MULTICHILDFIELD properties in the BAdI
BADI_GFD_FIELDMETADATA implementation class. The parent answer is in the eld MultiFieldvalue in the
BADI_GFD_DOMAIN_VALUES implementation class. The domain value can be loaded on the basis of this MultiFieldvalue.

Admission Portal

Preliminary Questionnaire Visibility

You can now view the preliminary questionnaire during the Admission or Registration process. The preliminary
questionnaire is the rst screen that you view and you can enter the information on this screen. Once you are done, choose
Apply. You can only view the content of the preliminary questionnaire in theAdmission or Registration form.

Upload of Optional Documents

You can now upload optional documents along with the mandatory documents.

For example, An Indian student needs to submit a visa document to study in Europe, but the same may not be
applicable to a European student.

Errors in the forms

You can now view the errors, when you hover on the eld with the error. The errors are retrieved from the
BADI_GFD_ERROR_INFO BadI. The total number of backend errors for that section is also displayed next to each

My Request

Upload of Optional Documents

You can now have an option of uploading optional documents along with the mandatory documents.

For example, An Indian student needs to submit a visa document to study in Europe, but the same may not be applicable to
a European student.

Errors in the forms

You can now view the errors when you hover on the eld with the error. The errors are retrieved from the
BADI_GFD_ERROR_INFO BadI. Also, the total number of backend errors of that section will be displayed next to each
section.… 5/5

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