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Assessor’s Script

Good morning candidates!

I am Melchor V. Pabua, an accredited competency assessor for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
I would like to acknowledge the presence of Mr. Archie Mosqueda, our representative from
TESDA Provincial Office.
You do not have to worry about her/his presence. She/He is here to oversee the conduct of
competency assessment and to check if the conduct is in accordance with the prescribed
competency assessment methodologies and procedures. She/He will not assess you.
I will now be collecting the admission slips. <Collect slips>
Now I will check the attendance. When your name is called, please come forward and affix
your signature beside your name in the attendance sheet. <Check attendance>
Candidates, our goal is to be a holder of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC II
at the end of the day. I know you can do this.
The assessment procedure covers three parts.
The first one is the written test, it covers 50 items.
The second one is the Skills-Test through Demonstration of the following:
1. Perform Root Pass
2. Perform Hot Pass
3. Perform Final Capping
Using 6G Pipe In Overhead Position.
The third one is the Oral Interview after the skills demonstration
Do you have any questions or clarifications?
Today, I am going to administer competency assessment for SMAW NC II. It is the
Qualification level with 2 Core Units of Competencies namely:
1. Weld Carbon Steel Plates Using Smaw
2. Weld Carbon Steel Plates and Pipes Using Smaw
By the way, if you have some feelings of discomfort, you may go to the comfort room
located at the back of our assessment center. I will give you 10 minutes to release all your
anxieties. Remember that you are not allowed to go out for the entire duration of the
assessment. Anyone want to go out? None? Okay. If you are not comfortable with the use
of English language as our medium of instruction, I am very much willing to translate it to
your own dialect for easy understanding.
This time, I will now discuss the Do’s and Don’ts during the conduct of our assessment.
For the DO’S:

 Follow the security policy & procedure

 Follow rules on use of facilities
 Observe Occupational Health and Safety

For the DON’TS:

 Using cellphone during assessment
 Leaving the premises of the AC without informing the assessor or any staff
 Loitering in the premises

If you are deemed competent after this assessment, you may claim your National
Certificate at the TESDA Provincial Office located at P-3 Villaflor, Oroquieta City. This
certificate has a validity period of 5 years.
In the event that you are deemed NOT YET competent, you may come back for
reassessment when you feel confident enough that you have acquired the competence.
Don’t worry, you will only be reassessed on the parts of the activity that were found to be
not yet competent.
Do you have any questions?
If none, we will begin with the assessment proper.
<Distribute the SPECIFIC Instruction for the Candidates>
I have here specific instruction for you to read and understand. I will you give 5 minutes to
read it. Time starts now.
Now I’m going to distribute the Questionaire for the Written Test. I’ll give you 1hr to answer
the test. You can start now.
Okey are you done? Im going to collect the paper. Since you are done with the written test
lets proceed to the next test, the Skill-test through demonstration
Using the tools, supplies and materials, you are required to perform root pass, hot pass
and final capping using 6G pipe in Overhead position. I’ll give you 3hours to complete
those task. Always wear your personal protective equipment and observe safety at all
times. I will be observing you while you are performing the tasks. Your time starts now.
Candidates since we are done with the Demonstration of Skills, we will now have the oral
interview. I will be calling you individually.
<Mr. Alom, what is CLAMS?
The candidate will answer…….
Okay thank you. Next, Mr. Bautista,
<Mr. Bautista, In 6G overhead position how many degrees you need to tack it?
The candidate will answer…….
Candidates, we are done with the methods of the assessment, this time I will give now the
results of your assessment.
<Providing Feedback on an Assessment must be one-on-one>
<One candidate passes>
Mr. Alom, how did you find the assessment? <The candidate/assesse will answer>
Based on the assessment criteria enumerated in this rating sheet, for your actual
demonstration, you were able to perform all the tasks within the standards prescribed in
this qualification. In the oral questioning, you did it very well. Based on the 2 methods
used in this assessment, you pass it all. In this manner, I pronounce you as
COMPETENT. At this time, I will require you to affix your signature in this rating sheet as
well as the CARS in the candidate’s signature portion. This is an indication that you accept
my assessment decision.
(Present the rating sheet and CARS to the candidate for him to affix his/her signature. Then,
cut the CARS, then give the Competency Assessment Results Summary CARS to the
You may claim your National Certificate at TESDA Provincial Office located at Purok-3
Brgy. Villaflor, Oroquieta City. I’ll just give you the contact number of TESDA for you to
make a follow up if your National Certificate is ready for claim, 521-0628. Please do not
forget to bring 50 pesos as for the certification fee and 2 pieces of passport size ID pictures.
The picture must be colored and you must have worn a collared outfit when it was taken.
(If candidate failed the assessment)
Mr. Bautista, how did you find the assessment? <The candidate/assesse will answer>
Mr. Bautista, in the written test you did it well and also in the oral questioning you did it
very well, you were able to answer all my questions correctly. However, in your practical
demonstration, you were able to perform the first 2 tasks within the standards prescribed
in this qualification. Unfortunately, on the last project/task which is to perform final
capping, you were not able to make it within the standard requirements of the
qualification. There something wrong with it comes to your finish product. You have to
practice the activities related to the competency requirements of this qualification.
Therefore, I rated you as NOT YET COMPETENT.
I will require you to affix your signature in this rating sheet as well as the CARS in the
candidate’s signature portion. This is an indication that you accept my assessment
You may come back after a month for reassessment or when you feel confident enough
that you have acquired the competence. Don’t worry, you will only be reassessed on the
parts of the activity that were found to be not yet competent.
Candidates our assessment has officially ended. Before we will leave the assessment
premises, I would like everyone to perform 5’S. Thank you candidates for participating this
assessment and have a safe journey back home.

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