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Tamar Gendler: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Politics and Economics

Nowadays in our country, politics are being terrible in tax, peace and war also a wealth of economy.

That may have seen normally in politics because there’s no perfect country in this world that can organize

the perfect formation of politics even the richest and wealthiest country. And if I ask my friends,family

members and neighbors that; Do you like politics? And many of them are saying a big no they don’t like

politics because it is complicated. Because if you can see in the news or headlines the politicians are fighting

and arguing because they are not reconcile by their own method by contradicting each others decision.

Because we citizen are just looking for the player of politics not the work of politics that is a big help of

the country.

That’s Tamar Gendler discussing that by the power of philosophy they study what are the best

decision and solution for the better for country by the theories of the other philosopers. Because also

philosophers are confusing for politics to help the economics but even you have a good solution to become

wealthy the economy if it is the politicians are have a bad power the process of become wealthy country

are just become conceiving or a dream for every citizen like in our country. Also look for the good politics

are the reason behind Singapore’s wealth and power, Hongkong's worlds class transport system, Canada’s

immigration laws, New Zealand's justice system and many more country who are become wealthy and

successful because of a good politics and good politicians. For what politics do for us to become our country

wealthy and organized.

And we also citizine think that we must have a intrusive for the politics of our country because like

said of Tamar Gendler only the politics will help us our country. Because if we continue the bad politics

the country have always a rally,war and the country will suffer. And we citizen have a power to choose a

good leader and participate in politics in the good run our country will change. But also ask what your

country do for you, ask really that what you can do for your country because we citizen have the power to

elect the right leader and hardwork for the good for our economy. Also I considering that politics is actually

the most meaningful thing that anyone can do to change the world.


Isang Paglilimi Ukol sa Modernisasyon at Globalisasyon

It was a shocking experience when I read this by telling the story of the speaker to modernization

through globalization. And by knowing how the powerful the modernization to change the globalization

or how the non-modernize civilization give a big impact to globalization. Like when the speaker is

entering the television in the time of Marcos, this is the weapon of modernization help the people through

media. They informed the truth about Marcos for wrong leadership and awake the people through radio

listening and watching television, it was the world’s appeal of Filipinos to unite, to dispatch democracy

and to contribute the equality of each Filipinos rights.

But this freedom like speaker said; that we are one of the first country who had elated national

independence. But what happen to our country through globalization after we achieve the independence,

there were our economy fall. Because of huge corruption in government and no stability in our political

system, maybe politicians have been blinded in and to absolute power. And that was I thought that is right

that we have this kind of democracy. A leader that is easy to underestimate and to kind leadership, but we

can say that our neighbor countries like China and South Korea . They have been successful with hand

steel leadership because they become wealthy and organized country and strengthened their politics and

proper use of power of politicians to people.

Not all the time the hand steel leadership are rights in any instances or in all societies. We know

that our political mistakes are made the unreasonable disability of leading in our country. We understood

that ee must not look for how we gonna change the new generation to politics for the better society, but

we look forward to our situation that were facing right now that we should fix the problem of our

countries poverty, underemployment and etc., like the speaker said. Even we are not being a wealthy

country but the thing is the unity, love and support in every Filipino to achieve our goals in wealthy

economy and orderly politics for our good future.



Liwanag at Dilim
The Political Philosophy of Emilio Jacinto

Emilio Jacinto is the Brain of the Katipunan and one of the Philippine heroes, and makes me

interesting on his philosophy making me silly about politics. About his thought and ideas about philosophy

making me realize the inside and outside in practical about the word politics. I was confuse when you read

his title, the light and dark but it makes him big symbol of politics. For example, Jacinto has different two

relationship for the brightness is dazzling, destroying sight, and luxurious, light is necessary to divide the

fact of things. In politics the light of it is so shining like the absolute power of politicians. It was different

than I thought when it talks about the light, because if we talk about light its positive but for him the light

is negative. In saying that don’t be tricky in politicians who are just showing good behaviors because the

election is near but the promises that they are nailed to the one who sat in the government.

Also Jacinto used concrete examples to emphasize that there should not be decieved in the outward

appearance and should not be judged by both. We citizen, don’t look up the popularity of the people to vote

him, but we must look for the deepest inside to those he made and kept commitment to the people who

believe in him. That he will do his best to serve the country and the citizens. And next he explained the

result of the wrong innocent worship and rejection of light. In the field of politics that we belief that should

be wrong especially in the leadership of leader’s from the top and bottom characteristics of a good person.

While the dark is behind the politics and the truth are still in darkness secret.

Then the idea by Jacinto, especially his belief in human equality, justified, in honesty and love in

the country. Because good politicians have a good responsibility to do a work not just a work but in

connection to the citizen and the country who they ruled. If a man without the freedom can happen to be

discouraged by the righteousness of healing and the name also do not suit him. So we have the freedom to

be more observant to the next leader of our country. Because the freedom that we enjoy is we only used in

the right that we will achieve the healthy and wealthy nation. Also the purest leadership to lead the people

and nationalism is the freedom to make gibe a lot of colors but not only white and black of politics have

seen but the colorful colors of politics gives in our life’s who makes us initiative to love the politics in our

mind and heart.

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