Music Theory Practice PPR Grade 4 Mark Scheme

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Theory of Music Exam

Practice Paper 1

Mark Scheme

Grade 4

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Grade 4 Theory Paper 1 Mark Scheme

1 (a) 2 marks for each correct time signature:

(ii) 2 marks for each correct enharmonic equivalent, 1 mark for writing as semibreves.

(b) 2 marks for each:

‘Allegro vivace’ means ‘fast and lively’

‘sempre pianissimo’ means ‘always very quiet’

‘triplet semiquaver’ means ‘three semiquavers in the time of 2 (or one quaver)’

Qu. 1 /20

(a) 5 marks for each correct bar (/10), take away a mark for a bar’s score for:

Incorrect beams, notes, accidentals etc. Max 5 marks total if all in wrong octave.

(b)(i) 1 mark for each:

‘rit’ (ritardando) means ‘gradual decrease in tempo’

‘decresendo’/’dimminuendo’ means ‘decrease in dynamic’.

‘trill’ means ‘rapid alterations with the note above’

(ii) 2 marks for Violas use the alto clef.

Qu. 2 /15
3 Award a mark out of 5 for the 4 bar rhythm based on the following criteria:

0-2 marks A rhythm that does not relate to the given material and is the wrong length (or is a
direct copy of the given material). The written rhythm may be notated incorrectly (with incorrect
beams) or not feel complete.

3-4 marks A rhythm that bears some resemblance the given material and is the correct length. It
should feel mostly complete and be notated correctly.

5 marks A rhythm that relates to the given material and is the correct length. It feels complete
and is notated correctly.

Qu. 2 /5

4 Award 5 marks for each correct scale.

Take away 2 marks for each incorrect or missing accidental.

[Don’t give a negative mark for a scale, award 0 if completely wrong]

Qu. 4: /20

5 3 marks for each correct answer/1 mark for the correct interval (3rd), but wrong type (major,
minor)/0 marks for the wrong interval but correct type.

(a) Perfect 5th, (b) Minor 7th , (c) Major 2nd , (d) Diminished 5th , (e) Minor 6th

Qu 5: /15
6. 2 marks for each:

(i) Subdominant

(ii) Dominant

(iii) Tonic

(b) 2 marks for each:

Suggested Pass Mark: 56 (66%)

Total marks: /85
Merit Mark: 68 (80%)

Distinction Mark: 77 (90%)

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