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Analyzing the data provided beforehand is crucial for this research, therefore, the
researchers carefully read all the data, organized and labeled them into similar categories
in attempt to identify patterns and relationships on how the two opposite genders marked
their respective administrations.
The age of the Male Presidents of the Philippines is ranging from 28 years old up
to 71 years old while the Female counterpart were both 53 years old when they took an
oath of office as President of the Philippines. The country has been ruled by 16 Presidents
counting Duterte in and 14 out of these 16 Presidents were Male and the rest
compromised the latter.
The researchers grouped the data into two parts: The Strong Points and Weak
Points of the pasts and current administration to comprehend the Gender in Politics: The
Essence of Sexuality on Effective Leadership in the Philippine Presidential Scene.
Strong Points

Male Presidents Female Presidents

o Established the Malolos Republic. o Regained democracy after 20
(Aguinaldo) years of Marcos Regime. (Aquino,
o Signed the Women Suffrage Law C.)
and created the National o Promulgated two landmark legal
Language. (Quezon) codes, namely the Family Code of
o Prioritized the passage of “Bill of 1987, which reformed the civil law
Rights”. (Laurel) on family relations, and the
o Philippine National Bank was Administrative Code of 1897,
rehabilitated and the country joined which reorganized the structure of
the International Monetary Fund. the executive branch of
(Osmeña) government. (Aquino, C.)
o Proclamation of Philippine o Lead the People Power II to oust
Independence by US President former president Estrada. (Arroyo)
Harry Truman and withdraw and o Built conventional infrastructure
surrender of all rights of and implemented the eVAT Law.
possession, supervision, (Arroyo).
jurisdiction, control and
sovereignty now existing and
exercise by USA in and over the
territory and people of the
Philippines. (Roxas)
o Establishment of rural banking and
setting up of the Central Bank of
the Philippines that stabilized the
Philippine currency. (Quirino)
o The Philippines ranked second in
Asia’s clean and well-governed
countries, referred to as the
Philippines’ “Golden Years” for its
lack of corruption. (Magsaysay)
o “Filipino First Policy”, which
favored Filipino businesses over
foreign investors. It is an attempt to
initiate economic independence
through dollar exchange controls,
which subsequently brought about
the rise of the fledging Filipino
industrialist. (Garcia)
o Established the first Land Reform
Law, allowing for the purchase of
private farmland to be distributed
in inexpensive, small lots to the
landless known as the Agricultural
Land Reform Code of
1963(Republic Act No. 3844)
which provided for the purchase of
private farmlands with the intention
of distributing them in small lots to
the landless tenants on easy term
of payment. (Macapagal)
o Constructed CCP, Philippine Heart
Center, Lung Center, San Juanico
Bridge and built more schools,
roads, bridges, hospitals, and
other infrastructure than all former
presidents combined. (Marcos)
o The Philippines experienced a
period of political stability and rapid
economic growth and expansion,
as a result of his policies and
programs designed to foster
national reconciliation and unity.
o Declared an “all-out war” against
the Moro Islamic Liberation Font
and captured its headquarters and
other campus. (Estrada)
o Reformed the education system in
the Philippines by shifting to K-12
Education, a 12-year basic
education cycle. (Aquino, B.)
o The groundbreaking for the
construction of major projects such
as the South East Metro Manila
Express way Project, Panguil Bay
Bridge, Philippine National
Railways Manila-Clark Project
Phase 1, Binondo-Intramuros
Bridge and Estrella Pantaleon
Bridge, and Phase 2 Pasig-
Marikina River Channel
Improvement Project which is part
of the Build Build Build Initiative.

To summarize it all, since the country was governed by male leaders in the early
years of the republic, their main concern is the establishment of different governmental
organizations and agencies, as well as stabilizing the country by passing significant laws.
They also focused on harnessing and improving the country’s economic condition by
encouraging free trade and building different infrastructures.
On the other hand, although the female presidents were outnumbered, their strong
points were marked by leading movements in ending previous unfavorable

Weak Points

Male Presidents Female Presidents

o Government failed to obtain any o Electrical blackouts became
foreign recognition. (Aguinaldo) common in Manila. The capital
o The economy remained experienced blackouts of seven to
dependent to the U.S. due to the twelve hours, bringing numerous
Bell Trade Act, otherwise known businesses to a halt. (Aquino, C.)
as the Philippine Trade Act, o Coup uprising by the left-wing
which was a precondition for militant soldier. (Aquino, C.)
receiving war rehabilitation grants o Arrested following the filing of
from the United States. (Quezon) criminal charges against her for
o The “Japanese Puppet” Republic. electoral fraud. (Arroyo)
(Laurel) o Military uprising due to her
o Corruption on relief goods from corruption and expensive travel
UNRRA during the war. abroad. (Arroyo)
o Failed to curb graft and
corruption in the government, as
evidences by the Surplus War
Property scandal, the Chinese
Immigration scandal and the
School Supplies scandal. (Roxas)
o Administration tainted by
rampage of graft and corruption,
as revealed in the Tombobong-
Buenavista scandal, the Import
Control anomalies, the Caledonia
Pile Mess and the Textbook
Racket. (Quirino)
o The relocation of the people from
certain places worked at first but
eventually started a cultural
dispute between the natives living
there and those who were
relocated. (Magsaysay)
o Enjoys acquiring expensive
things like planes and yachts
despite anchoring temperate
government spending. (Garcia)
o Issues raised against the
incumbent administration were
graft and corruption, rise in
consumer goods, and persisting
peace and order issues.
o Regime was marred by rampant
corruption and political
mismanagement by his relatives
and cronies, which culminated
with the assassination of Benigno
Aquino. (Marcos)
o Charges of alleged massive
corruption of misuse of funds
blemished the resulting programs
and various projects, one of
which was the Centennial Expo
and Amphitheater at the former
Clark Air Base in Angeles City,
Pampanga, supposedly Ramos’
pet project. (Ramos)
o Severely criticized by the
mainstream media for cronyism,
incompetence, corruption and
having a so-called midnight
cabinet. (Estrada)
o Critics have used to question his
work ethic, alleging his inaction
on the issues of disaster
response and rising oil prices.
(Aquino, B.)
o Keep on clashing with Human
Rights Organizations in and out
of the country criticizing the
administration’s ‘War on Drugs’.

The distinctive weak point of the male presidents was mostly due to the
flourishment of graft and corruption. While the latter is held responsible for the uprising
of forces disapproving their government.

In a patriarchal society like the Philippines, women were often undermined, but
according to an article published by entitled “Women leaders have it good in
PH”, “In its recent policy note titled “Filipino Women in Leadership: Government and
Industry,” the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) says that the country,
generally, is doing well when it comes to gender equality.” Therefore, in effective
leadership, which is also supported by the data discussed, the sexuality of a leader does
not affect him/her in practicing authority because both genders have flaunted strong and
weak points. In the end, it is the public approval that is a crucial source of executive power
in the presidential system and based upon the information laid, the public support the
female and male similarly.

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