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In the Darkness

“Mummy…I’m scared…” wailed a plaintive voice in the darkness amid the

resounding booms from above.
“Hush…there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Her whisper sounded relaxed and
soothing but for the choking at the end of her sentence.
“It’s so dark…I want Teddy…”
“Hush…” Rustling sounds as she moved to hug him. Soft creaking as she
cradled and rocked him.
“I want…Poppa…”
“He’ll come back…hush…he always comes back…”
“I’m scared…”
“Hush…you’re safe…Poppa will be back…we’ll go to our garden…we’ll…”
Her words painted golden scenes in the darkness.
BANG! The front door above burst open.
Her voice faltered, then continued breathlessly, “See…that’s Poppa…you’ll be
alright…just close your eyes…wait…and you’ll see…”
Footsteps above them. The trapdoor rose achingly slowly with a metallic
screech. Light fell on the duo, returning colours to their bodies.
Two firework-red bursts of sound. The trapdoor slammed shut. Darkness
claimed them once and forever more.

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