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Every teenager dream is to have a perfect 18th Birthday. It is the most important milestone of their life.

Because on this day, eventually this girl will received the sign of being a grown up woman and
everyone would actually call her a LADY that made high respect. Maturity will enter her way for the
reality of all means on this age she will probably realize that the world is not that easy or we might say
as it is a fairy tail world that all magical this will come on her way for happiness. Everything will
change. Your physical aspect and mental capacity. 18 years of age, on this specific age you will learn
how to handle situations, how to accept the unacceptable matters like sorrow, pain, circumstances in
life and learn to stand, fight for what is right, defend yourself for others and learn from your own

The story goes this way for this lovely morning of the 25th day of December at exactly 10:10 am year
2001, the greatest Christmas Gift of our proud parents namely Mr. Lawrence Lubiano Ganuelas and
Mrs. Mary-Ann Mangaoang-Gunuelas was born.
At the municipality of Agoo specifically at Doña Gregoria Memorial Hospital. She was named after her
parents name Larraine is from her father then Ann is from her mother’s name. Lorraine Anne is just a
simple girl who loves to study, a very talented lady, a Smart one. At the very your age the
MANGAOANG-GANUELAS Family saw this baby grown up, saw her develop things on her own.
During her Grade School days at Aringay Central Elementary School she was an elementary
valedictorian, a consistent honor student and strive even harder during her Junior High Days at Brain
and Heart of a Christian and moved on with flying colors. Now she’s currently studying at Lorma
Special Science HighSchool with no doubt at all she’s always an achiever. She always make her
parents proud. For now her favorite subject is Science and planning to take Medical Course in the
near future. You will agree with me Larah is a lady who is not just pretty!

She is a total package beauty queen, a very witty and gorgeous lady who is now ready to conquer the
Universe in the near future. At this time mama and papa will let you spread your wings like an eagle
to soar high and fulfill your dreams. Keep this into your mind and soul that we your family will always
be here to support you all the way. In every step that you make were just one step behind. Your
continue reach for your shinning star. Make your dream into reality because Mama, Papa and adding
Kaiza will give you more that 200% to make the most out of it.
But for now, dance like the whole world is your stage and everyday feel the presence of our Lord to
thank him every single step that you make.
Around of applause to our young lady Ms. Loraine Ann Mangaoang Ganuelas.

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