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Future of the Prepaid College Tbition program may be in jeopardy

BY LESLIE JONES McCuxm This month Fruedenberg ques- everyone knows that we want to more financial analysis and about the rest of my constituen-
tioned State Senator Ron Klein guarantee all existing con- changing the investment portfo- cy," State Rep. Irving Slosberg
Boca Raton Councilman Dave about the issue at a council tracts," Hasner said. lio based on more current finan- (D-Boca Raton) said. He sat on
Freudenberg put two children meeting. He also said Florida law guar- cial data. the Education committee last
through college with the benefit "I asked a specific question at antees contracts for the next five The OPPAGA report said the legislative session and backs
of Prepaid College Tuition the council are years - grades seven and under effect of the early graduation Hasner in his efforts to make
Program and two children with- effectively paying the college are not yet guaranteed. policy would probably be small. sure the program remains sol-
out it, and he says the program tuition cost at current cost. It's "We want to expand to include An example is that 24,000 high vent.
made saving for a kid's college based on the assumption of a all existing contracts," he said. school students would have to Speaking as a father, Slosberg
education a lot easier. return on capital being the Hasner cited the Office of graduate early to make a differ- said hopefully the state would
"I started it in 1988 when they same," he said. Program Policy Analysis and ence. honor its commitments to
were in the seventh grade and But, as it stands, the increas- Government Accountability It also suggested that institut-
the program first began. In investors in the college tuition
ing cost of education is throwing report on projected college ing enrollment caps would have plan. His daughter will be enter-
1988, tuition was $5,000 per the financial equation out of tuition costs, which states that little effect. As many as 26,000
year at the University of Florida - ing the eighth grade this school
whack. "in spite of a drop in surplus over high school seniors would have year and, as a consumer, he is
now it covers about six weeks," "It's not working because cur- the past year, the prepaid to delay going to college to make
he said. happy.
rent tuition costs are running College Program continues to be a difference. "It's working out great.
He said that because of inci- three times the inflation rate. financially sound." The report states that the
dentals the money-saved through Everyone worries about rising
Literally, the system is going to But it also said, "large sus- board mostly invests in the bond tuition costs. I've been a member
the program covered only half of fall apart," he said. tained tuition increases could market but neither re-balanced
the college expenses. for the last two years. As a tax
Klein agreed. He told members threaten the program's long-term its portfolio according to its tar- payer, its a great thing," he said.
"It didn't cover all of the hous- of the council that the program viability." get assesed allocation nor
ing expenses and it didn't cover Prepaid College board may changed its overall investment Representatives from the
may be jeopardized because of
all of their meals or phone calls rising tuition costs. need to consider changes to the plan in the last year. The report Florida Prepaid College Board
home every time they needed "There continues to be a lot of program," the report read. suggests changing the program's did not return phone calls on the
money," he said. discussion about college tuition The report, released last year, investment strategy to include issue, however a message from
"We used the program because increases, the funding of higher made suggestions for improve- equities, which will raise long- the organization's chairman,
it allowed us to budget ahead of education in Florida and the ment and board members fol- term asset return. Stanley G. Tate said the "debate
time," he said. future of the Florida Prepaid lowed some of those sugges- However, the program can sus- is far from over."
He didn't have that luxury with College Plan," Klein said in a tions. tain tuition increases of 7.9 per- "There continues to be a lot of
his First two children and putting telephone interview this week. The Prepaid College board cent every year for 23 years and discussion about college tuition
two children through college at But State Rep. Adam Hasner commissioned a study to re- still have enough assets to cover increases, the funding of higher
once was difficult, he said. But (R-Delray) says legislators are assess the asset allocation in the liabilities. The report cautions education in Florida and the
he said that because they were a well aware of the issue and are program's investment portfolio. that it would need to increase future of the Florida Prepaid
two-income family, they got working to pass a bill to help The report said the Investment earnings for the next 20 years if College Plan.
through it. guarantee resident's invest- Plan might offer higher invest- tuition increased beyond that. I want to personally thank the
And now his son Michael will ments. ment returns than the prepaid "We need some legislation to many Florida Prepaid families
do the same for his child who is Senate Bill 1930 proposed by college plan but some of the change it but the process is slow. who have taken the time to be
entering middle school this fall - State Senator Jeff Atwater, didn't options carry more financial I have confidence that this will heard on these important issues
except that the return on his pass this year, but will be rein- risk. become law. (The cost of) every- and who have voiced their sup-
son's investment won't be guar- troduced in the future because, The study suggested using up- thing is going up and we have to port for the Florida Prepaid
anteed. "we want to make sure that to-date financial information, have some stability. I'm worried College Plan," he said.

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