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1. What are the methods for description of fluid motion?
i) Langrangian method ii) Eulerian method
2. Define steady flow.
The type of flow in which the fluid characteristics like pressure, density does not changes
with time.
3. Define unsteady flow.
The type of flow in which fluid characteristics changes with time.
4. Define uniform flow.
The type of flow in which the velocity at any given time does not changes with respect to
5. Define non uniform flow.
The type of flow in which the velocity at any given time changes with respect to space.
6. Define one dimensional flow.
The type of flow in which flow parameter such as velocity is a function of time and one
space co-ordinate only.
7. Define two dimensional flow.
The type of flow in which flow parameter such as velocity is a function of time and two
space co-ordinate only.
8. Define three dimensional flow.
The type of flow in which flow parameter such as velocity is a function of time and three
space co-ordinate.
9. Define rotational flow.
A flow is said to be rotational if the fluid particles while moving in the direction of flow
rotate about their mass center.
10. Define irrotational flow.
A flow is said to be rotational if the fluid particles while moving in the direction of flow
does not rotate about their mass center.
11. Define laminar flow.
A laminar flow is one in which paths taken by individual particles do not cross one
another and move along well defined paths.
12. Define turbulent flow.
Fluid particles move in zigzag manner is called turbulent flow.
13. Define compressible flow.
The type of flow in which density of fluid changes from one point to point.
14. Define incompressible flow.
The type of flow in which density is constant for fluid flow.
15. Define streamline.
A streamline is defined as an imaginary line within the flow so that the tangent at any
point on it indicates the velocity at that point.
16. Define stream tube.
A stream tube is a fluid mass bounded by a group of streamlines.
17. Define rate of flow or discharge.
It is defined as the quantity of fluid flowing persecond through section of pipe/ channel.
Q= AV , where A- area, V- average velocity.
Unit m3/s.
18. State the Newtons law of viscosity.
It states that the shear stress on a fluid element layer is directly proportional to the rate of
shear strain.
τ=μ du/dy
μ- co-efficient of viscosity/ constant proportionality.
19. Define Newtonian and Non Newtonian fluids.
The fluid that obey newton’s law of viscosity are called Newtonian fluid.(viscosity
remains constant , no matter the amount of shear stress applied) eg. Water, air
The fluid which does not obey newton’s la of viscosity. Eg. Toothpaste , shampoo
20. Define dilatant fluid/ shear thickening fluid.
The viscosity of fluid increases with increase in shear force. Eg. Corn starch.
21. Define pseudoplastic/ shear thickening fluid.
The viscosity of fluid decreases with increase in shear force. Eg. Nailpolish
22. Define bingham plastic.
The fluid appears solid upto particular stress and after increasing the stress there will be
deformation. Eg.chocolate
23. Define time independent fluid.
If the viscosity of fluids remains constant with time.All Newtonian fluids are time
independent fluid.
24. What are the time dependent fluids?
Thixotropic and Rheopectic fluid.
25. What is thixotropic fluid? Give an example.
Thixotropic behavior is the result of breakdown in the microstructure of material when
the shear stress is exceeded.i.e apparent viscosity decreases with slurries.
26. What is rheopectic fluids? Give an example.
The viscosity of fluids increases with time. eg gypsum suspension.
27. What are the assumption for bernoulli’s equation.
The fluid is ideal.
The flow is steady.
The flow is incompressible.
The flow is irrotational.
28. Write the bernoulli’s equation for real fluids.
P1/ρg + V12/2g+Z1 = P2/ρg + V22/2g+Z2 + hL
29. Define velocity potential.
It is defined as scalar function of space and time such that its negative derivative with
respect to any direction gives the fluid velocity in that direction.It is denoted by ɸ.

1. Explain the Reynolds experiment with neat sketch and explain its significance.
2. With the assumption,derive bernoulli’s equation for ideal and also extent it to real fluids.
3. Derive continuity equation in three dimension.
4. Bernouill’s problems
5. Continuity equation problems.
6. Explain the types of fluids with a graph.
7. Explain velocity potential and its properties.
8. Velocity potential problems.
9. Pump work in bernouills equation problems.

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