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Welcome to my #RAZORSHARP_2016 12 week Fat Loss plan.

NEW and UPDATED for 2016 with proven techniques and plans used by yours truly, and applied to
my 1-1 clients and athletes.

You have chosen this plan because you are looking to cut some serious bodyfat from your physique,
after already seeing some gains in the gym. Most of us hit a plateau at some point with our training
and with correct PERIODISATION and sufficient determination we should be able to keep making
progress for years! If you follwed last years RAZORSHARP plan, you'll be excited to see new
exercises and protocols, this time with video demonstrations available exclusively for this plan.

On this page i'll tell you a bit about myself, and on the next page provide an overview to the Plan and
some of the principles of Fat Loss.

Following that you will see 2 x separate NEW protocols for Fat Loss, Phase 1 lasting for 6 weeks,
and Phase 2 also lasting for 6 weeks. At the back of the booklet is your K.I.S.S (keep it simple) Diet
plan which you will easily be able to tailor for your own bodyweight! The diet plan is also BRAND
NEW and revised for 2016, with different carb timings, and also 4 different plans to suit different
weight ranges - so no need to make calculations to increase or decrease macros/Kcals!

About The Author #JAE

You may know me as a Pro Fitness Competitor, having appeared on the WBFF Worlds stage 3 years
in a row with Top 10 placings each time, and at time of writing I am ranked 3rd in the World through
The WBFF as a Pro Muscle Model. I have indeed been blessed with the opportunities to compete at
such a high level, to work with photographers and inspire trainees all over the world. However - I was
once myself an average committed gym goer, with a dream of building a winning physique - I never
realised this goal untl I became a Personal Trainer & Strength Coach myself back in 2010. Since
then I have helped athletes and regular guys & girls all over the world get into fantastic shape!

I am a Poliquin PICP Strength Coach, and Physique Elite Trainer, specialising in Y3T.
I am a sponsored athlete by one of Europe's largest supplement companies Sci-Mx
I work with many of my clients 1-1, and do my own training at the amazing GymBox in West London,

Websites of interest:

All the content in this booklet is the intellectual property of (the author) James Alexander-Ellis. It may
not be reproduced, in part or in full without explicit written permission of the author. Ownership and
copyright on all written content is retained as such.

I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer and Strength Coach. All the information in this booklet,
including nutritional advice, workout plans, and any other information is the result of experience and
research on my part over the last 8 years.

Before beginning any diet plan or exercise program (including those in this booklet) it is your sole
responsibility to seek the advice of a physician before starting. It would be in your best interests to
have a physical examination, and other health related exams that will help determine whether you are
physically fit enough to begin such a rigorous exercise plan and diet.

By participating in any diet or exercise plan on this site you acknowledge that you may injure yourself
as a result of participation and agree to hereby release the author from any liability including, but not
limited to muscle pulls, muscle sprains, broken bones, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes related
incidents, shin splints, other orthopedic related injuries, gout, soreness, and any other health related
incident during participation.
6 different split workouts, each performed twice across each week.
RAZORSHARP_2016 - Overview
I have revised my most effective Fat Loss plan for 2016 to use 2 different training protocols. The
original plan was 6 weeks of GBC and 6 weeks of Advanced GBC (These are included at the back of
this document, so you may use those at another time if you haven’t already followed them up until

For 2016, the 12 week plan is split into 2 phases, as before, but uses GIANT SETS and STRAIGHT
SETS as the main stimulus to your muscle groups. These 2 systems are very different to the ones
used in the previous Razorsharp system, and will be just as effective if not more so.

Phase 1: 6 weeks of GIANT SETS:

What are GIANT SETS?

Broadly speaking, they are a bodybuilding type split where the trainee performs 4 or more exercises
for one bodypart with no rest until all exercises are performed for the given rep range.

Giant sets have 2 great advantages to those that respond well to a split system, and are still maybe
looking to "improve" a weak bodypart. They are VERY metabolic due to the volume and short rests (so
they are great for a cutting phase), but they also allow for easy manipulation / combining different parts
and choosing how many sets to do - depending on the needs of a trainee. I have prescribed a protocol
that suits FAT LOSS as the main goals whilst possibly adding some mass in areas where you may put
extra focus!
On the next page is the weekly split I want you to follow. You MAY put your day off where you want it, I
suggest mid-week at Weds/Thurs OR Sunday. Ideally I’d like you to train in the AM and fasted (take
Protein and some carbs AFTER your workout) if this isn’t possible, then just make sure your PM
workout takes pace in a relatively fasted state (eg: no food before for 2+ hours)
With this split, each part gets trained TWICE a week which is ideal. If you have a lagging bodypart you
MAY change the schedule so that you go up to 3 x a week for one part and take one of the others out.
Workout should take 50-60mins max if you follow the sets and reps and rests etc.
Phase 1 (First 6 weeks) - Giant Sets - Weekly Schedule

Mon: Chest and Quads (60 mins)

Tues Hams and Back (60 mins)
Weds Shoulders and Glutes (60 mins)
Thurs off
Fri Chest and Quads (60 mins)
Sat Hams and Back (60 mins)
Sun Shoulders and Glutes (60 mins)

Specific techniques to be used:

Use Rest/Pause to make sure you get to prescribed rep range (taking a short 5 sec rest in the middle of
the set if you cannot reach the desired rep range)
The tempo is a 4 digit number. In the example 4010 it is a 4 second lowering phase, 0 secs pause at
bottom, 1 second lift and 0 secs pause at top.
Only the A1 exercise in each of the GIANT sets has a specific tempo. For the rest just use a controlled
smooth movement.
Try to choose a weight for each exercise in the Giant Set, so that you can use the SAME weight
throughout all of the sets (for convenience) so if the first exercise feels relatively easy at 10 reps, it is
likely that the last few sets will be significantly harder - if you get the intensity right, you WILL be likely
to miss reps or have to use REST/PAUSE to complete the 10 reps. This is due to the lack of rest
periods between each exercise!


A1: Flat Bench Press x 10. 4010 tempo
A2: Flat Flyes x 10
A3: Incline DB Press x 10
A4: Press Ups x to failure
120s rest after A1-A4 complete, no rest between A1-A4.
4 giant sets in total to be performed.

A1: Back Squat x 10. 4010 tempo
A2: Split Squat x 10
A3: Sumo Squat x 10
A4: DB Lunges x 10 (per leg)
120s rest after A1-A4 complete, no rest between A1-A4.
4 giant sets in total to be performed.

A1: Stiff Legged Deadlift x 10. 4010 tempo.
A2: Prone Hamstring Curl x 10
A3: Back Extension/ Modified Glute-Ham Raise x 10
A4: Seated Ham Curl x 10
120s rest after A1-A4 complete, no rest between A1-A4.
4 giant sets in total to be performed.

A1: Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown x 10. 4010 tempo

A2: Seated Row x 10
A3: Dumbbell pullover x 10
A4: Wide Grip Pull Up (assisted?) x 10 reps
120s rest after A1-A4 complete, no rest between A1-A4.
4 giant sets in total to be performed.

A1: Seated Military Press x 10. 4010 tempo
A2: Dumbbell Lateral Raises x 10
A3: EZ- Bar Upright Row x 10
A4: Bent Lateral Raises/Rear Delt Flye x 10
120s rest after A1-A4 complete, no rest between A1-A4.
4 giant sets in total to be performed.

A1: Barbell Hip Thrust x 10. 4010 tempo
A2: Single Leg / Poliquin Step Up x 10
A3: Wide / High Leg Press x 10
A4: Reverse Hyper-extension x 10

120s rest after A1-A4 complete, no rest between A1-A4.

4 giant sets in total to be performed.
7 different split workouts, with additional HIIT protocol
Phase 2: 6 weeks of STRAIGHT SETS 4 x 6-8 with INTERVALS (HIIT)


Whilst the initial 6 weeks of Giant sets is very “metabolic” due to the short rests, higher volume
approach (it should have been somewhat exhausting and painful!) the body adapts quickly to this sort
of stimulus and there is a need to change the INTENSITY, like in the original Razorsharp progamme,
so using basic STRAIGHT SETS is an easy way to focus more on the neural stimulation, fast twitch
fibre activation and continued metabolic rate increase proved by a lower rep range, longer (relatively)
rests and heavier weights!

In most cases I have given the biggest bang, compound exercises that would suit using heavier
weights. In shoulders I have switched it up so that you start with Lateral raises, and controversially
the Quads workout doesn’t start with Squats, but goes with Leg Press as the primary initial
movement. This enables you to maximise loading in a somewhat safer exercise, and although loads
will be slightly lessened for Back Squat this has a safety benefit and less strain on joints and knees

With the weekly split, again you’ll note that more than 1 bodypart is trained each day, and there is
repetition across the week. This suits the goal of FAT LOSS, as we aren’t trying to build muscle as
top priority. Although the protocol is STRAIGHT SETS of 6-8 reps, and an intensification from the
previous 6 weeks, the frequency of bodypart training is still high.
In my experience, increased frequency can be a key factor in improving stimulation to muscle groups,
thus it is evident throughout the 12 week plan.
Intervals (HIIT) Explained:
At the end of the Chest and Back AND Quads and Calves Workout you will do 10mins of HIIT
training as follows:

Rowing or X-Trainer/Elliptical (After Quads workout, so no impact running with tired legs)
Treadmill/Running or Rowing or X-Trainer/Elliptical (After Chest & Back)
This 10 mins will maximise the metabolic rate increase, and adds an “enduance” element to the
workout, where your glycogen levels will be drained and EPOC increased for 24hrs.
30 seconds of maximum effort, 30 seconds of light effort or rest. Repeat x 10 in total for

Phase 2 (Second 6 weeks) - STRAIGHT SETS - Weekly Schedule:

Mon: Chest and Back (60 mins) + 10mins HIIT

Tues Quads and Calves (45 mins) + 10mins HIIT
Weds Shoulders and Glutes/Hams (70 mins)
Thurs off
Fri Chest and Back (60 mins) + 10mins HIIT
Sat Quads and Calves (45 mins) + 10mins HIIT
Sun Shoulders and Glutes/Hams (70 mins)

You can move your “Day off” to a different day if you wish. Stick to the bodypart order as listed. If
you cannot workout 6 days a week and can only do 5 days a week then choose ONE of the days
and delete it (thus NOT repeating that bodypart pairing, but only doing it once in 7 days). I suggest
that you always retain the Quads and Calves workout as twice per week.
Specific techniques to be used for Phase 2:
No use of Rest/Pause for this intensification phase, simply end the set when you reach muscular
failure. For 4 x 6-8 use the same slow tempo of 4010 for the majority of exercises, unless specified
otherwise, crucially this keeps some Time Under Tension in the set, as well as the Intensity from
the heavier weights.
Aim to keep the same weight for each set, so the lowest rep set can be 6 and highest is 8, allowing
some room for a drop off in strength across the 4 sets.

As before - the tempo is a 4 digit number. In the example 4010 it is a 4 second lowering phase, 0
secs pause at bottom, 1 second lift and 0 secs pause at top.
Please do at least 1 x good long warm-up set for each bodypart before commencing the sets of 6-
8. In some cases you will want to do 1 x warm up for more than 1 exercise in that bodypart, as the
movement patterns are different. Example: Warm up for Leg Press AND Back Squat 15-20 reps.


(you may refer to Phase 1 for any required exercise demonstrations/video links)

Chest (12 sets - 30 mins)

A: Incline Bench Press 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
B: Flat DB Press 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
C: Incline DB Press 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.

Back (12 sets - 30 mins)

A: Weighted/Bodyweight Chin Up 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
B: Seated Cable Row 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
C: Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.

Quads (12 sets - 30 mins)

A: Leg Press 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
B: Back Squat 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
C: Barbell Split Squat 4 x 6-8 (per leg). 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
Calves (5 sets - 15 mins)
A: Calf Raise 5 x 6-8. 3010 tempo. 60s rest

Glutes (8 sets - 20 mins)

A: Hip Thrust 4 x 6-8. 3010 tempo. 90s rest.
B: Reverse Hyper Extension 4 x 6-8. 3010 tempo. 90s rest.
(Note specific tempo changes)

Hamstrings (8 sets - 20 mins)

A: Stiff Legged Deadlift 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
B: Seated OR Prone Ham Curl 4 x 6-8. 30X0 tempo. 90s rest.
(Note specific tempo change)

Shoulders (12 sets - 30 mins)

A: Dumbbell Lateral Raises 4 x 6-8. 2010 tempo. 90s rest.
(Note specific tempo change)
B: Seated DB Shoulder Press 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
C: Upright EZ Bar Row 4 x 6-8. 4010 tempo. 90s rest.
Revised and updated diet plans to accompany
Razorsharp_2016 workouts.

Use these for the entire 12 week programme without deviation for maximum Fat Loss.
Carb intake timings have changed since the first plan, and there are now 4 sheets to
choose from to cater for 75kg to 105kg athlete (170-230lb).
You will follow 6 days of low carb with back-loading, and 1 x moderate carb re-feed day.
For information about low-carb diets and relevant topics, refer to "Principles Of Fat Loss"
Goal: Fat Loss / Cutting Bodyweight Range: 95-105kg / 215lb - 230lb
System: REVISED Cyclical Keto Diet 6:1 Timeframe: Review in 12 weeks
NB: Protein & Carb sources shown in UNCOOKED weight.
Very Low Carb Day - Sun to Fri High Carb Day - Saturday
Breakfast Whole Eggs x 5 Breakfast Porridge Oats 150g
(Cook with Coconut Oil 10g) Skim Milk/Almond Milk 200ml
Handful of spinach 50-75g Blueberries 20g
Half Medium Avocado Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Whey Protein 40g
9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later. 9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later

Post Workout: Whey Protein 60g Post Workout: Whey Protein 60g
Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 40g Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 70g
Vitamin C x 500mg Vitamin C x 500mg

Lunch Salmon Flllet 230g Lunch Chicken Breast 180g

Steamed Green Veg 100g Basmati Rice 150g
Coconut Oil 10g OR Baked /Boiled Potato 450g

Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 50g Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 60g
Greek Yoghurt 10% 200g Greek Yoghurt 10% 300g
Organic Oats / Porridge 70g

Dinner Chicken Breast 220g CHEAT MEAL 2-3 Course Dinner

Salad Leaves and/or 50g (or eat at home)
Salad Vegetables 100g 130g Carbs allowed for
60g Fat allowed for
Pre-Bed Organic Oats / Porridge 70g
Skim Milk/Almond Milk 100ml Pre-Bed Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Blueberries 20g Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Vitamin C x 500mg
Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Vitamin C x 500mg

Macro Totals: Protein 230g Macro Totals: Protein 220g

Carbs 90g Carbs 475g
Fats 150g Fats 140g
Total Kcals 2,650 Total Kcals 4,000

- Protein source can change to suit individual preferences. Keep fattier meats for the low carb days. Leaner on high day.
- No real need to weigh out green vegetables (brocolli, spnach, green beans, kale, salad leaves) as the Kcals are so low.
- Note that on low days, carbs are only specifically eaten POST WORKOUT (20g) and PRE-BEDTIME (45g).
- Berries can be any berry, but weigh your portions so you don’t overload on Fructose.
- Salad Vegetables include Peppers, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot etc. No need to weigh these.
- Greek Yoghurt MAY be replaced with a dairy free alterntive (Coconut Yoghurt) or Cottage Cheese. Carbs 5% or less.
- All meals on High Carb day have carbs with them, and the Cheat Meal allows for around 120g in one meal, and fats up to
60g in one meal. Try your best to estimate these readings if eating out, OR cook at home and weigh/measure.
- Don’t be afraid to add SALT to meals, as most are very low sodium. Daily total 2-4g added Sea/Rock salt.
Goal: Fat Loss / Cutting Bodyweight Range: 75-85kg / 165lb - 190lb
System: REVISED Cyclical Keto Diet 6:1 Timeframe: Review in 12 weeks
NB: Protein & Carb sources shown in UNCOOKED weight.
Very Low Carb Day - Sun to Fri High Carb Day - Saturday
Breakfast Whole Eggs x 4 Breakfast Porridge Oats 150g
(Cook with Coconut Oil 10g) Skim Milk/Almond Milk 200ml
Handful of spinach 50-75g Blueberries 20g
Half Medium Avocado Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Whey Protein 40g
9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later. 9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later

Post Workout: Whey Protein 60g Post Workout: Whey Protein 50g
Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 20g Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 50g
Vitamin C x 500mg Vitamin C x 500mg

Lunch Salmon Flllet 200g Lunch Chicken Breast 150g

Steamed Green Veg 100g Basmati Rice 120g
Coconut Oil 10g OR Baked /Boiled Potato 400g

Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 50g Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 50g
Greek Yoghurt 10% 100g Greek Yoghurt 10% 200g
Organic Oats / Porridge 50g

Dinner Chicken Breast 220g CHEAT MEAL 2-3 Course Dinner

Salad Leaves and/or 50g (or eat at home)
Salad Vegetables 100g 120g Carbs allowed for
60g Fat allowed for
Pre-Bed Organic Oats / Porridge 50g
Skim Milk/Almond Milk 100ml Pre-Bed Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Blueberries 20g Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Vitamin C x 500mg
Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Vitamin C x 500mg

Macro Totals: Protein 200g Macro Totals: Protein 200g

Carbs 70g Carbs 400g
Fats 135g Fats 120g
Total Kcals 2,300 Total Kcals 3,500

- Protein source can change to suit individual preferences. Keep fattier meats for the low carb days. Leaner on high day.
- No real need to weigh out green vegetables (brocolli, spnach, green beans, kale, salad leaves) as the Kcals are so low.
- Note that on low days, carbs are only specifically eaten POST WORKOUT (20g) and PRE-BEDTIME (45g).
- Berries can be any berry, but weigh your portions so you don’t overload on Fructose.
- Salad Vegetables include Peppers, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot etc. No need to weigh these.
- Greek Yoghurt MAY be replaced with a dairy free alterntive (Coconut Yoghurt) or Cottage Cheese. Carbs 5% or less.
- All meals on High Carb day have carbs with them, and the Cheat Meal allows for around 120g in one meal, and fats up to
60g in one meal. Try your best to estimate these readings if eating out, OR cook at home and weigh/measure.
- Don’t be afraid to add SALT to meals, as most are very low sodium. Daily total 2-4g added Sea/Rock salt.
Goal: Fat Loss / Cutting Bodyweight Range: 85-95kg / 190lb - 215lb
System: REVISED Cyclical Keto Diet 6:1 Timeframe: Review in 12 weeks
NB: Protein & Carb sources shown in UNCOOKED weight.
Very Low Carb Day - Sun to Fri High Carb Day - Saturday
Breakfast Whole Eggs x 5 Breakfast Porridge Oats 150g
(Cook with Coconut Oil 10g) Skim Milk/Almond Milk 200ml
Handful of spinach 50-75g Blueberries 20g
Half Medium Avocado Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Whey Protein 40g
9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later. 9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later

Post Workout: Whey Protein 60g Post Workout: Whey Protein 60g
Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 30g Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 60g
Vitamin C x 500mg Vitamin C x 500mg

Lunch Salmon Flllet 230g Lunch Chicken Breast 180g

Steamed Green Veg 100g Basmati Rice 130g
Coconut Oil 10g OR Baked /Boiled Potato 420g

Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 50g Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 60g
Greek Yoghurt 10% 150g Greek Yoghurt 10% 250g
Organic Oats / Porridge 70g

Dinner Chicken Breast 220g CHEAT MEAL 2-3 Course Dinner

Salad Leaves and/or 50g (or eat at home)
Salad Vegetables 100g 130g Carbs allowed for
60g Fat allowed for
Pre-Bed Organic Oats / Porridge 60g
Skim Milk/Almond Milk 100ml Pre-Bed Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Blueberries 20g Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Vitamin C x 500mg
Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Vitamin C x 500mg

Macro Totals: Protein 220g Macro Totals: Protein 220g

Carbs 80g Carbs 450g
Fats 150g Fats 130g
Total Kcals 2,500 Total Kcals 3,800

- Protein source can change to suit individual preferences. Keep fattier meats for the low carb days. Leaner on high day.
- No real need to weigh out green vegetables (brocolli, spnach, green beans, kale, salad leaves) as the Kcals are so low.
- Note that on low days, carbs are only specifically eaten POST WORKOUT (20g) and PRE-BEDTIME (45g).
- Berries can be any berry, but weigh your portions so you don’t overload on Fructose.
- Salad Vegetables include Peppers, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot etc. No need to weigh these.
- Greek Yoghurt MAY be replaced with a dairy free alterntive (Coconut Yoghurt) or Cottage Cheese. Carbs 5% or less.
- All meals on High Carb day have carbs with them, and the Cheat Meal allows for around 120g in one meal, and fats up to
60g in one meal. Try your best to estimate these readings if eating out, OR cook at home and weigh/measure.
- Don’t be afraid to add SALT to meals, as most are very low sodium. Daily total 2-4g added Sea/Rock salt.
Goal: Fat Loss / Cutting Bodyweight Range: 95-105kg / 215lb - 230lb
System: REVISED Cyclical Keto Diet 6:1 Timeframe: Review in 12 weeks
NB: Protein & Carb sources shown in UNCOOKED weight.
Very Low Carb Day - Sun to Fri High Carb Day - Saturday
Breakfast Whole Eggs x 5 Breakfast Porridge Oats 150g
(Cook with Coconut Oil 10g) Skim Milk/Almond Milk 200ml
Handful of spinach 50-75g Blueberries 20g
Half Medium Avocado Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Whey Protein 40g
9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later. 9am workout assumed, adjust to suit if later

Post Workout: Whey Protein 60g Post Workout: Whey Protein 60g
Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 40g Dextrose/Vitargo/Carb 70g
Vitamin C x 500mg Vitamin C x 500mg

Lunch Salmon Flllet 230g Lunch Chicken Breast 180g

Steamed Green Veg 100g Basmati Rice 150g
Coconut Oil 10g OR Baked /Boiled Potato 450g

Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 50g Afternoon Snack Mixed Raw Nuts 60g
Greek Yoghurt 10% 200g Greek Yoghurt 10% 300g
Organic Oats / Porridge 70g

Dinner Chicken Breast 220g CHEAT MEAL 2-3 Course Dinner

Salad Leaves and/or 50g (or eat at home)
Salad Vegetables 100g 130g Carbs allowed for
60g Fat allowed for
Pre-Bed Organic Oats / Porridge 70g
Skim Milk/Almond Milk 100ml Pre-Bed Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g
Blueberries 20g Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Omega 3 x 3 caps 3g Vitamin C x 500mg
Zinc & Mag / ZMA
Vitamin C x 500mg

Macro Totals: Protein 230g Macro Totals: Protein 220g

Carbs 90g Carbs 475g
Fats 150g Fats 140g
Total Kcals 2,650 Total Kcals 4,000

- Protein source can change to suit individual preferences. Keep fattier meats for the low carb days. Leaner on high day.
- No real need to weigh out green vegetables (brocolli, spnach, green beans, kale, salad leaves) as the Kcals are so low.
- Note that on low days, carbs are only specifically eaten POST WORKOUT (20g) and PRE-BEDTIME (45g).
- Berries can be any berry, but weigh your portions so you don’t overload on Fructose.
- Salad Vegetables include Peppers, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot etc. No need to weigh these.
- Greek Yoghurt MAY be replaced with a dairy free alterntive (Coconut Yoghurt) or Cottage Cheese. Carbs 5% or less.
- All meals on High Carb day have carbs with them, and the Cheat Meal allows for around 120g in one meal, and fats up to
60g in one meal. Try your best to estimate these readings if eating out, OR cook at home and weigh/measure.
- Don’t be afraid to add SALT to meals, as most are very low sodium. Daily total 2-4g added Sea/Rock salt.

1.Why no abs training?

In my experience, training abs is often time wasted, especially if it is done too much. If you aren’t lean,
there is a six pack under the bodyfat - and the main goal should be to REDUCE bodyfat, not to
stimulate the midsection endlessly. Your core gets a good workout from the Squats and Lunges and
Chin ups etc.

2. Why no specific arms training?

As above, too much time training small bodyparts is not the best way to get the metabolic rate high
and in the case of straight sets (Phase 2) we want to focus on compound movements anyway. The
pushing and pulling movements will provide enough stimulus to biceps and triceps.

3. Why more than 1 bodypart per day, and twice each week?
To get a better metabolic rate increase, and to stimulate a larger amount of muscle fibres, each
workout has 2 or 3 bodyparts in it. Due to this lower VOLUME of training, it is advantageous to repeat
these bodypart pairings across the week at least once.

4.Why Intervals / HIIT and not steady state cardio (LISS)?

The aim is to get the best VALUE FOR TIME in the gym and across your week. Adding LISS / steady
state CV is an option and you may do this only if your time available in the gym is greater than most.
HIIT training, when done hard, will provide a better metabolic increase than the Kcals burnt in a much
longer session of steady state cardio.
Having said this, adding steady state cardio AFTER your HIIT session will likely increase the rate of fat
loss. I have not included it in the main workout as most trainees will not want to spend the extra 20-40
mins in the gym, and will not need to.
Choose to add LISS training if you meet one or al lof these criteria:
A: Have lots of free gym time.
B: Are already quite lean and looking to get the last bit of stubborn fat off.
C: Are on a tight time deadline, such as cutting for a shoot or a competition. In this case add LISS
training, increasing in time and frequency, during the last 3-4 weeks of the 12 week plan.
The following pages show the 12 week plans for last years RAZORSHARP. Full body workouts
done 5-6 times each week in rotation.

Phase 1 - 6 weeks: German Body Comp A & B

Phase 2 - 6 weeks: Advanced German Body Comp A & B

Name: Date:


Exercise KG Sets & Reps Tempo Rest Notes

Fat Loss Goal: Aim for 3 sets of Aims: Increased fat loss via
15! excess lactic acid production,
and metabolic acceleration
6 week plan. from full body workout.

A1: Back Squat 3 x 12-15 4010 60s Use a barbell. Lower to at least
parallel. Return to vertical

A2: Assisted Chin Up 3 x 12-15 4010 60s Palms face you. Shoulder with.
Ensure full range of motion.

B1: Dumbbell Lunges 3 x 12-15 X0X0 60s 24-30 total, stay upright always
and alternate legs. Hips fwds.

B2: Incline DBell Press 3 x 12-15 4010 60s 30-35 degree inc. squeeze at
top, no lockout. Full ROM.

C1: Seated Hamstring Curl 3 x 12-15 30X0 45s Kick down fast, with full ROM.
Return to extended every time.

C2: Seated DB Shoulder Press 3 x 12-15 3010 45s Lean back slightly into bench,
press with elbows slightly fwds.

D1: Med Ball Knee Tuck 3 x 12-15 3010 30s Face up, outstretched holding
ball behind head, tuck knees in
as u raise ball in an arc to
shins, by curling up into a ball.

D2: Overhead Tricep Extension 3 x 12-15 3010 30s Support back with preacher
bench if poss. Both arms, 1
DB. Elbows close to head.

Exercise Speed Incline/Level Duration Notes

N/A No CV done with GBC

General Notes: A1 & A2 done as a superset Tempo: Four digit number. Frequency: Complete 2-3 times per week
First dictates lowering phase,
with rest between exercises AND repetition of second digit is time spent at the
along with GBC “B” plan. No more than 3 days in a
set. Repeat for all letter pairings. Rest “bottom”, third is time spent to row without day off!
lift, final digit is time spent at
between exercises is necessary IF you use “top” of lift. “X” means either just Weight Selection:
controlled or explosive. Count in
Keep the weight the same for each set. EVERY set to failure
correct form & intensity. Always stick to the SECONDS. Very important.
therefore set 3 may fall short by 1 or 2 reps – that’s fine,
tempo AND rest periods, using a timer. its due to cumulative fatigue.
Name: Date:


Exercise KG Sets & Reps Tempo Rest Notes

Fat Loss Goal: Aim for 3 sets of Aims: Increased fat loss via
15! excess lactic acid production,
and metabolic acceleration
6 week plan. from full body workout.

A1: Leg Press 3 x 12-15 4010 60s Don't lockout for long. Go as
deep as poss, with safety.

A2: Seated Cable/Mach Row 3 x 12-15 40X0 60s Use a wider overhand grip,
upper body remains stationary.

B1: Poliquin Step-Up 3 x 12-15 2011 60s 24-30 total, use one leg at a
time. Back foot hovers and no
touch bench. Squeeze glute to
pause at top.

B2: Flat Bench Press 3 x 12-15 4010 60s Don't lockout for long. Lower to
mid-chest and squeeze @top

C1: DBell Lateral Raises 3 x 12-15 3010 45s Lift with elbows high, out to the
side not front. Tilt DB fwds.

C2: Flat DBell Flyes 3 x 12-15 2010 45s Slight bend in elbow.

D1: Seated Hammer Curl 3 x 12-15 30X0 30s Palms facing (neutral/hammer
grip) Elbows fixed to sides.

D2: Front Plank 3 x 60-90s N/A 30s Always keep body totally flat
with bum tucked in not up.

Exercise Speed Incline/Level Duration Notes

N/A No CV done with GBC

General Notes: A1 & A2 done as a superset Tempo: Four digit number. Frequency: Complete 2-3 times per week
First dictates lowering phase,
with rest between exercises AND repetition of second digit is time spent at the
along with GBC “A” plan. No more than 3 days in a
set. Repeat for all letter pairings. Rest “bottom”, third is time spent to row without day off!
lift, final digit is time spent at
between exercises is necessary IF you use “top” of lift. “X” means either just Weight Selection:
controlled or explosive. Count in
Keep the weight the same for each set. EVERY set to failure
correct form & intensity. Always stick to the SECONDS. Very important.
therefore set 3 may fall short by 1 or 2 reps – that’s fine,
tempo AND rest periods, using a timer. its due to cumulative fatigue.
Name: Date:


Exercise Speed Incline/Level Duration Notes


Exercise KG Sets & Reps Tempo Rest Notes

Fat Loss Goal - Phase 2: Aim for 4 sets of Aims: Increased fat loss via
Advanced GERMAN BODY 8! excess lactic acid production,
and metabolic acceleration
COMP “A” from full body workout.
6 week plan.

A1: Walking Lunge 4x8 2010 45s 16 reps in total. Use a heavy weight
that allows you to maintain decent
form, hips under shoulders and no
slouching! Guessing at least 24kg+

A2: Seated Military Press 4x8 2010 45s Sit on a bench almost vertical. Use
agrip just outside of shoulder width
and lower bar to middle of front of

B1: DB Split Squat 4x8 2010 45s Hip width, long staggered stance. Hips/
Knees at 90 degrees at bottom. Stay
upright. Straighten both legs to lockout at
top and focus on squeezing the glute of
the back leg. 8 on 1 side then switch legs
to 8 on the other side.

B2: Close Grip Lat Pulldown (NG) 4x8 20X0 45s Elbows close to body, palms facing
inwards. “Neutral Grip”

C1: Decline EZ-Skullcrusher 3 x 10-12 21X1 0s Small decline is ok. Allow bar to lower
justbehind head and thus arms are
beyond vertical at top.

C2: Toe Press 3 x 10-12 21X1 0s Use leg press or specialised toe
press machine: Deep stretch and
hard squeeze on every rep!

C3: TABATA RUNNING 8 intervals / 4 120s A sprint protocol of 20 seconds

sprint / 10 seconds rest, repeated 8
mins times to last 4 minutes. I suggest
around 90% intensity in the sprint,
NOT 100%. Or you’ll die.

Exercise Speed Incline/Level Duration Notes

Stretch pecs & quads 3-5 mins

General Notes: A1 & A2 done as a superset Tempo: Four digit number. Frequency: Complete 2-3 times per week
First dictates lowering phase,
with rest between exercises AND repetition of second digit is time spent at the
along with Adv GBC “B” plan. No more than 3 days
set. Repeat for all letter pairings. Rest “bottom”, third is time spent to in a row without day off!
lift, final digit is time spent at
between exercises is necessary IF you use “top” of lift. “X” means either just Weight Selection:
controlled or explosive. Count in
Keep the weight the same for each set. EVERY set to failure
correct form & intensity. Always stick to the SECONDS. Very important.
therefore set 3 may fall short by 1 or 2 reps – that’s fine,
tempo AND rest periods, using a timer. its due to cumulative fatigue.
Name: Date:


Exercise Speed Incline/Level Duration Notes


Exercise KG Sets & Reps Tempo Rest Notes

Fat Loss Goal - Phase 2: Aim for 4 sets of Aims: Increased fat loss via
Advanced GERMAN BODY 8! excess lactic acid production,
and metabolic acceleration
COMP “B” from full body workout.
6 week plan.

A1: Power Clean 4x8 X0X0 45s Fast vertical pull, then catch under
the chin. Start with bar just below
knees, with shoulders back and
chest out, bum stuck out. Drive with
hips FAST then pull/row the bar up.

A2: Reverse BB Lunge 4x8 X0X0 45s Maintain a vertical torso with hips
under shoulders, don’t let bum stick
out. Alternate legs, use full deep

B1: Overhead Squat 4x8 5010 45s Elevate heels (until proficient)
on plates or blocks to help you stay
upright and go deep. Hold an
Olympic bar as wide as possible
overhead and maintain this.

B2: Incline NG DB Press 4x8 5010 45s Elbows close to body, palms facing
inwards. “Neutral Grip”

C1: Zottman Curl 3 x 10-12 21X1 0s An alternating standing DB curl

where you supinate as you curl up,
and pronate on the way down. 1
second to rotate the wrist at the top
AND bottom.

C2: Leaning Lateral Raise 3 x 10-12 20X0 0s 1 side at a time, leaning by approx
15-20 degrees, but arm stops at
vertical at bottom.

C3: TABATA ROWING 8 intervals / 4 120s A sprint protocol of 20 seconds

sprint / 10 seconds rest, repeated 8
mins times to last 4 minutes. I suggest
around 90% intensity in the sprint,
NOT 100%. Or you’ll die.

Exercise Speed Incline/Level Duration Notes

Stretch pecs & quads 3-5 mins

General Notes: A1 & A2 done as a superset Tempo: Four digit number. Frequency: Complete 2-3 times per week
First dictates lowering phase,
with rest between exercises AND repetition of second digit is time spent at the
along with Adv GBC “A” plan. No more than 3 days
set. Repeat for all letter pairings. Rest “bottom”, third is time spent to in a row without day off!
lift, final digit is time spent at
between exercises is necessary IF you use “top” of lift. “X” means either just Weight Selection:
controlled or explosive. Count in
Keep the weight the same for each set. EVERY set to failure
correct form & intensity. Always stick to the SECONDS. Very important.
therefore set 3 may fall short by 1 or 2 reps – that’s fine,
tempo AND rest periods, using a timer. its due to cumulative fatigue.

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