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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 8931 (1993): copper alloy fancy single taps, combination

tap assembly and stop valves for water services [CED 3:
Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 8931 : 1933
( Superseding IS 8934)
( Reaffirmed 2003 )

( Py?rT ! )

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

UDC 62 1.643 *54-034-3

Q BIS 1993


NEW DELHI 110002

nugust 1993 Price Group 8

Sanitary Fittings and Water Fittings Sectional Committee, CED 3

This Indian Standa .rd ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Sanitary Fittings and Water Fittings Sectionaf Committee had been
approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Pillar tap. bib taps and stop valves are extensively used as water fittings for domestic water
supplies. Bib taps and stop valves and pillar taps were covered separately in IS 8931 and IS 8934
respectively. Since the functional requirements of these taps and valves are identical, the
committee c!ecided to merge these two specifications. In its first revision this standard besides
merging the two specifications, incorporates the following major modifications:
a) Combination tap assembly has been included.
b) Only the critical dimensions have been given so that the design flexibilities as may be
required by the manufacturer are incorporated.
c) Material specifications for various components/parts of taps and valves have been elabo-
d) Since the taps of nominal size of 10, 20 and 25 mm and valves of 10 and 25 mm are not
commonly used, these have been withdrawn.
e) Some additional performance tests have been included, as these were found necessary.
Requirements cf screw down rising spindle bib tap.;, stop valves and pillar taps have been covered
in IS 781 : 1984 and IS 179.5 : 1982 respectively.

In the formulation of this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from EN 200 : 1989
‘Sanitary tapware : General technical specifications for single taps and mixer taps ( nominal size
l/2 ) PN 10 : Minimum flow pressure 0f0.05 MPa ( 0.5 bar )‘, pub!ished by European Committee
for standardization. However, mechanical endurance characteristics and acoustic characteristics
as covered in EN 200 have not been included, as the test facilities for these tests do not exist irt
the country. These are intented to be included in due coure of time.
The committee responsible for the preparation of this standard is given at Annex F.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The
number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the
specified, value in this standard.
iS 8931 : 199.3

Indian Standard
( First Revision )
I SCOPE taps llild ValVCs81’C normally fitted. The hon~i-
nal size shall be as foIlro\vs:
This standard lays down the requirements
regarding materials, manufacture, workmanship, Pillar tap I5 111111

constructions, dimensions. finish and testing cf Bib lap I5 mm

chromium plated cc>pper alloy non-rising spin-
dle typt: fancy single taps, combination tap Combination tap asaemb!y 15 111111

assembly and Valves, suitable for operation Stop valve 15 :I ntl 20 ml11

from 0. I MPa to 0.5 MPa pressure at maximum Angle stop valve I 5 ;; 11c! 20 Ill Ill
temperature of 65%.
5.1 Material used for different components/
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are the parts of taps and valves shall be in accordance
necessary adjuncts to this standard. with Table 1.
3.0 For the p11rpose of this stal:dard, the defi- CONS’I’RUCTION
nitions give!1 in IS 10446 : 1983 shall apply, in
6.1 General
addition to the following.
Figures appearing in thi:< standard are iiluitrative
3.1 Combination Tap Assemblies
and do not specify tlccign features. Mowevcr,
3.1.1 Pillar Motmting Combination dimcnsiorls a4 specified shall be comp!ied witlt.
The tap assembly with a vertical inlet nnd a 6.2 Caatittg shall in all respec1\ be 4(‘LlIlCl and

nozzle arranged to discharge in a downward free frown dcfccts like laps. blowholes and
direction ( such as sir,gle hole and three hole pittiilg. EXtcrtl:ll and internal aurfaces shall b:
combination tap assemblies far wash basin ) clean, smooth and fret from sand. They shall
and is suitable f<rr mounting on a horizonta! be neatly dressed and no casting shall bc but-ncd,
surface. plug& stopped and palched.

3.1.2 wall iVIounting Combination 6.3 Forging shall be \cund without lamination,
smooth and well finished.
The tap assembly with a horizontal inlet and a
nozzle arranged to discharge in a downward 6.4 Plastic mouldcd knobs shall be sound and
direction ( such as bath and sink combination free from cracks, spots and blow holes. How-
tap asscmblics ) and is suitable for mounting ever. shrinkage marks appearing due to mould-
an vertical sui-fact. ing process ;Lre permissible on internal pclsilions
of the surface whereby these will not ell‘cct the
3.2 Angle Stop Valve appearance :~nd per-formances of the knobs.
A valve with the inlet and outlet a~ right angles
to each other and is intended to facilitate scrvi- 6.5 Machining
cir;g of water fittings or appli,inccs. The boclv, bonl;ei, spindle ar!cl other pat-t\ \11;111
be mach”ineci true, SO that I\ hen ::>hc~~~bicci, I I!c
4 NOMINAL SIZES parts shall be axial ~~~rallcl and cyl~nd~-ical,
Tllc nominal size shall he dcstgnatcd by the \vilh surface snioothiy finished \IIihlll the limit\
nominal bore of the pipe o~~tlct to which the of dimensions specified for various componcnl~.
IS 8931 : 1993

Table 1 Material for Components Parts of Single Taps, Combination Tap Assemblies and Valves

( Chise 5.1 )

Sl No. Component Material Indian Standard

1. Body, body components, “) Cast brass Grade CB 2 of IS 292 : 1983
inlet tubes, nozzle, bonnet b) Die cast brass* Grade DCB2 of IS 1264 : 1989
and back nuts C) Forged brass Grade FIB of 1s 6912 : 198.5
d) Leaded tin bronze Glade LTB 2 of IS 318 : 1981
e) Brass rods Type 1 Half hard of IS 319 : 1989
f-1 Brass tubes 1s 4J7 : 1981
g) Copper tube‘s Soft, a,:ncalcd IS 10773 : 1983
2. Flanges “) Cast brass Grade LCB 2 of IS 292 : 1983
b) Die cast blass* Grade DCB2 of IS 1264 : 1989
C) Floged brass Glade FLB of IS 6912 : 1985
d) Leaded tin bronze‘ Grade LTB 2 of IS 318 : 1981
e) Brass rods ‘fype 1 Half hard of IS 319 : 19X9
0 Brass sheet Grade CuZn 37 of IS 410 : 1977
3. Spindle. glands, washer plate, ;I ) Brass rods Type 1 Half hard of IS 319 : 1989
nuts, screws and pin ( Lxlruded or rolled )
b, Forged brass Grade FLB of IS 6912 : 1985
4. Circlip, wire locks a) Phosphor bronze sheet Grade 111 HE of IS 7814 : 197.5
b) Phosphor bronze wire IS 7608 : 1987
C) Stainless steel Grade 1 of IS 4454 ( Part 4 ) : 1975
5. 0 ring a) Synthetic rubber IS 9975 ( Parts 1 to 4 ) : 1981
6. Gasket and seat washer “) Acrylo Nitrille butndicne
b) Ncop1er.e rubber
Cl Syflthetic butadicne Grade 5 of IS 7450 : 1974
rubber ( S.B.R. )
7. Knob. knoh components, “) Ci:si brass Grade LCB 2 of IS 292 : 1983
divertor and divertor b) Die cast brass* Grade DCB 2 of IS 1264 : 1959
components C) f:orged brass Glade FLB of IS 6912 : 1985
J) Leaded tin bronze (;~a& LTB 2 of IS 318 : 1981
e) Brass rods Type 1. Half hard IS 319 : 1989
f) Zinc base alloys IS 742 : 1981
g) Plastics Polyacetal, Polypropylene, ARS ( Acryfo
Ni!rillc - Butadiene Styrent). Arcylics -
Polymethyl - Mcthacrylatec, Nylon -
*Conformity only with chemical composition to comply with.

6.6 Screw Threads 6.7 Waterway

6.6.1 The inlets and outlet connection threads 6.7.1 Except where otherwise spzcificd in this
whether internal or externa!, shall b: a pipe standard, the arca of .,vaterway throughout the
thread conforming to either IS 5.54 : 1985 or body of a tap or valve shall not be less then
IS 2643 ( Parts 1 to 3 ) : 1975. This requirement thr area of a circle of diameter equal to the
does not apply to single hole combinatio,l tap minimum bore of seating, spccificd in Tublc 2.
6.6.2 The threads on the spindle shall bc tra- 6.7.2 In any single outlet combination tap
pezoidal or square conforming to IS 7008 ( P,lrts assembly the area r)f waterway through the
1 to 4 ) : 1988 and 1s 4694 : 1968 respectively. individual tap shall be as :,pccified in 6.7.1 up to
The length of spindle threads shall be such that the junction of the two tap outlet with the
when the washerplate is resting on the seating combined outlet. The internal diameter 01‘ ;L
without any washer, a length cf thread equal combined outlet shall not be less than 15 mm.
to not less than 50 percent of the external If the combined outlet is not circular it shall
diameter of the threaded portion of the spindle have an area of waterway not less than the area
shall be in full engagement with the internal of a circle ciiametcr equal to 15 nkm.
thread of the washer plate.

IS 8931 : 1993

6.7.3 In a combination tap assembly with divertor 6.13 Knob

for bath and shower the area of waterway may
be reduced below the bore specified in 6.7.1. All knobs shall be close fit on a squared or
serrated spindle. The knob may be secured by
6.8 Flow Straightening and Aerating Device a screw or using any other efficient device,
Taps may be fitted with these devices at the provided that the minimum cross-sectional area
manufacturer’s option. of attachment is not less than the equivalent
square for that size of spindle. A non-metallic
NOTES insert may be provided between knob and the
1 Flow straightening of the corrugated sleeve or spindle to restrict the heat transfer, when hot
moulded plastic may be incorporated at the outlet
within the nozzle of the tap. It may be noted that water is flowing. No knob shall be screwed
straightners usually reduce the area of waterway. on to the spindle directly.
2 Flow straightening and aerating device which
incorporate a multiplicity of small o&es, that is 7 DIMENSIONS
those contai.ling wire gauge or perforated plates,
shall be screwed type and be easily removable for 7.1 Minimum Thickness
cleaning purpose. It should be noted that when
aerators are fitted there is usually a reduction in Except where a lesser thickness is specified, no
flow. point of body subjected to direct water pressure
6.9 Body Seats shall have a thickness less than 2.0 mm. How-
ever, in the case of single tap and combination
6.9.1 The seats may be integral with the body tap assemblies the open outlet nozzle portion
or may be separate renewable seat rings, scre- may be reduced to l-6 mm in case of castings
wed into body and shall have serations or slots and forging and to 0.6 mm when drawn tubes
or any other not less efficient device to facili- are used.
tate renewal. The area through the renewable
seat ring shall be at least equal to a circle of 7.2 Body
diameter equal to the minimum bore of seating
specified in Tab!e 2. 7.2.1 The dimensions of body to bonnet conne-
ction and seat shall conform to the values
Seat ring faces shall be finished smooth and specified in Table 2, read with Pig. 1.
edges shall be deburred.
6.9.2 The body shall be machined SO that when 7.2.2 The seat edges shall be rounded off to
the body and seat are assembled and secured in avoid cutting edges.
position they are co-axial and the fdces of seats
and body are parallel. 7.2.3 Square or lugs on the shank under the
flange of pillar tap known as locating feature is
6.10 Bonnet Assembly an optional feature. Where provided it shall
The surface forming the body to bonnet joint not exceed the following dimensions:
shall bz machiiled smooth. The joint may be
with a gasket or an ‘0’ ring. Circumscribed diameter
of locating feature 29 mm
6.11 Gland Packing
Depth of locating feature
6.11.1 Except as specified in 6.11.2 the gland under flange 5mm
or stuffing box shall be packed with a suitable
asbestos gland packiog or other equally efficient 7.2.4 Dimensions of bodies of pillar taps and
packing material suitable for both cold and bib taps shall conform to those specified in
hot water. A suitable washer rnly also be fitted Table 3 read with Fig. 2, and Table 4 read with
in the bottom of stuffing box but this may be Fig. 3 respectively.
omitted if the packing is in the form of a
mouldcd composition packing ring. 7.2.5 Dimensions of bodies for stop valves
6.11.2 When ‘0’ rings are to be employed for including ang!e stop valves shall conform to
the gland seal, a minimum of two rings those specifisd in Table 5, read with Fig. 4.
shall be fitted in spindle or one each in spindle
and washer plate unit and these shall be made 7.2.6 Dimensions of bodies for wall mounting
of synthetic rubber. They shall be capable of shall conform to those specified in Table 6 read
being renewed. with Fig. 5. Dimensions of bodies of different
types of pillar mounting combination tap
6.12 Flanges assemblies shall conform to those specified in
Taps designed for mounting on to flat surfaces Table 7 read with Fig. 6 and in Table 8 read
may have integral or separate flanges. with Fig. 7.



Table 2 Dimensions of Body to Bonnet Connection

( Clauses 6.7.1. 6.9.1 anJ7.2.1 )

All dimznsioils in millimetre~.

SI Psrficulars ( SECFig. 1 ) Dimensions for Nominal Size
c _-_-__- ____h_ _-___-_---_--,
NO. 20
rM~---h---7 nIr1.r Max
1. Boreof seating, 4 11.0 12.0 15.5 16.5
2. Thickness of metal supporting seat, B 2.0 - 2.0 -
3. Connection thread, C *c-i 1/2 *ci 3,‘4
4. Length of internal thread on body, D 9.0 - 9.0 -
5. Diameter of face of body, E 25.0 - 31 0 -
6. Face of body to face ofscating, F 21.0 24.0 24.0 28.0
*Conforming to IS 26.13 ( Parr 3 ) : 1975.
-. _-...----


IS 8931 : 1993

Table 3 Dimensions of Bodies for Pillar Tap, Size 15 mm

( Clause 7.2.4 )

All dimensions in millimetres.

SI No. Particulars ( see Fig. 2 ) Dimensions

1. Bore of inlet shank, A - 14.5
2. Thread of inlet shank, B *G l/2 B
3. Diameter or size across flats, C 42 -
4. Horizontal length from center of body to center of 80 -
outlet, D
5. Height from flange to center outlet, E 25 -
6. Length of thread, F 42 -
Length of shank, G 50 -
8. Diameter of flange, H 38
Thickness of flange, J 2 -
10. Size across Hats, K 25 -
7 -
Il. Height of flats, L

NOTE - The nozzle may either be manufactured frJ,m cast or from wrought material ( brass tube ).
*Conforming to IS 2643 ( Part 3 ) : 1915.



IS 8931 : 1993

Table 4 Dimensions of Bodies for BIB Tap, Size 15 mm

( Clause 7.2.4 )
All dimensions in millimetres.
Si No. I_e>:end Dimensions
( SYPI’ig. 3 ) r-------- h_______~
n4in MU
1. A *G l/2 B/R I/2*
2. I: 11 -
3. c 80 -
4. I> 150 -
5. F 20 -

NOTE - 111~ r.0271~ may cithcl be manuFactwed from cast or from c roug!lt material ( brass tub: ).
*C‘onforming to IS 2643 ( Part 3 ) : 1975 or IS 554 : 1985.






Table 5 Dimensions of Bodies for Stop Valve and Angle Stop Valve
( Chtsc 7.2.5 )
All dimrrrsions in millimctres.
SI No. Legend Dimensions for Nominal Size
( sw Irig. 4 ) ~-.--__-_--_ ___.-- ~------_-~-_-__7
15 20
_- -_.-h_-__- .‘~
.&fir1 .\lrr \
*<; 3 1 II\? 3,4*
‘(i 3’3H II 3 ‘I*
12 -

,/ ,’I’


1 L----l


Table 6 Dimensions of Bodies for Wall Mounting Combination Tap Assembly, Size 15 mm
( Clause 7.2.6 )
All dimensions in m~llinlctws.
SI No. Particulars ( see Fig. 5 ) Dimensions
h4in MflX
1. Thrcad of ivlet shank, 11 *Ci l/2 B
2. Lergth of shank, B 25 -
3. Adjllstment range of S-union, C 5 -
so -
4. Diameter of range. D
5. Distance betMc:n ccntres of inlets, E 148 -
6. Lcllgth fIOJ~1 flargc to cciltre of spoIIt, I; 13s
200 -
7. Lwgrh from flange to ccutrc of zpout, G

NOR! - 711~ ~;oz;llc may ciihcr be mnnufacturcci flon1 cast 01 fl(>m wi~~ght nl:tel ial ( hr;is\ luh ).
*C‘onforming to iS 2643 \ Part 3 ) : 1975




Table 7 Dimensions of Bodies for Pillar Mounting Combination Tap Assembly, Size 15 mm
( Clause 7.2.6 )
( All dimensions in millimetres. )
SI No. Particulars ( we Fig. 6 ) Dimensions
Mifr MUX
1. Dimension 01 b’ase from ccntrc of body, A 21 31
2. Diameter of shank, II - 29
3. Outer dimension, C - 33.5
4. Smallest dimension of Kinge, D 42 -
5. Hori&ntal length from c:ntrc of body to w) _-
ccnlre of outlet, E
6. Height from flange to ccntrc of outlet, I’ 25 124
7. ~xngth of threaded shank, LI 40 .I.
8. Deplh of iicxagol-I., ff 7 -
9. Dinrvetcr of flar;gz, .I 42 -
10. Length of connection, K 350 -
11. Mean outside diameter of copper tube, L. 9.5 -
12. Mean thickness of tube, hl 0.6 .-

1 The nwrlc may cithcr be nianufacturcd from cast or from wrOught material ( brars tube )”
2 The inlet tubes made of soft annealed copper tubes.


Table 8 Dimension of Bodies for Pillar Mounting Combination Tap Assembly, Size 15 mm
( CIatrse 7.2.6 )
( All dimensions in villimetrec )
SI No. Particulars ( we Fig. 7 ) Dimensions
r---_ h---__-T
1. Bore of inlet shank, A - 14.5
2. Thread of inlet shank, B G l/2 R*
3. Length of cxtcrnal threaded shank, C 8 -
4. Height for tightening ( adjustable ), D 5 30
5. Diamctcr of shank, E - 29
6. Smallest dimension of flange, F 42 62
7. Diamctcr of flange, G 42 -
8. Distance between centres of inlet. Ii 195 210
9. Horizontal length from center of body to 90 -
centrc of outlet, J
10. IIcight from flange to cenire of outlet, K 25 125
Mean outsi:l: diameter o! copper tube, L 9.5 -
12. Mean thickness of tube, M 0.6 -

NOTE _ The nozzle may either be man.ufacturcd from cast or from wrought material ( brass tub- ).
*Conforming to IS 2643 ( Part 3 ) : 1975.

- 1 SEAT WAStiER--/ II---U

Table 9 Dimensions of Bonnet Assembly
( Cluuse 7.3.2 )
( All dimensi0r.s in millimetres )
SI No. Particulars ( see Fig. 8 ) Dimensions for Nominal Size
15 3.7
1. Diameter, A ( Min ) 25 31
2. Thickness, R ( Mitt ) 2.5 2-s
3. Diameter of seat washer, C ( Min ) 15 6 20.6
4. Projection from edge of washer plate, D ( Min ) 1 1
( applicable for shrouded type oiily )
5. Thickness of seat washer, E ( Min ) 4 4
6. Length of closing thurst collar of bonnet, F( Min ) 2.0 2.5
I. Thread, G *G l/2 B *G 3/J B
8. Length, II ( MUX ) 9 9
9. Diameter of spindle, J ( Mire ) 7 9
10. Diameter of collor, K (Mire ) 11.8 13.8
11. Thickress of thurst collar, L ( Min ) 1.5 1.5
12. Ccrc diameter of spindle actuating thread, M ( Mitt ) 6.0 8-O
13. Outside diameter of washer plate, N (Max ) 18.5 24
*Conforming to 1s 2643 ( Part 3 ) : 1975.
IS 8931 : 1993

7.3 Bonnet Assembly nickle chromium plated complying with service

grade No. 2 of IS 8376 : 1988.
7-3-1 Spindle, bonnet, washer plate and other
parts shall be machined true, so that when 8.4 The knobs and knob components of zinc
assembled, the parts shall be axial, parallel and base alloy shall be nickle chromium plated
cylindrical with surface smoothly finished. complying with service grade No. 2 of IS 4828 :
7.3.2 The dimensions of bonnet assembly shall 1983.
conform to those specified in Table 9, read with 9 TESTING
Fig. 8.
9.1 Material Test
7.3.3 Washer Plate
Material tests required shall be those given in The washet plate shall be shrouded or corresponding material specifications referred
flat type, made from one piece and shall be in Table 1. The material shall be either certified
machined all over. by the suppliers with regard to their com-
pliance to specifications laid down for them The part of washer plate that prevents and/or test shall be made to ascertain their
turning shall be either two flats, a square, a compliance witn the relevant specifications
hexagon or any other shape that prevents before use.
9.2 Performance Test The seat washer shall be inserted in
washer housing. The connection between the All taps and valves shall be capable of comply-
seat washer and its housing shall be ensured ing with the tests specified in 9.2.1 to 9.2.4.
by a screw, a nut or any other means that The test specified are laboratory tests and not
ensures the firm seating cf the washer in its quality control tests during production.
9.2.1 Water Tightness Characteristic The minimum lift of washer plate with
washer in position shall be 3.5 mm and 5.0 mm This test consists of checking under
respectively for 15 and 20 nominal bore taps cold water pressure or under air pressure the
and valves. watertightness of bonnet assembly on seat, tap
and valve upstream, taps and valve downstream
7.3.4 The seat washer shall be suitable for heat and bath/shower divertors whether manual or
resistant applications Basic polymer ( nitirile automatically operated.
and SBR or neoprene ) shall be used in their
manufacture. The test under cold water pressure and
air pressure are considered to be equivalent.
8 FINISH The choice between one or the other method
should be agreed between purchaser and test
8.1 The significant surfaces of taps, combina- laboratory.
tion tap assembly and stop valves shall be
nickle-chromium plated. However, the body Throughout the duration of either water
of concealed stop valve and side stop valve of test of air test under water, there shall be no
pillar mounting combination tap assembly may leakage of water or escape of air bubbles res-
be polished bright or may have an unpolished pectively, through the walls of the body, the
surface, as ‘Cast’ finish. bonnet and the divertor assembly.

8.1.1 Dejinition of Signi$cant Surfaces The test equipment, duration and
procedure as specified in Annex B shall be
Significant surfaces are all parts of the article followed.
( taps, valves and combination tap assembly )
covered or to be covered by the coating and 9.2.2 pressure Resistance Characteristic
for which the coating is essential for servicea-
bility and/or appearance of the fitted article. This test consists of revealing any defor-
For example, internal sufaces of hollow parts mation in the tap and valve that may result
such as cross pieces, caps, knobs are not under the action of cold water at a relatively
deemed significant. high pressure. The test shall be carried out
LIpstream and downstream of the taps and
8.2 The taps and valves shall be nickle- valves.
chromium plated complying with service grade Criteria for conformity shall be that no
No. 2 of IS 4827 : 1983.
permanent deformation in the part of the taps
8.3 The knobs and knob components of plastic and valves situated upstream or downstream
material may be used in as moulded finish, or shall be produced.

IS 8931 : 1993 The test cquip:nent, p:occdurc and The Lap with its operating mechanism
duration as specified in Annex C shall be ( bonnet assembly ) shall not be supplied with
followed. water during the test.

9.2.3 Hydraulic Characteristics ( Flow Ru!e ) Throughout the duration of test and at
the end of test there shall be no permanent Tllis test is pcrforn-ied to dcterminc the deformation or loosing of any part of the tap
value of the flow rate corresp:>nding to rcftrc!icC and valve.
pressure equal to 0.3 MPa. The measurement
is carried out with taps and valves fully opan. 10 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR
If it if fitib:d with flo\+ straightening or aerating CONFORMITY
device the same may bc removed for the The sampling procedure to be adopted and
purpose. criteria for conformity shall be as given in The value of flow rate shall not be less Annex E.
than: 11 MARKING
a) 12 l/mitt f0r 15 mm nominal size single 11.1 Each pillar tap, bib tap, combination tap
and comhinntion tap and valve assembly, stop valve alld angIe stop v,llvc shall
b) 23 l/min for 20 mm nominal size. be legibly marked with the followiitg informa-
tion: The test circuit, apparatus and proce-

dure as specified in Annex D shall be followed. a) Manufilcturer’s name or trade-mark.

b) Letter ‘H’ or ‘C’ or alternatively fire red

9.2.4 Adechanical Strength Characteristics or blue colour for taps meant for hot
water or cold water applications. In the This test is performed to verify the
case cf combination tap assembly, the
torsional strength of operating mechanism
hot water shall be on the left and cold
( honnet assembly ) to a torque of 6 Nm, in water on the right.
both opening and closing positions.
c) Direction of flow in case of atop valves. The required tcrque of 6 Nm shall be
applied and maintained for a period of 5 11.1.1 Nominal size of taps and valves shall be
minutes either with a torque wrench, having an given on the cat-ton/packing.
accuracy of 10 percent. fitted to operating
metnber or a lever arm and device for measu- 11.2 Each pillar tap, bib tap, combination tap
ring the force applied. It shall be assured that assembly, stop valve and angle stop valve may
shear force does not affect the measurement. also be marked with the Standard Mat-h.

( Clmse 2.1 )
IS No. Title IS No. Title

292 : 1953 Specification f0r leaded brass 554 : 198.5 Dimensions for pipe t hrcads
ingots and castings where pressure-right joinls
are made on threads
31s : 1981 Specilicaticln for leaded tin
b:.onze ingots and castings 742 : 1981 Specification for /inc base
alloys die casting
319 : 1989 Specification for free cutting 7sl . 1984 Specification for cast cc)ppcr
leaded bra\a bars, rods and ’
alloys screw down bib tap,
and stop valves for water
407 : 1989 Specificatiotl for brass tube\ services
for gcnct-al purpose 1264 : 1989 Specification for brass gravity
410 : 1977 Specification for cold rolled die cast inos
i‘ ( ingot5 and
brass k,heets, strip and f!lil cattings )

IS 8931 : 1993

IS No. Title IS No. Title

1795 : 1982 Specification for pillar taps diameter combinations (first
for aater supply purpose revision )
2643 : 1975 Dimensions for pipe threads 7008 IS0 metric trapezoidal screw
for fastening purpose ( Part 3 ) : 1988 threads : Part 3 Basic dimen-
4454 Steel wires for cold formed sions (Jirst revisim )
( Part 4 ) : 1975 springs : Part 4 Stainless
7008 IS0 metric trapezoidal screw
spring steel wire for normal
( Part 4 ) : 1988 threads : Part 4 Tolerances
ccrrosion resistance ( first
(first revision )
revision )
4694 : 1968 Basic dimension of square 7450 : 1974 Specification for vulcanized
threads styrcne - butadiene rubbct
Electroplated coatings of nic- ( SBR ) based compounds
4827 : 1983
kle and chromium on copper 76% : 1975 Specification for phosphor
and copper alloys bronze nire ( for general
4828 : 1983 Electroplated coatings of cngineeering purposes )
copper nicklc and chromium
on zinc alloys 7814: 1985 Specification for phosphor
bronze sheets an<1 strip
4905 : 1986 Methods for random samp-
ling 8376 : 1988 Electroplated coatings of
nickle and chromium on
5192 : 1975 Specification for vulcanized plastics for decorative pur-
natural rubber based com- post
9844 : 1981 Method of testing corrosion
6912 : 1985 Specification for copper and resistance of electroplated
copper alloys forging stock and anodized aluminum coa-
and forgings tings by neutral salt sp:xy
7008 IS0 metric trapezoidal screw
( Part 1 ) : 1988 threads : Part 1 Basic profile 9975 : 1981 Specification for ‘0’ rings
and maximum material pro- 10446 : 1983 Glossary of terms relating to
file (first revision ) hater supply and sanitation
7008 ISO metric trapezoidal 10773 : 1983 Copper tubes for refrigeration
( Part 2) : 1988 screw threads : Part 2 Pitch purostZs

( Clause )

R-l GENERAL B-2.2 For Air Test Under Water

This annex specifies test methods to verify the
watertightness of the complete taps and valves Tank fi!led \cith water and its acccssorics.
specimen. Pneumatic circuit that can deliver the required
prcssurc and mainlain it f Ir !he duraticln of the
B-2.1 For Water Test
B-2.3 For Automatic Divertor
The hydraulic test circuit shall be capable of
producing the static and dynamic prc\sures A tlow rate regulator having a nominal flow of
required and maintaining them for 1.11~duration 15.0 ( niinimum 13.5) iitrc per minu!e at ;i
of the test. dynamic pt-e\\urc of 0.3 WPa.

IS sp31 : 1993

B-2.4 Test Duration B-4.2 Air Test Under Water

The periods given are minimum periods. i) Connect
. the tap/valve specimen to the
WATERTIGHTNESS OF THE BONNET ii) With the outlet orifice closed.
ASSEMBLY ON THE SEAT, AND ‘CHE iii) Immerse the tap/valve specimen in water
contained in the tank.
iv) Apply an air pressure of 0.2 MPa for 20 s.
B-3.1 Water Test
v) In addition, for taps and valves where the
i> Connect the tap/valve specimen to the watertightness of the spindle is ensured
test circuit. by one or more O-rings, apply an air
ii) With the outlet orifice open generally pressure of 0.02 MPa for 20 s.
turned downwards, close the seat vi) In the latter case, begin by applying O-2
( bonnet assembly ) using a torque of MPa gradually reducing down to the
1.5 Nm. test pressure of 0.02 MPa.
iii) Apply water pressure of I.6 MPa for 60 s. B-5 PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING THE
NOTE - When the watertightness of the spin- WATERTIGHTNESS OF MANUALLY
dle is ensured by a stuffing box, the packing OPERATED DIVERTERS
gland is loosened.
B-5.1 Water Test
B-3.2 Air Test Under Water
i> Connect the tap in its normal position of
i) Connect the tap/valve specimen to the use, to the test circuit.
test circuit.
ii) Put the diverter in the bath position, the
ii) With the outlet orifice open and generally bath outlet being artifically closed and
turned upwards, close the seat ( bonnet shower outlet being open and generally
assembly ) using a torque of 1.5 Nm. turned downwards.
iii) Completely immerse the tap/valve speci- iii) Apply a static water pressure of 0.4 MPa
men in water contained in tank. for 60 s. Check that watertightness is
maintained on the shower side.
iv) Apply an air pressure of 0.6 MPa to the
tap/valve specimen for 20 s. iv) In addition, when the watertightness of
NOTE - If the watertightness of the spindle diverter is ensured by one or more 0 rings,
is ensured by a stuffing box, the packing gland apply a static water pressure of 0.02 MPa
is loosened. for 20 s. In the latter case, begin by
applying the highest pressure, then
B-4 PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING THE gradually reducing down to the lowest
WATERTlGHTNESS OF THE TAPS AND pressure of 0.02 MPa. Check that
VALVES DOWNSTREAM watertightness is maintained on the
B-4.1 Water Test shower side.

i) Connect the tap/valve specimen to the v) Put the diverter in the shower position,
test circuit. the shower outlet being artificially closed
and the bath outlet being open the gener-
ii) With the outlet orifice closed and gener- ally turned downards.
ally turned downwards? open the seat
( bonnet assembly ). vi) Apply a static water pressure of 0.4 MPa
for 60 s. Check that watertightness is
iii) Apply to the tap/valve specimen, a water maintained on the bath side.
pressure of 0.4 MPa for 60 S.
vii) In addition, if the watertightness of the
iv) In addition, for tap and valves where the diverter is ensured by one or more 0
watertightness of the spindle is ensured
by one or more O-rings, apply a water apply a static water pressure of
F8vIPa for 20 s. In the latter case, begin
pressure of 0802 MPa for 60 s.
by applying the highest pressure, then
v) ln the latter case, begin by applying O-4 gradually reducing down to the lowest
MPa gradually reducing down to the pressure of 0.02 MPa. Check that water-
test pressure of 0.02 MPa. tightness is maintained on the bath side.

IS 8931:1993

B-5.2 Air Test Under Water 0.02 MPa for 20 s. In the latter case
begin by applying the highest prcssurc
i) Connect the tap in its normal positions then gradually reducing down to the
of use to the test circuit. lowest pressure of 0.02 MPa. Check
that watertightnrss is mnin:aincd 011 the
ii) Place the diverter in the bath position, bath side.
with the bath outlet being artificially
closed and shower 0utlet being open
B-5.3 Procedure for Checking the Watertightness
generally turned upwards.
of Automatic Diverters
iii) Immerse the tap ir. the water contained
in the tank. ( The test shall be carried out with water only. )

iv) Apply a static air pressure of 0.2 MPa i) Conlieci the tap, in its normal position
for 20 s. Check that watertightness is of LLC~. to the test circuit with outlet
maintained on the bhowcr side. orifices open and geneI-ally tul~nz(! Jown-
wards. Connect the flow regulator ( SEP
B-2.3 ), to the shower outlet.
v) In addition, if the watertightness of the
divertor is ensured by one or more 0
ii) Put the diverter in the bat.h position, and
I ings, apply a static air pressure cf 0.02
apply a dynamic water pressure of 0 4
MPa for 20 s. In the latter case begin
Ml% for 60 s. Check that wztertightness
by applying the highest pressure of 0.02
is maintained on the shower side.
MPa. Cheek that watertightncss is main-
taincc! on the shower side.
iii) Put the diverter in sho\ver position, check
vi) Put the divertor in the shower position that watcrtightncss is maintained on the
with the shower side outlet being arti- bath side.
ficially closed and the bath side outlet
being Opelid and generally turned iv) With the diverter still in shower posi-
upwards. tions, reduce the dynamic p:-esswe to
0.05 MPa. Check that the diverter has
vii) Immerse the tap in the water contained not disengaged. Maintain this pressure
in the tank. for 60 s and cheek [hat wntcrtightness is
maintained on the bath side.
viii) Apply a static air pressure of 0.2 MPa
for 2O s. Check that watertightness is V) Stnp the water, check that th,_ c!ivcrtcl
maintai~icd on the bath side. returns to the bath positions.

ix) 111 addition, if the watertightness of the vi) Rs-apply the dynamic p:c;;urz of 0.05
divcrtor is ensured by 0ne or more MPa fur 60 s. Cheek Ihat wate;tightness
0 rings, apply a static air pressure of is maintained on the shower side.

IS 8931 : 1993

( Clause )
C-l GENERAL Apply for 60 s a static water pressure of 2.5
This annex specifies the test method for MPa.
checking the mechanical behaviour with cold
water of the body of the taps and valves and C-4 PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING THE
lays down rhe test criteria. MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR
Use a hydraulic test circuit capable of pro-
ducing the static and dynamic pressures Apply for 60 s a dynamic water pressure of 0.4
required and of mail?taining them for the test MPa, this pressure being measured at the
duration. junction of the tap and the pipe. Carry out the
C-3 PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING OF test on the tap and valve as supplied. For taps
MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR UPSTREAM containing a removable aerating device in the
SEAT ( BONNET ASSEMBLY ) IN SHUT nozzle carry out an additional test with the
POSITION device removed.

( Clause )
D-l GENERAL 0 a straight portion of tube, having a
minimum internal diameter 13 mm and
This annex specifies the test method which 19 mm for 15 and 20 nominal size of taps
enables the flow rate of single and combination and valve respectively, with a pressure
taps and velve together with their standard tapping, as shown in Fig. IO.
accessories to be measured for a given pressure.
D-2 APPARATUS ( see Fig. 9 ) ii) a tap and valve connecting nut or socket
of suitable size;
The apparatus consists of a supply circuit and a
test circuit. iii) a pressure circuit, connected to the pre-
D-2.1 The supply circuit assembly consists of : ssure take off tee and to the pressure
measuring device.
a) a device ( A ) enabling the required pre-
ssure to be achieved; NOTE - The connection between the pressure
circuit and measuring apparatus is situated.
b) piping ( B ) with a cross section such
that the test circuit without the tap and a) at the connection level, for all taps ( Fig.
valve to be tested, enables a flow rate of 10a and 1Oc ) except for tap with combined
visible bodies and all mixers with copper inlet
50 percent greater than the flow rate to pipe of 250 mm minimum length ( Fig. lob ).
be measured to be achieved.
b) 200mm above the connection level for all
c) a device ( C ) to measure the flow rate. types of tap.
NOTE - This device may also be placed
downstream of the test circuit, provided it is Example of the fitting of the tap and valve to
separate from the test circuit. the test circuit are shown in Fig. 10.
D-3 TEST CIRCUIT ( see Fig. 10 )
D-3.1 Pipes
The circuit shown in Fig. 10 is suitable what-
ever the type of the tap and valve to be tested. The pipes shall be of metal and their internal
It consists of : surface shall be smooth.

IS 8931 : 1993




: !


D-3.2 Pressure Take off Tee D-4.2.5 Open the valve to its maximum.
‘The pressure take off tees shall b,: made of D-4.2.6 Supply the test circuit and adjust the
brass and machined to the dimension as speci- dynamic pressure to 0.3 MPu.
fied in Table 10.
D-4.2.7 When a stable, continuous few has
D-4 TEST CONDITIONS been established, measure the corresponding
flow rate.
D-4.1 Precision of the Measurements
D-4.2.8 For greater accuracy, the following
The precicion c:f the device for measuring the procedure is rccommcndcd:
flow rates and pressures shall be & 2 percent.
carry our several measurements of the
D-4,2 Procedure
flow rate ai different v:~lucs of prcssurc
D-4.2.1 Fit the tap and valve to be tested orito ( for example between 0. I MPa and 0.5
the test circuit. MI’s ).
using logarithmic coorclinatcs, plot the
D-4.2.2 For combination taps with two inlets,
curve of the flow rate ( Q ) ;I!, a function
the test shall he carried out on each of these
of the piescurc ( P );
inlets separately.
determine 0li this curve Ihe value of the
D-4.2.3 For combination tap with combined fl<)w rate correspondiny to the prcssul-e
visible body, reduce, if necessary the 1el:gth of of 0.3 MPiI.
the supply tubes to a value of 250 mm.
D-4.2.4 For the tap., and valves which cannot
be connected (directly to the test circuit It i$ recommended that the mea\uring applla-
connector, use iritermctfiatc COIlilCCtill~ device: ncc< and the test circuit be c;llihr-aleil at rcgulai
which have minimum hcnd Iohs. intcrvnl\.

IS 8931 : 1993

All dimensions in millimetres.

Table 10 Dimensions of Pressure Take Off Tee
( All dimensmns in mlllimetres. )
Nomi- Thread Legends ( ser Fig. I I ) Width Bolts
nal Size -_---- ______ --_-A________-___-_~-, Across r--_~__7
Size A’RCDEFCHJK L MN 0 Flats Num- Six
:; G 3/4
I/2 13
19 34
41 55
62 26
21 35
31 43
50 59
66 27
29 lo” 12.4
12.5 f: 15
17 0.5
0.6 32
;7 : MSXlh
M4x 16

“Conforming to IS 2643 ( PJrt 3 ) : 197.5.

( Clfltrse 10 )
E-l SCALE OF SAMPLING selection, procedures given in JS 4905 : 1968
may be followed.
E-l.1 Cot
111any consig:!mcnt, all the items ( Pillar taps FOR CONFORMITY
bib taps, combination tap assembly, stop valves
and atlgle stop valves ) made of the same E-2.1 All the taps and valves selected according
material, of the same nominal size and from to E-l.3 shall be examined for material ( 5.5.1 ),
the same batch of manufacture shall be grouped manufacture, workmarrship and construction
together to constitute a lot. ( 6 ), ciimensions ( 7), and finish ( 8). A sample
item failing to satisfy one or more of these
E-l.2 For ascertaining the conformity of mate-
requirements shall he considered as defective.
rial in the lot to the requirements of this speci-
fication, sample shall be tested from each lot E-2.1.1 The lot shall be consictcled to have
separately. satixficd thcsc requirements if the nunlhcr of
defective itcn;s found in the san~plc is less than
E-l.3 The number of items to he selecttd from
or Equal to the corresponding acccptancc
the lot shall depend on the size of the lot and number given in co1 3 of Tsble Il.
shall be accord in& to Table 11.
E-2.2 The lot having been fount! satisfactory
Table 11 Scale of Sampling and Criteria according to E-2.1 shall be further tcstcci for
for Coriformity performance test specified under 9.2. For thi,
No. of Taps and Sample Acccplancr: Sub- purpose, as sub-sample of taps and Valves given
Valves io the Lot Size Number Sample in co1 4 of Table 1 I shall he take!; and subjected
(1) ( 2; (3) (4) to these tests. The number of items J.cquireci
up to 150 0 S in the sub-sample may be taken from those
151 to 300 0 13
301 to 500 :: 13 alre;tdv exam i II ed and found sat isfactor)
501 to 1 000 : 20 accorciing to E-2.1.
1 001 to 3 oco :: 32 E-2.2.1 The lot shall be consiticred to have
3 001 and above 80 : 32
satibfLzd the requirement\ for these tchta rf
E-1.3.1 These items shall he selected at rarldom none of tap and valve\ in the sub-sample f:liIs irl
from the lot, in order to ensure randomness of any of these tests.
IS 8931 : 1993

( foreword )
Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings Sectional Committee, CED 3
C/airman Representing
SIJRI S. PRAKASH Delhi Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Undertaking, New
SHRI P. K. JAIN I Akwrate to
Shri S. Prakash )
ADVISOR ( PHE ) Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Orgniza-
Dr ADVISFR ( PHE ) ( AIternatc ) tion, New Delhi
SHRI J. K. AGGARWAL M/s Govardhan Das P. A. ( Calcutta), Calcutta
SIJIU ARIJN KANTI BISWAS Natio;o~~;ironmentnl Engineering Research Institute (CSIR).

i)R T. K. DAN Central Glass and Ceramic Research Insitute (CSIR), Calcutta
SHRI G. DHAMODARAM E.I.D. Parry ( India ) Limited, Madras
SHRI V. GOPAL ( Altcvwatr )
HYDRAULIC ENGINEER Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay, Bombay
SHRI D. K. KANUNGO National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI R. KAPOOR ( Alternate )
SHRI K. LAKSHMI NARAYAnA Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, Visakhapatnam
SHRI A. SHARIFF ( Alternntc )
MANAGING DIRECTOR Kerala Water Authority, Trivandrum
CHIEF ENGINEER ( PB & G ) ( A[fermte )
SHRI M. M. MISTRY National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI A. G. DHONGADE ( Altfrtlnte )
SHRI S. K. NEOC~I lnstitution of Public Health Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRI A. K. SFNGUPTA ( Alterwtr )
SIIRI Y. N. RAO Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters, New Delhi
MAJ P. NAC; ( Altc~rmte)
SFJRIR. H. ROTITHOR Kirloskar Brothers Limited, Pune
SHRI S. D. JOSHI ( .-lhrrrafc )
S~JRI D. K. SEIJGAL Leader Engineering Works, Jalandhar
SIJR I B. B. SIKKA ( Altcrnutc )
SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER ( WATT-R SUPPLY ) Railway Board ( Ministry of Railways ), New Delhi
SIIRI R. C. SFJARMA Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, New Delhi
SHRI R. K. SOMANY Hindustan Sanitaryware and lndustrics Limited, Bahadurgarh
SHRI SUIXSH KUMAR SHARMA Central Building Research Instit utc, Roorkee
SHRI S. S~JNDARAM Glass Fibre Technology Ccntre ( R and D ) CEAT Limited,
SUPTDG ENGINEER ( QUALITY CONTROL ) Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Lucknow
MANAGER ( MATERIALS ) ( Altar.riuf~ )
Director General, HIS ( E.x-ofliciu Mmbcr )
Director ( Civ Engg ). BIS

IS 8931 : 1993

Domestic and Municipal Water Fittings Subcommittee, CED 3 : 2

Convener Rrpresenting

SHRI 0. P. RATRA Builc1ir.g Materials and Technology Pomotion Council, New

SHKI J. R. AGGARWAL Govarnhan 17as P. A ( Calcutta ), Calcutta
Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Bangalore
Crlrtr: ENGINI FR ( PPK & D j Uttar Pradesh Jai Nigam, Lucknow
Sull’TDCi EN<iINFCl< ( AItl’rHatC )

C’rrrtl~ E&INI:ER Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board, Madras
SHRI S. B. DANGYAc1-r All India Plastic Manufacturer’s .4ssociation, Bombay
HON QCRCTARY ( Aflernalc )
SHRI A. W. DI-SIIPAND~ National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpllr
SlIRI K. c. l)lXlT ( ffl?CVxate )
DIRECTVK Maharashtra Engixcring Research Institute, Nasik

Municipal Corporation of Grcatcr Bombay, Bombay

SHRI K. v. KRIStINAMuRTIry Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters, New Delhi

SIJRI K. B. SING11 ( Aitet-nclt C )
SllRI G. A. LUHAK Bombay Metal and Alloys Mfg Co Private Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. S. MIRCXANDANI Phenoweld Polymer Private Ltd, Bombay
SlIRl p. R. <>uPTA ( ff/tcf?late )
StlRI S. PRAKASH Delhi Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Undertaking, New
SHRI RAKI-SKI RATHCXJR Sant Valves Private Ltd, Jalandhar
Sl~Rl 0. P. WADIIWA ( Altertfatr )
RFPRFSI’NTATIVE Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, New Delhi
S~l<l D. K. SI:.IIGAl. Leader Engineering Works, Jalandhar
S,,Rl t3. B. SII<K,, ( /!/feY/i0t? )
SrrRr B. K. SINGHAL All Jndia Sanitary Fittings Manufacturer’s Assxiation, Delhi
SllRl JAI (~OLJAI.SACITDEVA ( Ahcrnafe )
~11~1K. K. SOMANY tiindustan Sanitarywarc and Industries Limited, Bahadllrgarh
SliRl SI I~FSH KUMAR SHARMA C’cntral Buil,_ling Research Institute, Roorkee
SIIA~~MA( Alternate )

Standard Mark

The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Br~eau Q/” Ztuliurl
Stmtlurtls Act, lY86 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by RIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bweao of Indinn Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to
promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality
certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use,
in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type
or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director
( Publications ), BIS.

Revision of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards
are also reviewed periodica!ly; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review
indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken
up for revision. Users of Indin Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the
latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards
Monthly Additions’. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BTS giving the following

Dot : No. CED 3 ( 4957 )

Amendments Issued Since Publication

_._____._~-..~__-.._ _~~_ _~.~ _._____~~ ----- ~~-
Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected
-- -_-


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NO. 1 OCTOBER 1995
( KrstNevisbn)

( Puge 1, &use 3.12, line 5 ) - Substitute ‘on’@ ‘an’.

( Page 2, Tuble 1, Sl No. 1, co1 4, line 1 ) - Substitute ‘LCBZ' fix ‘CB2’.
( Page 2, Table 1, SI No.1, co1 4, line 3 ] - Substitute ‘EU’ for ‘FIB’.
( Page 2, Table 1, SI No. 1, ~014, line 5 ) - Substitute ‘bin&’ for ‘Type’.

( Page 2, Tuble 1, Sf No. 2, ~14, line 5 ) -Substitute ‘tide’ for ‘Typt’.

( Page 2, Table 1, SI No. 3, co1 4, line 1 ) - Substitute ‘~rpde’ for ‘Typt’.

( Page 2, Table 1, Sl No. 6, co/ 4 ) -- Delete ‘Gmde 5 of IS 7450 : 1974’.
( Puge 2, Tuhle 1, SI No. 7, co1 4, he 5 ) -Substitute ‘Grade'for ‘Type’.
( PugL’ 2, Tuhle 1, Sl No. 7, co1 4, he 7)- Substitute ‘ABS’for ‘AU’.
( Pugr 2, chr~e 6.6.2,firhI sen:ence ) - Delete.
( Pcrge 2, clcrlrw 6.7. I, limp 3 ) - Substitute ‘than’ /or ‘then’.
( Puge 3, clause 6.13 ) .-- Delete the last sentence arid add the following
aller Ihe second sentence:
‘The knob shall not have any threads so as to screw it directly to the
( Page 4, Table 2, Sl No. 6 ) - Delete ‘24.0’ and ‘28.0’ as maximum
dimrnsions for 15 mm size and 20 mm size respectively.
( Page 5, Tuble 3, Sl No. 4, co1 2 ) - Substitute ‘ccntre’for ‘CCIII~.
( Page 5, Table 3, Sl No. 5, co1 2 ) - Substitute ‘ccnuc of for ‘ceottr’.

( Page 6, T&e 4, Sl No. 5, co1 2 ) - Substitute ‘E’ for ‘F’.

,-;. ..I p_ _. -


Amend No. 1 to IS 8931: 1993

(Page 7, Tdbte 6, St No. 41 cot 2) - Shstihtte 'flnnge' for‘nnge’.

(Page ?, Table 8, St No. 9, cot 2 ) -Substitute ‘ccntn’ fat ‘center’.
(Pqe 10, Fig. ‘ir,-Substitute ‘F’ for ‘P’.
(P&z 10, TubfeY, StNo. 8, cot 2 ) -SuhstiNte ‘~;r’for ‘MAX’.,,, ,
( Page 11, clause 733.3, firsl setience ) - SulwtiNte the following for the
existing: /
“I& seat washer shall be affixed to tbe washer plate.’
(Page 11, clause 73.4, fine 1) - Substitute ‘should' for‘shall’.
(Puge 11, clause 1.1, he6) -!hbstiNte ‘bc’fbr ‘have 8n’.
(Puge 11, &we 8.1, line 7’) -Delete ‘&face’.
(Puge 11, clause g-2, fines 2 and 3 ) - Substitute ‘condition 2 of IS 1068 :
1993’for ‘scrvicc grade No. 2 of IS 4827 : 1983’1,
(Page 11, clause tlA, the 3 ) - SubtiNte ‘condition 2 of IS 1068 : 1993’
/or ‘service grade No. 2 of IS 4828 : 1983’.
(Puge 11, ctdise, line 2) - Substitute ‘or’/& ‘or.
(Page 11, cfaus(! 93.2.1, fine 5 ) -Delete the words ‘and downstream’
( Puge 11, clause 92.2.2, tine 3 ) - Delete the words ‘situakd uptrerm or
(P& 12, cfulrsc 9.23.1,~~t sentence ) - Substitute the following for the
‘This tc$t ia performedto determine thk value of tbe flow rate corresponding
to a maximum pressureof 03 MPa.’
( Page 12, ctuuie 9.233 ) - Substitute the following for the cxiating
‘9.233 The test &At, apparatusand procedureis apc&ed in Annkx D is for
a dynamic system. Alternatively this test may be carried out under a static bead
for tbc amditiom specified in 9.23.1.
W’IB- Ifthefbw ratssp&kd ia sa( &&v&up IOI more at 0.3 MPa,
thb e shall be amdsidercd as not conforming to the rqhemtnts of tbs
qtediiior ’

,’ 2 From the physical test sample obtained in 6.3.1 one tumbler
test sample of about 100 kg shall be prepared. The rest of the sample shall
be preserved for other physical tests. The tumbler test sample shall be dried at 105 f 5°C till free
from moisture and cooled to the room temperature and then divided
( preferably by riffle division method ) so as to obtain 2 tumbler test samples
of about 25 kg each for each sub-lot or 4 final tumbler test samples of about
25 kg each for the whole lot. The tumbler test shall be carried out in
accordance with IS : 6495-1972*.
6.3.3 Preparation of Final Crushing Test Samprd- From the reserved
sample for other physical tests obtained after preparing tumbler test
sample as in 6.3.2, a crushing test sample of abaut 5 kg shall be prepared
*Method of tumbler test for pellets, sinters and sized iron ores.
Amend No. 1, to IS 8931 : 1993

( J%zgc 13. Arrn,~ A ) - Substitute ‘IS 2643 ( Part 3 ) : 1975 ‘Dimioas

trf pipe thrcrds for 1 qtening purposes : Part ‘J I .imitz of sixr (/usl revtiion )’ for
the rxisting entry.

( Png~ 13, Annr \’ A) - Delete the wonf ‘IS 4694 : 1968’. ‘IS 4827 : 1983’,
‘IS 4X28 : lwu’, ‘I ; 7008 (Parts 1,2,3 and 4 ) : 1988 awl IS 7450 : 1974’ and
H&l ‘IS 1MR : lQ’0 Specification for elcrlr~~plrtcd coating of niclrcl plus
~+~romium and c0pri.r plus nirkrl plus chromium’.

( I’agc 14, Anw r R, clause B-4, Heading ) -. Dclrtc ‘TAPS AND’

1Pq,v 14,Amwr l3,clmue R-4.1(i) and (iii) 1 .-‘-.lLklcte the word ‘tap’.
1 PnRe I4,Annr~ R, cfuu.w H-U(iv) 1-..- T)clctetheword ‘lap and’.
1 Prq~ 14,Annc\ R, r/mire B&!(i) and (iii) j klek the word ‘tap’.

[ Prrqr 14, Annc~ H, c/ H-4.2(v), lint I 1 -- K)rlcle the word ‘tapl and’.
( I’qy 16, Annc~rc‘, &rrse C-2, line 2 ) -~~ I’Jcirle the words ‘and dynamic’

( ?‘tr~r 16, ~nrt~x C, C-4. ffadinx ) Srrh<fitute the following for IIW


( F’ngc 16, Annr~r C, rlouse C-4 ) - Substirufr the following for the existing

‘KmrJve the txlnnei aswmhly and cltae the txjnrrrt end and the outlet with a
plug. Apply for 60 s a sIatic water pnssure of 2.5 MPa, this pressure being
utr;1surd at the juncfion of the valve and the pipe. Thcrp should not he any
deformation or lcakrgr in the body.’

( F’clgc 17, Annt~r D, douse D-4.2.6 ) - Insert ‘a maximum of ’ bctwcxx the

wwis ‘IO’ and ‘0.3 W’R’
, .

( Pqe 18,Annc*~ E, clause E-2.1. line 2 ) - _ Subtitutr ‘S.l’/nr ‘55.1’.

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