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Chatbot for University Related FAQs

Bhavika R. Ranoliya∗ , Nidhi Raghuwanshi∗ and Sanjay Singh∗†

Department of Information and Communication Technology
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, Karnataka-576104, India
† Centre for Artificial and Machine Intelligence

Manipal University, Karnataka-576104, India,,

Abstract—Chatbots are programs that mimic human conver- AIML and LSA is used for creating chatbots. AIML is
sation using Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is designed to be the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) and Latent
ultimate virtual assistant, entertainment purpose, helping one to Semantic Analysis (LSA) are used for developing chatbots,
complete tasks ranging from answering questions, getting driving which are used to define general queries like how do you
directions, turning up the thermostat in smart home, to playing do?, how can I help you etc. This pattern can also be used
one’s favorite tunes etc. Chatbot has become more popular in
business groups right now as they can reduce customer service
to give random responses for same query. LSA [3] is a Latent
cost and handles multiple users at a time. But yet to accomplish Semantic Analysis,which is utilized to discover likenesses be-
many tasks there is need to make chatbots as efficient as possible. tween words as vector representation. So that the unanswered
To address this problem, in this paper we provide the design of a queries by AIML will be viewed as a reply by LSA. Most
chatbot, which provides an efficient and accurate answer for any chatbots basically search for keywords, phrases, and examples
query based on the dataset of FAQs using Artificial Intelligence that have been customized into their databases, yet some utilize
Markup Language (AIML) and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). more propelled strategies. So far no chatbot has possessed the
Template based and general questions like welcome/ greetings capacity to totally trick people into trusting it as one of them
and general questions will be responded using AIML and other through its information of regular dialect [4]. In this paper
service based questions uses LSA to provide responses at any time the need for chatbot in education domain is highlighted and
that will serve user satisfaction. This chatbot can be used by any
University to answer FAQs to curious students in an interactive
designed to provide visitor satisfaction.
fashion. Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews
Keywords—Artificial Intelligence Markup Language(AIML), the related work, which is not exhaustive but only the most
Latent Semantic Analysis(LSA), Pattern Matching, Chatbot, Human relevant ones. Section III briefs about existing applications of
Computer Interaction(HCI) chatbots particularly ELIZA and ALICE. Section IV discusses
about AIML. Section V presents the proposed chatbot design.
Section VI gives some screen shots of the chatbot response
I. INTRODUCTION and finally section VII concludes the paper.
Todays era is having many web based services like E-
business, Entertainment, Virtual assistance and many more. II. R ELATED W ORK
There is drastic increase in the world of web service, where
every thing is now getting associated with web. It is very user Weizenbaum J shows psychological issues related to the
friendly approach to avail everything to doorstep. There are ELIZA [1]. Thomas T [3] provided the way by which the
different types of customer service available like live chat chatbot is planned in a manner that for single template, it
support service, phone(telephone) services. But for all such gives irregular responses. LSA based inquiries are giving right
support services provided by human to human takes time to reactions for random responses.
answer customers query. As the number of clients increases Rashmi S and Kannan Balakrishnan [5] has provided
the waiting time increases as well, which results in poor client the execution of a curious chatbot, which finds the missing
satisfaction. information in inquiry and tests the queries to clients to
One of the important goals in the field of Human Computer gather information that are required to answer the question.
Interaction (HCI) is the outline of normal and instinctive Identification of missing data and querying same to provide
connection modalities. Specifically, numerous endeavors have accurate response. D. Aimless and S. Umatani [6] illustrated
been committed to the improvement of frameworks to com- the usage of AIML tags that will describes the functionality
municate with the client in a characteristic language [1]. and features of each tags associated to build AIML based
Computer based chatbots are getting to be distinctly famous chatbot.
as an intuitive and successful open framework between human
and machines. Chatbot is a manufactured substance that is III. E XISTING A PPLICATIONS
intended to reproduce a clever discussion with human ac-
complices through their regular language. Currently, chatbots ”Chatbots are program that interact with humans using nat-
are utilized by a great many web clients to intercede access ural language” [5]. Chatbots are used in many organizational
to information or learning bases and furthermore to do non domains where it can replace humans. Such systems are based
specific discussions [2]. on the ways ELIZA or ALICE communicates.

978-1-5090-6367-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1525

1) ELIZA: ELIZA [5] is the primary chatbot created by class of data object called an AIML object that describes the
Joseph Weizenbaum utilizing a keyword coordinating strategy. behavior of computer programs. It consist of units or tag called
The thought was to persuade the client info and look for certain topics and categories. In AIML, categories are basic unit of
keywords, if a catchphrase was discovered then the appropriate knowledge. Each category consists of pattern which contains
response was recovered. In the event that a catchphrase is not input and template which contain answer of chatbot. Besides,
present then ELIZA would proceed, as per indicated principles, there are some optional context called “that” and “topic”. Tag,
to get more data from the client to keep the discussion < that > contain chatbot’s last utterance and < topic >
going. Consider the accompanying case to see how this would contain a collection of categories together. AIML consists of
function. words, underscore, symbols and wild card symbol like and
User: How would I be able to get good result?
There are three types of AIML classes:
At that point the chatbot would recognize the catch-
phrase result and would discover an association 1) Atomic categories
amongst result and subject and it would react with 2) Default categories
a question. 3) Recursive categories
ELIZA: Please provide more information about your subject. Atomic category : It is a sort of AIML classification
The chatbot does not comprehend what it is stating. It where there is a exact match.
just creates about as indicated by guidelines and for < category >
this situation there was a control connecting family < pattern >How are you< /pattern >
and mother. At that point it needed to create an answer < template >I am fine!< /template >
that would urge the client to present another question < /category >
with the trust of finding a keyword. But more often In the above illustration if the client submits How are you
than not ELIZA gives standard answers if a keyword then the chatbot will answer with I am fine!.
is not found.
Default category : It is a kind of AIML class where the
There are some interesting examples, even we can try some utilization of a wild card symbols, for example, * is utilized
different examples. Code 1 gives a decent case of talking with to coordinate any info.
ELIZA. < category >
< pattern >Who is * < /pattern >
Code 1: A specimen discussion with ELIZA [7]
< template > He is my brother < /template >
Human : You a r e l i k e my f a t h e r i n some ways . < /category >
ELIZA : What r e s e m b l a n c e do you s e e
Human : You a r e n o t v e r y a g g r e s s i v e . In the event that ALICE does not discover an answer utilizing
ELIZA : What makes you t o t h i n k I am n o t a g g r e s s i v e the main classification it continues to the next. For such
Human : You don ’ t a r g u e w i t h me . situation if a client submits Who is Joy then ALICE will
ELIZA : Why do you t h i n k I don ’ t a r g u e w i t h you search until the wild symbol and if there is a match it will
Human : You a r e a f r a i d o f me .
ELIZA : Does i t p l e a s e you t o b e l i e v e I am a f r a i d
accompany the appropriate response.

2) ALICE: ALICE is developed by Richard Wallace in Recursive category : It is a type of an AIML classification
1995 [8]. It utilizes design coordinating and stores the data in where exceptional labels are utilized to allude to a recursion
Artificial Intelligence Mark-up Language records. An AIML to persuade the user to be more particular.
record is like a XML document that is created to store design < category >
information for chatbots. Code 2 gives a case of a discussion < pattern > Can you tell who the * is < /pattern >
between a human and ALICE. < template > He is my brother
< srai > Who is * < /srai >
Code 2: An example discussion with ALICE [9] < /template >
U s e r : H e l l o ALICE < /category >
A l i c e : Hi t h e r e !
U s e r : How o l d a r e you ?
A l i c e : I am e i g h t e e n i n c o m p u t e r y e a r s For such situation the wild symbol * is utilized to decrease
U s e r : Who i s y o u r f a t h e r ? the information presented by user.
A l i c e : I was programmed by Dr . R i c h a r d S . W a l l a c e
U s e r : s o you a r e a s o f t w a r e p r o g r a m ?
A l i c e : I n t e r e s t i n g d e d u c t i o n . Thanks and you a r e a A. AIML Tags
d e l i g h t f u l p e r s o n t o o . Am I a s o f t w a r e p r o g r a m ?
U s e r : w o n d e r f u l ! So what ’ s y o u r f a v o r i t e f o o d ALICE? Different type of AIML tags are:
A l i c e : Yeah t h a t ’ s r i g h t ! I r e q u i r e o n l y e l e c t r i c i t y
• < aiml > tag :
AIML files start with tag < aiml > and ends with
IV. A RTIFICIAL I NTELLIGENCE M ARKUP L ANGUAGE < /aiml >. It also contains encoding and version
attributes that describes the basic usage of AIML.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the base for deriva- Version attribute defines AIML version and encoding
tion of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML). It has attribute describes the character set that is used for

document [6]. Code 3 gives an example of < aiml > ◦ Divide and conquer with the < srai > tag
Code 3: Example of < aiml > tag Code 5: < srai > with divide and conquer
<c a t e g o r y>
<a i m l v e r s i o n =” 1 . 0 . 1 ” e n c o d i n g =”UTF−8” ?>
< p a t t e r n> BYE </ p a t t e r n>
<c a t e g o r y> <t e m p l a t e>
< p a t t e r n> HELLO BOT </ p a t t e r n> Goodbye f r i e n d !
<t e m p l a t e> </ t e m p l a t e>
H e l l o my new f r i e n d ! </ c a t e g o r y>
</ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y> <c a t e g o r y>
</ a i m l> < p a t t e r n> BYE ∗ </ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e>
< s r a i> BYE </ s r a i>
• < category > tag : </ t e m p l a t e>
Multiple < category > tag are used under < aiml > </ c a t e g o r y>
tag. Each < category > tag describes different
knowledge base which is bounded within it. Modeling ◦ Synonyms resolution with the < srai > tag
of this tag is done by using < category > and
Code 6: < srai > with synonyms reduction
< /category > tags [6]. This tag should also contain
<c a t e g o r y>
< pattern > and < template > tags as shown in < p a t t e r n> INDUSTRY </ p a t t e r n>
Code 3. <t e m p l a t e>
I t i s a development c e n t e r .
• < pattern > tag : </ t e m p l a t e>
The < pattern > tag states the possible user entered </ c a t e g o r y>
query. The < pattern > tag appears as a single
tag, and it should be the first most element within <c a t e g o r y>
< category > tag. Sentences written in this tag < p a t t e r n> FACTORY </ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e>
should be separated by unit space. Words within this < s r a i> INDUSTRY </ s r a i>
statement can be replaced by wild card symbol *. </ t e m p l a t e>
Example given in Code 3 shows that the user has </ c a t e g o r y>
entered query as HELLO BOT which is considered
as query pattern [6]. ◦ Keyword detection with < srai > tag
• < template > tag : Code 7: < srai > Keyword Detection
The < template > stores answer to the user’s query. <c a t e g o r y>
This tag have the scope within < category > and < p a t t e r n> FAMILY </ p a t t e r n>
it should be written just after < pattern >. Almost <t e m p l a t e>
all of the chatbot data is bounded within this tag. Family i s i m p o r t a n t .
</ t e m p l a t e>
Also conditional answers and call to other answers </ c a t e g o r y>
are written within this tag. Code 3 shows the use
of < template > tag where answer (Hello my new <c a t e g o r y>
friend!) is written for the selected pattern. < p a t t e r n> FAMILY </ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e>
• < srai > tag : < s r a i> FAMILY </ s r a i>
The < srai > tag shows an important characteristic of </ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>
AIML. By using < srai > we can target a multiple
< pattern > for a single < template > [6]. So <c a t e g o r y>
AIML interpreter will efficiently answer for different < p a t t e r n> FAMILY ∗ </ p a t t e r n>
user input having similar meaning. <t e m p l a t e>
One can make use of < srai > tag in multiple ways. < s r a i> FAMILY </ s r a i>
</ t e m p l a t e>
◦ Symbol reduction with the < srai > tag </ c a t e g o r y>

Code 4: < srai > with symbol reduction <c a t e g o r y>

<c a t e g o r y> < p a t t e r n> FAMILY ∗ </ p a t t e r n>
<p a t t e r n> WHO I S ALAN TURING? </ p a t t e r n> <t e m p l a t e>
<t e m p l a t e>
Alan T u r i n g was a B r i t i s h m a t h e m a t i c i a n . < s r a i> FAMILY </ s r a i>
</ t e m p l a t e> </ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>
</ c a t e g o r y>
<c a t e g o r y>
<p a t t e r n> WHO I S ALBERT SABIN? </ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e>
A l b e r t S a b i n was a r e s e a r c h e r . • < random > with < li > tag :
</ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y> This tags is used for generating random responses that
<c a t e g o r y> will make a more of human like interaction. Every
<p a t t e r n> DO YOU KNOW ∗ I S ? </ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e> time user will receive the different answer which is
<s r a i> WHO I S <s t a r /> </ s r a i>
</ t e m p l a t e>
fed within the < li > tag. Code 8 illustrates the usage
</ c a t e g o r y> of this tags.

Code 8: Example of < random > and < li > tags • < topic > tag :
<c a t e g o r y> The < topic > tag is utilized to sort out subjects or
< p a t t e r n> HI </ p a t t e r n> points that the chatbot will have the capacity to talk.
<t e m p l a t e> To accomplish this, the classifications that arrange-
< l i> N i c e t o meet you </ l i>
ment with a similar subject are assembled together,
< l i> H e l l o , How a r e you ? </ l i> to enhance the scan for sensible chatbot’s reactions,
< l i> H e l l o ! </ l i> to be sent to client [10]. Code 12 shows an example
</ random> using this tag.
</ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>
Code 12: Example of < topic > tag
<c a t e g o r y>
• < set > and < get > AIML tags: < p a t t e r n>LET TALK ABOUT FLOWERS .</ p a t t e r n>
These AIML tags allows to work with variables such <t e m p l a t e>
as name, location, gender etc. which are already Yes <s e t naem=” t o p i c ”>f l o w e r s</ s e t>
specified in the dilemma to store the data regarding </ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>
chatbot [6]. Tag, < set > is used to define variable
and < get > tag returns the answer stored by < set > <t o p i c name=” f l o w e r s ”>
tag. Both the tag has to be defined within the scope <c a t e g o r y>
of < template >. < p a t t e r n> ∗ </ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e>
Code 9: < set > tag f l o w e r s have a n i c e s m e l l .
</ t e m p l a t e>
<c a t e g o r y> </ c a t e g o r y>
< p a t t e r n> MY NAME I S ∗ </ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e> <c a t e g o r y>
H e l l o <s e t name=” nameUser ”> < p a t t e r n> I LIKE IT SO MUCH! < p a t t e r n>
< s t a r /></ s e t> <t e m p l a t e>
</ t e m p l a t e> I l i k e flowers too .
</ c a t e g o r y> </ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>
</ t o p i c>
Code 10: < get > tag
<c a t e g o r y>
< p a t t e r n> GOOD NIGHT </ p a t t e r n> • < think > tag :
<t e m p l a t e> The substance of < think > is prepared by the
Good n i g h t <g e t name=” nameUser ” />
</ t e m p l a t e> chatbot, however not shown to user. The < think >
</ c a t e g o r y> tag is utilized for information handling, restrictive
explanations and tests that ought not be noticeable to
• < that > tag : user [10].
The < that > tag suggest to the system to identify
the last usage of the sentence given by chatbot. It Code 13: Example of < think > tag
is vital to investigate the most current occurrence of <c a t e g o r y>
< p a t t e r n> MY NAME I S ∗ </ p a t t e r n>
chatbot is critical when the chatbot has raised a query, <t e m p l a t e>
the users reaction should be specified in connection <t h i n k><s e t name=” nameUser ”>∗</ s e t>
to this question. Scope of this tag is bounded within </ t h i n k>
< category > tag [10]. </ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>
Code 11: Example of < that > tag
<c a t e g o r y>
< p a t t e r n> MAKE SOME QUESTIONS </ p a t t e r n> • < condition > tag :
<t e m p l a t e> The < condition > tag is utilized at whatever point
Do you l i k e m o v i e s ? there is a rundown of conceivable responses that is
</ t e m p l a t e> to be shown to the user, the decision of the absolute
</ c a t e g o r y>
fitting reaction depends on the examination of a spe-
<c a t e g o r y> cific variable which was refreshed amid the discussion
< p a t t e r n> YES </ p a t t e r n> among the user and the chatbot. The < condition >
< t h a t>Do you l i k e m o v i e s ?</ t h a t> tag rule is proportional to the “case” command, found
<t e m p l a t e> in many programming dilemma. This tag considers
Nice , I l i k e m o v i e s t o o .
</ t e m p l a t e> variable name as parameters and the value to be looked
</ c a t e g o r y> at [6].
< p a t t e r n> NO </ p a t t e r n>
< t h a t> Do you l i k e m o v i e s ? </ t h a t>
<t e m p l a t e>
OK. But I l i k e m o v i e s .
</ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>

Code 14: Example of < condition > tag
<c a t e g o r y>
< p a t t e r n>HOW ARE YOU?</ p a t t e r n>
<t e m p l a t e>
<c o n d i t i o n name=” s t a t e ” v a l u e =” happy ”>
I t i s n i c e b e i n g happy .
</ c o n d i t i o n>
Being sad i s not n i c e .
</ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>

• < bot > tag :

Code 15: Example of < bot > tag
<c a t e g o r y>
< p a t t e r n>b o t p r o p e r t i e s</ p a t t e r n> Fig. 1: System Workflow
<t e m p l a t e>
<b o t name=” a g e ” />
<b o t name=” g e n d e r ” />
<b o t name=” l o c a t i o n ” />
<b o t name=” n a t i o n a l i t y ” />
<b o t name=” b i r t h d a y ” />
<b o t name=” s i g n ” />
<b o t name=” b o t m a s t e r ” />
</ t e m p l a t e>
</ c a t e g o r y>

The < bot > tag is used to know about the chatbot
properties. This properties can be viewed by user
during conversation [6].

In this work we have developed a interactive chatbot for
University related Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and Fig. 2: Chatbot response snapshot 1
the work flow of proposed framework is shown in Fig.1. User
discussion as a rule begins with welcome or general questions.
User inquiries are first taken care by AIML check piece to
check whether entered inquiry is AIML script or not. AIML
is characterized with general inquiries and welcome which is
replied by utilizing AIML formats. This operation is divided
into three parts:
• User post the query on chatbot
• Processing is done on the users query to match the
predefined format by the developer
• Pattern matching is performed between user entered
query and knowledge (pattern).
Finally pattern based answer is presented to the user to answer
their query. This paper presents the chatbot for educational sec- Fig. 3: Chatbot response snapshot 2
tor, where user (a student or parents) can ask query regarding
college admission, about college information and other things
related to academics. As discussed earlier, user can post their
query on chatbot and response is generated based on pattern VII. C ONCLUSION
matching techniques presented in this paper.
Artificial Intelligence conversational agents are becoming
VI. R ESULTS popular for web services and systems like scientific, entertain-
ment and commercial systems, and academia. But more effec-
Chatbot is implemented to meet the academic needs of the tive human-computer interaction will takes place by querying
visitors. The chatbot is based on AIML language for Manipal missing data by the user to provide satisfactory answer. In
University. This will help the student to fetch information this paper we have proposed and implemented an interactive
like ranking of university, availability of services, university chatbot for University environment using AIML.
environment, updates regarding activities happening inside
campus and many more and other academic information. A As a future work we can make a chatbot which is blend
snapshot of the proposed chatbot is shown in Fig.2 and 3 of AIML and LSA. This will enable a client to interact
respectively. with chatbot in a more natural fashion. We can enhance the

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