Sol 431

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Test Development and Evaluation (EDU 431)

Assignment 1 (Fall 2019)
Total Marks: 20

Question 1
Develop a table of specification for a test of subject (Secondary/Elementary level) of your o
wn choice. Please select only 5 chapters/units for test. Table must include knowledge, under
standing and application as levels of student’s ability of measure.

1. Calculate %age of instruction time for each chapter. 5* 1= 5
2. In table of specification, weightage of each chapter according to its percentage. 5*2 =
3. Balance among levels of learning for each chapter. 5* 1 = 5

One of the tools used by teachers to develop a blueprint for the test is called "Table of Specifi
cation" in other words Table of Specification is a technical name for the blueprint of the test.
It is the formal step to develop a test.
It helps a teacher in allotting the questions to different contents areas and Bloom's learning ca
tegories in a systematic manner.

Step 1
In developing a test blueprint first of all it is necessary to select some learning objectives. Obj
ectives and among this list of learning objectives some objectives are more important in sense
that more time of instruction is spent on them while some other are less important in terms of
time spent on them in classroom so in developing table of specification balance among these
learning objectives is important.
The following formula is used to do calculations for the instruction time for columns of the ta
ble of specifications;

Percentage of instruction time = time spent objective,content (min)

Total time of the instruction being examined (min)

Percentage of instruction time = 250


Percentage of instruction time = 25%

Step 2
Let us assume total marks of the test are 100. Then 25 marks should be allocated to questions
related to objective / content / theme 1.

Step 3
Percent of instruction time = percent of examination value.
Within +2 or -2 percent.
Then 25% of 50 marks will be 12.5 marks. Point total of questions for objective / total points
* on examination = % of examination value.

Sample of "Table of Specification" for 9th Grade

Here is a "Table of Specification" for 9th Grade "General Science" .

Topics (Level) Knowledge Comprehension Application Marks

Introduction and
Role of Science 6 (40%) 4 (26%) 5 (34%) 15 (30%)

= 30%
Our Life and
Chemistry 1 (20%) 2 (40%) 2 (40%) 5 (10%)
= 10%
Biochemistry &
Biotechnology 2 (14%) 6 (40%) 7 (46%) 15 (30%)

= 30%
Human Health
2 (40%) 2 (40%) 1 (20%) 5 (10%)
= 10%
Diseases, Causes
3 (30%) 2 (20%) 5 (50%) 10 (20%)
and Preventions

= 20%
Time500/marks 14 (28%) 16 (32%) 20 (40%) 50 (100%)

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