Drzko Stefanick Daniel Preface

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Copyright 2007 by

Pacifie Press®Publishing Association

Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved

Cover design by Gerald Lee Monks

Baekground textlire resourees from Kwan Choi, Iowa State University
Danie1 illustration by John Stee1
Inside design by Steve Lanto

The author is responsible for the aeeuracy of the transliterations and translations from
Hebrew and Aramaie and of the quotations from and bibliographical data of the
modern authors.

Quotations from the book of Danie1 that are the author' s own translation are shown in
bold italie texto All other biblieal quotations are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW
INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International
Bible Soeiety. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publieation Data

Stefanovie, Zdravko.
Danie1 : wisdom to the wise : eommentary on the book of Daniel / Zdravko Stefanovic.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical referenees.
ISBN 13: 978-0-8163-2212-1
ISBN 10: 0-8163-2212-0
1. Bible. O.T. Danie1-Commentaries. r. Title.

224'. 5 O 77-de 2007060077

Additional copies of this book may be obtained by ealling toll-free 1-800-765-6955 or

by visiting http://www.adventistbookeenter.eom.

07080910 11 • 5 4 321

Foreword 9
Preface 11
Introduction 14
Daniel's Life and Career 16
Daniel as a Biblical Prophet.. 19
Kingdoms of Babylon and Medo- Persia 22
Religion in Babylon 25
Literary Features of Daniel' s Book 26
1he Purpose and Message of the Book. 29
Approaches to Daniel' s Book 31
Greek Additions to Daniel' s Book 34
Daniel at Qumran 35
Influence of Daniel on the New Testament 36

lhe Opening Chapter (1:1-21) 43

Defeat (1: 1, 2) 45
T raining (1 :3- 5) 51
Resistance (1 :6-16) 55
T riumph (1: 17-21) 66
Summary of the T eaching 71

General Overview of Danie12-6 76

Literary Type of the Stories 76
Historical Aspect of the Stories 76
Setting and Purpose of the Stories 77



King Nebuchadnezzar's First Dream (2:1-49) 80

1he King' s Anger (2: 1-13) 81
Daniel' s Requests (2: 14-23) 89
Daniel Tells the Dream (2:24-35) 95
Meaning af the Dream (2:36-45) 102
1he King' s Gratitude (2:46-49) 109
Histarical Applicatian 113
Summary af the Teaching 115

lhe Golden Statue (3:1-30) 119

1he King' s Pride (3: 1-7) 121
1he Faithful Accused (3:8-12) 128
1he Faithful T ested (3: 13-27) 131
1he King's Praise (3:28-30) 141
Summary af the T eaching 144

Nebuchadnezzar' s Second Dream (4:1-37) 148

1he King's Praise (4: 1-3) 150
1he Dream (4:4-18) 152
1he Interpretatian (4: 19-27) 161
1he Fulfillment af the Dream (4:28-33) 166
1he King' s Praise (4:34-37) 170
Summary af the Teaching 173

Belshazzar' s Banquet (5:1-31) 177

1he King' s Feast (5: 1-4) 178
1he Writing an the Wall and the Queen's Speech (5:5-12) 184
Bel(te)shazzar Meets Belshazzar (5:13-17) 189
Daniel's Speech and the Meaning af the Writing (5:18-28) 192
1he King' s Death (5:29- 31) 199
Summary af the Teaching 203

Daniel in the Lions' Den (6:1-28) 207

1he Best Satrap and a Deadly Decree (6: 1-9) 208
Arrest and Sentence (6:10-18) 215


Deliverance (6: 19-22) 222

Release and Doom (6:23, 24) 225
A Saving Decree and the Best Satrap (6:25-28) 227
Summary of the T eaching 230

General Overview of Daniel 7-12 234

Definition and Types ofBiblical Prophecy 234
Prophecy and History 236
Prediction, Fulfillment, and Applications 237
Applications of Daniel' s Prophecies 239
The Litde Horn in History 242
A Synopsis ofProphetic Symbols in Daniel.. 243

Four Beasts and Two Heavenly Beings (7:1-28) 245

Four Beasts and a Horn (7:1-8) 247
God' s J udgment (7:9-14) 260
Daniel' s Reaction (7: 15-22) 270
Interpretation (7:23-28) 273
Applications 278
Appendix A: Literalist and Intertestamental Applications of Daniel 7 286

lhe Vision of aRam and a Goat (8:1-27) 293

Clash Between East and West (8: 1-8) 295
The Litde Horn (8:9-12) 300
Audition (8: 13, 14) 308
Daniel' s Reaction (8: 15-18) 312
Interpretation (8: 19-27) 315
Applications 320
Appendix B: Literalist and Intertestamental Applications of Daniel8 327

Daniel' s Long Prayer Answered (9:1-27) 334

The Confession (9:1-14) 336
The Petition (9: 15-19) 346
The Answer (9:20-23) 350
The Revelation (9:24-27) 353


Applications 363
Appendix C: The Chiastic Structure ofDaniel9:25-27 368
Appendix D: Literalist and Intertestamental Applications of Daniel 9 369

Daniel's Vision by the River (10:1-11:1) .376

The Preparation (10: 1-4) 378
The Vision of a Divine Being (10:5-9) 382
Daniel's Reaction to the Vision (10:10-19) 384
Summary of a Long Conflict (10:20-11: 1) 390
Summary of the T eaching 393

lhe Revelation About a Long War (11:2-45) .395

Conflicts Between East and West (11:2-4) 397
Conflicts Between North and South (11:5-20) 399
Political Activities of the Contemptible Person (11:21-30) 405
Religious Activities of the Contemptible Person (11:31-39) 408
Conflicts at the Time of the End (11:40-45) .'413
Applications 416
Appendix E: Structural Parallels Between Daniel 8 and Daniel11 423
Appendix F: Literalist and IntertestamentalApplications ofDaniel11.. 424

lhe Concluding Chapter (12:1-13) 433

The Rise of Michael (12: 1-4) 434
Waiting for the End (12:5-12) 442
The Rise ofDaniel (12: 13) 449
Applications 450
Appendix G: Literalist and Intertestamental Applications ofDaniel12 453

Bibliography and Index 457

Selected Bibliography 457
Index of Scripture References 462


honored with the meaning
Adventist traditionand
thatinterpretation of many
is fading out in Danielparts
is a of
church. This fresh new commentary by Dr. Stefanovic has the distinct po-
tential to help revive that great tradition. The exposition demonstrates clear
awareness of traditional interpretations, but the author is not ~fraid to take
a new look at where the text may lead. The commentary is both broad and
deep and will appeal to both the casual reader and the serious student, the
curious first-time examiner of Daniel and the long-time propheey scholar.
It begs to be discussed, reflected on, and pondered.
There are at least two reasons this commentary is a must read. First, the
author is uniquely qualihed for his task. As a preacher, college teacher, semi-
nary professor, and missionary, he has dealt effectively with a wide spec-
trum of audiences. From hrst-hand experience, I know he can captivate
both college freshmen and older lay people as well as those in between. His
wide cross-cultural experience as a missionary enables him to be sensitive to
both a book set in an international context as well as a global church. Stefa-
novic has published work on this apocalyptic book in both popular maga-
zines and scholarly journals as well.
Second, this volume takes a broader look at Daniel than any previous
Adventist commentary. Depending on how one counts, there are at least
hve ways each part of the book is examined. First, the author deals with the
broad meaning of the entire book and its major sections. Second, he pro-
vides his own unique translation from the original languages. Third, he
provides textual notes that look specihcally at words and phrases and eluci-
date the texto Fourth, he grapples with the meaning of the various sections


for their original readers. Fifth, he attempts to apply the message to the
eontemporary world. AlI this means that the reader will be led to see Daniel
in a broader eontext than just that of a repository of several major apoealyp-
tie visions. 1his multifaeeted approaeh opens up new vistas for the eareful
You may not agree with everything that Stefanovie says. If you wish, you
may question and argue with what is taught. But don't ignore Daniel or this
book. You ean be sure that what is written has been earefully pondered and
prayed over. You will know that the author loves God's Word and wants all
to understand and be moved by it. Following Dr. Stefanovic through the
story will kindle a new appreciation for the Bible and the book of Daniel.
Be eareful-you may even eateh a passion for diseussing Daniel that is in-

Jon Dybdahl


brother Ranko' s exhaustive study of the

WhileI wasreading the Bible
fascinated as astories
by the child, book of Revelation, titled Revelatíon of
in Daniel' s book as well as its graphic Jesus Chríst. 1)
visionary scenes. At that stage of life, lhe approach taken in this book can
prayer and imagination were the only be described as biblical expository or
tools I had for interpretation. To these exegetical, while the method of study is
were later added serious academic stud- both textual and thematic. lhe com-
ies and the uni que privilege of teaching mentary is organized in the following
this biblical book to both undergraduate way: A general introduction to the per-
and graduate students in a dozen coun- son and the book of Daniel is immedi-
tries on several continents over a period ately followed by an introduction and
of some twenty years. Academic study exposition of Daniel 1, the chapter
has not diminished my fascination with containing a summary of the whole
Daniel's life, witness, and book. On the book' s message. N ext, there is a general
contrary, my appreciation of God and overview of Daniel 2-6 and then intro-
of the messages from Daniel's writings ductions to these chapters, each of
has constantly been growing. which is followed by the author' s trans-
DaníeL· Wísdom to the Wíse is a chapter- lation from the original Hebrew and
by-chapter and verse-by-verse commen- Aramaic in consultation with the New
tary intended to be used by readers and International Version of the Bible, the
students of the Bible. I hope that it will New American Standard Bible, and the
prove useful for personal study of Dan- Revised Standard Version. (I have taken
iel's book. It can also be used as a text- quotations from biblical books other
book in colleges and seminaries. (Ir than Daniel from the New Interna-
comprises a companion volume to my tional Version.) Detailed notes examine


the linguistic, literary, and historical Daniel. But a systematic presentation of

aspects of the original text, while the this biblical topic goes beyond the scope
Exposition suggests what the text of this study and can be found else-
meant at the time it was written based where.2 The present study aims at af-
on what the author most likely intended firming the primacy and authority of
to say. What the text means today is the biblical text while at the same time
briefly explored in the Summary of the offering fresh and constructive insights
Teaching presented at the end of each relating to the reading, interpretation,
chapter. and applications of Daniel' s stories, vi-
Another overview introduces Daniel sions, and auditions.
7-12, followed by a chapter-by-chapter The present commentary continues
and verse-by-verse study and interpreta- the tradition of the intense interest and
tion of each of the visionary chapters. study of the biblical books ofDaniel and
This section of the commentary differs Revelation among Seventh-day Advent-
from the preceding portion in that at ists. Adventist publishing houses have
the end of the chapter, instead of the produced no less than six in-depth books
Summary of the Teaching, two types of and commentaries on Daniel: (1) Uriah
Applications of Daniel' s prophecies are Smith wrote a chapter-by-chapter com-
presented, one in the history of the mentary titled lhe Prophecies o/ Daniel
Christian church and the other more of and the Revelation.3 (2) A part ofvolume
a devotional type of application to the four of the Seventh-day Adventist Bible
reader' s personallife. Commentary, written mostly by W. G. C.
Since the approach in this commen- Murdoch in consultation with Siegfried.
tary is biblical expository, it focuses on H. Horn and edited by Francis D. Nichol,
the text and themes from the book of is a verse-by-verse commentary on
Daniel and on the points of teaching Daniel's book.4 (3) Desmond Ford
that are directly derived from them. Be- wrote a commentary titled Daniel.5 (4)
cause of its focus on the biblical text, The first of the two volumes of God
this commentary is not intended to be a Cares by C. Mervyn Maxwell presents
resource tool providing a wealth of ma- "the message of Daniel for you and
terial on apocalyptic literature nor any your family."6 (5) Jacques Doukhan's
other subject that is explored by other book titled Secrets o/ Daniel presents a
disciplines such as dogmatic theology or study of Daniel' s life and book.7 And
church history. To take one example, (6) William Shea's commentary delves
the topic of divine judgment is addressed into the themes from Daniel' s book
in the Exposition and Applications sec- and their applications in the believer' s
don on the pertinent passages from life.8 N eedless to say, these and many


other books and articles have enriched members of the Faculty Development
my own study of Daniel. Committee generously provided grams
I am indebted to a number of indi- to cover some of the expenses. For these
viduals who have helped me grow in my favors, I feel profound appreciation. I
understanding of Daniel' s book and in am indebted to Becky Masson for her
the writing of this commentary. In the careful proofreading of the manuscript.
first pIace, I thank my God, who, in Last, but not least, I am thankful to Pa-
Daniel' s words, is generous in dispens- cific Press®Publishing Association and
ing wisdom and strength to human be- its presidem, Dale Galusha, for the deci-
ings. As Daniel said, " 'He gives wisdom sion to publish this commemary, and I
to the wise and knowledge to the dis- wish to extend special appreciation to
ceming'" (Dan. 2:21 b). Witholit the David James for his work of the final
insights that carne in answer to my editing of the texto
prayers, this commemary would have
never been completed. Next, I feel in-
debted to my parems, Milenko and
1. Ranko Stefanovic, Revelation o/Jesus Christ:
Jozefina, who taught me to love God' s Commentary on the Book o/ Revelation (Berrien
W ord. I am grateful to my wife, Boiana, Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2002).
and our sons, J onathan and David, for 2. LeRoy E. Froom, lhe Prophetie Faith o/Our
Fathers, 4 vols. (Washington, De: Review and Her-
their support and patience. ald·, 1954); Gerhard F. Hasel, "Divine Judgment,"
It would take much space to list the in Handbook o/ Seventh-day Adventist lheology,
Raoul Dederen, ed. (Hagerstown, MD: Reviewand
names of the colleagues and of the stu- Herald·, 2000), 815-856.
dems from my classes far and near who 3. Uriah Smith, lhe Prophecies o/Daniel and the
have alI provided an inspiration to my Revelation, rev. and ill. ed. (Nashville: Southern
Publishing Association, 1944).
study and writing. A special word of 4. Francis D. Nichol, ed., Seventh-day Adventist
thanks goes to my colleagues and friends Bible Commentary, voI. 4 (Washington, DC: Re-
who read the manuscript and made view and Herald·, 1955),743-881.
5. Desmond Ford, Daniel (Nashville: Southern
valuable suggestions: Tarsee Li, Gud- Publishing Association, 1978).
mundur Olafsson, William Shea, Ranko 6. C. Mervyn Maxwell, God Cares,voI. 1 (Nampa,
Stefanovic, and David 1homas. 1he ad- ID: Pacific Press·, 1981).
7. Jacques B. Doukhan, Seerets o/ Daniel (Hag-
ministrators ofWalla WalIa College and erstown, MD: Review and Herald·, 2000).
the School of1heology kindly voted my 8. William H. Shea, Daniel: A Reader's Guide
(first ever) sabbatical quarter, while the (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press·, 2005).


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