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Manifestors are 9% of the worlds' population.

Manifestors often feel different from other people and often wonder why.

They have access to incredible power which can be turned on suddenly and without warning.
This can sometimes frighten other people and at times, even the manifestor themselves!

Manifestors have to be in control of their lives and really hate anyone to tell them what to do
or how to do it. They need as much freedom as possible to live their life and to carve out their
own destiny according to their own rules.

They are not here to wait, they are here to initiate and have impact on others and the world
around them. If they don’t get the freedom of action that they need then watch out! As a child
many manifestors were restricted by parents, teachers and other significant adults in their
lives who thought that they were either troublesome or difficult in some way. The response of
these adults was to try and control the manifestor child either physically (by restricting their
freedom of movement) or with very strict rules.

Unfortunately, they thought they were taking care of and helping the manifestor child. They
had no idea that this child already knew what it wanted to do and when it wanted to do it. Of
course, for all children, some rules are important but too many can also be very damaging,
especially for manifestor children. For the manifestor child the creation of significant
artificial restrictions by the adults in their life usually has a devastating effect on the psyche
of the manifestor later in life. To the manifestor child it just felt as if they were being
punished and they often grew up as very angry and often ‘misplaced’ people; distancing
themselves from others.

Some manifestors go completely the other way and become people pleasers to avoid the
difficult confrontations that they may have had as a child. Neither way of living is healthy for
a manifestor. Some manifestors, particularly men, can also become violent and very angry
because of being controlled and restricted as a child. They can react very strongly to anyone
in their adult life who is trying to or is even perceived to be trying to control or manipulate
them in some way. Manifestors are very sensitive and ‘tuned in’ when they are allowed to be

They have a natural curiosity and are the only type that can truly initiate action freely. Much
of our world society rewards “doers” but in truth only manifestors can initiate action and ‘do
something’ without having to wait in some way. And it is healthy for them to be this way! It
is very unhealthy for the other 91% of the world to initiate in this way. But even manifestors
need to be involved with other people! In order to survive in a world of people who have no
idea who they are and actually immediately distrust manifestors (because of their repelling
aura) it is best to have a strategy to over come this.

Human Design stipulates that the ideal strategy for manifestors is to ‘inform others before
you act’. Which is sensible advice? In practice this strategy to a manifestor is like putting a
red rag in front of a bull! I know several manifestors who still hate to do this because they
think that they are in some way having to ask for permission to do what they want to do.
Permission is something a manifestor detests having to ask for! It brings up all their
childhood horror stories of control! I always suggest to manifestors that they start informing
with the phrase “I’m just letting you know”. Don’t use something like “Do you mind” or “Is
it ok with you”.

“I’m just letting you know” is what informing is all about. You are not asking permission,
you are just stating a fact about what you are about to do. So in essence this is all that the
manifestor strategy requires. Just tell those affected what you are about to do and then do it!
The only difference is for child manifestors.

The strategy of a child Manifestor is that they should learn to ask permission, which can then
naturally become informing as they get older. Each ‘type’ of human being has a strategy and
this one for manifestors is in a way the most artificial – unlike the strategies of the other
‘types’ which are critical elements for living correctly as themselves.

Manifestors will still be able to initiate healthily whether they inform or not but what this
strategy will do is reduce the confrontations that manifestors can encounter. To avoid
confrontation all a manifestor has to remember is to let people know; keep people informed
of your intentions and actions. This process of informing others will usually stop people from
getting in the way or trying to control the manifestor because they don’t know what is coming
next. Informing will also greatly reduce the manifestors own tendency toward anger because
people will not be giving them as many reasons to get angry anymore.

Although this is a very useful strategy some manifestors can take it a little too far. They
inform anyone and everyone. But In reality it is only desirable to inform those people that
will actually be affected by your imminent action. It is not desirable at all to tell everyone all
the time what you are up to!

The future for Manifestors

Since the beginning of human-kind manifestors were the rulers, the law-makers and the
decision makers. Power was the order of the day and manifestors always win when it comes
down to displays of pure raw ‘always on’ power. They can explode with a terrific burst of
energy from a state of standstill in a microsecond! But in today’s world the emphasis is on
entrepreneurs, democracy, sharing, cooperation, decentralized power. Absolute rulers are not
welcome at all! The purpose of being a manifestor seems to have been taken away and the
new world order has been taken over by the other types.

Projectors are our natural guides and democratic leaders. Generators and manifesting
generators are the builders who are starting to learn that they are just as powerful as
manifestors if they follow their strategies effectively. Even Reflectors have value roles to play
in today’s society. But manifestors? Where do they fit in now? I think this change in the role
of the pure manifestor is a real opportunity for them to evolve. Manifestors who are born
today have the opportunity to relax, be free and have fun in their lives! Instead of being the
autocratic rulers they can be measured by the initiating impact they have on the world.

They can initiate great projects and endeavors but will rarely stick with them right to the end.
The baton usually must be passed to the generator group who have the staying power. But
without the initial force and power that manifestors bring many projects would never get
started in the first place Manifestors are still the only type of human being designed to freely
initiate and with no precedent. Out of the blue, quite unexpectedly they see something and it
happens. What a valuable quality to have.

They can be relied upon to break out from the crowd, to break the mould, to try something
new and different. If manifestors are given this level of freedom they will really be able to
bring their unique qualities into this world. Manifestors have no set pattern of work. They are
not designed to work 9 to 5 day after day until they die.

The world needs people that can do that…but they are not manifestors. Manifestors can make
money easily and naturally in all sorts of different and unique ways. And because of their
desire not to be controlled by others they usually work for themselves eventually. Manifestors
are fast! Most manifestors find the pace of life very slow; it is as if life is in slow motion
around them.

Everything, including their breathing, is faster in a manifestor body! So fear not all you
millions of manifestors out there. With the advent of global communications and
infrastructure coupled to your ability to manifest freely at great speed, and alone, a world of
opportunity awaits both now and in the future! Manifestors still have a very important place
in this world and (as I am sadly reading on many Internet sites) are certainly not ready to be
put out to pasture and quietly retire from the world now that th eir place as rulers has gone!
Don’t believe that for a minute!

The manifestor is perfectly designed to operate beautifully in the complex and

technologically connected world that we live in!

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