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1/3 Profile

The Investigative Martyr

People with a 1-3 profile in their design have an inward focus. The are driven to investigate
and look at the results of their experiences in an inward fashion. Often they may
subconsciously ask the question, “How did that affect me?”

The 1st line of the profile, The 1 is motivated to find out the details surrounding any potential
interaction. The details provide a foundation and stability that the 1st line personality resides
on. An example might be going on vacation. The 1st line will often want to know: Where
they are staying; What activities are around the local area; How they are going to get to and
from the airport and more. The answer to these questions may lead to more questions until
that foundation is achieved. Not all 1st lines are created equal. Some, like in the case of
Dulcy in the chart below will have their need for details amplified by the other aspects of
their design. Dulcy has the gate 48 which longs for depth. Together with a 1st line profile she
has a great drive for detail to make decisions. Others like Nina in the chart below may just
feel the drive for investigation on things they are passionately involved in.

The 3rd line of the profile is driven to learn through experience or experimentation. Again the
results of which are analyzed in “What affect did that have on me?”. It is through the
experience of things that work well and things that don’t work so well that the 3rd line
becomes wise about the best way to do things. Once the wisdom occurs the 3rd line will look
to repeat the positive results and minimize or eliminate the negative or unproductive

Put together the aspects of the 1-3 profile provide us with experts on how to do things and
more importantly how not too! You might hear a 1-3 say “Oh don’t do that, I tried that and it
was a disaster. Do it this way instead.” We should all be grateful for the work the 1-3’s have
done to make our life better.

1/4 Profile
Can I please get some foundation?

The 1-4 & 4-1 profiles are steeped in foundation. For these personalities to function they
require a foundational basis which they can rely on as they extend themselves outward to
others. The difference in these two lines is the the orientation. The 1st line is oriented toward
an inward foundation of information, while the 4th line is oriented toward the outward
foundation of key aspects of life.

The 1st line is also known as the investigator. The investigator is driven to know detail. This
is why a 1st line person often asks a lot of questions. Though investigating and asking
questions the 1st line builds up a platform for which they can base their actions on. Most 1st
lines who are going to work with people, whether one on one or as a teacher of many, will
take multiple classes or workshops until they feel the foundation is complete. Part of this is to
feel comfortable. They will often not reach their comfort level until their investigation has
unearthed a deep amount of detail.

The 4th line is also known as the opportunist. The opportunity lies within the foundation of
the 4th line persons network. It is through their network, that 4th lines will most often find a
job, meet their significant other, find their house or their place to live. The foundation of the
4th line is their friends, their co-workers, their home, their family, their job and the groups
they are a part of. Because of this 4th lines will often look to have a replacement lined up
before moving on. When they do move on from friends, job or location, they will likely hold
fast to at least one of these other foundational pieces. For example. if they are moving to a
new city, they will probably hold tight to old friends or family until they are settled in the
new city and have begun to build a new group of friends.

So what is the difference between these two profiles? The difference is that the 1-4 will be
more inwardly or self focused and a bit more driven to get details and or experience. The 4-1
will be more outwardly focused on interpersonal interaction with the investigation coming as
second nature. The 4-1 would typically let the 1-4 ask the questions so they can benefit from
the detailed information in the answer.

2/4 Profile
Come out come out where ever you are

People that have the 2-4 profile, the Hermit/Opportunist need a balance of being alone and
being social. These people are often very socially integrated and have a bubbly or intriguing
personality. These people of are the type that can start a conversation with anyone.

The 2nd line of the profile is called the hermit as it has a need to be alone or have seclusion.
Part of the importance of the alone time is to allow integration of ideas and experiences to
take place. The 2nd line needs to be out of the energy of others for this important integration
to take place. However the 2nd line is not a successful hermit because others recognize that
the 2nd line person can’t live in a cave. Thus the 2nd lines are extended invitations and called
out of their hermit environment.

The 4th line of the profile is an opportunist and the opportunity comes through the network
that this person is connected to. For the 4th line person it is important to constantly be aware
of opportunities that may present themselves through friends, family, peers etc. In connection
with this, the 4th line person requires stability and foundation within core elements of their
network. This foundation is to have stability in the core areas of job, housing and
relationship. Most 4th lines will look to establish the new opportunity before severing the old.
With a job for example, 4th lines will typically secure the new job before giving notice at
their current place of employment. If they are moving they will line up the new location
before moving out of their current housing. The same could be said about the relationships
for a 4th line person.

2/5 Profile
Is this illusion or seclusion?
The 2-5 and 5-2 profiles can add a magnetic and alluring quality to ones personality. While
this can draw others in, it can also create a heaviness or pressure that is associated with the
5th line projection. Ultimately the 2-5 and 5-2 will need to escape the pressure and get their
alone time away form the energy. Lets look at the affects of these two lines.

As we said the 5th line is projective. It is inwardly projecting energy, yet the orientation of
the 5th line is looking outward, watching and wanting to interact with others. The result of
this inward projection and outward view creates a magnetic vortex and other people are
drawn to see what it is about. But since it is a projection the qualities within the projection are
not always real or substantial. There is the potential of interpretation by others that is an
illusion. Others often make a quick assumption about what the 5th line person is really about.
But this quick assessment lacks depth and over time there may come surprise or judgment
when the 5th line person does not match the assumption. This interaction can create pressure
on the 5th line and they will seek recluse from the projection so they won’t be judged.

The 2nd line is called the hermit. So with the 2nd line profile there is also a need to withdraw.
But this need is fueled not by the pressure but by the need for alone time to assimilate.
Anything a 2nd line encounters, whether it is knowledge, personal interactions, or physically
mastering a new skill, the 2nd line needs down or alone time to integrate the new information
or experience. But the 2nd line also produces a projection of energy going outward. Mixed
with the inward orientation of the 2nd line, this energy acts like a beacon that others are
drawn to call out. So try as they might the 2nd line will get invitations to come out and play.

Because of the interplay of the projections, the magnetic draw of others, the pressure to be
alone and the need to assimilate, 2-5 & 5-2’s are social beings, but it can take time to get to
know them. You need to peel the onion so to speak, to get deep into their skin.

3/5 Profile
Experiment and Project the way

Someone with a 3-5 profile in Human Design is driven to take the results of their experiences
and use those to project change and what they see as the Truth to the rest of the world. In
Human Design the 3rd line is called the Martyr and the 5th line is called the Heretic. What
follows explains why this profile carries such heavy names.

The 3rd line profile is driven to experiment with certain things or put themselves in situations
so they can have an experience from which they extract truths. This process has an inward or
self focus. As they go through it they are constantly internalizing what is revealed and how
this impacts them. After synthesizing the impact, they then share the results with world or at
least their local community. Because society judges some experiments as failures the 3rd line
carries the moniker of Martyr.

The 5th line kicks in to share the results of these experiments/experiences in a projected way.
In a broadcast like a movie projector, they not only say “Here is what I learned”, but also add,
“This is how you should change your behavior or yourself to benefit from the Truth I have
discovered.” The 5th line is driven to create this change, often geared toward changing the
behavior of others. This projection also carries an absoluteness to it, as in “I know this is
right.” However since this energy is projected, it needs to be invited. People don’t want
change unless they are ready for it. If the prognostications of the 5th line are not invited then
the 5th line person can feel the oppression of rejection or the insult of being ignored. This is
why the 5th line carries the moniker of the Heretic.

The 3-5 profile can be one of the more difficult profiles to feel at harmony with the rest of
humanity. Between the projection not always being invited and the experiments being judged,
the 3-5 person can feel pressure from the world to withdraw to get out of the heat. Yet the 5th
line is determined to make change and will push the 3-5 out there again, to project the way.

3/6 Profile
It is all in the in the experience

The 6-3 and the 3-6 profiles are bound by a need to learn from experience. The profile is
labeled the Role Model / Martyr or Martyr / Role Model depending on the which comes first.
From an outsider they may see many failures from people with this profile but in reality
nothing here is a failure for all experiences bring wisdom.

The 3rd line as we know is experimental or experiential in nature. It slants this persons
personality to have an encounter and internalize the results. “How did that affect me?”. The
3rd line must try it to know it. People with the 3rd line cannot rely on the experience of
someone else as they must have that experience to know it. The fullness gets lost in words.
There is an inward focus so they can’t just watch anther do it and vicariously experience it for
themselves. They need to know it so they live it.

In addition with these profiles we have the 6th line that goes through the three life stages. In
the first 28 years the 6th line behaves like a 3rd line. So in essence until age 28 we have a
double 3rd line personality. Experiment & Experience. This profile has got to try it! At age 28
the 6th line realizes it is not actually a 3rd line and the orientation shifts. Instead of being
internally or inward focused the 6th line becomes observational and watches how others
experiment and experience. The 6th line continues to watch and build wisdom until about age
50 when they “come off the roof” and step into their Role Model stage. The Role Model is
full of wisdom from experimenting and observing and will get involved when it is
worthwhile to themselves and the others seeking guidance.

The difference between the 6-3 and the 3-6 is in the lead orientation. The 3-6 will be more
inwardly focused on first impression while the 6-3 will have a more outward look. Both
profiles will have outward and inward orientation and typically will start out life more
inwardly focused and turn more outwardly as they mature especially after age 40. By age 40
the experimentation and experience has led to wisdom so its necessity diminishes.

4/6 Profile
The Opportunist and Role model
The 4-6 profile is the only profile within the Human Design system were both lines go
through 3 different life stages. These stages are divided into the first 28 years of life, from 28-
50 and after 50.

At birth a person born in a 4-6 profile lives as if they were a 1-3 profile. They investigate and
look for the foundation of the 1st line. They take to experimenting like a 3rd line person.
They have an inward focus and take the results of their investigations and experiments and
internalize them. For example, “I came up on a stranger rather brusquely in the park and I got
punched in the eye. Why did that happen to me?”

Unfortunately for the 4-6 the investigation and experimentation does not work very well.
There is something about the geometry of the energy where the internalization of the
experiences and investigations that does not sit right.

So at age 28 around the Saturn return, the 4-6 changes perspective. Instead of an inward focus
they venture “up on the roof.” From the roof the 4-6 shifts their perspective to become
observational, with a focus on the actions and experiences of others. Now they watch. They
see the results of others actions and they take the results of these and draw them back to
themselves. “Ah, when that person approached an apparent stranger in the park slowly, with
their hand out stretched, they were greeted warmly. Now I see how I could do that too” The
4-6 on the roof lives somewhat removed or aloof from 28 to age 50, watching and observing.

At 50 or when their Chiron returns, the 4-6 comes off the roof. They now have the wisdom of
the first 28 years and how things don’t work so well and also how it is to be inwardly
focused. They also have the experience of 28-50 and outwardly focused having watched how
it all works. The 4-6 is ready to step into their role model hood. This is not a pushy role
model. This is the wise woman on the hill. If she is asked or it is worth her while she will get
involved and help out. People will seek out the role model for their perceived value.

5/1 Profile
Calling all ye Heretics

Okay, some of you 5-1 profiles out there kind of like the title Heretic and some of you shiver
at the idea of being burned at the stake. But no matter what your position on that title, the
bottom line for you is that in this life time the lead aspects of your personality are projected,
The 5th line is a projection that is magnetic, alluring, repelling and it is not real. The basis of
the projection is your design energies, be they shock, opinions, correction, joy to life, etc.

But the projection is not you actively expressing your energies so they are up to interpretation
of the receiver. Since this is perception is almost all non verbal it is likely to be inaccurate or
incomplete. So the people you meet will often form opinions or impressions of you that in the
long term don’t match the real you underneath that projected field. Because of this dance of
perception, it can become heavy and you are driven to escape the spotlight and be alone.

So 5th lines have this dilemma. The magnetic part of you wants the spotlight but after you
have it for a while you need to get out. When you add in the driving need for change that also
underlies the 5th line, we now have the Heretic. Someone who is calling for change yet we
don’t truly know who you are and what you stand for. You can see the duality here. Beauty
and the Beast all in this one profile line.

With the second aspect of their profile being the 1st line, the Investigator, 5-1’s have a need
for finding out the foundational details too. It is through the details that you can carry that
projection forward. These details or skills that you achieve can help put foundation into the
change that you are driven to make. In comparing the 1st lines of profiles 5-1 to a 1-3, the 5-1
will apply the investigation in a less consistent way. Typically the 1-3 is a fanatic about
questions and detail where as the 5-1 will be investigative on a “need to know” basis.

6/2 Profile
Role Model/Hermit stepping into the light or not?

The 6-2 profile is an interesting blend of personality energies. The 2nd line hermit in
combination with the 6th line progression of life stages can lead to 3 distinct expressions in
the life of a 6-2.To understand the stages lets focus on the progression of the the 6th line.

In the first 28 years or until Saturn returns the 6th line is introspective and experimental.
Coupled with the the hermit of the 2nd line this can be quiet or reserved self experimenting
individual. Though through their experimentation they may have burst of energetic
expression or what might seem like explosions from their somewhat reserved personalities.
The 2nd line hermit will keep pulling them into being alone, but the friends of the individual
will call them out. Overall there is an intensity to the inward focus with both the 2nd and 3rd
lines being inward. But as the 6-2 approaches age 28 the 6th line will give up the
experimentation and head for the roof.

From 28 to around 50 the 6th line is up on the roof. This is a more aloof time for the 6th line
and they are no peering outward, looking at how other people do things. They are trying to
learn about life through the results of others and then pulling in this wisdom and internalizing
it. The roof can feel muted and less engaged. Again with the 2nd line they will want to be
alone and be called out. Perhaps developing a cycle or rhythm or pattern or withdrawing then
going out.

At 50 or around the return of Kyron the 6-2 is ready to come down off the roof and be the
role model. Through the self experimentation of the younger years and the observation of the
middle years the 6-2 has assembled a wealth of wisdom to be shared. But while the 6-2 is a
social being they are reserved. The role model will not be preachy but come out when called
upon. This can be a dilema to the 6-2 and those around them. They can seem aloof or not
engaged. But in reality they are waiting for that call out when they can supply their role
model wisdom for the benefit of themselves and others.

6/3 Profile
It is all in the in the experience

The 6-3 and the 3-6 profiles are bound by a need to learn from experience. The profile is
labeled the Role Model / Martyr or Martyr / Role Model depending on the which comes first.
From an outsider they may see many failures from people with this profile but in reality
nothing here is a failure for all experiences bring wisdom.

The 3rd line as we know is experimental or experiential in nature. It slants this persons
personality to have an encounter and internalize the results. “How did that affect me?”. The
3rd line must try it to know it. People with the 3rd line cannot rely on the experience of
someone else as they must have that experience to know it. The fullness gets lost in words.
There is an inward focus so they can’t just watch anther do it and vicariously experience it for
themselves. They need to know it so they live it.

In addition with these profiles we have the 6th line that goes through the three life stages. In
the first 28 years the 6th line behaves like a 3rd line. So in essence until age 28 we have a
double 3rd line personality. Experiment & Experience. This profile has got to try it! At age 28
the 6th line realizes it is not actually a 3rd line and the orientation shifts. Instead of being
internally or inward focused the 6th line becomes observational and watches how others
experiment and experience. The 6th line continues to watch and build wisdom until about age
50 when they “come off the roof” and step into their Role Model stage. The Role Model is
full of wisdom from experimenting and observing and will get involved when it is
worthwhile to themselves and the others seeking guidance.

The difference between the 6-3 and the 3-6 is in the lead orientation. The 3-6 will be more
inwardly focused on first impression while the 6-3 will have a more outward look. Both
profiles will have outward and inward orientation and typically will start out life more
inwardly focused and turn more outwardly as they mature especially after age 40. By age 40
the experimentation and experience has led to wisdom so its necessity diminishes.

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