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IEEE 1999 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS’99, July 1999, Hong Kong.

PLECS Piece-wise Linear Electrical Circuit Simulation for Simulink
Jost H. Allmeling and Wolfgang P. Hammer
Power Electronics and Electrometrology Laboratory
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract - In this paper a new toolbox, PLECS, for the fast The Power System Blockset models semiconductors and
simulation of power electronic circuits under Simulink is present- switches as inductances in parallel with current sources to
ed. This toolbox provides the means for modeling large power make the simulation continuous even during switching actions.
electronic systems containing both electrical circuits and control- When simulating complex power electronic systems, however,
lers. The program is based on a state-space formulation for cir- the processes during switching are of little interest. Here, the
cuits that consist of linearelements (RLC), transformers, sources,
use of ideal instantaneous switches is more appropriate. Firstly
meters, and ideal switches. Diodes,thyristors, IGBTs and other
nonlinear elements such as saturable inductors can be assembled this yields systems that are linear between two switching in-
by combining linear elements and switches. Thus, a piece-wise stances. Secondly, to handle the discontinuities at the switch-
linear model is attained which leads to a stable and fast simula- ing instances only two integration steps are required. Both
tion. An attached benchmark simulation demonstrates the capa- speed up the simulation considerably. The application of ideal
bility of PLECS. switches in circuit simulation programs has been described in
[2]-[4]. To achieve the goal of improving simulations under
Simulink by the use of ideal switches, a new tool had to be de-
The development of power electronic systems usually in-
volves the design of both the electrical circuit and the control 11. USING PLECS
algorithms. To study the behavior of these systems thoroughly
This paper presents PLECS, a toolbox for piece-wise linear
simulation is essential.
simulation of electrical circuits within the Simulink environ-
For the simulation of purely electrical circuits powerful pro- ment. Circuits to be simulated with PLECS may consist of ide-
grams like Spice and Saber exists. They allow the user to enter al resistors, inductors, capacitors, transformers, voltage and
the circuits as netlists or schematics. However, incorporating current sources, meters, and switches. These latter elements -
complex control structures requires a thorough knowledge of sources, meters, and switches - form the interface between the
the specific program. electrical circuit and the control system. This points towards
Simulink, an extension to Matlab, is a program for simulat- modeling the electrical circuit as one single Simulink sub-
ing dynamic systems. It is widely used for the simulation of system. Its inputs are the commands for controlled sources and
control systems, since even complex structures can be built switches. Measurements taken by the volt- and ammeters are
easily and Matlab provides powerful evaluation of the simula- provided as the subsystem’s outputs.
tion results. Therefore, Simulink is also convenient for the de- Circuits are defined by an input file which has a format sim-
sign of closed loop controlled power electronic systems. ilar to the Saber input file format. They can be arbitrarily as-
However, systems containing electrical circuits cause difficul- sembled using the built-in ideal components or user-defined
ties, in that they cannot be modeled in a straightforward way. templates. Templates are compound components or sub-cir-
Simulink accepts neither schematics nor netlists for electrical cuits that in turn consist of templates or built-in components.
circuits. Instead they must be represented by mathematicalfor- PLECS provides linear elements and switches. At any time
mulae - be it state-space equations or nodal formulation - the switches in PLECS are either short or open circuits. This
which must be set up individually for every topology. This pro- means that before and after the instant of switching the circuit
cess is time-consuming and error-prone. is purely linear and hence its overall behavior is piece-wise lin-
Since summer 1998 the Power System Blockset is available ear.
[l]. This toolbox allows the user to combine the electrical sys- Nonlinear components, e.g. a saturable inductor, may be ap-
tem and the controller in one system model by entering the cir- proximated as piece-wise linear by combining linear elements
cuit diagram at Simulink block level. Although the Power and switches. True nonlinearities must be modelled by voltage
System Blockset also contains components such as diodes and controlled current sources (or vice versa), the characteristics of
GTOs the extensive use of these elements leads to very long which are computed in an external feedback loop. This meth-
simulation times. Furthermore, ideal elements like switches re- od, however, reduces the performance and should therefore be
quire snubber circuits to make the simulation converge. Thus, used minimally.
this toolbox is not well suited for simulating large power elec- Switches are also the basis for power electronic compo-
tronic systems. nents. They can be controlled externally or internally or a com-

bination of both. External in this context means that the control
signal does not directly depend on voltages or currents in the
circuit but is instead supplied by the overlaying control system.
Examples for externally controlled switches are breakers and
half-bridges of VSIs. Internal control variables are voltages or
currents that can be measured in the circuit. The simplest ex-
ample of a purely internally controlled switch is a diode, which
is switched on by a positive voltage and off by a negative cur- Fig. 1: Buck converter
rent. Power electronic components such as thyristors, GTOs
and IGBTs operate according to a logical combination of ex-
ternal and internal switching conditions.

Example: Buck Converter

As an example, Fig. 1 to Fig. 3 show the schematic of a buck
converter, its implementation model in PLECS, and the corre- grid I I
sponding netlist. The voltage source v-src between the Fig. 2: Implementation model of the buck converter
nodes nl and gnd is controlled by the signal input-1
which is imported from Simulink. The transistor is modelled as v.v-src nl gnd << input-1
the ideal switch s-T controlled by the imported signal s . s-T nl n2 <% (gate-1 ! = 0)
gate-1. The switch is closed when the first condition is true, (gate-1 == 0)
i.e. gate-1 is not equal zero. The second condition opens am. am-D n3 n2 >> i-D
the switch. vm .vm-D gnd n3 >> v-D
The ammeter am-D and the voltmeter m - D measure s. s-D gnd n3 <% (v-D > 0 )
the current through and the voltage across the diode. Their out- (i-D < 0)
puts are used in the switching conditions of the internally con- am. am-L n2 n4 >> output-1
trolled switch s-D. When the voltage across the diode l.L n4 n5 = .1
becomes positive the diode starts conducting. The diode blocks r.R n5 n6 = . 0 5
when the current becomes negative. c.c n6 gnd = le-3
The current measured by the meter am-L is exported back r.G n6 gnd = 10
to Simulink. There, it can be viewed with a scope or used in a Fig. 3: Netlist for the buck converter
control loop, e.g. a hysteresis type control (Fig. 4).


10 -
v src
4 U
A. Setting up the Equation System
i-ref + i-L
The algorithm of PLECS is based on state-variable equa- Sum Relay: +/-O.!j Buck converter
tions, where the states represent storage components i.e. induc-
Fig. 4: Sirnulink model of the controlled buck converter
tors and capacitors. A circuit containing only linear
components can be described mathematically by one set of dif-
ferential equations: law. A circuit with e arbitrary elements, i.e. branches, and n
nodes has e - ( n- 1) independent mesh equations and n - 1
x = Ax+Bu (1)
independent node equations. In these equations the voltages
y = Cx+Du (2) and currents of switch elements are left undetermined. After
the elimination of dependent variables, e.g. by applying Ohm's
If the circuit contains one or more switches every combina- law to resistors, the reduced generic equation system describ-
tion (3 of switch positions yields a different linear circuit to-
ing the circuit is obtained. It is valid for any combination of
pology and therefore a different set of equations characterized
switch positions. The variables are ordered as follows:
by the matrices A , , B , , C , ,and D , .Having n switches the
system could have 2" different topologies. Thus, even if not T
all of the 2"topologies are needed in a simulation, the state [x Y I s x U] (3)
space approach is only practical if the matrices can be generat- where:
ed automatically.
For this purpose the independent mesh and node equations
must be set up according to Kirchhoff s voltage and current
i= [.vc e']
(state derivatives) (4)

T For example, for a conducting transistor (i.e. vT = 0 ) and a
y = [vout iouJ (output variables) (5) blocking diode (i.e. i, = 0 ) the specific equation system has
the following form, where the matrices A , , B , , C , , D , are
s = [vs idT (undetermined switch variables) (6) indicated:

x = [vc idT (state variables) (7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U = [v,, isrJT (input variables) (8)

In order to derive the matrices A , , B , , C , ,and D , for a

specific topology from this generic equation system the voltag-
es across closed switches and the currents through open
switches are set to zero. Then the equation system is trans- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
formed to the reduced row echelon form using Gauss Jordan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - 1 0 -
elimination with partial pivoting. In the reduced row echelon
form A , , B , , C , ,and D , appear as sub-matrices:

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I represents the identity matrix. The rows marked with X 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
contain additional information about the switch variables
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
which is of no further interest here.
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Example: Buck Converter 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 010 0 0 1 0 -1 o]
This method is illustrated using the example of the buck
converter. The independent mesh and node equations are:
B. Implementation in Simulink
0 = VT-VD-V,, (10) The state-space equations are embedded in Simulink by
means of an S-Function which is entirely programmed in C.
iL.L = -vD-vC-iL. R (11) The interaction between this S-Function and Simulink is out-
lined in Fig. 5. At any integration step the actual states x and
0 = iT+iD-iL (12)
inputs U are fetched from the model workspace. The state de-
rivatives iare then computed according to (1) and passed on
vc.C = -vc.G+iL (13) to the Simulink solver. There, they are integrated along with
The output variables are: the control system. The user has the choice between various
solving algorithms offered in Simulink’s simulation parame-
ters menu.
At the same time, the system outputs y are calculated ac-
This yields the generic equation system: (15) cording to (2) and written back to the model workspace. The
switch manager decides which set of matrices has to be used.
This decision is based on the system outputs and the gate in-
puts g .
0 0 0 0 0 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 - 1
O L O O O 0 -1 0 0 -1 -R 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 - 1 0 The switch manager constantly monitors the system output
c o o o o 0 0 0 0 - G 1 0 and the gate signals and compares them with the thresholds
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 given in the switching conditions. The switching conditions
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 form the boundary of a specific topology’s validity. If any
boundary condition is violated the switch manager toggles the
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
respective switch(es).

It has been pointed out in section I11 that the number of pos-
sible topologies increases exponentially with the number of
switches used in the circuit. However, not all of these topolo-
gies are actually needed. Therefore it is not practical to calcu-
late all of them in advance. Instead, they are computed as they
are encountered during the simulation. The most recently used
matrices are cached in order to further reduce the computation-
al effort.

A. Dirac Impulses in Switched Circuits

As has been described in detail in [2]-[4] the toggling of ide-

al switches may lead to Dirac impulses due to inconsistent ini-
tial conditions in the new topology. As an example consider
the buck converter in Fig. 1. The transistor T is conducting and
hence the diode D blocks. The inductor current iL builds up
until a time t, when T is opened. In the new topology (T and given x, U ,g,d
D open) iL would be forced to zero resulting in an impulsive
voltage across the inductor. The total voltage vD across the di-
ode can then be calculated as
r i f l

The positive impulsive part of vD indicates that the diode

must become conducting regardless of the non-impulsive part.
In the following topology (T open and D closed) the initial
conditions are consistent and the simulation can be continued.
In order to represent (20) on a computer the system output is
split into two parts. In addition to the non-impulsive part given
by (2), an output impulse-multiplier can be defined which is violated?
implicitly associated with the Dirac impulse:

Fig. 6: Flow chart of the switch manager

The individual matrices C:' and 0:' for each topology

are derived using an approach similar to that described in sec- voltage across the inductor which may lead to false results or
tion III. After toggling one or more switches y") can easily be an aborted simulation.
checked for the presence of Dirac impulses. If y @ ) is non-zero In order to hit the exact switching instants PLECS employs
it will overrule y in the evaluation of the switching conditions. Simulink's zero crossing detector. The boundary conditions
This procedure of finding a new topology with consistent are formulated as continuous functions in which zero repre-
initial conditions is outlined in Fig. 6. If during this process any sents the boundary. These functions are constantly monitored
topology is encountered twice, this indicates that the iteration by the Simulink solver. If the sign of any function changes be-
over t s has become an infinite loop since no topology satisfy- tween two integration steps, i.e. a boundary has been over-
ing the boundary conditions could be found. In such a case the stepped, the solver automatically steps back and performs a
simulation is aborted. bisection style search to track the exact instant of the zero
B. Tracking the Switching Instants
For an accurate simulation it is vital to find the exact in-
stances at which the boundary conditions are violated and In this section, two examples will be discussed that show the
therefore a switching occurs. Consider for example a diode ease of use, the accuracy, and the speed of PLECS. The first
connected in series with an inductor. The diode may open only example is a simple switched network which has been used al-
when the inductor current is zero within machine precision. If ready in [2] because its response can be calculated analytical-
this instant is missed the non-zero current will produce a Dirac ly. The second example contains thyristors as switches that are

controlled both by internal and external conditions. For com-
parison both examples are also simulated with the Power Sys-
tem Blockset and with Saber. All simulations have been
performed on a Sun Ultra 1C/200 MHz.

A. Example I : Switched RC network

Fig. 7: Switched RC network
Fig. 7 shows the schematic of a RC network. The switches
s s
S and operate in anti-phase. When S is closed and open the
capacitor C is charged via the resistors RI and R2. When S is
open and 5 closed C is discharged through R2. The capacitor U
voltage vc is used in a control loop as shown in Fig. 8. Sim- 9
ulink generates a repeating sequence in which the signal rises Switched RC
linearly from 0 to 10 V in 4.9 ms and falls back to 0 in 0.1 ms.
This ramp is compared with VC. As long as vc is greater than Fig. 8: Simulink model of the switched RC example
the ramp signal switch S is closed, otherwise open. The closed
form steady state solution for the circuit is easily determined
When S has been closed at t = t l ,the capacitor voltage is

When S has been opened at t = t 2 , the capacitor voltage is

1 - I,
5 104-.. . . . . . . ... . _ .. _. . .
The resulting capacitor voltage in steady state operation and
the ramp signal are depicted in Fig. 9(a). Fig. 9(b) shows the
relative error of the simulated capacitor voltage with respect to
the analytical solution. The corresponding simulation times for
a time span of 0.1 s are listed in Table I. Of course, in all pro-
0 2 4 6 8 10
time (ms)
grains there is a trade-off between the requested accuracy and
the resulting speed. The poor accuracy of the Power System Fig. 9: (a) Capacitor voltage and ramp signal. (b) Relative errors
of the simulation results compared to the exact solution
Blockset stems from the snubber circuits that have to be used
with any kind of switch. TABLE I
Simulation times for the circuit in Fig. 7 for a time span of 0.1 s
B. Example 2: 6-Pulse Controlled Rect$er Simulation Program CPU time
The schematic of a 6-pulse rectifier is outlined in Fig. 10. Simulink / Power System Blockset 33.49 s
The 3-phase grid is modelled by the 170V/50Hz voltage Saber 6.58 s
sources Va,b,c and the impedance LN = 0.001 H. The DC load is Simulink / PLECS 0.34 s
represented by the resistor RL = 1 4 the inductance LL =
0.02 H, and the voltage source vL = 120 V.
The thyristors of the rectifier exemplify switches controlled In order to ensure a proper start-up of the valve group the
by both external and internal conditions: A thyristor can be reference signal for the DC current iref is kept equal to zero for
fired only if there is a positive voltage from anode to cathode the first 10 ms until the pulse generator is synchronized. After
and will extinguish when the current becomes negative. this period it ramps up linearly to 10 A within 20 ms. At t =
The DC current id is controlled in a feedback loop according 60 ms irefsteps to 25 A.
to Fig. 11. The difference between the reference current i,f The simulation results for id and the DC voltage Vd are given
and id is fed into a PI-controller. Its output is used as the alpha in Fig. 12. For this model an analytical solution can not be ob-
order to generate the firing pulses for the thyristors. The pulse tained easily so that the accuracy cannot be determined. How-
generation is synchronized with the line to line voltage at the ever, all three results show good accordance. The simulation
rectifier input. times for a time span of 0.1 s are listed in Table 11.

3 59
C. Other Applications

PLECS has been extensively used in various projects of the

Power Electronics and Electrometrology Laboratory. In these

projects, hard- and soft-switching converter and rectifier sys-
tems are investigated. Special interest is taken in the develop-
ment of fast control algorithms.
The largest of the simulation models consists of 24 switches
and 20 state variables. However, this is not a limit for the size
of systems that can be simulated with PLECS.
Fig. 10: 6-pulse controlled rectifier


PLECS has been proven as a useful tool for the simulation line to line voltages
of arbitrary electric, especially power electronics circuits in a
Simulink control environment. Circuits are entered as netlists out@g
PLECS y d ?
c DC current
and seamlessly integrated into Simulink as S-functions. Thus, v-1-1
full benefit can be taken from Simulink’s highly accurate inte- 6-Pulse Rectifier
gration algorithms. alpha

Switches are modeled as short and open circuits, the actual generator
state of which may depend on internal and external conditions.
The use of Simulink’s zero crossing detection ensures that the alpha i-en
exact switching instants are hit.
For models where ideal switches are to be simulated PLECS Pl-controller
is superior to both circuit simulation programs such as Saber
and the existing Power System Blockset regarding speed, ac-
curacy and stability.
Fig. 11: Sirnulink model of the 6-pulse conuolled rectifier

30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1. P. Barnard, “New Power System Blockset Enables You to

Model Electrical Power Systems”, Matlab Newsletter, 0‘
pp. 1&11, Summer 1998 .............................

2. D.Bedrosian and J. Vlach, “Time-Domain Analysis of

Networks with Internally Controlled Switches”, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, vol. 39, no. 3,
pp. 199-212, Much 1992
3. R. J. Dirkman, “The Simulation of Circuits Containing
Ideal Switches”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
Conference, pp. 185-194, June 1987 ”
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
4. A. Massarani, U. Reggiani and M. K. Kazimierczuk, time (s)
“Analysis of Networks with Ideal Switches by State
Fig. 12: Simulation results for the circuit in Fig. 10
Equations”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems - I, vol. 44,no. 8, pp. 692-697, August 1997 TABLE 11
Simulation times for the circuit in Fig. 10 for a time span of 0.1 s

CPU time

Saber 39.30 s


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