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The misconception of Beauty Standard in Young Indonesian Woman

Beauty standard has been emerged as a subtle issue and concern for most of youth of
Indonesia nowadays, especially women. There’s not a few young indonesian girl nowadays
who choose to go to beauty salon rather than stay at The Library to explore their potential. At
first, it sounds just fine but at a deeper level, it’s a problem that is hidden in a plain sight. The
negative impact that is caused by putting too much attention about beauty can be seen
through the misery of young girl that is burden by how do they look.
The notion about being in a perfect look in every way hinder their way to achieve a
greater good in life. The worst case here is, unconsciously they are stepping away on their
study and talent, rather they try to fit-in in the world of something that is not permanent. The
outer look beauty is at its very basic nature is something that is not permanent and it become
something that is ironic for young girl to spend most of their time to be focus on something
that is not permanent and leaving behind stuff that is more important and could be an
investment for their future, which is their education. Looking good can follow our step once
we know about our true strength to share to the world.
As it has been mentioned earlier, women is the center of this article because based on
my research, people who’s open to care about looks are mostly women. Is it only women who
felt that way? of course not! Men have that feeling too, but in this article I choose to be more
focus on women due society has put women in a way to be an object of attraction. Women
has been treated unfairly, they have to be such an attractive and sweet person as beauty not
into something women are capable of. The standard that is formed by society insist women to
looked good inside and out, and even made them like puppet.
Now, there has been more and more women who bravely present themselves based on
what they can do and who they can be regardless of how they look. One of an interesting fact
is, the movement of woman to appear based on their capability has been exists ages ago. Take
Coco Chanel for example. In 1989, when women is insisted to wear a skirt Coco Chanel
show herself with pants and shirt with a tie which became a fashion icon. The point of beauty
standard is about making a person feel good about themselves and it has less correlation with
our outer look but more into our inner and true strength, which is our talent that comes with
our education.

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