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The biology of triploid fish

Article  in  Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries · December 2004

DOI: 10.1007/s11160-004-8361-8


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Basant K Tiwary Ramalingam Kirubagaran

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Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (2004) 14: 391–402  Springer 2005
DOI 10.1007/s11160-004-8361-8

The biology of triploid fish

Basant K. Tiwary1, R. Kirubagaran2 & Arun K. Ray3

Department of Life Science, Assam (Central) University, Silchar 788 011, India (Phone: +91-3842-270823;
fax: +91-3842-270802; E-mail:; 2National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai 601
302, India; 3Department of Animal Physiology, Bose Institute, Kolkata 700 054, India

Accepted 8 December 2004

Abstract page 391
Introduction 391
Induction of triploidy 392
Detection of triploids 392
Morpho-anatomical changes in triploids 393
Growth performances in triploids 393
Haematology of triploids 394
Food conversion efficiency in triploids 394
Behavior of triploids 395
Endocrinology of triploids 395
Gonadal development in triploids 396
Future prospects in triploid research 397
Conclusion 398
References 398

Key words: detection, growth, induction, morpho-anatomy, physiology, triploidy


This review deals with major areas of triploidy research in fish. It includes not only methods for induction
and detection of triploidy but also the impact of triploidy on morphology, anatomy, growth, haematology,
energetics, behaviour, endocrinology and gonads in various species of fish, studied so far. The future
prospects of research on triploid fish are discussed inviting researchers with diverse areas of interest in fish

Introduction may be directed towards improving flesh quality

and somatic growth. Induction of triploidy has
Induction of triploidy in fish has been found to be been achieved in many species of fish by treatment
useful for the control of overpopulation, for designed to block the second meiotic division or to
increasing growth in juveniles, and for extending prevent extrusion of the second polar body of the
survival and improving growth in mature fish. egg. Retention of second polar body of the fertil-
Triploids have three sets of chromosomes instead ized egg may happen without special treatment in
of two sets in diploids. Triploids are generally some cases or may result from temperature, pres-
sterile due to irregular meiotic division of chro- sure or chemical treatment of the fertilized egg.
mosomes resulting in reduced gonadal develop- The natural occurrence of triploids in fish popu-
ment and aneuploid gametes. Therefore, in such lations is due to occasional failure of extrusion of
fish, the energy consumption for sexual matura- the second polar body of the fertilized egg
tion may be avoided and more biological effort (Thorgaard and Gall, 1979).

Induction of triploidy Table 1. Methods for inducing triploidy in fish

Method Species References

Temperature treatments (both heat and cold
shock) of fertilized eggs have widely been used to Cold shock Oncorhynchus Thorgaard and
suppress second polar body extrusion for induc- mykiss Gall (1979)
tion of triploidy in fish. Temperature shock treat- Heat shock Oreochromis Varadaraj and
ments are inexpensive to apply and can be mossambicus Pandian (1988)
successfully adapted for mass production by fish Pressure shock Danio rerio Streisinger et al.
farms. Cold shock in general has been most suc- (1981)
cessful in warm water fishes (Thorgaard and Gall, Nitric oxide Salmo salar Johnstone et al.
1979). However, heat shock was 100% effective in (1989)
tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) (Varadaraj and Freon Salmo salar Johnstone et al.
Pandian, 1988). (1989)
Hydrostatic pressure shock has also been suc- High pH & Ca++ Oncorhynchus Ueda et al. (1988)
cessfully used to block second polar body extrusion in
Cytochalasin B Salmo salar Refstie et al. (1977)
rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) (Lou and
Colchicine Salvelinus Smith and Lemoine
Purdom, 1984), zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Streisinger
fontinalis (1979)
et al., 1981), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (Linhart
et al., 1991), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
(Hussain et al., 1991), yellow perch (Perca flavescens) cellular sizes of erythrocytes in triploids are
(Malison et al., 1993), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus increased to accommodate the increased amount of
kisutch) (Piferrer et al., 1994a), and hybrid channel nuclear DNA while maintaining a normal ratio of
catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) · blue catfish (Ictalurus nuclear to cytoplasmic volume (Small and Benfey,
furcatus) (Goudie et al., 1995). 1987). Unfortunately, this method does not always
Chemicals were also used to block polar body accurately reflect ploidy (Thorgaard and Gall, 1979;
extrusion in fertilized eggs of fish. Refstie et al. Wolters et al., 1982a). Therefore, it is generally
(1977) produced mosaic polyploid–diploid Atlantic calibrated using direct ploidy measurement tech-
salmon (Salmo salar) after exposing fertilized eggs to niques. However, erythrocyte volume measurement
cytochalasin B. Smith and Lemoine (1979) reported using a coulter counter with channelizer was
similar production in brook trout (Salvelinus fonti- extremely accurate and rapid method of determin-
nalis) after exposing fertilized eggs to colchicine. ing ploidy in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
Among anaesthetics, nitrous oxide induced high (Wattendorf, 1986). A fluorescent nuclear stain,
triploid yield (79.7%) followed by freon induced Ethidium bromide has been used for detection of
lower yield in Atlantic salmon (Johnstone et al., triploidy in Asian catfish (Clarias macrocephalus)
1989). Either sperm or freshly fertilized eggs of (Thititananukij et al., 1996).
rainbow trout when treated with high pH and cal- Triploid cell contains three nucleoli in their
cium resulted in high incidence of triploidy (Ueda nucleus instead of the two in a diploid cell. Nucleolar
et al., 1988) (Table 1). counts have been used to identify triploid hybrids of
crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and common carp
(Cherfas and Ilyasova, 1980), triploid European
Detection of triploids catfish (Silurus glanis) (Linhart and Flajshans, 1995)
and rainbow trout (Al-Sabti, 1995).
Triploid fish have been identified by various indi- Protein electrophoresis has also been used to
rect methods such as measurement of nuclear and identify triploid fish due to differences in relative
cellular size, counting of nucleoli, electrophoresis of dosage of alleles between diploids and triploids.
proteins and examination of morphology. Direct Liu et al.(1978) used muscle myogen and creatine
methods include chromosome counting and DNA kinase pattern differences to detect triploid and
content determination (Thorgaard, 1983). Nuclear diploid ginbuna (Carassius auratus langsdorfi).
and cell size measurements of erythrocyte are most Allozyme markers at three loci (ADH, EST &
convenient and widely used methods when identi- 6PGD) were used for proving triploidy in red sea
fying a triploid fish (Purdom, 1993). Nuclear and bream (Pagrus major) (Sugama et al., 1992).

Chromosome counting is a highly precise and segregation based on condition factor in the grass
direct method to identify triploidy in a fish carp and bighead carp hybrid. Diploids and
(Thorgaard, 1983). It is a tedious and time-con- autotriploids, which have three sets of conspecific
suming method that generally requires the sacrifice chromosomes, had few morphological differences.
of experimental fish. However, chromosomes can Remarkable morphological similarities between
be prepared from regenerating fin (Streisinger triploids and diploids have been observed in rainbow
et al., 1981; Tiwary et al., 1997) and lymphocyte trout (Leary et al., 1985). However, triploid stickle-
culture (Thorgaard and Gall, 1979) of adult fish back (Gasterosteus aculeatus) had a shorter trunk
without any sacrifice. and larger tail than diploids (Swarup, 1959). Trip-
The DNA measurement of individual cells loid male channel catfish had smaller heads than
with flow cytometry is another accurate and rapid diploid males (Wolters et al., 1982b). Minor differ-
method for triploidy determination. It has been used ences in body depth, predorsal length, width of gape,
to detect triploidy in rainbow trout (Thorgaard fin ray and scale counts have been observed between
et al., 1982), grass carp · bighead carp (Aristichthys diploids and autotriploid grass carp (Bonar et al.,
nobilis) hybrids (Allen and Stanley, 1983), walleye 1988). Morphological differences between diploids
(Sander vitreus) (Ewing et al., 1991), silver carp and triploids have also been observed in common
(Chao et al., 1993) and Amazon molly (Poecilia carp (Gomelsky et al., 1992) and bighead carp (Tave,
formosa) (Lamatsch et al., 2000). Feulgen positive 1993). Tiwary et al. (1999) observed significant
blood cell nuclei were analyzed through microden- differences in the ratio of nine different morpho-
sitometry to detect triploid silver carp (Gervai et al., metric characters between diploid and triploid
1980). The relative frequencies of triploids in a mixed catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis). The ratio between
population of diploids and triploids have been standard length and body depth (SL/BD) was
estimated with iterative mathematical analysis of effective in separating triploids from diploids.
microsatellite DNA data (Krieger and Keller, 1998) Lower jaw deformity in triploid Atlantic
(Table 2). salmon (Sutterlin et al., 1987; Jungalwalla, 1991;
Sutterlin and Collier, 1991; McGeachy et al.,
1996) is the most frequently reported skeletal
Morpho-anatomical changes in triploids
abnormality associated with triploidy in fish. Tave
(1993) observed deformities in the head of triploid
Morphological differences between diploid and
bighead carp and grass carp. In contrast, Fast
autotriploid fish are not apparent in most species
et al. (1995) reported a reduction in frequency of
of fish except grass carp, common carp, bighead carp
deformities in triploid Asian catfish. Only two
and Indian catfish (Bonar et al., 1988; Gomelsky
anatomical differences were reported between
et al., 1992; Tave, 1993; Tiwary et al., 1999). Cassani
triploid and diploid fish including impaired
et al. (1984) reported 95% accuracy in visual
gonads. The first difference was the divided spleen
in some triploid rainbow trout (Okada, 1985).
Table 2. Methods for detection of triploidy in fish
Additionally, muscle growth and development of
Method Species References Atlantic salmon displayed a lower density of
satellite cells, reduced rates of fibre recruitment,
Nuclear and Pleuronectes Purdom (1972) hypertrophy of muscle fibres, advanced develop-
Cellular size platessa ment of myotubes, myofibrils and acetylcholines-
Coulter counter Ctenopharyngodon Wattendorf (1986) terase staining at the myosepta (Johnston et al.,
1999). The profound changes in size of the air sac
Nucleoli count Carassius carassius Cherfas and
and spinal deformities were observed in triploid
· Cyprinus carpio Ilyasova (1980)
Indian catfish (Tiwary and Ray, 2004).
Protein C. auratus Liu et al. (1978)
electrophoresis langsdorfi
Chromosome Danio rerio Streisinger et al.
number (1981)
Growth performances in triploids
DNA content Oncorhynchus Thorgaard et al.
mykiss (1982) Growth rate is an important characteristic for
the genetic improvement in fish for commercial

production (Purdom, 1993). Triploids are expected compensated by a proportional decrease in number
to have a higher growth potential due to sterility and of erythrocytes, thereby maintaining a constant
reduced gonadal development. Growth perfor- haematocrit value for a particular species (Barker
mances between diploids and triploids vary between et al., 1983; Sezaki et al., 1983; Benfey and Sutterlin,
species (Table 3). Growth rates in triploids are not 1984b; Ueno, 1984; Graham et al., 1985; Small and
significantly different compared to their diploid Randall, 1989; Aliah et al., 1991; Sezaki et al., 1991,
controls in mud loach (Misgurnus mizolepis), Atlan- Parsons, 1993; Biron and Benfey, 1994; Yamamoto
tic salmon and two species of tilapia (Oreochromis and Iida, 1994). The one exception was no decrease
niloticus and O. aureus) (Chang et al., 1993; Kim in erythrocyte numbers in rainbow trout O. mykiss
et al., 1994; Hussain et al., 1995; McGeachy et al., (Virtanen et al., 1990). Increases in the size of ery-
1995). Triploids in species such as rainbow trout, throcytes in triploid fish were followed by higher
sunshine bass (a hybrid), coho salmon, Atlantic haemoglobin content per cell (Barker et al., 1983;
salmon tend to grow poorly when compared to their Sezaki et al., 1983; Benfey and Sutterlin, 1984; Ueno,
diploid counterparts (Solar et al., 1984; Galbreath 1984; Graham et al., 1985; Aliah et al., 1991; Sezaki
et al., 1995; Kerby et al., 1995; Withler et al., 1995; et al., 1991, Parsons, 1993; Yamamoto and Iida,
McCarthy et al., 1996). However, triploids have a 1994), but total haemoglobin levels in triploid fish
better growth rate than diploids at maturation in showed variable results in different species. Triploids
catfish and tilapia (Wolters et al., 1982b; Bramick of Atlantic salmon (Benfey and Sutterlin, 1984b;
et al.,1995; Tiwary et al., 1997). Better growth has Graham et al., 1985), coho salmon (Small and
been reported in triploids of tilapia and European Randall, 1989), white crappies (Pomoxis annularis)
catfish at the age of 14 weeks (Valenti, 1976; (Parsons, 1993) and rainbow trout (Yamamoto and
Krasznai and Marian, 1986). No weight gain was Iida, 1994) exhibited lower haemoglobin levels than
observed in female triploid brook trout even after diploids, whereas fish like hybrids of grass carp and
long-term treatment with anabolic steroid, estradiol- bighead carp (Barker et al., 1983), ginbuna (Sezaki
17b (Schafhauser-Smith and Benfey, 2003a). et al., 1983, 1991), ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) (Aliah
et al., 1991), brook trout (Stillwell and Benfey, 1994,
1996) had haemoglobin levels similar to their diploid
Haematology of triploids
counterparts. There was a significant decrease in the
haematocrit value and total blood haemoglobin
The cellular and nuclear dimensions of erythrocytes
after long term treatment with estradiol-17b
are increased in various species of triploid fish
(Schafhauser-Smith and Benfey, 2003a). Increased
(Benfey, 1999). However, this increase in cell size is
enzyme activity was assayed in triploid ginbuna and
spinous loach (Cobitis biwae) (Sezaki et al., 1983,
Table 3. Growth performances of triploid fish 1988). However, this enzyme activity was balanced
by fewer erythrocytes in triploid fish, keeping the
Species Growth References
activity level similar to diploids in per unit volume
Ictalurus punctatus + Wolters et al. (1982b) (Barker et al., 1983; Sezaki et al., 1983, 1988).
Oreochromis niloticus + Bramick et al. (1995) Physiological parameters of blood such as oxygen
Heteropneustes fossilis + Tiwary et al. (1997) carrying capacity, pH and nucleotide triphosphate
Oreochromis aureus + Valenti (1976) (NTP) levels in the blood of triploid Atlantic salmon
Silurus glanis + Krasznai and Marian (Graham et al., 1985) and size of the heart in triploid
(1986) white crappies (Parsons, 1993) were not significantly
Oncorhynchus mykiss ) Solar et al. (1984) different from diploids. Plasma osmolality and oxy-
Lepomis gibbosus ) Kerby et al. (1995) gen consumption recovered earlier in triploid brook
Oncorhynchus kisutch ) Withler et al. (1995) trout after exhaustive exercise when compared to
Salmo salar ) Galbreath et al. (1995)
diploids (Hyndman et al., 2003).
Misgurnus mizolepis NC Kim et al. (1994)
Salmo salar NC McGeachy et al. (1995)
Food conversion efficiency in triploids
Oreochromis niloticus NC Hussain et al. (1995)
Oreochromis aureus NC Chang et al. (1993)
The feed conversion efficiency has been well stud-
(+) positive, ()) negative, (NC) no change. ied in triploid grass carp (Wiley and Wike, 1986),

Plasma hormone levels (ng/ml) Plasma hormone levels (ng/ml)

8 12
7 2n
10 3n
4 * *
* 2
* 0
0 Figure 2. Plasma levels of gonadotropin (GtH-II), testosterone
GtH-II T E2 (T) and Estradiol-17b (E2) during annual reproductive cycle of
female catfish (H. fossilis). (* indicates P < 0.001, 2n–3n).
Figure 1. Plasma levels of gonadotropin (GtH-II), testosterone
Redrawn after Tiwary et al. (2001).
(T) and Estradiol-17b (E2) during annual reproductive cycle of
male catfish (H. fossilis) (* indicates P < 0.001, 2n–3n).
Redrawn after Tiwary et al. (2001). (Benfey, 1999) in triploid fish suggest lower
responsiveness to various environmental stimuli
leading to expression of abnormal behavior in
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) (Henken et al., triploid fish. Triploids were found to be less
1987) and rainbow trout (Oliva-Teles and Kaushik, aggressive in rainbow trout (Boulanger, 1987), ayu
1990b). No significant differences were observed in (Aliah et al., 1990; Inada and Taniguchi, 1992),
protein efficiency ratio, net protein utililization, fighting fish (Beta splendens) (Kavumpurath and
efficiency of energy gain, total energy intake Pandian, 1992a, b), Atlantic salmon (Carter et al.,
and nitrogen balance in these species. Triploid 1994) than diploids. Triploid ayu were less
females, however, showed higher fat deposition in responsive to sound and light stimuli than diploid
viscera (Chevassus et al., 1984; Lincoln and Scott, fish (Aliah et al., 1990). Indicators, such as mini-
1984; Johnson et al., 1986; Henken et al., 1987; mum voltage required for eliciting a response and
Fauconneau et al., 1990) and better muscle number of days spent in learning to avoid electric
pigmentation (Choubert and Blanc, 1989) than shock, in triploid brook trout (Deeley and Benfey,
maturing diploid females. During development, 1995), and lower jumping efficiency in triploid ayu
embryo, larvae and juveniles of triploid rainbow when crossing a barrier (Inada and Taniguchi,
trout do not differ from diploids with respect to 1992), did not differ from diploids.
ammonia excretion rate, energy expenditure, oxi-
dation of glucose and amino acids (Fauconneau
et al., 1986, 1989; Oliva-Teles and Kaushik, 1987a, Endocrinology of triploids
1990a). Still, utilization of protein for energy pro-
duction was significantly lower in juvenile triploids Gonadotropin releasing homone (GnRH) has
(Oliva-Teles and Kaushik, 1987b, 1990b). central role in vertebrates by regulating the release
of gonadal steroids mediated through gonadotro-
pin (GtH). A positive correlation has been
Behavior of triploids observed between brain GnRH and gonadal
maturity in teleosts (Gentile et al., 1986; Amano
The central nervous system (CNS) and hormones et al., 1992). However, there are only two reports
regulate the initiation, coordination and execution available on the nature of GnRH in triploid fish.
of all kinds of behavior. The reduction in cell The first is reduced level of GnRH in triploid
numbers in CNS and reduced levels of hormones rainbow trout (Breton and Sambroni, 1996) and

the second finding is decrease in size and number Triploid males of Indian catfish showed reduced
of immunoreactive GnRH cells in preoptic area levels of maturational gonadotropin (GtH-II) and
(POA) of Indian catfish (Tiwary et al., 2002) and sex steroids in plasma (Tiwary et al., 2001, Figure 2).
low immunoreactivity in pituitary. The low activ- 11-ketotestosterone is a prominent male sex steroid
ity of GnRH in triploid fish may be due to absence in fish. Further study on this male specific hormone
of positive feedback stimulation by sex steroids in triploid fish may show the impact of triploidy on
and/or decreased responsiveness of sensory cells to reproductive endocrinology in male fish.
environmental cues required for gonadal matura-
tion in teleosts.
Female triploid fish exhibited low levels of Gonadal development in triploids
gonadotropin and sex steroids in various species
(Lincoln and Scott, 1984; Sumpter et al., 1984; Triploid males generally show more gonadal devel-
Nakamura et al., 1987a; Benfey et al., 1989b; opment than females. This may be due to fact that
Kobayashi et al., 1998; Tiwary et al., 2001, Fig- triploidy does not interfere with many mitotic divi-
ure 1). Triploid females have a low biosynthesis of sions required in testes (Thorgaard, 1983). Triploid
vitellogenin due to low levels of sex steroids. males in various species have normal development of
However, exogenous estradiol-17b (E2) can induce testes resulting in large testes with fully active ste-
production of vitellogenin in coho salmon (Benfey roidogenic cells (Benfey, 1999). However, impaired
et al., 1989a) and rainbow trout (Atteke et al., gonadal development was reported in triploid male
2003; Kobayashi et al., 1998). Schafhauser-Smith carp (Gervai et al., 1980) and Indian catfish (Tiwary
and Benfey (2003b) observed similar ovarian ste- et al., 2000). There were significant increases in
roidogenesis and gonadotropin induced E2 pro- size of secondary spermatocytes and spermatids in
duction in both diploid and triploid female brook triploid rainbow trout (Lincoln and Scott, 1984)
trout. Either progesterone or E2 was able to and spermatogonia in coho salmon (Piferrer et al.,
upregulate the mRNA levels of estradiol receptor 1994b) when compared to diploid fish. Mature
(ER) in the brain of triploid female rainbow trout spermatozoa were not observed in triploid channel
but they have no co-operative effect (Atteke et al., catfish (Wolters et al., 1982b), Atlantic salmon
2003). This suggests occurrence of ER in the brain (Benfey and Sutterlin, 1984a) and loach (Misgurnus
of triploid female as ER-mRNA and immunore- anguillicaudatus) (Suzuki et al., 1985) despite a
active ER were also previously detected in triploid well-developed testes. Most frequently, the testes of
rainbow trout (Anglade et al., 1994). Female rainbow trout had spermatocytes and morphologi-
triploids showed reduced levels of E2 and T when cally abnormal spermatozoa during final stages of
compared to diploids (Hussain et al., 1995). spermatogenesis (Carrasco et al., 1998).
Female triploid brook trout showed low plasma E2 The impaired development of oocytes and
and testosterone levels after long-term treatment corresponding decrease in ovaries may be due to
with E2 in the diet (Schafhauser-Smith and Benfey, meiotic failure in triploid females (Figure 3). The
2003a). However, the plasma levels of sex steroids impact of triploidy on ovarian development is well
were positively correlated with advancing devel- studied in coho salmon (Piferrer et al., 1994b),
opmental stages of ovaries (Freund et al., 1995). rainbow trout (Lincoln and Scott, 1984; Nakamura
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and flounder (Pla- et al., 1987a, b), masu salmon (Oncorhynchus
tichthys flesus) hybrid females had comparable masou) (Nakamura et al., 1993), plaice (Purdom,
levels of sex steroids in both diploids and triploids 1972; Lincoln, 1981b), channel catfish (Wolters
(Lincoln, 1981a). et al., 1982b), European catfish (Krasznai and
In contrast to females, male triploid fish have Marian, 1986), and Indian catfish (Tiwary et al.,
shown normal levels of sex hormones in most spe- 2000). Salmonid studies have shown lack of oocyte
cies except Indian catfish. A key enzyme in steroid maturation in female triploids at different stages of
biosynthesis, steroid dehydrogenase (3b-HSD) and development (Thorgaard and Gall, 1979; Lincoln
immunoreactive testosterone was localized in ste- and Scott, 1983, 1984; Yamazaki, 1983; Chevassus
roidogenic cells of male tilapia (Koteeswaran et al., et al., 1984; Solar et al., 1984; Solar and Donaldson,
1995). Male tilapia also had normal levels of tes- 1985; Piferrer et al., 1994b). However, some oocyte
tosterone similar to diploids (Hussain et al., 1995). development has been reported in rainbow trout,

25 when compared to diploids during pre-spawning

phase of the reproductive cycle (Figure 4). Impaired
oocyte development in triploid females may be due
15 to inadequate release of vitellogenin (Benfey et al.,

10 * 1989a, b). Thus, triploid fish have a unique brain-

* pituitary-gonad axis, which is affected at each level
of endocrine hierarchy (Figure 5).
Resting Preparatory Prespawning Spawning

Figure 3. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) in diploid (2n) and

Future prospects in triploid research
triploid (3n) female catfish (H. fossilis) during different phases
of reproductive cycle. (* indicates P < 0.001, 2n–3n). Triploid fish have a great potential for commercial
exploitation in aquaculture and as a model for
plaice and coho salmon (Purdom, 1972; Johnson
et al., 1986). Gonadal development was also signif-
icantly reduced in triploid female carp (Gervai et al., Environmental Cues
1980) and tilapia (Chang et al., 1993). Impaired
oocyte development has also been reported in trip-
loid female channel catfish, European catfish and ?
Indian catfish (Wolters et al.,1982b; Krasznai and
Marian, 1986; Tiwary et al., 2000, Figure 4) but not (-)
in African catfish (Richter et al.,1994). Triploid
Indian catfish showed numerous atretic follicles

nucleolar stage Low GnRH
Perinucleolar (-)
stage (-)
Yolk vesicle PITUITARY
Low GtH
Ripe stage
Atretic stage
Chromatin (Vitellogenesis)
Low Vitellogenin

Yolk vesicle OVARY

(Impaired Oogenesis)

Ripe stage
Figure 4. Proportion (%) of different stages of oocyte in ovary
Low Estradiol 17
of triploid (3n) and diploid (2n) catfish (H. fossilis) during Figure 5. Schematic diagram showing the effect of triploidy on
spawning phase of reproductive cycle. reproductive endocrinology in female fish.

basic research. New methods for inducing trip- References

loidy in fish may be forthcoming. This may help in
alleviating the problem of morpho-anatomical Aliah, R.S., Yamaoka, K., Inada, Y. and Taniguchi, N. (1990)
changes encountered in some species. Triploid Effects of triploidy on tissue structure of some organs of ayu.
Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 56, 569–575.
detection methods should have a combination of Aliah, R.S., Inada, Y., Yamaoka, K. and Taniguchi, N. (1991)
precision and cost-effectiveness. Research should Effects of triploidy on haematological characterstics and
be conducted to determine a simple but accurate oxygen consumption of ayu. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 57,
method for detection of triploidy in fish. 833–836.
Allen, S.K., Jr. and Stanley, J.G. (1983) Ploidy of hybrid grass
Growth performance in triploid fish is a var-
carp · bighead carp determined by flow cytometry. Trans.
iable factor in different species. Other culture Am. Fish. Soc. 112, 431–435.
species for cultivation may be utilized for the Al-Sabti, K. (1995) Detection of triploidy in fish using the
induction of triploidy and show benefits of cytokinesis-blocked method for erythrocyte and hepatic cells.
enhanced growth performance. This may open up Cytobios 82, 181–187.
new avenues for commercial exploitation of Amano, M., Aida, K., Okumoto, N. and Hasegawa, Y. (1992)
Changes in salmon GnRH and chicken GnRH-II contents in
triploid fish in aquaculture. The public health the brain and pituitary, and GtH contents in the pituitary in
aspects of triploid food fish production must be female masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, from hatching
evaluated before their introduction into com- through ovulation. Zool. Sci. 9, 375–386.
mercial aquaculture. Studies on growth factors Anglade, I., Pakdel, F., Bailhache, T., Petit, F., Salbert, G.,
such as growth hormones, insulin and insulin-like Jego, P., Valotaire, Y. and Kah, O. (1994) Distribution of
estrogen receptor-immunoreactive cells in the brain of the
growth factors (IGFs) may help further in eluci- rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J. Neuroendocrinol. 6,
dating the mechanism of variable growth in trip- 573–583.
loid fish. Atteke, C., Vetillard, A., Fostier, A., Garnier, D.H., Jego, P.
Since the triploid fish have abnormal physio- and Bailhache, T. (2003) Effects of progesterone and estradiol
on the reproductive axis in immature diploid and triploid
logical features, they provide a unique potential
rainbow trout. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 134A, 693–705.
for discovery of new biochemical and molecular Barker, C.J., Beck, M.L. and Biggers, C.J. (1983) Haematologic
mechanisms in fish physiology. Fish have a vital and enzymatic analysis of Ctenopharyngodon idel-
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