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Q-1 Evolution of Digital Marketing and transform From

Traditional To Modern Marketing


Definition of Traditional Marketing (According to AMA)

“The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large”.

The Premise of Traditional Marketing

 Print Marketing (Newspapers/Magazines/Direct Mailers/Catalogues)

 Broadcasting (Television/Radio)

 Out of Home Marketing (Billboards)

 One-to-One Marketing (Telemarketing)

Factors Impacting the Shift From Traditional To Modern

 Power shift from Business to Consumer  Wide variety of product choices &
saturation of key categories

 Growing amount of communication channels Leading to clutter leads & brands

moving from mass to customized online marketing

 Consumers preference to interactive mediums Traditional channels

(Newspapers, Magazines, TV) had a one-way information flow

 The need to validate marketing with product and service recommendations

Trusted group of influencers/social interactions

 The need for comparison of product benefits to take informed decisions 

Multiple messages need to be heard, understood and trusted upon by target segment

 Higher interaction with product Develop avenues for such interactions

facilitating holistic messaging rather than one off marketing

 Marketing has shifted to being a discovery-led immersive exercise Moving

from forced to messages targeted to large audiences

Rise of the Internet- The Dotcom Era

World Wide Web Leading to an Explosion of Information Share The evolution of
WWW brought with it the development of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) which is the
foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

Emergence of Websites and the Concept of URL

All the websites together constitute what we call the World Wide Web. Websites
contain web pages which are typically documents in plain text with specified formatting
instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

Dotcom Era and the Phenomenon of Modern Marketing

• Modern marketing began to create and use web pages to build virtual information
centers for their products and brands primarily for information dissemination and also
to become the first movers to adapt technology as a part of their marketing activities.

• Phenomenon of Dotcom Bubble

• Post Dotcom Bubble, many interesting business ideas came forth, which a decade
later, would flourish to actually become internet behemoths

• Post Dotcom- Creation of Internet Business Models

• Growth and Impact of Search Technologies

• The biggest impact which internet had on marketing can be clearly attributed to the
rise of search technologies.

• From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0: The Changing Nature of Web

• It is important to trace how the nature of web transformed over the years and how it
impacted internet commerce and marketing.

• The shift from Web1.0 to Web2.0 and now even extending to Version 3.0, has had
a major impact on how marketing through the internet has evolved and continues to
do so.

Growth of ‘E’ Concepts

Understanding E-Models

The key objective of ‘e-business,’ which was set up to help transition of the physical
processes of any business to make them more technology enabled and efficient. E-commerce
is considered to be the sales aspect of e-business and involves a wide variety of internet-
based business models.

The major difference between e-commerce and e-business is that while e-business is
aimed at improvements in efficiency and productivity, e-commerce is a more revenue-
oriented concept which focusses on bridging internal and external systems through improved
collaboration across all commerce-oriented functions, from procurement to delivery.

Moving ahead from business and commerce, the most commonly used marketing term to
denote any form of internet operations is e-marketing. This term is typically misused for e-
business and e-commerce and, as per proper definition, should also be used to denote and
represent marketing-related activities.

The focus of e-marketing is to facilitate the transition of physical marketing and sales-based
activities to a more automated, technology supported system which can drive the product
discovery process.

Online/Internet marketing started with reference to the internet and e-mail-based aspects of
physical marketing and went on to grow and

represent activities aimed at transitioning all marketing activities to web and online platforms
— most primary of them being web-portals, e-mails, and blogs.

Digital- the Next Wave of Marketing

Digital marketing if explained on the lines on the Porter Value Chain concept would include
consumer and data-based technology implementations which aim at introducing and
integrating newer technologies for a more data-oriented highly targeted marketing which is
personalized for every consumer.

Definition of Digital and What It Means for Business

Digital by definition involves storing and transferring data in machine-readable language by
conversion into binary values of ‘zero’ and ‘one.’ It involves a shift from the way data, be it
audio, video, and images, was stored in the traditional mode (analog) to the manner in which
it is presently stored in the digital world.

Key Digital Transformation elements include:

(a) Automation: includes automation of various functions to enable faster and cheaper ways
of performing key business activities

(b) Digitization: involves conversion of physical assets and processes to port them on digital
platforms to be utilized by stakeholders and delivered to customers

(c) Collaboration: helps integrate and share knowledge through a set of tools and practices to
provide customers with a multi-channel digital experience.

Q-2 what is digital marketing ? Emergence of Digital

Marketing as a Tool
Digital Marketing Definition
The definition of digital marketing according to IDM includes ‘the management and
execution of marketing using electronic media such as the web, email, interactive TV,
wireless media in conjunction with digital data about customers characteristics and behavior.’

Key Reasons why Digital scores over other forms of marketing:

Audience Targeting: Cost leverage: Actionable reporting: Location-based messaging:

Quicker funnel fulfillment: Multi-channel reach: Instant customer interaction

Emergence of Digital Marketing as a Tool

The difference which successive marketing concepts kept bringing about till the present
digital marketing era relate most to the manner in which the power of consumer choice has
shifted from being a tame receptor to an active seeker of information.

Push & Pull Marketing

Two types of marketing include:

Medium-initiated contact (Push marketing): This is the traditional type of marketing

where marketing messages are packaged with information pre-configured for a particular set
of users.

Consumer-initiated contact (Pull marketing): Pull marketing involves a consumer placing

his intent and specific interest for a particular type of information and being offered that
information along with marketing messages suited to his intent, query, or profile-based

Digital marketing includes all those techniques and concepts that utilize the intent (pull-
based) action of the consumer to market products and services (in a push-based manner)
which would be most needed, relevant, and of interest to him/her.

Q-3 Media Consumption Drivers for New Marketing

Key drivers behind this change in marketing to digital platforms and the reasons for shifting
consumption patterns:

1. Emergence of internet was one of the biggest factors of the transition to digital

2. Rise of millennial generation or Generation Y

3. Technology advancements in devices and investments in hardware, infrastructure,

location positioning and device memory

4. Advancements in design/UI is becoming crucial.

5. Consumerism/rising global economies in the context of emerging nations since the

past two decades and with the rise of discretionary income across many work sectors.

Q-4 Digital marketing framework

 Delivering Enhanced Customer Value
Understanding Problem-Value Mapping

The core of any marketing activity is to ascertain that the customer has a specific need and
is looking to a solution to meet that need.

There are two sides for any business transaction to occur: The Buy side and the Sell side

There has to be a mapping between the left and right sides and only when the Sell side is
able to identify the right kind of needs and service them with an appropriate kind of
product/service does a business transaction occur.

The term value for a customer would be any kind of tangible or intangible (or a mix of both)
enhancement which a customer experiences

while interacting with any product or service in comparison to similar products/services

which he has used/interacted with earlier.

The problem–value mapping helps entrepreneurs and business owners launch new products
to test the feasibility of product launches in the market.

 Market Opportunity Analysis and Digital Services Development

Market Opportunity Analysis helps clearly identify a market segment (which is ready to
consume their products/services) and a viable revenue mode towards adoption of those
Digital Services Development has also become an important step as products and services
need to be oriented or developed from scratch to suit the digital marketplace and its
consumption pattern.

Important strategies for Digital Service Development:

1. Converting present traditional products to digital formats

2. Looking at avenues to create new digital/virtual avatars of present physical products

3. Understanding the impact and pressure digital marketing is placing on the whole
backend value chain to help provide efficiencies

4. Defining strategies for procurement, production, fulfillment, and channel digitization

5. Realize aspects related to storing of digital products on cloud platforms, the way they
are searched and retrieved, how their metadata is managed, and how they are rendered
onto multiple platforms, devices, applications

 ASCOR Digital Marketing Framework

ASCOR Digital Marketing Framework is an underlying conceptual framework
which helps map the process and progress of the entire digital marketing value chain
and set of activities. The Acronym consists of five phases:

1. Assessment Phase

1. External Analysis

2. Internal Analysis

3. Digital Presence Analysis

4. Objectives Development and Review

2. Strategy Phase

1. Digital Strategy Definition

2. Customer development strategy (STP2.0)

3. Digital marketing mix (8Ps):

4. 6S Digital marketing implementation framework

3. Communication and Channel Mix Phase

1. Digital Media Planning

2. Communication Program Design

3. Channel Mix Development

4. Budget Allocation for Channels

4. Operations Phase

1. Digital Campaign Planning

2. Multi-channel Campaign Set-up

3. Campaign Execution

4. Campaign Monitoring and Tracking

5. Refinement Phase

1. Implementing Web Analytics

2. Defining Measurement

3. Framework

4. Marketing Implementation Rol

5. Digital Marketing refinement

 Application of Digital Marketing

Involves application of specific stakeholder-based scenarios to
understand how digital marketing can be applied by individuals, SMB
(small and medium businesses), and large companies as per their needs
and end outcomes.
Representative Use Cases:
• Individual
• A local orthopaedic wants to build his reputation online
• A Digital Media manager wants to setup online consulting services
• A homebased handicrafts developer wants to increase sales through
online platforms
• A medium business owner wants to build a pan- India brand for toy
• Large Businesss
• An erstwhile top product is struggling for sales and wants to go
online for revenue
• A large brand strong on web platform wants to position its brand as
mobile first

 Critical Success Factors for Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, by definition, cannot change the physical attributes of the product
but in reality it does much more to make it more marketable than competitive. With
the use of testimonials, customer reviews, positive social feedback, and product
championing by top adopters, marketers are able to influence key buyer groups and
create a positioning in their mind which adds tremendously to a positive marketing
‘6i Model’ includes six key elements that in a combined manner help create a
compelling reason for any product/service to be marketed online:
• Intent-based
• Interactive
• Immersive
• Immediate
• Interesting
• Informative



ANS. IMC or Integrated Marketing Communication ensures that all forms

of communications are carefully linked together. This means integrating all the promotional
tools such as advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion etc., so that they
work together to convey a consistent message to the company’s internal and external
stakeholders. IMC plays a very important role in establishing a distinctive and unique Brand
Image and Brand Identity for the company.

There are various components of the IMC wheel,

1. Advertising
2. Sale Promotions
3. Events & Experiences
4. Public Relations
5. Direct Marketing
6. Interactive Marketing
7. Word Of Mouth Marketing
8. Personal Selling
Digital Marketing isn’t a part of the IMC wheel. In fact, it supports each of its components
thereby bringing it to life

 Advertising – Digital Marketing is one of the most powerful means of advertising.

Everything is measurable. Driving conversions is easier, the reach is larger, the target
audience is well defined etc. All these factors make Digital Marketing a very efficient and
effective means of advertising. Some good examples are Google AdWords, Twitter Lead
Generation Cards etc.

 Sales Promotion – There is no better way to drive sales promotion than when your target
audience is in the buying cycle. The result is better conversion rates and lower cost per
acquisition. Search Engine Marketing is the key here. Re-enforcing the promotion through
the actual buying action on the site also helps. Amazon does this well.

 Events & Experiences – The use of hashtags on social media websites like Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter has opened the door to live discussions and events. A few examples
are Apple’s WWDC Live Stream, Sony’s E3 Live Stream etc.

 Public Relations – PR is everything a company or a personality does or says online. PR is

gaining importance with the rise of influencer marketing (brands connecting with social
influencer), digital editorials etc.

 Direct Marketing – Liking a Facebook page or following a Twitter/Instagram account can

be considered as a form of permission to be marketed to directly.
 Interactive Marketing – The use of HTML5 on rich media banners and sites, interactive
apps and media are gaining importance as these are successful in establishing the initial
connect with the target audience and familiarize them with the brand essence.

 Word-Of-Mouth Marketing – This has social media written all over it. It can go viral –
good and also bad. Social Media, which is an important part of Digital Marketing, has given
individuals the power to express themselves, their opinions as well as their experiences. Most
often for the company or the brand the offline truth reflects online.

 Personal Selling – Everyone has had someone (even a bot) try to sell us something through
LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Digital Marketing makes it easy for companies or brands to
target the right kind of audiences and customizing their pitch accordingly. Personal Selling in
such cases is an added advantage which usually yields favorable results.


ANS. Digital marketing is a way to promote brands and products online and through other
digital channels. Most businesses have a specific audience they are trying to reach, and digital
marketing aims to help businesses reach these target consumers through the internet and other
digital avenues.

It’s important for business owners to understand how digital marketing works so that they can
make smarter decisions about their digital marketing campaigns. The key to understanding
how it all works is getting to know each element of digital marketing and recognizing how
each can help you reach your marketing goals. We’ll go through each digital marketing tactic
below and explain how you can use each one for your own business.

1. Website Marketing

In many ways, your company’s website is the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy.
This is where many of your target customers first get an impression of your brand, and more
often than not, this is where your leads will eventually convert into paying customers. So let’s
talk more about how your website plays a role in how digital marketing works.

The goal of digital marketing is to attract, engage, and convert your leads. Many of the tactics
that you will use to do this will ultimately lead your target customers back to your website to
get more information or make a purchase.

Your website is sometimes your brand’s only chance to make a good first impression with
consumers in your target market. For this reason, you should pay attention to the layout of
your site as well as the colors and graphics that you use in your site design.

However, the appearance of your site is not the only thing that matters. Since your website is
the center of many of your digital marketing campaigns, it’s important that it is designed and
optimized for conversions. This means creating a site that is easy to navigate and read with
clear guidance for the next steps consumers need to take to move further down the funnel.
This also means creating a site that optimized for mobile devices to improve the mobile
user’s site experience.
2. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization also plays a big role in how digital marketing works. If you want
to reach and convert consumers in the digital age, you’ll need to start with the search engines.
A recent research study by Forrester found that 71% of consumers start their buyer’s journey
on search engines like Google. If you are not taking the right steps to improve your site’s
SEO then you may be missing out on a powerful opportunity to reach a significant amount of

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your site’s content so that it appeals
to the search engines. The end goal is to rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP)
to increase visibility in your target market. The higher you rank on the SERP, the more
organic traffic you can drive back to your website.

Search engine optimization not only brings more traffic to your website, but it also helps
ensure that the leads you are bringing in are of a higher quality. The goal of digital marketing
is to attract those who are right for your products or services, and SEO plays an important
role in doing just that. By emphasizing certain keywords and topics within your content, you
can work to reach those online who are most likely to be interested in your products or

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing is another important tactic that plays a significant role in how digital
marketing works. Content marketing is essentially when your business creates and promotes
certain content assets that are aimed at attracting and engaging your target customers. These
content assets can be created for a number of different purposes, including generating brand
awareness, growing site traffic, boosting leads, or retaining customers.

No matter which tactics that you use as part of your digital marketing strategy, you will need
to create content to support these tactics. This can be something as short and simple as a
thank you email to someone who has subscribed to your email list. Or it can be a longer,
more detailed piece like an e-book, that describes and provides information about one of the
biggest challenges that your target customers face.

Here are just a few types of content marketing that you might create to support your digital
marketing campaign goals:

 Website pages
 Blog posts
 Social media posts
 E-books
 White papers
 Case Studies
 Testimonials
 Videos
 Images
 Infographics
 Podcasts
 Ad Content

4. Social Media Marketing

 Most brands today are using social media marketing to support their digital marketing
campaigns and drive more traffic to their website. Social media marketing involves
promoting your content and engaging with your target consumers on social media
channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. This tactic is used in
digital marketing to help businesses increase brand awareness, generate more leads,
and improve customer engagement.

One of the biggest appeals of social media marketing is that it allows businesses to reach a
wider audience online. For example, 79% of American internet users are active on Facebook.
If your business is not trying to reach and engage these consumers on the social platform,
then you are certainly missing out on an important opportunity to reach new leads.

Social media not only works as its own tactic, but it can also support all of your other digital
marketing efforts. For instance, if your brand develops an informative eBook that speaks to
your target audience’s pain points, you can use social media to promote the eBook and drive
traffic to the landing page for the download. You can then re-purpose pieces of the eBook for
future social media posts as a way to generate further interest for the content piece.

5. PPC Advertising

Though the goal of your digital marketing strategy may be to bring in as much organic traffic
as possible, your business should not ignore the value of pay-per-click (PPC) ads. PPC ads
are a type of advertising that involves paying the ad publisher every time a new lead clicks on
your ad. Google Ads is one of the most popular and effective types of PPC ads. Google Ads
helps your business appear on the first page of the search engine results.

Though search engine optimization is important, it takes a long time to start working its
magic. That’s where PPC ads come in handy. PPC ads can help you see results more quickly
by putting your site at the top of the search engine results page for relevant search terms. By
appearing on the first page of the SERP, your business gains new visibility and searchers are
more likely to find and click on your site.

PPC ads not only generate more traffic to your site, but they can help you ensure that the
leads you are getting are qualified. Those who are clicking on your PPC ads are consumers
who are searching for the topics that are most relevant to your products or services. This
means that they are more likely to be interested in your brand and the products or services
that you provide.
6. Email Marketing

Email marketing is yet another piece of the puzzle that is how digital marketing works.
Companies can use branded emails to communicate with their target audience. Marketing
emails are often used as a way to increase brand awareness, establish industry leadership,
promote events, and get the word out about special promotions.

The content of your marketing emails will ultimately depend on your campaign goals. Here
are just a few examples of the types of email marketing content you might develop to support
your digital marketing campaigns:

 Send a welcome email when new users subscribe to your marketing email list letting
them know what they can expect to see from your brand emails.
 Deliver promotional content about upcoming sales and discounts straight to the
consumer’s inbox.
 Develop a newsletter that goes out to subscribers periodically to deliver the latest
content and company updates from your business.
 Email leads after they have downloaded content from your site to thank them for their
interest and even recommend additional relevant content pieces.
 Suggest additional products or content assets that your leads and customers may be
interested based on their browsing and buying behavior.

It’s important to note that email marketing is mainly used not for generating new leads, but
rather nurturing leads once they have shown interest. Marketing emails can also be used as
part of your customer retention campaigns. In fact, according to eMarketer, 80% of retail
professionals report that email marketing is one of the best tactics for driving customer


1. Set up your profile

2. Post photos or videos
3. Post Instagram stories
4. Find people to follow
5. Comment on posts
6. Convert to business account
7. Use analytics
8. Use tools to help you
ANS. 1. Set up your account and profile

If you have not downloaded the Instagram app, you can grab it from the App Store, Google
Play Store, or Microsoft Store.
When you create your Instagram account on the mobile app, the app will guide you through a
few basic steps for getting set up. Here are two things to take note of:

Profile photo

Your Instagram profile photo will be displayed as a circle. If you are using your business
logo, be sure to keep it in the center of your image. Also, as your profile image will look
relatively small in the app, you might want to use a prominent logo mark, instead of a logo
with text.

Profile information

The app will not prompt you to fill out your profile information but it’ll be great to do so. To
fill out your profile information, go to your profile in the app and tap on “Edit Profile”. The
two fields to fill out is your website and your bio. If you would like to change your Instagram
username (i.e. @username), you can also change it here.

2. Post photos or videos

When you want to post a photo or video, just hit the “+” icon at the bottom. Instagram will
show you the most recent photos in your photo library. You can also choose to take a new
photo or video by tapping on “Photo” or “Video” respectively.

Select your media

Here are a few tips:

 If you are choosing photos from your library, you can upload your photo as a portrait or
landscape. Select your preferred photo and tap on the icon with two arrows in the lower-
left corner of the preview. You can then move and zoom the photo to adjust how you
want it to fit within the frame.
 You can also upload up to 10 photos and videos into a single Instagram post. Tap on the
icon with two overlapping squares in the lower-right corner of the preview and select
your media.
 When you are taking a new video, press and hold the record button to record your video.
If you want to film a few different things, you can let go of the button, point your phone
camera at something else, and press and hold the record button again to continue with the
 If you are sharing single-image posts, you now can now schedule Instagram posts to help
ensure you’re posting high-quality content on a consistent basis.

Edit your media

Once you have selected your media for your post, you can add a filter or edit its orientation,
brightness, contrast, and more. When your media is ready to go, just tap “Next” to fill out
your post details.

 Write a caption: Your caption appears just below your media when your post is
published. You can mention another Instagram account (i.e. @username) and add
hashtags (i.e. hashtags) here. Accounts that you mention will receive a notification about
it, and your post will appear when someone searches for the hashtags you used.
 Tag People: If you are posting a photo or a collection of photos, you can tag multiple
Instagram accounts in each photo. The accounts you tag will also receive a notification
about it.
 Add Location: If your media is a photo or video of a location, you could add a location
tag to your post. Your post will appear when someone searches for posts in that specific
 Social shares: If you have connected other social media profiles to your Instagram
account, you can easily share your posts on those profiles by toggling the switch.
Here’s the moment… once your post is ready, tap “Share” and Instagram will publish your
post. Your post will appear on the feed of everyone who follows you

3. Post Instagram stories

More than 250 million people post Instagram stories every day4. Instagram stories are a new
content format on Instagram. They are photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours.
Verified accounts are able to add a link to their Instagram stories to drive people to their
preferred website.
Unlike your normal Instagram posts, Instagram stories do not appear on your profile gallery
or your followers’ feed. They are hidden behind your profile photo on a separate feed at the
top of the app.

To post an Instagram story, just swipe right on your Instagram feed. You’ll be brought to the
camera mode where you can take a photo or video or upload a media taken in the last 24
hours. Once you have taken or selected a photo, you can add stickers (including hashtag and
location tag stickers), draw, and add text.

Here are 10 different ways of using Instagram Stories:

 Tell a story
 Explain how to do something
 Promote a blog post
 Share a list
 Announce promotions
 Offer discounts
 Share an interesting statistics
 Share a quote
 Introduce an Instagram takeover
 Make an announcement

Find people to follow

Next, let’s follow some accounts to see what they have been posting or will be posting.

If you have not followed any accounts, Instagram will prompt you to “Find people to follow”
on your feed and provide three ways to discover people to follow. You can either connect
your Facebook account, connect your contacts, or follow profiles suggested by Instagram. A
better approach, I feel, is to use the Instagram search and explore feature.
In the search and explore tab, Instagram will show you Instagram stories and posts that you
might like. Here’s how I would go about finding people to follow:

 Type in a keyword that is relevant to your business in the search bar

 Check out the suggested Instagram profiles or hashtags
 Follow the profiles that are relevant to your business
 Check out profiles that are recommended to you when you follow a profile

Ideally, it’ll be great to follow your customers. (Imagine your favorite brand following you!)
While it’s quite impossible to find all your customers on Instagram unless you know them
personally, you could get their help for this. Here are some ways:

 Mention your new Instagram profile on your other social media profiles such as your
Facebook Page
 Add a link to your Instagram profile on your website or blog
 Include your Instagram username on your name cards
When people follow you on Instagram, you’ll receive a notification. Check out their profiles
and follow them, too.

5. Comment on posts
Social media isn’t only about publishing. It’s also about engaging.
To comment on a post, tap on the speech bubble icon below the photo or video. You can
either leave a new comment or reply to an existing comment.

When your followers comment on your photos (yay!), such as leaving a remark or asking you
a question about your business, it’s a good practice to reply them as soon as possible to show
that you’re listening to them on social media.

After interviewing more than 1,000 people, Sprout Social found that 70 percent of the people
interviewed are more likely to use a brand’s product or service when the brand responds to
them on social. When the brand doesn’t respond, 30 percent of them will go to a competitor
Engaging with your followers helps to build your brand, which can help you turn them into
customers and turn customers into loyal customers.

6. Convert your profile to a business profile

Okay, let’s get a little more advanced.

If you are using the Instagram account for your business or your company, I would
recommend converting your Instagram profile to a business profile. With a business profile,
you get to add additional information about your business on your profile and promote your
Instagram posts. More importantly, you get analytics for your Instagram account.
All you need to convert your profile to a business profile is a Facebook Page. Here’s how to
do it:

 Go to your profile on the mobile app and tap on the gear icon
 Tap on “Switch to Business Profile”
 Select the Facebook Page that you want to be associated with your Instagram account
 Fill out your email address, phone number, and postal address
 Tap “Done”

7. Use the free analytics

Instagram Insights is the free analytics tool for Instagram accounts with a business profile. It
provides you with a wealth of data that you can use to measure and improve your Instagram
To access your Instagram Insights, go to your profile and tap on the chart icon.

Here are some ways you can use the data in your Instagram Insights:
 See the changes in your key metrics, such as follower growth, in the last seven days
 Find out when your followers are most active to find your best posting times
 Know which are your top-performing posts and stories
 Learn about your followers’ demographics

8. Use tools to help you

Finally, if you are feeling adventurous, look into a few Instagram tools that can help you
create better content, save time, and post consistently. Here are a few tools to help you get

 Photo Editor by Aviary – for editing your photos (web and mobile app)
 Display Purpose – for finding the best hashtags to use (web app)
 Adobe Spark – for creating amazing Instagram stories (web and mobile app)
 Buffer for Instagram – for posting on Instagram consistently (web and mobile apps)

Q-8 Types of network .

One way to categorize the different types of computer network designs is by their
scope or scale. For historical reasons, the networking industry refers to nearly every
type of design as some kind of area network. Common types of area networks are:

1. .LAN: Local Area Network

2. WAN: Wide Area Network
3. WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network
4. MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
5. SAN: Storage Area Network, System Area Network, Server Area Network, or
sometimes Small Area Network
6. CAN: Campus Area Network, Controller Area Network, or sometimes Cluster
Area Network
7. PAN: Personal Area Network

LAN and WAN are the two primary and best-known categories of area networks, while
the others have emerged with technology advances.

LAN: Local Area Network

A LAN connects network devices over a relatively short distance. A networked office
building, school, or home usually contains a single LAN, though sometimes one
building will contain a few small LANs (perhaps one per room), and occasionally a
LAN will span a group of nearby buildings. In TCP/IP networking, a LAN is often but
not always implemented as a single IP subnet.
In addition to operating in a limited space, LANs are also typically owned, controlled,
and managed by a single person or organization. They also tend to use certain
connectivity technologies, primarily Ethernet and Token Ring.

WAN: Wide Area Network

As the term implies, a WAN spans a large physical distance. The internet is the largest
WAN, spanning the Earth.
A WAN is a geographically-dispersed collection of LANs. A network device called
a router connects LANs to a WAN. In IP networking, the router maintains both a LAN
address and a WAN address.
A WAN differs from a LAN in several important ways. Most WANs (like the internet)
aren't owned by any one organization but rather exist under collective or distributed
ownership and management.
WANs tend to use technology like ATM, Frame Relay, and X.25 for connectivity over
the longer distances.

LAN, WAN, and Home Networking

Residences typically employ one LAN and connect to the internet WAN via an internet
service provider (ISP) using a broadband modem. The ISP provides a WAN IP
address to the modem, and all of the computers on the home network use LAN IP
addresses (also called private IP addresses).
All computers on the home LAN can communicate directly with each other but must
go through a central network gateway, typically a broadband router, to reach the ISP
and beyond.

Other Types of Area Networks

While LAN and WAN are by far the most popular network types mentioned, you may
also see references to these others:

8. Wireless Local Area Network: A LAN based on Wi-Fi wireless network

9. Metropolitan Area Network: A network spanning a physical area larger than
a LAN but smaller than a WAN, such as a city. A MAN is typically owned and
operated by a single entity such as a government body or large corporation.
10. Campus Area Network: A network spanning multiple LANs but smaller than a
MAN, such as on a university or local business campus.
11. Personal Area Network: A network that surrounds an individual. A wireless
PAN (WPAN) might be created between Bluetooth devices
12. Storage Area Network: Connects servers to data storage devices through
technology like Fibre Channel.
13. System Area Network (also called Cluster Area Network, or CAN): Links high-
performance computers with high-speed connections in a cluster configuration.
14. Passive Optical Local Area Network: A POLAN serves fiber by using fiber
optic splitters to allow a single optical fiber to serve multiple devices.
Q-9 Types of media…

In order to be effective with your digital marketing, you must have a digital marketing
strategy. Without planning out each step of your marketing campaign, you are more
likely to fail than if you did nothing in the first place.

Now, before you go creating a digital marketing plan, you need to understand the
different types of media that you can incorporate. The trifecta of a great digital media
plan includes earned, owned, and paid media. Using these three together is referred
to as a converged media strategy.

Earned, owned, and paid media are three separate parts of a digital media plan.
However, they all work together to help build your brand. Image courtesy of Curata via

Make sure you are using all three media types in order to be effective and increase
your likelihood of obtaining qualified leads. Converged media includes combining
the following types of media:

1.Earned Media

2.Owned Media
3.Paid Media

Earned Media

When it comes to earned, owned, and paid media, “earned media” is the most
sought after. This is the publicity you receive through efforts outside of paid
media. An example is when a publication decides to write a featured article
about you based on you contacting them through a media outreach

Earned media is anything that is NOT generated by the subject and NOT paid
for by the subject.
Keep in mind that earned media is not just about publications writing stories
about you. It is also heavily consumer focused. Earned media can
include reviews from customers as well as people talking about you on social
media or online forums.

Owned Media

Owned media is something you generate on a website that you control. It can
consist of your website, social media page (your actual profile page, not what
others are saying on the social network), and blog.
The great thing about owned media is you control it 100%. You decide what is
posted there, not the editor of a publication or someone chatting about you in a
Owned media is a great way to increase SEO and showcase your expertise. I
also consider guest posting on another website a form of owned media.
Although you do not own that site, you control what your writing profile says, so
it is a form of digital branding that you have control over.

Paid Media

Paid media comes in various forms, but all include paying someone to post
content about you or your company. Do not confuse paid media with paying a
publicist to obtain earned media for you. Even though you may pay someone
to do your media outreach, that would still be considered earned media.
Now, when I talk about paid media, I generally refer to the three most common
forms – press releases, sponsored posts (native advertising), and digital



Digital marketing communications are essentially the digital marketing equivalent of

the traditional marketing communications mix. Traditionally the off-line world would
employ a marketing communications mix which included public relations, advertising,
sponsorship, personal selling, direct marketing, and sales promotion (amongst other
tools such as exhibitions, trade shows and so on).

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is all marketing which goes on within social networks such as
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, and many more. For example Facebook has quite a
complex social media advertising program, which allows the advertiser to focus on over 1
billion people, based on their location, age and other attributes. There are other sections on
marketing teacher with more detail on Facebook advertising programs.

Opt-in e-mail marketing

Opt-in e-mail marketing is exactly what it says on the tin. Visitors or clients are encouraged to
opt in, or in other words sign up for an e-mail newsletter. It is that simple! The idea is that
participants opt-in with permission, rather than simply being added to a database without their
knowledge. This is also known as permission marketing. Again Marketing Teacher has plenty
of information to help you learn about e-mail marketing.

Display advertising

Display advertising is often the first type of advertising that springs to mind when thinking
about the Internet; display advertising is simply the adverts that you see when you visit any
website. Examples could include banner adverts which run across the top of Page, or far more
rich and complex adverts such as video adverts; many of the banner adverts and display adverts
that you see are part of large programs such as Google AdWords, or similar.

Online PR or Digital PR

Online public relations, or Digital Public Relations (DPR), tend to be digital marketing
communications which encourage a positive perception or profile of your business or
organisation. There are lessons on public relations on Marketing Teacher if you need a
refresher! However the business will be aiming to generate positive blogs, re-tweets, Facebook
shares, and similar online PR. Be aware that PR whether online or off-line does have a cost,
and public relations is not free. In order to generate favourable content written on your behalf,
there is a large investment in terms of effort and cash. Your online public relations might be a
mention on a news channel, either in text or video, you might also receive positive commentary
on podcasts, although these are becoming less popular. Viral campaigns whereby an interesting
or entertaining fact or video is circulated by e-mail or social networks is probably a better
example of a contemporary public relations approach. There are examples of viral marketing
on Marketing Teacher.

Search engine marketing

Search Engine Marketing, or Search Engine Optimisation SEO, employ marketing tools which
attempt to gain the best position possible for your business in search engines such as Google
or Bing. Once you have attracted a new visitor, the positioning of text or Calls-To-Action
(CTA) will keep a visitor on your site for longer, and will start to move them along your
marketing tunnel.

Other online relationships

There are a number of other online relationships which come under the heading of digital
marketing, or digital media channels. These will include an array of other approaches. Here are
some popular examples:

• Price comparison sites where the cost of holidays, insurance and other consumables are
compared. Obviously some comparison sites are more open and honest in terms of the results
that they deliver, whilst others are less so.

• Affiliate marketing sites are also quite interesting to study and do tend to generate some niche
income from many small sites. Amazon has a very successful affiliate program whereby small
site owners can place code upon their site to advertise books which Amazon sources and
delivers. So you might have a website which focuses upon market gardening, and you might
advertise books which explain how to grow tomatoes.

• Link building is also often considered a way of developing online relationships; however be
very cautious with this. Google especially considers strong or informed links to your website
as a benefit when deciding upon your position within search results. Obviously many
Webmasters have caught on to this and tried different linking strategies to falsely claw their
way to the top of the search engine results. All links need to be natural.




Digital marketing certainly encompasses all online marketing activities. However, it might
include some offline activities, too.

Here are the main types of digital marketing you should consider for your business.

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing
content for a target audience. The content aims at being valuable, relevant, and (ideally)
consistent. Its ultimate goal is to drive a profitable customer action.

The crucial part here is “valuable” and “relevant”. This is what tells content marketing apart
from traditional spammy advertising. The target audience should want to seek the content out
and consume it.
In the broader sense, content marketing is part of every other digital marketing activity, be it
social media marketing, SEO, or email marketing. Quality content should be the core of every
other marketing activity you pursue.

Some examples of content marketing include: blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics,
white papers, case studies, ebooks.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of getting quality traffic from free, or
organic, search results on the search engines (like Google and Bing).

It’s important that the traffic you drive to your website is relevant to your industry. If you
manage to attract a high volume of visitors searching for Macintosh computers while what you
actually do is selling raincoats, the traffic will do you no good.
SEO is one of the most important types of digital marketing. By optimizing your content for
search engines, you can increase a steady stream of relevant traffic that will only grow over
time. Without search engine optimization, people simply won’t be able to find you on the

Some optimization techniques include: researching relevant keywords and including them
into your website copy, optimizing your website titles, description and loading speed, building
relevant backlinks.
Notice how Brian Dean of Backlinko optimizes the blog post for the keyword “SEO strategy
for 2019” by including it in the H1 title and the first paragraph.

3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Initially, the term “search engine marketing” was used as an umbrella term for the process of
gaining both paid and free search traffic. Over time, the industry switched to using the term
“SEM”, or Search Engine Marketing, solely for paid activities.

So, what does this type of digital marketing mean?

Search engine marketing refers to a form of digital marketing that aims at increasing the
visibility of a website in search engines by using paid methods. In other words, it’s the ads you
put out there on Google AdWords and Bing Ads.
You can recognize paid search results in Google by the little sign “Ad” at the beginning of the
URL. Also, Google puts these pages first in the search results.

By combining SEO and SEM, you can drive quality traffic to your website. With the help of
search engine marketing, you can put yourself in front of the audience that is actively searching
for services and brands like yours.

4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Simply put, social media marketing refers to the process of using social media platforms to
attract traffic and attention. By using social media, you can increase exposure and build
meaningful relationships with your customers.

While everybody can benefit from SMM as a type of digital marketing, B2C and SaaS
companies tend to get the most out of it. Social media marketing is all about listening to what
your customers have to say, engaging in the conversation, and sharing valuable content.
An example of a tweet from Andy Crestodina of Orbitmedia. Notice how he attracts attention
by sharing valuable information (infographic), drives traffic to his website by posting the link
and evokes discussion (53 comments!)

Together, content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing constitute what is
called “inbound marketing”. It is a marketing methodology that aims at attracting, engaging,
and delighting leads. Some goals of inbound marketing include attracting users’ attention,
driving relevant traffic to the website, and converting it into happy customers.

5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click is a model of advertising where marketers pay a fee every time people click on
their ad. Basically, it’s the process of buying visits to your site, as opposed to getting them
organically via SEO or other types of digital marketing.

PPC is one of the types of paid search. It’s similar to SEM (search engine marketing) but can
also include display advertising (cost-per-click based), and affiliate advertising.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the popular ways people make money online these days. If your
affiliate program is successful, you might earn quite a decent passive income.

Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person partners up with
other businesses in order to receive a commission for the traffic s/he generates for this business.
Imagine this: you put a link to an external website on your own blog or website. Every time a
user proceeds to this external website and makes a purchase, you receive a commission.

Example of affiliate link placement from a blogger Donna Moritz of Socially Sorted, with a
good explanation, too
This marketing strategy might work especially well for bloggers, since they can write different
types of articles on the given topic and naturally include affiliate links.

7. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most popular types of digital marketing. To put it shortly, it’s
the use of email for promoting one’s products or services.

If you go a little deeper, email marketing might also refer to building relationships with your
customers. Ideally, emails you send out to your clients should not only speak at them but also
encourage meaningful interaction with your brand.

Notice how the guys from Buffer start a meaningful conversation by asking their readers’
opinion in their emails.
There are many things that contribute to the success of your email marketing strategy, from the
content you create to the time you send your emails. One thing is certain, though: email
marketing is far from being dead and should definitely be part of your overall digital marketing.

8. Instant Messaging Marketing

Instant messengers are the latest communication trend. There are 1.5 billion people globally
using WhatsApp on a monthly basis, followed by Facebook Messenger and WeChat. If you
want to be where your audience is, enter instant messaging marketing.

Most popular global messenger apps, based on the number of monthly users. Source: Statista

This type of digital marketing exploded over the last couple of years. People are much more
likely to trust the information sent via a messenger (as if it comes from a good friend) than
email or SMS that are vulnerable to spam.
An example of messages from a marketing consultant Matthew Barby, sent via a Facebook bot

There are different ways how you can proceed with instant messaging marketing, from using
them for customer support to updating your users about new posts on your blog. But just like
with any other digital marketing type, before diving right in, I’d recommend that you develop
a strategy first.

9. Radio Advertising

While considered “old-fashioned” by some, radio advertising might still be a powerful

medium, especially for B2C companies and local businesses. In the US alone, radio
advertisements account for 7.8% of total media expenditures (source).

Radio advertising is also relatively cheap, as you don’t need to produce fancy visuals: you
solely rely on your customers’ imagination.
Just like with any other type of digital marketing, to create successful radio advertising strategy,
you have to know your target audience. In addition to that, create a great script, hire a
professional voice talent for the job, and get your timing right.

10. Television Advertising

Last but not least, our list of digital marketing types wouldn’t be complete without television
advertising. With the general population spending over 4.5 hours a day in from of the TV, it’s
still one of the most popular medium types. It reaches people faster than, say, newspapers or
radio. Due to the powerful effect video has on humans, it might also be very effective.


Introduction :

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, an infographic (or information graphic) is “a

visual representation of information or data”.
But the meaning of an infographic is something much more specific.

An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-
understand overview of a topic.
As in the example below, infographics use striking, engaging visuals to communicate
information quickly and clearly.

1) Usage of Infographic :

Infographics are great for making complex information easy to digest. They can be helpful
anytime you want to:

 Provide a quick overview of a topic

 Explain a complex process
 Display research findings or survey data
 Summarize a long blog post or report
 Compare and contrast multiple options
 Raise awareness about an issue or cause

When you need to give someone a really quick rundown on something that can be hard to
explain in words alone, an infographic is a good way to go.

This means that infographics can be useful in pretty much any industry.
Marketers use infographics to build brand awareness and boost engagement:

2) Step of create infographic:

If I’ve convinced you that infographics are a tool you should be using, you’re probably
wondering how you can create your own infographic.

Create an infographic outline from existing content using these 4 steps:

1. Determine the key takeaways of your content

2. Determine the title, headers, subheaders and facts
3. Consider the length of paragraphs and points
4. Include notes for the designer

3) Type of Infographic :

1. Statistical infographics
2. Informational infographics
3. Timeline infographics
4. Process infographics
5. Geographic infographics
6. Comparison infographics
7. Hierarchical infographics
8. List infographics
9. Resume infographics

The best infographics use a combination of text, images, and data to inform and engage.
If you’re ready to create infographics that strike the perfect balance between fun and
educational, make sure you follow these infographic design best practices:

 Use lines, borders, and shapes to group related information.

 Use one contrasting color to draw attention to key information.
 Create a text hierarchy with three different font styles.
 Use images, icons, and illustrations to make key takeaways memorable.


Ever think you could achieve your goals and scale your business much faster – if you only
knew the best digital marketing tools?
These days, there are so many different online marketing tools that it’s hard to know where to
start. Each new tool requires an investment of your time and money, and choosing the wrong
one now and then switching to another later can be a hassle

Analytics & Data Tools

1. Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a must for any digital marketer looking to scale their business. This free
tool shows you all of the important information about your website performance, including
audience demographics, popular keywords, actions taken, and more.

2. SumoMe
SumoMe allows you to track your readers’ behavior while on your site and make adjustments
accordingly. Use their Heat Maps to see where people are clicking and their Content
Analytics to see where people stop reading.

3. Platform-Based Social Media Analytics

Platform-Based Social Media Analytics are the free analytics tools built into social media
platforms themselves – on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more. Though other tools can
aggregate your data, looking at platform-based analytics allows you to look at each account
as a unique entity, devising different strategies for each social media platform.

SEO & Blog Content Tools

4. UberSuggest
UberSuggest helps you come up with new keywords or blog topics with an easy “suggest”
tool. Simply type in your main keyword to see a list of similar results. You can then select
any of the results to expand it for even more options, look at Google trends data, or search for
the term in Google.

5. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner lets you know which of your potential keywords pack the biggest
punch. See how often your keywords are searched and if that changes over time (especially
important for seasonal terms!) You can even find “more like this” for more ideas.

6. Yoast
Yoast is a plugin for WordPress that adds extra search engine data to each blog post. This
allows Google to easily read your page and increases your chances of ranking higher in
search results.

Social Media Marketing Tools

Featured Tool – PromoRepublic

PromoRepublic is an all-in-one tool that helps you run your social media management on
autopilot. It offers scheduling, content creation, collaboration, social monitoring, and
reporting features for agencies and freelancers. It also works as a White Label solution. The
tool can smooth your workflow and save you up to 20 hours monthly.

7. MeetEdgar
MeetEdgar is one of the best digital marketing tools for evergreen content. Add tweets,
LinkedIn updates, and Facebook posts to your “library,” separated into as many categories as
you want. Then set a calendar to schedule each category to post to a selected social media
account at a specified time.

8. Hootsuite
Hootsuite offers an easy way to schedule posts and check all of your social media accounts
in one place. Set up “streams” for scheduled messages, mentions, messages, posts, and more.
You can even assign a comment or message to a team member for them to reply later.

9. Tailwind
Tailwind allows you to schedule content to Instagram and Pinterest. This top digital
marketing tool stands out as being one of the top options for managing your Pinterest
account. It automatically repins posts for you using an optimal posting schedule you create
based on your specific audience engagement, virality, and traffic. If your business is active on
Pinterest, Tailwind is an ideal option for building your following and getting your pins

Bonus Tool – Social Pilot

SocialPilot is a comprehensive social media marketing tool for professionals, small teams,
and agencies. Its flexible scheduling options, bulk scheduling capability, dynamic content
calendar, content curation, and RSS feed automation capabilities make social media planning
really easily.

Email Automation Tools

10. ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is an all-in-one platform for your email marketing, marketing automation,
and sales CRM software. It helps you engage with your contacts with welcome emails,
trigger campaigns, sales follow-ups, and more. With countless data-driven automations, you
can make sure you never miss an opportunity with a potential lead.

11. Hatchbuck
Hatchbuck automates lead generation and client communication. Its CRM is specifically
designed for small businesses, letting you see their activity in real time and trigger hot leads
when they’re ready to buy.

12. HubSpot Sales

HubSpot Sales (formerly known as Sidekick) lets you see who opens your emails – and
when. It also pulls up the contact’s professional history, company information, and latest
tweets, and even lets you schedule emails to send at a later time.

Bonus Tool – Omnisend

Omnisend is a powerful omnichannel marketing automation tool for e-commerce. With
Omnisend you can reach your customers based on their actions via email, SMS, Web Push
notifications, or Facebook Messenger.

Email Deliverability Tools

Featured Tool – MailGenius

MailGenius is a free tool that inspects your emails and finds possible triggers that might get
your message sent to the spam folder. Be sure to run a deliverability test to ensure your email
actually reaches your recipient’s inbox. Otherwise, it won’t be opened.

Visual Design Tools

13. Canva
Canva helps you create beautiful photos with easy drag-and-drop technology. Select one of
their countless templates or choose a blank design pre-sized for the platform of your choice.
You can even customize the branding section so you always have your colors, fonts, and
logos available.

14. Animoto
Animoto allows you to create professional slideshow videos with music, custom text, visual
effects, and more. Simply pick a template, add your media, and publish to share your video
across your social media accounts.

15. Freepik
Freepik gives you access to more than one million vectors, photos, icons, and more for one
monthly subscription fee. Find the perfect stock photo for your blog or icon for your logo
without worrying about attribution. You can even sort images by color.

Bonus Tool – Design Wizard

Design Wizard is an excellent graphic design tool which allows you to personalize high-
quality images and videos in seconds. This tool is perfect for social media marketers,
business owners and party planners! Standout features of the tool include a custom color
palette, free font library and resize feature. There are also excellent integrations with
Hubspot, Marketo, Buffer and Intercom!

Landing Page Tools

16. LeadPages
LeadPages allows you to quickly make mobile-friendly landing pages. Offer lead magnets,
collect email addresses, and integrate your page with your email automation software.

17. ClickFunnels
ClickFunnels is a step above LeadPages, letting you build a series of landing pages to
capture email addresses, sell products, register people for events, and more

18. OptimizePress
OptimizePress is designed to create pages with a similar look and feel to your WordPress
site. With lots of templates and customizable elements, you can edit your landing pages in
real-time to get your content up fast.

Bonus Tool – Hello Bar

98% of visitors leave your site without taking action. Don’t let your time, money, and traffic-
driving efforts go to waste. Use Hello Bar’s lead generation tools to generate leads, grow
your email list, build your social media following, and reduce cart abandonment to enhance
your revenue.

Project Management Tools

19. Basecamp
Basecamp allows you to manage all the moving parts of your projects. With options to create
internal and client-facing folders, you can stay up-to-date on all of your tasks, share
documents, and keep track of upcoming meetings with a shared calendar.

20. Asana
Asana helps you get your work done faster. With easy to read progress reports for projects,
the ability to turn conversations into tasks, and even project templates, it helps your team
focus on your current priorities and increases productivity.

21. Slack
Slack is an instant messaging system that allows you to quickly communicate with your team
or clients. Hold private conversations or chat in “channels” designated for specific topics.

Content Curation Tools

22. Feedly
Feedly collects all of your favorite blogs in one place so you can scroll through them quickly.
It even notes how many shares an article has, letting you find the most popular ones to share
on social media.

23. Buffer
Buffer is the fast way to share anything you’re reading. Simply download the extension or
app and your links to the tool, and it will automatically add your post to your queue for the
social media platform of your choice.
24. allows you to add a call-to-action on every blog and social media post shared. You
can personalize your links with themes, colors, logos, and more, making it a great way to
increase conversions


A web page or webpage is a document commonly written in HTML (Hypertext Markup

Language) that is accessible through the Internet or other networks using an Internet browser.
A web page is accessed by entering a URL address and may contain text, graphics,
and hyperlinks to other web pages and files. The page you are reading now is an example of a
web page.

How to open a web page

Viewing a web page requires a browser, like Internet

Explorer, Edge, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome. For example,
you are reading this web page using a browser. Once in a
browser, you can open a web page by entering the URL in
the address bar. For example, typing
"" (or copying and
pasting) opens the Computer Hope ESD page. If you don't
know the URL of the website you want to visit, you can use
a search engine to find the web page or use the search on
the website containing the web page.

When was the first web page created?

The first web page was created at CERN by Tim Berners-

Lee on August 6, 1991. You can visit and browse the first
website and the first web page at
the address.
Examples of a web page

As mentioned earlier, this page that you are

reading now is an example of an HTML web
page and what a typical web page looks like
on the Internet. This web page consists of
several elements including CSS, images,
and JavaScript.

Every web page is different. However, most

pages contain some or all of the elements
contained on this web page. Below is a
breakdown of each of the major elements
of an Internet web page to help give a web
designer an idea of what to include and new
computer users an idea of where things are

1. The website, blog name, logo, or

company name is almost always in the
top-left corner of each web page. It's
also a good idea to include a slogan or
a brief statement about the page to
give new visitors an instant
understanding of the site. Also, this
section of the web page is usually a
link that can link you back to
the homepage.
2. The search allows a visitor to search a
website for related information and
should be available on every page.
3. The navigation bar or menu for a web
page is often found on the top or left
side of each web page and should
include links to each of the major
sections of the website.
4. Advertisement banners can be shown
in different places on a web page and
are used to help pay for the expenses
of running a website and company. Ad
banners are often found at the top, left,
right, or bottom of a page and may also
be included in the content.
5. Social share links allow visitors to
share your site with other co-workers,
friends, and family on social
networking sites.
6. The breadcrumbs help give the visitor
an immediate understanding of where
they are on the website as well as a
way to backtrack to other main
sections of the website.
7. The heading should be included on the
top of every web page and should be
created using the <h1> HTML tag.
8. The opening paragraph is one of the
most important paragraphs on the web
page and should help draw the visitor
into reading the web page. One way to
help draw the visitors eyes is to
include a hero image near the opening
9. Each web page should be broken up
into other headings that allow the
visitor to easily skim and find what is
most interesting on the page. When
creating a web page these can be done
using the <h2> to <h6> HTML tags.
10. Having a method of allowing a
visitor to provide feedback is also a
requirement for most web pages.
Giving the visitor links or buttons to
click for feedback is a good step to let
you know if a web page is helpful or
11. Additional information and tools
such as a button to print the page can
also be helpful for users on most web
12. The footer should include any other
information that is important to the
company or website and should be
included on all web pages to help the
visitor continue to other web pages.
13. The Copyright and any legal or
privacy notice should also be on all
web pages. Not only can this link to
relevant legal information it is an
indication for most visitors that they
have reached the end of the web page.
14. Finally, a back to the top button or
link at the bottom of the page is also
helpful for visitors to get back to the
top of the web page for the menu links
or other tools.

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