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Members: 1) Khule Vishal Somnath (Roll No: )

2) Sonawane Sambhaji Mahadev (Roll No: )
Class :T.Y.BBA(C.A)

Title: “Blood Bank Management System”


In emergency situations, it is very difficult for a blood bank to maintain the databases of
the donor’s and acceptors manually. This can lead in the delay of transmission of blood within
specified amount of time. Also file maintenance is a very hectic job during natural calamities.
Hence our software helps to maintain the databases efficiently and accurately. Also quick
access to the databases is possible.

Blood Bank Management System is a software application to maintain day to day
transactions in a blood bank. This software help to register all the donors, Blood collection
details, blood issued details etc. This system is mainly based on collection, storage and usage
of blood in needy situations. City life is turning hectic as we move in 21st century. Day by
day all the newspapers that were filled with motivating articles and some important news is
now filled with either Bollywood stuffs or some kinds of crime, bomb blasts becoming one
of the main events. Hence the need of blood is the crucial subject of consideration. There is
need to provide blood in minimum time to the patient and save his life. To make blood
donation and blood issue process fast, blood bank management system is very helpful.

The main objective of this application is to automate the complete operations of the blood
bank. They need maintain hundreds of thousands of records. Also searching should be very faster
so they can find required details instantly.
This application is built such a way that it should suits for all type of blood banks in future. So
every effort is taken to implement this project in this blood bank, on successful implementation
in this blood bank, we can target other blood banks in the city.

Main modules of the Project:

This project have the following modules, to manage all the requirements of the blood bank:

1. Blood bank details

2. Donor Details
3. Available Blood Stock
4. Blood Issued Details
5. Stock Details
6. Hospitals Contacts
7. User Details
8. Repots

Hardware and Software requirement

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or more

RAM : 1 GB or More
Hard-disk : 80GB or more
Monitor : 15” CRT, or LCD monitor
Keyboard : Normal or Multimedia
Mouse : Compatible mouse

Minimum Software Requirements:

Front End : Visual Basic 6.0

Back End : MS access
Operation System : Windows XP with server pack 2 or windows vista

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